"We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. " -Dr. Ruben, Before Voting to Approve the Pfizer Vaccine for 5-11 Year Olds

The entire thing is a sham.


Child Pfizer Vaccine Safety Study:


2 Months Long

2268 Children in Study

16 Infected After Given Placebo

3 Infected After Given Vaccine

Result: 91% Efficacy


This is meaningless statistical noise, AKA lying with statistics.

Then there’s this from the study:

"The study isn’t large enough to detect any extremely rare side effects, such as the heart inflammation that occasionally occurs after the second dose, mostly in young men and teen boys."

And then this:

“FDA analysis calculated … the vaccine would prevent roughly 200 to 250 COVID-19 hospitalizations for every 1 million youngsters vaccinated, with about 58 hospitalizations for the heart inflammation.”

COVID-19 does not harm children, but 58 hospitalizations for deadly heart inflammation is okay?

Guys, it is time to kick-start the Nuremberg trials again. This is unforgivable.

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If they needed it, it might be worth the risk. For your kids, not mine. But they have zero risk from the virus, so any risk from the vax is unnecessary. Exposing children to unnecessary risk is child abuse.

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Plus ➕ No one Knows what is going on happen with these children say in 35 years From these Vaccine trials and Boosters. On top of the damages done by Mandated Face Mask wearing into Year 3 and Zero end in the future.

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Decrease in iq levels… a generation destroyed .

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Agreed. And it is balance-sheet cocaine for Pharma. If the vaccines are approved for kids, the liability waiver goes with the approval (RFK, Jr.).

The other piece is even harder for God-fearing people to accept: the four Dhimmi horseman governors: Cuomovirus, Wolf, Whitmer, Murphy didn’t seniorcide citizens as a failure of policy, but were AUDITIONING for higher office by demonstrating what they would do for the cause - keel Americans.

The next diabolical test is upon us: which infanticidal governors have the “right stuff” to be a Dhimmi presidential candidate? How do they show it? Keel Americans. Gruesome Newsome is off to an early lead.

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The parents of the 2268 children in the study should all have their kids taken away from them....

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Unless your child truly had a life-threatening disease and you were desperate to try any possible cures or treatments, why on earth would you enroll your perfectly healthy child in a trial of any new drug or vaccine? I really don't understand, and my only conclusion is that the parents of those 2268 must be monsters.

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I have to disagree. In the beginning of the plandemic, when we did not hear of major unwanted effects, I might agree, but this is now. If these parents have not researched the jab and learned of these effects and effective treatments, they are woefully negligent, stupid and fear driven. I would especially not subject my living child to medical experimentation.

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Hmm, and you disagree with my comment? Did you read it?

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I most certainly did read it and continue to disagree. Parents who enrolled their children in the early trials did not know of unwanted effects and, to be sure, these were marketed as regular vaccines that had already thoroughly tested and so on. The parents were not fully informed. While I would never subject my child to medical experimentation, I do not so much blame those early takers, but as I said, this is now. Any parent who now submits their child is an abuser IMO.

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I beg to differ. The point of a clinical trial is to do the testing on human subjects in the first place. As for parents enrolling their children and not being fully informed - why would any parent enroll a child voluntarily without having a full and complete understanding of what's involved? Furthermore, why would you volunteer your healthy child for ANY new drug, even a traditional vaccine? Not to mention the fact that children were NEVER at much risk from this virus. I think many of these parents had vain ideas of "helping science" and wanted to be able to share with people how important they had been in advancing the vaccine, and in the process they offered up their young children like sacrificial lambs. Several months ago, I listened to a local pediatrician share that she had several newborn patients involved in these clinical trials. I could only ask myself WHY??

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It's hard to disagree with you here.

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Makes you realize Herod the Great probably had parents in the metro Bethlehem area who dutifully trotted over to the soldiers with their two-and-under male children.

On the other hand, probably not. We've regressed since then.

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About an hour ago I was talking with some friends and they were talking about how happy they are that their grandkids (5-12 years old) are getting vaccinated. I expressed my opinion and why I hold it about why children shouldn't take it, but to no avail. I know I have no control over it but it makes me sick to think of all these children being used as guinea pigs. I hope that they aren't sterilized and my worst fears realized. :-(

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Rational discussions with irrational people are never productive. If you care about them, "tough love" might work. Anyone we hope to get through to needs sterner guidance than expressing our opinion. If you don't care about them, better to avoid all conversations with them, unless you just need the entertainment.

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Agreed ... I wonder how many of their kids are getting the poison.


