Soon the Democrats will transition to blaming this whole debacle on Trump and the Republicans.

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This change in narrative will only last until the midterm elections. After which they will revert to the race baiting, war mongering anti American rhetoric they love so much. RESIST.

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I went to our Board of Ed meeting last week in my Connecticut town and there were about 40 parents against masks that spoke up asking for parent choice, but then the school board brought out four kids that asked to keep the masks and their primary point was that without masks they would have to go back to remote schooling. I don't know whether to feel bad for these people or beyond angry that they have convinced kids that their ability to have in person learning is all dependent on them wearing a piece of cloth over their faces for seven hours a day.

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The Democrats knew they had 2 years of pedal to the metal time to take care of as much far left garbage as they possibly could. Their destruction of the country has been breathtaking. I don’t think more than 25% of people agree with their open border, easy to cheat elections, high gas prices, inflation, mandates, etc. Now they throw a few crumbs at their constituents. Oh aren’t we so fortunate. I want the left destroyed and my free country back.

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Too many in their base still have a psychotic fear about covid, plus this administration is in bed with the US Drug Cartel (Big Pharma) so I'm not feeling confident that we're getting anything other than a temporary reprieve.

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BoJo is desperate to stay in power; he is hanging by a thread. That's the difference.

I wonder when this same cycle will play out for Early Treatment. They'll start off talking about zinc, how it helps for "colds" or "your immune system." Then they'll add vitamin C. Then, something like "curcumin", activity, and weight loss.

Then, after enough time has passed, and the plague is safely "endemic", they'll talk about ivermectin, and how - shockingly, after only 73 studies - "the Science" now tells us that Horse Dewormer actually works on the dreaded plague. "You see, we just didn't have enough data before. But now we do! Science!"

And of course they will never, ever mention Hydroxychloroquine.

Which is why my trust in "them" is in negative territory. If they say something, I automatically consider the opposing point of view as being true until proven otherwise.

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Feels as though some chairs are being re-arranged on the Covid Titanic

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Meanwhile, a desperate plea for help from Canada. S.O.S.

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Definitely save the receipts. Don’t let them forget what they did, and let us never let this happen again.

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Good saying: "Reality grinds slow, but it grinds exceeding fine." We need to speedup grinding process and turn the mandates and the passport idea into the dust.

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Alex - I saw Scott Gotleib on CNBC this am - strange he didn't mention this -- must have slipped his mind!

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Ben Shapiro says it all the time: No one voted for Biden. They voted for Not Trump.

Dems didn't have a mandate from the 2020 election. But they sure as hell issued mandates--and here we are.

Just remember THAT in November.

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Receipts are Definitely Saved

We will remember the destructive policies and who decided to do nothing about them.

We will remember the politicians who have not stood up for their citizens

We will remember the schools who continue to senselessly punish children for being healthy

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They will want to turn the page and move on. A reckoning must happen.

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Who were the architects of the 1986 bill that absolved pharma companies from responsibility in vaccine damage? I want to know if Joementia has a hand in that mess.

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As Thomas Paine wrote, “Time makes more converts than reason.”

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