This left a bad taste in my mouth. These people who told us all to stay home and save lives, told everyone to get vaccinated and boosted, celebrated companies who fired employees who wouldn’t do so. Now the science has “changed” or more so the truth is slowly trickling out and they can’t hide the fact that they f-d up for the last two years. So now they make skits about it and laugh. Doesn’t sit well with me.
not to mention those who said, seriously, that the unvaxxed should just be allowed to die, denied medical care, denied the right to raise their own children...
Yes. My mom died in 2020, she lived at home and died at home of long time heart problems. When we saw that she only had weeks left, I told our GP that what was NOT going to happen was my mom in a hospital isolated, not being able to see anyone especially me. It was the perfect decision because together we both enjoyed her last days.
This isn't science. This is lunacy. To reduce a human being to nothing more than a guinea pig because everything that can be stolen from us has is sheer lunacy.
yes, due to Nationalized Medicine er um...OBAMACARE! Now you see the plans all along. Ruin the private Doc's, then eliminate all integrity in the remaining Doc's with flatout bribery, ruin insurance, sky-rocket prices for treatment, get ppl addicted to insurance who'd never had insurance, get all the uninsured on the Nanny State. Turn medicine into Tyranny during the pandemic while killing the innocent sheep they coerced to slaughter. I still have no insurance since losing it in 2012, so yes, I'm still pissed over the obamacare fiasco
I remember when they went to HMOs. I thought it was asinine. I had insurance for my kids and I always went PPO—no HMO. Remember—they ruined my kids shortly after they were born and like a glutton for punishment, I went back for more.
I finally completely gave up medicine after trying out a new PCP. I told her right off the bat that I knew medicine and I wasn’t going to dumb things down for her. Her eyes grew wide with astonishment. Oops… After about a half-hour of rangling, I left and never went back. I had brought a 76YO friend with me whose father had been a doctor and he was stunned at what he had seen and had heard.
These pharmaceutical employees almost killed me over a long time in a particularly painful and brutal way. In deference to the 2 fingers I have left, I’ll lend you a snippet my story in an article.
So this is about kidneys and mtDNA, but kidneys got me to this point—mine, that is. Bear with me through my Tale which finally brought me to a discussion of mtDNA. I’m in good company because the WHO’s Colin Mathers knows a lot about it.
Yes, I agree the vehicle used was the genetic modification. The mad scientists working on genetic modification via mRNA, probably for cancer research, met up with the eugenic-malthusian-vaccine crew, met up with the world-dominating nazis.
This article and the author are just stupid. I stopped reading when she said there never was a deadly virus. How myopic and manciacal do you have to be to insist at this point that there was no virus. Can't take someone this obtuse,(or ideological) seriously.
There has never been any isolation or purification of the virus. All alleged variants of the never isolated virus are just computer simulations. When you have no isolated virus, how do you create a test to prove you have the never isolated virus? You don't. The CDC admitted they didn't have the Covid19 when they created the PCRs for this "novel virus". So now you identify many with this new novel virus which creates a large case count and a pandemic based on bad tests. Everyone getting sick is now diagnosed with Covid rather than the true cause which could have been anything from pneumonia to poisoning from bad foods, air, water, emfs, drugs. Even gunshot victims were tested and labeled as covid cases for God's sake. People get sick every single day. People die in vast numbers daily from heart attacks, opioid overdoses but give them a bad test and they are now covid patients. Add bad injections into the mix and you have more victims now labeled covid victims rather than vaccine victims. Add cash incentives to hospitals and even more cases can be created out of thin air. So people were sick. When haven't there been sick people? You can't say it was THIS virus when you can't show THE virus. And to date, no one has shown THE virus you claim exists.
All I know is the yearly flu with its 40,000 deaths a year, 'disappeared' with about 2,000 cases in 2021 to be replaced with covid-19. Since the pcr test can't tell the difference it seems like we went thru hell for nothing really out of the ordinary. Yeah, the say it was easier to catch. So what, if it doesn't kill you, it makes you better with immunity. They won't ever admit to any of this. Not happening.
