I like you Alex but you are flat out wrong. For years GOP has had a "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" outlook on Dems. Look where it has got them. As we used to say in the Nam "payback is a medevac". It's time to nuke a dem because it's all they understand. I am not in the GOP nor a Trumpkin but it's clear where we are going if this isn't stopped. The country is in a knock down drawn out fight and we have to stand up for what is right. All dems care about is $$ and power. Look where that has put us. Read Fox's article on how Biden screwed up Africa and handed it to Russia and China on a platter. Folks the world is not a nice place time to grow up

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exactly. I loathe the hillary clinton, she is the ultimate in sleaze and frankly demonic. I do not wish her ill (although I have to admit when something bad does happen to her I am happy but I feel bad about it) I JUST WANT HER TO GO AWAY. BUT THEY NEVER GO AWAY AND THEY NEVER STOP IN THEIR DESTRUCTION OF THE COUNTRY.

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all of them!

Just when you think you can't loathe them any further.

I got enough loathe seeping out of my pores to float a battleship around .

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So funny, as I watched the Tucker interview with the wife of Julian Assange....I was thinking...Hillary Clinton is very likely The Devil.

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Wouldn't it be nice if our politicians all were on the up and up? Perhaps going after the truly crooked amongst our leaders is NEEDED. Not the Trumped up lawfare garbage, but real criminal activity, like paying millions for a fake dossier to interfere with a campaign and/or presidency. Or telling millions of folks during a live debate that something you know to be an absolute fact (Hunters laptop) is a lie, and thereby misleading and interfering with a presidential campaign. This behavior is actually nefarious and damaging to the country. Why should it be tolerated by any party?

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Democrats control education, healthcare, retirement funding, the trial courts and, now, science. Everything they touch turns to crap. I don't say this as a Republican, which I'm not. I say this as an observed reality. People had better realize what an uphill battle we've got. It will take much more than just electing Trump.

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Term limits. They have no time to become corrupt.

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But fairly long limits because they also don't have time to do things.

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we dont need Govt to do anything, We The People get it done!

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Well, that would be nice if we could count on getting rid of them completely. But unlikely.

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It will happen, The Age of Aquarius starts 2106 will have NO GOVT, NO Rulers, only woman will lead. You can see so much Govt corruption around the world that will be the end of them. The rays of AOA are upon us.

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Them doing things is the main problem.

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Well, yes. One always assumes your own people are going to do something decent, but it seems rare. True. I don't know.

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Saw that about Africa. Wow. I wasn't following it, but eye-opening and clearly going to cause the US problems for generations.

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yeah but the fight is on a battlefield 6 inches wide between two ears. If you want the middles (which we have to have) it would be wise not to turn them against us.

I think part of winning now is keeping our swords sheathed. But I totally get what you're saying.

They'll be a time for that...although I hope not.

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Problem is your response has got us where we are now. It isn't working period. There is nothing more to lose here frankly

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i don't disagree with that. but i think our voices are more important RIGHT NOW vs. violence or vengeance.

just my opinion.

now if they steal the election again then I could change my mind....which i probably have to do...lol.

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It would be interesting to have a huge crowd show up at the Capital three weeks before the election wearing plain white masks. I think if everyone sat quietly on the Mall and stared at the Capital, they would know their actions are being watched. Creating no trouble (violence or damage)...just watching quietly. Offenders would be reported to the police for immediate removal from the site then simple ignored. Kind of a Sound of Silence gathering.

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Do I have to wear a mask? Might be a deal breaker.

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100% deal breaker.

Visceral disgust with masks

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I think it can be handled legislatively if we can get both houses.

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Yeah that's best case scenario. Be nice

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I think you’re right Ryan. Surely moderate Democrats took note that there were no riots, encampments and arson after the verdict as happened after George Floyd. I still think you catch more flies with honey….

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Agree right now. But I reserve the right to change my mind...:=]

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If you follow politics long enough, you realize that Democrats are intentionally evil and Republicans are undeniably stupid or lazy. While Democrats, just like Communists, look at the long term and keep moving the "red line" of social or customary practices to new places (i.e. gay marriage, Modern Monetary Theory, censorship, soon to be acceptance of pedophiles), Republicans give big speeches but never disrupt anything and ultimately just let the Democrats control the agenda. I am sick of politicians who use voters to secure their station rather than politicians using their station to secure more freedoms and opportunity for their voters! We need drastic term limits!

