I heard he's in a tree making Keebler cookies.

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Maybe his last booster finally got him.

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I highly doubt he actually got jabbed lol

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"highly doubt" ?? you mean there is even 1% chance? well, now that is an optimist there. who knows, may be these jabs were not so bad after all ... will see.

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Over a million negative reactions to the vaccines so far oh, I think we already know

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Not to mention a million deaths and the children with heart issues. And that number is probably underrated. 400 athletes gone. 100 pilots gone. And you say we’ll see? Ok 👌

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Exactly. And that’s just the USA

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I read that in Germany they estimated one in 3 had a negative reaction

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More than two million negative reactions have been reported now to VAERS (according to the folks at OpenVAERS). It's a total horror show...

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The problem is that they weren't so good after all either.

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He is probably the only person in the world who knows what is actually in them.

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After reading the Scott Atlas book, it appears Fauci hasn't a clue about much, given his proclivity to run his mouth in response to softball questions, and face no competent queries. But that's just my impression.

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Yes, and Birch - omg 🤦‍♀️

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Birx! Dumb spell check

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And since he knows what's in the 'jab', I don't believe he would inject himself with a clot/kill shot. No way.

He could be having a psychological meltdown, absorbing all the truths they've been telling about him out there & a fall from the pedestal he's been enjoying can be very brutal.

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Never…he’s far too narcissistic, verging on sociopathic. His handlers want him out of the mainstream so we forget his dangerous deeds. Ha! Not likely! When Dr. Francis Collins, head of NIH, suddenly resigned, that was my first cue that Herr Fauci wasn’t far behind in being hidden.

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“They” have him as patsy. IF he ever gets captured they are afraid his pencil prick will start writing.

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and RFK Jr.s book is a best seller. So there's THAT, too

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The information in RFK Jr's book alone should have had Fauci tried and jailed for his crimes.

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Its SICK care, not health ---prevention is health care.

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They don’t care about repeat business because they had the mandates. Plus all these corrupt democrats assisting them.

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Since he is associated with Moderna, he probably knows both what is in the jab and what is in the virus. I read they kinda made the virus. They patented the part that makes it transmissible to humans in 2017. Now how did it get in Wuhan? Was batwoman making it worse? Did the military take it to the games? Or did the government try to frame Xi?

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It was delivered during Obama’s first administration from us.

First developed in the lab of a professor at University of North Carolina.

We are probably alas Babylon

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Best i've heard yet

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I know. Profits. Lots of profits.

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nope. He didn't, and neither did all of the deep state operatives.

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and i bet that kids grandkids did not get jabbed

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you betcha!

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Fat chance. He didn't take one or the 2 jabs. Fake saline.

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Wouldn’t it be sweet irony if he got a reeeeaaaalllyy bad case of CoViD

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Lying prone , O2 and remdesivir .

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Maybe he got dropped from a helicopter, as in Latin America.

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I thought the same - Oh,could we possibly be that lucky?

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Yep S

Soros like Rockerfeller who lived to 99 have/had adrenaline cocktails of young blood sacrifices from their satanic rituals.

Multiple transplants of organs extracted from the young lives prisoners, and a variety of boosters so to speak.

What horrible bags of rotting skin!

2 other infamous examples are Pelosi and Hilary the two high level priestesses. Gore, FJB, Vint Cerf ,,, check all of their crazy eyes.

Type in their names in DDG images.


One can surmise that they barring a reprieve at the thrown in the layers deep into the pit. Busily eating each other for 1000 years then thrown into the lake of fire.

GOD’s wrath is an awesome thing!

Man proposes; God disposes according to His will.

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Make that THRONE serpent Apple got me again 🤨

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No, he's under a bridge waiting for the "Three Billy Goats Bluff".

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Oops, should read "Three Billy Goats GRUFF"

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With him I think "bluff" was appropriate.

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You were right the first time.

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Three Billy Gates bluff. Lol

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

More likely waiting for the Three Billy Goats in the Buff--you know, relative risk and all.

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Fauci is in the queue with the others on their way to the left of The Throne unless GOD gives him a reprieve. That is unlikely. I think Paul was the only murderer we know who went the right. Imagine this... those on the left eating on each other for 1000 yrs and then thrown into the Lake of Fire.

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Well, I hope there is justice of some kind.

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Hope springs eternal Anna. God’s will be done.

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Lean Mabel - As long as they have breath in them, they can still repent and accept Jesus Christ as their LORD and savior, but I suspect most of these folks are permanently stuck in Romans 1: 21-32 depravity and deception.

It's not easy being patient and one of the reasons God ordained governments was to enforce justice. We so rarely see any consequences or accountability any more.

Stay armored up. Never give up. I'm tired and ready for the final trumpet but, with God's grace, I'll continue forward! Maranatha!!

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I understand R but let’s go to Scripture God has written out despots from the Book of Life.


Through putting the whole armor of God He has given us the gift of discernment that develops over time to maturity.

Discernment juxtaposed to DECEPTION

Jesus did not come to save all the people on the planet. He came to save the world from evil people. He came gather the lost sheep to Him. He did not come to save the devil’s seed.

Satan has twisted this concept.

John 3:17 Meaning of I Did Not Come to Condemn the World



Can the lost be saved on their death bed? Absolutely. Their name must be written in the Book of Life.

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I absolutely agree that "Jesus did not come to save all the people on the planet."

I don't believe that I said or implied that He did. Many have chosen (and will choose in what's left of the future) the wrong path to their own regret.

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Instructive when it is too late.

The parable of the rich man and Lazarus the beggar.

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Never eating another Keebler cookie ever again. Just in case.

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Is there enough room? Jeff Sessions is already in there.

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They’re small enough that there’s probably room for Adam Kinzinger in there too.

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But Adam will cry all over the cookies with his leftover tears from the Jan 6th testimony.

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Batch of salty liberal, limited edition.

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I missed this one L that and the cookies one.


Would someone please clue me in?

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Someone said Fauci was in a hollow tree like a Keebler Elf. I said Jeff Sessions was already in there. Someone else said there was enough room left for Adam Kinzinger.

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Thank you Louise slow on the draw here duh.

Personally I’m going with pencil prick

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What about Dennis Kucinich?

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JM yet another pencil prick short man syndrome drone

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With cookies!

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Sessions suffers from short man's syndrome too.

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And Elf ears. 😆

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This is fun! HE is the BUTT of ourJokes. A miniature skinny butt a but none-the-less :=D

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Sounds about right. Market sugar and garbage food additives to kids, creating future big pharma dependents.

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Let’s not forget the beagles.

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#avenge the beagles

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And kitties.

Now if the general population learned about the beagle and cat torture that may get a rise out of them.

Listen to us?

Every once in a while I get someone’s attention.

Relatives usually are the hardest to convince.

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It’s not just Beagle.

So sick!

NIH + Russia


Exclusive — NIH Funds ‘Deadly’ Cat Experiments in State-Run Russian Lab

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Can’t watch that shit. Torturing any living creature that can’t defend itself……it takes a black soul.

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I didn’t say watch it. Just reading the title made me want to hurl.

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Yes. Evil runs rampant in this world.

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Not a chance! 😡🤮

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He's advising Putin. Might explain things.

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Hitler almost was killed when he sat at a high level conference. Bomb never made its target under the table.

ANYONE can be gotten to.

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I do read your posts and find myself nodding yes.

Now believe or not people Russia has elections ehem ours are modeling.

Putin put a hit on his opposition candidate by

Poisoning his drink as he sat in a cafe. Fortunately

He survived.

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spiking them with mrna

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Lol! Best one today! 😝

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That’s being unkind to elves.

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So true sorry. I do apologize to all lucky charm elves, How about wizen troll under the bridge?

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M_McMahon61 -- I reckon he's up in a tree making something, but I sincerely hope it is NOT making Keebler cookies.

Maybe that's how he plans to "jab" people who are already on to his "jabs." He could do that without them knowing. Assuming his snake venom doesn't have any lingering flavor.

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Cookies with vaccines embedded.

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Chocolate fudge I hope! I wouldn't try his new one, wuhan delight.

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I wish Trump had fired him 2 years ago.

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I voted for Trump, but he was part of the big pharma scam and now calls himself the "father of the vaccine" Operation Warp Speed created the Vaccine Holocaust.