No arguments from me David Frum is a Major contributor of Misinformation. Look at all the so called Journalists they walked away from talking about Covid-19 because everyone of them was 100% wrong. This is why Berenson has been so disliked by social media and the Elite media because he has been the only Person right.
I was actually OK with that. Had I come down with covid, I really don't think I would have gone to a hospital. Right now, I have a cardiologist appt coming up in April that I will probably attend but why? I have no intentions of using any drugs he might prescribe. I'm not formally educated in medicine but I've educated myself with medical journals and all kinds of online info as well as some great books. My decision is completely well informed and I have lost almost all trust in doctors and medicine over the last 2 years. I say almost because I do see that there are still some great people out there and emergency medicine is quite effective.
Again and I want to make this all so that you Perfectly understand me. The only Doctor who can diagnose you and Treat you and most of you may never see one in a life time is a CRITICAL CARE Doctor. No David Frum of the world no one from the Elite media Twitter or Facebook Blue checks and all have absolutely no business talking about Covid-19 including Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci they have been total Misinformation spreading fear and Medical Misinformation for well over 2 years now. The one and only who has been repeatedly right for months October 2019 has been Berenson. No Rooster 🐓 or Bird 🐦 Doctor or weatherman has been right like Berenson.
I'm going to assume you mean diagnosis for Critical care b/c there's no way my cardioligist is not qualified to not diagnose my heart condition but a Critical Career doctor is.
This is very true. Most non surgical MD's practices are basically big pharma dispenseries directed by big pharmas data and reports. I no longer trust them. We have to take charge of our own health. Throw away sugars and grains and industrial seed oils, get lots of daily exercise and most metabolic disease pathways will be cut short. There will be no need for Lipitor, Ace Inhibitors or Metformin etc.
I can identify with what you posted. I have aggressive cancer, or so I was told 4 years ago. However due to pandemic, have not been to see oncologist for 2 years. Why would I go? I have declined chemo, radiation and hormone therapy. So when friends ask me how I am feeling, I just laugh. I feel fine. I too have lost all faith in the medical community. I keep a safe distance.
Dear Graygirl, I also had cancer in 2009. I was told I'd be lucky to make it to 10 years. Today, I'm alive and healthy. I also declined chemo and hormone therapy, radiation was not recommended for my situation. After that I was diagnosed with a relatively rare cancer in 2011 that was not aggressive, but was completely and repeatedly misdiagnosed. It actually started in 1991, wasn't diagnosed then (which I later came to realize was a great blessing), was diagnosed in 2011 but was not staged doctors initially thought it started in 2011, in fact, it started in 1991 but began to advance in 2011. Eventually, my doctors realized that. Details aren't important.
I highly, highly recommend a book by Dr. David Servan Schrieber named 'Anti Cancer: A New Way of Life' I did everything that book recommended with great results for me including participation in the Healing Journey Program mentioned in the book.
One day, we all will die of one thing or another. Enjoy your time on your terms and get close to God. That's what I do. Love & blessings to you.
I have that book. Loved it. I have recommended that book to many. Also Netflix did documentary on him. Excellent work. I have watched that film several times.
because we, Pure-Bloods, do not need these not-a-vaccine shots - we get an infection and get Well and the creator awards us with LifeLong Immunity; while those who have damaged their immune system with these Not-a-vaccine injections are infected and and lie in hospital, pobresitos.
Please don't make this a thing guys... I'm in a deeply covidian city and have as much an axe to grind with the covid regime as the next thinking person.
But coming up with derogatory labels (particularly one as loaded as "pure blood") is just playing a shitty game that'll have shitty prizes.