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If Trump cleans out the DOJ (AS HE SHOULD), it will be called 'retribution'. If he cleans out the FBI (AS HE SHOULD), it will be called 'retribution'. Why shouldn't HRC be charged and locked up? She's clearly a real felon. The impeachment of Bill Clinton didn't start this crap. In some ways, it would have ended this crap if there would have been some real punishment. Bill Clinton was using the White House as his personal brothel. He was as scummy as his wife. But all in all, Trump is coming to be the President (unless he's cheated again - yes, I said it - plenty of evidence that he was cheated) and as President, representing well over half the nation, he should take the nation in the direction the nation wants to go. And the nation that I hear and see wants actual punishment of these elites that are shooting the finger us and laughing in our faces. They need to be PUNISHED. Their finances needs to be destroyed by having to defend themselves against lawsuits. Their children and grandchildren need to lose their trust funds. This has to be set right. Hell, I'm in favor of punishing McConnell for his ties to the Chinese government. There needs to be a day of reckoning. Quit all funding to foreign countries and start destroying the cartel homes and facilities IN MEXICO.

Trump is more reasonable than what I've posted above, but the 10s of millions who are going to vote for him want to see people get PUNISHED, not just unelected where they can walk away with their riches and live a cushy life. That just shows the libtards in America that lying and stealing and cheating are profitable. That crap needs to stop.

Alex, you can start by admitting that you have no option other than voting for Trump.

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The challenge we have is that Congress is full of Republicans like Michael McCaul from TX. The Republicans are all talk so I don't think there will be any revenge. It is the Uniparty after all...... they will of course hide behind their Mommies' dresses and say they were raised to be polite and are above vengeance. It is a country club after all and has been since the Civil War. Our politicians are drunk on money and power. Why would they give that up to do the right thing? We like to think good will triumph over evil. Someday it will - but not as we imagine it.... in the meantime we have to suffer through all of this meaningless political theater. May God have mercy on us and give us the strength. Life is still grand in America regardless of who is in power though.

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I agree with you - but I hope and pray that Trump rides in on a horse called Vengeance (as Andrew Wilkow says), because that's the right thing. But who has the balls in Congress to do the right thing anymore?

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Like Gutfeld said on his show last night, "Follow your balls."

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There are a few good Republicans -- maybe they can be handed the positions of power and get things down.

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exactly. i can tell you he ain't voting for Biden. that's a win in my book!

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Yes, and the ratchet goes one way. Libs pocket money and social charge. Need fire with fire. Like the middle east

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You are correct if he does some house cleaning it will be called retribution, where most presidents do this.

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As a regular citizen, I cannot help but feel totally threatened by all of this. I am an outspoken person.

To this day, I think my state licensing board diddled around with my licensure(veterinary) in response to election criticism. In Georgia the same people at the Sec State office are over licensing and elections. I complained about the horrible way the election was handled.....and then, my license was held up for the first time since I got it in 1996. If that's not bad enough, they LIED about why they held it up. They claimed it was because of a complaint, but they are not able to hold the license up for that. Then they sent to goon squad to my clinic to investigate me.....and to this DAY, I have been prohibited by the state Board from knowing exactly what the complaint was that was so bad they felt the need to hold up my license.....I was told by my attorney that the only way I could find out what the complaint was was to get a seat on the Board. FOIA was rebuffed.

As a doctor, you occasionally get complaints, but they go through a specific process. They broke the process just for me and I can't help but think it's not just a coincidence.

If you are just a little worried about lawfare, you should be. So much of your life can be destroyed by bureaucrats....

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Wow. This is eye-opening.

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You are missing the point. Donald Trump was innocent of every charge. They have spent 9 years crawling up Trump's a.. with a microscope and could find nothing. So they made up charges. You being a lefty don't seem to realize if we actually go after democrats there will be plenty of actual crimes to charge them with it. They are all involved in criminal activity because they have always been able to get away with egregious crimes while getting cover from the media and every other institution they control.

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Great point. Certainly, legitimate crimes deserving of punishment have been committed.

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There is enough prosecutable corruption in the halls of Congress and any Democrat-controlled institution to make this doable and entirely legitimate.

Trump played by the old rules in his first term. Hilary's actions with her unauthorized mail server and accounts that were an egregious violation of all kinds of statutes was given a pass because "that's not who we are."

The Dems have once again changed the rules assuming that the GOP won't get down in the gutter with them. Well, the only way to make them reconsider is to apply those same rules to them, good and hard. The best example was Harry Reid's elimination of the filibuster for judicial appointments, which he was so pleased with, and which lead directly to Trump's ability to put three relatively conservative justices on the Supreme Court, to the horror of the Dems. The Biden family alone could keep hundreds, if not thousands of lawyers at the DOJ employed for years, with solid, evidence of prosecutable crimes.

So now they have removed the mutually agreed upon "immunity" of going after each other's candidates with lawfare. The way our Congress people can turn a job that pays $200K a year into multimillion dollar fortunes in just a few years makes one think there is some "trading" going on.