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We were all under the mistaken belief that the vaccines were real, providing 95% protection. Of course we also thought two weeks of lockdown would flatten the curve. One lie after another. Trump was under pressure in an election year, to do something about the pandemic, which turned out to be a tool to steal the election.

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Not all of us. Some saw through the hype from the beginning.

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Lost friends because of it but am not missing them as they are still hiding in their houses while we enjoyed the lockdown, went traveling out west and Fl. homeschooled child so we could enjoy going any time. Rates were low, no crowds and no one fussed about masks it was great for those of us who knew a scam when we saw it. It was also fun finding places that ignored everything in my own state and traveling to neighboring states that were more than happy to have our patronage without mandates or masks.

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I'm glad you made the most of it.

Your child has learned that it is okay to use their brain. Bless you for that.

I was so alone in my opinions and wondered about them, almost got the shots, even though I haven't trusted the CDC since the Lyme BS

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Good attitude.

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A bit harsh V. I began investigating in November of 2019.

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We look forward to camping.

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I fell for the jab. Until the real data started being unveiled. I knew the Plandemic/Scamdemic/Dempanic was a hoax as soon as the vote by mail chant started.

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An obvious scam from Day 1. All of it, vaxxes included.

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Trump was given solid advice by Dr. Scott Atlas which he ignored. Instead, he continued to let FauXi/Birks run the country. Read Atlas's book, "My Fight at the Trump White House." It will give you an inside look at how Trump mishandled the Plandemic and should forever keep him from ever becoming President again.

DeSantis 2024!

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Trump, as an outsider made some horrible choices, and was betrayed by many others. He has motivational skills unlike anyone we have ever known in any of our lifetimes. And his policies were almost always on point, putting America first. Taking direction from others and setting aside his own emotions and ego are a weakness. All in all however, he was the most effective president in my 65 years.

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Fully agree

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Trumps pride his undoing that negated the strides he had done. I happen to think that IKE was the best in my lifetime. Remember he was the first to warn of the Military/Industrial Complex.

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Reagan was best in your in your lifetime. By the way, Ike had a monumental ego, as well he should have, and Trump's ego was also understandable. One of the most successful entrepreneurs in our history.

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I’m torn. He is the reason we had operation warp speed .

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I don't think anyone could have anticipated the catastrophe that has been unleashed on us. I assume he thought they would come out with a largely ineffective, but largely inconsequential placebo, such as is the ordinary flu vaccine. They didn't. They came out with a killer. No one could have anticipated that in 2020. Early 2021, yes. Because by then the concept behind the vaccines were being openly discussed.

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The idea or hope of a “cure” seemed compelling at the time. Alas, it was all a power grab. I will never again take a flu shot and am reluctant to get the shingles vaccine now. I have lost all faith in Big Pharma. And of course, as three years of Russia, Russia, Russia taught us, there is no government on earth any more corrupt than the U.S. government.

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Don't be torn. The vaccine was developed and marketed so that the Democrats would open up their states and let people get back to work. Trump didn't mandate it, just facilitated its getting to the marketplace. It was the responsibility of each family to investigate its safety and efficacy.

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

Think of it as the big reveal. Didn't you always wonder who was behind the curtains?

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So well expressed. I agree 100%. I am 75.

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I read the book. Trump saw right through Fauci and Birx, but by the time he could bring Atlas in, as the election loomed the media had Saint Fauci calling the shots, pun intended. Fauci polled higher than Trump. If Trump fired the little fraud, it would have taken the mountain of evidence in Robert Kennedy Junior’s book, with 2,300 footnotes. The public can’t be expected to see a global fraud in the month before an election. The Dems would have cheated anyway, but it would have been easier for them if Trump had fired “America’s doctor.”

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I agree. he was stuck. Birx and Fauci would often even contradict Trump and Fauci got more air time.

And then they went after Atlas

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They had the timing down.

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Very good post. Trump was wise not to fire Fauci. It would have been political suicide, which you clearly explain.

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GOD knew and had Mr. Trump read the Olivet Discourse and been born from above.

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Fauci is head of NIAID and is not an appointee, but a Federal hire. No President has the authority to fire him. It astounds how many people think a President can just swoop in and eliminate people on whim. BTW, hon, DeDantis had the EXACT same perspective as Trump on covid, so maybe tone down the TDS.

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True Tori. When the head of a powerful federal agency/bureau/department has been in place for 50 years the level of corruption reaches every corner of that and related bureaucracies. See, e.g., J.Edgar Hoover. The FBI still has his name on the building.

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Trump gave Fauci the mic and called him a "genius."

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How does that change the fixed structure of the role of government agencies and presidential authority? As head of Infectious Diseases, it was Fauci's domain and his role to be handed the mic. trump has zero authority over CDC, NIH, NIAID, and had he even mad e an effort to be rid of him, the Federal agencies would have sued under their very own niche court ( yes, there is one for Federal govt employees that operates outside of the regular civil courts), and that court would never have ruled against Fauci. Historically, they don't rule against the union of Feds. Trump characterizing him as a genius only occurred in the early days, before the dust was cleared over what exactly the nature of the coup flu was. How do you propose he be introduced---'here's that asshole Keebler Elves' Word Salad Chef"? It'd have been great if he had, lol, but you know it would have launched Impeachment, Part 7.

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

Although Trump could NOT directly fire Fauci, he could have directed Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar to see to it that Fauci was fired. Azar would have then had to order Francis Collins, the head of the National Institutes of Health, to fire Fauci.

Of course the political stink would have been to high heaven over that chain of events. Collins would have probably resigned sooner over it, and someone willing to fire Fauci installed..... and all the press and media headlines would have been, "As Pandemic Rages, Trump Fires the ONLY Two Men Fit to Deal with COVID!!!"

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Would we even know who Fauci, Brix and company were and what they have long been up to if Trump hadn't put them front and center? They'd still be stirring their evil pots, with zero pushback.

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Trump was told that the main players for AIDS were Fauci, Birx, and Redfield. They weee represented as the best the country had on virology and vaccinology, because they had spent decades scamming the globe for Big Pharma in a game of fear, fake science, and the pursuit of a vaccine and newly patented therapeutics. Trump accepted them on them President Task Force for the China Virus and the media/tech monopolies turned them into the heroes here to help. They played every card to thwart Trump until after the election. It was all a part of the steal, the power, and of course, the money.

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President Trump was put on notice by Democrats that there would be a lockdown of the country, businesses closed, bankruptcies and family devastation until there was a vaccine. He wasn't about to let that go on. He spurred the bringing of a vaccine to market. No one said you had to take it. I didn't.

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De Santis ---in 2028, after Trump returns some sanity to the border and to our energy policies. By then De Santis will be a mature age and the voters will want to elect another Republican.

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Trump is already too old.

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His young aides had a hard time keeping up with him. He never smoked or drank, which bodes well for his health. His excellent brain retains important facts for instant retrieval. Most people half his age would like his stamina and capabilities.

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74, and he comes from a line of long-lived, healthy people. I suspect he will, if possible have DeSantis as his VP, assuming McConnell doesn't perform any machinations to prevent that. that's how we wound up with pence, last time. No support from GOP unless he agreed to Pence. trump's in the driver's seat now, so I think he will be dictating who is VP. GOP would hamstring DeSantis like they did Trump, for VP, if DeSantis runs this time. Save for 28. Esp if VP now, he's a certain shoe-in in 28 and can call the shots.

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Sure thing...we need to *save* him for 2028, and let Trump work his magic, and hand over to DeSantis for another 8 years. That will surely MAGA

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I love your optimism. Lol. No one is getting into that White House unless pre-approved.

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Correct unfortunately.

Oprah spoke of this on one of her shows far before Obama burst on the scene.

Mark my words the people of color will run our country someday.

I quit watching that very day.

Does everyone know that Obama was cultivated when he was a small child to be a CIA operative like his mother, flesh father, step father, Frank Marshall, and his grandmother who laundered CIA money?

Reminds me of Rosemary's Baby.

One of the most frightening movies I ever saw second one Omen.

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I don't give Trump a pass at all. He knew before the pencil prick conference in March.

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Trump gets a pass. He knew early that Fauci was a fraud, but he didn’t know Fauci controlled the medical establishment, all of the healthcare bureaucrats, all of academia, all of the social and mainstream media, and all of the medical journals. Trump didn’t know what hit him when Fauci was anointed by the media as “America’s Doctor.”

