I guess if anyone needed proof of Brandon’s involvement in the suppression of free speech, you have it.

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And that Twitter is a state actor, and must be held to 1st Amendment free speech standards!

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Brandon isnt wiping his own ass this point. This entire country is ruled by oligarchs.

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Who??who is calling the shots? I don’t care who is changing his diaper, I want to know who is running the show...

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1A doesnt apply to a while topic the state deems inconvenient?! No! Justice should not require victims be named and specifically silenced! Class action must be filed!

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No, no, no, no, no... Brandon is for freedom. It's that evil Trump guy who's a danger to our rights. He said mean things about the (sacred) press. And then didn't follow up on anything. He didn't even try to lock up Hillary Clinton. He let the FBI walk all over him. C'mon, man! Brandon's on your side!!!!

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How come I cant give this comment a heart?

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Substack sometimes has this glitch. If you refresh the page you'll be able to do it.

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Cause Kim G has no heart, just fingers to point

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This has to go before the Supreme Court while there is still one.

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All Alex wanted was to get reinstated and admission banning was wrong. He's happy now.

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Alex played this correctly. The lawsuit with twitter would have been a dead end. Twitter did nothing wrong by taking orders from the government. But the government totally broke the law by pressuring twitter. The lawsuit against the government is the big fish. And the discovery gained from this settlement enables that lawsuit.

I called Alex a grifter after he settled, but I now admit that I was wrong. He's playing this perfectly.

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I admit that I could be wrong as well & agree suing the DS is the big fish but extremely difficult. I do still believe that restoring access to the twit was primary because Alex has expressed that he wants that audience.

Personally, I've divorced little bird because it's a cesspool and I don't want to feed that beast.

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Good call. Twitter is the worst of humanity extra strength concentrated

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not according to his last post, but we shall see.

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Yes, I just saw that post. Agree we shall see. I swear this could be a class-action suit including actual physicians, not bureaucrats.

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It should never get to the SCOTUS. This is a clear violation of the Constitution. It couldn't be any clearer. The first court that hears it should know that and rule against the government.

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What should be and what will be seem to be vastly different these days.

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Alex, THIS is why I supported you. You go for the jugular. Now this sanctification and sole arbitration of THE SCIENCE by the state must be dismantled, as another poster stated, by the Supreme Court.

The scientific method is about disputes. Online platforms should not arbitrate, and especially when coerced by the state. We have to fix this.

Take it all the way, baby. Your name will be quoted for hundreds of years.

You fight.

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Cant wait to watch the velocity of warped speed amnesia go full on mass formation when the campaigns start.

It'll be mass formation bifurcation.

It's going to be so frustrating.

Both parties make me sick.

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The suppression of free speech in relation to Alex is the work of one party. The Donkeypox Democrat party.

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But the GOP is their willing accomplice when the public threatens to take away any of Washington's power.

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Republicans (90%) are the exact same as Democrats. They both want to drive this country off the cliff. Except Republicans simply drive the speed limit while doing it. E.g. John Cornyn, Mitch "root and branch" McConell, Kevin McCarthy and last but certainly not least Lindsey "I'm going to get to the bottom of it" Graham. The only thing Graham is getting to the bottom of, is the bottom friendly menu on postmates.

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You didn't answer the question, just wrote some emotional drivel with some names. I am not high on supporting the republicans however I can give examples on how they are the same as Dims in many cases starting with getting rolled on the latest Inflation reduction Act as well as the handout to the semiconductor chip companies that is not required. The Republican leadership is clueless and these guys who have been around for 20-30-40 years need to get out and let some fresh blood take some action. BTW I'm 74 and more active than these old dopes in Washington however people my age don't need to be running the country into the ditch.

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Hard to argue with that but I’m gonna try. At least the current Republicans put forth more qualified judicial nomineees. It’s why I believe in the candidates that have Trumps support.

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I agree.

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We aren't forgetting

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Very well said. When Alex took the Twitter settlement I saw a lot of people say "oh, that's it, there's no way there's discovery, he's going back on his word." But I waited, and this is the result.

It is no exaggeration to say that, if the stars align, these documents could change the course of free speech in the US.

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The sanctification and sole arbitration of THE SCIENCE is completely Soviet. I think of that poor dimwitted "useful idiot" that was going to head the disinformation agency. My God, we're right on the edge.

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Me too. If I didn't follow him I may have had the mRNA injection when my employer mandated it. I bought his book and have been an on and off subscriber. He deserves every cent he's earned.