For the sake of the country and the Constitution, we cannot keep fighting by the Marquis of Queensbury rules while they kick, gouge, and hit below the belt. They need not just a taste but a big, big dose of their own medicine.

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Yes. Thank you, my thoughts exactly!

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Trump prosecuting Democrats for ACTUAL crimes is not retaliation. Maybe he'll stick to that, assuming he gets back in, but I highly doubt the machine will allow that to happen. Much of what Trump could do to the obviously criminal element of the Democratic party is not Lawfare. It's already done, the Democrats have crossed the Rubicon and there's really no going back. They were warned not to do this.

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Prosecuting for actual crimes is not retaliation or vengeance. It is holding people to account. It is upholding the Democrat's own mantra that "no one is above the law."

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Did you see the Babylon Bee meme with Bragg saying something like, "no one is above the law I invented to prosecute you" ? The Bee nails it again.

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VDH is Victor Davis Hanson

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that's the key; "warranted"

I still think he should just take the higher ground. there's too many problems as it stands.

he needs to devote his attention there. I hope he learned.

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He should do what the Dem's do. Assign some dogged prosecutors who love to bring the evil to account, and turn them loose. Keep an eye on it so they don't start making stuff up, but there's enough real stuff that it shouldn't be necessary.

Remember, this didn't start with them going after Trump, this started with Michael Flynn. Trump needs to clean out the DOJ, FBI, Pentagon, CIA, FDA, CDC, NIH, et al. He knows a lot more than he did in 2017 and has found, I think, a lot of more honest and honorable people than the norm in DC to bring into his administration to go after the rot.

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I heard that Flynn had a list of non-swamp creatures that he was going to recommend to Trump to appoint, but the Dems got a hold of him and used that as leverage against him (i.e. "it would be a terrible shame if he appoints so & so, because they may get annual IRS audits or worse . . ."

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And hopefully find a way to unite the country.

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I hope the Republicans choose revenge rather than magnanimity. Biden and his crew have already turned the US into a police state so why would I expect them to behave any differently if they returned to power. The Republic is gone, unfortunately along with the rule of law and obedience to the Constitution. Now all we have is force and surveillance. So I say if The Donald wins, Hillary and Biden should be put in the dock. The order of the day should be indictments a plenty, incarcerations, bankruptcies and treason trials. In other words, it is over. We had a good run but the ordeal of civility proved too great for the Democrats so it is now time for them to reap the whirlwind. I am a sad American who once enjoyed the freedom and liberty vouchsafed by our Founders. Fortunately for me, I am well on the Back Nine of this life, not so my children and grandchildren.

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boy part of me agrees with you. But do you think that's a net positive on the long arc?

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I retired optimism and now focus solely on survival. I have not entered the District of Columbia since the Stasi police, using recognition surveillance equipment, continue to hunt for 850 individuals they claim were at the Capitol on J6. I don't dare go because how do I know if I resemble somebody they are looking for? And if I do, then I will be incarcerated without trial and unable to appear before a magistrate, rotting away like the rest of those still burrowed in the Gulag. I want to instill fear into all those who have destroyed this country.

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I don’t believe the risk of Trump doing the same to his opponents is that high…only because we have past performance to reference. He promised to lock Hillary up, right? Trump’s inability to effectively govern, and surround himself with those can effectively govern even if he cannot, was his first term Achilles heel. Trump may WANT to do it, but whether he actually can is a very open question.

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My thought also. The statement, "Of course, Trump could back off that promise.

But it is hard to imagine him doing so, "

If you look at past history of Trump he backed off Hillary so what makes Berenson think he won't this time?

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This fear is why the democrat party will cheat and lie and divide to attempt to ensure they win. They (rightly so) fear what they have unleashed. As far as Hillary goes, I think he realized would be a mistake to not have everyone back off from what would've been lifetime sentences for a regular person.

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they fear it because they know they would do it.

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Exactly, because they already did! lol

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One of his biggest mistakes was not going after the Clinton cartel, right after believing Fauci

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He’s not gonna have time after defending himself …and trying to find folk to work for him.

Who wants to be the next Peter Navarro?

This is bad every which way no matter what

Truly fubar

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There is a saying in the world of personal self defense (mixed martial arts). "Be nice until it is time to not be so nice". It is time to "not be so nice".

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My motto is "Nice us nice, but fair is fair."

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I would never want Republicans (I am one) to sink to the Democrat's disgraceful lawfare. However, there are many legitimate reasons to pursue Democract transgressions. I would be disappointed if we let them evade justice for those.

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There may be legitimate grounds for prosecution, but I don't want our jury system to become one where jurors routinely vote based on their political preferences. Trump was right in not going after Hillary even though James Comey had clearly laid out the case against her. If Trump wins, I want him to drain the swamp but not by bringing political prosecutions.

