Foretelling the future, outside of eventual death for all is impossible. Regarding this subject however, what we see happening in Israel I think gives us a glimpse into the future here in America. I have a feeling this winter is going to be horrific, with cases and deaths far surpassing what we’ve see so far. I personally believe this will be due to the mass vaccinations and the ADE complications which arise from such a campaign. I feel what has happened over the past year with these vaccines is outright evil, and the debt will have to be paid. I implore anyone who has not yet been vaccinated to hold the damned line. The hill is here, I’m going to either survive or die on it due to my decision to not receive this vaccine and I’ve made peace with that.

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HOLD THE LINE! At my community college, my husband and I submitted our religious exemptions, knowing full well that we might lose our jobs. Our governor (the wicked Inslee of Washington) DENIED the state trooper exemption requests outright. Over 200 state troopers are going to lose their jobs. Hopefully they'll move to red states to protect them! Anyway, suprisingly, our exemptions have been (tentatively) accepted, but they forced us to move all our classes online (literally the day classes started - it's been complete chaos for the poor students). We've since learned that there are at least 7 of us. We don't know what the future holds, but this is the first time in my life I've found a hill I'm willing to "die" on. And if I do die from COVID, so be it. But please don't believe the CNN reports that my dying words were, "Please everyone get vaccinated!"

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This is the first time in my life I've been on that hill, too. I honestly didn't think I was this strong, but here we are. Hope I can keep it up in the months to come. I work from home, so my employer is unlikely to mandate ... but anything is possible in this crazy world.

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🤞After Biden's decree that large employers must mandate vax, my husband's employer announced all remote employees are required to work in person at an office at least 2-3 days a week. He's worked from home exclusively for 5 years. We can guess what's coming. But what about the other 30K+ employees across the US? We're of course hoping too many will refuse the vax & the employer will call off the mandate.🤞

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OSHA still has not issued a rule, or even taken the preliminary steps to write a rule for all employers of over 100. It may have been a head fake.

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There are two comment periods on regulations. Flood them with comments!

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oh man i hope you are right!!!

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Also the Biden admin gave themselves several outs on this mandate business and many weeks to decide to move ahead with it at all.

With the tanking of his approval ratings and the many unions pushing back I'm somewhat hopeful that this will be dropped.

But who knows what the doddering old fool will do?

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You are right but people are being fired anyway, even though there is no mandate.

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Sadly, since it's become religion, I think even those of us who are fully remote will be told sooner or later that we have to be vaccinated regardless.

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My husband has worked remotely for over 10 yrs. His employer(a rather large one) mandated vaxed starting oct 1 or get fired for insubordination. We put in for a religious exemption. I know how you feel. According to EEOC, an employer must honor this request if the accommodation does not put an undue burden on the company. Updated guidance since Covid says accommodations include masking, social distancing and telework if possible. Since he has been working from home and hasn’t been in physical contact with any of his co-workers since 2019, there is no way they can refuse request under Civil Rights Act of 64 Article VI. Hope you are able to keep your job as I am sure you wish for all of us who will hold the line no matter what.

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Oh for sure. Gov Inslee of WA made that requirement for all govt employees, K-12, higher ed, ferry workers, municipal employees on and on.

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To which I'll still say Fuck You and fuck off

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I live in Europe. I'm most scared of employer mandates (so far mine is just encouraging vaccines and recommending self-tests) and not being able to easily buy food unvaccinated.

There were media reports several months ago, that supermarkets will require vaccination - this has led to an explosion of networking on Telegram. We are forming small local groups of like-minded people and getting together in person.

I've now realized that my old life is not coming back and many old friendships no longer exist. Being a bit introverted and middle aged makes reaching out a hurdle. But it's a massive relief to meet people who don't want to be vaccinated.

We've been helping each other find shops, doctors, etc that don't insist on masks. We've discovered and patronize farm shops. Amazingly, we have even helped some people find new jobs with employers that refuse to require vaccines.

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My employer is busy trying to figure out we're considered Federal Contractors or not. The distinction being that Fed Contractors do not have the option to do weekly testing, they must have their employees get the jab.

I would say that there are roughly 1000 or so out of the 2500 employees here locally that are unvaxxed. If even 20% hold the line thats a crippling amount of talent to walk off the job. This is a high tech company and you cant just replace technicians and engineers or even assemblers overnight.

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@barnes_law says this would only apply to new contracts. Old contracts would not be affected.

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Thats great news!

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My 2 adult sons who work from home (for a major bank system) have both been instructed to declare their vax status…next step probably vax mandate.

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Inslee is being sued by the Liberty Counsel for his violations of civil rights with these mandates. Since this is neither death nor taxes, a win isn't guaranteed, but the lawsuit is strong one. He'll likely lose:


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And I'll keep posting this for anyone who needs this. Fight this thing with all you've got:

No authorship claim or copyright asserted.

Dear Boss,

First, I request a religious exemption. "Each of the manufactures of the Covid vaccines currently available developed and confirmed their vaccines using fetal cell lines, which originated from aborted fetuses. ( https://lozierinstitute.org/an-ethics-assessment-of-covid-19-vaccine-programs/ ) For example, each of the currently available Covid vaccines confirmed their vaccine by protein testing using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. ( https://lozierinstitute.org/an-ethics-assessment-of-covid-19-vaccine-programs/ ) Partaking in a vaccine made from aborted fetuses makes me complicit in an action that offends my religious faith. As such, I cannot, in good conscience and in accord with my religious faith, take any such Covid vaccine at this time. In addition, any coerced medical treatment goes against my religious faith and the right of conscience to control one’s own medical treatment, free of coercion or force. Please provide a reasonable accommodation to my belief, as I wish to continue to be a good employee, helpful to the team.

Equally, compelling any employee to take any current Covid-19 vaccine violates federal and state law, and subjects the employer to substantial liability risk, including liability for any injury the employee may suffer from the vaccine. Many employers have reconsidered issuing such a mandate after more fruitful review with legal counsel, insurance providers, and public opinion advisors of the desires of employees and the consuming public. Even the Kaiser Foundation warned of the legal risk in this respect. (https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/key-questions-about-covid-19-vaccine-mandates/)

Three key concerns: first, informed consent is the guiding light of all medicine, in accord with the Nuremberg Code of 1947; second, the Americans with Disabilities Act proscribes, punishes and penalizes employers who invasively inquire into their employees' medical status and then treat those employees differently based on their perceived medical status, as the many AIDS related cases of decades ago fully attest; and third, international law, Constitutional law, specific statutes and the common law of torts all forbid conditioning access to employment, education or public accommodations upon coerced, invasive medical examinations and treatment, unless the employer can fully provide objective, scientifically validated evidence of the threat from the employee and how no practicable alternative could possible suffice to mitigate such supposed public health threat and still perform the necessary essentials of employment. As one federal court just recently held, the availability of reasonable accommodations like accounting for prior infection, antibody testing, temperature checks, remote work, other forms of testing, and the like suffice to meet any institution’s needs in lieu of masks, public shaming, and forced injections of foreign substances into the body that the FDA admits we do not know the long -term effects of.

For instance, the symptomatic can be self-isolated. Hence, requiring vaccinations only addresses one risk: dangerous or deadly transmission, by the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic employee, in the employment setting. Yet even government official Mr. Fauci admits, as scientific studies affirm, asymptomatic transmission is exceedingly and "very rare." Indeed, initial data suggests the vaccinated are just as, or even much more, likely to transmit the virus as the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. Hence, the vaccine solves nothing. This evidentiary limitation on any employer's decision making, aside from the legal and insurance risks of forcing vaccinations as a term of employment without any accommodation or even exception for the previously infected (and thus better protected), is the reason most employers wisely refuse to mandate the vaccine. This doesn't even address the arbitrary self-limitation of the pool of talent for the employer: why reduce your own talent pool, when many who refuse invasive inquiries or risky treatment may be amongst your most effective, efficient and profitable employees?

This right to refuse forced injections, such as the Covid-19 vaccine, implements the internationally agreed legal requirement of Informed Consent established in the Nuremberg Code of 1947. (http://www.cirp.org/library/ethics/nuremberg/ ). As the Nuremberg Code established, every person must "be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision" for any medical experimental drug, as the Covid-19 vaccine currently is.