I wanna see the monsters in media, government and industry get held to account, but disparaging the dumb-dumbs that went along to get along (and maybe took it too far in their personal lives) just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I'd really rather not have to explain away or defend my "side" using hateful and ridiculous terms like "pure blood".
Let's show a little love here man. There's a chance these shots will have done some serious harm to a lot of people. Gotta rise above man. Our governments are the enemy, not our neighbors. It's what i've been trying to explain to covidians this whole time...
The term "pure bloods" is stupid. No one's blood is "pure" because any of the myriad drugs we take can affect our genes. Example would be SSRI meds that leave people with permanent sexual dysfunction, neuroleptics that leave you with permanent tardive dyskinesia.
It's a cruel way to say the vaxxed are dirty and contaminated. They need compassion, not contempt.
Also, since the spike protein is toxic (c.f. Robt Malone talking about this on Joe Rogan), and it is in Covid as well as the shots, likely very few of us are actually "pure" of that. Many people, including Alex, do not "believe" in long covid, however since SARS-CoV-2 was an ENGINEERED BIOWEAPON that came from a lab, who knows what the long term effects are for people who caught the virus, not just those who got the jab.
Many who took the injections felt it was the right thing to do at the time and the pressure to do so was immense including keeping one's job.
We 'all' know differently now and keeping the separation amongst us average people via jabbed/unjabbed only plays into the divide and conquer routine that got us here in the first place.
It's only the top of the third inning ( plenty of ball yet to play) and being unified is how we'll defeat what's in motion by the evil ones and find the legal redress for the complicity and corruption that has spread faster than the virus itself. It ain't gonna be easy but there is no other path to take now.
oooooo... Problem is they are. They are running off to islands. That's bad news for us on mainlands. This guy is still smiling. That definitely worries me
In a recent tweet of an interview, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, acts like he is President and king of COVID. He smiles when it’s suggested that the elderly should be withheld their social security checks until they get vaccinated with the COVID vaccine.
I hear you, Marie.. We're not outta the woods yet. They are quietly rolling out digital vax passports in many states. The gateway pundit website had a story yesterday.
That taught us canadians something though. After they announced it there was a run on the canadian banks thats why they panicked and dropped the EA. So now we know next time they fuck with us we just yank our money out enmass to force them to re evaluate their position. More effective than any protest
To my knowledge it hasn't happened yet...stay tuned as that was the plan. Perhaps with the mess he created it will be delayed or better yet won't happen. The Canadian movement is far from over.
The last couple years, there has been a lot that did not add up, something I realized right from the get-go. FEAR MONGERING mostly, and the disease used as an excuse to implement tyranny.
If you haven't listened to Maajid Nawaz on Joe Rogan's podcast, you really should. It explains why all this is happening. Think it doesn't make sense? Oh it does ... And he does not just talk. He shows proof of what he is asserting.
Agreed. And the next pandemic is around the corner but I think there will be much more hesitancy to trust the government and people will rightly begin to recognize tyranny. Because the Bible tells me so, we won’t be able to stop it, but at least people may begin to seek Truth which can only be found in The Word of God. A relationship with the Risen Savior Jesus Christ is the hope for what is coming. And even Christians who fell prey to the Covid lies are waking up. Truly. If you don’t know how the Bible ends check it out. Look at Israel, Iran, Russia, China and the lack of a current identifiable World power that is good. One World Government is coming. For two years other media has heard governments say it out loud…”New World Order”. This. Is. Truth. Know Truth.
The next lockdown, since the globalist always tell us. Will be the manufactured climate crisis agenda. You heard Kerry, who few on his private jet, don’t forget the climate crisis I’m in charge of…..
I loved your comment! I think the only way to stop the roll out of the NWO is revival: historically it has mightily improved societies at a grassroots opposed to the damage done by fake Christians.
Yeah. I get tired of all the fatalistic resignation. Christians aren't supposed to crystal-ball, we're supposed to get off our pampered asses and fight.
