Soon the Democrats will transition to blaming this whole debacle on Trump and the Republicans.

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I've been saying for months, "If it will make it easier on the Dems to acknowledge the vaccine failure, just point out that Operation Warp Speed was a Trump initiative."

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Warped Speed is Trumps to own.....Trump should of had a "Warp Speed" for early , inexpensive, effective Therapeutics Instead. The "death toll" would of approach ZERO if he had. Trump will be blamed...It's coming.

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Be fair—He did advocate for HCQ, and took it himself. He’s not a scientist, and he didn’t develop the vaccine. It was there, waiting with its pushers. He listened to the “health experts”, which any non-medical president would do. I HIGHLY doubt he would have forced it on everyone like BooBoo did. It started in his presidency, but the course changed with the new guy. So don’t call a spade a fork.

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6 months from now, the mainstream media, the WH and fauci will blame Trump for the failure of the lockdowns and the vaccines. It will be the core of their strategy to stave off a bloodbath in the mid-terms and to keep him from running in 2024.

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Yep, Psaki already responded to a reporter with "there hasn't been any lockdowns under Biden, only under the last administration". Mask/vax mandates that destroy peoples livelihoods and prevent them from their civil liberties are, in fact, lockdowns! Sadly, no reporter pushback

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I mean, wait until the vaccine injuries become unhideable...they will destroy Trump.

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Only if your brain is mush. Just ‘cause they say it doesn’t mean folks have to believe it. Never-Trumpers will believe it even if no one says it. While I’m not a Trump maniac, I’m capable of intelligent thought, and so are many others.

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They are unhideable now, it's just that nobody is looking for them. It will come over the next few months.

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I agree.

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Yes, he did promote HCQ and the media went after him hard but this is really the least of his miscalculations. As someone who voted for Trump twice, he is going to have to do some very serious self-reflection on this issue before I vote for him again. It is seeming more and more that he got rolled by the mendacious and nefarious players in the alphabet agencies. I'm not sure his ego will allow him to admit missteps. His Covid response was not "perfect." He has to own it.

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I agree. The election must be terriby hard to take, I recall how badly Gore took it, and Trump's experience wa far worse. But Trump is not a reflective man, so we will unlikely ever see that acknowledgement. Still, if he won the primary I would vote for him as his other policies were excellent. But I would prefer, at this point, DeSantis.

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Yes, Mouzer, if he is our candidate in the general, I'll vote for him, but we need to find a way to keep him accountable. And how do we possibly dismantle this massive administrative state?

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And how would YOUR response have been,little man?What would YOU have done that Trump didn’t do?You little second guessing,panties in a wad NeverTrumpers make me want to puke.Trump did everything he knew to do and more to overrule and fight back against the muderous cabal that has taken over our country,illegitimately and are ruling and misruling over us right,and all spineless weasels like you can do is whine “Trump got a lotta ‘splainin’ to do to me” Grow a set.Be a man.You sicken me.

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First of all, Theophilus, I am not a man. If you've read any of my other posts, you'd know that. You would also know that I try to engage honestly and politely with people. You should try it. Secondly, I am not a NeverTrumper. Again, if you've read any of my posts, you'd know that I voted for him twice. Thirdly, I have said many times that I believe Trump was the right man for 2016, but I'm not sure he remains the right man given everything that has transpired in the last two years. And Trump is responsible, in part. Some of his decisions brought us to where we are today. I know that's not fun to hear and when compared to the current resident of the Whitehouse, has a particular sting. Finally, if Trump wants my vote, he does have some explaining to do. More than that, I need to know that he's learned something, that he recognizes the enemy and that he is willing to surround himself with people willing to get into the arena and not by sycophantic family members (yes, I am talking about people like Ivanka and Jared - read Scott Atlas's book to understand the dynamics). Have a good night!

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Don't the alphabet agency people usually role POTUS one way or another? I mean how do you really stand down people who get away with most of the stuff they want to do?? Maybe the only way to do it is to abolish Fat Boys International, Clowns in Action, and most of the others and start from the ground up. Then again, do you think those people will go quietly...?

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He did a lot of good, but they are going to hang the vax around his neck.

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Actually, according to the well-documented book Covid19 and The Global Predators, he did not come up with the idea, IIRC Gates did, but they sold it to him. I do not balme him for taking on the idea, nor do I expect he would understand at the time that they were short cutting safety, even most doctors don't know how to read tests. What I do blame him for is keep pushing the vaccines now and for not realizing he was lied to and going after that now. Instead he tries to soften things by merely saying he doesn't support mandates, and stupidly taking a third jab.

