My initial reaction to yesterday's story, and today's update...I believe it was you who a short time ago had a story about how c19 killed nobody under 50 w/ zero comorbidities in (maybe) Israel. There is nothing unique about Israel or South Korea. Therefore the jabs have done far more damage than c19. This should be the biggest headline in the entire world.

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James O'Keefe former founder of Project Veritas has started his own decentralized company called O'Keefe Media Organization or the OMG

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All the reponsible parties know the truth. They knew in early 2021. They don’t want the massive scientific evidence to come out and awaken rhe mostly sleeping masses. So, no, they will NEVER admit, recognize, endorse, or otherwise acknowledge ANY of the peer-reviewed science like the Korea paper.

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You are correct, they will never come clean on this.

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The other truth is that I don’t think most of the sleeping masses want to “admit or recognize” this either.

I have had only ONE friend tell me he realizes I was right to be skeptical of the jabs. Otherwise very intelligent people stick their heads in the sand because they think all sorts of different things - it’s done so can’t go back - the government did the best they could - they don’t work so why take more - I’m fine and only got a mild case because it worked (or two or three cases) on and on. They seem to be clueless that it is Much More than just that. If this isn’t blown wide apart now and people are held accountable, it will happen again. It drives me nuts.

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Drives me nuts as well, the stupidity is overwhelming.

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Can't FIX stupid!

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Myocarditis is likely not the greatest cause of death from the mrna therapeutic. I saw many deaths in elderly patients due to blood clots shortly after vaccination, but because of their age or other comorbidities, this was not investigated and when you look at documentation you will see ER docs and hospitalists go out of their way to correlate the diagnosis to another process.....and never chart anything about the vaccine.....but if you ask the families they will tell you...."Dad was fine one day and had that vaccine....died a week later." I guarantee that MRNA experiment killed way more elderly than will ever be documented....the same people they said they were trying to protect!!

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“But only if public health authorities, the politicians who pushed the jabs, and the mRNA companies want to know the truth”.

Oh they know the truth. And not only do they not care, they are pleased with the democide progress being made. For their first global effort, killing off a few million was an iffy proposition. But they did it, those deaths are in the bank, with many more to come. The next scamdemic (likely being gamed in secret now) will make the Covid psyop look like a mild case of the flu.

And I see that passports are back on the table, implementation now in the hands of the WHO.

It will never stop. Unless we make it stop.

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what Alex has uncovered is not an exception - but a trend in modern medicine. we used to search endlessly for the cause of illness and death in patients. If one of our patients died - we did an autopsy. thats how we learned. the number of autopsies has been decreasing steadily and is almost never done. is it corporate medicine? the wishes of families? there are alot of factors.

we knew from this study (https://meridian.allenpress.com/aplm/article/146/8/925/477788/Autopsy-Histopathologic-Cardiac-Findings-in-2) that there were acute fatalities from Covid vaccination. we should have immediately stopped vaccination in this age group. In addition - the CDC should have led an investigation. But - the data is coming from South Korea. Unreal.

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Thanks for the follow-up article. I believe your first article certainly implied the underreporting, but spelling it out helps us all wrap our heads around the horrible, and very real, side effect profile.

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Alex. You are Team Reality and you’ve been right about 99.5% of the time on all things SARS-WIV. Unfortunately, the U.S. Deep/Administrative State and the Corporatism/Fascists don’t care. Keep Reporting the FACTS and maybe more and more people will continue to wake up and take back control from these Cabal Elitists.

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Aha! I completely agree with the premise that doctors do not report on sudden death from heart attacks. Also, can you imagine any doctor telling the CDC, "But he/she died of a heart attack from mRNA shots. Dr. Fauci would have said, "Take his license you fool, just take his license." Ihe hospital would have said, "Poor fool, he/she died from the effects of COVID, if they would only take the JAB, then we all could go home early. Let 's face it, heart attack deaths are just not investigated!

