I will die defending them. I do not say that lightly or hyperbolically.

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Someone posted a while ago (I forget where) that the vax for kids had been altered to include heart medication. It wasn't even announced, but this poster had a medical or some kind of background to understand it was hidden but what it was.

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They changed the buffer from PBS to TRIS - I watched the FDA meeting. But it wasn’t changed during the trials on kids, it was changed later so untested with that formulation and I say unknown how it affects kids.

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IDK what those are, but the poster said they added a known heart medication and he found it buried in the literature. Yes, unknown, untested, and you sign your kid's future health away without any sense of what will happen.

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Sadly, we are a culture who loves our drugs.

I spent 30 years working with youth in Los Angeles. We've allowed Big Pharma to drug us for years. The US and New Zealand are the only countries that allow marketing directly to the public. We've allowed them to drug our children. Once millions of parents eagerly started giving up their children for experimentation on the altar of Big Pharma they knew they could do anything. Here's a story of one girl, a friend of my son's, that tells it all. THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-devils-playground And what all those drugs led to now: EMPIRE OF DECEIT


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I certainly am not part of the OUR. People are just not using their god given critical thinking abilities anymore.

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I hate sounding like an "old fart.", but iPhones, iMap and Google do all of their thinking now. There are bound to be atrophied areas in the brain because of this. I think their ability to REFLECT has been stunted.

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I asked my grandson once if it didn't bother him that Google knew all about him including where he went and he told me "Oh no. I like it. Makes me feel safe."

I wept.

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Not learning penmanship is another facet of this problem. I just learned during our Christmas Skype that my niece and nephews can not do simple math in their heads. When in the first grade they were given calculators and have never performed any math without a calculator. They are now adults and at least one of these three has a child of their own. We are so far behind in this war it is terrifying.

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God given discernment

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that too!

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They are not only not taught these they are taught not to use them.

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How parents allow their children to slide into the bowl of big pharma is craaaazzzzzy!

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I read both. That first one was devastating. All I can say is there are many of us who see what is happening and won’t stand for it. We’re sharing with each other and trying to wake up the rest. We’ll be victorious https://faybomb.substack.com/p/you-have-the-power-governance

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I wrote about this very issue in the article I published on Substack last week. Barrett and Kavanaugh are going to be the deciding votes in each and every vaccine mandate case that goes before the Supreme Court. What are the chances that these two elite conformists have not vaccinated their own school-age children? And what are the chances that, having volunteered their children for this dangerous experiment, they will be sympathetic to those who do not wish to do so? My article is here:


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Since these justices have school-age children, can Kavanaugh & Barrett be compelled to disclose the vaccination status of their own children?

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That seems like a reasonable request, as if their children have gotten the shots, that could color their decisions for everyone else.

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Yea they should recuse themselves if they have vaxed their children

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This will not end well.

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I try to be hopeful.

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Me, too! Otherwise life would be terrible.

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Not relevant. This will be a very narrow decision that OSHA and president cannot make law. Period.

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Understood. Yes, it's irrelevant to OSHA mandate.

But if/when we get to the point where parents challenge vaccine mandates in schools, will this question be relevant?

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I agree. We’re doomed.

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A friend mentioned something to me today, after Brandon said the federal government can't solve the covid problem:

Brandon et al could within in the next week rescind the OSHA mandate because they're likely to lose in SCOTUS. Better to quit than be struck down.

IF--big IF--that happens, that could stick in a pin in the school's vaccine mandates.

Interesting thought.

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Giddy up. 30,000 rounds. 15 weapons. 35 like minded folks who will come to each other's defense.

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I agree. My fear is if we lose in the Supreme Court, what benefits will the idiots take away that they already haven’t? Once it starts it won’t stop. Your medical benefits? Your pension? Social security? Disability? Welfare??

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36, thank you very much.

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As stated - same

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Arrogance and evil leading us closer to open civil war

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hoping by them you mean the children

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Never in all my life have I’ve been more happy about my family’s choice to homeschool.

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Me too!

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In some states, that might not exempt the kids.

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I left PA for AZ. Wife is a travel nurse. I’ll go wherever I have to.

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Then we might have to resort to the using the second amendment.

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Yes, exactly! Such a blessing.