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Pfizer is evil. The people pushing these jabs for children are evil. School systems that require children to receive these jabs are evil. I am tired of hearing them described as ignorant or greedy or control freaks. Let’s call a spade a spade.

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It makes me feel physically sick to think of jabbing these innocent children. I guess that’s what evil is. Makes you sick

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I'd like to know how Jill feels about still being just the babysitter.

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She's laughing all the way to the bank and just waiting patiently for the old fart to kick off...

...she's "bidin'" her time...

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OOOH! "Bidin' her time." I LIKE THAT!

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Most of them are probably just stupid. Stupid people are easily frightened, and often behave irrationally. But you're right about a lot of them. The world is full of evil. Always has been.

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I couldn’t agree more. I am enraged at the head nurse for our school district, who is coordinating booster clinics for 12+ as I write. They are pushing the booster so that kids don’t have to quarantine since their new “guidance” says that unvaxxed/unboosted kids are out 10 days while boosted kids don’t have to quarantine for indcidental exposure. Coercion at its finest.

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Let's call Big Pharma what they really are.....DRUG DEALERS.

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Even in Here in North Korea everyone knows what "Let's go

Brandon " means lol.😂😂😂

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Big Pharmafia

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The mafia is more honorable than pharma.

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Big Mama has a Zero liability clause Backed right into these Vaccine trials and boosters. And the CDC FDA NIH and President Depends is fine with that having zero Protection for the American people who Pay them to do a simple job Protect the American people citizens.

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In the 1940s we dealt with overt evil by literally going to war against it. This time though the evil is within.

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The Colleges Professors like on CNN, MSNBC, Twitter and Facebook are American Marxist.

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These are the same companies who was involved in the opioid crisis.

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This is the beginning of the autoimmune crisis

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There's been an autoimmune disease crisis in "developed" countries for many years, but this will make it even worse.

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And therefore another round of new drugs!

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I have friends and family thoughtlessly stuck on beta and calcium channel blockers, statins, anti-seizure meds and antidepressants, and more, with awful side effects. They don't challenge their prescribers (can't call them doctors, definitely not healers) to see if there are alternatives to taking the garbage for the rest of their lives. It's sad and infuriating.

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My husband had a non-fasting glucose test come back border-line high, and the doc immediately prescribed medication. I did not let him take it. It was ridiculous.

Similar with cholesterol. There is no evidence of a link with heart issues. Yet, immediately a statin is prescribed. I said no to that as well. My adult daughters are not happy with me.

After seeing how the FDA and Pharm lied with covid, I no longer trust anything.

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Years ago, BP with systolic readings of 130-145ish not considered important to use drugs to bring down. Now if you consistently bust 140 the beta blockers get pushed relentlessly. My husband is holding out. A family friend who's a neurologist says the beta and calcium channel blockers, when taken long term, can cause brain damage: dementia, ischemic strokes etc. But I don't know any primary care doctor who would know that. Now you can find news that anti-seizure drugs, BP drugs, etc, even Benadryl, can cause dementia. How many people use Benadryl (aka "diphenhydramine") every night to sleep? If you can find a work around to any of these drugs, it's worth it.

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More sick people needing health care, who will be treated with more toxic pharmaceutical drugs. Right.

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You're correct. The evil IS everywhere. America and American leaders are failing to lead. Public health has become an oxymoron. NEWSFLASH... it starts at the top. Biden & Fooch. Who's getting rich?

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Does anyone that is surrounded by President Depends realize that Places like Iran, North Korea, Russia and China are watching this fool when he said " Let's go Brandon " I am sure that North Korea lifted their executions Mandate from no laughing to everyone can Laugh now.

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What sort of monster works at Pfizer, advocating shots for 6-monthold babies for something that is at no risk to the child's health?

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What kind of parent puts their kid in one of these trials?

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The kind that cares about money and power...only

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The same disgusting monsters who support abortion to full-term - and after...

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And don't forget... Profiting off the body parts of the slaughtered babies, and cranking out useless vaccines using cells from those babies.

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Let's call Big Pharma what they really are.....DRUG DEALERS.

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Murderers really

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Ever taken a good look at Bourla's face? What a bloodsucker.

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Come on man, liability for all the shots is at stake!

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I hate these Pharma scum bags, but I really hate the irrationally terrified cowardly adults using children as human shields. This is sickening.

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It's really not so much fear as not wanting the inconvenience of a 10 day quarantine with a child diagnosed with covid.

