With apologies to Alex, discovery is really the big thing in cases like these, especially when the judiciary is so political and you can't count on redress through the courts. Even if Alex "loses" the case, the discovery will be EXTREMELY enlightening! (Even the dribs and drabs we can read in emails through FOIA censorship are pretty damning!)

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Between Berensen v Biden and Missouri v Biden, I can't remember when I was so interested in pending court cases.

I'd love to think that all the bullshit will come crashing down around this senile menace to the Constitution.

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I hope it happens but I bet he will seek asylum in China before that happens.

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It's so important for our freedom that this case doesnt get thrown at least gets to the discovery phase. Otherwise there is a high probability that our political elites will try this again. Once power is gained, they very rarely give it back.

BTW- is anyone concerned about Bidens executive order over AI? He has no functioning brain but loves to sign his name. Whst a mess.

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Sorry for the poor grammar in my response. I was writing while o was walking.

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This is a worthy lawsuit and I share the opinion of others that it *must* go forward if for no other reason than to make Pfizer et al nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. The senior Pfizer leadership has made me more than a bit nervous for the past four years -- in fact, they give me the creeps. There is an odor that will not go away in the whole damned vaccine story.

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Very creepy is right.

As the mafia is to government, the Drug Lords are to big pharma, combined as one gang, they are tyrants of millions of little tyrants. They have the power to change the meaning of words, at their whim, for their purposes, in broad daylight, to the exact opposite of the universally understood prior definition, and have confidence to do so without opposition and with virtually zero detection by public.

The current dynamic between big pharma and the PHA's is "1930's DANGEROUS". It can not continue to exist as it stands now. It is the worst of bads; a bad so bad, left unabated, it invites the possibility that today's children may not remember what it was like to be free. They are sitting ducks for tyrants because nobody cares to explain to them that none of these abnormal interventions worked. Yet they were wielded with a heavy hand , coast to coast, by little tyrants, for no other purpose than for them to rule their fiefdoms with an iron fist, immorally

robbing children of the gift of childhood for 2 years. And leaving them to grow up believing the abnormal is normal. They' have crate trained and "normalized" children to all the vileness of blind obedience to conformity with machinations of deceit and outright LIES. They have forced children to live a lie, using moral trickboxes, to believe they have done "good".

The relationship is fraught with exploitation and myriad landmines of "unintended consequences". Not to mention the breathtaking lawlessness, mendacity, malfeasance, mockery, malice, avarice and abject depravity displayed with no shame, for 3 years of our lives.

They de facto advertised, nonstop for two years, to a captive global population, their ability to subsume your agency with wicked stealth camoflauged by a Cabal of Consensus manufactured to give the appearance that resistance is futile.

They just concluded a global Proof of Concept exercise that validated their idea/product wholesale. They continue to demonstrate their intent; to be the eternal sole guardian of the tools, the tool belt and the blueprints for any "project", of their choosing, at any time, for "emergencies" they define. Of most importance they inadvertently discovered that the subjects of their experiment have no desire to understand the results of the experiment nor to learn whether THE SCIENCE should ever be used again.

The product is CONTROL; the control of a complacent, compliant and cowardly public that gave them the power to appoint themselves the "unmoved mover", free from the demands of external agency, to be the master of your autonomy.

They obliterated the SCIENTIFIC METHOD overnight and turned it into a belief system branded as THE SCIENCE. They have effectively obliterated the only universal reference we have for questioning our world and seeking truth.

They have granted themselves the power to obliterate history.

I don't know about you, but that sounds like a gang of cruel gods that needs to be disbanded, with urgency, before they control the remembrance of an unwitting publics history.

If you think about it, this paradigm is so creepy that it has they potential for an emergent and self-assembling creeping evil with legions of bureaucrats as hosts.

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Somehow we've got to purge them all - really drain the entire swamp. They are beyond reforming - the culture in these organizations cannot be changed.

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Yup. Start with the PHA'S and the intelligence agencies

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I'm spent after reading your rant. Thank you.

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Oh darn I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me.

It's so looooong

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It was long but a worthwhile read and expressed so many of my own feelings on the subject.

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I enjoyed reading your comment. 'Futile to resist' that sent chills down my spine. 'Unintended consequences'? Seems every bit intended and carefully planned.

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Definitely intended. But also fraught with limitless unintended consequences.

Technocrats and bureaucrats emboldened by the government to play God seems like a bad idea

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As an executive that has been disposed in discovery several times, I can tell you that it is not comfortable especially when the opposing attorney gets out of his chair and stands behind you screaming accusations in your ear. I know it isn't supposed to happen but it did to me. My response was to remain silent and refuse to answer any questions until the attorney sat down in his chair and asked me in a reasonable manner. Legal proceedings many times are dirty, unethical happenings as one can easily see in the Trump cases. Our legal system (Notice I did not say Justice System) is long over due for a clean up. The Supreme Court needs to get off their lazy behinds and start setting standards and precedents to clean up this mess. Good luck Alex. But I do recommend you wear a helmet and pads because you will take a dirty beating when you beat the motions to dismiss..

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Fat finger engineer needs to triple check his spelling. Deposed. Sorry bout that.

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THIS is why I subscribed at founder level and then resubscribed again. We are so pulling for you Alex. The TRUTH needs.... no... it HAS to be fully reported in this case!!!

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You're going to survive the motion to dismiss Alex. Discovery is going to be awesome.

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This is what they should show on The Discovery Channel.

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LOL - My favorite comment of the day!

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Give ‘em hell. Us little guys are rooting for you.

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Alex, thanks for the update and an excellent synopsis. If this can get to Discovery, it's absolutely huge. There are many unknown landmines that the defendants don't know about, and I believe the deeper you can get into discovery the information will be damning and difficult to refute to say the least. Also, if this goes to discovery, even some of your old legacy media friends might be forced to report on this key lawsuit. Keep fighting!

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Alex, good summary! One reason I subscribe to this stack is because you are so dedicated to exposing government suppression of speech. I hope and pray you survive the MTD. Sounds to me like you've got a decent shot. Will be following with great interest.

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Alex. As a practicing lawyer I find these posts very educational

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Seeing how the stocks are hurting these guys and the pharmaceutical companies and Seeing that nobody wants any of any COVID-19 medications or any of the mRNA shots these guys must have ulcers right now never mind indigestion. And I don't believe for one minute our courts are going to treat these people as model citizens. All the courts have to do is ask you or someone who's in critical care who has been fixing these idiot's mistakes for the past 3 years. Someone like myself would take about 10 minutes talking to any judge if needed would make these guys in orange jumpsuits easy. Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden lawyers better drag this out for years as the bodies pile up and just on the face mask issue. How many elderly were wearing a mask and died from suffocating themselves while wearing a face mask!?! I remember the Rooster yelling at Kelly about them mask-wearing it on her channel for evidence if anyone wants it. I believe in God and God will take care of these very sick and evil people. Uncle Joe is in another world all you have to do is dress him up in orange tell him it's his birthday and we are going for ice cream and drop him off at the local state prison.

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Cheers to you Alex. Keep pressing.

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Great news Alex. We’re all behind you and we all need the truth why they were suppressing information. You are a voice for us all.

I like this “Micah Rubbo | Associate Director Litigation, Regulatory, and Competition

She/Her | Cambridge, MA”.

Maybe if they weren’t concerned with pronouns bs they’d be better at their jobs.

Wishing you the best of luck.

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All the best to you Alex as you continue to fight the good fight

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I'm glad that you have a shot.

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