A good way to defeat Democrats is to have their opponents promise never to allow CDC child vaccination mandates in any schools. Parents are livid.

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Yep, Desantis in FL and Gov of TN, and then Kari Lake are already on it.

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What a great LEADER she will be. Hope the rest of the country is watching her and DeSantis. True leaders with a very healthy dose of common sense!

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Tucker had her on last night and he gave a very profound observation relating to why her old job in television, of 28 years, gives her insight into why the media dispises her. In a nutshell, she's got their number and subsequently she has the ability to cut through the lies the media continually echos.

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you all wait until they turn around to f you from behind.

just saying (“trump!”).

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wait what....lol

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They don't like it because trump was pro vaccine. He never mandated anything, tho, so doesn't bother me. I'll never agree with anyone 100% if the time, so it doesn't bother me. Some are 1 issue voters, i guess (or just like to complain on social media).

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Looks like Twitter took it down !

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Totalitarians...its what they DO

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Yep. When is the Musk deal going to happen? So tired of the left censoring everything and anything they don't like.

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And twitter says, "Lily's link is not good for your blood pressure. So we've removed it"...

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This tweet is “deleted” hmmm

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Oct 21, 2022
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Me too. No more. I’m so pissed at Big Pharma and Fauci. Gates is on my shitsky list too. This is a mess. The CDC “ unanimous” vote makes me crazy. Not one person with a brain in that group? Or balls to stand up to the rest?! I guess you get picked if you already agree to agree. Whatever, CDC is a joke.

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Your not seeing the big pictrure, these folks know exactly what they are doing. You are nothing more than livestock to these folks. Come hell or high water...they are implementing their plans for you...

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I understand the big picture. I was just venting. I’m still an optimist. I’m hoping someone “discovers” their conscious. Unless these are robots, there’s still hope. I can’t be bought off, how can so many others? Even for a greater, more ideal world, I wouldn’t do what they’re doing.

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Of course, people need to start educating themselves even though the public school "education" has been manipulated to be "useful" to the "progressive thinkers" who are masterminding all this. Read Le Bon, a good place to begin. This idea we have taken on, that "ol six pack Joe average, does not "need" to be wasting his/her time in high school reading philosophy, logic, taking chemistry, physics, and biology. "Those people" (meaning those not going on to a university) have no need to study economics, civics, and history. And taking a test on the state and federal CONSTITUTION as many times as necessary to pass it before you receive a high school diploma ? Completely unnecessary for the "worker bees", could even endanger the "state". Take a look at what a student was REQUIRED to know in the 1920's just to go from 8th grade to secondary (high school) education. Look it up ! How many 8th graders do YOU know who can recite the Bill of Rights without a pause ? Would the Bill of Rights be one of THE MOST IMPORTANT things any person HAS TO KNOW ?

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Several prominent members of the FDA advisory panel resigned when the FDA approved the booster shots, so the FDA and CDC advisory panels are stacked with stooges and shills for Big Pharma

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Never did. Never will.

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Maine National Guard did just that toat least one soldier last year, told him he was getting flu shot and "mistakenly" gave him the COVID jab instead

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No more for sure ! That is exactly the most tragic outcome when any government keeps lying, and lying, and lying to the "masses". You can never get your reputation back 100%.... and that certainly applies to any government. When you have so many serious lies with such a focused personal nature (like life or death fears), there is no "going back". Each of us, and each government, gets ONE life, ONE reputation, ONE opportunity to demonstrate total honestly.`

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As a TN resident I am skeptical Bill Lee will have the resolve to stand against this but I am hopeful.

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The real and actual leaders of the free world and states are like DeSantis and soon to be Governor Lake in AZ and more to follow. Let's hope the rest of the no balls GOP get's behind the real leaders paving the way. Jordan is a good dude, but all he EVER does is rant and rave with zero to ever show. Its nuts how long he has been ranting with nothing to show for it. You are so RIGHT about parents being LIVID and especially independent mama bears. She is charging hard to Nov elections and pissed off!

