This left a bad taste in my mouth. These people who told us all to stay home and save lives, told everyone to get vaccinated and boosted, celebrated companies who fired employees who wouldn’t do so. Now the science has “changed” or more so the truth is slowly trickling out and they can’t hide the fact that they f-d up for the last two years. So now they make skits about it and laugh. Doesn’t sit well with me.

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The fact that this is on SNL is an earthquake. The narrative has shifted. This was unthinkable two months ago.

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Mind boggling that it took 2 years for people to see the truth.

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It's cute how they don't take any responsibility. Wait, no it is not. SNL has been the poster child for propaganda for years.

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Actually hilarious! They are starting to wake up to the fact that they have fallen for the scam and are VERY reluctant to admit it. On the other hand, it’s great, but they are going to have monumental cognitive dissonance which will eventually lead to massive anger and hostility. My own 50 year old son hasn’t spoken to me for close to a year because I told him he had destroyed his innate immune system and is now likely to develop VAIDS. I’m 72 and am a pure blood. I had a fractured hip last fall, which required surgery. I was terrified of them giving me a blood transfusion, so I claimed to be a Jehovah’s Witness.

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"Let's just pretend it never happened... Republicans are still stupid, right??"

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Nobody watches SNL. They suck.

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I'm not fucking hesitant. I will sleep under a bridge before taking DEATHVAX

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In desperation, SNL is pretending the "science has changed" but it hasn't, and their attempt at comedy is beyond distasteful and nauseating. SNL will end very soon.

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Biden is going to declare victory in the SotU. NY dropped masks in schools....not tomorrow or Tuesday, but the day after the speech.

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They will hear about it after the biopsy results come in

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I find this to be an adequate reflection on how these people will address their colossal failure. THEY WON'T. If SNL, the President, my Governor, Democrats, the MSM who verbally attacked/berated/vilified 20-30% of the citizenry as "dirty unvaccinated" is somehow going to be purged or forgotten anytime soon they are sorely mistaken. This miniscule offering is so lacking in anything meaningful it only enraged me and reignited all of my mistrust and complete disgust/disregard for them.

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Nothing to see here, just some "Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental Gene Therapy The KNEW about before the mass vaccination started.

The proof of Criminal Intent in in their own documents: Premeditated GENOCIDE https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/premeditated-genocide-pfizer-mrna

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By definition, omission is lying. People made medical decisions based on those omissions. NEEDS TO BE CHARGES. 🤐

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Funny how it takes Comedians to Wake People up to the Lab Leak And not to all the Covid Hysteria hysteria. Could the court Jesters have more power than the Court Advisors?

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Wait until they learn about negative efficacy, that knowledge will probably cause some more coincidental heart attacks.

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So now it's OK to be unjabbed? Guess I've stopped speaking to the authoritarians in my life, at least about anything vax-related, so I have no idea.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Here's a great dive into the paradox as to why jabbed patients during the maximum efficacy period are PCR negative but exhibit Covid-like illness and that the jab offers no reduction in hospitalization. Remember folks, the CDC ,Pfizer and Moderna as well as the media always ignore PCR negative, Covid-like illness in the jabbed. Great scientific explanation....


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The worst people in the world.

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I'm in my mid 50's. I have never watched a full episode of SNL. I have watched some skits that were funny. This skit was not one of them. This skit was just stupid. Truly a half-hearted attempt at making fun of themselves. And they still had to try to save part of their narrative by saying: "Fact, vaccines save lives. Fact, the hospitals would have been overrun."

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This looks like a big sign to me. Limited hangout, but still. Looks like whoever is in control of SNL and presumably much else is holding out an olive branch to the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.

Also looks like they’re setting up the CDC as the fall guy. By the way, the CDC never called for vaccine mandates, though they did unconscionably recommend them for everybody including children, for whom there is still no FDA-approved vaccine. It was the Biden administration, universities, school boards, local governments, certain big companies, and non-profits that made vaccination a requirement for entry or participation with no basis in any CDC guidance.

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Too bad you can't hang out with the sane crowd anymore either after shitting on Dr Malone.

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First it’s a moral issue that is being laughed at by the people who did WRONG. It IS funny, simply not in a way that is preferred. They don’t PAY for what they did wrong. They cluster and shake together…. The digital passports thing is real in the US!! 21 states!?!?!?!? Horrifying…. STUPID. It’s NOT the way we need to have “individual health records” simplified. That is B.S. and it simply is another super slippery slope. Warn your representatives they will not be reelected with this in their state!!

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In a word these people are as phony as a three dollar note. These people that are so very easily manipulated and led around at will by those that take such glee at causing all of this chaos and suffering are so incredibly dangerous. They are the type of people the catholic Priests convinced to turn in their neighbors to be burned and tortured during the inquisition. They are the type of people the Catholic Priests convinced to hunt down and slaughter the peace loving Cathars. There were many of these types calling for atrocities these last two wonderful years of science.

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Many of us were brainwashed and repeatedly lied to and developed something like Stockholm syndrome. Now we’ve been set free, sort of. But behaviors don’t change that fast. We have to relearn normal. We the People had better learn fast, we have a lot to get through.

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This reminds me of the changing sign on the barn in Animal Farm which ultimately reads "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

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Would have been funny if the Bloomberg article admitted Ivermectin was being used in many countries with great success against the ChiCom virus like Japan, Mexico, etc. w can write the skit and include excess mortality.

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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... wake me up when they really wake up... meow

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I haven’t watched SNL in years but this was funny.

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The process of memory-holing begins. It starts with humor, as if how wrong and evil about it they've been for the last two years is a joke, and it ends with a complete absence of remembering any of it. Those who do remember it will be marginalized as overreacting and exaggerating the abject evil of it all. Let it go, they'll say, and rejoin them in society as if it never happened.

