Like Kyrie, this dude is a hero. Hope he stays strong and continues to push back.

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I live in Sydney, and the backstory here is important. No-Vax is no hero. He "stood on his principles" but then sat silent while they manufactured a process to let him in. That process included *two separate independent third party scientific and medical reviews of the restrictions*. They concluded that his unknown vaxx status did not constitute a risk. Excuse me? THAT IS WHAT THE ENTIRE NATION WAS DEMANDING; A SECOND OPINION. THAT IS WHAT THE ENTIRE RESISTANCE WAS SCREAMING ABOUT: THAT WE JEWS (UNVAXXED) DID NOT CONSTITUTE AN EXTRA RISK TO THE SOCIETY. No need to beat up and pepper spray and break the bones of 70 year old women in the street FOR THE CRIME OF BEING UNVAXXED. No need to destroy the economy (50% of Sydney businesses say they will NEVER reopen). No need to have construction workers so distraught and out of hope at the mandates and job losses THEY JUMP OFF THE BUILDINGS THEY ARE WORKING ON.

But the real story is THE COMPLETE ABDICATION OF THE SUPPOSED PRIME MINISTER. You could see this coming months ago. A REAL PM would have met with the people from Tennis Australia, the Victorian Premier Andrews, the regulator (ATARGI), the "Health" Minister and told them in no uncertain terms: You sit down and shut up. THIS is how this is going to go. We are going to have a coherent policy and are going to enforce that coherent policy.

Instead the weak-as-p*ss PM Morrison went AWOL. YESTERDAY got on the news and said "oh oh this was the State of Victoria's decision, not mine". Within minutes the State of Victoria responded: "oh oh it wasn't us, it was the PM's decision". When it was announced there was fury: of course there was. A complete betrayal of everyone who had been "doing the right thing", at huge personal sacrifice. So THEN THEN THEN today the PM fobs the duty (and attempts to fob the blame) back to the border enforcement people. But No-Vax should not have been allowed to get on the plane in the first place if his visa WAS NOT SORTED.

And the meta is: this is exactly what the collectivist globalist neocon all war all censorship all the time overlords want. They want "national leaders" who are little puddles of slime with no interest whatsoever in the "nations" or the inhabitants of those nations they run. So drooling dementia patient O'Biden has a Zoom call with the Australian "PM" and calls him "that fellow Down Under" and the fellow sits up like a puppy dog, ready and eager to do whatever Zuckerberg and Gates and Raytheon and Pfizer The First wants.

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You're such an excellent influencial writer I'm angrier just reading this. I'm sure you're implying why on earth would the PM have a care about anything Biden says /does when he publicly can't be bothered to even remember the PM's name, OR country. Earlier this week in a televised speech pre-written for him & everything, he wished us all a great 2020.

Stooges like Biden are the most dangerous of all since we will never know what unelected rulers are directing him.

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The puppet...makes zero decisions. Is controlled 100%

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Yep, that's the scary part. All we know for sure is a large chunk of his cabinet is a rerun of Obama's but without leashes and thunder shirts.

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Obama is the real culprit. He was a member of the Club of Rome and a socialist. He is the smiling assassin of democracy.

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Obama is a puppet also. Simply the mouth piece.

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Why do you think Obummer never left DC? He spent the last 4 years putting the finishing touches on his shadow government and now pulls at puppet Joe's strings from just down the street

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I wondered too why he never left DC! Kinda makes sense now...:(

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But Obama is a mere puppet. He’s at least 2 rungs down from the real PTB

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They moved FJB to to the OMB and his Truman Show desk. Pretty sure Obama in occupying the real Oval Office, no doubt with his feet on the desk.

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Susan Rice

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She's actually the first one I thought of.

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No, I would say you will never know the names of the actual power players. They are behind the curtain, never to be seen. They have their public people direct the play. Remember these are globalists, very very wealthy people who have little time to micromanage but delegate.

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Ask yourself “Where is Austin Powers,” the spy who shagged Obama, AKA Valerie Jarrett? When Obama ‘acquired’ his DC mansion, Jarrett was installed in the guest house on the grounds (inside the protective walls, natch).

Never forget the she is the Obama Whisperer, the ‘other half of his brain, according to BarryO himself.

Check news reports from the morning JoeBama won the nomination and notice her outfit, then you’ll know why I name her thusly:


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Great analogy!!

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They are testing Neuro-Link on Biden....seems to need some tweaking.

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I don't think he can even tie his own shoes.

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He doesn’t even know what year this is and can’t read the teleprompter correctly .

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Yes Brogan, you’re correct! . As I said before: Obama and Susan Rice are running this shit show.

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So now Novak supporters in the arena are being forbidden to hold signs supporting him. Why bother to have a democracy when tyranny is so much more efficient: https://twitter.com/TheJuggernaut88/status/1479024226048696320

And I'll just relate a personal Susan Rice story, I was in a departure lounge at Chiang Mai's small airport, back when the Obama regime was (officially) in power. Lounge was empty except for me and two women. Hey wait I recognize her, that's Susan Rice! No security, apparently she was trying to be incognito on vacation. So I saunter up, she had nowhere to hide and no security she could call. At the time the regime's main crimes were in places like Syria and Libya so I gave her an absolute earful. When she/he smashed the most successful country in Africa, about a year after the leader (Gaddafi) had received a UN Humanitarian award from Tony Blair for helping stop refugee deaths on Libyan shores, they took especial care to bomb the world's largest desert irrigation project. On Earth 2 my prayer is that my tax dollars are never again used to kill and impoverish people...I say let's feed and clothe them instead.

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Yeah...he is a major thorn in the side for the insane mob who are pushing hard to crush fredoms. I think though the population will watch enough of thoier loved ones die from the vex and say enough is enough.....

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Personally, I feely they are just higher tier puppets who puppeteer the cognitively impaired lower tier puppet for sure, but there are more powerful controlling perps behind the curtain. Just sayin...

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We need to boot them all out and start over. And that includes our WEF Kings. Make it difficult for them to go anywhere or enjoy anything. That is what they've done to us and it's time to turn the tables.

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Why would we never know? Vote proper people in and we can know all the dirt that was going on!

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If anyone gets voted in that isn't part of the shit show, they get mercilessly attcked by the entrenched beuracracy and corrupt media (e.g. - Trump, Desantis)

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The difference between Trump and DeSantis is that DeSantis is much more appealing and he knows exactly who/what he’s dealing with.

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DeSantis seems to have a genuine heart too.

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It means that's the correct path and that we should elect strong people that can fight back

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We lived in lovely Melbourne between 2006-08 and we went to the Open every year as it was a short (free) tram ride from our apartment. What has happened to Oz and the State of Victoria is hard to fathom. Having said that over here in Canada we have yet another zealot in the form of Justine 'Blackface' Trudope who has made it clear that the great unwashed shall never board a plane on his watch, exceptions or not! So as most of our relatives live south of the border we cannot get to see them, even by road!! It seems that there is some sort of secret competition between Trudope, Johnson, Macron, Andrews etc as to who can be the biggest, baddest nazi of them all. Infantile if you ask me - normal people should be mortified but strangely they have a solid support block in the Covidian Cult. Interesting also how deep the CCP has involved itself in Oz State Government affairs - oh, sorry, same as Canada. Keep well in sunny Sydney.

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Don't forget that crazy, buck-toothed NZ witch, who is in the competition too.

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Be a shame if something happened to these folks. Like covid... or a 5th booster (that they don’t actually take) adverse reaction or something. Just saying. Be a crying shame. Sorry. I will go repent now

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How could it-- none of them are vaxxed-- its a show

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Counter-example: Californicate's Governor Newsom. I realize you were discussing non-USA politicians, but he surely is of the same ideology. Sometimes the true believers really drink the Kool-ade. It's not all staged saline shots for the cameras.

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maybe a concerned nurse will make sure they get the ‘live’ one, for their own good.

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Why repent? They’re demons in human form at this point in the game…

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Dont insult witches, she is a narcissistic psychopath

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She? I thought it was a he passing off as a she

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Wait you mean there are only 2 sexes? I thought there were 12,300. The Cleveland Clinic recognizes that there are more than 2 sexes. I'm confused.

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Apologies, I forgot the very lovely Jacinta with her lovely, big, long, curley..., teeth. I have just realized that if Justine 'Blackface' Trudope was a woman they could be interchangeable...

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Love your edge!

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It's the only way to stay sane!

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so very true! :)

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Sorry, did you mean to say NZ b....?

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Yes. Yes I did. Also c...

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All WEF Young Leader puppets.

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Just hard to grasp the concept of being such controlled slaves to a trust fund coward-wimp like Trudeau. How is that remotely possible most believe in what has happened to their freedom?

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One could also add failure, despot, divider of nation, narcissist, psychopath to his list of accomplishments...

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how was he elected again?

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Maybe Canada uses the same voting machines....?

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Read about the concept of Mass Formation... and Drs Malone and Desmet. Scary stuff...

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Have followed all of it very closely...good stuff and yes scary how easy those susceptible fall for it!

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The influence of China in all of this cannot be overstated.

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They have figured out how to gaslight the West and let it self-destruct. They unleashed the curse of lockdowns two years ago. We have little clue of their influence on social media.

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Someone aid the CCP are the new N**i Party...have to agree with that.

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Absolutely have their fingers deep within more than most know. Loved hearing Pompeo last night on Laura Ingraham GO OFF on that exact point. Getting pretty tired listening to the huff and puff though from the GOP. Far to many wimps who just talk a lot and do nothing in holding those "we know" responsible for these crimes against humanity to REAL account!

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Many of us think the ones currently in power are holding things over their heads. Dirty little secrets politicians like to hide. I know that may not be true of all but it’s not hard to imagine.

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And the constant appeals for $$$ from these clowns...earn it you bums!

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Johnson isnt in the same category. FYI-- if you have a non-Cdn passport you can get on a plane.

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Really? Oh how I wish I had another passport. Straight old born in Canada, both parents Canadian. Ugh never knew how much of a disadvantage that would be one day :(

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I feel like if you want to police air travel…fast reliable testing at the airports makes the most sense at this point…but for the record I HATE mandates and this crazy vaxx push. Hate it. I won’t be flying I guess if it’s required within the US.

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Tyrannical Country of Canada. My humble opinion is that Trudeau is at the top of the chain of biggest, baddest New World Order Criminals. He is awash in scandals & literally in bed with China & Big PHARMA. He sold Canada. Literally. Now he is just running as fast as he can to fulfill his obligations to get his dirty paycheques. He is literally NOT who Canadians think he is. We 🇨🇦 need to turf him & entire govt. - there is no other solution. WE THE PEOPLE. All credibility lost a long a time ago.

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Just how was he elected again?

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Jan 6, 2022
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Here in the U.S. we discovered that the elections are corrupt. As corrupt as the government.

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Thanks, that is very interesting information, and worth a look. The more we know about the real life Spectre (WEF) the better.

“The first thing you need to know is; we have people everywhere.” Mr. White.

Unfortunately we have no counter to this group like they did in the movie. DoD and US “Intel” were obviously involved in the US coup, leaving the citizens with no chance of legal recourse, as no investigation leads to no prosecution and no justice served. They have f’d up my world and destroyed my future, and that’s in addition to making me physically ill with their bio weapon. Check the link to find out who they are.