Second, demanding employees divulge their personal medical information invades their protected right to privacy, and discriminates against them based on their perceived medical status, in contravention of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (42 USC §12112(a).) Indeed, the ADA prohibits employers from invasive inquiries about their medical status, and that includes questions about diseases and treatments for those diseases, such as vaccines. As the EEOC makes clear, an employer can only ask medical information if the employer can prove the medical information is both job-related and necessary for the business.

(https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/questions-and-answers-enforcement-guidance-disability-related-inquiries-and-medical). An employer that treats an individual employee differently based on that employer’s belief the employee’s medical condition impairs the employee is discriminating against that employee based on perceived medical status disability, in contravention of the ADA. The employer must have proof that the employer cannot keep the employee, even with reasonable accommodations, before any adverse action can be taken against the employee. If the employer asserts the employee’s medical status (such as being unvaccinated against a particular disease) precludes employment, then the employer must prove that the employee poses a “safety hazard” that cannot be reduced with a reasonable accommodation. The employer must prove, with objective, scientifically validated evidence, that the employee poses a materially enhanced risk of serious harm that no reasonable accommodation could mitigate. This requires the employee's medical status cause a substantial risk of serious harm, a risk that cannot be reduced by any another means. This is a high, and difficult burden, for employers to meet. Just look at the all prior cases concerning HIV and AIDS, when employers discriminated against employees based on their perceived dangerousness, and ended up paying millions in legal fees, damages and fines.

Third, conditioning continued employment upon participating in a medical experiment and demanding disclosure of private, personal medical information, may also create employer liability under other federal and state laws, including HIPAA, FMLA, and applicable state tort law principles, including torts prohibiting and proscribing invasions of privacy and battery. Indeed, any employer mandating a vaccine is liable to their employee for any adverse event suffered by that employee. The CDC records reports of the adverse events already reported to date concerning the current Covid-19 vaccine.(https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/vaers.html )

Finally, forced vaccines constitute a form of battery, and the Supreme Court long made clear "no right is more sacred than the right of every individual to the control of their own person, free from all restraint or interference of others." (https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/141/250)

With Regards,

Employee of the Year,

Thomas Paine"

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Copied and will use if needed. Thanks.

My employer recently sent out an email to everyone stating that it "strongly encourages every employee to get the vaccine"

I thought....did they run this by legal? The company should not be encouraging any employee to do anything that is not directly related to company business and especially not having to do with ones personal health care decisions....that seems to be an open invitation to liability should someone follow this unsolicited advice and get the jab and then have a serious adverse effect. I guess the wokesters in HR decided none of that matters. SMH

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Exactly. the manufacturers and other health administrators might be exempt from legal liability under the PREP Act, but the employer most likely is liable for any adverse effects you suffer from their illegal mandate. They need to be reminded of that.

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I so hope you are right.

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Me too.

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Just came across a federal lawsuit filed on behalf of all military service members and federal employees. Good lawsuit, unfortunately filed in DC. I suggest everyone read it as it provides reams of ammunition to fight your individual mandate battles with your employers while all these suits work their way through the courts.


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But will it be soon enough? Many of my young co-workers in healthcare have already started their vaccinations because of the fear of losing their jobs. The damage is done! I am fortunate in that I can hold out due to my longevity and financial resources, but I think ALL of them have succumbed to the mandate, under duress. So sad.

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See the letter I posted just below this reply and use it. The religious objections have been especially successful and upheld in every court. This letter is effective and has been successful in helping people defeat these mandates.

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Thanks. I have saved your exemption text, but if my employer doesn't offer any exemption, I'm kinda stuck. We've got to support each other, so I appreciate your help!

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Just remembered: NYS doesn't have religious exemptions allowed in their mandates, they tried to limit it narrowly to medical exemptions. Regardless, NYC healthcare workers sued for religious exemptions and won.

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Have they shown you a written policy? Or is this "no exemption" thing verbal?

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We lived in the Maoist Peoples Paradise of Seattle for three years, until we just couldn’t take the gaslighting anymore and moved back to the center of the country. That was May 2020 - we arrived home 6 days before CHAZ was declared in our Seattle neighborhood.

Wish I could report that we were free of COVID tyranny here, but I can’t. For whatever reason (prob the nightly local news whose car dealer ads revenues *thrive* on Covid porn) we seem to be immune to common sense skepticism here too.


Well at least Antifa doesn’t have the balls to harass the gunpacking good ol boys here.

State legislature passed a law prohibiting the forced masking of school children last Spring, but a group of physicians sued and got a temp injunction halting the law. Our suburban school district immediately reinstated the masking requirements.

:double sigh:

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Susanna, I too live under King Inslee. I am in healthcare so the mandate is my burden at the moment, too. My employer has not offered exemptions. I wrote a treatise to my employer urging them to join me and resist Tyranny by reclaiming our profession from the clutches of bureauracrats. Still waiting for their reply...I will not comply with the vaccine mandate and so I'm waiting to see if they will fire a highly trained professional employee with 27 years of service in the company over a failing vaccine against the virus amongst us. I will never say "I regret my decision, please take the vaccine!" Stay strong friend!

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but this is the first time in my life I've found a hill I'm willing to "die" on.

Before this is over you might have to dispense with the quotation marks.

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Best of luck, Diana. We also live under the thumb of the Wicked Inslee (actually I think he's more moronic than wicked), and sympathize wholeheartedly.

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There is no need to die from Covid. This disease for the vast majority of people is very easy to beat if you treat early and you treat aggressively. We had it in our household recently, treated it right away aggressively with natural remedies and the symptoms were over in less than a day. The data that I was referred to from a trusted doctor friend has helped many who got it and I have seen this personally to those who I have shared it with.

Get a Neti Pot or a Navage and use it 3X per day as soon as you feel something coming on and use it every day you are sick. A study showed this alone reduced hospitalization by 95%. Just think. We could have kept the hospitals nearly empty with a Neti Pot and salt.


The basic nutrients recommended are:

Vitamin D 5000 iu per day. You may need more. Test your levels and get them above 40 ng/ml.

Quercetin 500mg taken with Zinc 25 mg and Vitamin C 1000 mg 2 times per day.

NAC - 500 mg per day.

Melatonin 2-12 mg per day at bedtime.

Google the Zelenko protocol for more information. He has a supplement with most of the above now in one pill that you can buy if you want just one thing to take.

Eat good healthy food. Get some sun or outside time.

I'm obligated to say check with your doctor. If your doctor says no for what you consider an invalid reason you are free to find another. If you are here you are thinking for yourself anyway.

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Neti Pot is great info....thanks for that!

Get those serum Vitamin D levels up to around 50-60ng/ml. If you find that you're down below 20, then take 10,000 IU per day for at least a month, then retest.

Get the phytosome Quercetin as its 20x more bioavailable than the regular and keeps levels elevated for around 8 hours.

Get the liposomal Vit C as its nearly as potent as IV Vit C.

Increase the NAC to 2x per day.


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Sep 23, 2021
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Please hold strong. I truly believe this fight will only be won if the essential workers (truck drivers, nurses, teachers, military etc)walk off the job instead of get vaccinated

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The problem for the military is that some commands are already prepping dishonorable discharges for those who resist. That's not just losing a job--that colors the rest of your working life.

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This possibility has filled me with sorrow for these brave young people.

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Getting a job when unvaccinated will require an employer who is OK with that, so one might expect the employer will not worry about the nature of the discharge. It is always good to keep copies of evaluations prior to discharge to prove it was only for the vaccine.

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That's a good point, Mouzer. I've been really worried about the military members that may get slapped with a dishonorable discharge. Your comment gives me some hope that there will be some employers that would be proud to hire a "dishonorably" unvaxxed soldier!

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I doubt a DD would be possible without a trial. More likely a discharge 'for convenience' or unsuited for service, a general discharge. I expect those with long service will balk and the JAG will get involved. I am heartened that some are noting that the vaccine may introduce a systemic failure point in the military that could be exploitable in a biowar.

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Don't be. The military no longer cares about winning or preventing wars. Their primary mission now is gender diversity and racial sensitivity, with a little medical totalitarianism on the side.

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Teachers are essential workers? …really, since when?