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I am losing faith in #Feb1 The Public is Done. Omicron has our sheeple back to fear again. Just talked to a neighbor about the calculation of risk needing to include the timeline. Explained the war-time strategy challenge for a longer-drawn out war verses and aggressive push. The latter resulting in fewer immediate deaths and thus appearing attractive without any future consideration of death caused by a prolonged war. The point I was making was that we needed to open up and let all the young health people get infected and then the pandemic would go away.

That educated neighbor listened and then said, "but I don't want to die, and don't want anyone else to die."

This entire COVID play has really opened up my eyes to the endemic lack of critical thinking skills within the population. I cannot understand how they wake in the morning and put their pants on and take care of all the necessary things in their lives. They exist within some emotive stew that prevents clear objective thinking. They cannot walk a fact pattern if there are any triggers. They cannot grasp and hold the big picture when they are so alarmed to a fight or flight reaction.

It is crazy how easy it is to distill irrational fear in the population. What has happened to us? It did not used to be this way?

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I think what has happened to us is people have turned away from God. And when you don’t have a relationship with Jesus you have fear, especially fear of dying.

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The denial of death is the affliction of the age.

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Well they are largely Godless and can only see that they have no soul and only become plant food when they pass. So maybe understandable that they cling to this life so tightly no matter how miserable they make it with their clinging.

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So many people worry about dying too soon, They forget to LIVE LIFE to it's FULLEST !

Go Maskless, Go Vaxless , Live Fearlessly !

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Yet I bet that they drive, ride and walk while staring at their idiot phones and get angry when called out for their death defying acts.

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Repetitive messaging in a 24-7 media bombardment day after day, month after month and now year after year is the "locking" in mechanism. All things considered. Its un-relenting from all angles. How the media is not complicit in the true mental psychosis instilled is something we must address. The mental illness which has unfolded and serious health consequences is atrocious. The Government uses our tax payer monies to fund 1000's and 1000's of psa's daily too. Where is the accountability?

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when the scope is so large, it takes a world war situation to provide accountability. This is not happening without the global involvement of governments, members of those governments' intelligence agencies, military, private and state run medias, local governments, private donors, "doctors", the list goes on.

Sure, some have been brainwashed, but far too many are part of this. So many it's hard to see.

Accountability won't happen unless people at the bottom start walking up to the people at the top and holding them accountable.

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makes total sense Oliver! Hard to continue to witness the same criminals simply do as they please over and over for certain!

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J Boone, absolutely right. How hard is it to connect the dots? If the vax worked then we wouldn't need boosters. They're labeling anyone who hasn't gotten a booster unvaccinated!

Therefore, the vax doesn't work and there's absolutely no reason for anybody to take it. That's without even considering the likely damaging side effects of the vax and the fact that it's still experimental with only a few months testing (rather than the normal 10-12 years).

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obviously intelligence has nothing to do with wisdom

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You are spot on. I see two overarching causes to the phenomenon. First is the hijacking of American Universities by the miserable "Frankfurt School". Thanks to FDR. And the follow on ascendance and dominance of post modernism and critical theory which has created a contagion of frontal lobe shutdown for multiple generations. Second is the rejection of Judeo-Christian religion, in large part due to the first cause. Consequently we have a society of child like people that suffer from arrested emotional, spiritual and even physical development, i.e. the obesity epidemic. In their brains there is nothing more important than themselves and what they FEEL. They love declaring themselves "Safe" on facebook. I'll bet my great grandchildern will be speaking Cantonese.

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You are so right about the mendacious effect of the disciples of the ‘Frankfurt School’.The Nazis we’re evil incarnate,but even they recognized the baleful influence of this cadre of degenerates…

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As we used to say when I was a kid, "It takes one to know one". One of the first things Hitler accomplished was to purge the communist intellectuals. It is sad that Bonhoffer and some of the Generals did not succeed with their plot.

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Rafael K. May not be that long before your survivors are speaking threat language.

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Excellent insight connecting the dots of where things have led!

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But….everyone dies. Am I right?

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I am fully expecting to at some point, just not yet (just turned 60 last month so I figure I have a good 20-25 years still), but some people act as though they expect to live forever. And that the vast majority of those who died in the past almost 2 years, despite being generally in their 80s, were expected to live forever as well......