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I think voters should not judge a man's Presidency on one issue. The evangelicals voted only on abortion for decades and then just stayed home for years. It led to Democrat rule. Trump's policies were highly effective. Energy independence, border security---those are crucial issues.

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Dr. Scott Atlas was the best person for the job, unfortunately he was not on the government staff until August 2020 when much of the lockdown damage had already been done.

One of the unanswered questions I remember from the book was who actually put together the terrible Covid Task Force including Birx and Fauci? I would bet more of a deep state bureaucracy team that was installed and Trump had no real input on it. Pence maybe.

Birx and Fauci vouched for the terrible models out of Europe with 2MM US deaths and pushed for the never before used lockdowns. Trump got scammed by these experts and their bad models. Realized it later on but damage as done.

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100% agree. Trump’s Achilles Heel was those that surrounded him, some poor choices by him, other disloyal to him. Swamp rats beholden to the establishment. He got resistance on things good for the country - tax cut, border wall, trade deal with China, NAFTA - by people in his own party. RINOs who pockets were lined with foreign and corporate money. That’s why is he feared as much as hated. He threatened to upset the gorging at the trough by politicians on both sides. A 70-year old billionaire with no Washington experience who wasn’t still trying to enrich himself. The COVID response was based on being dishonestly told, ‘here’s what you need to do to be elected’. To not play along was suicide.

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Thanks for the book tip. I ordered it. Atlas was the only person who provided positive answers. I had forgotten about him until I read your post. Again thanks. We should all buy the book.

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Look at the EO orders signed by Trump. he was aware they were going to attempt to steal the election and he failed to preserve the republic. He had to have known the Rockerfellers promoted vaccines as a method to control the population long ago.

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He foolishly thought the AG, the SCOTUS, state legislatures and Mike Pence would uphold the Constitution and reject fraudulent electors. He was wrong.

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The deep state surrounds all positions of government. Trump needed to promote the Tenth Amendment and rally those who love our nation to end the colossal failings of all aspects of the deep state. I do agree with you.

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No. He had to show who and where all the players were, how they would behave and what their agendas are. Invoking anything puts the onus on him and we never learn how the gameboard is set up. We would have remained clueless.

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I think he thought the alternative action (not promoting the vaccines) would have resulted in the liberal media portraying him much more negatively and extending lockdowns. Besides, he’s not a scientist, so even though he’s smart and knew what was likely happening, he didn’t have the academic credentials to credibly override his own agency recommendations and the entire public health establishment.

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They would have charged him with murder if he had overridden the health establishment.

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yeah. would've been another impeachment

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Remember he said we would open up by Easter? The Media jumped on him and accused him of playing down the severity of the virus and wanting people to die.

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Why would he know about the Rockefellers and birth control? He was building his business, not sitting at the computer chasing esoteric info.

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But, he's still promoting it. Tells me the man doesn't learn.

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THAT to me sounds like he was part of the culpable.

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deletedMar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022
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Tells me Trump is one of them. He was out there bragging about getting the shot and telling us we should all get it. When will you Trump supporters stop defending him. He is part of the great reset.

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What makes you think I support him?

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exactly, he still thinks the vaccines were wondrful, and helped stop the scamdemic. He told people to take the booster.

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Trump is a major germaphobe. Doesn't even like to shake hands. So this little vaccine scheme played right into that plus it gave him an opportunity for an ego boost with Warp Speed saving the day. Because of his ego, he will never admit he was wrong and because he won't he stands no chance of being re-elected.

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Make no mistake, Trump was willfull. He will go down as mvp of the nwo. Conservatives mostly went along w churches closing, economic shutdown, satanic masking, etc. Had Hillary done it conservatives would have went ape. Trump bought time until the vaxxes were rolled out and got was top snake oil salesman to convince old gop people to take them. Trump n Fauci played great performances of good cop, bad cop routine and prolly had big laughs backstage.

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Spot on! He is one them. A long time friend of the Clintons. He is truly a snakeoil saleman that has too many still convinced he will save the Republic..ha!

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Trump is not NWO. He's a businessman who saw the virus as a problem to solve. He assembled a coalition of CEOs to help. He put together a task force. He tried recommending therapeutics. That got Hydroxychloroquine banned. The media insisted no one should listen to anyone but the esteemed Dr. Fauci.

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Those of us who supported Trump in 2016 still do, and those who didn't like him then will use whatever issue they can to denigrate him next time around. He had more votes in 2020 than in 2016. He's picked up support from traditionally Democrat voters , particularly Blacks. They are the most opposed to the vaccination, and they still support him.

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If he runs again I will hold my nose and vote for him again, too, but his ego and narcissism are certainly off-putting. Donald, please just promote your policies and not yourself so much, too!

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Does anyone really think we have a choice in who gets elected? They have already decided who will be the next president and don't need any help in choosing from we the proles.

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That's a good thing!

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Hey woah buddy quite a few of us dissented from the very start.

Not to brag or anything but I was one of those OG's who was calling foul in march 2020 *pops collar* yeah you know it.

It's really just because I'm a fan of Monica Perez's radio show and then podcast and she was waaaay ahead of the curve on this. Analyzing event 201 and bringing on David Crowe to talk about the pitfalls of PCR testing the moment the fear mongering started in early 2020.

Corbett report fans and OffG readers would have known quite a bit about the scam very early on as well. Well well before any shots were available.

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Right on all counts AJ.

Yes we cannot brag.

We can discern.

This is a gift of The Holy Spirit that grows over time.

Thank you for the points. I too discerned when I first saw the pencil prick standing next to Biden.

One of my cousins got COVID in Nomber of 2019. I think my beloved and I got it in December.

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True for many but the 95% effectiveness was sketchy from the get go. I understand most people would believe this but how doctors and co perpetuated that was absolutely inexcusable and portrays the profession in a very bad manner.

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95% was bogus from the start. I still know doctors parroting the vax is 'safe and effective, and still the best way forward to get out of this pandemic'.

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Totally sketchy. And why do I need a vaxx with a 99.98% survival rate? Higher if not obese.

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Some of us wanted to take a wait and see position. Based on the data, most people under a certain age and without serious medical issues probably wouldn’t need the vaccine.

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As it turns out, not sure anyone needed what was passed off as a vaccine. There were cheaper, proven, readily available alternatives that would have saved thousands while waiting for the jab. And now that we’re learning more of their horrid side effects, they will likely turn out to be the greatest crime committed against humanity in history.

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very few actually needed a vaccine, no one needs the mRNA "vaccines"

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

Don’t get me wrong. I never intended to take the vaccine at any cost (willing to be fired if it came to that). I was trying to explain it to my wife who has a brother that is involved with a company that works on this stuff and has a large grant from the Gates foundation.

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Trump believed the doctors. He probably saw through it by May 2020, but it was too late by then. So he Warp Speeded the vaccines, assuming they would be generally harmless, much as the flu vaccine is. I don't think anyone could have assumed the medical establishment would do what they did. I have had some distrust of meds for a long time, but I generally thought doctors were mild mannered well intentioned rule followers. But, good people. What I've seen in the last 18 months has changed my attitude to everyone in the medical community. I don't think they're well-intentioned. Obviously some are. Overall though....I don't know.

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ACA regulations took away a lot of drs autonomy. They are tied to "protocols"

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We may not have government health care but we do have corporate healthcare. Pretty much the same one size fits all philosophy.

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We have several friends in a similar boat. Although we implored them to wait for more information to be released, they gleefully rushed out to get their jabs as soon as they became available, some posting self-congratulatory accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

Most have remained quiet about any buyer's remorse they may have. They still have jobs, and still travel - some internationally.

A few have quietly confessed that they should have waited, vowing never to be boosted or to get a vaccine of any kind. They can't be faulted for trusting the media and their government given the climate of fear that was intentionally created. It's still not clear to me who will be better off in the long run.

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Alas I will lose 9 loved ones because they would not listen to the facts and act accordingly. It will break my heart to see them die from this that is if I still am alive myself and not yet with the Saints on the Right Side of the Throne.

The saddest being the adults that had their children jabbed a few even the boosters.

A few now are devastated what has wrought from this.

I did manage to help a few to resist the devilish plot.

I still feel a very small comfort in this.

Pray for those who got the poison that GOD will heal them.

Imagine the guilt they must carry!

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Meanwhile, I'm living life like Josef K. in Kafka's "The Trial."

