"Never mind that Covid patients, even counting incidental admissions, now occupy just over 2 percent of American hospital beds."


Or that we've actually LOST capacity due to our stupid covid shot mandates. Or that jabbing everybody will put MORE people into the hospital than covid. No, the 'experts' decided on a course of action three years ago, and no amount of logic will deter them.

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It's all about power, and the best way to assert control over people is to make them afraid. "Get another shot or you'll regret it!" If the pandemic taught us anything it's that institutional fearmongering can lead the masses down a desired path without actually solving any problems.

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They have their own logic because they live in a parallel universe they want the rest of the world to live in with them, divorced from our Creator. It is a false religion dressed up as “Science”. It is not true science because it ignores data that contradicts its narrative or “consensus”…same with the “Climate Change” hoax…the Plandemics evil sibling.

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Speaking of our Creator…He has a sense of humor. Another laugh from the sports world.

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Biggest Anti-Vax Athlete In The World Wins Moderna-Sponsored US Open Title

Novak Djokovic, who got kicked out of the U.S Open last year for not being vaccinated, won the US Open Title today as well as the 'Shot of the Day', which are sponsored by Moderna.

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Yes, many hospitals had to downsize and others closed due to being only allowed to see emergency and Covid patients.

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The "whole hospital bed thing" makes me so frustrated as it's almost entirely due to Certificate of Need (CON lol) laws where hospitals have to apply to the state to get approved to add more beds to their facilities. In news that will shock no one that reads Alex, many times the CON boards contain officials from competing hospitals who will vote down their competitors requests for more beds.

Never mind the states with the strictest CON laws also have the lowest bed/population ratios.

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While CON plays a part in bed availability in states that have it, it had nothing to do with the "bed shortages" reported during covid. There were no bed shortages, there was a staffing shortage. It's still going on today. We still have the exact same amount of hospital and skilled facility beds today that we had in 2019 but staffing determines how many people are admitted. So, if staff is unnecessarily quarantined or has the left the profession altogether it gets reported as a bed shortage instead of a staffing shortage because I guess it doesn't sound as good to the media outlets and politricktians.

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You are right about that post-vax rollout, as our local hospital had plenty of beds but fired all the unvaxxed staff so there weren't people to clean the rooms, check people out, etc. Meanwhile our Gov. Kate Brown was screeching about a lack of capacity, drumming up fear, and blaming the unvaxxed.

CON laws played a big roll in the bed hysteria pre-vax rollout though.

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I'm not following you on how CON could have played any role from March 2020 through Dec 2020 before the shots started going into arms. The number of beds were the same in Feb of 2020 as they were in Feb of 2019 as they were in Feb of 2023. The only thing that has changed is the number of staff working in those facilities. And yes, the media and the politricktians were the ones crying about their being a bed shortage when it in fact has always been a staffing shortage. I've been on the forefront of this since day 1 while working in LTC and CON was never mentioned as being an issue and I never observed it being an issue while. I'm not a big CON guy so if CON would have had anything to do with the "lack of beds" I would have been all over it and vocal about it, but it just never played into what the issues were when it came to beds. CON has to do with physical beds and how many beds get licensed in a particular area. The entire country never had an issue with there being a lack of available physical beds, which is what CON deals with, yet it was a lack of staff to service those empty physical beds. As you say too, it had nothing to do with the unvaxxed as well. That was as big a lie as the "bed shortage" was.

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CON laws restricted beds long before 2020.

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The whole thing in 2020 was that there would be so many more people needing hospital beds than we had available, available staff or not, because COVID was SO contagious and SO terrible that it would overwhelm hospitals and we would need hospital tents, mobile care units, etc.

If CON laws weren't restricting the number of hospital beds pre-COVID, it stands to reason there would have been more actual beds available should some legitimate pandemic actually emerge.

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No beds lost except for those small local hospitals that went bankrupt. Georgia lost four of I remember correctly.

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this reminds me of when Jim valvano decided to do a bed check for his team the night before the Championship game. He was happy to report to the press, who were concerned about players habits, that he did the bed check and the beds were all there.

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How many closed after it was decreed that only "necessary" surgeries and procedures could be done during that first covid year. My hospital survived because they eliminated positions and forced everyone to take unpaid leave. How many small hospitals didn't survive that?

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If I remember correctly, they were already operating on thin ice, and Covid was just the final straw. I think you likely hit the nail with the "necessary" procedures comment.

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Not many people talk about CON laws! You're totally right!