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100 out of 100 people eventually do die...yep.

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Life is THE universal killer. All who partake of it will die.

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Yes but it seems that a significant number of people seem to believe that they can in someway live forever. I believe the craze over STEM cells is part of that as is the idea of uploading one’s consciousness to a computer and other such. The recently departed R. Limbaugh spoke on this from time to time.

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Love it!!

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mass psychosis!

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What happens Feb 1rst? I keep seeing that date but missed the memo.

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Greg Gutfeld starting saying as of Feb 1st, the pandemic is over and life returns to normal.

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Yeah but I think that is in reference to something else. There is an Austrian deadline of Feb 1, both GG and JW have said that when it will be over, I see it referenced a lot. Not sure why. What's special about Feb 1?

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I didn't hear about the Austrian deadline. I thought GG just picked the date out of the sky! :)

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Queen Elizabeth II said this in her Christmas address: “February, just six weeks from now, will see the start of my Platinum Jubilee year, which I hope will be an opportunity for people everywhere to enjoy a sense of togetherness … and also to look ahead with confidence.”

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Once Scott Adams started repeating it, I was onboard.

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He says that he does not want to die yet has no problem with the risks associated with thye vaccines. He is not educated, he is edjumacated as my shipmates would say. Meaning that he is just a living tape re order capable of repeating what is recorded but unable to comprehended what it is saying.

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I am equally baffled

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Being one who lives in a wealthy coast town, the main reason I’ve heard for vaxing your kid is to not have them be ostracized or singled out by friends. It has way more to do with social pressure then it being a health decision.

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Yep, that and unhealthy liberal parents that kept their kids in all year now proudly showing their kids get their shots so they can "get back to normal after giving up so much." That's what I see amongst my liberal idiot family and friends. And yes you're an idiot if you do this to your kids.

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My husband initially wanted to get our kids jabbed and I said “no f-in way”. His retort: Then you need to answer for us socially. Me: Fine! He has since come around luckily but yes, from what I’ve heard around my community, seems to be a social decision for many. Most have no clue how few kids were in the Pfizer trial, which “should” be enough to give anyone pause.

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Did he know anyone's vaccine status before covid? Because that's how I would explain myself socially. Wanna know about my Pap smear too? Health info is health info in my opinion.

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Agreed! Why have we become such a full-disclosure society?

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For virtue signaling because so many don't have self worth without outside approval, their life's accomplishments are too minimal.

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When did the Japanese conquer the West? “Then you need to answer for us socially.” is such a Japanese group think way of thinking. Actually, none dare even challenging any of this.

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Same. Most of the drivers of my elite left friends seem to be this concern about being well-though-of in their social circles.

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Don't like to do re-runs, but a lot of the comments today dovetail w/ a post I wrote yesterday:

A coworker grew up in Maryland, and has sisters and BIL's living there. He'll point out some of the obvious contradictions, and they don't have any reply. They just pretend like they didn't hear him.

I've seen exactly the same thing w/ my older cousin and younger nieces who live up north. It's not really a cult, but it resembles one.

The best explanation I can come up with is, all their friends believe the woke narrative, and if they aren't on board, their friends won't be friends anymore. For them, that's worse than being intellectually dishonest w/ themselves.

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Remember as kids, there were other kids who just had to be part of the 'in crowd'. Many adults are the same. I think those of us here have shown our independence not to mention critical thinking skills.

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Seems like most of today’s adults need to be in the “in crowd”. Worldwide.

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Interesting observation

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that makes the decision all the more pathetic

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Dec 24, 2021
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My sister is a missionary in California. She said, "we can't live our lives at all without the vaccine." I just kept my mouth closed. A Christian missionary. Sigh.

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Speak up, if you can April - maybe with a 2x4 upside her head! Seriously, ask her if she's "not going to be able to live her life" when they demand to put a chip in her body? Send her the article about them doing this in Sweden and see if that wakes her up. It wouldn't hurt to include a few verses from Revelation. I'm convinced there are members in my husband's family of origin who profess Christ who will not wake up until it's too late, they are so complacent.