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Yes, they CAN be faulted. The media and government lie all the time. If you don't know this, you're naive. Plus, no one knew anyone healthy under 80 who died from this.

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Fair point.

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More than that reason alas!

Find an image of the luciferian pyramid on Duckduckgo.com

Do you see where he fits?

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Trump was Deep State Lite.

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Absolutely. Read the Olivet Discourse!

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Trump trusted Fauci, The highest paid government employee, even higher pay than the president of the United States. What was he to do? I’m a physician you tell me.

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Use common sense.

Doctors are wrong all the time.

And locking down, etc. was a social/economic nightmare, much more destructive than any respiratory virus could ever be.

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I voted for Trump also.

If you have been following my quotes i have said so.

I kept hoping he would STOP Warp Speed when he couldn't prove rigging.

I got to my knees and sobbed. His EOs to put the military in charge failed. He bragged about the vaccines I knew to be deadly by March 2020 when the pencil prick stood at his side.

I kept thinking (in vain) that Trump would put a halt to the poison distribution but now so. He is in league with Fauci, Gates, Soros, and the Chinese Communist virus production.

As Trump boarded HELLocopter I felt like vomiting. The ego of the father of the "vaccines" bragged of his accomplishment.

Then to witness the UNHOLYwood part production of the "inauguration" I knew that "they" of the Globalist under satan had won this round.

Please read the WEF and Agenda 21/30 declarations and then the Olivet Discourse of the GOSPELS.

PEOPLE People people please read the signs of the times.

If you haven't been born from above so so!

The time is NOW to come to the Lord!

Jesus is knocking at your doors.

Join those of us who will see the fruition of Revelation 21.

May GOD have mercy on us all.

Mabel, a watchman on the wall.

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I voted for Trump as well, hoping against hope that he wasn't the charlatan that I feared that he was. Face it: Trump was never a conservative, never a Christian. He was a salesman who, under guidance from Steve Bannon, seized on a populist political current that sought relief from the Uniparty's monopoly on political power and all the swamp corruption that goes along with it, with no viable third party to challenge its hold on political power. As someone once said, leaders aren't elected, they're selected. Why was Trump selected?

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Good points all E

Ultimately came down the layers of the Council of 13.

What interesting is even fellow luciferians do not know for sure who they are.

Talk about compartmentalizations.

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Trump is in his 70s and far from at the top of his game. And his son in law is not very clever.

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I can only chuckle at your comment. Biden is 80 and has always been mediocre, even if he ever had a ‘top of his game’. And Biden’s crackhead son, well, I’ll admit he was clever enough to land sweetheart deals with Ukraine, Russia, and China.

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Joe Biden was always crooked and uncaring of the general populace, esp foreign ones. The deals with Ukraine, Russia and China were for Joe.

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Who's saying Biden is anything but a corrupt moron?

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People are acting like this is new

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Love your stack thank you!

Biden must be a disappointment to “they” that recruited him. One would think they would have found a better teat sucker.

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I guess Hunter is clever in a criminal sort of way, but I think the criminals in Ukraine, Russia and China selected him as he was a very easy mark to not only get things they wanted, but to compromise Biden and probably Obama as well through Biden's connection to Obama. We all know Hunter didn't do a damn thing for all the money he got, he was just a name.

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Hunter is Joe’s bag man, for decades

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They both are of their father.

AND it is NOT funny, not at all!

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Go in worth thousands. Come out worth millions.

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Can’t argue at that M

You are so correct.

The second time I voted for Trump I really had to hold my nose. That warp speed really had me disturbed. I finally did vote for him praying he would stop it when he was re-elected.

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His son-in-law works for his father. He is in the twisted Jewish cult that sacrifices animals on the court of the wailing wall each Holy Week.

Trump put Jared in charge of Warp Speed remember?

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The first half of your message is blather. Jared, like all of us were hopeful of a medical miracle to solve what was billed as the second coming of the Spanish Flu. The coronavirus was hyped to control society not protect the small number at risk. The vaccine was worse than a hoax, it has been criminal.

And Jared was no less effective than Kackling Kamala has been at dealing with the border crisis.

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Jared Kushner jewish cult


Many credible links.

Jared was in charge of the "miracle" peace, peace, there is no peace Middle East talks. As well as the steering of the "miracle" Warp Speed.

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You really do need to be informed better on the Jewish cult of the modern day saducees

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IMHO, Trump trust Redfield and the CDC to watch over the trials. He trusted the wrong people. I don't think he was in with Big Pharma.

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Exactly. Anyone trying to blame Trump for this fiasco regarding vaccines is an idiot or probably voted for Biden., Or both.

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Look in the mirror. There are both sides of the Trump derangement syndrome. Harsh WJPMD.

3 Drs. I went to before finally diagnosed for my surprise high blood pressure were pushing the jabs. My GP told me I would be sorry for not getting the jab. He like other Drs. who give the jab get massive kickbacks.

After going through those three at least the upshot I was able to finally been diagnosed correctly. The surgeon selected for gall bladder and adrenal gland surgery is excellent! She is wise. Did not take the jabs. She was pregnant.

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I’m sure they are enjoying your tax dollars very much.

Until next time suckers.

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Don’t blame Trump for Fauci. Blame Clinton. He was the one who called Trump and told him he should run.

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Wow interesting. I knew they ran in the same click.

I need to look this up. Thanks for your post.

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- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Fauci (Dr. Science) Memes


- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: The Best Fauci Memes


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I think I have posted that meme - his wife has been completely forgotten about - unlike anyone related to Trump....

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Foggy memory. Glad to see a pic of the lovely couple. I’m on your c

Covid stack now. Great! Hope others join too.

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I don't understand how people here can think trump is a savior. He's just a puppet like Biden....

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Really? For a puppet he had constant scrutiny. The lefties are vicious. I think we've learned a lot about them since his term in office and covid.

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D.C. politics is big-time TV rassling in expensive suits. Its one big club and they are assigned roles and scripts. All the world's a stage.

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Yes. R. Some are better actors than others. The devil seed is wide and long.

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Trump is really a leftie... he was a life long dem until he ran for prez and is still bffs with the Clintons. Do a little more research.

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That at least is true.

Some people have been born from above in this tribulation as a result.

They heard the knock at their door.

I did literally in my early 50s.

It took that for me.

So many however know nothing of the Bible and prophesy.

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We all had to live through Obama's disastrous first and second term......I am really looking forward to Trumps next term...knowing what he and all of us know now about who you can trust and who you can't. This will be night and day just because now we know what the treasonous, treacherous left is up to and who they are!!

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You really need to go back to the top and read for comprehension

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At least Trump is on the side of the American people. And his voter base support shows it. If you don’t agree things were better under Trump than under Creepy Joe, I’m sorry. Unfortunately, elections have become too important in this country to leave in the hands of the actual voters.

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Truthfully, elections haven't mattered for decades. It is like the Lite beer "debate" of "tastes great" vs. "less filling." Each side does not realize it is drinking watered down horse piss.

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Sadly, this is true. While Presidents now can affect some changes via EO, the changes are only temporary. Our lives are now conducted at the pleasure of the administrative state.

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The administrator?

The prince of the air (waves) but his reign will come to an end.

Read Chapter 21 of Revelation.

No more tears!


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Or they do and they're just trying to make the best of it.

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It began in earnest shortly after the Civil War. Our country had to be bailed out by Rothschild and the luciferians to pay the crushing debt.

Some of the founders were masons and other deists.

I hope people realize to quit calling them fathers on this earth.

We have but just Father.

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Which is why they didn’t leave 2020 in the hands of the actual voters…

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Really? As he sold us out to big pharma and goes around telling us we should all take the kill shot?

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That is not what he did. He doesn't owe Big Pharma anything. He couldn't have known what the jabs would do to some people; "they" wouldn't let him vouch for hydroxychloroquine. They literally tossed him off of social media before his term ended, for Christ's sake. Here's an interesting website of people who have profited from Big Pharma: https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary.php?ind=H04&cycle=All&recipdetail=M&sortorder=U

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Thank you, A! We’ve got some very vocal agitators doing their stump. Trump is not a swamp creature and never will be. He has been saying the exact same things for decades about the asinine policies our government swamp creatures have been creating that are not beneficial to Americans first. And the president’s job is to protect Americans first.