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Back in the 1970’s when the idiots invented CON I was in the nursing home business, owner/operator/administrator/developer. It was the most hateful thing the government ever invented.

Boards of ignorant people made decisions without any knowledge or understanding throughout the Heath care industry.

Not just adding hospital or nursing home beds but also purchasing major capital equipment such as MRI machines.

In some states they controlled the sales of facilities as well. We had to get a new CON, prove the need for an existing facility, in order for it to change ownership.

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Just remember it isn't the number of beds but the 24/7 staff needed to provide care.

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Can we stop using the word "care" when referring to medical treatment? It is extraordinarily obvious that our medical industry does not _care_ at all about patients.

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Do yourselves a favor and don't read the comments of the true believers on that Substack. What a load of hot garbage. I think American health outcomes are a direct result of the FDA "food pyramid" and promoting "better health through drugs" versus eating healthy and exercising (which Alex points out as well).


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OMG! These people seem to think that if the benevolent and completely honest (not) government paid for all of our healthcare then all of a sudden our health culture would change or do they think that the government will force the people of this country to make good choices?

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Sorry, you had to read those, but you need a dose of crazy communism every once in a while to size up who we are up against. . . .

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Dude. I've heard all the arguments before. I always ask people if you feel like a number now just wait until the government gets complete control of you. I work in healthcare and I have to argue against single payer all the time. I'm a fair tax fan and I would love to see us be able to uncouple health insurance from employment, get that portion of my salary back and shop for my own insurance. Imagine prices for our healthcare if we had a truly free market. A girl can dream...

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Most likely paid trolls and bots

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Damn! I clicked on your link. 🤮

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"Taken together, Americans have worse health than their counterparts."

MORONS! Even if it were true that those in poor health ought to take the shots, this still doesn't justify recommending them for *all* Americans! Those of us who are not in poor health don't need shots because the majority of our fellow citizens are.

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Or the fact that they refuse to talk about the reasons for poor health in America. After all this couldn’t possibly have anything to do with obesity rates. Keep eating yourself to death Americans, just make sure you take the Covid juice.

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Well, your last line "Maybe, for change, we’d be better off just listening to the rest of the world - and ignoring our local drug pushers." is all I plan on doing. And for icing, I'm ignoring all stupid CDC recommendations as well. They still have some outrageously stupid mask policies like if you have Covid and come back to school, you need to wear a mask for 10 days. Garbage! Super easy policy to follow - If you get Covid, Don't Ask Don't Test.

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So, after 3+ years, I finally got it...I tested positive for Covid. I never got the vax or a booster, so I actually thought I might be one of the fortunate ones that was simply never going to get it, particularly since many of my friends who have been vaccinated/boosted have gotten it multiple times. Bottom line, it was a cold. I felt a little under the weather for a few days and then had lingering congestion for a few days after that and then it was over. The end. Not sure why we have to make a bigger deal out of this than it is. In my 20's and 30's, I went to work feeling worse than I did with Covid. I am really over going from one panic to the next. We need to focus on some of the real problems we are having...oh wait, this is how they want to distract us - I forgot.

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You'd think decades of Hospitals gobbling up private practices, the demutualization of insurance companies, and the ascendancy of Big Pharma makes us the greatest healthcare system in the world. Weird.

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We do have a lot of unhealthy, obese people in this country. We also have an elderly population. But what happened during Covid? Did all those experts tell the population to rethink their dietary choices and exercise? No. We shut down everything (even the outdoors), kept the pot and liquor stores open, and told people to order takeout. Shut up and stay home, right? What a lost opportunity. And we wonder why drug addiction, deaths of despair, and obesity is up. Gosh, whatever could it be? It's maddening to have these experts now dis the very system that they helped create. Don't eat fresh foods, exercise, or take your vitamins. Here, take this shot and wear this mask. What could be healthier than that! (argh).

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Here in Denver we have MASS amounts of healthcare facilities being constructed. Hopefully they will have beds..... side note

I went to my PCP with sinus issues. She did NOT scope or look at my ears, throat or nose. Suggested over the counter Zyrtec. Asked no less than 4 times if I was going to have the flu shot or vaccine that day. NO. NO. They are all Fired!

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This is why, short of a broken bone, I will not bother with doctors

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Yep this is exactly similar to my recent experience - took daughter to the doctor as she had a severe reaction to a bug bite. Nurse spent more time trying to peddle the flu jab than the doctor spent examining her. Even though, as she kept saying, my daughter would not have been able to have the jab at that time but she kept going on and on about it. They really do sound like salesmen talking from a script. Its nauseating.