Remarkable amount of tone-deafness in this Forbes article. A Republican governor - in Utah, no less - failing to grasp that this ISN'T about 'control of your own data' and ALL about being 'forced to reveal it' as a condition of everyday life. What strange planet are we on where even the Forbes reporter fails to grasp the broader implications of this?
Whatever and wherever this newborn Bindle outfit is, we need to strangle the concept in its crib.
People like it because they like knowing the person they are sitting next to is unlikely to be infected. Huh? You mean the one that only had limited 2-3 month enhanced antibody protection and probably has a much higher viral load? The whole justification is still based upon the lie of mrna shot efficacy. Something is definitely up.
What I don't get is the article contends the pressure for this is intense from around the world. YET, I read IATA and WHO don't want passports and several countries have already opened up to ALL travellers. I smell a rat.
it wasn't SCOTUS job to determine if the mandate made any sense, just to determine if it was legal... but dang, just as the hole world is realizing what a scam it was, NOW they mandate?
i suspect someone has something on JOhn Roberts.... maybe he really was on Epstein's Island.. but he has turned badly... or, the appointment was New World Order Bush at his finest :(
His trip to Malta clutching his briefcase was a tip off...he got paid and threatened...he is gay, he has two illegally adopted kids from Ireland laundered through Argentina (breaking the law), and he was threatened with exposure or silence and money.
SCOTUS has not made a decision on the merits. They issued an injunction staying enforcement for 100 employer rule, they did not for healthcare workers. There has not been a decision on the merits. Not saying I have hope, but that is the legal fact.
Failure to appeal or to reference constitutional guarantees of individual liberty by no one in the room, not even one of the attorneys or justices? Shame on all of them. Tulsi Gabbard's CPAC speech, on the other hand, was unwavering on the guarantees of our founding documents. An 'E Pluribus Unum' moment, if there ever was one - in the hall of her political opponents, no less.
The National Socialist regime that rose to power in 1930's Germany did so with the blessings and support of that nation's highest courts. Which, contrary to revisionist bias was held in high moral regard, intellect, ethical jurisprudence. Everything that transpired under the Nazi regime was "legal" under their moral, esteemed, considered constitution.
Ultimately courts only rule on the words in law, not the morals or ethics or righteousness of them. To believe jurists role is to protect citizens from the abuses of their leaders is the fiction of the myth perpetuated on citizenry, that our government exists to protect their citizens and the courts protect our rights from the transgressions of politicians.
If you've ever been in the company of leaders in your community at political events, fundraisers, charity balls, holiday soirees, etc, you'll find judges, legislators, regulators, lobbyists, executives, lawyers, leaders of nonprofit organizations all clanking wine glasses and sharing stroking one another's egos. With the judges appointed from the same lawyer class that strokes egos of the politicians who appoint them. I know. I've been at my share of those gatherings. As I'm sure Alex has. Judges are politicians in robes, make no mistake about it. No matter how much the Chief Justice protests.
Germany suffered the same societal dynamic in the 1930's that we suffer today. Here's a link to a presentation of the Justice Trial at Nuremberg. It leads with an insightful commentary, followed by the actual trial transcripts. One can easily bring the same societal dynamic it describes forward to present. If you think, believe or hope that the courts will rise to protect our rights guaranteed to us under the US Constitution, even after bearing witness to the past two years of decisions and the decisions to avoid decisions (that are decisions in and of themselves) then you haven't learned the lessons of history that we were all supposed to learn so as to avoid making the same mistakes.
Only We, The People can protect our rights. No heroes in black robes will be saving the day for us. In the leading commentary it is noted that Germany lacked "a "higher law" (constitutional or ethical standards) that might be resorted to by judges to avoid the harsh effects of discriminatory laws." Looking at high court decisions over the past two years alone informs us that our courts no longer have a "higher law" they will invoke to protect our constitutional rights. They use linguistic trickery to make our rights disappear, rather than enforce them.