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Wow even more than Obama

Candidate Amount

Biden, Joe (D) $8,860,206

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I'd agree with that. Things definitely were better and it's unfathomable to believe Creepy Joe won. Trump received more votes than prior election and Biden received more than Obama? You expect anyone to believe? LOL As for actually voting, I have to disagree. People are capable but unfortunately, there are forces interfering. Looking forward to watching 2000 mules! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTfXCLv6nlM

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Dominion Voting Systems must be dismantled. Now owned by the Communist Chinese via UBS. IF not demonished no conservatives will win. This involves the CIA with their servers over seas and the satellite link.

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It is all up to GOD. His plans will NOT be thwarted. His will be done.

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You're right. (In all fairness, it's possible Trump wasn't a 100% puppet like Biden.) The media "hated" Trump as part of divide-and-conquer to further keep us from acting against the real enemy, i.e. the satanists who literally run the world. Trump, Biden, Obama, Putin, Clinton, Bush, etc. are all Freemasons and on the same team.

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Trump is hated but he is feared even more. Why? Simply look at his rallies. See the crowds; they STILL line the streets to cheer, even when it’s F Joe Biden’s limo passing. He can motivate voters like no one in our memories. Obama toyed with it with his Hope & Change line, but he was a phony. No one worked harder to deliver what they promised during their campaign than Trump. Most politicians don’t even acknowledge campaign promises. And Biden is the worst.

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Biden worst President in history.

There is something that can be said about who are their enemies.

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Trump is a mason also. Look into his Scottish ancestors. Quite frightening.

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Yes, and look at the triangle symbol (60-60-60) Trump frequently makes with his hands. Merkel was infamous for constantly doing it.

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Correct. CK. People need to look this up. That and the ties with the Jesuits who are Biden’s main handlers also.

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What's the deal with Masons? I have a conspiracy theory neighbor who went into a meltdown when she found out one of her son's was joining.

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The vast majority of masons, who are lower-ranking, are harmless. High-ranking masons (like all recent presidents) literally worship Lucifer. This is a 5.5 hour expose by an insider. The real enemy behind the Great Reset are the "crypto-satanists", who pretend to be Christian, Jewish, Muslim or atheist:


Here's a much shorter video ("Out of the Shadows"), which makes the same point.


I used to think the Great Reset was about the elite retaining their wealth and power with Central Bank Digital Currency- because the current economy is on the verge of collapse due to massive debts. But now I realize they deliberately set the economy up to tank decades ago in order to usher in their New World Order and to kill as many people as possible.

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Thank you for this.

The great trick satan plays is people don’t believe he is real.


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FDR and Wilson probably some of the very highest. Both drug us into World Wars of the Pilgrim Society and Jesuit/Masons Illuminati. Both high ranking 33rd Degree.

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Question OK

How far do you think we are on the spectrum discerned by the Olivet Discourse?

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Louise you really need to research this yourself. Long and involved they are luciferians high up as an organization on Lucifer pyramid.

Go use Https://DuckDuckGo.com

Quite a few US Presidents have been members.

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Correct CK Masons!

which also means they are Jesuits. Look up the Black Pope everyone. In the long run all are working in progressive layers upward. The Council of 13 the top on earth right under their father the capstone. All working for the day he will be revealed.

Simple illustration


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I wish RFK's book existed back in March 2020 and one of Trump's staff was assigned the task of reading it. As someone who thought I knew and understood a lot about the AIDS epidemic and Anthony Fauci's role in it, I stand completely dumbfounded after reading this book. If you haven't read it, do so. Your eyes will be even more wide open (risking orbital injury). The parallels between AIDS and COVID, in terms of public health strategy and conduct, are striking to the point of incredulous. Just shocking.

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100% in agreement.

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Well said. As carefully researched an exposé as has ever been written, with 2,300 footnotes “The Real Anthony Fauci—Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” is simply incomparable. It destroys Fauci, Birx, Redfield, Bill Gates, all the drug companies, and the horrendous crimes of the administrative state. Read the damn book. You will be amazed over and over again literally on every page. The scales will fall from your eyes and you will see how institutions in medicine, law, technology, media, politics, and academia, can be destroyed from within by long serving bureaucrats. Fauci makes J. Edgar Hoover look like a piker. Gates puts all the Robber Barons of old to shame. Follow the money.

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Excellent redux thanks you SS


Great redux thank you ss

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AIDS DNA components are found in the jabs.

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if trump is given the chance to be back at whyte house, rest assured he will FIRE dr. fauci. now, he has grown some balls to take on fauci.

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Fauci will retire soon. Likely after mid terms. He's under fire from congress and his lies. Read The Real Anthony Fauci. He should've been fired five administrations ago.

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The Real A.F. -- Every voting adult in this country should read this. Medical schools, "researchers", politicians, etc. kept quiet since 1983; how many were silenced and ruined? How many profited on people's suffering?

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Totally agree. The campaign against Peter Duesberg should be a cautionary tale to any one who dares dissent from the State-sanctioned narrative.

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Fauci will lose nothing. He'll retire with a $350K/year retirement, the largest of any person in the federal government. Astounding.

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He's old; he won't collect it long. Hopefully, he will spend his last years in prison.

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From your lips to God’s ears. Hope springs eternal

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WOW! He truly dances with his father.

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Only if Dems lose. Otherwise expect more invasion into our body sovereignty

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They're going to lose! When you tick off moderate liberals, there's no overcoming that!

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But that saddens me and I don't think it is good for the country. But a friend said what other option is there? Adam Schiff peddled his nonsense for Trump's whole term but there is little if anything about the spying on Trump by the Clinton campaign. Nothing on Hunter Biden - and his connections to the Ukraine and nothing on Fauci.

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1. Deep State.

2. Deep State.

3. Deep State.

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All appear to be protected by their father.

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We must destroy the tabulators.

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Mary why after the midterms and not before?

I have no doubts being his father’s son will slither off to his appointed den to retire.

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I doubt it. Instead, he promoted 15 days, 6-feet apart and he joined the largest central planning scam in the world and the GOP joined the agitators from the CDC, NIHI, etc

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Even when GOP has majority they don't do anything, they only bright side is they don't do all the crazy stuff that the Dems to like spend tons of our tax dollars on build back better and crack pipes.

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They're all on the same team, ultimately. That's why Trump captured the imagination of so many.

Watch shameless RINOs like Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and Kevin McCarthy in action. It's hard to tell which team they are on from day to day.

Even Ted Cruz, supposedly a conservative stalwart, jumps sides like when he referred to 1/6 protesters as "terrorists" and for which Tucker Carlson rightly ripped him a new one. Of course, you can always depend on war mongers like Tom Cotton to salivate over an opportunity to engage the U.S. military even if the war was enabled by a democrat president's weak foreign policy.

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Check into Ted Cruz father Raphael

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I pray to God on this one… I see both sides salivating to get us in armed conflict with the Russians.

Would certainly accelerate the Great Reset.

Under war that all luciferians have profited were started by them. Wilson and FDR to name a few.

Read other watchman on the wall’s work product,

My absolute favorite Berit Kjos I personally know.


Use the search engine

Try this keyword Rockefeller for instance

People open your Bibles and read the Gospels of the subject of the Olivet Discourse.


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Yeah t. remember the Republicans held both the Senate and the House? Remember them refusing to dismantle ObamaDontCare?

Uniparty from the snake with stripes.

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Does everyone know that BBB

Is from the WEF?

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Wry Laff M🤩

Try on bbb 666

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Won't bring back the people who died or heal those that were maimed.

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So many will die in the next 5 years from the jabs.

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I am sure he will fire almost everyone, including low level employees. None can be trusted.

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Trump doesn't have enough attention span or ability to focus on a task to actually engage with these sorts of problems. Let's face it: Trump is and was a disaster, albeit likely less of one than Hillary. Trump's speech at CPAC is the perfect encapsulation of all of his failures: a deceitful, self-centered old man who drinks his own Kool-Aid. His latest social media flop is classic Trumpism: zero follow-through, zero delivery on promises.

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Nothing Trump did hurt the country like Uncle Joe and his traveling idiot show.

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Not as bad, but neither was it good. Massive money-printing. Massive government spending. Failure to build the wall. Prioritizing the stock market over average Americans. Completely underestimated the bureaucracy. On the plus side, he didn't start any new wars, was well on his way to ending some, exposed the deep state (albeit inadvertently), wasn't woke, and did understand the strategic picture much better than the new guys.