Maybe in your world, but not in mine.

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I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I cannot imagine what parents must be going through in the states that schools are not up and running.

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And get lawyers!

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I too have a Class A license. I'm do for my DOT medical physical next month and I recently saw a you-tube video where a truck driver said the DOT doctor said he would only issue a temporary medical cert because the driver was not vaccinated. I live in California I'll report my experience after I get my physical.

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I heard Oct 1 trucks stop. (was on a podcast, arg which one?!)

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They are desperate for truckers in the UK, huge shortage there. And I don't think you are required to be jabbed.

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Please, let us know !

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Sep 23, 2021
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We've been stocking up. Not as much as I'd like, but little by little with non-perishables. But living without my milk, yogurt, eggs, and fresh meat would be heartbreaking.

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Sep 23, 2021
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You’re not alone. I won’t cave. Sadly, friends are caving.

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I’m never caving!

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But not everyone! Vax rates have dropped off. I think that most of the people that were still influenced by the fear and/or job threats have given in; the remaining ones have, for the most part, decided we are in this battle for the long haul (not long haul COVID, hopefully, though, haha)

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I'm with you forever. Let us feast together in Valhalla remembering the view from this hill.

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I identify as a Viking shield maiden and I love your comment!

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I tend to agree with this prediction. IMO the extreme narrowness of the vaccine induced antibodies produces a higher risk of ADE affecting vaccinated people than of a Marek's like situation where non-vaccinated people are at greater risk. The reason is that total evasion of the vaccine antibodies is even more likely than ADE, and that total evasion should put vaccinated populations back on a level playing field with unvaccinated.. oh except for the fact that the vaccinated also are at risk of ADE!


The reference above is to a paper that shows through in-vitro studies that combining a few in-the-wild mutations together produces vaccine evasion and also can produce enhancement. So, both are on the table for this winter at this point.

Holding the line is critical because the closer you get to 100% vaccinated the greater the chances of a Marek's like situation where virulence among the small population of non-vaccinated does not register on viral fitness! We'll see what happens in Israel and UK but even so I still think ADE that hurts vaccinated is more likely to arise.

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I didn't totally follow your argument about why you think ADE is more likely than Marek's, although I'm intrigued. Obviously I prefer ADE as the more likely scenario since that keeps my kids safer. Marek's, if it is true, is coming for all of us.

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Let me see if I can think it through again. (Hopefully it is a coherent thought)

The risk of Mareks is that mutations that have higher fitness in the vax pop (higher transmissibility without higher virulence) unintentionally have higher virulence or lethality in the unvax pop.

The current theory as I understand about Delta is that it has 2 characteristics that produced fitness in the vax pop. 1. Delta evades the NTD antibodies (see the paper I referenced for evidence of this). 2. Delta increased virulence in the mucosal system where vax antibodies are not present, so that it transmits faster before it even becomes subject to much of an immune response.

#2 is kind of a one-time thing - it's a mechanism that evades the vaccine completely, so there's no increase in fitness gained from improving upon that, as far as either vax or unvax pop goes. But this is the domain where unvax pop was negatively affected - by faster onset and wider spread.

#1 is just one step towards vaccine evasion, but has no impact on unvax at all because those antibodies aren't created yet and if an unvax person does catch Delta, they will create antibodies relevant to Delta, not to wild-type.

Natural infection produces a much broader antibody response, covering N and S proteins, maybe others, plus T cells, works in the mucosal system, etc... it is a lot harder to gain an incremental fitness advantage vs. NI by working around one or two antibodies.

Vax protection however, is based on only a few antibodies, so: 1. each incremental evasion is more likely to be a noticeable fitness increase because it's a larger fraction of the total, and 2. it's more likely that some combination of a small number of mutations (4, as the paper suggests) will arise resulting in total evasion. Thus viral selection will be hammering away at those vax antibodies to open up the vax pop to more rapid colonization.

This makes vaccine escape pretty much a certainty IMO. And mutations to support vaccine escape, if they target the narrow vax immunity, aren't too likely to affect the unvax pop.

For that to happen it would need to be something like: the S protein mutates to evade another of the RBD antibodies, improving fitness among vax pop, but the same mutation causes much greater lethality if you DONT have the remaining RBD antibodies. I guess I don't know but this scenario seems less likely to me than total evasion. Total evasion is facilitated (maybe) by each incremental mutation evading another antibody and producing a fitness increase. Having one of those mutations also be lethal is possible, but for Mareks to arise it has to be lethal *but for one of the other antibodies*, as well as improving fitness.

If the results of that paper are to be believed, nature has already chipped away at the vax antibodies and all the pieces are in place to evade it, they just have to come together, or be rediscovered together, and one of those seems certain to happen.

ADE against the vax antibodies is also pretty low hanging fruit for this evolutionary process, and it's not necessarily lethal, it can just be substantially worse, and that is still a big problem. Again not likely to harm unvax because they don't have these antibodies unless possibly from NI, and if they have NI the coverage is much broader.

Anyway, not sure this argument holds weight, but I hope so for everyone's sake.

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Thank you for this. Very insightful, informative and I hope - as you surmise - the outcome this virus will take. It would be a sacrilige if hard-earned natural immunity were undermined.

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What about covaxin attenuated/inactivated virus vax?

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I don't know much about that one. The mRNA vaccines have a lot of data in the literature documenting the antibodies produced and how they react to different strains. They are characterized by being narrow in their coverage and non sterilizing.

If covaxin is non sterilizing then it is dangerous to use because it gives opportunity for immune escape.

I think inactivated virus vaccine that was a nasal spray type might have the best chance of being sterilizing.

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Thank you for explaining further. I appreciate it.

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I have non-Hodgkins lymphoma, epilepsy, neurally mediated syncope and no longer have a gall bladder (like someone once said to me, "you hit the jackpot;" I couldn't be paid to take the vax. This is also my hill, however I probably won't die on it, because I know a Dr. with a work-around that allows him to treat his patients early with therapeutics. I had to leave my long time family Dr because he was cowed by the political climate and told me that the therapeutics were only "anecdotally effective". In my community hospital a man asked for the Right to Try Ivermectin; he was terminal and all the legalities were i's dotted and t's crossed and the hospital said NO, they also threatened his family should they try to smuggle the medicine to him. I feel strongly that there are tons of politicians and so-called medical professionals who will already be on fire on their way to hell when they die for what they are doing to COVID patients right now.

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...And I have a clotting disorder to go along with all of the above.

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You won't die. If you catch COVID make sure your doctor is onboard with monoclonal antibodies and Ivermectin (or HCQ) early, along with steroids. Don't worry, be happy.

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Prevention is even better- stay on a therapeutic dose of VitD3, + C, zinc & Quercetin. Adaptogens to manage stress, & mushrooms are great as well.

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And sunlight!

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Well you're not going to die of Covid.

Dying from being murdered by a mob - possible.

Dying from being murdered by a doctor who says you have Covid and gives you fatal treatments - also possible.

I still think our odds are better than those who get the clot shot though.

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Me and my family will not get the vaccine either. I’ve also said, many times, this is my hill. And I also will not cry for the vaccine on my deathbed. My husband’s job approved his religious exemption. They are just under a 100 employees but the owner is in love with the vaccine and mandated anyway. During companies meeting he announces that “the only way to end this pandemic is 100% vaccination!!”. Anyway, everyone should be researching covid protocols. Frontline Doctors have a couple, Zelenko has one and Dr. Mercola also has a detailed one. I’ve stocked up on all of the vitamins and supplements recommended. Including the nebulized hydrogen peroxide. Working on getting ivermectin, as well. Just be prepared. Have the supplements and know the regimen. We need confidence that we can beat this the natural way with our god given immune system.

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Me too.

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NickC, I TOTALLY agree with you. My hubby and I have been dead set (pardon the pun) NOT to get any damn vaccine. We're with you as we "hold the damned line"!

