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Alex, it’s not about profit, but CONTROL. The intention was / is to use the “pandemic” to herd everyone onto a vaccine passports database & then use VaxPass as a requirement to enter every regulated space & regulated transaction. Eventually these will be everywhere & everything. Totalitarian tyranny.

While some make eye watering profits along the way, overall this isn’t about money.

Those granting approval for this global deception & crimes against humanity are the central banking class & owners of global big capital. This scam can’t happen without their active support. If you’re not familiar with Catherine Austin Fitts, her many interviews provide the matching piece on finance.

So one side is “pandemic to lockdowns for economic destruction, plus installation of VaxPassWorld, and the other side creates the circumstances where Global Financial Crisis 2.0 is precipitated, from which event only fully digital money in the form of CBDCs is able to rescue the world's economy.

VaxPass + CBDCs = permanent totalitarian control.

From that point onwards, those operating this can do exactly what they want to humanity. Protest is non feasible if you require a valid VaxPass even to obtain your food ration.

I still think this is where we’re going. Covid19 is running out of steam, but the perpetrators have several other tools with which to gain global control of the entire population.

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I think you are so right Dr. Yeadon. Money is secondary to their insatiable thirst for power and control. Here they see no limits....it is really frightening. Be aware always of the people behind the curtain, where the chaos is taking place...first they want to first distract you, then scare you, and finally appease you. So you trust them; all the while, nefarious things are going on all around you, and you haven't a bloody clue...it's really better than any Shakespearian play...a " not to be believed" tragedy of massive proportions. They need to be stopped. It is our duty; all of us!

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Perfectly said. Thank you. I wish I had said that.

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Thank you...I want to highlight the truth of what both Alex and others are saying! It is all so diabolical! I am brave, but it is very unsettling!

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I know, and you nailed it. I get palpitations every day just thinking of the damage “they” have tried to do.

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Thank you Dr. Yeadon, one of our warriors in this massive fight! I’m watching Grand Jury, part 2. The young man historian does a superb job explaining the “The City of London”, the British crown, the Rothschilds, Astors, Rhodes connections dating back hundreds of years ago and so much about the deep criminal undercurrent controlling the world who wish to take it over COMPLETELY. Do you feel we still have time to STOP THIS in time to get back normalcy? Its evident with Australia and Canada some of the worst tyranny now occurring outside Europe, whose behind it!

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Sharon, I can only say “I hope we do have enough time”.

I’m guilty of (1) having ascribed to the perpetrators almost infinite power and foresight, such that all responses, including from a person like me, was anticipated and COUNTERED.

In that case, we’d need to do potentially effective things which are non obvious.

Others have told me that (2) the perpetrators are typical corporate planning people, using outside consultants when they don’t have a clue what to do. So we’re really seeing BCG, Deloitte, McKinsey etc...plans that are flashy looking but flaky.

I hope so much that (2) applies. If it does, we will eventually prevail. The depressing part is I think it’s unlikely to be over soon. Recommend we set our expectations to a decade, not six months.

If it’s over sooner, that’s a bonus. If we assume it’s six months, our morale will die before we do.

Critically, we must not permit a universal digital ID system to be installed. If that is installed, it’s over for humanity.

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I agree. Superb comments, Dr. Yeadon. (Yes, comments, plural. All of them)

I tried to "like" your comment above but - again - the website is not allowing me to do so, so I'm writing this instead.

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I have wondered if they didn't jump the gun, so to speak, because of the 'opportunity' of the coronavirus. It seems to me that although they have planned/war gamed quite well there are quite a few loose ends that we, the people have been pulling. Hopefully we pull hard enough that it all unravels, and we all will see the emperor is totally naked.

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It does make one wonder if this is fulfilling prophecy of the Bible commonly referred to as the “Mark of the Beast”!

(It wont happen now though if God doesn't want it to happen just yet)

Revelation 13. 16-18

15 And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. 16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

Dr. Zelenko revealed the following patent that is directly tied to Cryptocurrency. Although he is a Hasidic Jew, he gives credence to the “Mark of the Beast”. Patent WO2020/060606? (Notice 666 in the patent) You cant make this stuff up! There is another similar type of patent by Microsoft. (No way Bill Gates isn't going to get in on this.)

“Later statements in Revelation make it clear the mark of the beast is not something taken by accident—those who accept this mark do so knowing that it means worshipping the beast and rejecting God. Those who refuse to take this mark—such as Christians—will be unable to buy or sell anything, and many will be executed. This mark is connected, in some unknown way, to the figure 666 (Revelation 13:16–18).”

Now, it looks like we know that is is connected to cryptocurrency according to the patent!

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A few years ago I would have chuckled at this.

Now I wouldn’t be at all surprised if, because of the awareness of Revelations by the perpetrators that, even if there isn’t a religious backdrop, they play up this angle.

Did you know that graphene can be described with three digits?

Number of nuclei in a carbon atom=?

Number of carbon atoms in its minimal, characteristic shape=?

Number of these shapes tessellated around each minimal shape=?

It’s such an odd coincidence. If it is.

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Oh my God!!! Just looked up the definition for atomic number of graphene:

“Its atomic number is 6; its atomic weight is 12.011. It is a group IVA element, residing between boron and nitrogen on the periodic table, and it has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. The electron configuration is 1s2 , 2s2, 2p2.”

Cant make this stuff up! Is it definitive there is graphene in all the vaxes?

“There are no coincidences”! Is it true that the configuration of protons, neutrons & electrons all being 6s, couldn’t have been manipulated to be all 6s, but natural phenomena?

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I have not seen compelling evidence yet.

I’ve seen a lot of people very sure about it.

I asked a religious person whether the 666 part could possibly be a coincidence?

They were sure it wasn’t. “Just the kind of perverted symbolism they’d favour”.

I’m unable to think of practical things it might do if tiny quantities are injected. I will say, some pretty imaginative ide A

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Feb 14, 2022
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Yes, I also heard this exact story.

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I heard the same thing and I’m sure that’s definitely part of their reason for protesting

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Majority of people exclude BigBanks from this vax pass issue. Many countries including Australia recently passed legislation on bail-ins for the banks; instead of govt. bailing out banks for their losses on risky investments, now the depositors will have to pay.

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Yes. That has happened almost everywhere & it’s obvious what they intend to do: to literally bankrupt the middle classes.

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I am afraid you are right. It’s not a matter of if, it’s when? Scary!

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From the point total control has been achieved and physical currency not only abolished but made illegal (as well as bartering and similar), the social credits will be money.

Want to be able to get food? Want to go to a show? Get on the bus? Best march in lockstep and be seen loving it. Better avoid backsliders and wrongthinkers too - don't suspect, report. To suspect and not report is to aid and abet a criminal.

Be pure.

Be vigilant.


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