Nope, never forgetting or forgiving.

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SNL skit still has vaccines saving lives. The joke is SNL, and another complete wiff. They too have ignored and socially condemned anything that countered the covid narrative, including the massive reports of adverse events that are continuing to grow and yet still ignored. The humor will never be funny coming from those who were complicit. The Goebbels of the world and their acolytes should not crack jokes on their egregious efforts.

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The most concerning thing about this is the muscle tension + bulging eyes because someone dares to express an opinion or mention an article that MIGHT go off script. The reactions of their immediate social circle matter more than the truth. This is the most terrifying outcome of the pandemic imho

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What a horrible group of people who can't even talk about these things rationally...some skit.

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I haven't seen SNL for at least a decade and boy, are these guys ever lousy. Even if the writing was great, I doubt this crew could make anything funny. Regarding the content, the "facts" they list aren't, well, facts, so they actually weren't grappling with anything other than their own nastiness.

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and, agreed~ who needs my brother, his in-laws, and most of my cousins~ i like holding "fringe opinions" bwahahahahahaha!

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Odds this was not a joint between government and media? No way SNL did this of their own volition. Greasing the skids for the SOTU and the dropping of certain mandates in NYC. Making a mockery of the pain and hurt this mindset had on so many is not a good look. But, the b*itch we've had to be for the narrative this last two years makes some of us joyous. I believe strongly in forgiveness, but this is hardly repentance.

The full clip is worth watching... https://twitter.com/Leftylockdowns1/status/1497966265431990281?s=20

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The video is not funny at all. It's all tragic and very sad. I can't imagine who's laughing at all this. These "go along to get along" brain washed sheeple now think this sh*t is funny? It's not. It's very very sad.

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They still had to trot out all the bullshit, and pretend to laugh at their idiocy. Hurts me to say I know a lot of people like this.

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It's about time...Now let's see SNL mock Biden for shutting down the pipeline and forcing clot shots on people.

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Still not seeing your apology for slamming ivermectin like an idiot

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I saw that last night. Could hardly believe they were putting these ideas out there. Looks like somebody actually has a working brain at SNL... or is no longer afraid to show it.

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This has always been about the whims of spoiled cuddled only child generations who are used to and feel entitled to to terrorize their surroundings. "We are afraid so everybody else must suffer!"

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I forgot who recently said it, "SNL just isn't funny anymore" and most comedians aren't either these days. It's the same principle of "the left can't meme"

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Understand this, federal, state and local governments spent hundreds of billions of dollars...billions...on regulatory enforcement and surveillance systems all over the nation. That still exist, in place, ready to be used again at a moment's notice. And understand that once government has a system in place it likes to use it. Especially nice, new, fancy expensive ones that make government leaders and officials feel powerful - doing "something" to "fix" a problem they declare is a problem. As long as those nice, new, fancy expensive enforcement and surveillance systems remain in place you can be exactly 100% confidant they will be used again. Sooner than you may think. For something you can't even think of just yet. But they have.

Which means that every effort needs to be made to force them to yank out those enforcement and surveillance systems, every branch, every root, every remaining vestige of them. It won't be easy. Government leaders and officials don't like throwing away billions of dollars of nice, new, fancy systems that make them feel and appear powerful. They'll say it's reckless and wasteful, that we learned from CV the importance of having them in place to "protect us." But we know they didn't protect us. They oppressed us. For nothing.

Now is the time to act. We can't wait until they try to use them again. We've seen the irrationality of our friends and neighbors who've embraced doing "something" in a crisis - even if it doesn't work to protect them. We can't rely on them in the future any more than we could rely on them in the past when the media and officials are separating them from their rational thought and senses.

Fear is nearly impossible to contain when unleashed on a population. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" wasn't just intended to calm the public's fear of Japan bombing our cities. FDR knew and had witnessed totalitarianism sweep across the globe on the back of fear. The words even truer today than when he said them following the date that lives in infamy.

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It’s all so uncanny. And how about today’s NYT on the vaxx not being effective on kids 5 - 11. I wonder when the outrage will catch up to the reality that has inevitably unfolded. Sadly, those of us who were vilified for shouting this from the rooftops for the past year are going to walk away from these toxic circles and never look back. (Well I guess that’s not sadly for us!)

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This may get buried, so I wanted to point it out in a main comment. @AlexBerenson you should look at THIS. NATIONAL "SMART HEALTH ID" CURRENTLY ROLLING OUT IN U.S.A., ALREADY IN 21 STATES!!!!


AND here's where it's all happening: https://smarthealth.cards/en/issuers.html

The article is written for FORBES, which is usually conservative in perspective. However, this doesn't feel that way. Here's why. Suzanne Rowan Kelleher, the "reporter" bio:

I watch trends in travel. Prior to working at Forbes, I was a longtime freelancer who contributed hundreds of articles to Conde Nast Traveler, CNN Travel, Travel + Leisure, Afar, Reader's Digest, TripSavvy, Parade, NBCNews.com and scores of other outlets. Follow me on Instagram (@suzannekelleher) and Flipboard (@SRKelleher)

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Oh they are soooo brave!! Really taking it to man in this skit. F them!! These are the same people who treated objectors as irrational Know Nots who should be shunned from society. Not to mention it’s just bad writing and even worse performing. Who really watches SNL anymore?

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Comedy has been one of the victims of this disaster. It might never recover.

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Some of you may have seen this. If not YOU ALL need to check this out and pass it on. It is one of the most concise summaries of the big scam that I have seen. https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/ws4fMTn6yNc7/wKBBGATV3jyg.mp4

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