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Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD, tried to scream this from the roof tops and he was absolutely correct. Further mass vaccination and boosters will create another variant like Delta that will easily navigate around the vaccinated. Already, there are early indicators of Antibody Dependent Enhancement in the vaccinated. The United States seems to be months behind on the latest data and pushing boosters, as Israel did, will not end well. Israel began administering the booster shot on 7/30/2021. Deaths per day from C-19 were 3/day. One month later, on 8/30, deaths per day were at 54. Speaking of- Israel began administering the 1st shot on 12/19, 2020. C-19 deaths per day on 12/19 were 17/day. By 1/20/2021, deaths were up to 101/day. This post injection rise in deaths within the month following could be contributed to the vaccine weakening the immune system initially, but is yet again a reason to not mass vaccinate during a pandemic. How many lost their lives due to that weakening that might not have otherwise been susceptible?

Another note- younger people are dying from C-19 in the United States because we have a nearly 40% obesity rate (and thus more comorbidities). Sars-Cov-2 loves fat cells, indiscriminate of age.

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And along with Obesity, younger people just don't play outside in the Sunshine anymore, instead stay inside on the electronic devices getting no benefits from Nature !

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I should think the spikes in deaths most likely can be attributed, in large part, to adverse effects of the "vaccine".

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Certainly a contributing factor, at least. I fear, like so much of the data on cases and deaths thus far, that the vaccine deaths are listed as C-19 deaths.

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I'm certain they are. Why else label those who are fewer than 14 days out from their 2nd dose as unvaccinated?

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Wow, Brena, well said. I read a lot about Israel, but your death numbers, if they are correct, are a really clear way of expressing that the vaccines are anything but helpful. And dang it - why did I have to let myself gain 10 pounds from anger-eating? ;-) Grrrr.

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Grabbed that data from: Our World in Data https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data?country=~ISR

The UK and USA had a similar trend. Mass vaccinating in December, right before the peak months for respiratory viruses in the Northern Hemisphere was one of the worst ideas. To truly test these shots, we should've administered them to ONLY the most vulnerable folks (benefit vs harm risk ratio) in early Fall- just like we do for influenza vaccinations. So many things have been done counter to what we know is best practice. So, naturally, I spend a few evenings a month overwhelmed with frustration at what is playing out before our eyes and I grab sweet snacks to help me cope (which usually makes it worse! Ha!) Glad I am not the only one who angry eats!

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Or drinks

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The problem with obesity and COVID is the oxidative stress obese people have. All of the comorbidities (including old age) have one thing in common: they produce oxidative stress.

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A complicated topic. Aside from all else maybe I also need some Viagra to improve my NO. Now I see the role NAC is playing to assist.

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YES YES YES. Oh no we can't handle the obvious....obesity, complete lack of physical activity, and preventable comorbidities. No no...just get the shot and shut up. And if all goes according to plan, die.

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Or... Chinese Terrorism Gone Viral was selected to go after certain populations, that being the elderly, obese, other chronic illnesses like Diabetes and chronic heart disease, and along the way the creators saw other options by fine tuning their "angel of death"???

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I immediately thought of this virus as engineered in that way. Takes out the elderly and chronically sick, those who would be most at need for support in a communist system, but spares the working aged and the young.

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That was my first thought too. China was looking for a way to cull their already tremendously overpopulated society and free some of their resources. Amazing, that I haven't seen many people pointing out what seems pretty obvious to me.

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80-120 million are glued to Lame Scream Propaganda Machine shrieking every hour on the hour.

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Lame Stream is still pretending they're not sure if the virus really, truly came from the lab. But the conservative and alt-media haven't pointed this out either. Whether the CCP virus escaped or was released ( more than likely), it was designed to eliminate those whom the CCP saw as a drain on society.

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At the moment the Chinese are more concerned that their reproduction rate is becoming like the wealthy nations - below replacement. That leads to an aging society that they can't support (we can't either, another story).

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Yes that is why also they purposely infected the nursing home centers, coincidentally in California, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and as well in some countries in europe as well.

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Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is wrong. The evolution of respiratory viruses is mainly driven by our immune systems. Vaccines play only a minor role.

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It is the immune response to only the S1 protein in the vaccinated that drives that evolution. So, it is both the vaccines being targeted to one protein and the antibodies produced that are the problem. Geert is not wrong.

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I know that Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has a very big community of believers worldwide. I think that I have a much better background in genetics, molecular evolution, and virology than Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche plus 24 years at the CDC. You may check my scientific profile at scholar.google.com; however, it is very difficult to convince believers. I know that a few independent scientists who are not corrupted by Big Pharma and are in contact with me know that Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's speculations do not carry much weight.

twistertim forgot that there are many coronaviruses around us and that most people have some degree of immunity before getting an infection with SARS-CoV-2 or the vaccine. Please read about the Diamond Princess quarantine debacle. Wikipedia has a surprisingly good article at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_on_Diamond_Princess

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The Diamond Princess case is exactly why the vaccines should have never been rolled out. Natural herd Immunity Already Existed! It was the perfect real world closed system to study this "pandemic".

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Wow! You hit the nail on the head. Spread the gospel!

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Thanks for that reference. I was reminded of the story about the husband and wife, both elderly, confined to their cabin. He was found ill and eventually evacuated into hospital care and recovered. His wife never was found to be infected implying some degree of immunity. She was reunited after his release. So far, I'm unaware of any follow-up of their case. More to the point "people have some degree of immunity" and we are clueless! Of course, it speaks to the robustness of some immune systems which like our own biome are hardly understood.

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Norman, do you believe that it is a good idea to mass vaccinate during a pandemic? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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There is no pandemic. The numbers of "cases", "hospitalizations", "ICU occupancy", and "deaths" are based on RT-qPCR testing just for one pathogen. These tests are known to result in more than 99.9% of false positives. Divide all the numbers by 100 or 1,000 and you will see that all is fake. Then think that in the US alone about 800 million tests were performed at $200 a pop. That's a lot of money for bribes and paid advertisements. Unfortunately, our Master Alex still takes the numbers at face value. You may know by now that I'm an expert in the use of PCR for diagnosis.

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I agree that there are plenty of reasons, and incentives, for cases to have been inflated (financial incentives for each positive case and death, pooling samples for batch processing being reported as positive, PCR tests that cannot distinguish between influenza and sars-cov-2, etc.). I doubt the numbers qualify for pandemic labeling. For the sake of our discussion, what would have been your suggestion for vaccinating, if we assume all cases were legitimate?

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I completely agree with your statements, and I proved them in my book, The Defeat Of COVID.

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Still didn't answer above question. We'll say FAKE pandemic for argument sake....are mass vaccinations warranted???

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Widespread vaccination during a Pandemic exceeds natural selection pressures. Natural Recovery from SarsCov2 virus produces robust , durable ,and sterilizing immunity. The keyword is "sterilizing" ! All the current covid 19 vaccines are "leaky" or non-sterilizing which provides an avenue for virus to escape. It would of been much better to let the virus run its course. The Vaccines are just prolonging the misery.

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Agreed, mostly because the scope and versatility of our immune system is vast, not the single parameter strategy of vaccination. But also, . . . .

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Agreed. There isn't any history of Marek's phenomenon in humans. We humans are the most brutally and relentlessly and obsessively vaccinated species over centuries, and van den Bossche could only point to chickens. I suspect the phenomenon was specific to chickens and their diet, other life circumstances

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Great post.

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Thank you. I look forward to reading your future articles on Substack. People who have actually studied immunology, and can appreciate both innate and adaptive immunity should be the ones the public looks to for immunology guidance.

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Please re-read your comment. Is that really what you meant to say?

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If you would prefer that something different is said, perhaps you can say it yourself.

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My reply was meant for another commenter. Not sure how it got under yours. My apologies!

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Got your book. Sounds interesing.

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The answer is YES.

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Is there any history of Marek's phenomenon in humans? We humans are the most brutally and relentlessly and obsessively vaccinated species over centuries, and van den Bossche could only point to chickens. I suspect the phenomenon was specific to chickens and their diet, other life circumstances.

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100% vaxxed is not realistic. I worry most right now about the growing mental illness I see in a lot of vaccinated people I know. They live in a very strange and unhealthy universe. They look like they're so afraid of dying of Covid I don't want to drive on the same street with them because they think if they're vaccinated they won't get into a car crash.

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COVID is pretty much a mental illness now.