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THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-myocarditis-blues

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Being an old man, living on someone else's time, I had read many books on the development of mRNA process, and could not believe that experts could develop an exact formulation to fool the RNA/DNA and avoiding the body's immune system that was developed over millions of years. Being a heart patient for the past 25 years, it seems to me to be prudent to avoid the Government rush to infinity by refusing, if I wanted to shoot for 100 years of life. So far, I have avoided the "MYOCARDITIS BLUES" and my doctor knows the news. I don't have a case of the Myocarditis Blues. (Thanks for the song)

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I queried yesterday whether this would make the news, AS IF, but after observing my family watch mainstream news I think I know why they will never touch it. Their audience have taken this jab so many times they cannot face the idea that they've done something terrible to their immune system. No one wants to hear this. I spread Alex's Substack around as much as possible, but it's chancey. This is just bad news all around unless you never subjected yourself to this toxic brew.

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...and its just the deaths. Myocarditis can be mild and still damaging. How many 100,000 people suffered from mild myocarditis and didn't even know it?

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or will drop dead in 20 years at the age of 40...?

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That is the Globalist elite MAFIA's PLAN. Destroy the Immune System, cause all kind of illnesses not obviously caused by a vax and then let it ride! Millions of people dying from all kind of things because their immune systems are destroyed and it only take 3 shots to do it.

These evil people are very sneaky. Fauci and Gates and Collins etc....have figured out a way to kill millions,....they made sure it was random depending on what your vial had it in. That is why all the vial batches are different! How do you tie all these All Cause Mortality deaths to the shots if they are all different? Even all the TURBO Cancers in young people and older people too, are caused by the shots destroying people's Immune Systems. Their T fighter cells are killed! They aren't patrolling the body taking out Rogue cells!

The confusion gives the Globalist elite Mafia cover for their Sterilization and Depopulation Plan. It's been in the works for years! This wasn't Operation Warp Speed, this was a carefully crated plan to get mRNA into as many people as possible by terrorizing the planet about a "NOVEL" corona virus. President Trump was just as Bamboozled as we were! You should watch Fauci and his Buddies discussing a "NEED FOR AN ENTITY OF EXCITEMENT" to scare people so badly they would take an untested, unproven biological without asking a single QUESTION! Here, the link to the C-SPAN video where they discuss this 'Entity of Excitement'.


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Eventually we’ll get around to those who had chronic illnesses and were told to jab and re-jab or they’d be done, only to have their prior conditions worsen or morph into something worse. A friend’s pulmonary hypertension has become extremely dire and transplant-requiring in the last 18 months. Will anyone ever know or report if mRNA has a role??

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The way the disabled and "immunocompromised" were terrified and bullied into taking double or triple the "normal" doses was reprehensible. Those people probably should have taken NO vaccines...

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"Some of the conditions are serious, even fatal, while others are more easily treated. But they nearly all have one common thread: without expensive and complex research, it is hard to prove that these diseases are actually linked to the jabs rather than simply occurring after them."

Luckily, and despite the best efforts of the national political, media, "public health" (haw haw) and business elites, here in the US we have a control: the approximately one third of the population that never got vaccinated. It seems like it would be relatively easy to compile pathology, mortality and other records and sort them according to vaccination status and learn the truth.

. . . if anyone actually wanted to learn the truth, that is.

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"But only if public health authorities, the politicians who pushed the jabs, and the mRNA companies want to know the truth."

"What is truth?"

-- Pontius Pilate, and probably also Anthony Fauci

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In agreement, and in a faint echo of a previous comment I made, further study is likely to uncover a much greater incidence of Pericarditis. When I last checked the VAERS data, in mid 2021, Pericarditis was recorded at 4:1 to Myocarditis. I figured out the reason might be the age stratification. The oldest age I have seen for Myocardits has been mid-40s, but it showed up at a frequency rate 1/4 times the Pericarditis rate. But mostly in over mid-40s

For anecdotal purposes, it was all I could do to get a anyone to issue a death certificate after my brother collapsed. As a scientist and a Christian I knew that wasn't Kirk, but as a son I needed to get Kirk home to Mom; there was no way I was going to allow him to be autopsied. I had to get a DC out of his Primary Care doc, so we could bring him back to Mom. It took me 3 weeks to get him home. Yeah, there are many unreported or autopsied cases and I do not think our experience was atypical.

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More research into side effects needed. They want to use mRNA for flu and regular shots

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