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Berenson vs Arsehole?

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This administration is really something. Freedom of speech and thought not too high on their priority list.

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And it was absolutely nauseated watching his corrupt son saunter up Air Force 1 as this we worthless president and his family go on yet again another vacation... this time in a $20 million dollar state on a beautiful South Carolina Island for "free"! People can't afford to put gas in their car or buy groceries and Biden and his corrupt family go on vacation. Pelosi and her corrupt son jet set over for an Asian tour but no business was discussed. Then they try to convince us that inflation is 0%. He must be using common core math to figure that one out!

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Nancy took her son with her to get him one of those "no show, Hunter Biden jobs" before she retires. This will keep the millions flowing into the Pelosi coffers for years to come.

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Yep...well she has to lock in something to keep her two $20,000 freezers full of pints of gourmet ice cream!

Totally corrupt and disgusting!

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Nancy's role model must be Marie Antoinette, Let them eat ice cream!!

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When Nancy was asked if she was going to Taiwan, she said NO.....

She thought they asked her

Are you going to Tie One On?

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I hear vodka and Xanax are not a good combo.

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Hahaha 😂

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No, she's been running the family crime scam for decades, just like Xiden.

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She’s not going to let Joe and Hunter out hustle her corrupt family. “Whatever you say, Nance”

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82 years old and she's still tottering around in high heels to ensure the gravy train never stops.

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The swimsuit pic whilst on vacay in Italy is an image I could have gone my whole life without seeing. Now it’s indelibly etched in my nightmares

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Me too

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Watch Star Trek Voyager episode where the Klingon/Human Character is put on trial for bad feelings because she felt anger, and the humanoid species they were dealing with can read minds. Are we there yet?

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Watch the Miri episode where the planet is run by children

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WE have that now. Petulant children and their followers that when things dont go their way they burn down buildings and trash communities. And as spoiled children, they are not asked or expect to pay the consequences.

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The placebos in Mudd’s Women comes to mind also.

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They've got no choice but to double down (again) because they've already gone too far.


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I knew they would do this because our Government doesn't like the truth and I also believe Fauci was involved because that it made him look bad. The Elite media should be ashamed of themselves for what they have done to the American people. They and our Government destroyed tens of thousands of people lives daily. They won't admit that we here in America have had more deaths Mortality with the mNRA shot. And we still don't know the downsides from these mRNA shots say in 25 years.

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Have you noticed how the censoring has accelerated again?

I hope Alex sticks to first principles even after he won a settlement.

I fear it could happen again because the stakes are getting higher now that the fraud is being uncovered.

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Yes, I have they have even attacked me as well. And I don't care I speak the truth and when I go to bed at night I sleep very well. I see the damages every day in a Hospital setting and this crisis they our Government has created is only getting much worse.

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Agree. And thank you for your courage to speak the truth!

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No doubt they are telling twitter to censor tweets referring to the DOJ/FBI MAL invasion as a "raid".

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It was probably timed to keep this story submerged.

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The Midterms are coming and election night is dark and full of terror. If you’re a Democrat.

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1) Election is coming up

2) Musk is no longer an issue

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I agree but I think this is a long battle we will be fighting. I just hope we are prepared to go the distance.

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Say in 5 years!

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The Dr Fauci Effect.


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Someone needs to find out what hospital and the Professor he did his 4. Years of Residency! ASAP

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Wow. Seeing ACTUAL evidence of collusion is, admittedly, a bit strange. I always knew it was there, but actually seeing it is a shock to the system and quite honestly, scary as hell. What have we become in the past year and a half?

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We are losing our country bit by bit. Government overreach and violations of our rights are happening on a daily basis now.

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And accelerating. I fear the country my children will inherite.

It's a hill worth dying on...or we will not recognize the idea of America our founders were so wise in constructing, what was heretofore sacrosanct.

We have completely lost the system of checks and balance they intended.

The founders wouldn't be surprised, but they'd shake the shit out of us.

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This has always gone on. In the days before the Internet the censoring was of the papers. Journalists told what to write by Roosevelt: "off the record".

The worst thing to do is get all hysterical over this. Just accept it's as old as human nature and do what Alex is doing: fight back.

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You think I'm being hysterical?

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Just a bit. Or maybe just overstating things. Our system of checks and balances isn't completely gone. It was never seamless or perfect. Humans were always involved and it's always been messy.

If I were going to panic over anything it would have to be the destruction of the family because that, more than any government, is the bedrock. And it has taken a beating in the last 60 years.