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A highly regarded scientist friend emailed me after our fourth phone argument over my refusal to get the vaccine. She said I need to do it so we can reach 100% vaccination. I mentioned Israel … she said the 84% (or more) vaccinated are being infected by the unvaccinated. I asked how that was possible. She said everyone had to get the polio vaccine and that's how it was wiped out. I said that was different, not a similar illness in terms of danger. She hung up on me. I sent her this email:

Hi - I really appreciate your concern. We probably should stay away from the vaccine topic. I certainly don't want to argue unpleasantly with you and there are many other things to enjoy talking about like music or sports or birds.

For the record, a lot of people have been and are also being hospitalized with side effects from the vaccine, but this does not get publicized. How about the Vaers data base?

Among our friends who've been vaccinated and had bad side effects are people with lingering neuropathy (2 friends, one a 44 year old doctor), Parkinson's-like symptoms, shingles, a friend's perfectly healthy son who a week and a half after the second shot was rushed to the hospital for open heart surgery for myocarditis. I supported my own mom's decision to get double vaxxed but asked her to wait until the lockdown eased so I could watch over her. She was eager to get it done. She was never the same after the second shot and her decline was heartbreakingly awful. Perhaps these are all coincidences. But this is still a drug that has not had the trials that say, the polio vaccine did. And there is no liability for the companies that produce it.

I'm very pro vaccines and medicine. When I got shingles in my eye (which can go into your brain as you know) the doctor asked if I was willing to take a very new drug just on the market and I said yes. I was willing to take that risk. But on the other hand, when I went through menopause my then gynecologist insisted I take a hormone therapy that had not yet gone through enough research in my opinion. I refused, he lectured me and told me to leave. Some years later my new gynecologist told me that drug had indeed been linked to cancer. My mom was given DES when she was pregnant with me. I was notified in my twenties that I needed to be tested regularly because DES babies were turning up with odd early cancers. I was lucky and didn't get cancer but it did cause other problems, something I never told my mom because I didn't want her to feel badly.

My husband and I keep to ourselves, take D, Zinc, etc, and are very open with people who visit us about not being vaccinated. We wish our vaccinated friends and family the best but we worry about them just as vaccinated people worry about us.

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No one should be coerced or bullied about putting any drug into their system by anyone and maintaining relationships with people who do requires (at least for me) a lot of forgiveness but not yielding to them. We all have the right to ask questions. The vax cult thinks this is murder on our part, but it's not. I'm sure there are women who wish they'd asked more questions about Thalidomide before taking it.

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I totally agree; I was commenting this same thing to my husband yesterday, intelligent people I know now have become totally irrational, all they can think of is their obsession with masking and continued vaccinations, they have become almost robotic, it is difficult to explain.

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My friend has gone from exuberant, adventurous, and intrepid to anxious-depressed and obsessed with covid in 18 months. Every conversation comes back to covid.

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too true. unfortunately I'm kind of like that too, just on the angry side that's obsessing about the stupid COVID lies we are constantly being told, and the totalitarian state headed our way. I justify my obsession with feeling that if I ignore this now, I'll always regret that I chose convenience over acting on my principles. But I should say I'm not anxious or depressed. Just the "every convo comes back to COVID". I'm turning into a one-trick pony. I should get a doctorate for my deep dives!

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I am also the same way. I don’t know how to stop it or if I should. I see things happening that have never happened in my lifetime. Freedom and Liberty taken away. Innocent people being murdered in the hospitals. The amount of lies and pure evil is mind blowing. What kind of world will be left for my children? I can’t help it but every convo does come back to covid.

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Ha! I feel the same way. Every convo does go back to Covid, no matter how much you try to get away from it.

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I don't think there are nano chips in the vaccine controlled by Bill Gates with 5G frequencies, but people sure are acting like it.

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hahahahaha! this is great. i'm stealing it. :-)

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Mass hysteria is real. They are encouraged by a media desperate for ad revenue. Few dabble in reading forums such as this. They are being taught the dangers of misinformation via censorship of alternate media channels. Few can read at length - TL:DR is their motto.

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They are not even trying to explore connections between young healthy people dying and the vaccine. I'm not sure myself, but how can it just be summarily ruled out?

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Everything that contradicts the preferred narrative is suppressed.

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This article in Toxicology lays it out well. Huge health impacts on healthy young people on short term, more coming down the road. Oh the safety steps skipped to crank this vax out in a hurry. Scary. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221475002100161X?via%3Dihub#fig0020

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Steve Kirsch linked to this. The title is: "Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?" which is the question we all should be asking right now.

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Yeah, the mental health aspect, it is nothing less that malpractice and malfeasance to demand mental health care providers just ship people to prescribers for medication interventions as a basic sole intervention.

I cannot imagine being a child & adolescent mental health care provider, especially one that can prescribe, as of today. Malpractice carriers must wake up wondering "what the F will today bring in incidents reported?!"...

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There is one very important aspect missing from this discussion: psychology and its intentional application during this pandemic.

If you are capable of understanding German, I highly recommend a series of interviews done with an Austrian psychologist called Pracher-Hilander on the alternative online channel AUF1.tv.

She describes in detail how governments are taking advice from psychology experts and implementing known psychological methods to communicate risk, ultimately "break" the population and thus be able to manipulate them better: people are without orientation, have lost the ability to make rational decisions, do not listen to their own inner voices/experiences anymore, are encourage a tenancy to follow public figures, etc.

She calls it psychological warfare.

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Of course, kill the soul and make the survivors stare with empty gazes…

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Even if we could have 100% vaxxed, there is still that nasty little detail about what's happening in the immune system between the two doses.

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This sounds like a cult - they have to convert everyone to have some sort of "public health rapture".

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I don’t know, is this really even about covid anymore? The vaccine could make everyone bleed from their eyes and they’d still push it. It’s the principle of the matter now. Or something else …

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That just means it's working!

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I heard something the other day that really sat with me. It was on Tim Pool And I can’t remember the gal that said it but I do remember what she said. She said that when you except Tyranny for your self you must then impose it on others, lest you be perceived a fool.

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Doesn't really matter whether Eugyppius or Saint Anthony is correct. Only matters whether each of us, individually, is correct. The best evidence to me is a few get sick, a few of those mortally ill, but most of us are mostly unaffected. We should be intent on learning why so many are unaffected and only a few are affected. It's clear that normally healthy immune health handles all the current strains well. Competent medical industry would be teaching us to prepare our health to fend off pathogens, and teaching those rare few who for some reason cannot correct their morbidities to protect themselves with isolation or therapeutics, including risky vaccines. Those who choose to ignore those morbidities just don't belong here, and should be ignored.

Imposing punishing restrictions on the healthy to protect a few sicklings is the epitome of tyranny. Tyranny is our first order pandemic. The vaccine for that is swift, decisive justice.

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Thank you for bring it back to the central truth: Covid, and all its variants, just isn't that deadly. The vast majority, vaccinated or unvaccinated, experience it as a cold or flu. We know who it affects, we know who it doesn't. Focused protection is the way to go.

The fact that our leaders aren't speaking this way is very suspicious.

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Yeah, sometimes I feel ashamed myself that our entire society is upended and obsessing about what overall extremely minor worldwide phenomenon. Perception is huge. Without the news, life would be normal.

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...and focused treatment.

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The Great Barrington folk said that long ago and were roundly dismissed for wishing for more death. Fear sells but rational action became a victim to political objectives. Two factors are missed by the public health people - Obesity and Vitamin D. Fat shaming in favor of mask shaming. Imagining that a Vit D deficiency can be corrected by single megadoses.

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Some people will have some measure of immunity due to exposures to other coronaviruses that have some degree of genetic relation to SarsCov2.

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Yes, immunity is a complex process. It is never binary, and vaccination is never magically effective. Many of the vaccinated are only partially protected, or not at all, despite the protestations of the vax pushers. And many of the vaccinated get antibodies they don't need because they already had adequate immune strength. Whether that's due to prior exposure to similar viruses is dubious because there are no similar viruses, and immunity doesn't work on similarities, only exact matches. The success by the healthy is used by the vax pushers to declare success of the vax, even though its usually irrelevant. The problem isn't the vax, which is fine for those who want it, especially those on the margins of immune health. No warranty expressed, but strongly implied. The problem is the pushers who demand obedience to their unscientific demands because, well, they're in charge and you're not. We must take charge to stop the insanity.