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As an aunt to a 6 year old and 18 month old whose parents are under mass psychosis, I am terrified. The 6 year old has already been fully jabbed and I pray every day for her safety. I have tried so hard to convince her parents not to do this, but nothing can be done. Thank you Alex for bringing the data to light I can only hope that someday it will make a difference.

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I’m kinda sorta in the same boat. With tears in my eyes and a huge ache in my heart, I tell the story of how my nine grandchildren are all jabbed. I’m livid. Ones mom is in healthcare. Another mom complies cause the school and daycare makes it mandatory. Another family are in the military and the last ones are in Austria. I am in fear of what will happen down the road to my beautiful grandbabbies. And all for a “cold”.

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Y'know, I'm pretty much at the end of tolerance for the "vax is mandatory for school," "vax is mandatory for day-care" bullshit that I keep hearing.

For god's sake: STAY HOME and TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS! You must protect them from this poison. They are your BABIES! They are NOT lab-rats.

I don't give a damn about how much money you'll lose if you quit your job. Your kids are worth more than your damned paycheck!

For the record, it could be mom or dad who stays home with the kids. Someone needs to step up.

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I had a research job with NASA and high paid at that when our first son was born. I resigned to stay home with him. So many of my female peers told me they couldn't afford the luxury of doing that. Well we took a HUGE hit financially but I'd made up my mind that if we had to live in a single-wide in a field I'd stay home with the kids. I knew women who were living in the most expensive zip codes of DC metro who pinched every penny to stay home with their kids. So yeah, don't give me that BS about mandates and etc if your kids' future is being a lab rat for Pfizer just so you're not financially/temporally inconvenienced. Because I'm going to think you're a worm.

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I had triplets, so one of us had to stay home. I had the professional career, so my husband stayed at home. Best gift we could ever give them.

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I was making more than my husband, we were both in technology oriented careers but I'd been at it longer. I wouldn't have cared if he'd wanted to stay home instead, but all my instincts made me want to be at home and it worked out. But whoever stays home, I agree, you gave the kids a gift that is without price.

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Also you can always move to a state where it is not mandatory/ religious exemptions still recognized in schools. Iowa, where I live, is one such place. They are not requiring kids in schools to be jabbed. There are other places the same.

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Agree! "Fly-over country" has been sensible during this entire catastrophe. Yet the coastal sophisticates have such contempt.

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The smugness of the urban Marxists is nauseating.

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True story: My best friend spent her entire life in New England. She retired to Florida, and met many other retirees from places like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri. She recently said to me, "I really LIKE Midwesterners. They're so NICE!"

I laughed at her and said, "What? Did you think they'd be barbarians?"

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Right on !!!

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Thankfully, for now (in some states) exist exemptions to vaccines. We use religious exemption for my son for his privately owned daycare. He has had zero shots and is amazingly healthy. I've worked in the holistic field for almost 20 years, I've seen what multiple shots/multiple doses with questionable ingredients does to children.

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My heart breaks

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Time for an intervention. Prayer might help you, but not them.

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Prayer can do anything

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"Pray to God but row towards shore" has been my motto for a long time.

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One of my sisters, highly educated and intelligent but living in a DC-Baltimore super vaxxed county, had all four of her kids shot up, right down to the 13 year old. I'd been telling her about the risks for the last 18 months and she went ahead anyway.

I pray constantly that the children and adults injected this way will be so robust that the vaccines fail to hurt them.

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My uncle and aunt caught Covid around Thanksgiving. They were both double jabbed. My uncle, unfortunately, passed away 3 weeks later. My aunt, who I prayed for so fervently, survived Covid and is fine. Today, I find out she (with the encouragement of doctors including her own daughter) went and got the booster - a mix and match one at that. She had Astra Zeneca as her first 2 and Moderna as the 3rd. She got the booster which does nothing to prevent you from getting Omicron just weeks after recovering from Covid. And, those of us that follow the data know that this exponentially increases her risk for a vaccine injury and ADE. Sometimes, I wonder if it's pointless to pray for those under mass psychosis. What's the point if they keep tripling down on the insanity?

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What parent would volunteer their own child for slaughter?

Or idiotic enough to assume this is for the good of humanity.

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Oh my... you should read the comments section of the NYTimes. Those folks are in another league of panic porn and just can't really to get their young children shot fast enough. In fact they wear those shots as a badge of their virtue.

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Terrifying to witness willful genocide in real time.

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and yet it goes off almost without a hitch. How is this just not stopped in its tracks by the good servants left "we the people elect" in the swamp. They MUST be aware of our RAGE on these unhindered crimes against humanity?

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Follow the money. In all things... one must always follow the money.