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Yeah, but drugs companies are no longer liable for all the people they killed or those that will be killed by these shots.

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Actually they could become liable, if it can be proved that the contracts were founded on fraudulent terms.

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Fraud is hard to prove with the way the world is today.

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Yes Fraud is hard to prove but especially and more importantly if it goes through the corrupt legal/court system it is impossible to prove.

I can see a time with zero justice people take it out on the ones who vote for this insanity. Perhaps that is why the GOVT DOJ/FBI and the executive branch has been yakking so much about home grown terrorists. So far the only terrorists I see are the ones the system is supporting (BLM and ANTIFA) or the ones they actually concocted like the Whitmer kidnapping.

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True, but if we can get others to follow DeSantis and the soon to be Governor Lake in AZ at least it stops mandates or Government coercion by using federal monies as a "held hostage" tool

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Has anyone thought of repealing the liability law? Not even a whisper? Oh that’s right…someone is funding campaigns and other out of pockets. Would HATE to lose that money if I were a politician.

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Right! Pharma pays too well on both sides of the aisle

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Pharma makes the 1960s Mafia look like a bunch of amateurs

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How much $$ do think Pfizer and Moderna paid the FDA for their vote?

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You know they’ve already got those politicians on audio and video taking bribes. Those politicians will never talk.

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Jordon seems descent, but you hit the nail on the head. All they do is “Poke holes in the air with their fingers” (from the movie Shane)

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Jim Jordan’s party does not run the committees right now, aside from ranting and raving, there’s not much he can do.

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right, but even when GOP has the seats there is no "real" accountability. The swamp always waters itself down and all "we the people" get is a slap on the wrist or lost job. Just sayin. We will get investigations sure and "we the people" will pay for them again and again, but when was the last time you truly saw justice in the swamp considering what these people get away with?

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You’re right about that.

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100% agree with your assessment of Jordan. He says a lot of things but nothing ever results from his talk. Nothing. Ever. I turn him off when he comes on TV. What’s the point. (And it was like this even when R’s were in charge so spare me the “we just need to win the house and the Senate” cries.)

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Truly is hard to watch Jordan. Talk about a hamster on a perpetual wheel going absolutely nowhere and I like the guy

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Jordan is just one guy from a district in a state. You or I could be him. Not a lot of power to wield. So he talks hoping someone in the media will push it to a point that something gets done.

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Yes he is just one person of many. Perhaps the way he presents himself in tone over the years without anything to show for it really just wears on me lol. I get it though and I like the dude.

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Home school is the only way to protect children's mind, soul and body. There are no options. Society must go totally old school. Families must stay strong and love each other through this. Dads must work, moms must teach, they (We) all need to read the Bible and pray. We must grow food, be financially responsible, cook from scratch, take a break from some technology and become the humans God created us to be. We've gone too far off course and the cliff is just ahead. It's going to require selflessness, grit and patience.

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I home schooled for 4 years, and my daughter was determined to go to High School and have that experience. The experience has been actually more helpful than hurtful, at least so far. School is in a small town and while it has some wokeness it's mostly for show and not deeply rooted. Homeschool has it's up and downs, so while I value it, it was time to move on and do something different.

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Hey Mark..do you know if kids in New Jersey who go to private or catholic schools will be required to get the jab?

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Usually Catholic schools make their own choices. Our experience (in MA and PA Catholic schools) is that they follow whatever the state requires. I"m very curious if they'll follow the state with this one. I hope not. My son still has 5 years of school left. He will NOT be getting this shot.

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According to what I heard it is public schools only….. Governor’s can refuse to follow it.. private schools are not

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I just emailed Governor Abbott about this nonsense.

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He is a Republican Governor and it will be up to states to follow.. they can refuse

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Yes, where is Abbott. No doubt he will shoot this insanity down, but let’s go buddy!

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Kari Lake has made that promise in Arizona.