"Ingo Muller, in Hitler's Justice: The Courts of the Third Reich, provides a penetrating picture of the workings of the criminal justice system in Nazi Germany. Muller's analysis of the evidence suggests that most German judges--contrary to common opinion--were ultraconservative nationalists who were largely sympathetic to Nazi goals. The "Nazification" of German law occurred with the willing and enthusiatic help of judges, rather than over their principled objections.
Many judges appointed before the Nazi rise to power--because of the economic and social circles that judges were drawn from--had views that were quite compatible with the Nazi party"
"In its decision, the Justice trial tribunal considered what it called Schlegelberger's "hesitant injustices." The tribunal concluded that Schlegelberger "loathed the evil that he did" and that his real love was for the "life of the intellect, the work of the scholar.""
"Most German judges over-identified with the Nazi regime. They came to see themselves as fighters on the internal battlefront, with the responsibility to punish "the enemy within."
"[the story of the German judges] can in any event help us to see that judges should not be eager enlisters in popular movements of the day, or allow themselves to become so immersed in a professional culture that they are oblivious to the human consequences of their decisions."
The horrors committed by those sworn to uphold the Hippocratic Oath presented in this Catholic Culture recounting of 1930's-1940's Germany brought me to tears. Read it. Read all of it. And know that German authorities classified the disobedient, those who resisted the imposition of authoritarianism as mentally defective, sociopaths, who they did the same things to as they did to the handicapped. That means all of us who've been called deplorable, bitter clingers, domestic terrorists. Read this! Know this is the fate that awaits us all - unless we wake our friends, colleagues and communities up. Fast.
Exactly. They are gonna have their Digital Currency this year. Hence the Ukraine Russia fiasco, the banks are gonna collapse, and this will be the solution. SHIT SHIT SHIT why can't we stop them?
they did that research, for decades, it always ended up killing the animals or seriously maiming them. In one study every single ferret that was used in the experiment died. In other studies, the mice used were al dead within months. Blood clots killed them. Sound familiar. this is not new technology, the only think new about it is putting into humans. A crime against humanity. Will anyone go to prison?
RESIST, as much as possible do not comply: civil disobedience is the way to go, they're grossly overplaying their hand. fear mongering: technically it may be possible, but they're not up to implementing it.
Excellent movie, and very prescient. I saw it in the theater and on premium TV thereafter, a few times. Here's a pretty good review I just came upon on YouTube. It gets into more of a description of the themes about two thirds of the way through, and has some confusing reference shots of other movies in the first half but may give you a good sense of the movie. It's available from various outlets.
Exactly. THIS is how you get gulags. We can't be flippant about this. That's a disturbing number. For a vaccine that isn't performing to expectations....and the 'fact' the Mulaney cites in the sketch is disputable.
....and wanted to tax and imprison the unvaccinated, denied them to go see family and care for loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes....a societal break down in ethics and morality. Those people are that dinner table consented to it.
I beg to differ. Most people absolutely thought they were on the side of science. They just couldn't entertain the possibility that the median and the "experts" would tell them anything other than the whole truth.
The word "vaccine" carries a lot of emotional and historical weight. I think that's a big part of all this craziness. Pharma was smart to label these new medicines as vaccines to take advantage of this.
I’m talking about the “experts” violating their own God Complex rules. Maybe much of the public did believe it or were afraid but the quick surrender of our civil liberties with little regard for the consequences and the division it caused cannot be forgotten with an SNL skit.
Agree, lots of people prey to the "experts." Seeing strange people walking around on the street alone wearing face diapers. Like an announcement of mental illness. I resisted it all along and led a fight against fines for those who do not ear them outsid. Sick 😷 bastards. Oh yeah, won that fight.
Millions of people was forced to take these mRNA shots Millions was bribed with Taxpayers money gift cards and so much more to take the mRNA shots. Where is this data on these people for adverse reactions or death. Why is 6 Billion dollars of taxpayers money gone to the CDC and we don't have answers Uncle Joey?