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I wish I were...

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I want to be in Heaven personally. But God seems to to keep me here to be used.

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Not to worry we both took no poison.

Now as to Hell on earth there is liberty with our Savior.

Here is what Saint Paul says

17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

2 Corinthians 3:17 and then…

Philippians 1:21-23

21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a (A) desire to depart and be with Christ, which is (B) far better.

Philippians 1:23 : [2 Cor. 5:2, 8]; 2 Tim. 4:6

Philippians 1:23 : [Ps. 16:11]


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Trump was just a continuation of the slippery slope this country has been on since SCOTUS handed Florida to Dubya in 2000.

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Now that was an election of losers. Clinton wouldn’t even campaign for Gore. As bad as Bush was, I can’t imagine Gore being President.

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I agree he seemed gross. All about climate change from a mega mansion. And wasn't Al Gore on the Epstein's lolita run? https://moguldom.com/294444/epstein-court-documents-released-bill-clinton-al-gore-alan-dershowitz-and-bill-richardson-implicated/

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People really need to check into what an evil slime bag Gore is.

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They've been losers since Reagan. Since that time, beyond Trump, the only candidates that have generated a buzz were Ross Perot in 1992 and Obama in 2008. Obama's allure began to fade by 2012. Had the GOP found someone other than Mitt, Obama may have been given a run for his money in that election.

A strong argument also can be made for Bernie and who knows what would have happened had the DNC not stolen the 2016 and 2020 primaries from him. Bernie may have won in 2016. Think about that one.

What I will say for Trump is that his base of support was, is, and will be genuine, loyal and passionate. Here in my corner of the south the Trump flags and stickers are still out in full force.

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As does our corner of the south E.


E hail from TN.

Still see Trump signs on the lawns and lots of FJB stickers on cars.

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TN, also. I very much agree.

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I kinda liked Perot. Remember his posters? And “giant sucking sound” the border.

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Here’s the deal,,, because they have the same father “they” are scratching their way upward on the pyramid. What we have going is “they

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“They” hate each other as he is the father of hate- liars, cheats, thieves, and murderers.

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Gore,,, now that really is a study in evil

Look up his associations with Vint Cerf and Google.

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Watdafuk… 🙄

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I don't think he's malevolent, I just think he's completely insulated himself from the truth, and that's not a recipe for development or wisdom.

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Trump supporters, turned Biden supporters.

Very suspicious… hello, we see through the bullsh*t. 🧐

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I supported Trump, because the alternative was Hillary (2016) or Biden (2020). I would support virtually anyone versus Biden at this point. I held my nose, but that doesn't mean I have to delude myself about the kind of person Trump is, and neither do you. If you delude yourself, you won't do your homework to try to find someone better to represent us.

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Trump, Biden, Putin and Obama, etc. all have the same boss. The cabal funds both sides so they always win. Fauci is one of their minions, which is why no one could touch him for 40 years.

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The common denominator to the cabal is they hate Jesus and the Bible. Jesus Christ is King of kings, and Lord of lords.

Jesus has authority over heaven, earth and hell so they have no escape.

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Amen Roscoe!

Looking forward to Revelation 21


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Trump and Fauci had great performances playing good cop, bad cop routine and I suspect had big belly laughs backstage. Trump will go down as mvp of the nwo. Had Hillary been prez the pastors and conservatives would have gone ape trying to close everything, mask up, take Hitlery shots, etc

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Did you know the latest on churches? Department of Homeland Security is funding leadership to have pastors and congregants turn in others.

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He couldn't fire him. Fauci is a Federal agency hire, not a political appointee that a President has authority to fire. As head of NIAID, we were stuck with him.

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Civil “servants” can always be locked in a basement like in Office Space. AND their salary can be cut to zero.

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Not really, though a great idea, lol. Federal employees have their very own niche court---not kidding--- that opines and rules on employment and firings and they never rule against the employees.

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I don’t doubt that however I know some very highly placed DOE employees in NM that we’re put in their cages when they reported for work so to speak

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Were 🙁

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That's naive and total bull. Rfkjr wrote 500 pages of fauci record and chock full of criminality. Prosecutors, head of fbi and many other police type agencies work under authority of presidents. There were ways to make sure he accepts gold retirement watch or make him accountable in a court room.

Faici foretold when Trump took office there would be a pandemic. Hmm, how'd he know?

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Your fantastically illiterate version of civic structure is comical. You naively ascribe to Trump the authority and powers that go to the DOJ and other LE agencies in the Federal government. Kennedy's book is a work of art, agreed, but the refusal to act in a lawful manner to all his fine evidence is owned entirely by those agencies and is symptomatic in the extreme of their malfeasance, not Trump's.

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Trump mockingly admitted he is a snake to supporters after leaving office. Cognitive dissonance is when u know someone is lying but you still trust they are benevolent to you.

If someone honest like rfk, jr got in White House again they would use fbi and other agencies and prosecutors to clean house. They would get JFK'd but that's how it would work to really try to clean up swamp. Look at trumps 2 fda commisioners he had. One is now on Pfizer board of directors the other on Modernas. Peace

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Again AYE.

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Harsh T

Please look in the mirror.

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I knew he was bad. The I read The Real Anthony Fauci. Sad really that we left this monster in power. A true academic failure.

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Remember, Trump left him in power. Trump was afraid of how the media would react if he fired FauXi.

DeSantis 2024!

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I'd vote for DeSantis. He's still a politician but I think he's proven not a sheeple. He definitely handled covid better than any politician out there!

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DeSantis is a politician - part of the establishment.

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So, what are you going to do then? Sit on your hands? Wait out another round until we find the "perfect" candidate. The grains of sand are quickly siphoning down the hourglass.

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In European big cities they get big crowds marching in streets most days. Cops join marches often.

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Absolutely R

The political prisoners being held in DC has a real chilling effect here.

We are in the phase of communism of turning people in.

Trudeau was quite effective in shutting down the truckers and is busy ferreting out the organizers.

Putin has jailed many from the 70,000 strong protest against his war.

As in John 17 many will be gulag bound.


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Sounds like the theme for the soap Days of Our Lives.

Try reading the Bible each day.

The best way to spend the time God has allotted you.

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Much more than that alas. Trump was ordered by “they” to leave him alone.

I do hope DeSantis is different.

Trust in God all others monitor.

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I think Birx was wise to bail out when she did

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Yeah she got busted breaking her own rules at one of her 3 beach homes. She was behind the complete destruction of lives, jobs and businesses. Just read Dr. Atlas’ book. She was running around the country promoting lockdowns with no data, just as evil as Fraudci.

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yes, the book was great

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It is great. Those who are Always Trumpers should read and consider Trumps actions/inactions carefully.

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I really have to get this book. I am making my way through several including the one by Dr. Breggin, Maskless, The Real AF, and of course, Pandemia which I read first.

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Don't recognize Maskless. More information, please.

The real AF is a very difficult read, but is required reading in my opinion. I read Pandemic first, too.

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Hi Susan,

Maskless is a book by Ian Miller which looks at the absolute farce of masking. He discusses masking practices and studies done before the onset of COVID and then really digs into the outcomes of masking during COVID. Chart after chart shows the absolute futility of the practice. You can find his work on Twitter too.

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Excellent book by Atlas

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Dr Atlas reveals her evil ways!

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Birx was the real villian in much of this. She's the one who travelled around convincing governors to use emergency powers. In Utah she was responsible for the stay at home orders from the governors office.

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Finally people blaming Birx for the lockdowns and destruction of small businesses! She is absolutely to blame for the economic meltdown of our country!

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She wanted in apparently, but no one wanted her. She should appreciate this in retrospect.

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They blocked her after she had done irreparable damage.

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She's a creature of the swamp. She did what she was paid to do (institute stupid shut downs) and left.

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Maybe he got his booster……..

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LOL, as if he would inject anything in his body.

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Never won’t be funny that the most pro-booster guy in America needs a booster seat

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We can only HOPE!

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The shots were for US, not them! For the fun of it:

- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Fauci (Dr. Science) Memes


- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: The Best Fauci Memes


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Put his face on milk cartons?

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C’mon be responsible. Cows are killing the planet. Put his face on oat milk carton! 😂

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Study up on Allan Savory's work. Cows and other grazing animals, properly managed, rehabilitate grasslands and prevent or reverse desertification. Check out his TED talk and then the documentary "Running Out of Time." Both easily found on youtube.