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"Those who choose to ignore those morbidities just don't belong here, and should be ignored."

I'm with you until that statement. The vast majority of obese people do not just "ignore" their condition. Most of them truly struggle with it. They are deserving of protection from covid to whatever degree our (relatively) wealthy society can provide it.

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I strongly disagree. Have you noticed the "body positivity" movement that's unfolded over the past few years? Obese people are being told they should embrace their "body types". Growing up in the 60s and 70s, there were probably two people in my class who were overweight (not obese, by any stretch). Today, a typical class of students has 15 obese (not just overweight) students. This is an epidemic of bad food choices and lack of activity. The only struggle is "do I get McDonald's or Popeye's for dinner?"

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The stories of corruption of the FDA food pyramids over the decades is sad (also "standard American diet"), but also a major cause of a lot of chronic disease.

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This is so true!!! I recently watched a movie with Jackie Gleason and realized how a man who we thought was extremely overweight looks quite "normal" nowadays...this is very sad.

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I assume those who have intransigent conditions, cancer and it's treatments being the most prevalent, are not ignoring their conditions. There are a lot of ways they can protect themselves. We don't need all of society to stop what we're doing to loom out for them. Those who are obese, or diabetic, or nutrient deficient, are easily correctable. Those who "struggle" with it aren't doing it right, need better advice. I see them every day at the gym. I ask them what they're having for supper. Pizza is common.

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This retired RN with 35 years experience is betting on the dead monk also.

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Thank you for all the help you’ve given to people over that long career!

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I hope like hell you're wrong too. Your track record over the last 18 months or so does not make me optimistic, though. The thing that was most difficult for me to predict in all of this is the unreal level of mass hysteria that has been embraced by people that I believed to be rational, critical thinkers prior to March of 2020. It's like a majority of the population has joined a cult and the tenets of the Branch Covidians are constantly being reinforced by a multitude of captured agencies, media and businesses. There are so many people that I love and respect who have accepted this indoctrination and I mourn their loss. The most difficult prediction of all is what the world will eventually look like on the other side of this. My personal models don't look good. I hope I'm wrong too.

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We just don't know what the world will look like when this is over. In my better moments, I imagine the world going through the awakening I went through these last 18 months.

I've completely rejected fear of death. Not that I want to die, but I'm not afraid of it. I've realized how fear of death has been used to manipulate us, and divide us, and how the constant fear driven by the media has destroyed the joy of living.

I imagine a world where we all turn off the news, ignore the constant stream of doomsday predictions, reject the fear of death and embrace living, with all the risks and joys it brings.

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That has been a blessing for me during COVID! It has helped me crystallize my true priorities, completely refocused me on my faith in Jesus, and encouraged me to face my fear of death. I too no longer fear death, although I can't deny that I don't look forward to suffering, or having others have to take care of me. I also really don't want my death used to promulgate the COVID narrative/lies.

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well said Susanna i pray for you and those who have a personal relationship that you know by experience He is always nearby and that He loves you beyond measure (Ephesians 3:17-19)

Of course like working out and eating well we are still prudent in how we approach this virus. But I think we all know that or else we would not be here with Alex.

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that is a personal relationship with Christ- where is the edit function when you need it. :-)

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Right there with you Susanna! I'm not a Christian but I respect your faith.

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I hope you are right. I have noticed a dramatic decrease in my stress level that seems to perfectly corelate with my decrease in consumption of media.

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Me too dude, me too.

An unexpected positive outcome is just as likely as a negative one, IMO. Why not imagine what that might look like? That's what also decreases my stress levels.

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Believe me, I'm trying.

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avoidance of reality just empowers anarchy and cruelty, it is the core of the human existence unchallenged by the educated, experienced, and boundary setting by accountable caring elders and leaders.

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But also: What is reality? Who defines it? The media distorts everything and makes minor threats sound massively scary (covid is the example here). What is the truth? It's not in the media that's for sure, the mainstream media anyway.

I'm just saying that things can turn out differently, and humanity can take a positive turn toward the truth, and embracing joy rather than fear as a guiding principal.

One of those truths is that death is inevitable and the extreme avoidance of it is causing a lot of stress and pain.

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"accountable caring elders and leaders" in remarkably short supply. Dr Prasad of MedPage comes to mind as his fellows criticize his thinking. Numerous others speaking out in polarized media talk across each other. Dr Fauci may be the most dangerous doctor (he is not a practitioner of medicine) in the world.

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This describes my feelings so accurately. I was having trouble assigning an explanation to that loss feeling, the mourning. I look at those once rational, critical thinkers in my sphere and feel as if they're gone forever, because the cognitive dissonance and mass psychosis has taken hold. Funny thing (if you like dark humor), is that they look at me with the same sort of loss- not awakened to the science, disregarding life, behaving recklessly. I do not want to be right. I do not want to see more death and harm from variants or the vaccines themselves. It is going to be a very dark, but telling winter.

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Loud proponents of forced medical intervention, lockdowns, and "making things difficult for the unvaccinated," want, above all, to be "right." This explains the obscene gloating over deathbed conversion tales of the unvaccinated, the incessant talk of punishing the unvaccinated--job loss, exclusion, you name it--the barely suppressed glee at the contrived eagerness of some children to be vaccinated (thanks to neurotic narcissistic parents). They have been trained to believe that high test scores, correct answers, and other simulacra of intelligence validate their existence. These are fragile people; suppressing opposing views and evidence is vital to their ego-survival. In contrast, you "do not want to be right" and take no pleasure in others' pain. The value divide here might be unbridgeable.

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Indeed. One of the things I have appreciated through this is that people have shown their true character.

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And that I have somehow lost my fear about speaking out, being bold, and taking action. It's freeing! LOL, internal freedom discovered by the threat of totalitarianism?

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So true!

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“There are so many people that I love and respect who have accepted this indoctrination and I mourn their loss.” Same here. It is still blowing my mind how much has changed.

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I think that anybody that has already been through an existential health crises (I just celebrated my 9th anniversary of being cancer free from a Stage 4 colon cancer diagnoses in 2012) look at something like this and just are able to put it in its proper perspective. We've been there and done that and are not impressed with this coronavirus. I think a lot of people just grab onto that fear and magnify it in their minds. Of course the MSM does all it can to fan the flames of fear!

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"mass hysteria" - on target. Media and TL:DR causes.

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it is nothing less than profoundly disheartening and agitating we have people in positions of power, authority, and influence who, by their deeds, even with erratic and inconsistent words as deeds mind you, want to crush hope and faith.

We are controlled by people who hate and lust for power, who have no problem promoting narratives and agendas that foster decay, destruction, and death.

Now I know what it was like to live in the late 1930s Germany.

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Time to leave the country ……. but where to go??

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The western nation that acted most rationally was Sweden. My state, Texas, has emerged as more rational than most, so I haven't packed my bags.

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My husband and I are seriously thinking of joining you. Texas and Florida are at the top of our list.

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No, I think there are states that are genuinely entertaining seceding from this diseased deteriorating despicable place once known as the United States of America.

I think they, as in states that practice the foundations of America per liberty/ independence/ freedom/ and autonomy, need to realize, there are a sizeable amount of people who want to create their own enclave of healthy responsible acceptable boundaries to resume a functioning community, and implementing harsh and appropriate consequences for rejecting fair and reasonable law and order.

People need to make tough decisions, especially living in Blue states, that to me at this point are blue per the relentless progression of depression and hopelessness, and relocate, perhaps to accept the adage "what are acceptable losses and sacrifices".

Tough illustration, but, the movie "No Escape", with Ray Liotta, the group of criminals who practiced reform on their own, maybe the model to consider emulating???...

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If the red states try to break away the blue states and their Marxist president will purposely create massive civil unrest and then call upon their Chinese comrades to “help us” and to please send in peacekeeping forces.

Game Over

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This is a very good point. It's important that we strive to love our enemies and pray for our persecutors even while holding the line and practicing peaceful civil disobedience. I agree with you that the Marxists hope we will lose our cools and become rowdy, at which time they gleefully inflict martial law. We need to be above reproach in our resistance.

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The question is what to pray for them??

The imprecatory Psalms exist for a reason. Few both to read them much less pray them.