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Oct 20, 2022
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Bloody well right!

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If the covid jab mandate destroys public education, it might be a good thing in the long run

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No child left behind is the second worse policy decision of the post Cold War era, just behind the patriot act and just ahead of Obamacare. Federalizing education is almost exclusively responsible for the demise of our entire system - and worse yet the MASSIVE educational divide we have in this country (which is now much closer to an India based cast system than it is to America post racial integration when we had the best education system in the world). Any and everything that pushes us toward de-centralization is a great thing for the long run….

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If kids fail don’t do well they public schools in pa get more government funds…..

it is sure horrible… many have moved to the suburbs.. when kids were going to start school for better education experience….

In the end low income mostly black children I. City of Pittsburgh schools suffer😳😫😓😓

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And yet.... our president CLEARLY DECLARED TO ALL "poor children are just as smart as WHITE children".... doesn't that just say it all ! ! Has anyone ever said, in public, out loud, anything close to that ????

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Amen... watched that up close and personal my entire career. NCLB, Head Start, Even Start, all of them, the return compared to money spent is truly horrifying. If only people knew the truth of some of the things that went on... and still do !

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Wait, the life of the child is at stake here. That’s what’s paramount.

The US educational system needs to free itself from the anachronistic & passé socialist unions and the department of education. Among all the other boondoggles created by the Carter administration, separating out the Ed. department did immense harm signing off on it in 1980.

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It was a campaign promise for the teacher vote

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So what? The fed Dept of Ed. has spent billions and the outcomes for us is that those tax dollars made taxpayers poorer and our youth has experienced a worsening of his/her educational experiences and preparedness. We should be #1 in science and math but instead we’re #11 and #30 respectively. It is commonplace for H.S. graduates to be illiterate…


That department should be abolished.

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It certainly should ! Education was LOGICALLY made a local responsibility because our founders believed NO FEDERAL/central government could KNOW the specific needs and desires in regard to education... that only the local community would be accurate in developing what it needs as far a curriculum. They believed such things as types of work and careers available (agriculture, manufacturing, etc.) would be just one component, and large cities, such as NYC, would not need as great an emphasis on on certain curriculum areas as the upstate farm area of N.Y., and so on. FEDERAL responsibility, they WISELY REASONED, should be limited to NATIONAL common concerns, such as developing a military, protecting sovereign borders from invasion, and so on. But then, we no longer teach, or do mandatory testing on the Constitution and Bill of Rights...in public schools, after all, it's not needed by the peasant class, and actually could be down right dangerous to have an enlightened electorate !

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One idea, just throwing it out for consideration, perhaps make free public education the responsibility of EACH state and community since such a vast nation with very very different needs and circumstances. Take FEDERAL government out of it perhaps ? Also, could delineate the responsibility of the FEDERAL government. I could suggest those be limited, maybe establish and guard boarders, or establish and maintain a military to protect our country ? Leave other unstated responsibilities to each state ? Just throwing out some ideas that could work !

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Yep. Beginning of the end for the indoctrination camps

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if and it is a big IF stops there and are no other consequences that is.

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That is exactly the goal.

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And the public education goal is make sure more than half the population has no idea of the ultimate goal. Make sure the masses have no idea who Saul Alinsky is, the author of what has been called the definitive work on how to seize power. Your children have probably never read it, those educated in more elite schools and are now in D.C. and other seats of power, know it by heart ! We had at least one president who referred to it as "his Bible".... interesting perspective.

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Yeah but it’s sort of the nuclear option that leaves a lot of low income families in the lurch, even run-of-the-mill middle class families.

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Exactly, the idea is "state" schools are meant to limit the choices of the masses, if anyone could afford to chose a private school, mass indoctrination would be much more difficult and expensive, and it would take MUCH longer to bring about the desired obedient class. Re-watch Dr. Zhivago, forget the "love story" part, concentrate on what Pasternak was trying to TELL US ! Finally a few, weak, signs that parents are beginning to care, take an interest, turning Netflix and cell phones off, and attending school meetings, even under treat of JAIL TIME !