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I know. Grass fed cow farms are carbon negative and good for the environment (and it’s all my family buys more because of the toxins we are trying to avoid from conventional sources). It was a joke. 😉

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Like cause the button won’t work.

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Glad to hear this! But if you haven't checked out Allan Savory's work specifically, take a look. It's impressive...and based on "how Mother Nature designed things to work."

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Thanks, I’ll do that.

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Terrific southern wit!


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I already saw milk cartons on Telegram. "If found, please contact the Nuremberg Trials." 😂

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I want one!!!!!

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You can have this one. Enjoy!


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Thank you L

Sent to my watchmen.

I’m a big fan of Babylon Bee personally.

Married to an electrical engineer. That explains much. The real Dilbert.

The Knack


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Too funny 😂

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He’s in the basement. Doesn’t poll well. But that rat will slink out and show up again I’m sure.

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Market testing showed he is damaging the brand.

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another swamp creature that knows how to survive in the filth he's created.

Fauci and Cuomo will be back shortly

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Defected to China?

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dare to dream

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I know one place he is not: prison

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Belongs there.

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where he belongs at a minimum

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Or hell. He'll be there soon.

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*extreme Fauci voice

“When you’re in hiding ya still need ta wear ya maaaaask.”

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

yeah, ya still need ta wear ya maaaask like over yer whole face.

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“tree maaaask is bettah than two maaaaask”

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Just saw him on an apparently non-official interview from yesterday. And here I thought he might have been Epsteined because he knew too much.

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I have been wondering if he has been whisked away in hiding for some weeks now.

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Love "Epsteined." Had not heard it used as a verb!

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Good one I agree M. Most of us say "suicided"

I'm amazed Maxwell hasn't joined her boss.

Or has she? Haven't heard a peep lately.

Look who want her dead.

All the most powerful politicians and UNHolywoods amongst a cast of hundreds.

We do have the searchable database of Epstein's little black book.

Used many times on the Clinton Hitlist. The various creative ways people have been snarted.


I just discovered a site I haven't perused yet.


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what a gift that would be

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They told him to go away for a while like the mask and vaccine mandates. November is coming. Never forget what they did!

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As Pelosi rubs her knuckles and plays with her dentures every time SHE lies.

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Funny that she fixed those clown eyebrows (must've been pricey as heck) but not those "teeth". or was she doing a serial killer slobber?

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B every time she is shown and also of course when Pelousy speaks that is one drunk witch as in no kidding broom riding. Check into the international satanic temple at the Presidio.

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It's hard to get rid of a cockroach. According to Jeff Childers from Coffee and Covid:

"Somebody finally found Fauci! He was crawling behind the furniture. But seriously, Fauci may be down, but he’s not out. The scrappy puppy-torturer is now making the rounds of local TV stations, like NextStar in D.C., and downmarket YouTube channels. I’m not kidding. Recently, he’s appeared on “Woke AF” (AF means, “As F-ck”), and the Karlous Miller and Chico Bean show"

☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Friday, March 4, 2022 ☙ FOUND HIM 🦠


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Jeff is definitely gifted, particularly when it comes to framing accurately America's Doctor.

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He was here yesterday spreading misinformation about the vaccine preventing infection.



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Maybe it's something about me, but the shameless bald-faced lying still shocks me. There are times when somebody tells demonstrable lies where you might give the benefit of the doubt that maybe they just don't realize they're lying. But in this case, there can be no doubt whatsoever that he knows, yet he lies anyway.

It's just hard to imagine how a person gets to that point of moral and ethical corruption.

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I wonder how these people sleep at night. If I forget to put away the clean dishes, I can't go to sleep until I get up and put things right. They must be taking some heavy duty sleeping meds.

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Somehow they must convince themselves their lying is virtuous. They are psychopaths.

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many sleep experts (I hate that word now, but) recommend tidying up before sleeping because it seems to be a common human need to feel things are okay promotes a deep sleep. I clean up the kitchen every night because my husband feels no such need.

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Pls come to my house. I've got a whole bunch of things you could put right!

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Thank you for making me less stressed about my OCD...😉

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Kary Mullis was right. He said Fraudci will look right in the camera and lie.

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40 years as a bureaucrat gives you a lot of opportunities to choose corruption over doing right.

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and if you don't, you never get to Cuomo level

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He’s been playing this same game his entire career. Just look at AZT....I’m convinced AIDS was the trial run for now, using a cohort that wouldn’t garner much sympathy at the time.

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Only in government can you hold such a critical and powerful position, be wrong pretty much always, and keep your job and power for decades on end.

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He made it so much worse telling everyone that AIDs was transmissible through the air...

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Isn't spreading misinformation a terrorist act?

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Do we know this is a current interview? Easy to pre-record some for safe keeping.

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He doesn’t know the mechanism of this piece of shit “vaccine “?? He’s a liar and belongs in PRISON.

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CDC director lady is also not making much news lately. Making she's vacationing in FL? :-)

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oh God her? Is she real? Isn't she just a deep fake with bad nose imaging?

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He's in hiding...probably only goes out with a mask, hat, fake mustache, platform shoes, and a flat earther shirt on

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He's with Gates, Soros, Klaus planning next virus outbreak.

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TT sad but no doubt true as they met many times.

Check into the Gates Foundation of WEF and United Nations WHO for project rex-cellerate. COVID just a kick start to speed Great Global Reset and UN Agenda 21/30.

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"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. "Proverbs 6:16-19

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I just heard from my Daughter-in-Law that she was in here PCP doctor's office about a sport's physical for our Grand-Daughter. This PCP is not issuing release's to any kids to play organized sports if they have been vaxxed. They now need a full up Cardiology Review and most of them are referring the parents to regular Cardiologists. I guess the fear of myocarditis is very real now.

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So tragic! My heart goes out to all those vxx children that have parents that live in so much fear that they did this to them. I tried to talk to my trainer about not vxx her children until they know

More of the side effects. She said but it’s so much more convenient. Convenience is killing the children.

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While I hate that because of what it means (because I do not want any children harmed), if that becomes the norm, that is another sign that the truth is too big to hide.

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We pray this:

Luke 12:2-3 NKJV

2 (A) For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.

Read full chapter for wonderful parables.


Cross references

Luke 12:2 : Matt. 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17; [1 Cor. 4:5]

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Holy shite!! An institution which actually cares about kids. I'm impressed.

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at first I thought I was reading this incorrectly. Bless that dr. She/he may be saving young lives, as best as can at this point.

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Where’s that?! Not in San Francisco. Where they demand jabs and boosters for soccer teams.

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Alex you do make us laugh

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Well, I was at the dry cleaners dropping off a few items and saw a tiny little empty suit.

It might have been Fauci.

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FUNNY! Do you think it fits a pencil prick?

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I got fired from my job in local government for refusing the shots, even after I submitted an exemption request signed by my physician. I was four years short of full pension. They told me that I was a danger to my coworkers because I was unvaccinated. That was on January 4, long after it was clearly evident that the vaccinated contract and transmit Covid. I'm 59. Who's going to hire me now? They are fighting me on unemployment compensation too, because I "violated policy" for refusing the shots. I haven't received a dime in unemployment compensation. Anyway, here's a link to the documentation, including my notice of termination. It also provides contact information for the elected official who fired me. The phone number I provide is for his government office. It's not his home phone number. I don't know his home # and wouldn't provide it if I did. It's entirely appropriate for the public to contact him to let him know what they think. Please do that if you want. Please mention my name if you do call him. Thank you so much for reading. Everything is right here:


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I feel so badly for your situation.

The extent of the damage this man did will not be known for years. Physical damage; psychological damage; financial damage. This list goes on.

I do hope I live long enough to see his reputation destroyed. In the meantime, perhaps he could be forced into bankruptcy, like Mike Flynn.

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Terrible to hear this Jeff. Embarrassed that governments funded with our tax dollars are doing this to longtime employees.

Best of luck, my backup plan was always to be a long haul trucker, in super demand now. I am sure you can find opportunities outside of government, shameful you have to for medical freedom. Surely there will be lawsuits, they generally take forever to play out though.

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Contact the attorneys at the Liberty Counsel !!! Please at least look at this option. Mr Reno is representing many HCW’s forced out. Good luck!