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You can't put the genie back in the bottle. The left made the rules, now the right needs to play by them. Aggressively.

Mutual Assured Destruction has prevented nuclear war for 75 years. We need the legal equivalent to make this stop, and in order to demonstrate that we are serious it is imperative that we take down either Clinton or Biden or both. Lord knows they both have demonstrably committed felonies for which they can be charged.

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I might add Obama to that list.

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Perp walk him down main street Martha’s vineyard.

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A short trip down memory lane here. While Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, he had the state police bring a state employee to his office where he exposed himself to her and told her that if she had sex with him she would be promoted and that if she did not she would lose her job. The employee, Paula Jones, refused and was fired. She sued him for sexual harassment. As president, he was deposed in that lawsuit and lied under oath in that deposition, saying that he had never had sex with Monical Lewinski. Monica kept the blue dress with Bill Clinton's semen on it, which pretty much confirmed that he was lying. As it turned out, there was a long list of women who said yes and got better jobs, including Monica.

I'm not sure why Alex thinks this behavior does not merit impeachment. I for one do not want federal or state jobs or promotions awarded to sexually compliant women. This is NOT ok, and it does not matter what his wife thinks about it, or whether Newt or Bob had an affair, or whether Ken Starr was likeable.

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It was not in his office. Please research… it was in a hotel. Does this matter? Maybe .. but either way HRC was despicable in her verbal attacks on a 22 year old. She chose to stay with a serial freak who couldn’t stop in LR, AK. She was not an asset to him except that she was the cursing pit bull to his aw shucks ma’am small town boy. They used one another and would have done better divorcing.

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No they were partners in crime all the way back to Whitewater and the death of Vince Foster and Epstein-connected Michael Middleton. See: One Nation Under Blackmail.

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What other way would you suggest deterrence? They will not stop. If trump loses all bets are off. Do you really think they will not push this strategy forward on anyone in the republican party? Covered 100% by the media they will not stop unless deterred. How do you do that when the democrat party controls every lever of power, but the supreme court is beyond me.

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This fear is why the democrat party will cheat and lie and divide to attempt to ensure they win. They (rightly so) fear what they have unleashed.

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This stuff wont stop until it hurts those that are using it. Republican's always try to play by the rules and then when the Dems don't, they say they wont stoop to that level. That's a loser mentality.

As Rush would say, "the aggressor sets the rules". The Republicans need to play hardball and indict and convict until we can all agree on a revised set of rules. Otherwise, the rules remain with only one side utilizing them and therefore winning. That will lead to the one party state that the Dems and the inside the beltway Republicans want.

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I see lots of torn bumper stickers with the partial letters of "Bid...) and "...rris" depending on where the tear was made. These weren't acts of vandalism. It's the car owners themselves running for cover.

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Jun 5
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Maybe, but I do know that the harridan who lives across the street from me took down last month the "Biden Harris" lawn sign sitting on her front hard for the past 5 years.

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Buyers remorse after 5 years? Very funny. Better late than never.

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I don’t think he’ll go after anyone for vengeance. Some party members might try to encourage him to do so but he’s a very astute businessman. You don’t use wanton slaughter to get your way, you negotiate. A conservative’s job is to conserve the Constitution. Hopefully what he will do is strengthen the Constitution by shoring up the judicial system to ensure the law stands firm against political interference and influence. You can’t safely drive a vehicle forward without a gas pedal AND brakes. You can’t safely move a country forward without Conservatives AND Progressives acting as checks and balances to each other. Our problem is somewhere someone cut the brake line and we’re all in the back seat screaming as we approach the cliff. I just hope we can pull an emergency brake because we aren’t going to survive this ride.

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Jun 5
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If she wasn't such a harpie, I would ask her. But right now the only sign I'd like to see on her lawn is a "For Sale" sign.

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Alex, your snarky comments about Trump being unable to be magnanimous are completely wrong. He did it years ago with Hillary and what did that get him?

And if he wins election and chooses to bring criminal charges against people, that isn’t “retribution“ or “revenge“ anymore than you suing Biden is.

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Trump is classic.. he comes out swinging, making rude remarks, creating nicknames and then he won. He left most of that behind.. until he decided to run in 2024. Hillary and all her despicables in her chamber pot say and do such foul and whiny things it boggles the mind that they preach about how above it all they are… when they are worse as they pretend to be lovely human beings, not insulting, not screaming at Benghazi hearings, not carpet bagging.. not sexual predator enabling… and so on…

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They are exactly what they accuse us of being! Classic projection. It works well on the weak minded, but people are now being forced to think ... at least some people.

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True all

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