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profits over health

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There are no words strong enough to properly condemn this latest extension of horrible CDC policy. A mass firing seems appropriate. Or just shutter the CDC permanently and start over with new safeguards based on what we've learned.

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Zucker, the guy who killed so many elderly New Yorkers by forcing nursing homes to accept covid patients, has landed at the CDC.

Useful people without remorse will be rewarded.

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Public Health is a public embarrassment and sadly beyond saving. Maybe RFK can make a dent in their edifice of lies and failed policy, but I fear they are super-glued into the administrative and medico-security state and that it is impossible to tear it down. We the public just need to ignore and ridicule them

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Sep 19, 2023
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that is a depressing but unlikely scenario as he wants to fund these with a legalized cannabis tax — which a have urgently and repeatedly wrote negatively about on RFK Jr threads

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Sep 19, 2023
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I have a confession— it is not the tax proposal I was opposing it is the counterproductive nature of increasing drug availability to fund treatment centers, esp when said drug is much more dangerous than the “recreational vibe” around it. The son of a friend shot himself in head after ingesting edibles—he had not been suicidal.

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I'm so sad about your friend's son.

I can so see that happening. That stuff is so strong.

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Sep 19, 2023
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Reading Alex Berenson’s book, Tell Your Children, is what solidified my position — but folks on this Substack (and RFK’s) do disagree on this topic. Mostly with civility!

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David the problem with logic is its humans who are you are dealing with, and most humans have little logic, nor common sense or the discipline to simply take a hit or two and put things away. I agree with what you say, but also just sayin

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From day one through today, not a single hospital nor skilled nursing facility has, or ever had, a shortage of beds. What they had was a shortage of staff due to the ridiculous quarantine mandates that pulled staff out of those locations unnecessarily. They then had to admit fewer patients and even shut down wings of snf's and of course the news story claimed it was a shortage of beds due to so many people being admitted with covid. The beds are physically there today, and they were there in 2020, 21 and 22. It was a lack of staff due to how the Trump administration and the Biden administration handled it and even more importantly how each Govenor dealt with it. Kentucky's Govenor, Andy Beshear, decided to open up two alternative hospital locations, one in Louisville and one in Lexington. He then gave the contract to his buddy for 27 million without getting other bids. His reasoning was that his buddy's company was the only company that could move fast enough. In the end, taxpayers spent 27 mill, his buddy received 27 million and used much of it to buy repeat generating income equipment such as generators, portable wash stations and toilets, beds etc.. AND, even more importantly, in the end, not one single person ever had to go to one of the alternate locations because the hospitals never had any issues. It was all media lies. This was all done while Trump was in office. Things obviously only got worse when dipshitte #2 came into office.

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There is a BIG push to socialize medicine in the US. I remember in the 60's I had neighbors that came to US from Germany. They remarked how much better healthcare was in US than Germany at that time. They hoped the US NEVER socialized medical care. They remembered having to wait a week to see a doctor for a badly broken arm.

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I find that very hard to believe about the broken arm...unless they were from East Germany. Healthcare in Europe, including Germany, is very good. Much better than what I have experienced in the US. And if you have something urgent you go to A & E and are seen immediately.

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Who needs logic when you have a convenient narrative to fall back on.

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The heavy hand of the Big Pharma Industrial Complex will endlessly promote irrational fears. The aim is to persuade the weak minded & gullible to subscribe to “vaccines” and/or drugs in perpetuity. This layering of pharmaceuticals will spawn new health issues for those who partake. Then Big Pharma has other subscription drugs to treat the new health issues. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Big Pharma is the real virus.

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It's been the way of Pharma in the states for decades. Create the problem and corner the market with solutions...perceived solutions. Rinse and repeat. A SICK society is just a better biz model

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Well, there are those jibby jab studies that showed they reduced mortality for non-covid illnesses, right? So, maybe if we just pump more people full of more of the mRNA pixie dust, we can improve Americans' general health ! (obviously, I'm being sarcastic, and making fun of the confounders in those studies).

In somewhat related news, my wife accompanied a friend to her first ob appointment (~8 weeks pregnant) and the doctor pushed flu and covid jabs on her. How disgusting is our medical industry?

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praying she said no

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Emphatically no :-).

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Yesterday I posted a link from the Epoch Times regarding the millions of dollars used to “strongly incentivize” shall we say OB-GYN docs to follow a precise pro-vax message to pregnant WOMEN. Such “professional organizations” would strike a direct bargain with Satan to sell the souls of members if they could.

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