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There is fairly good evidence that Communist (then-Soviet) agents were in the US Government up to Cabinet level positions before/during World War II (Venona decrypts). Similar case for the UK, at least post-war. It is highly likely that the USA and many other governments are infiltrated by agents or sympathizers of various foreign powers. But much of it is out in the open: the super-rich and global capitalists can operate in the open, due to their extensive power. Foundations, corporations, rich individuals make lavish grants, donations, political campaign contributions. You need only look at the growth of the "Frankfurt School" also called social Marxism, that emigrated and installed itself in Western educational systems even way pre-WW II. This process has been in motion for least three generations. Emergent behavior, secretly directed by a secret world-running cabal that lurks in a concrete bunker in the Alps, or just historical drift/deterioration, take your pick. But the evidence it happened is fairly easy to find.

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Jan 6, 2022
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Thank you for expressing and explaining the situation from the front line. That is absolutely mind-boggling and horrible. The levels of corruption are sickening. Fools, morons, and narcissists in power and we all suffer.

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Don't know who's in the worst situation... here in Italy our President few months ago appointed a banker, and what a banker: the former EU Central Bank president Draghi as PM.... and it's pretty clear who are Draghi's friends and how is involved in that bloody globalist movement... Today he's trying top mandate all people over 50 (as I'm) against any Constitutional and health rule... More than globalist we'd call them Neo Nazi.

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Move to USA's red states ... no mandates here (and hopefully the Supreme Court will make it clear there will NOT be any in the future)

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Is it me or do others not feel good about what SCOTUS comes out with?

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Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

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damn your logic spock!

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They are all humans and there is the possibility they've been scared to obey but I still believe they will at minimum rule that it's states to be able to put mandates on their citizens (and be replaced if they do)

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I'm hopeful about SCOTUS for now.

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Lets go Brandon......

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I do not trust Roberts. There are only 3 reliable supreme court judges.

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I trust none of them except Justice Thomas.

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This may be a bad sign:

Military Mandate TRO Denial Florida (Doe v. Austin)


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That's a setback I agree but military brass is replaceable (they will eventually do the right thing, especially when they realize they don't get recruits with this policy). The important thing is to establish that Federal Government can NOT mandate to regular citizens

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Things will get more interesting if/when what is currently the US military divides into two or more groups, one called the US Military and the other(s) with yet-to-be-determined designations. 😶 I fear events are already on such a path.

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I was just reading about what they are doing in Italy with the 50+ These crimes against humanity have to END!

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I have a very good Italian friend. He told me the communist have been in control for a good number of years. I read today that Italians who are un-vaccinated will no longer be able to work. Either vaccinate....or starve. Hard for me to wrap my head around what is happening all over the world.

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Surreal in 2022 this is happening as if nothing was learned from the Nazi regime in the 1930's.Italy of all places too. The Irony!

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These are typically the same kinds of people who complain that we deplorables are too dumb to understand history... or even read, for that matter.

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The globalists really only care about THEIR GOALS! Imagine being worth many many billions of dollars, up to 200 billion like Bezos, and the thought of losing your wealth bc world debt is so high. So they will take down the current financial structures and go digital giving them all the control. THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES!!!! HUMANITY, unless they are ultra rich, are a nuisance. GOD, the only GOD they know is THEMSELVES!!!!! Principles, the Ten Commandments are for everyone else to keep them honest and not for the Globalists who make the rules bc they have most of the gold. The Scamdemic/Plandemic was just the means to implement their EVIL WICKED plans! The virus like said from the beginning will effect badly only 98% of people. No where near enough to lock down all of society or MANDATE VaXES.

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It's so insidious. A true crime against the wonderful Italian people. My heart can't take it. I pray to God the people RISE in 2022. Help us God.😭🙏🙏🙏

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Listen to Joe Rogan’s interview with Dr Malone. It’s long but worth it. And should make every American concerned on many levels.

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Draghi is Schwab's puppet- welcome to the puppet club-- Macron, Trudeau Morrison and that horrible woman in NZ>

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At least when they installed the previous Goldman Sachs man Mario Monti as Italian PM (after Berlusconi) they had the honesty to tell the public QUOTE: "now is not the time for elections, now is the time for actions". And per your neo Nazi comments, the Polizei in Germany in this clip, aggressively arresting an elderly woman for some meaningless Covid infraction, show much too much efficiency and outright glee in their duties for my liking. I think we are seeing a subset of mass formation psychosis among certain police forces globally. Absolutely chilling https://twitter.com/Inkognito1117/status/1478060593198342154

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Why do you think they are mandating the injections in the police, military and hospitals? To outcast any disobedience, and prepare them for the time they'll have to shoot at their own family (if necessary)

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Your comments show what might be called mis-branding. The issues we face are the ongoing loss of what until recently were rights and civil liberties, and a parallel power grab by corporations and crony governments. The outcome will be no better if "the other side" this time becomes the oppressor. As Nietzsche said: See to it that in fighting monsters, you do not become one yourself.

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Dunno. If Mothra, then Godzilla. When vaxecutions take more peoples family members and jab passports remove all freedom and hope, betcha there'll be a lot of Dr Jekyll /Mr Hyde action.

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Pfizer the First, World Monarch

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While I agree right PFIZEr has a huge responsibility, I think most of us believe Soros, Schwab and GAtes are pulling a lot of these strings....

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Soros must be close to being on his death bed is he not? World will be far better with him gone for sure

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He's trained enough successors to continue his sociopathic goals for destruction of all sovereign countries. Like his son for one.

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Figures. more evil has dripped off him and will spread after he has gone

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He has an equally EVIL son -- Alex Soros-- just like Dr. Evil (Mike Myers) and his "semi-evil " son- -Scott ( Seth green) 😊

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I know this may sound really out there but Am I the only one to think Schwab is a Lebensborn?

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I don't know this word. Does that mean Lebanese?

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Have heard that mentioned of him often

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Blofeld from the early Bond films.

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Daddy was so he is I am sure.

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We seem to overlook Klaus's friend and advisor Charlie. Keep him in your rear view mirror.

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Just another genocidal megalomaniac

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Such a deeply corrupted entity...

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My heart literally goes out to you. It’s appalling.

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Appreciate the take of being one who is there. So IF Novak stood silent simply to try to play that is a different perspective for certain in accepting knowing what all the native Australians have been put through.

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Yeah that last sentence was 🔥

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You’ve every right to be angry. I was born and raised in Australia and although I have not lived there for a long time I find it hard to fathom as to how it has come to this. This is not Australia. This is not the people of Australia. It once did have leaders that would have said, “sit down and shut up”. Apparently, not anymore. I still have family there and I pray for them every day for things to change.

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And now we can throw Macron into the same pile.

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If he had not intended to expose the corruption of the system, Djokovic could have simply applied for a Vaccine Passport in Serbia. where he is regarded as a national hero. This is not the kind of technicality that would be a real issue in a country like that.

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But the theory is that he is not vaxxed...so would not qualify for a "passport". If his intent was to expose the corruption of the system, then he should expose the corruption of the system, not agree to take advantage of a special process that millions of Australians would have loved to have had applied to them.

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Right. But the point is that he could have gotten a fake certificate. "Fake" in the sense of having been obtained without the shot. But perfectly valid for border crossings. Anyway, I have very little doubt Serbia would have issued him a certificate if someone from his team had make a phone call. But, the phone call wasn't made, and so, no certificate.

Furthermore, I don't think he was obliged to disclose his medical status. That is, if he applied for a medical exemption and received one, then he was under no obligation to tell anyone whether he was injected or got an exemption. If he'd kept quiet, none of this would have happened to him. But he embarrassed the medical totalitarians, and so here we are.

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PM Morrison hasn't even made any effort to get Assange back to his country. He doesn't care about any of his people.

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He only cares about being re-elected.

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I feel sick for you. Your anger is more than justified. Makes our complaints pathetic, although we hate what is happening here, too, and if we don’t stay strong we’ll be joining you.

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You put it quite well.

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Well said.

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Something like 80% of small US business will shutter their doors, I live in a small town 1 grocery store which is the biggest employer, the shelves look like Venezuela's. I can't get a Freaking SIBO infection treated. 'You've not been in in over a year', for the past year ENDO, ENT took preference over the not needed Gastro. Medicare/Tricare Life regs say I see him every 3 yrs for a pre cancer Upper Endoscope, unless there is a med need, there has been none. Till last Friday. SIBO hit. Generic Xifaxan is used to treat this on/off again condition, same for IBS patients, Travelers Diarrhea, etc. He is now fixing to retire, so the Under-Educated PA sees his patients, he just does colon screens. 'UH you are past due to have yours, be jabbed', HELL NO! A week of Diarrhea, pain, dehydration hell. 'You over filled this tiny sample bottle, it was contaminated'. Didn't matter if is was, only test that test SIBO IS A 3 HR BREATH TEST, NOT A LIQUID FECAL. I LOATHED THIS PA FROM DAY 1.

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So much for the Hippocratic oath—bet that PA wouldn’t deny a smoker or a drug/alcohol addict treatment (and he shouldn’t). Bye-bye ethics; hello double standards.

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He will. He must protect his children's future.

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At least we know one athlete who won’t be dropping dead on the court.

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99.9% chance of survival and damn good chance of winning the tournament while he’s at it…

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No chance of winning now. The OZ gov has protected the Open from competition!

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#boycottAustralianopen. How more bullying and gaslighting can the Australian govt be🙄 WHO the hell would go there and spend their money?

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Wait until Chinese Olympics. Every one of them will get anal swab they deserve.

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Pretty sure he'd be in the Finals even if he was playing Covid +

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That's one in 1,000, which is NOT good odds. I'm sure the odds of survival of a healthy 34-yr-old are MUCH better than that. And difficult to find!

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You’re correct. His odds of survival are likely 10x better than that. One the other hand how many risks do you take on a regular basis that have a 0.1 % mortality risk? Getting in a car is a 1/6,700 gamble - same statistical neighborhood. We either over or underestimate risk. It’s all perception.

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It's about accuracy. It's not about "perception." So much has been manipulated - or withheld - over the past two years. We should, at this point in time, have the breakdown, by age group, gender and health condition, of the risk of the disease. What we humans DO w/ that info is another topic entirely.

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The actual odds for a man his age and health is closer to 99.9985% But I can't find the link.

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That's 15 in one million. Or the risk of death for 5 to 11-year-olds, roughly. I can't find 34-year-olds either but it's definitely between the two!

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Probably even higher survival since he had COVID back in summer of 2020 when he organized his own tournament. The tennis world was displeased about his superspreader event.


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Just retired and would love to travel. Refuse to go to any country with a vaccine passport. These travel prohibitions are irrational and only intended to force people to get jabbed. And totally nuts to get jabbed with these mRNA products now.

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I am vaccinated. First two jabs, I believed the Pfizer was a real vaccine that would be effective, and I was excited to get it. I had no knowledge of the MRNA thing. When I learned about a month later that the vaccinated could still get COVID, "needed" to still wear masks, no long-term safety of vaccine, etc,. I was not happy, to say the least. I got a booster because my adult children would not see me if I did not; they still will only meet on my screen porch...even in the cold; they won't enter my home for almost two years now due to their extreme COVID fear. It's hurtful.

I just retired about five years ago and before COVID made a yearly well-planned budget trip to Europe. A dream come true is gone for me as I will not travel on long flights masked and don't want to go to museums, concert halls, etc. with the useless masks everywhere. This beautiful world has become a big, indoor hospital setting....and, COVID is not going away!

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I’m sorry your children have entered the cult . It’s very hard to snap out of it.

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Mass psychosis is pretty much irreversible. They knew that when they created this scamdemic. Now that the population is crate trained--the real enslavement begins. These poor souls will never know what hit them when the next mandate is announced.

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No it is not-- great interview with psychiatrist Robert? McDonald on Mercola. Explains how to suss out where people are with some simple questions to determine if they could be open to new info. Excellent stuff.

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Umm Robert McCullough. He's kinda famous now.