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hard to imagine that yellow brick road of $$$ goes to every swamp creature. IF it does we are all simply doomed

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I'm watching Monday Night Football and what comes on ....a cartoon commercial about jabbing your 5 plus year old...to protect their friends and family...It's says give them the power?!?!? Skulls full of mush kids and parents will no doubt follow the recommendation.

This is thinning of the herd !!

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Can you imagine subjecting your kids to this barbarity?!? ‘Let’s just screw around until we get the dose right…’

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I was watching the Philly Mummer's parade, and was barraged by ads from pediatricians saying that children should be vaccinated. Parents should have written down their names as people to avoid.

What I have learned through this is that doctors follow the AMA, who follows the CDC. Protects them from liability. It is socialized medicine. We just don't know it.

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I cannot believe I'm reading a email with this dialogue. 20 seconds in and I could feel rage inside me. Who, who in God's name would allow their child into such a study? The same parent that burns their child's arm with a cigar? Or, does the Gov't round up children from a orphanage?

I can't believe Americans are tolerating any of this. Enough is enough.

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It's SURREAL to believe parents allow this to happen to their children!

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They have been brainwashed into fearing the virus and believing that their children are in danger of dying from it. I have a cousin that will not take her child to an outdoor amusement park until she can be vaccinated . I was speechless . I wanted to slap her into reality but I don’t think it would have worked .

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It is truly a Branch Covidian cult

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They do not know that fewer than 700 children died from covid, and most of them had co-morbidities. They are uninformed.

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You have to wonder what parent would ever allow their child to be a guinea pig ... blows my mind? Why would you ever even take the smallest chance that something could go wrong? And, what kind of company would do an experiment on a child for an illness that doesn't kill them with a near 0% fatality rate? Our country has lost it's mind ... you would think parent's would be flooding the streets in protest. SAD ... very very sad!

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RFK makes it clear the kids are necessary to get liability protection for approved shots. This isn’t about protecting kids, jabbing kids is protecting big pharma.

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It’s a true emperor has no clothes moment for those you thought had critical thinking skills, and they failed the audition..

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Do parents actually volunteer for this? I am so confused. Please clarify because I cannot imagine volunteering children and testing on them.

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Yes. I know somebody that volunteered her very very young babies for this.

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The sad part is the number of pediatricians pushing this junk on children. Talk about forgetting their Hippocratic oath. They are causing much more harm than good!

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Their only oath is to their guild. Their business model always comes first. Any who don't submit are quickly banished.

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Pushing that and masks and social distancing and remote learning....

The real crisis is mental health in teens and children. Doctors are really starting to see it (even though they should have known it was coming) and should be ashamed they played a part in creating it by pushing this crap and not speaking up for the children.

Criminal liability in my opinion.

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Nice work Alex! Your stamina is exceptionally inspiring! Keep going/digging full speed - peoples lives all over the world depend on this work.

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You write, "Only about 1 in 5 American kids 5-12 has received a Covid vaccine."


20% of this age group of American kids have just been poisoned with a known cardiotoxin and neurotoxin. This is a horrific tragedy.

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I agree. Even one innocent child jabbed with this poison is one too many. As a parent we’re responsible for the children’s safety and well being. Those mommies and daddies have failed.

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And many probably so that their kids can go on a Disney cruise or indoor restaurants in the cities . I’m horrified and i bite my tongue when I hear my colleagues proudly vaccinating their children .

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Perhaps more of us should STOP biting our tongues.

After all, who among us would bite our tongue if we saw a child being beaten?

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People who are the 40% still questioning , I do speak my mind and try to show them the true concerns but no good comes out of telling someone who has cognitive dissonance after the fact of jabbing their child. Good luck with that .

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Sincerely asking a parent, “what was it that convinced you to have your child “vaccinated”?…might at least lead to some knowledge about how to discourage the next parent from doing the same.

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On the other hand, 80% of parents of this age group had better sense and too much decency to subject their kids to this, despite all the social & political pressures. May they stay strong and hold the line.

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Turning the stat around… I’ll take “optimism” any day !

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The biggest problem with the kiddie version of the Pfizer vaccine, is parents who can't wait to inject their kids with it.

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Parents who enroll their kids in a drug trial for drugs they don't need should be prosecuted. At least.

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I know somebody that did this- her kids are in the youngest group (so, babies). She truly believes she and her children are heroes. It sickens me.

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Sad thing is her kids have no say in the matter but have to live with the consequences.

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That’s exactly it- totally heartbreaking.

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The lack of parental curiosity regarding these vaccines is stunning to me.....

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