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I agree our Pittsburgh public schools are horrible!!!!

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Latest on Chicago schools, the vast majority of the Covid protection/prevention money NOT spent on upgraded air filtration systems, or other actual prevention measures. $5000.00, yes 5 THOUSAND, not $500 THOUSAND, was spent on computers for home instruction, $5 thousand dollars, can you even comprehend how many Chicago children sat this whole thing out WITHOUT a laptop to even try the Zoom "instruction" ? Most of the Covid couple billion to Chicago schools was used to give teacher raises and bonuses. One group of teachers used their bonuses to go on a casino gambling trip, others went to Caribbean resorts, Hawaiian resorts, etc. They are back to in person instruction now.... and the percentage of sexual assaults ON STUDENTS by TEACHERS is already skyrocketing even beyond the number before Covid. How long can any nation survive with NO OVERSIGHT in place for ANY government spending ???? Appropriations 5, 6, THOUSAND pages long containing money to every possible project no matter how INCREDULOUS... remember when we spent many millions to study how shrimp performed on tiny tread mills ? Apparently no one objects, no one even cares ? Guess not, those same folks are still in congress ! Chicago ? Pittsburgh ? Just look at the VIRGINIA school districts... a NIGHTMARE !

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I'll pull my kid out of ANY school that requires that shit!

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Don't complain.... VOTE.... before we loose that privilege too !

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I believe Tony Fauci, he of the Keebler elf resemblance and a knack for prevarication, has done more harm to the country than any other figure in American history. But that's just me.


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Don't forget Birx.

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I do miss the Great Scarfini....

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The Scarf Queen

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Pelosi? 🤣

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Greater than the speaker with the perfectly matching masks made from the SAME expensive designer fabric as the dress ? Did you notice the dresses for us dirty and smelly Walmart people did NOT include a matching mask ? WE had to wear thin, white, flimsy peasant masks, all the SAME, no one should stand out... but perhaps a few, those who can afford designer "ice cream".... LOL... and have designer "masks" made to match dresses... LOL ! So the great "scarfini", or, the "princess" ? Mirror mirror, which IS he fairest of them all ? The Elf ?

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The Scarf Queen

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Don't hear much from creepy Tony or the scarf queen these days. Doesn't matter, take the (taxpayer's) money and RUN. Go the the Caribbean islands as many politicians do. Probably not, heading for the top spots at the major pharmaceutical houses perhaps... ? Much like those departing the FBI, the CIA, the defense department, etc. etc. "finding" EXCELLENT high paying jobs in the private sector, despite their record(s) of disastrous job performance AND poor decision making skills ! ! UNBELIEVABLE ! Shows the world the "Peter Principle" was not some kind of "joke", it actually is the way to "get ahead" !

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Still wonder if she had no neck? Just a head floating above her shoulders. Like an old Star Trek character

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She got a face and neck lift no more scarves

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I don't think many (judging by the memory of the "average" U.S. citizen these days), IF ANY, even know who you mean by "Birx"... memory of a gnat, a gadfly ? Remember when, in your grandparents day, those nasty mean teachers made students memorize all kinds of things, poems, speeches, all kinds of things...silly things, useless things ? Those who went to Sunday "schools" at various churches, were exposed to the same silly memorization of verses that were at the finger tips of anyone who could find a Bible... so such foolishness to memorize. Some had to memorize the amendments to the U.S. Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. All that foolishness for nothing ! Could there have possibly been some other reason... could USING the memory for such things as memorizing the basic math facts (rather than to point out there is no need to memorize them, they can be easily found in a book if necessary) have had ANOTHER GOAL ? Could such exercises expand the mind, the ability of the mind to retain information, if it is USED, much like exercising physical muscles in a gym ? Just asking if it could have actually had a purpose, not just "busy work" for students, could it possibly have been a desirable exercise ?

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He has some stiff competition.