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No not Robert McCullough.🙄 This guy wrote a book called the United States of Fear: How America fell victim to a Mass delusional psychosis. He is a psychiatrist not a researcher like McCullough

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Yikes "crate trained"! My dogs were not and understand their liberty (albeit outdoors). It's all in the communication.

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We’ve been encouraged by Mattias Desmet NOT to use the word “psychosis”. Say mass formation instead.

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In all seriousness, I know a person who drove from Kentucky to Montana in a depends because she was afraid to use a public bathroom. That is how far its gone.

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Was your friend an astronaut and involved in a love triangle?

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Oh I remember that crazy case

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OMG 😳😳 that's just gross 🤢🤢

Bet she made good time though 🤣🤣

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Talk about leaving skid marks.

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Future Darwin Award winner.

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I love to travel but haven't been on a commercial flight nor will I go until they drop the masks and all other bullshit.

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same here. I'm not going on a flight until this mask bullshit goes away. And I refuse to show vaccination status for me to have "the privilege" of traveling to another country. The country I'm traveling to is privileged to have the money in my wallet but if they treat me like I'm a leper then that country can stay without my tourist dollars.

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Precisely. I don't wear a mask in the US and I don't patronize businesses that want to keep out the unwashed so why would I pay for flight to a dystopian regime to try to have a good time there? Really think one huge goal of all this is to destroy the serfs ability to go and do what they choose, particularly international trips. All in the name of the climate, surely.

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Someone recently mentioned "grand solar minimum" coming to a system near you shortly, the cherry on the top being that, it says, there are three cycles of solar minima, of differing timescales, and our next one might well be the grand solar coincidence. Anyway all this is "whatever" (and I apologise briefly for tagging your "climate" word), but the first thing that shuts down is likely to be the Gulf Stream.

Worth a look, I have an old pal who is desperately worried about us and our youngsters taking part in Pachamama's Grand Solar Fry-up.

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I heard from a couple who visited France, both jabbed, that they had to pay 1330 bucks to get back into the US

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How so? What happened?

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for tests so they said. They had their vaxx doc and all but were not allowed to come back in without paying. I don't know if it was on the French side or on the US side though

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Probably crazy testing & Rona test prices, from what I know from my relatives living abroad.

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Yes!!!! This!!!!

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and with less people, now the push of AI and robots to do stuff makes more sense, yes?

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I haven’t flown in ten years and won’t with all the animals onboard

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I haven't seen my parents, I was planning on going spring 2020 and have now given up hope to see them again in this life. We have kinda made peace with it.

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I am so sorry Ingrid. That is positively heartbreaking. I pray that the situation changes so you can see your parents again. Blessings to you and your family. ❤️

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a cousin has taken her computer over a few times last year when the nazi government allowed more than 2 people to visit. At least they know my hair is all grey now LOL

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My husband has the same situation. His mother is in her high 80's, probably won't see her alive again.

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My parents are in their 80 s too, mom has dementia. They are in Belgium and I am in the US. They are doing fine and god knows, may be the veil lifts and people will see the light LOL

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Sorry to hear that 💗

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Oh no! Where are they?

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What animals? Am I missing something?

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Maybe you haven't seen the rash of online videos of people attacking each other on flights? Usually it is over mask compliance but I think that the masks act as a dehumanizing factor that allows people to treat each other like they don't matter.

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I haven’t. I honestly don’t watch news at all. I thought he literally meant animals🤣

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Human animals

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While the following is really only a joke comment it’s not a bad idea : wear one on and take it off when wheels up. NOT LIKE THEY CAN EJECT YOU

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I get the joke ... but didn't an airline DUCT TAPE a passenger recently who refused to put a mask on? I think said passenger had more issues than mask aversion, but ... DUCT TAPE? Anyhoo, I draw the line at taking off my shoes and being groped by Large Marge the Barge, TSA Agent. I'm not wearing the damned mask, so I guess I won't be flying the oh-so-friendly skies anytime soon.

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Florida, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica Mexico are wonderful places we recently traveled (age 4 to 84) with no shots requirements.

I’m so sorry for your children being on the wrong side of facts and realities. And I feel sad for you not getting to have them over.

We’ll come visit you! We live in UT.

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Incredibly sweet and so human - beautiful 🥰

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Truly a dumb move. However, you can still go; just can't stay in any hotels, etc. The insurance requirement has been there for awhile so at least that has not changed, and you can go to markets to buy food.

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Second that where do you live D. Joyce?

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I'll come visit too D. Joyce! My family is in Australia, and being unvaccinated, I have no chance of visiting them.

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Or you could visit me!

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Jan 6, 2022
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Did they? What kind of mandate?

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Jan 6, 2022
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Unless whole populations stand up peacefully to these mandates, they will just get worse and worse.

No one every complied thier way out of slavery.

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I’m so sorry to hear that. You should take that vacation money and come to Florida! I’m in the panhandle part of the state and you would never even know there is a scamdemic going on! We are living our lives as normal thanks to our wonderful governor. I would be happy to be your “substitute daughter” and show you around 😊.

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Yep, I remember back in mid 2020 I stopped in Panama City Florida and it was like there was no covid at all and everyone left me alone about wearing a mask. I love those small towns in TX and FL where people let you live your life without telling you to wear a mask or show vaccination status. I'm in NYC right now and I'm absolutely miserable. I think that through all of this covid bullshit, there's going to be a resurgence in small town America.

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I went to Az for a month in March 2020 no problems til just as I was leaving and even then it just was the pools at the hotel closed, then drove 6000 miles and went all over west Ut,Mt,Wy,Sd,Nd,Id,Ia, Ne in early fall of 2020, no mandates no masks, spent a lot of late fall in Amish country Indiana. They believe in God not Masks. Ignored the mask mandate in Mi, knew the back doors to go when restaurants were closed, and watched as our Gov got caught doing the same thing, we all knew she had been doing it but she never thought she'd get caught joke was on her. Family came for holidays and while some got vaxxed they knew we weren't but came anyway. During the winter I found groups that met in homes weekly with no fear or vaccines. Then we spent two weeks in early spring 2021 in Fl,Al Mi AK and Mo, again no mandates then back to Az,had to wear a mask to get out there, but if you eat popcorn and have a drink with a straw you can avoid wearing it for quite awhile, but then they wake you up if you fall asleep if it falls below your nose.No one bothered me in airport only wore it at TSA.

So for those of us not in the Branch Covidian cult who are able, the states

can be survived as long as states rights are preserved Friday begins the real test as the Supremes decide our fate.

PS I am 69, husband 77 we aren't sick haven't been sick

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SW Florida is GREAT TOO

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I live in the panhandle but love SW Florida too.

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Best leader on the planet and should be the next POTUS….pretty much is anyway….that dribbling demented fraud who is currently propped up in the WH is a disgrace to democracy and humanity!

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I couldn't agree with you more.

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It is the same in Utah, my daughter lives there. She came home to Illinois and couldn't believe the masks, the restrictions, she couldn't wait to get back to Utah.

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I'm in the panhandle too. We are so fortunate to have Governor De Santis!

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The more you comply with your children the more you buy into the BS. Tell your children that the vaccine and the boosters do nothing and the mask does nothing. If they don't want to visit you, that's on them. And screw Europe. Overrated anyway. Europe doesn't deserve your money. There are plenty of places in the USA that don't care one bit about masks and are absolutely beautiful. FL, TX, and SD come to mind but there are many others. I'm sorry your children have bought into the fear porn on CNN and MSNBC but if you push back maybe they'll realize what a load of horseshit this entire situation is.

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One of my coworkers told me a couple of months ago that her daughter had informed her that she would not be coming home again to visit until her mother got vaccinated. The daughter is at college in New York City. Now that we're back from holiday break, I asked my coworker how things went with her family, and specifically whether she had decided to bite the bullet and get vaccinated. She said no she had not gotten vaccinated and her daughter has had a change of heart.

Apparently, the daughter has been one of those models citizens who is always triple vaccinated and triple masked and never associates with the unclean. However, despite her performing all of the rituals and sacraments, she must have caught Omicron in New York and developed symptoms after she arrived in San Diego. She also managed to infect her mother and her brother. After that, she said that this is all BS. This vaccine and mask stuff does nothing. I got sick anyway and I got the people around me sick. Good riddance. Good news is that the infection was mild, everybody is on the mend, family harmony has been restored, and the appropriate target of her vitriol has been identified. He's a short man, about 80 years old, worked in government for a really long time now.

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A story with a happy ending!

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I pray daily for an exact story like this with our NYC daughter. We are in Texas. She was born and raised here, but that big city life really changed her. She told us not to come visit if we were not injected and that she would not be coming here. We still have not seen her in person in over 2 years, but her hostility towards us seems to be waning. We are trying to just be patient and we keep telling her NO we are not going to participate in the medical tyranny. Hopefully it will sink in eventually.

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She will return eventually. Clearly you have integrity, some of that is in your daughter. You and common sense are on her back burner. She is in reactive/emotional/panic mode brought to you by MSM and her environment. Just keep on keeping on, eventually her TRUE conscious self will come back to the front burner. And then you can yell at her for having been so foolish!! JK😉

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Thank you very much for that message of hope! I am thankful for your reply.

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This is pure proof that the mass brainwashing can end, person by person. We just need to continue to do little things every day to try to wake up the brainwashed. This is a good idea, too:



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My kids are unvaccinated as am I. My son wears a mask a lot but knows to get rid of it around me

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But aren't you worried about there being so many firearms and pickup-truck owners, church-goers, and they probably aren't very much on board the whole Woke culture thing... 🤠

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Jan 6, 2022
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I’m not sure what happened to you and frankly I don’t want to know. What I do want to know is where you live, because NO one wants to visit or go anywhere near you. Nasty!

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ignore the troll

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Jan 6, 2022
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Peter, learn to speak Russian about 3 years after the USA decides Europe is no longer worth keeping as a buffer.

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Jan 5, 2022
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Did you see where the madman said how he personally wants to kill all unvaxxed? I was ashamed in his place. Just like when Brandon said he wanted to give us his Covid. Well come to think of it, the omicron might be worth it LOL

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Did Macron say that?

I used to like him.

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He said that the unvaccinated weren't really French, not citizens and he will do everything he can to piss them off. A true Davos troll (short as well ). Schwab's lead puppet. Next after him our "always high" (really ) PM Justin Trudeau

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Yeah he did…he said he purposely wants to make life hell for the unvaxxed to force them to take the clot shot….he’s a fucking criminal and should be one of the first to the gallows after all this is torn down!

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Macron Sparks Backlash After Commenting He Wants to Bully Unvaccinated ‘Until the End’


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it was in the news either this morning or yesterday

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Did you ever ask your children why they won't see you if you're not vaccinated? Think about it, if they're vaccinated and the vaccine is so effective, why do they care what your vaccination status is? The fact is, the vaccine doesn't work well at all and people still get sick, still die, and still transmit covid with or without the vaccine. There is some data that you'll do better if you're vaccinated, but as far as reducing infectivity or preventing infection, the vaccine is useless. The vaccine, the masks, and the PCR tests are all part of this scam that regardless of how ineffective they are, we're pushed to use them even more as we increasingly learn how futile they are.

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It's sad. For the past two years my family has gathered at my father in-law's place every few weeks to have some fun together. My father-in-law just died at 92, and not from covid. This made his last two years full of family. We refused to be terrorized into abandoning him and each other. All of us got covid at one point or another. He never did.

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My family too. I’m the only unjabbed. See my 91 year old mom almost every weekend, plus a sibling or two. Mom is triple vaxxed. Non of us has been sick except my older sister just got over a bad cold. She got tested and it was negative. Who knows?