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I've seen people who are not religious recognize the similarity with what's happening today and bible prophecies. I'm Roman Catholic and am dreadfully and passionately disappointed at what's happening in my church. I think Alex mentioned that his Synagogue required vaxx passes for attendance, well, there is a diocese in east coast Canada requiring the same!

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How does anyone miss the similarities? Heck I'm waiting for 1/4th of the satellites to suffer some catastrophic failure, probably due to hypersonic missile tests, and fall out of orbit. Followed by soldiers in bio hazard gear AKA "locusts" to come after everyone with their stingers AKA vaxes.

There are so many ways they could have promoted these shots that don't include mandating them and they would be in the same place percentage wise. It's been sinister the whole way. I can't see how any religious leader could be party to any of it. You want to chance the vax, that's one thing, but promote it? Have you actually read what you're preaching?

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Satellites AKA "stars"

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The ministry as with all other institutions, has been infiltrated and corrupted.

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Virtually no resistance from the clerical authorities. That kind of segregation is outrageous and inhumane. Just following the government instructions im sure. Expected from mainline denominations, but not RC church….

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The Pope is all in on this.

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Or how about evangelicals like Franklin Graham who set up vax clinics in NC?!🤦‍♀️

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Yes, Jordan Peterson posted someone's Substack - Douglas Farrow at McGill - about that. My husband read me parts of it and it was justifiably scathing. In the last days there will be a great falling away and sifting and we have been seeing this.

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Thanks for posting this. I just skimmed through Dr. Farrows substack post, it's Christmas eve, I'm listening to a beautiful Elvis Presley Christmas song, 'See What God Can Do' and getting ready for midnight mass and baking...

Merry Christmas.

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Yes, this is exactly it.

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Grace Cathedral (Episcopal) in SF requires it too.

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This is where I would say, "If your friends jump off a cliff, are you going to follow them?" Common sense will find most saying, "No!" with a "Are you crazy?" look on their face.

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Or lop off his gonads

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That’s horrible. I have teenage boys and I can easily see how pressured they get by what the group is doing. Fortunately where I am all the kids/parents are refusing the shot.

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For those who missed it, Aaron Siri and his team “submitted an emergency application for a stay to the Supreme Court of the United States seeking to reinstate the stay on OSHA’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on employers with 100 or more employees.”

Details here: https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/update-on-filing-with-the-us-supreme

Huzzah for superheroes like Aaron and Alex, who continue to valiantly fight for our innate rights as human beings!

This is one reason I’ve launched my new “Profiles in Courage” series, kicking it off with the embodiment of integrity, Dr. Tess Lawrie:


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I will never, ever let my kids get this “vaccine.”

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On this Christmas Eve, let’s remember that Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt to protect their child. Herod ordered all children under the age of two to be murdered. There’s a theme throughout Scripture and in fact all of history: evil seeks to destroy innocence. “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.” Be wise, be on the side of the angels. God knows.

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Thanks for the lovely reminder. PS: I like your moniker.

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After the winter surge it will be election season. They will never admit anything during election season. Plus, they still need those mail-in ballots. This is going to continue at least until then. Another full year of covid madness, but only in the big blue areas.

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Expect the Omega variant to appear late September or early October. It will be the most deadly yet.

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I worry about the Sigma Chi variant.That,and the Tri Delt variant…

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Can I help ya help ya help ya?

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Omega Mu

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It's all about the MSM. The more one consumes MSM "news", the more likely one is to be sheep. Even 10-20 min of watching CNNLOL or MSDNC a day is enough to turn an otherwise intelligent person and their kids into pin cushions for Pfizer.

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Yep. Even Fox News had a doctor on earlier today talking about how terrible Omicron is, and the government may have to intervene as they have before, blah blah blah. The interviewer didn't bother to ask, "What do you base that on?"

Just like Fauci on CNN. She spewed her opinion, with no one asking a single question about what she was saying.

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I effing hate that! Advertisements disguised as interviews. Where is the fair and balanced other side?

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“Are you ready to let them try to include your kids in their failed experiment?” Only over my dead body…

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They are trying to kill us by forcing us out of our jobs. They are perfectly fine owning our children through foster care.

We have to stand up to them in every possible way. Say no to masks. It started there.

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I've already of people working in the barter system. Skills, trades, they all come in handy...