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Yes JC. Judy is correct.

I highly recommend Liberty Counsel. Get their newsletters. LC has gone to the Supreme Court and won some. Their applying for religious exemption files are excellent.

Also check out Judicial Watch. Also successful in Supreme Court and forcing Freedom of Information (FOI) suits.

Check out ongoing Class Action Suits.

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Probably off searching for some variants to release just before the the midterm election.

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He is still being paid with "we the people" monies and probably could give a rat's arse what we think of him. Has existed in the non-accountable swamp for over 40 years and has never been held accountable. Who is delusional enough to think it begins now? Zero accountability...the new definition of insanity!

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At the very worst the lil Napoleonic syndrome fraud narcissist fades into a cushy pension funded by guess who? This is perhaps the most difficult aspect to come to grips with. The fact WE fund this corruption and literal destruction of human lives and livelihoods is an extremely challenging reality of it all year after year after year and in Fauci case for decades and decades

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Ah yes B short man's syndrome and the pencil prick short hanging with no 2.

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he's a sociopath.

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He is a luciferian son of his father.

Deluded and multiple demons inside.

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Alex shhhhhhhh! Like with toddlers if they are quiet leave them alone...wait...that was when the darling used diaper contents as paint...

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ROTFLMRO! They do that, don't they?! And we have seen lots of proof of 'adult toddlers' painting with poo!

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Since last Inauguration Day...

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Yo, James! IMHO, I was thinking more broadly......Say, 6,000 years or so? Earth-wide. This sort of stuff has been around for a very long time. Has just gotten worse and worse and worse as time has rolled on. Once again IMHO, recent world events have just shown how well 'they' have 'perfected their painting skills'!

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Yo everyone. This has been the case since the garden when Satan "beguiled" Eve 2 seed lines. Cain and Abel and replacement Seth.

Read Luke 2. Look up what beguiled means in early Aramaic.

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Part UNHolywood production in case Trump didn't leave. It was that close. Trump finally left as the military couldn't find one of the dirty bombs they planted in each large metropolitan city.

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

The White Hats got him. He’s at Gitmo with Brennan and Comey. Seen them lately?

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That's a fantasy projection, but still funny

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Lots of rumor. Twer it so.

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Read Robert F Kennedy’s Book- “The Real Tony Fauci”- he needs to disappear forever from public sight and prosecution is be called for- but of course, this won’t happen

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Just finished the book. This man along with Bill Gates is truly evil.

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He went home to Wuhan.

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As we all know, the Political Science has changed. There is no need for a fear monger lier to spread propaganda for the radical left.

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He’s in the Ukraine vaccinating the Russian army.

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I think it's the other way around.....

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We're not that lucky.

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Russia has their own killer juice.

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I just love your sense of humor, Alex!! In a world that has gone completely off its axis, you give us a reason to laugh! This post is priceless...thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Ron Howard should make a movie, in the tradition of Frost/Nixon.


Brad Pitt as Rand Paul. Joe Pesci as Fauci.

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Joe Pesci as Fauci?!? The gears in my brain just locked up.

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“You know, Senator Paul, you’re a real fkin mutt”.

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Did you say yute?

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These two yutes....

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Nah not UNholywood.

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Thought Pacino was gonna play Fraudci, with DiNero playing Cuomo...

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Is anybody going to talk about Warnie?

For Americans you won't know much but Shane Warne is Australia's Michael Jordan. Of the tens of billions of people who have ever played cricket he was considered to be in the top 5 of all time.

Just died of a heart attack.

And yes. Of course. Fully vaxed. Even told off Djokovic and was happy to see him ejected out of our commie country.

Interestingly he died just a few hours after another legendary Aussie cricketer Rod Marsh died of a heart attack (older than Warne and not in the same league but still a legend).

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Yes. Especially for the retired commentators!

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Probably the most strenuous team sport is European style football we call soccer

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Let's give Fauci some credit.

Here's a man of mediocre ability who single-handedly altered the course of history.

He destroyed economies and commerce. He terrified millions. He created unlimited demand for useless consumer products (including but not limited to hand sanitizer, masks, plexiglass). He severed long-time relationships among families and long-time friends. He undermined not just the US Constitution, but also the authority of the Vatican.

He is influencing international relationships with his alliances with foreign institutions.

He has jeopardized the health of children--born and not yet born.

And this is what comes immediately to mind. Others can add more.

As an aside:: He has forced dictionary publishers to change the definition of "QUACK" by necessitating that the entry will now include his photograph. Perhaps adding his photo to the definitions of "mass-murderer" and "megalomaniac."

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Definitely not going to do well in the history books.

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The virus has mutated into putin

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It’s part of a calculated strategy to memory hole all of this. Their real fear is that the truth about origins will come out and we’ll get to look behind the curtain.

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As real extent of vaccine injuries and deaths emerges, there will be a deeper look into origins. They think of they monkey hike this and pronounce victory and silence all info about vaccine injury they can avoid blame. I hope this is not true! The truth must come to light!

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It is amazing how quickly they have moved on.

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This Holy Spiritual Gift is given to Watchmen on the Wall.

Each of us develop discernment when we are born from above.

PEOPLE People people time is short!

Learn about the linear events in The Olivet Discourse.

People get eyes and ears open when Jesus knocks on your doors.

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Hey, that IS funny. You know who else hasn't been seen for a long time? DR. ANDREW HILL, whose fraudulent recommendation against the use of Ivermectin was cited globally to stop it's use. Dr. Tess Lawrie just helped release a film describing who (UNITAID and others) helped form Dr. Hill's -- and your own, Alex -- opinion on the matter. It's called "A Letter to Andrew Hill"

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Not sure of Alex's agenda on this. There is a doctor on here that has a brilliant stack join her.

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the conversation Dr Tess had with Hill is absolutely mind blowing ( you can read it in RFK's book). And not in a good way either. Dr Tess is an absolute and utter Hero.

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Legend says if you say “safe and effective” three times late at night in front of a mirror, he’ll appear.

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Working on his autobiography “Fauci: My Life As a Paramecium,” forward by Hillary Milhous Clinton.

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O MY JP the BEST I have read today!

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Probably in a lab somewhere creating the next "world changing event".

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he's an evil evil EVIL little troll

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Don't worry, he'll be back after the elections are over. In time to tell us the same things before winter again!

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One word... polls. You know, trust the scie... I mean polls.

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Drops the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again.

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Is there some chance he was locked up?? Please tell me I'm on the right path...

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Clearly the administration has told him to GTFO TV, because they desperately need some kind of victory...as fake as it might be...so...you know they are "following the science" /s.

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Alex, I hope you that at some point you are planning to do an analysis of the information released March 1 from the FOIA request to the FDA re the safety trials. I haven't seen a thorough analysis of the findings yet, except that the adverse effects are off the charts. It's all at https://phmpt.org/ More info to be released each month after they had to file a lawsuit to get the information.

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The careful. The list of adverse effects being quoted is the list of *potential* effects, not what was actually observed. What was observed was bad enough, but let's stick to the facts.

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Definitely check into Judicial Watch.

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Trump is a germaphobe and likely was a little freaked out about COVID. He's also a tank in terms of his own health. If he had had bad health for a few years he would have seen through the doctors lies. Those of us who have had a few rough years learned the hard way most doctors are pharma reps, not real doctors. But, if you've never been sick for more than a few days you likely think...or did think...they really know what they are doing. Once he didn't follow his own gut way back in February 2020, they had him.

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I agree. I used to think the same thing.

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I still don't give the Donald a complete wave. He keeps bragging he is the father of the "vaccines" and pushes them and their boosters. Those of us in the first news conference in March of 2020 had already been researching SAR2. I wanted to hurl when I saw the pencil prick next to Trump.

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Well Major League Baseball is in the middle of a lockout, so he's not at training camp.

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

Hi Alex.

Wondering if you’ve seen this Swedish study that claims to have observed the mRNA from the Pfizer jab being transcribed into the DNA in the nuclei of liver cells in vitro. New liver cells then appear to express spike proteins on their surfaces, which triggers an autoimmune response against the cells. They were investigating cases of autoimmune hepatitis that emerge shortly after vaccination.

Study can be found here: https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm

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This is a legit study that made the news in Germany. The ptb of course ignored it. But this is solid stuff.

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See also, Dr Mobeen’s analysis on YouTube

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