Here is a quick definition courtesy of google:

Imprecatory psalms are those in which the author imprecates; that is, he calls down calamity, destruction, and God's anger and judgment on his enemies. This type of psalm is found throughout the book. The major imprecatory psalms are Psalms 5, 10, 17, 35, 58, 59, 69, 70, 79, 83, 109, 129, 137, and 140.

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Maybe these could be turned into inspirational posters.

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Carlos! I have been reading those imprecatory psalms!!! I never used to read them, but my goodness they are perfect for the frustrated times! I never used to understand them. I thought they were kind of mean. Now I understand. There IS evil. There ARE people that need to be punished. God's got this. Thanks for encouraging us!

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Love our enemies and pray for our persecutors…

If you had a voice in the mid 1940s, the replies to you would be in German and Japanese..,

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I'm actually reading a biography on Dietrich Bonhoeffer right now. He was a pastor that was part of a conspiracy to attempt to assassinate Hitler and Bonhoeffer ascribed to the belief of loving his enemies and praying for his persecutors. I admire him. I can't imagine how difficult his decision was; I try to put myself in his shoes. His assassination attempt on Hitler failed and he was executed.

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Your statement would be true for those who adhere to the milktoast modern evangelical church.

The bible is full of prayers asking God for strength to slaughter God’s enemies.

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Lovely, the perverse rationalization of how domestic violence perpetrators stay empowered! Civility tolerance and acquiescence, will you gleefully hold the gun barrel to your forehead to make sure they don’t miss the killing shot?!

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Ouch Divided! I am not standing up against these edicts! I live in WA state, which has mask mandates everywhere. I do not wear a mask and I sometimes am refused service! I do my best to show others that there are times for civil disobedience and this is one of them! My job is on the line - I filed a religious exemption at work and was told I can't teach in person anymore. I made sure to let all my students know that my college values their COVID mandates more than the education of their students. Other faculty members are also doing what we can. We all have different roles. I am doing my best to stand up for those that are being hurt by these mandates. As a woman, I do not envision that I would personally take up arms (I am a college biology professor with few practical life skills, sadly), but I am currently praying about possible roles I may have in hiding soldiers or providing support as needed. Please understand that I do not say to pray for our persecutors and love our enemies as a cop-out! It is the ultimate hardest thing to do! To stand against evil and yet not be absorbed into it. I do not claim to have mastered this, and I'm amazed at the leve of demand that putting these principles into action requires of me.

Just in case you are curious, if my husband hit me I would leave. I would also report him immediately. I would take my children and go, and have him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That doesn't mean I wouldn't also TRY to pray for him, forgive him, and love him. Love means doing hard things too.

I think your comment to me was really harsh. I was enjoying all your other comments, and so this unkindness surprised me.

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You see what we are dealing with. Our country is being taken over and her primary concern is that our resistance is righteous.

The modern evangelical church has huge responsibility in the moral rot that is epidemic in our country. They are only interested in comfort and convenience. They are not interested in actually going to war to fight for all that is good and just. And that is Evil.

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Well, do you stand for principles, or fall for convenience?

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Always stand for principals.

But understand that we allowed the leftists to take over our education system and they created Millennials and Gen Z that are Socialist and Marxist. The generation beneath them is worse. These people actually want a totalitarian nation. They have been indoctrinated to believe that anything is better than what we have. All the momentum is on their side. They will keep electing more and more AOC’s.

Do you believe in Democracy? They actually want what you and I see coming? They are of course fools, but our nation has always allowed fools to have a say in government.

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Sorry for the correction, but, PrinciPALS used to "be our pals" in schools, but 2021 education, they are corruption incarnate.

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Don't for a second discount the plan for them to exploit the pandemic to explode remote work so the campus-bratus-wokeists migrate to the red states... while they also open the borders and rout the illegal immigrants to red states... and lastly pass HR1 to try and lock in mail-in ballots and put more dead people on the voter rolls.

Without defeat, they will eliminate the safe relocation spaces.

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Oh my gosh that is terrifying.

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Yes, the landscape of 2021 America with a Demented puppet sociopath, and tens of thousands of corrupt elites, bureaucrats, and other rulers in states and smaller localities, all with relentless hate and lust for power, and disdain for humanity, yeah, what are we as responsible accountable caring committed citizens going to do with this entrenched sociopathy?

Rechannel terrified into empowered and unaccepting of abject cruelty and unending hate. Start by finding like minds who are realistic but determined?...

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And now they are toying with the edict that no one can fly domestically without the jabs. And if no booster then you are “unvaccinated”. Same with interstate travel.

Kind of hard to load up the UHAUL and bail out of Cali for Oklahoma if these edicts are in place and you have elected to not be jabbed. Not to mention the expense of moving.

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The belief that a vaccinated person must join the tyrannical should be countered. The division of vacc'd/unvacc'd is a false division, much like the false division created on the basis of racial politics to prevent unity among the working and middle class--and all the other false divisions tearing the country to pieces (red/blue, right/left, republican/democrat). It is now clearly the state versus the people, lies versus Truth, enslavement versus freedom, evil versus good.

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Really excellent point. Where I am at now is that it is not so much if someone chose the jab or not, but how those people treat each other. Obviously, in this case the vaxxed are being encouraged to demonize the unvaxxed. Vaxxed that retain their freedom in society and yet still fight for the rights of the unvaxxed will play a crucial role in the coming months.

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How on earth would they police this - the interstate travel? Are they going to set up roadblocks "checking papers" on every single road? Its just not feasible. I can't believe its even being considered.

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Commercial truck drivers already have to report to the Port of Entry when entering a state. This is usually the first scales across the state line. It would not be that difficult to require all interstate traffic to enter the scales.

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I think it would be very difficult - can you imagine the lines of traffic?! Also one is not limited to the interstates when travelling by car, how are they going to deal with people crossing over on minor roads?

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Acceptable losses,…

Only you can define that concept…

And yes, these sociopaths are attentive to how resistance can be formulated and cut it off at the pass.

Relentlessly brutalize and terrorize your subjects, and then shriek “see, they want to harm us, they should be imprisoned, or terminated!”

Just curious, why do you care about an audience to this conflict that is already cowering and on their knees fully subjugated to this horrific tyranny?!…

Millions of pathetic Chamberlains advising us once again…

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Of course it'll drop to 100 deaths per day by March...It's Seasonal, after a long dark winter of deaths in the vaccinated populations. Vaccines for RNA based viruses degrade the human immune system making the vaccinated person more susceptible to all viral illnesses. The NIH is full of studies describing this effect long before SarsCov2 came along !!

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A modest quibble with your statement, "And along the way they drive the virus to mutate away from the protection they offer." They do not drive the mutation, they select for the mutation. The difference is that the mutation already exists but has not been competitive with the prevailing strain. The vaccine plus natural immunity depressed circulation of the original wild virus, allowing a new strain to become predominant. It's just how viruses virus.

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Just curious, is it possible that I hypothesized LAST year, that the Chinese are introducing new strains via operatives throughout other countries, and then letting the corrupt hierarchy especially in health care departments falsify the narrative as variants?

Sorry, I know the sociopath that is the Chinese and other country rulers, they are hell bent in ruthlessly "pruning" the earth's population, and I think Stephen King's 'The Stand' is a nice template as a start???

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Honestly, although I normally would have assumed this unlikely, many things that I called conspiracy theories in the past I no longer immediately dismiss. And I no longer even like the phrase conspiracy theory. It sure is an easy way to tell someone you just think they are an idiot and you won't listen to them.

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At this point I prefer the term "conspiracy analyst."

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That's freakin genius. Let's get to work and make it a meme:


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Haha! Love that!

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These days the difference between conspiracy theory and fact is roughly three weeks.

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They aren't conspiracy theories. They are spoilers.

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I just ask people what is the Occam's Razor explanation of what is going on here?

Remember these immature pathological psychological defense mechanisms of the narcissist, antisocial, and histrionic: Denial (I didn't do it), projection (you did it, I had nothing to do with it), deflection (disease happens, focus on what we tell you to do now), displacement (it's ALL the fault of those who are not fully cooperating with the agenda), and my favorite that colleagues don't call it this, PATHOLOGICAL RATIONALIZATION, that almost comes across as this : "everyone else has or is doing this, so why can't I, and do it more effectively and completely, even if it leads to widespread destruction?!"