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Why are you only mentioning children? These Jabs are dangerous for everyone and they don't work.

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I’m raising my 2 granddaughters, ages 16 and 15. They begged to get the vaccine when it first became available for them. I have stood firm on NO WAY! This has caused tears and tantrums from them. We live in a conservative rural area is the free state of Florida but they have been convinced that they will die if they get Covid or worse yet kill me and Grandpa. Even though masks are optional, they both wear their masks to school and any other time they are in public. The lockdowns and school closings in Spring 2020 have caused our children untold mental health problems. I will not allow any further damage!!!

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Stay strong. Suggest they read and share these articles on Substack and understand your concerns are widely shared. They have been captured by propaganda and need to see a world of opposition. They may find interesting viewpoints in https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/.

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Mary you’re my hero.

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Stand firm it’s hard I know. Find some Tik-Toks of vax injuries in teens & some of the athletes collapsing. It’s more relatable to them - bless you for being the ADULT & protecting them

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Definitely not.

Proud member of the LGB community (Let’s Go Brandon that is)

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Come near my great grandchildren with these shots and I will not be responsible for happens. May God have mercy on their souls. We are witnessing evil at it's very core. Unbelievable and yet it's not. We knew one day the global elite would find a way. I just didn't think it would be in a virus.

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I don't have much faith that SCOTUS will come to the right decision. For example, I lost all respect for Coney Barrett when (without explanation) she denied the request to block Indiana U.'s vaccine mandate last summer. If she had, it would have had a chilling effect on other colleges forcing their students to take the vax or go home. Barrett acted alone without referring the matter to the Full Court, as she could (and should) have. As a result of her decision, thousands of college kids were compelled to take the shot or forget about college. Barrett has certainly not been a Profile in Courage.

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Yes, I too have been really shocked at her decisions. I'm putting it down to threats and coercion. We don't know. There was a Canadian politician who seemed to turn coats overnight. There was/is speculation of threats.

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My read was that all justices had prior discussions about accepting state mandated vaccination policies.

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The case has to have a valid legal argument. I don't like it any more than the rest of you but I think a lot of these end up like people complaining to the cable company about the water bill. No I did not read that case nor am I an attorney. I also agree that I think the whole group of them could be doing more, but it's got to start with a winnable argument or they will just shit can it as a waste of time.

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So, Oliver, one judge on her own can decide if the case has a "valid legal (and winnable) argument?" And she doesn't even have to provide a reason? To me, that is the height of hubris. I know it's possible our side might have lost, but that would have been the perfect time for Barrett to punt the matter to the whole court. If one lone judge can make rulings of such magnitude without even listening to oral arguments, then why do we even bother having trials?

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Yes. Remember these people are supposed to be the premier legal experts in the country. If there is an obvious flaw in the complaint, as in there is an existing case that provides precedent against the complaint, then they can just wave it off because the other side would just site that case. Otherwise all of the cases that used an existing decision could be overturned.

The trick is to find the flaw in that original case, if it exists, and get it overturned.

Like I said, I don't like it, but these people get hammered with the number of cases that come to them. They each act as filters. Now do some of them filter too much too broadly? You can be sure of it. Instead of more judges on the supreme court, they need an independent review board so the judges just judge instead of filtering.

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I live in such a deep blue coastal Los Angeles neighborhood and yes it’s my kid and one other in their 2nd grade class who remain purebloods (such an ironic twist of meaning).

I know the dad of a 7 year old girl my son is close to and heard he was going to get her vaxxed. Trying an indirect warning tactic, I texted him a video compilation of athletes collapsing on the field and said something like Have you seen this! And he replied, yeah, I hope our kids don’t get any side effects. Btw, did I mention I recently bought a house in Florida?

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Be thankful you are able to move to a sane place. Canada is just various shades of blue right now. There are a few new political parties but it will be a while before they have any influence I think.

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Maybe he won’t actually get the kid vaxxed if he’s moving.

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Part of why I’m moving

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Oh, misunderstood. Happy for you and your children!!! Sad for the kid not moving this getting vaxxed 😩

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Our only choice is to unite. Kids/no kids. Early Treatment/Ivermectin=horse dewormer, Democrat/Republican. double-vaxxed/unvaxxed. Our only way to beat the ongoing medical fascism is to unite.