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Yes! Especially the latter part of your comment. His tour with Bill O'Reilly was extremely ill-advised.

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probably being pushed by daughter WEF member ? I think Trump would not even have come up with vaccines if not pushed by someone else. Mr Needles Gates and Mr Mengele Fauxi

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I hope they do. Even the more deluded American uninformed voter will realize that’s BS. The Blues need to own this debacle.

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Or, how about having more than one approach? Sure, pursue vaccine production (if you must for a virus type that we historically know is not amenable to vaccines, but whatever) but can we not also develop treatment protocols? Why the singular focus?

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I read Dr. Atlas book; which spells out what happened -fauci & brix shut down all talk about therapeutics early on.

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If Trump had been in charge he probably would have. But who IS in charge ? Bigharma ? Wall Street ? It is certainly not the president. Trump had other plans and then was forced to change them it seems to me now. At the time I just hated the man. Now I think he would have made better than what is there now. Ivanka is a member of WEF. Are they dictating the law?

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a LOT of us have known this. The day he announced it in May of 2020 I said it will come back to bite him in a big way. The crazy thing is he only seems more overly zealous on it which is unbelievable based on what we have seen transpire with the data since injections began. He NEVER would have mandated it though through mafia like coercion as the puppet administration did and is still trying to do.

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I expected the Democrats to do this last spring. They did not. Instead, they intensified their push with the vaccines starting August of last year.

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dems did nothing but make things worse. Very disappointed former dem here

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I think it was Andrew Sullivan who wrote that "liberals" turned against freedom starting in 2015. I think this is the root of the problem. I remember even as recent as 2012, a common liberal refrain was "if you oppose abortion, then don't get one". When are liberals going to be liberal again?

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Both sides are paid by Pharma. They and the 3 letter agencies are all OWNED.

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can we stop catering to unthinking baby tyrants? why should be make it easier on them? they’ve shown no mercy while pushing all their insane policies. it’s time to stop negotiating with terrorists.

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It was said in mockery. The only way out for them is to blame someone else. I have been off the covid-is-a-terror bandwagon since May 2020. I want my full life back.

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shouldn’t have given it up in the first place.

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Many employers won't hire without proof of vaccination. You cannot enter – how many countries? Where in the world do you live? What are you talking about?

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i live in california, in the bay area. ive lost my job, and most of my friends and family for simply not getting a vaccination. boo fuckity hoo NOW people want their lives/freedoms back…seems they didnt value them to begin with.

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im not trying to pick a fight on the internet, i just don't have sympathy for people who rolled over at the start of this and now because they are so imposed upon they want to reverse things.

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They've already started. Psaki claimed that the lockdowns happened "under the previous administration," forgetting to mentions that long-term lockdowns were limited to states run by Democrats (including Montana at that point--I am so glad Governor Bullshit, I mean Bullock is gone), and that only one of the two candidates said he would impose more lockdowns if St Fauci ordered it (that would be Biden). But it was all Trump, according to Psaki.

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"...run by Democrats" AND by squish Republicans (Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire to name but three).

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Mask/vax mandates that make people choose their livelihoods and/or personal freedoms are certainly a form of lockdowns

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Even this lie they can't possibly get away with. But then again, who knows. Their followers are just zombies anyway

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Well. Truthfully, big Don could have been more attentive to the fact that his job was to defend our Constitution.

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Yes. He was surrounded by people that were as deep state as they come. I don't think most of us were aware how deeply that state runs, including him. I suspect if he had any inkling many of them would have been rightly fired. The funny thing is, most of Trump's instincts were correct. I'm pretty sure he didn't want to shut everything down

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People like Steve Deace pleaded with Trump to fire Fauci from early days. Trump still defends his decision to keep Fauci and he’s still bragging about the “vaccine”. That’s a real problem for people like me who have seen family members harmed by the shot.

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But he did, and he was the President of the US. He presumably wants to serve 4 more years, and if he couldn't even stand his ground during the beginning of the pandemic, how much more difficult would it be for him to dismantle the swamp in its entirety? This is a job for many men, not just one, with steel spines and firm resolve. A man close to 80 years old who is as narcissistic as they come is not the answer, I'm afraid.

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Excellent points, Kristin

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Yep. That's the bottom line, isn't it?

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I was really surprised the Dems didn't take that off ramp when the failure became undeniable, which means their policies have nothing to do with a virus or public health.

IMO, that ship has sailed. The time to blame Trump has long since passed. They own the jab rollout, the injuries and deaths, and all the downstream negative sequelae. Why? They had to option to stop it and chose not to do so.