In the end, as long as you are dead as the sociopath succumbs, victory to them!

The basis to murder-suicides until proven otherwise...

Sorry, this is sociopathy at hand, Biden is the face of the Democrat Party, he just is their front man now...

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Occam's Razor - The least complex explanation is likely the correct one.

Hanlon's Razor - Never ascribe to malice that which can just as easily be ascribed to incompetence.

My experience of this dystopia has mostly consisted of deciding which "Razor" best applies to a given situation. And my decision seems to change on an hourly basis.

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The predictions of the dead monk have always been correct for the simple reason that humans, irregardless of their fantastic advances in scientific inventions and knowledge, still do not understand enough about the processes of the natural world to control the natural world.

Our egos exceed our require humility in this regard and because of it we will continue to suffer the cost for failing to implement policy that accepts that mother nature is in charge.

The correct path was always... protect the vulnerable, keep society open, and get the population to effective herd immunity from natural infection. The final analysis should include these lessons learned that our elite experts and ruling class are more hazardous than helpful in the face of a crisis of nature.

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It was never about the virus. They simply used it as an excuse for the power grab and a complete restructuring (read destruction) of society. It's why I believe the release of this plague was deliberate. Not terribly deadly, but awfully useful for their purposes.

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Totally agree! It was obvious from day 1.

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Stop it with all the common sense! ;-)

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Many pro-vaxxers falsely believe C19 is a sterilizing vaccine. Even if it was...then why are they obsessed mandating vaccines to low-risk individuals or those who've already had C19 in America...when many animal species have C19 and only 1-2% of the third world has the vaccine. Are they arguing only unvaxxed westerners spread C19?

Somebody needs to ask Fauci and the other medical elite...if they believe antibiotics in feedlots breeds super bugs (which it does). When they say yes, then ask them why C19 vaccines don't influence C19 evolution. That C19 is becoming progressively more infectious among the vaccinate proves the virus is adapting (and fast) to the vaccines.

There is another consideration that nobody talks about. I would hypothesize that C19 acts more like a parasite than a conventional virus. 90%+ of us likely already had it and when we're healthy it mostly site dormant...waiting for a safe opportunity to reproduce in bulk (which Robert Malone talks about). This may be why we see outbreaks in the vaxxed. The immune system gets overwhelmed by the spikes...the virus (which was in the body all along) detects a window of opportunity and it reproduces in bulk. If my theory is correct, then a healthy immune system is key to fighting the virus.

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Really fascinating idea about the dormancy. And truly, there ARE a number of viruses that behave this way, varicella being the one that most quickly comes to mind. It causes chickenpox, then goes dormant in the sensory neurons, then comes out to play again when people become immunocompromised, resulting in shingles. The herpes viruses that cause cold sores and genital warts behave this way too. Who knows how many others do this that we haven't learned about yet?

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One month after a tetanus booster I developed shingles; years later two months after another booster I developed hashimoto's, a thyroid auto-immune disorder. Done with this shit.

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Whoa! That is interesting! But also infuriating. :-(

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Ask Fauci, really?! I swear to God, this creature is an deviant offspring of Mengele and Hannibal Lector...

More Fava beans while watching the ill collapse on the ground in front as perverse sick Kabuki theater for these sociopathic s**tbags crueling us...

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brilliant comment, thanks

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I am 75 years old and did not immediately get the jab. I wanted to wait and see how others fared. I am glad I waited. This mRNA vax is not safe or effective. My children chose to get the vax, but I’m not sure now that they feel it was a good choice. I pray they do not vax my grand children although I know intense pressure is coming. Once the vax is distributed I think our government will tell them to get school children Vaxxed or they won’t be allowed in school. This is not the America I loved.

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My 79 year old father has not gotten the vaccine. Initially, he told me, "I've lived my whole adult life without a vaccine. Why would I start now?" :-) And of course now he is aware of many of the lies we've been told. But ultimately his common sense approach to life (like you) is what made him wait.

My kids go to a Christian school and its population has DOUBLED since COVID. And I hear homeschooling is exploding too. Vax mandates for kids in public school will probably triple their numbers.

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I remember picking up a RX at a pharmacy (long before Covid) and the pharmacist asked me if I wanted the flu vaccine. I said "no, I've never gotten the flu vaccine and I've never gotten the flu" so I'll stick with that. The man standing next to me was about 80 years old and he said "that's true for me too, I never get the flu vaccine and I've never gotten the flu." I looked at what he was buying along with his RX and it was a bunch of Gatorade. I asked "is that what you drink to stay healthy?" He said "oh no, this is for my wife. I only drink beer."

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Get your dad and the rest of the family on the FLCCCdotnet preventive protocols now and keep your Faith too! :)

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And then again this all could be very much on purpose, and the passports and vaccines/boosters intended to be permanent “required for our health” big pharmaceutical money makers.

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Always follow the $$$.

9 new Big Pharma billioniares.

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I read that NPR piece last night - and I knew Berenson was going to write about it. I mean - come on man! What a bunch of phony, cheer leading journalism. But the underlying message was so clear -IF we jab the kids, then we will be safe. I mean what crock of horse hockey! Today there is a news blurb out from Bloomberg, more panic porn. 1,000,000 kids have been infected since school has started. Do they not realize that this is a good thing? They now have great immunity and dont need the jab!

I mean the propaganda that is coming out at this point is insane.

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I want to comment on the singular thing that makes me most frustrated- since there is no reliable way to tell whether or not the average under 65, generally healthy person would be innately immune, asymptomatic, a mere runny nose, down for 3 days with a fever, down for 10 days with shortness of breath requiring steroids, etc. HOW can anyone say with such certainty that these vaccines are reducing someone's risk of severe disease, hospitalization and death? So far, the data isn't showing that the highly vulnerable populations are faring any better with the vaccine.

Yet, there is constant reasoning in the vaxxed:

1. Oh, it doesn't prevent me from getting the virus? Well, that's okay because it will keep me out of the hospital and from dying.

2. Oh, it doesn't prevent me from spreading the virus? Well, that's okay because my symptoms will be so light that I won't spread it.

If our worst fears for this program become reality-

What will they say when they realize that the vaccines never actually protected them? What will they say when the amount of vaccine injured or dead comes to the surface? What will they say when rates of disease- cancer, auto-immune, etc.- skyrocket in the vaccinated population.

When someone has decided to buy in to the fact that a jab is the answer to saving themselves and the people they care about, and is also the solution to ending the pandemic- how would you ever get them to come to terms with and accept the fact that they may have put a harmful substance in their body? That their government and health authorities have lied and manipulated them for nearly 2 years? The fortitude of mind required to take that in without a breakdown is absent in most.

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Exactly, and that is always their response, that they will 'not die', they 'will have low symptoms'. I tell them I am not vaccinated and I had covid and survived (with ivermectin), and they just consider me one of the 'lucky' ones. It is almost impossible to reason with them, no matter the facts shown. When I sent one person the Steve Kirsch remarks from the FDA panel, they downplayed him as being an anti-vaxx activist and 'tech guy'. I pointed out that he actually was fully vaxxed together with his entire family; and questioned why was it fine for the completely discredited Neil Ferguson, a 'tech guy' to have his models approved which started the entire lockdown in March 2020 (only to be completely discredited shortly thereafter), but not other tech guys and received no response.

It is very distressing and frustrating and in my circles I am unfortunately almost alone in my opinions.

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We certainly aren't alone here. :)

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You are not alone here. I know we are just online but it does count for something.

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Good grief. She passed an "addiction to soap operas and reality TV" to her daughter. What a mother. And what the heck is a "Gagi"? Do you suppose it was her husband who wrote that ridiculous obit?

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I suspect that "Gagi" is the name that her grandchildren called her. Don't know who wrote this, but it was pretty clearly a family member. Also very interesting are the comments that follow the original obituary, as people with opposite points of view are fighting it out. Unseemly for sure, but a sure sign of the times.

You can view the obit and comments here:


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Thank you

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Agree. And all this came about via a failing 'health' system which has put profit before health for decades. For a virus which has a 99.(fill in the gap anything from 99.4-99.09)% SURVIVAL rate.

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Thank a lawyer.

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