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You still feel this way? I'll check in 6 months from now.

Censorship is a GRAVE threat to our Constitutional Republic.

Agree on family:

It is to tear apart the nuclear family. Which means no purpose in life with the end goal of taking away a persons sense of agency and making them dependent on the state. In other words, incentivizing people to fasten their own shackles.

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Bit by bit? It’s gone.

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Then by God we take it back!

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It's nothing short of an assault on our individual agency.

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Thank you for sharing. Always enjoy your stuff!

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I never want to hear 'they are a private company so they can do what they want' line again.

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In retrospect it seems obvious that pressure from the current administration is behind media censorship. It is also behind every decision made in public health, medicine and education for the last two years, and it worked because there are so many idealogically aligned willing accomplices, and even more go along to get along sheep.

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Them: "Twitter is a private company they can do what they want."

Elon: "OK so when I buy it I can do whatever I want."


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The phrase “persuadable public” says all you need to know about these soulless monsters. The thought that people could have access to information beyond their control is aberrant to them.

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Talk about a smoking gun!!

Thank you for pursuing this.

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"mercifully" and "persuadable public" are very telling. Twitter feared and resented the government interference; and the government feared and resented members of the public who were actively seeking truth.

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Money comment. And it's all about covering the trail to keep the gravy train going.

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The get-along sheep include my own family, daft as they are. I could do nothing to change their minds. Totally caught and captured! And this is in Canada.... "our true ( false) North, strong ( weak), and free. " (captive). Tragic.

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THIS is fascism, not some old lady with a flag on her home.

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What in the hell?!!!!! This is a massive offense against the people of this country. I am writing my representatives.

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Be careful....they may raid your house and seize ypur phone....

(Sarcasm intended)

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I so badly want to know who these "other" reporters are.

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There are two political issues that have hardened me like none other. Alex, your plight embodies both of them….censorship and mandates. This administration is pure evil. Bari Weiss reported this week that a NYT editor had to “check w Chuck Schumer about an op-wd written by a sitting Senator, Tim Scott” No wonder we hear comments like our country turning into a “banana republic”. Keep up the good fight Alex!

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Assume you're going to post about the CDC quietly updating covid guidelines which no longer make a distinction between vaxxed and unvaxxed.

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Holy shit.... that's unbelievable! Thank you for posting this... I knew new guidance was released but hadn't had a chance to fully look into it. So.....curious if universities and colleges across the US will ease up on their overreaching vaccine requirement....ha ha. I'm still waiting for a response from my local community college for my daughter's religious exemption for dual enrollment courses for this fall. So ridiculous!!

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You might be surprised how many colleges are teetering on the brink of collapse because of the way they handled covid. They lost room and board money for a year plus. And enrollment of men plummeted. I say go guys! Give these woke jerks the finger and do something that will make you prosper.

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I heard enrolment in universities is down by 400,000 across the US. If that number is correct, they are in serious shit! All over-rated in my opinion anyway. So many are so woke it hurts!

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The U in my town has been stupid on so many scores. Before covid hit, around 2016-2019 they had some bozo that was scribbling racist crap on walls with a Sharpie marker. They played it up for all brownie points they could get, trumpeting virtuous hot air about how opposed they are to racist acts like this. Before they chose to make a circus show of it, the black enrollment was thriving and on its way up. Once they started to virtue signal, black enrollment plunged. Duh. Why would a black student want to go to a campus where there are mean old racists? They never thought of that.

What makes it really funny is that the HBCU down the road got hit by the same graffiti artist, and they just cleaned it off and got on with life.

But what REALLY makes it hilarious is that the perp turned out to be a local 35 year old black man. He got charged, tried and convicted for it. Did the U make a splash about that? No..they swept it under the rug.

I suspect the man was paid by a local gang of racially crazed organizers who used the graffiti as an excuse to press demands such as reeducation camps in the summer (no fooling) for faculty to sensitize them properly. And some of the their Marxist style ideas have been adopted.

I used to teach physics there but after 2019 I decided I couldn't waste my time there anymore. I really hope there will be a turnaround someday but they're complete covidiots and it will be in the distant future if at all.

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And the number of Chinese students has dropped precipitously. Major financial impact. The chilling question is Why?

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The local state University campus in my city really got hit hard by the loss of the Chinese students. And that started well before covid hit, probably five years ago. Not sure what was the reason. But it hit the University hard.

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That’s what you get when you put all your egg rolls in one basket.

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