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They could have easily taken the off ramp last May and dumped the whole mess on Trump. Even then, it was clear that was the politically expedient thing to do, and we all know that traditionally the Democrats are the masters of political expediency, if nothing else. It will be very difficult for them to live it down now. Especially since they were the ones that pushed (and are still pushing) the vaccine mandates.

At least there is recognition across the political spectrum that the lockdowns were utterly worthless.

The reason why the Dems couldn't take the exit ramp last May is because its mostly the Democratic voter base that still fears the virus itself and Democrat politicians are more in bed with giant pharma than Republican politicians.

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Absolutely correct, in a rational world. They had no trouble reversing other policies- they had a stack of exec orders on Day 1.

But rational thinking is not in the tool box for the worshippers of St Fauci.

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I saw Jen Psaki blaming lock-downs on Trump last week, and said they were never for them. They can pretend that they aren't medical fascists, but the mask was off for quite a while and I would assume most people saw clearly who these people really are.

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My sister in Madison WIsc is still under a mask mandate. Psaki can blame all she wants, but mama bear is awake in its all crap in Blue cities and Blue states. Could not be more obvious!

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Agree, I'm here in Wokington (WA) and the COVID is still STRONG with them. Masks, and all the rest of the ridiculousness.

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All fricken BLUE!

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Probably another reason they're taking out Joe Rogan. They need to shut down all dissenting voices. Let the gaslighting begin.

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HA! on "they're taking out". Could not be further from the truth. Joe has only grown in listeners going forward. Only Rush Limbaugh had more daily listeners. Joe is gonna Joe whether its on Spotify or elsewhere

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We will be the last state in the union to breathe free, no doubt in my mind.

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they think we are dolts, and unfortunately a lot of us are. Many have very short memories or are just completely uninformed.

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Ah, but ByeDon was the one to issue vaccine mandates. That is on him and his merry band of libtards. The mandates were AT LEAST as deleterious to our health (physical, social, financial, mental) as lockdowns.

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Sure, he's definitely with them.

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President Brandon is Declaring Victory March 1st during SOTU...Not sure if it's about Covid or Russia. We'll have to watch to find out!

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No way I'm watching that. I'll wait for the highlight (or lowlight, more likely) clips of Joey pretending to be presidenting.

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They are working on the magic drug mix to keep him standing for the thing.

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your exactly right! everything Alex is reporting will be blamed on Trump in 2024, they will miraculously discover it and scream Warp Speed! They will interview all the vaccine injured that they hid for 4 years etc you know the drill!

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P-saki started this already. She said in her Friday press conference that "we are not the party of lockdowns. All the lockdowns happened under the previous President." I kid you not.

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The democrat governors were the ones that choose to keep lockdowns going.

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We will know the tide has fully turned when they start calling it Trump's vaccine.

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If anything comes out MSM about these shots and the damage it's caused to everyone including kids, you watch yup it's all trump and operation warp speed fault for rushing a vaccine to market. I'm sure the FDA and CDC and the NIH won't be held accountable at all.

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Once one of them grows a pair and does an actual story on vax injury and death, they will all jump on board and there will be a target on 45. It will be shocking how fast they flip flop...

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History shows you are correct. CDC, FDA AND NIH all bought and paid for by big Pharma are NEVER held to account. WHY would anyone think it changes going forward?

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ZERO accountability. The #1 crisis we continue to face. The definition of insanity

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Already are

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They already started. That fake red-head blamed lock downs on Trump a couple of days ago. The Dems will play Lucy, tell you one thing for the election, then pull the old switcheroo.

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no. Soon the Progs will have total control and we'll be living in a firmly totalitarian world Covid is just a bioweapon to get there. https://the-pipeline.org/the-column-sic-semper-tyrannis/

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This change in narrative will only last until the midterm elections. After which they will revert to the race baiting, war mongering anti American rhetoric they love so much. RESIST.

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Change in narrative? They’re doubling down

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I went to our Board of Ed meeting last week in my Connecticut town and there were about 40 parents against masks that spoke up asking for parent choice, but then the school board brought out four kids that asked to keep the masks and their primary point was that without masks they would have to go back to remote schooling. I don't know whether to feel bad for these people or beyond angry that they have convinced kids that their ability to have in person learning is all dependent on them wearing a piece of cloth over their faces for seven hours a day.

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Kids were recruited by the teacher's union, would bet on it. That's their lingo and that's their political position. That's the way they like it.