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In my “Letter to a Tyrant” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant), I address the abhorrent policy of injecting children, which I believe will backfire big-time once parents start awakening to the repercussions of this malevolent act:

“You are commanding that children—whose immune systems are at their most robust and who face virtually zero risk of dying from COVID—put their lives and long-term health at risk by undergoing an experimental injection lacking long-term clinical trials and with substantially greater evidence of harm than good.

“According to this risk-benefit analysis, you will ‘kill 117 kids to save one kid.’ And the proposition that this injection will save a single child is extraordinarily generous considering the nonexistent threat COVID poses to children and the availability of highly efficacious early treatment protocols and historically safe drugs such as ivermectin.

“As more and more children fall prey to your Mephistophelian machinations, you will unleash the Mama and Papa Bears—and then you will see a mass upheaval like you’ve never imagined.”

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May I share this excellent letter with the head of a SC activist group?

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Absolutely, and please do! 🙏

I have been delighted to see people lobbing it at the likes of @BillGates, @wef, @JustinTrudeau, @POTUS, @BorisJohnson, and dozens of other tyrants around the world, so feel free to share and wield it widely!

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I used this as an opportunity to explain to my 10 & 7 year old the dangers of peer pressure. I told them exactly this — that the overwhelming majority of kids their age in this country / parents of kids their age have not given their kids this vaccine. Just because the majority of their friends and people around them are rushing to do this does not mean it’s the right thing. I am so clear on this. They get it. And I’ve been surprised that my peers haven’t pushed at all on this point — they know where I stand on this for my children, and I guess they either agree, respect my position or don’t want to get into it! I’m not sure how this will all play out once it’s FDA approved — if the mandates will come into play more seriously then. Or if there will be more evidence by then that it’s not advisable for healthy children to take this shot. Oh I am praying for the latter!

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There's a special place in hell for these people.

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Fauci is America’s Mengele.

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Everyone should read “The Real Tony Fauci”. Just finished. Fauci, Gates, WHO, FDA, and the rest have blood on there hands.

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Dr Bhakid new video where he talks about Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt autopsy report findings is pretty interesting. He said "there is clear evidence for autoimmune self attack by killer lymphocytes on the tissues. Main ones being the heart/lungs." He said "self destruction of the heart". The families required the autopsies because there was no reason for their deaths. Dr. Burhardt found that they all had had the vaccine, didn't matter which one, they all caused the same damage. Also, 4 of the 15 people that died only had 1 shot. Don't take these shots, it looks like they program your body to self destruct.

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/fHIT55iM4Zv9/ is the video if anyone is interested. Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough tweeted it.

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At about the 10:30 mark in that video, while discussing weakened immune responses resulting from the vax, Bhakdi mentions risk of the rise of other viral and bacterial diseases normally kept in check by a healthy immune system - including, in particular, tuberculosis. Coincidentally, Tucker Carlson tweeted on December 17 at 8:01 p.m. a report of a tuberculosis outbreak at NYC offices of Goldman Sachs. Also coincidentally, a couple of minutes later, Bhakdi mentions toxoplasmosis, which may give a whole new meaning to the Bad Cat's byline. :)

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Bhakdi, yes. Sucharit Bhakdi. Thanks for this update.

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No way in hell. Prepared to lose friends and rights in the process. That’s not even that hard for me at this point. What’s harder is the terrible stress it will put on my kids as they begin to experience the same, especially for my pre-teen. What will constant exclusion do to them?

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Just talked to a nurse who works the heart floor at a local hospital. She said they are very busy with predominately fully vaccinated patients (90%). They are coming in with extremely high D-Dimer levels. Patients are experiencing clotting all over their bodies in their micro arteries. Some patients are under 30 and have never had heart issues before. So you want to trust the FDA and give your kid the kill shot?

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I'm glad I live in Texas. My kids have been unmasked in school since August and no vaccine mandate. By the way--plenty of kids in their schools are testing Covid positive, but rather than shut down the class or have close contacts isolate, they just notify the parents when there is a positive case and keep chugging along, just as it should be.

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Abbott has been ducking and covering. He and the state legislature need to do so much more. Don’t be satisfied with them letting your kids go to school without masks.