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That’s beautiful ❤️

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This argument is too logical

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Yes there is nothing logical or rational about their response. They are responding from the non-logical place of Fear.

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Too much common sense here!

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Sorry to jump in uninvited, but the “data” stating you’d fare better vaccinated...how would this be known? You would have to have had Covid, recovered, been vaxed and then caught it again to be part of the cohort that could determine that. How many people fall into that category?

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I know one person who had covid, got vaxxed, then 18 months later got it again. But the vaccines after covid can lower your resistance with antibody dependent enhancement.

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Right, so what are the odds you’d fare better?

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Even then bc of variants and other variables no one can assert with supporting data that jabs make infections milder. Rona's already usually mild. And when Big Phart Pharma got past the initial testing requirements, they immediately coopted the controls by giving them jabs. With no controls, there's no valid comparison to be made. Fraud? Criminal? RICO? 🤔

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How long have you read Alex?

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Is that to me Carol? If so, I’ve been following Alex on this Substack for just a little while now. Catching him on Tucker and on radio when I could prior.

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Ok, he has covered that as has McCollugh, Malone etc. DDG any of them

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The vaccines have negative efficacy with Omicron. That means that you're more likely to get Omicron if you're vaxxed than if you're not. Studies show this.

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Take some road trips, enjoy yourself, maybe find a local club of like-minded people who will travel with you... I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. I'm 62 and see my 82 year old mother all the time, as does the rest of the family, including college-age kids.... everyone is vaccinated but me, but thank goodness, I am not ostracized. Family is so important... come to FL and enjoy all our state has to offer!!!

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It's so strange because if the vaccine was so effective, and all these vaccine fanatics took the vaxx, why do they care what I do? Saying I need to be vaccinated so YOUR vaccine works is like saying there's a birth control pill that only works if every woman on the planet takes it.

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It’s a cult.

Branch Covidians

There is no compromise

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Biden once said “we must protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.” Not a peep out of the press about that nonsense.

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I was looking into moving there. I’m a chef, I could sell my house up here in Canada

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Same with me re: family. I’m the only unjabbed one, and they don’t hassle me. Lucky I guess. Visit my 91 year old mom, older sister is 70, have lots of nieces and nephews. All get together, hug, etc. I do however have a younger step brother who doesn’t live near me, and I hear he is really terrified of the rona. He and his wife go to extremes to isolate from everyone. Sad.

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Unreal! If they were my kids they would be getting a letter via registered mail with a copy of my will that disinherited them! Life involves risk, and COVID is a very tiny one for young adults. Such a sad day.

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I changed my will a year ago.

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Yep. I'd tell them that they are out of the will and then I'd tell them that I don't allow visitors with masks on either. I don't deal well with stupidity and I don't tolerate it.

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agree sometimes kids (people) need a little extra dose of reality in writing to come to their senses

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I have to agree with you.

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Too bad you were not informed. Take some time now to understand why this is happening. Learn more about vaccines. Read Robert F. Kennedy’s latest book, just released. Read Judy Mikovits books that delve deeply into Anthony Fauci’s deceit and corruption. Take time to learn about therapeutic treatments that may reduce the ongoing damage the shots you have already had will likely cause. There are reasons the vaxxed are worse of than the unvaccinated. Read Doctor Ruby and Doctor Tenpenny. If you read these experts books and publications your hurt may turn into anger not directed at your children but at the medical industrial complex has as it seems has lost the moral duty of “first do no harm.”

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Havento redo words




Masks of shame

IsoLa solitary confinement Lockdowns jail


Big Harma yup

Faux chi

Bill Gatekeeper

Gavin Knewsomething

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one of the biggest crimes in all this is the unfounded fear that's been installed in the population

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Florida is wonderful.

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I am so sorry to hear that about your adult children. They should be ASHAMED of themselves. Unbelievable.

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Please do not take anymore boosters, get off the vaccine treadmill. If they won't come in off the porch at this point they never will. This political narrative, indeed, has split families. Visit Montana!

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Thank you Lisa, and all the other nice people here for their thoughts and suggestions. I think I will be planning a road trip!!!....

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The thought of traveling in a face diaper is nauseating to me. I avoid traveling now.

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So sorry. How are they protecting themselves from each other?

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OMG. I feel so bad for you. 😢 So many of us are in a similar situation. My 92 y/o mom. Is in a Memory Care Unit. She’s double jabbed and boosted. The word on the street is with cases up in NY, another booster is on it’s way….. They haven’t denied me entry yet - I’m holding my breath.

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Christ, even Israel has figured out that the 3rd jab isn't working -- so they have suspended the plan to do a 4th jab. WTF is going on in NY state with the unelected Psychotic governor. She seems mentally unstable.

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Did you hear her "sermon"? Explaining God and Jesus wants you to get vaccinated? Unreal 🤦🤦🤦

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I caught that. Terrifying! What a wacko.

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Jan 6, 2022
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She's a wacko... totally

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She seems REALLY unstable, the way she speaks, how she moves-- freaky.

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Omicron is self-selecting the jabbed. This is an Antibody Dependent Enhancement adaptation. A 4th booster will make this worse.

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Pushing the booster in the midst of this "outbreak" is insane and anti-science.

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I would love to travel but can't leave my own country by plane, train, boat, or bus without being vaccinated.

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Can you walk across the border?

It’s fine in the USA.

I got in with a few days to go.

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Welcome to the US, Dr. Yeadon.

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Thank you, everyone!

We do feel welcome here in the US of A!

To my U.K. friends & colleagues. We’re not running away. I was worried they might close us in & I knew the US would be closed to us if we didn’t beat the Dec 31 vaccination deadline.

I think of it as “running towards the sound of gunfire”. I’ve long felt that the last place to go down fighting would be the southern states of America. Hopefully won’t come to that. Will say more another day. But it’s about being sure I can continue. The worst part was leaving our kids & grandbabies. But as I said, I can’t protect them from there. They both said “Go”. And no greater gift from our daughters can we ever have.

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Welcome to the US Dr. Yeadon. Thank you for your tireless work.🙏 I spent a summer in England when I was 19 turning 20 and it was a blissful 3 months. I visited twice after but haven't been in years. My heart cries over the state of the world. It's so hard to comprehend what's happening to humanity.😭🙏

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I feel just the same.

I’m told it’s all about the money.

Horrible people.

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Wishing all of your family the best. You are all welcome here and glad you made it safely across the border.

Again, thank you!

Enjoy your time in the US and I pray that you’re all safe while here and throughout your travels.

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Absolutely. Clearly your daughters understand the importance of your work and have sacrificed a great deal for humankind, please thank them all from their fellow freedom seekers.❤️🙏

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Welcome! Thank you for all you are doing.

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It’s an honor to have you here, Dr. Yeadon.

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Thank you for all your courage and honesty Dr Yeadon!

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The U.S. won't allow anyone across the land border who is not vaccinated, or at least that's my understanding. I am not a U.S. Citizen, I'm Canadian, so they don't have to let me in like they would an American. This is unfortunate because it's to the U.S. I wanted to travel. Apparently you can take a private plan though, does anyone happen to have one available? :)

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Yes you can take a private plane-- thats how the govt enablers are travelling-- because they are fake vaxxed

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Also Canadian, and my understanding (lawyer husband scoured the federal MofT regs--difficult to find )and found that you can get on a plane with another passport -- ie non- Cdn and as of Dec a PCR test (changing?). And depending on the country you will be able to come in. I have a UK passport and like a Cdn. returning from another country -- even now they will welcome you "home".

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So glad you made it out. I just want to thank you for your honesty and bravery btw. You’ve saved lives.

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One of the heroes who will be remembered by history. The brave Dr. Mike Yeadon. God bless.

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You got in! That’s great! Before the vax mandate hit!? How’d you manage it—what consolidate did you go to?

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London. I was an idiot being in Central America earlier in summer, they were never going to process me there. Back in U.K. we got appointments inside a month. Missed the border closure by flight (Dec 6) but succeeded in land border crossing before Dec 31.

I wouldn’t recommend what we did. I’m told it was quite hazardous but, and it sounds silly, we felt someone was watching over us as a couple of skinny gringos made our way to the Mexican border & showed our visas. Nice people there. No mucking about, they aren’t push overs. But they accepted our unconventional reasons, stamped where appropriate & wished us a pleasant stay.

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Sounds like an adventure to remember, assuming with your wife? We all need things like that in our lives. Are you in Ca.? It’s crazy here right now but in an odd way. There’s a mask mandate but people are choosing not to comply unless forced to for some reason.

If you need a place to stay you’re more than welcome!

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Currently in Florida & it’s all wonderfully normal.

Yes, it’s me & Joanna. We never are apart ❤️

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Excellent news-- where there's a will, there's a way! You had to drive across Mexico? (that's the hazardous part, driving!) Where did you cross over? In Texas? I used to work CBP in California, and an "O" visa is always a little special -- plus something like 10% of CBP is not vaccinated, either, so you may even have had some fans there. So pleased for you and your wife. Currently I think vaccinations are required for "green cards" but the O visa is renewable forever.

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The CBP staff were straight arrows as far as I could tell. A positive clue was none of them wore masks. Hundreds in lines in the secondary inspection wore masks!

We had to go through obligatory secondary inspection because it was the first use of a new visa.

I got no sense of recognition but I doubt they’re the sort of people with easy tell!

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Thank you. I’m not wild about a mass of vaccines for green card (if it comes to it) but would accept them if that’s been the condition for ages.

Obviously not the covid19 vaccines 🤔

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I thank God everyday for scientists like you, with courage, intellect and I pray for all of you to be protected and empowered.

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trudeau - a UN sock puppet

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Suck puppet too, from the looks of him

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No -- a Davos/Schwab puppet that has a commercial interest in Pharma patents-- see Dr. David Martin. So he has a financial gain to be had.

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Ja wohl, Ich nenne es Communist Canada

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*Kommunistisches Kanada

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That works too!

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Communist most of the world right now. Nazi Germany and Austria. To my surprise I read that Schwab distances himself form the corona mess. His lackeys must not have heard that yet. Both Macron and Trudeau are WEF

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yeah. gutless monster Schwab and many others are now trying to back pedal because the crimes against humanity nuremberg 2 trials are just getting started and he is one of the guilty bastards that are staring directly at a noose.

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they try to turn around but there is plenty of proof of what they did, no matter how many trolls and hypnotized will stand for them

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Yup young global leaders program so was Merkel and Yo Yo Ma 🤣

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and Al Gore, and Greta Thumberg, and Trump and Ivanka, and that woman from NewZealand, and god knows who else. I have been trying to find a full list, but I don't even know there is.

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New Zealand’s PM is Jabcinda I live here and she’s a evil globalist that has ruined NZ.. I saw through this covid crap nearly 2 years ago by researching overseas data. I will never get the jab will never wear a mask. NZ’s PM Jabcinda is a globalist puppet just like all the others in the world! People with even half a brain cell should see where this is heading.

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The Anschluss is back!

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Its like a Philip K Dick novel!! See Man in the High Castle

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Thanks. I will.

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Read the book. Very interesting. Not sure I buy the multiverse interpretation. Could the point be that in reality Germany and Japan won by losing, compared to the book, in which they really lost by defeating the allies, ending up with a crappy society? A kind of pyrrhic victory?

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Perfect label!

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I agree with Dr. Yeadon. If people can walk into my country across the southern border, I see no reason why Canadians can't walk across the northern border.

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Trudeau is a hack.

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You mean Justine?

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Let me guess, you are Canadian?

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You guessed it. Unfortunately. The hate for unvaccinated is pretty bad here. We're not Australia or anything, but it's not good.

