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Wait, the life of the child is at stake here. That’s what’s paramount.

The US educational system needs to free itself from the anachronistic & passé socialist unions and the department of education. Among all the other boondoggles created by the Carter administration, separating out the Ed. department did immense harm signing off on it in 1980.

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It was a campaign promise for the teacher vote

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So what? The fed Dept of Ed. has spent billions and the outcomes for us is that those tax dollars made taxpayers poorer and our youth has experienced a worsening of his/her educational experiences and preparedness. We should be #1 in science and math but instead we’re #11 and #30 respectively. It is commonplace for H.S. graduates to be illiterate…


That department should be abolished.

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It certainly should ! Education was LOGICALLY made a local responsibility because our founders believed NO FEDERAL/central government could KNOW the specific needs and desires in regard to education... that only the local community would be accurate in developing what it needs as far a curriculum. They believed such things as types of work and careers available (agriculture, manufacturing, etc.) would be just one component, and large cities, such as NYC, would not need as great an emphasis on on certain curriculum areas as the upstate farm area of N.Y., and so on. FEDERAL responsibility, they WISELY REASONED, should be limited to NATIONAL common concerns, such as developing a military, protecting sovereign borders from invasion, and so on. But then, we no longer teach, or do mandatory testing on the Constitution and Bill of Rights...in public schools, after all, it's not needed by the peasant class, and actually could be down right dangerous to have an enlightened electorate !

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One idea, just throwing it out for consideration, perhaps make free public education the responsibility of EACH state and community since such a vast nation with very very different needs and circumstances. Take FEDERAL government out of it perhaps ? Also, could delineate the responsibility of the FEDERAL government. I could suggest those be limited, maybe establish and guard boarders, or establish and maintain a military to protect our country ? Leave other unstated responsibilities to each state ? Just throwing out some ideas that could work !

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