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They should have "Covid parties" like the old measles and mumps parties in the 60's.

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They are so busy telling themselves they are intelligent they never realized they aren’t 🤷‍♀️ People who blindly follow trends aren’t known to have great intellects.

My profession effectively requires a masters degree and, from the outside, a difficult 4-part test to get a license. The test is not actually that hard, it’s lots of memorization, and lots of idiots are in my profession. People looking in from the outside think the average IQ must be at least 125, when in reality it’s probably 105.

Too often people mistake degrees for intelligence, memorization for knowledge, and the results of gate keeping for personal success.

Intelligent people admit when they are wrong because it means they learn something.

Morons refuse to ever admit they are wrong because they are too simple to think about the fact their “beliefs” have nothing to do with actual outcomes. When the outcomes overtake the narrative, they just claim they knew that but we’re doing their part for “others.” 😂

Gonna be some interesting holiday conversations in 10-20 years……. And lots of parents still refusing to apologize to their own children, because the parents who won’t ever apologize are the very ones injecting their poor kids.

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I'm reminded of something a friend says: We judge the intelligence of dogs based on how well they listen and do what we say. But nobody says that the smartest people are the ones who obey unquestioningly..........

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Gotta ask... CPA?

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You got it......... its 3rd and 4th grade math combined with follow directions reading........ Genuine structural planning takes a brain, and international/ multi-state because you have to plan and allocate within numerous legal frameworks, but ticking, tying, checking boxes, addition, subtraction, multiplication and occasional division just isn't that hard yet many CPA's sit around doing mundane everyday audits or doing very basic tax compliance genuinely think it's really hard and complex. Many of these same people haven't a clue what a VAT tax is, much less that its border adjusted (among other basic lapses in industry knowledge). Most people pay CPAs because 4th grade math and lengthy instructions are boring. Most CPA's fail to realize this.

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Unfortunately, this is a very divisive issue…

Try telling a mom intent on seeing her kids vaccinated that she should simply wait before getting them jabbed….

Dont try it at the dinner table… You will quickly witness irrationality in spades

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But say it in front of the kid so the kids realize someone cares enough to put them first. I’ve lost a few friends being unafriad to ask “why get them a new drug when they aren’t at risk? Why take any unnecessary risk to their health when those risk remain unknowable?” I have said it with the kids in ear shot. I don’t regret it. Every kid deserves to know someone cares enough about them to speak up for them recognizing they don’t have the agency to speak up for themselves.

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Is there a civil liberties lawyer who still believes in rights of children. Why should adults force children to take a vaccine that statistically is not required for children. Not all “vaccines” are the same. Kids benefit from most vaccines. Statistically if children have as much or more risk from the vaccine than Covid, and if children are not at risk from Covid, and even vaccinated people transmit Covid, should a child be forced to take that vaccine that btw is produced by persons/corporation wth zero liability. Where are the lawyers for children?

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This just in: excitement over Santa Claus behind rise in myocarditis in children.

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They will try that, I'm sure.

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Canada is 80% vaxxed now with some of the strongest vaccines passports for months. And over 80% o the new cases are in the vaxxed.

How are those vaccine passports working? Of course they won't remove them, they will only double down on them, because since Covid, shame is a hard commodity to find among gov and public health goons.

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Likely here for good. Oregon on March 8. They say voluntary but without likely means is you don’t have to download it. They can mandate merchants to require it

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It is all about the money. Imagine to tremendous wealth transfer from the people's Federal Govt to the Big Pharmas. They then will advertise as Alex has already informed on numerous compliant media with "Brought to you By Pfizer". Then grants to universities to study goofy subjects. Mega donations to Democrats campaigns. And lucrative appointments to Board of Directors and government commissions. This is one of the major farces ever perpetrated on any society.

And it requires a lot of stupid, afraid people!

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You know Alex, Newsom made the new mask mandate for Ca. but excluded San Fransisco. He’s a hateful bastard.

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No, no. The only people excluded are vaxed people in offices and gyms.

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It's not just that they hate admitting mistakes, but that they want everyone in the same mistake-boat as them, so they can feel less stupid about what they've done. They all need to get effed with cacti.

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None of this will end well Alex.