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When I was a kid parents would have told those kids tough sh—. Get your pansy ass back in class and take off the mask.

End of discussing

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At this point, my attitude is the scared kids can go back to remote learning and the rest of the kids can go back to normal. Our school district offers remote learning as an option and still we have a handful of parents with the help of the despicable ACLU fighting to keep the damn masks in schools. It makes no sense to me as their "high risk" kids have the option to stay home.

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Demand that the kids go back to school and no masks required. Period.

I’m not attacking you but when I read these posts I can’t believe how much parents cede to these useless bureaucrats. Take charge

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This seems like a good place to advocate "The Coddling of the American Mind," by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

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I'm reading this book right now. I can see why the safetyism that has been prevalent for the past decade has led us right into covid hysteria

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My son is a high school English teacher & he highly recommends this book!

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Children don't wear masks outside of school so it is useless against what is a community risk. It is not a school-place risk. Though in reality, it is not really a risk.

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Not only children but the teachers too. Out shopping in the busy mall yesterday bumped into daughter's math teacher with her kids. None of us wearing masks. The whole thing is ridiculous.

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We wear masks to protect the ones we love! That's why we wear them everywhere but home.

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The answer is to say the kids are not in charge. No, we are dispensing with the masks and we are going kids in school. Or you will all be off the board very soon.

There is NO OTHER WAY to deal with these people.

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It's a minor miracle, IMO, that BoE aholes like that haven't by now been beaten to a pulp by parents who've had enough of the government school-endorsed and -inflicted child abuse.

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Great educators, they don't even recognize the false dichotomy logical fallacy, OR, POS educators who do recognize it, but use it, anyway, to keep a tight grip on their tyranny.

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The Democrats knew they had 2 years of pedal to the metal time to take care of as much far left garbage as they possibly could. Their destruction of the country has been breathtaking. I don’t think more than 25% of people agree with their open border, easy to cheat elections, high gas prices, inflation, mandates, etc. Now they throw a few crumbs at their constituents. Oh aren’t we so fortunate. I want the left destroyed and my free country back.

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Nailed it!

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Too many in their base still have a psychotic fear about covid, plus this administration is in bed with the US Drug Cartel (Big Pharma) so I'm not feeling confident that we're getting anything other than a temporary reprieve.

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BoJo is desperate to stay in power; he is hanging by a thread. That's the difference.

I wonder when this same cycle will play out for Early Treatment. They'll start off talking about zinc, how it helps for "colds" or "your immune system." Then they'll add vitamin C. Then, something like "curcumin", activity, and weight loss.

Then, after enough time has passed, and the plague is safely "endemic", they'll talk about ivermectin, and how - shockingly, after only 73 studies - "the Science" now tells us that Horse Dewormer actually works on the dreaded plague. "You see, we just didn't have enough data before. But now we do! Science!"

And of course they will never, ever mention Hydroxychloroquine.

Which is why my trust in "them" is in negative territory. If they say something, I automatically consider the opposing point of view as being true until proven otherwise.

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Political Survival is a Powerful Motivator. Politicians don't care about the People.

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Feels as though some chairs are being re-arranged on the Covid Titanic

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Meanwhile, a desperate plea for help from Canada. S.O.S.

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I just learned about the escort program Quebec was using last night. Apparently someone who is unvaccinated cannot go to do much a a drugstore beyond certain measurements without the assistance of an escort to make sure they're buying only certain allowed items and no more. What fresh Hell is this!!! The commies need to be run out on rails.

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fyi don't look up quebec escort program without adding "covid" haha

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Definitely save the receipts. Don’t let them forget what they did, and let us never let this happen again.

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Good saying: "Reality grinds slow, but it grinds exceeding fine." We need to speedup grinding process and turn the mandates and the passport idea into the dust.

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Alex - I saw Scott Gotleib on CNBC this am - strange he didn't mention this -- must have slipped his mind!

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Ben Shapiro says it all the time: No one voted for Biden. They voted for Not Trump.

Dems didn't have a mandate from the 2020 election. But they sure as hell issued mandates--and here we are.

Just remember THAT in November.

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Receipts are Definitely Saved

We will remember the destructive policies and who decided to do nothing about them.

We will remember the politicians who have not stood up for their citizens

We will remember the schools who continue to senselessly punish children for being healthy

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They will want to turn the page and move on. A reckoning must happen.

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Who were the architects of the 1986 bill that absolved pharma companies from responsibility in vaccine damage? I want to know if Joementia has a hand in that mess.

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As Thomas Paine wrote, “Time makes more converts than reason.”

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