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As a medical professional I am not actually seeing that. If you read MSM maybe, but talking to locals and neighbours not really. Here in Toronto there are places you can go (no questions asked) to eat in-- not now in Ont. due to the lockdown starting today (nice to have the vaxxed experience what we have -- though I feel horrible for the kids)

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I try to avoid MSM - there was an article in the Globe & Mail yesterday about forcing unvaxxed to vaxxed and the comments were literally sickening. The common consensus was that unvaxxed shouldn't receive medical treatment. The hate was palpable.

I'm glad you aren't seeing that, maybe I should move to Toronto?

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You would be the first moving here now. People are fleeing like crazy. We are closing (until further notice ie probably permanently) 44 library branches-- why 'COVID related"-- most likely a combo of reduced demand--moving vans are hard to get, librarians on "sick leave" 🙄 or those fired cause they didn't take the jab.

Multiple that movement to every area of the city-- housing, transportation (subway's run less often), stores (Cdn Tire here closes at the Stock yards centre at 5pm -- hand done sign) because of COVID , banks etc. Major reason I am hearing is because of staff shortages, people have left, or sick or are staying home for the govt hand out.

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Globe and Mail isnt MSM???? Why do you read it?

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Move to Toronto??? 😮 Noooo. Who do you think voted Red?

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I dont watch TV (yes to streaming services) listen to to CBC or read any "newspaper' I mean propaganda paper. Haven't for over 2 years.

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Same!! 🤬🇨🇦

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Here too. Time to burn parliament again.

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Time to drag that weasel into the streets….

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Unfortunately if people take the law in their own hands, they will create martyrs in the eyes of the brainwashed, and that is no good either. They need to go to court, just like Nurnberg, and then people can truly wake up and see how they have been had. Otherwise they will just turn on the others...

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The problem is, that if institutions become corrupt, or are merely perceived as having become compromised by a large enough fraction of the population, it raises the chances of insurrection*, rebellion or other revolt.

*I'm not talking about the demonstration at the U.S. Capitol of exactly a year ago. There are still people awaiting trial for various "offenses."

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BUT there are other ways to get them-- and I dont mean voting

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We will need America’s help out again on that!

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Lotta Canadians here

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we are so screwed here in Canada.. gonna hang in there though

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send all the vaxxed to canada and let all the clean bloods come on over to the US. Send Brandon off to his counterpart as well !

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Why do you think they shut the borders? that is exactly what they wanted to stop

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No we dont-- we have guns too 😊

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👍🏻 Pew pew. I am disappointed a lot of owners are vaxxed. For a bunch of people naturally distrustful of govt, they swallowed the fear hook line and sinker. 😕😕

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I think it’s part of “their” climate change plan. Create vax passport requirements for travel and then there won’t be as much travel, lower carbon footprint for many. The vax is a hill I’m willing to “die on” so to speak. Not doing it. I will give up all travel rights if I have to. Screw them btw. This is going to ruin countries financially!!

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I wish it would ruin these countries. Unfortunately, though, many so-called Americans are falling all over themselves in a hurry to comply. IMO it’s immoral to travel to France, Italy, Cyprus, etc. currently.

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Immoral is right! It's also immoral to go to a restaurant requiring a vaccine card ... unless your card is fake and you only use it to go into the bathroom and write team reality slogans on the walls in sharpie.

Not that I've done that.

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RFK Jr. has some great stickers you can print off for exactly that purpose! Check out Children’s Health Defense. They are free.

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Yep. We just bought a printer so we could produce some of the stickers!

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Ontario got rid of vaccine passports. Well not really….. its just that any place you need one is closed due to the lockdown

But “only” for 3 weeks 🙄🙄 ya. Ok.

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Yes we are all locked down now, vaxxed and unvaxxed alike, although no one who is vaxxed will spend any time with an unvaxxed because somehow we are to blame for covid spreading even though we can't go anywhere or do anything where we could spread it. Last time they locked down around Christmas we didn't open anything up until July. Insanity.

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As much as I think there will be people who dont spend time with unvaxxed-- that is NOT everyone. I realize that at some point we have to come together and fight/resist the ones who are separating us. A lot of the vaxxed are just going along to get along (I know 🙄) -- these are my patients. Lets not exclude anyone.

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LOL!! and Doug Ford will lose 50 pounds -- not likely

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Making us into a team against the others is divisive unfortunately though, appealing though it is. I think we need to present ourselves as having the interests of as many people as possible at heart.

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Agreed. I only using "team reality" as short hand for ... this community. It's a phrase Alex uses a lot. The gist of my comment was not about making anyone into a team or creating an us versus them scenario, it was about being subversive since we are being censored.

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OK. I didn't realize Alex used that phrase a lot. I agree that wasn't the gist of your comment, it's just that I think we can hardly be too careful with our rhetoric to minimize how much it is used against us.

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hear hear

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Brilliant 🤣🤣 Hmmm I would LOVE to do that-- better do some searching on the web 😏

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Mass Formation Psychosis.....a very dangerous trend..... keep spreading our counter arguments for freedom...stay strong stay free!

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Agree 💯

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I agree!

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The Pharma/WEF cartel doesn't care about COUNTRIES or their financial fortunes! In fact it WANTS to run everyone and everything into the ground so it can get control of EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE.

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But unfortunately for them , the economic impact won't stop at their door-- EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED.

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They are actively TRYING to destroy the global economy. For good reasons, from their perspective. What you see as a bug they see as a feature.

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They saw the collapse coming in Sept of 2019-- the bond markets in Europe have been negative since 2014, horrible everywhere else-- the debt in most western counties CANT be met. That is why interest rates have been SO low for so long its so govts can pretend they are meeting their debt obligations. You know its bad when the govts issues their debts (bonds) have to buy them back because no one else will buy them. Can you say Ponzi scheme?

This "COVID BS" is a psyop to take our attention away from the collapse. Shutting down the economy "slowly" the WEF thought could help add the Build back better BS spending and a total debt pass for everyone (but us plebs) and presto the brand new world Schwab thinks he can create. Already there are SO many cracks in their plan. Keep your eyes on the economy.

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Full agreement, Carol.

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Who are the creditors of all these indebted countries? And what body adjudicates disputes between debtor and creditor?

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Their plans betray a profound lack of recognition of the value—to everyone—of cultivating and maintaining trust rather than submission.

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While I haven't yet gone down the WEF/Great Reset rabbit hole, I'm sniffing around its edges. 😐 Their stated motives probably don't matter. Human nature (psychology) will be dominant. Just look at many places in history or even our current world. It's just a sad fact of human nature to prioritize one's own (or one's family or "tribe") needs and wants ahead of the Other. This fact is reflected in many truisms, like the old "Better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." Stripped of its theology, that maps pretty well into the real world. Of course, like many things in the world, it is a question of degree. But it's safe to say that a republic, a democracy, where most people are of equal means and rights, is pretty damned rare in world history. A better example of how Unhappy Reality operates is given by the story of Equatorial Guiana. Here is a tiny nation with natural resources (petroleum) that has a per-capita income on par with Europe, yet most citizens are as dirt poor as a normal African nation. The elite are a tiny minority and keep the wealth to themselves. From the point of view of the would-be plutocracy, Hell is a healthy democracy; Heaven is when they own and control everything and everyone. For the common man, of course, it's the opposite.

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Climate change not a concern now, we will all be dead from the bioweapons soon.

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Me too. Never submit

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Have they told the travel industry and airlines that -- 🤣 I bet not

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I can't even leave my own country. I guess an unvaccinated person leaving would increase the covid per capita

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Historically, it was considered close to terrorism to prevent a person leaving,

In Middle Ages, with Black Death around, no one ever stopped you LEAVING. Never.

Until recently it was North Korea & who else who stopped you leaving?

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East Germany

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I've got some kids, 30 and under, working for me, and explaining the Cold War used to be very difficult. Now, I just tell them to look at the rules in Canada or Australia, replace vaxxed and unvaxxed with Party member and Prole, and Ontario/Queensland is the new East Germany.

The kids sigh and tell me that the governments are doing this for their people. What a bunch of brainwashed morons.

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Show them this video of the CDC director admitting to Blitzer in early August...five months ago...that the jabs don't stop infection or transmission of the virus and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads. That was during the Delta wave.

Ask them how injections that don't stop infection or transmission are protecting "their people"? There is no public benefit.

If they mention a personal benefit, ask them if they think Canada and Australia should mandate weight loss and exercise.


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Gosh I’m sorry. I hope they come around. Mine are a bit younger and listen to me for now. I can tell them how it was growing up in an unfree country. And for now I keep it at morons are in charge. The teen however also knows they stupid 😂. My teen is curious and loves true science and understands the numbers are bogus.

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Yup thank our Western education system for that!

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Of all the arbitrary measures they've put in place, this is the one I understand the least. You would think they would want me to leave if they hate the unvaccinated so much.

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Oh no! You’re the scapegoat.

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If only. The scapegoat was the lucky one (?), driven off into the wilderness to an uncertain fate. The other goat was sacrificed the traditional way. (Leviticus 16:20-22).

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They want you injected. That is all. They’re bothered if you’re well or not. Just injected. Creepy, isn’t it?

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Looks like we're going to need to set up an underground railroad to get people out of Australia. Not sure how that works with an island. Maybe it's something more like the invasion of Normandy to liberate France. 🤔

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Let's hope someone's been digging already for a while now!

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Now it’s the Globalists and their ways. We all must wake everyone up.

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I truly did not know until last week that Canadians were not allowed to leave their country unless vaxed. For so many years, some of my friends and family would complain about the US, and rave about Canada. Really, this SUCKS for Canadians.

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Actually some of us can if we have a non-Canadian passport. So you fly out on the non- Cdn. one with (as of Dec) a PCR test and come back with the Cdn one.

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I keep hearing ads on radio shows to take a trip here or there with this talk show host or that one this year. Wonder how many like me would love to go but the vax passport is the "golden" ticket to travel. No way Jose. How much $$ must be lost before restrictions cease?

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One of my friends is trying to get me to leave California and go to Ecuador for a couple of weeks. When I joked about how we might have to fly to Mexico and walk across the border to get back home if they lock down the borders, he looked dumbfounded. "They would never do that to us, we are Americans!!"

Smh, dude is so lost in the clouds.

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Yea… tell that to the Americans still stuck in Afghanistan .

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Do Americans need to be vaxxed to get in?

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I don't know, I'm not leaving anytime soon.

Besides, doesn't matter, per President Biden I'll be dead soon, in this cold, dark winter

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I'm nearly dead from a bad case of winter vagina myself, but I think I will end up pulling through in the end

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Here in the UK the government are floating the idea that we have Post Pandemic Stress Disorder. I shit you not.

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If an unvaxxed native-born citizen were to sneak and were caught, does that mean he'd be deported? The world is setting new records for absurdity every day.

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You made me go look it up--lol. Non-vaccinated US citizens cannot be denied entry to the US, so that's good.

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Ecuador now requires proof of vax and negative PCR test.

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Oh well, cross that country off the list.

I wonder what free place is left, outside of parts of Florida and the Midwest. Sure isn't California. Pretty sure LA is about to cancel the Super Bowl.

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This will ruin countries financially and most of them just don’t get it. Are there any countries that aren’t requiring a vax passport?

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they do not care because they are paid up members of the UN NWO cartel - and they make ecuadorian drug cartels look very third rate compared to the NWO drug running (the jab etc) cartel

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I think pharma/nwo/imf is paying countries to have injection rules. Why else would a sad little country like Guatamala have injection rules to enter it.

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Exactly! I think it’s in Pharmas agreements !! Bastards!!

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Is there someone who wants to enter Guatamala?