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Slowly I am coming to believe that vaccine mandates may be the hill I am willing to die on. And I am not speaking figuratively.

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Went to dinner at a family friends home last night. Mom bragged about how her strapping 6' 6" athlete son had just had the booster--he played basketball and tennis the same day he got the shot but then began feeling really sick. I mean why have this kid go get a shot. I do hope he will be okay but he LOVES sports and will definitely be the type to go all out on the court. I just don't get why you would take such a risk.

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Caroline, report back to us in a month. Of course I wish him no harm but myocardial inflammation sometimes takes several months to develop.

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Moved from a blue state that will be sure to require the vaccine to a red state that will not. I will live in a box in the woods before my children are vaccinated. Try me.

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I will die before I take the vaccine.

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Alex, not only do they hate admitting their mistakes, they hate US! We are just peasants who MUST OBEY their edicts! STAND UP PEACEFULLY MY FELLOW AMERICANS. Stop obeying their unconstitutional mandates! Our kids deserve BETTER from us!!!

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At some point the "peaceful" part of resisting will be difficult, then impossible, unless there are large numbers of us who do so...

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My boss boasted about getting boosted and his kids getting the jab and asked if my kids got the jab yet. I said no, not yet. I guess next time I’ll just lie and say yep done. Really sucks having to be in this position where you have to lie and let it go.

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Lying to the body snatchers crowd should be only if essential IMHO. Death or bust.

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I read something about totalitarianism, how it begins with a shove than they let the population exhale, wipe their foreheads and say phew, that was close. Then the next wave, a bit more threatening, but the plague ( in our case) is not as serious, but the fearmongering intensity is greater and a bit longer. This gets more on board with the Gov't. So we covered the first wave and delta, now omicron. A weak, but annoying little cold for which there's no relief but basically cold medicine and the govt is going almost full blown retarded with fearmongering ( msm as Gov't main delivery of propaganda) that will subside for a very very brief month or so. Finally the midterms are here and by then the numbers will be so manipulated people that were once normal will be wearing scuba apparel, tanks and all. There will be no let up, blue states will close schools early in August and mail in ballots will be sent out NY the gazillion. After 425 million Americans vote for the blue policies, AOC will take to the podium and tell us again how much we love their ideas. The End.

Unless of course you're in the mood to toss some tea in the harbor.

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Why can't we edit, dam. Proofreading is so 90s.

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And you need to be logged into your account to see the three dots to edit your post…

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You can edit. It’s three little dots to the right of the Delete button..

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You’re think of Cass Sunstein: his little beauty was “Nudge,Push,Shove,Shoot.By my reckoning,we at about half past push…

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The old psychology joke, "The floggings will continue until morale improves."

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I must be naive as hell. When I heard there was a weaker version of Covid that evaded vaccines. I thought mandates would cease and we would all be happy about Covid becoming much less deadly. Nope, silly me. The press and politicians ramped up the fear and increased the mandates. I don't understand why so many people are going along with this. Thank God for Alex and everyone else here fighting this. Merry Christmas, regardless of religion. Let's win this victory.

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Oh Hell No!

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The problem with these coastal “elites” , of which I was one for many years, is that they care more about fitting in than anything. It’s what people are doing. My cousin vaccinated her 6 year old because the private school said so. And while they have enough money to take her out, that would not be “cool”. So just do it and get on with society.

I’m so grateful I woke up to the vaccine industry and what it was up to when I was pregnant. My child has had zero vaccines so far and she will only receive them when it’s necessary. As in she has a personal risk of death from said disease.

She is brilliant and healthy and frankly she is a seed bank now. I’ll do everything to protect that.

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Liberals hate to admit their mistakes. Whether it is covid, climate change or Donald Trump, they will cling to their myths until the day they die. Altho, maybe myths is not the correct term for their beliefs.

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If they themselves took the vaccines, "the day they die" may come sooner than they think!

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President Trump is super pro Jab. His downfall.

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Why? He is just stating his opinion. He is definitely against mandates. I try to make my decisions by myself. I do some research. I do not listen to any celebrities, etc.

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His daughter is featured on the WEF website.

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Telling. Definitely compromised.

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He was/ is President which is a major difference.

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Over my dead body. Literally speaking.

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Answer: No.

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