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He does indeed. The Pfizer CEO is another specimen that I despise with all the rage of a burning fire.

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Little update on Tony. Seems his restaurant has multiple problems.... HEALTH/CLEANLINESS kind. "infestations" of insects/rodents, LACK of hand washing, hummmm, if memory serves me, the very same individual who published articles back in 2020 like the one below:

The nation's top immunologist offered this critical advice for those eager to dine out.

By Colby Hall

Published on July 24, 2020

Probably not the person to look to for advice as to what to look for in a clean safe restaurant ?

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A little 2023 update on Tony. His restaurant is having some problems ! Seems it has a number of HEALTH ISSUES, and not related to Covid. Seems lack of hand washing, insect and rodent infestations not under control, seems like he would have learned those are very important health threat issues back in grade school ?

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That is becoming a long list.

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Have you also researched his career FAR BEFORE "covid" ? It's worth the work to dig into it.

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I read RFK'S book. That was all I needed to know.

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Glimpses into the swamp are fascinating -- just like Fauci's emails. You really get a sense of how the entire game is just ass-kissing and reacharounds.

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Love or hate Donald. He was and is right about the deep sh!t. No doubt why dems and their media mouthpieces and rinos and never-nevers hate him. All that (supposed) power they’d give up. I wonder how many of them are just hanging on to that illusion, not realizing what WEF-puppets they really are?

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They hated him most for not going to war with Russia over Ukraine. Now we can see it clearly. Zelensky stabbed Trump, and now expects to be paid in full for all his lies.

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Incorrect. President Trump gave a warning to Putin freezing him from taking an inch of another country.

It's far too soon to act like some kind of loon Leftist and make things up. Putin invaded Ukraine, a continuation of the war he initiated in 2014 but then the KGB thug went full throttle when Biden's Obama handlers took over again.

Hey, if you want to rewrite history, work on revisionism about Hitler and Poland. Go on, blame Poland for being invaded.

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Agree!!.. Trump took no shit!! He made Putin afraid…. And they had a mutual respect… JB .. never will have that so now we have a mess with it all….

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Totally agree! So many still don't get it - clearly you do. Thanks.

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Nasty reply. Have a good day.

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Not picking on a girl; just correcting the record and I don't like it when people tell ridiculous lies about President Trump.

President Trump kept Putin in check versus any other recent US President. That's a simple fact but an important fact. It should not be nullified for cheap politics.

President Trump deserves credit for keeping Putin on a leash. No one gets away with altering that factual record. Sorry, not sorry. Have a great day.

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No, they hate him because he's the most awful person who ever lived. They're still saying the exact same things about him that they've said for 6 years. They know the sentences by heart. They hate him because they're good people. "What swamp?" they ask. They drive me nuts.

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Quid Pro Quo with a generous dollop of Hypocrisy. That was/is the currency.

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As Tucker said today, "They are boring and uninteresting people, narcissistic and concerned only with their own power". And we're letting them make life altering decisions. The D minus students are in charge. I was just reminded of my high school days in the 1960s.....there were English and math classes for the students who just couldn't seem to learn well. We always called it "Bonehead English and Math". So our ruling class is a group of Boneheads.

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Fauci hopes that he dies of old age before the historians get hold of all the records and start to publish all the evil doing of this little elf.

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Shame him for taking all that Vit D (5,000 iu/day) he never recommended to everyone else but admitted he took back in the "early days". If my Dad had known how important this was he would not be gone, but hey - Moderna!

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That's why I love history. It is ruthless in its revelations.

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Just Remeber. It is the victors who write the history books.

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Too late.

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What i would like to see is people pulling their kids out of schools to such a point that the staff wouldn't be sustainable. I'm sure teachers unions and school boards would definitely reconsider the position of their DNC masters regarding this useless jab for children.

One can dream.

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Teachers in Maskachusetts are negotiating a new contract as I type this. As if they don't already make enough money ($65K/year average pension.)

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