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My niece is scheduled to go on a mission trip to Guatemala this summer and that country requires the injection to enter. My sister is sick about it because her daughter is willing to get it rather than miss the trip. What the psycho technocrats are doing to the young adults is evil beyond evil. The young adults want a 'normal' life. Sadly no such thing will ever exist if we give in.

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It's a slightly different issue, but I recently read just such an article. The father told his would-be missionary idealist young adult child: "You can go across town and try to help people who hate you, and still sleep in your own bed at night." It's bitter medicine, but I believe there is more than a grain of truth to it. If she is determined to "help" Guatemalans, there are already plenty within the USA. She could perhaps travel to those places and see what a rousing reception she gets.

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So they don't have to accept their citizens back if US denies their asylum claim.

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money honey

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Ruination is their intent.

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Costa Rica

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Mexico, Cost Rica, - go to IATA world interactive map for VERY up to date info.

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When the govt stops subsidizing the airlines and travel industry losses (Air Canada according to their executive is only 50% back -even now) to pre_COVID revenues.

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At this rate pretty soon it will only be the unvaxxed allowed to travel anywhere as more places like Sweden (who banned travelers from Israel) ban heavily vaccinated, heavily sick countries from visiting. It's a complete flip and its hilarious to watch!

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Wow I had not read anything of the kind ! Viva Sweden !

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And of course we will be the only people strong enough health wise to deal with pressurized cabins

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We are supposed to travel to Europe this June but I'm betting it won't happen as I haven't been vaccinated. Husband has been but refuses to get boosted after everything he's heard from Alex and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

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Good for your husband! 😊

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I feel the same! Have dropped some good cash thru the years in NYC and LA and Vegas, but never again. I'm sure there ate many who feel the same now

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are even

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Same! About to retire and will not go to countries that require vax passports, or States for that matter. I’ll give my dollars to free states and countries.

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My husband and I have children and grandchildren in Germany but will not be able to travel to see them. It's a very sad world we live in now, but I will not comply.

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I hear ya Nancy. We’re retired and will spend the fall/winter/spring traveling the southern US. Summer will be spent in the north east, amongst conservative farmers. You couldn’t pay me to go overseas.

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We’ve missed out on two years of travel now. I realize it’s kind of petty compared to what others have lost but it still stings. Who knows when I’ll be able to travel internationally again and part of me wants to say 🖕🏼 you’re not getting my $.

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If you support it you enable-condone it, but we all will have to pick and choose what hills are worth a death on going forward. This has only just begun too

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When all of these people are too sick to travel, they will want you back big time.

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It now seems, Nancy, that your passport, issued by a sovereign country, is no longer a valid travel document. 🤔

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New World Order & the Great Reset at work.

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We wanna go in the summer only if no vax. For now a test is all that’s needed. For now. Hate it but fine will test.

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I knew there was no way Novak was going to accept this medical intervention.

He’s made the right choice.

Tennis will die without its stars. And if it doesn’t, he’ll enjoy his retirement.

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YES I am SOO proud of him - even tho Roger was my very favorite player, Nole is now my favorite athlete!!!!

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I'm a major tennis fan and in the exact same position as you. Used to be a total Fedex fan. Novak is now my favorite of the big 3 by far. He is standing up when it really matters.

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My husband the same 🤣 BIG Federer fan now praises the Joker

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I dunno if I can consider myself a convert, but I admit it does move him up. We'll see if I can cheer for him when he's going for 21, assuming that happens.

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Mine too. Fuck Rafa “not jabbing is selfish” Nadal

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Nadal need to come out of the closet. Enough with his hypocrisy-- annoying tennis style as well. And frankly a REALLY bad sport when he loses.

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He really lives up to his name “no-vacc”

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hahaha ! yes!

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I wish he could set up a game with another brave tennis star at same time and hurt their ratings even more.

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He hosted a tournament in Serbia last year I believe-- just to get people time to play matches

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I wouldn’t put it past him & Pat Cash to create something. V popular people.

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The Australian Government and the Victorian state Government could not risk the spectacle of the crowd cheering on Novak. The msm has tried to suggest that the decision to allow him to play was deeply unpopular, but it was clear from the comments btl that actually he had the majority of Australians supporting this.

There is a federal election here before the end of May, and watching Novak being cheered would’ve woken too many sheep from their psychosis.

There are many Australian Serbs who go to watch Novak play live, and many of those chaps will be tradies who have been forced to jab or sacked. Melbourne has also been the most locked down city in the world.

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Very interesting comments-- BTW I never trust social media trends-- too easily manipulated and of course censored 😊

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Dr. Yeadon, thank for your heroic stance also. You’re helping many stay sane.

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Exactly-- the tennis players are going to have to consider the economic impact (when you affect peoples money...) that will hit them-- ie #5 and below--cause the sponsorships and marketing deals will dry up. We as tennis fans have to make that clear. My husband is livid about this entrapment of Djokovic and will be calling Tennis Canada and emailing/texting the AO. Which he had travelled to se (his dream to see all Grand Slams)

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May well happen. The unvaxxed will be prohibited; the vaxxed will be collapsing of heart attacks and clots like their European football brethren. 😒

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They told him he could come just to deny his visa when he got there because they are psychopaths. Petty, childish, psychopaths.

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I hope he sues them for costs and then some.

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me too

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yep. it ensures that the Australia open will die the death it deserves at the hands of commie dan and his henchmen at tennis australia because he and many other stars are now very unlikely to ever return again and the rest will lose interest because without being able to compete against the worlds best winning the AO title will be pointless and WORTHLESS and it will lose its world grand slam ranking.

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I wouldn't say that the AO deserves to die, but TPTB sure do want to kill anything and everything that people enjoy.

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Sure it does, like Indian Wells did by dissing the brilliant Williams sisters. You know that the Grand slams are run privately right?

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Of course.

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Which means they REALLY depend on sponsors and attendance (for marketing)-- I will be finding out who the sponsors are of the AO and sending a "friendly" tweet or call out to them.

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I totally agree

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Scoring cheap political points and to distract Australians from what they are doing to them. Kind of like starting a war to have their population look the other way. Sicks-- #boycott Australiangoods

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Wishing I had something material made from Australia to put in the bin!

During the nation-wide nike virtue signaling spazdemic, taking-a- knee in US pro sports, All the swooooshy things in the house...Cheerfully binned, with prejudice. And I'm from Portlandia, nikes HQ about 5 miles away...

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Problem: what if your trash can is from a nation you wish to boycott? 😶

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Yeah, they gave him an exception and then wouldn't let him in on a technicality.

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They set him up- period.

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That sounds like a means to sue. However I doubt any court will hold that up.

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Ha, good title Alex!

The vaccines do not work at all:


That will remove all doubt. Plus they are dangrous.

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Again, thanks tritorch for details. Eric Starkman writes some interesting and sarcastic articles about Beaumont health in Michigan and the lies they conjure up.

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I am Australian and live just out of Melbourne. This State (Victoria) and it’s leadership are a disgrace, as is the PM Scott Morrison. The vast majority of my fellow citizens are spineless, ignorant bedwetters who will not stand up to the governmental tyranny because they can’t be stuffed and just go along with the measures dictated when they get thrown a “freedom bone”…..it’s fucking pathetic and leaves me with such little regard or hope for this once great country. I personally know many in the healthcare industry who not only go along with these forced vaccines and misinformation, but actively contribute….it’s heartbreaking that these professionals who are entrusted with protecting peoples health and providing advice….are too lazy, ignorant or scared to read, understand and deliver the actual science to those they should be protecting. If we ever get out of this nightmare there are a hell of a lot of people who should hang their heads in shame and beg forgiveness for being on the wrong side of the fear porn and vaccination obsession.

Intelligent free thinking and courage to question the narrative have all but disappeared here….and with it our kids future for democracy and liberty!

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As a Canadian, I have to say that as sister countries we share far too much in common. The jellyfish here will roll over for anything *except* questioning of authority. "Pathetic" is a compliment.

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Sister countries? When did that happen😳

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I'm afraid it's much the same in most western countries.

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I am so sorry for you. What happened to your beautiful country is a travesty. At one time, it was on my Bucket List to visit. No longer…..

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Rest assured there are still quite a few of us fighting the tyranny….despite what you probably read in the MS media…the narrative is falling apart because the political class are SO incompetent and self serving here…..it will take time…but we WILL NOT give up our children or our country to these criminals!

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Never, same with NZealand . I have stopped getting N Zealand lamb and grass fed butter and cheese. Told my local organic store I am boycotting them (like my mother did South African stuff in her day)

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So, how are there going to be borne, seriously, how is procreation going to move society forward?

IF, there are young people at an entertainment venue, the topics of v a x status will be perhaps near foremost if not first. He asks seriously probingly since he's family-oriented. She answers "not v a x x e d" that seems important to him, this interesting prospect she surveys.

Then in a need or coincidence, for confirmation, a status passport required, say concert venue a week later, and she whips out a v a x compliant card. Boom, he realizes 1) she lied to deceive him, and 2) "I'm not birthing a defective spike-influenced child into this world."

Both alone on the hunt again. How is the next generation to be?

The globe has a serious problem, just on this inevitable dynamic: pure blood and v a x x 'd other. Fertility issues unparalleled is our future, regardless the conspiracy drama.

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As another aussie (sic) I agree Simon.

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A CDC Advisory panel voted today to kill as many teens as possible.

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We have to do more than get angry.

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Didn’t even need to watch … totally not surprised

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Were there any no votes?

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Makes no difference in vaximadness land. There, counting votes is just soooo ... yesterday!

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One, I think.

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And that one dissenter will be ostracized for not being a team player.

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Indeed. Mass Formation Psychosis on full display.

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I think this needs to happen. We need folks like Kyrie, Novak, maybe even LeBron to begin to question this insatiable need to vaccinate EVERYONE against something like the common cold. We must hope more of these high-profile people are affected (think the MSNBC guy whose 4yo daughter couldn't eat at the restaurant b/c she was not vaccinated). More of these might help break the narrative that only Trump voters are not vaccinated. Keep 'em coming. It's truly mass brainwashing in action.

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I’m a lifelong Democrat who will never be vaccinated. I may vote differently in the near future.

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I will never vote for anyone who supports these mandates!

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Be careful of that-- they will tell you that and then when they get into power-- VERY different story-- the threats by Pharma, the extortion or bribes - money money money

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That would be the entire Democratic Party and more than half the republicans.

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BIG MISTAKE to group LeBron with those others. He’s a low-IQ, totally bought & paid-for corporatist tool. He can play some ball, but he’s a lowlife, China appeasing scumbag.

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Don't forget Aaron Rodgers

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OK. Sorry about LeBron grouping. I dislike him immensely as well but he posted a meme last week (Spiderman one about flu vs. cold vs. Covid) that gave me a little hope. That said, Aaron Rodgers was inadvertently left off my list. I know there are LOADS of others that I'm forgetting (the actor from General Hospital who was fired, etc).

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Kirk Cousins. The msm is attacking him like he murdered his mother.

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Yup because a TON of advertising money --especially in the US comes from Pharma.

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Lebron .... lol

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It's too bad that so many people who support the Revolution are under the impression that the Revolution will never come for them when fresh victims are required.

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I like Djokovic, but I don't think that high profile people with wealth, power and access should think it is a good thing that they can obtain exemptions. What about all of the regular every day people who are separated from their families with no exemptions?

And the news covers high profile people who are kicked off social media. But what about all of the everyday people that lose access to platforms and no one knows their names or advocates for them.

Free speech (the right to speak and the right to be heard), free travel and access to early testing / treatment should not be dependent on wealth, power, access or a popularity contest.

When we apply for / accept exemptions of any kind, we endorse that it is acceptable for businesses and governments to control us. Stop asking for exemptions. Everyone should just say "no."

If we ever want this insanity to stop, we must not comply.

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Why not? He isn't a citizen of that PO S Country! He is there to play a tournament. They can test him everyday if they like.

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SG 👏👏👏👏

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For sure I totally agree-- but that is not really the point here. He did what they wanted-- did the health check, received assurances that he would be able to play and then they reneged-- thats the point.

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It is exactly the point. They make the rules and they can change the rules. He shouldn't be ok with them making an exception for him, but he was. Now he knows how it feels for all the everyday folks that don't get the exceptions of the elite. Sorry, no I don't have sympathy for him. It is time for those with platforms to be concerned about those that don't have platforms. And it is past time for everyone to refuse to submit to these petty tyrants.

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Jesus H. Christ , he isnt an Australian citizen. Are you judging all the other tennis players that marched to the tournaments tune?

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I don't think anyone, vaccinated or not, should submit. It would be better for all of the tennis players to boycott.

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Seriously this is HIS JOB

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See Kyrie Irving.

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So its his fault then?

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I have stated my opinion. See above. You are free to have a different opinion from mine. I am not invested in you agreeing with me.

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No, I disagree. If Djokovic had declined to go to the tournament, nobody would be talking about it.

The Australian politicians looked like total idiots when they let him in. Now, they look like even bigger idiots for wanting to deport him. I suggest they deport him in handcuffs and do themselves and even bigger favor!

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I agree with you that his being there and the government's response does shine a light on the idiocy of their policies and that is a good thing.

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Fight harder.

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This one's easy.

Screw Australia.

And screw professional sports. Corporatist garbage. Turn off the TV and do something to better yourself instead.

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I am Australian and unvaccinated. Only one son and his family was game enough to visit me over Christmas and then I had to get a RAT test to show I was "clean". I cheered Djokovic for his stand. I want to move to Florida.

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LOVE Djokovic-- sent a tweet to the Australian embassy here in Canada calling out their set up charade. Disgusting.

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The US would welcome you! It's normal here in the red states and all rural areas - the only groups still participating in the US are progressives who live in cities. Everyone else is done.

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Im on Gold Coast but Florida looks appealing

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I hope you do!

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Please do if you ever get the opportunity! America can never have too many critical thinkers and believers in freedom.

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I’m with you Diane….would move in an instant from this dystopian State of Victoria….so disappointed in fellow countrymen. Throwing out sitting governments won’t do much as the alternatives are woefully pathetic and just another bunch of hacks looking to feather their own nests….with only a few exceptions who get treated as ignorant right wing extremist conspiracy theorists by biased socialist left wing MSM. Bleak times ahead in Australia!

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I live in Louisiana. I'd like to move to Florida too. (I have family in Australia - Melbourne - and they say it's insane over there).

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Criminally insane. Early treatment drugs banned. And the most insane part is they will get away with it.

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Criminally insane-- look at their history-- how Australia was settled, how they dealt with the Aborigines. Believe me our hands are not clean here in Canada either.

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The virus got into the aboriginal townships in the NT. A very at risk population. I have heard only 1 death reported but I have stopped listening to the MSM. The government would be throwing everything at this outbreak. I am wondering if IVM may be in the mix.

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I live in New Zealand and our leader Jacinda Ardern is a Fascist, to quote her " I am your one source of truth " this was said in relation to Covid . The government here has persuaded FB to remove a post by Guy Hatcher a research scientist who made a post last week whereby he was using Government data , apparently this was not liked .

The whole Covid fear and control is outrageous and any similarity to Nazi Germany is purely coincidental , yeh right !!!

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I’m in nz and wish we were covered more internationally…it’s insane that we vaccinated a population but refuse to allow them to be exposed at all!

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I support you!!!!!!!!!

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Sadly NZ is often used to test out products before used elsewhere , the lockdowns and vaccine passports here are probably not widely known around the world.

Doing a hit job on Ivermectin and banning its sale I think is pure evil and just another way to coerce the population , half of whom are now living in fear and no doubt fully vaxxed

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Just like the sheep right?

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Then maybe we’ll be a case against them…proving them useless if our future is the same as every other country…which it will be - huge case spikes and in mostly vaccinated (as that is most people here)…

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I have the feeling the tide is turning with more people speaking out as the breakthrough cases etc and Vaers reporting showing large numbers of side effects including death will not be tolerated with booster after booster

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Let’s quit saying breakthrough cases. The jabs don’t work to prevent the virus. The Bioweapon unfortunately works as intended.

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In 2008, Ardern was elected president of the International Union of Socialist - not Fascist - Youth. This alone suffices to explain here behaviour.

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Yes and in her speech she used the word Comrades about 28 times

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Young Global Leader program in the WEF

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🤣 Only source of truth. How grand, sounds kinda like Fauchis "I am science!" 🤣

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Ah another Schwab WEF Young Global Leader-- they are tyrannical and totally psychopathic. Just like Justin here in Canada.

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What's this Guy Hatcher thing? I can't find any info on it. Am in NZ

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Sorry his name is Guy Hatchard and you can find his posts on Daily TelegraphNZ.Co.Nz or on Telegram where you can subscribe to his posts.

If you cannot find him come back to me as I am out at present

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The Unicron or Omicron or whatever bogyman is very deadly and right at our borders!!!11

At least that's what you'd think if you still believed our brainless media after 2 years of endless lies.

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I do even think the media believe this lie it's so obviously a crock, they are just falling into line in regards the ultimate goal , Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum to control all of us

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They are paid to believe-- the ownership is-- the staff is NOT monolithic

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Just the idea that you can curl up in your home and hide from the virus and it will eventually get tired of looking for you and go away is absolutely hilarious and dumb. It's gonna get ya! Like it or not!!

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They also work at lowing interest in sports. Not gonna watch the AO now. Hoping that some players have balls to boycott it now, but not counting on it.

Probably not watching the Winter Olympics either, doubt many good athletes would show up.

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Agree, as I have no desire to aid the CCP in any way, even by watching the tube. If the sports channel honchos lose money, all the better

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For those that are not in Australia - some further context:

This is an absolutely huge news story over here.

Previously we've had many international visitors that have been able to travel through hard borders. Novak is the first openly “anti-vax” (ie: medically literate) visitor.

If he tests negative, what’s the big deal?

See, that’s when the inner Karen that divides every Australian’s heart kicks in. It’s not that he represents a risk to our feeble public health system… the real objection is that HE TOO hasn’t been coerced into the mRNA nirvana!

We should be heralding him as some sort of a martyr – delivering a tennis spectacle to us mere mortals while weathering the vicious Omicron case attack rate!

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Stoat - what is the vax rate in Aus? We get conflicting reports here in America but I see all the protest videos. Are more folks pro vax or anti vax? Are folks thinking that Novak SHOULD be able to play or not? I'm guessing if they let him play with an exemption, then most of Aus will say how come he can get by w/o the vax and the general public cannot. It's a way to keep the public under control, I suppose.

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Vax rates are high - 80%+.

Majority of the population is pro vax. Unlike the US, the opposition hasn’t really split along party lines as much.

Majority of people think he shouldn’t be able to play.

Key way to think of Australia - we live in the US cultural jet stream. There’s a sense of individualism, however typically there’s a socialist collective that overrules. Belief in a god (or higher truth) doesn’t exist. Individualism is often regarded as selfish. Merit is often met with tally poppy syndrome (putting people down who succeed). Overall, we’re a risk adverse people, fearful and lazy.

If you can get over that - were overpaid and the weather is nice!

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Interesting. What portion of what you say is based upon your history? how your country was settled, its relationship to Britain an the aborigine population?

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LOL...sounds exactly like my brother in law (who is from Melbourne, NSW). You must think us Americans are crazy with our guns and capitalism (which they will have to tear from my cold, dead hands). Are there really CV-19 camps?

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It's all fuckery.

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Do we know any vax rate that is certifiable???

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Was the public actually upset.....or did the media just claim that it was?

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Brilliant comments and lets hope he and his PR people capitalize on the fact that many international visitors have been able to travel though hard borders. This isnt over. What I find so amazing about these tyrannical brain dead govt people is that most vaxxed people I know are in SUCH A FEAR STATE that they dont even want to get on a plane!!! So who is left to travel? 🙄🙄🙄

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Australia with almost 80% of the pop. vaccinated and COVID cases through the roof...

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And they're gagging for the boosters here. 80% of the pop have lost their mind!!

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I live in Australia, in the most populous state, New South Wales, where the vax rate is ~95%, most of which were injected quite recently (3 months or so) and we are getting the vast majority of the new cases. Victoria at around 93% is next. Yet the vast majority of the brainwashed still think the "vaccines" are terrific. Your cannot get most of them to even question their efficacy at this point. Im not sure what it is going to take for these people to wake up.

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I live in Tasmania, 92% second dose vaccinated (12+), and they're falling over themselves shitting bricks. Slightly older population & going by Twitter, every single person is immunocompromised therefore they have concluded EVERYONE WILL DIE or LONG COVID!!

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maybe replace the word 'and' with 'therefore' for more textual impact? ;-)

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Hopefully he goes off on this decision against him. We need to support guys like this and make noise. The system is corrupt and abhorrent. The Brownshirts are in full display globally. Sad sad times. Alex keep pushing don’t be deterred ever. Godspeed

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He's a hero. In his position, he could easily get a fake jab/ cert and tow the line. He chose to stand up individual freedom. He will get a lot of hate and lose his chance to make history but he's won me over. I'm a fan now.

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EXACTLY!!! Like every high end politician, apparatchik, business leader etc.

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A Djokivic is a true Patriot of Freedom! Australia a P O S Commie Country! Hope the place never recovers. Full of complete Commie morons. Sorry but that is the truth! Same with America! Bunch of people I mostly hate.

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Are you really a fencer? Or was that text that I found about Steven D Heck working for Pfizer about you?

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Yes I am a fencer but I don't work for Pfizer. I am retired and never worked for Pfizer. My expertise was data storage.

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I mean there's a Steven Heck listed on the page

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Yes that is me.

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Where are you from?

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America! I hate the Commie Jabbed. Sorry but just the way I feel. America is full of Commies especially in the Urban Commie Hell Holes and their surrounding Commie Hell Hole suburbs.

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I don't hate the vaxxed (that would be everybody I know save 2-3 people), but can't disagree with you on our country. As far as I am concerned the American experiment in liberty officially ended in March 2020. It had been in decline for decades as the American character decayed. Most people proved ready for submission when the tyrants made their move with Covid.

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Hate doesn't accomplish much.

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The Jab Cult is using hate to a massive advantage. They want us Un Jabbed dead. It's time to stop being nice.

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Jan 5, 2022
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I agree - small town rural is the place to be.

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Im embarrassed to be Australian, our Governments, media and even the brainwashed sheep here are out of control

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Same here in America and most of the World. I hate most people. Just the way it is with the Jabbed.

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Yup, me too. I'm in Calif and disgusted and ashamed at what has happened here.

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I live in AL. 49th unjabbed state. No masks, no restrictions. Even my doctor’s office never required masks. Don’t know many jabbed here in the sticks but more than anything—it’s not a topic of conversation. Schools don’t have rules or masks. People who choose to mask, do so—some older people. But, wanted to have a quick vacation in Nashville and they require vacs everywhere. Oh well, I’ll just spend my money in FL.

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Are you a cook??

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No but I like to as a hobby.

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"I like to cook myself. Not myself, I mean food. But I don't mind getting half-stewed once in a while."

-- Thurston Wilson, comedian and Cajun chef


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I just read that they are holding Djokovic at a detention hotel.

I hope this backfires, bigtime.

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It will

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Every tennis player needs to boycott the Australian open. If you dont stand up for the number one player in the world who will you stand for.

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We really need to stop calling the poison jab a vaccine. We have to cease perpetuating the lie.

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Right. Words matter. These things don't work like a real vaccine does.

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Clot shot, jab, gene therapy, poison

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Right on! Let’s say Bioweapon loud and clear!

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Hahahahaha! This is suicide, they deserve it, and I'm assisting. Pfuck the airlines. And pfuck Vax Nazi Australia, Austria & Canada. I won't buy their products, not even gold. Won't pfly commercial, or travel abroad, until they knock it off and roll it back FOR US.

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I won’t give one cent to my Alma mater until they repeal mandates. But doubt they ever will.

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No doubt you can find better things for your money!

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Yes, I definitely can.

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GOOD -- PLEASE boycott anything Canadian. Our ridiculous govt deserves it.

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It's our only weapon. I'm also boycotting commie-lib US states. If something on ebay is from Cali, NJ, MA or NY, I keep looking until I find the same thing from Florida or Texas.

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Hope everyone's boycotting Pfizer and J&J. Both have hundreds of OTC products and generic competition for their drugs. E.g. Band-Aid. Lots of alternatives.

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Pre existing immunity works backwards with Omnicron according to Frontline doctors of FLCCC. If one gets Omnicron one has natural immunity to Delta but having Delta does not provide Omnicron immunity. Listen to Frontline doctors discuss this on Dec 29 video

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God's Truth: Earlier this afternoon, I heard Omicron was now 95% of all current cases. So I went maskless to my local Walmart and mingled.

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Shame on you. That's exactly the kind of thing I love to do. Shame on me, too, I guess.

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Hospital too😊

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are the tests sophisticated enough to actually show which variant one supposedly has? excusez-le mot but this sounds like professional BS.

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No, but (hope you are sitting down) the PCR test CANT TEST FOR ANY INFECTION.Tons of info out there about this. Even the CDC is saying not a good idea to use the PCR test to test for COVID

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It didn't get my brother and his wife. I had it over Christmas and they both had Delta back in July.

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My wife and I didn’t get jab we are fine. I work as a corporate health and safety manager

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What does a person who has received 3 whu-flu experimental injections have in common with someone who has received none? Answer...neither will ever be fully vaccinated

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Remember when Australia went on a 3 month lockdown? They couldn't screw this up more if they tried.

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I suppose we can give the regular Aussie just a tiny break since they maybe do not have access to the facts .

Great 👍 to Novak

As for Jamass and kapnick who surely have access to the facts, these are two of the most serious losers in a sports world filled with losers .

All star category losers .

Just tune out which I did about 17 months ago .

I expect you won’t miss it .

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What do you mean they maybe dont have access. How about being curious about their friends family in other countries and looking for it themselves? Isnt this depending on the authority the seat of the problem for us? We are heavily dependent on people :to show us" how about we take some responsibility and look for ourselves?

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I can’t tell you how happy I am right now. Unvaxxed and just survived Covid. Had a head cold for 5 days which was NOT the worst head cold I’ve had by far. Hubby and teens had it too. We are all fine. God is good, and I am relieved. No matter how assured you feel that this is a normal cold, the conditioned anxiety due to media fear porn is hard to suppress.

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What is the difference, There is Covid over here -there is Covid over there- restricting travel changes nothing. Covid is equally everywhere. We are all human beings on this planet equally exposed at all times. Travel restrictions are not logical.

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What logic can be found in any government response to the Kung Flu?

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The injection does fu'k all for prevention of transmission - none, zilch, nada. The fact that they keep forcing it as though it prevents transmission is the most massive gaslighting effort in world's history.

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In fact, if global data can be trusted, the injections actually appear to accelerate community transmission.

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Ah yes they do. If someone in govt power could actually get around the pharma notes they are using and had a real science person telling you what is. going on you would hear that.

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Australia has 2,290 deaths out of population of 26,000,000 people over a 2 year period. Pure mass transformation psychosis in action. I bet the Aussies can't wait for the upcoming climate lockdowns--you know for the 'common good'.

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Still a few heroes left.

Stand up to tyranny

Stand up to bullies

It’s the only way

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I am here in New Zealand and cannot at all figure out why the government here is doing its best to maintain delta as the dominant strain in the community. It is nuts. It is summer here, a perfect time release it into the community whilst immune health is high.

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Listen to the likes of the NZ Herald and you'd think omicron was the worst yet.

They all seem to think we don't have access to overseas news sources. Same for our idiot politicians.

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This is how they hide the vaccine damage.

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Because they cannot handle it if case numbers go up. The average time to talk to cases is several hours because of intensive questions and info and tracing…because they still insist on that….they don’t have enough coverage over the break…

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Yeah, talked to a Mate in Melbourne a few hours ago....Omicron is exploding NSW had like 85K in the last 24 hours......Victoria also exploding .... and they are in the height of their Summer with 40 degree temps.....

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Yep. No spike last summer with no vaccinations. This summer, spike. Hmm.

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Well, it's odd to me that CV-19 is supposedly spiking in Australia AND everywhere else? In California, we're told because it's cold and we spend more time indoors and that is why the virus spreads. Yet it's summer in Aus/NZ and it's spiking there too? Do "they" really think we are THAT stupid?

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The Australia spike right now defies every seasonal pattern that we've seen across the world. This SHOULD be a time of very low respiratory virus spread. This is the most solid 'proof' (not proof) that the vaccine/boosters are causing spread themselves.

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Indeed and completely agree. Biden is calling it a pandemic of the UNvax'd, yet we have more people with the vax than not so how can that be? It HAS to be that the vax'ers are spreading it.

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That’s exactly right

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What's going to be really interesting is what will happen next door in NZ when Omicon gets there https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/entertainment/2020/10/jacinda-ardern-puppet-plays-mary-poppins-in-bbc-comedy-spitting-image.html

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I want to see that horrible PM squirm and have someone with some balls ask her to explain why there is an explosion of cases.

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Excellent-- you can run bad polticians but you cant hide-- a virus is MUCH smarter than you are.

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This has been my question all along. With Covid clearly not going anywhere, aren't countries like New Zealand and Australia just delaying the inevitable? Or do they plan to just lock down forever?

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The lie of Zero Covid is still strong in many.

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I’m in NZ, our prime minister does not think ahead.

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She doesn't think, Schwab thinks for her. Each day I am sure she goes to a page or a new email and gets her instructions. What in gods name made your country elect a young openly socialist leader???

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And this was exactly what we all said in April 2020.

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Yes but they like us here in Canada are the pet trials of Schwab. We are picked because we have very centralized federal govts which to a very large extent control the regions in the country-- so Schwab has less people to bully or bribe-- unlike the US who can tell Brandon to go pound sand.

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Just until the Great Reset is implemented.. then the game will be over.

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Do we have timeline on that nonsense?

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Here is a nice analysis on the Great Reset: https://tessa.substack.com/p/great-reset-dummies

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BIG assumption there-- too many variables and moving parts to make that definitive statement.

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As an Australian, I say shame on the AUS Govt and all who perpetuate this nightmare. As Geert Vanden Borscche an expert vaccinologist, The more you vaccinate the more variants and the more cases, especially amongst the vaccinated whose immune response is being compromised with every jab. The vaccine antibody will out compete the immune system rendering it less and less effective. Wake Up Australia, we need more of you to fight this diabolical insanity.

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The hubris -- of Gates, Fauci, Big Tech, Big pHarma (the p is silent), our politicians and our pernicious bureaucrats -- is astounding. And deadly.

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Global Vax GENOCIDE and Tyranny in progress. When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24 'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.' The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-hidden-history-of-the-revived The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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Vaxxine escape-GOAT

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At least the goat didn't have masking and distancing restrictions out in the desert. Medical segregation is thousands of years old: the ancient Hebrews isolated their women during that mysterious monthly spell. Perhaps not a unique occurrence among cult(ure)s, but probably so in the story being on hundreds of millions of bookshelves around the world. 🙂

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Just another embarrassing day in the land downunder! I live in Brisbane, Australia and the whole thing is a shit show (excuse the language but I cant think of anything else to call it). Our PM is quite literally one of the worst we have ever had. He runs away from any glimpse of leadership. The committee they set up to approve Novak's exemption actually approved it. So why then would he fly here to be denied an issue on visa paperwork? Sort it out and let the poor guy play tennis FFS! The whole agenda here is OTT. Anyone here from Australia, PLEASE make your vote count this year. PLEASE do not vote these muppets in. PLEASE VOTE FOR FREEDOM and the right to choose our own healthcare, to have treatment options given back to us and to stop this social credit system that is being built before our eyes. It doesnt matter anymore if you are pro or anti anything, we will all be effected by the loss of freedom and this new communist system that has already begun. PLEASE stop it for our childrens sake.

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Djokovic is strong af. Already thought that before and I am even more sure now. Fuck these authoritarian australians. Australia is currently just a shithole.

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Australia is in full blown Orwellian 1984 craziness.

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Let's talk about why there were 700 Mayo Clinic employees UNVACCINATED? That is one of the most esteemed health care providers in the world and 700 employees are fired for being unvaccinated? This is a story in and of itself.

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But then, also, vaccinated people are getting more omicron than unvaccinated.

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I suppose it's possible someone in the lab didn't get the memo, mixing up the omicron that goes after the vaxx'd instead of the unvaxx'd....

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Here in Ontario it is 70 % vaccinated clogging the hospitals.

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Australia- the new North Korea

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It will be hollow victory for the winner of the tournament. But think about how dangerous a tennis player is on the court, yards away from anyone, breathing everywhere.

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i love it. may australia's economy collapse. even with 100% vaccinate rate. I hope they get there!

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I am so proud of Djokovic, I am going to learn how to pronounce and spell his name now!

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D is silent :)

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Oh the humiliation for many of us Aussies. Australians are barking mad at the moment, I assure you. If you really want to see mass formation syndrome in action - come to Australia - you will see thousands of cars and pedestrians queued up at testing stations for hours waiting to see if they have the innocuous Omicron. They are frightened beyond belief - all the product of an orchestrated campaign of Fear and Coercion by state governments of both Left and Right.

I have no idea how this spell will be broke, but I am hoping that this crisis with the entry of Djokovic will cast daylight upon the false argument of authorities that natural immunity is not as valid as vaccination.

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Every Mass Hysteria ends at some point. The end point of the Salem Witch Trials hysteria was when they put a man under a board and kept piling more and heavier stones onto the board until he died 48 hours later. In other words, the horror of the event snapped the bad actors out of their zombie-like state. Let's hope this time it's tennis.

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It's not just in Austrialia. I'm in Louisiana, USA (right outside of New Orleans). They're going berserk over here too with the testing. It really is starting to resemble one of those zombie apocalypse movies.

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I know a pharmacist here in rural VA who says everyone wants boosters and tests. There is no end because the people were programmed for this kind of unthinking submission by decades of leftist cultural indoctrination.

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Right, check this out. Latest vaccination numbers, case counts, and death count out of England.

The ratio of 40-44, 60-64, and 80-84 has largely stayed identical. When the former moves, the latter does as well.

The reason why this is important, is because they were 'boosted' at different times. Consequently, you would expect to see the graphs reflect reduced numbers at different times. But they don't.

In fact, they don't show anything. Literally nothing. The 'boosters' appear to do absolutely nothing (but goosing up Pfizer's stock price).

Apologies for the appalling graphs, quick and dirty job, but should carry the message. Left on 'x' is most recent, and the graph starts on April 1, 2021 (which, is right hand side on 'x'). Apologies again.


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