Politicians think they are scientist = Scientists think they are doctors and sheeple have forgotten how to think for themselves = Thank you Berenson for being so informed.
What if we lose 1 Million People this Year and the Majority of the American people had all 3 mRNA shots. And Year 2 that number increases to 3 Million deaths here in America 🇺🇸 does anyone know this answer has anyone else besides Berenson thought about this very serious question?
I have come to the conclusion that it will never matter to those that believe in the government narrative. They are truly sheep who will not ever admit that their deaths and disabilities were intentional.
When you hear Uncle Joey talk doesn't sound like he is taking into his cellphone to send a Message to his Gold fish 🐟? Even the People who are behind the scenes Pulling his strings are dumb. I don't see how he makes it much further.
SOTU should be interesting. They're probably experimenting on the cocktail of meds need to get him to stand up there and speak. Wonder if there are any Vegas odds on this?
A friend’s mother lost 6 friends this last year. Yes, they were in their mid 80s, but they were in their 80s for a few years with no one dying, and then suddenly 6. My friend had forgotten about the first three until I reminded her. They aren’t even aware let alone at the stage to admit.
What if???? The answer is that the sick and dying will realize that the healthy are the unvaxxed and try to kill them because they exercised good judgement for resisting the jab. As everyone knows by now whenever you make a mistake you blame others. That's why your answer to the question "have you been vaccinated?" should always be "of course".
Agreed. Point well taken. It is like laughing at the funeral of a child....yet a ray of truth shining into the toxic propaganda fog still warms my heart. It does not make me laugh.
Totally agree. I suspected this would happen. It will be worse also, as the greatest zealots will one day laugh it all off like it was a teenage hairstyle.
The Elite media has taken Money Taxpayers Money from Pfizer as well. To Push these mRNA shots into every Man Woman and Child. And some have lost everything and more Probably will. This is no Laughing matter when Lives in the tens of thousands of people lives have been dismantled over night in 2 years time.
Yes, but when we laugh at something serious that we did where people suffered instead of being contrite, it means they are deep down ashamed of themselves. That stings worse than anything. And they won’t move on until they realize their part with remorse. They’re in a bind.
This is not to apologize to us, it is a signal to the progressives to chill out and accept that the opposition was and is completely rational, also maybe to allow them to acknowledge the doubts they’ve had all along. I think the leaders realized that they took this whole thing too far and the opposition is getting out of control. In other words, time to declare victory and surrender. We won’t really know the significance of this skit probably for another month when we see how much of the restrictions will remain. Will the mask and vaccine requirements really disappear entirely? Perhaps the goal for this mind-bending experiment has finally been reached? Has there been a mutiny up top? Was this the exit plan all along? Or maybe the controllers, whoever they are, just realize they’ve taken all they can grab and it’s time to cut their losses?
You’re overthinking this. It was all about politics and power and now that the polling is cratering and it’s a midterm election year, the left and the media they control are swiftly shifting the narrative. When CNN stopped the “covid death tracker” the very day of the inauguration you’d think even the true believers would’ve been a little skeptical but hopefully voters will make them pay the price and somebody will actually read the constitution in this country again.
This skit is more than shifting the narrative, which would be simply to say “mission accomplished, curve flattened, no more restrictions.” It is about saying the opposition was right all along, the restrictions were worse than useless, and that the current administration (CDC and executive office with its employer mandates) is to blame. Not good for any Democrat up for re-election if you ask me.
Spot on. The pandemic has no more political leverage so it must be put back into the box with hopes we won't remember the overreach. When Pelosi decided that Trump's mask habits were causing us all to become ill, the game started. Masks became a litmus test for society. Anything to divide us.
You have to understand that most of this was done on a Local level as well. Done by your city or town Board of Heath department. They did these Mandates on a VOTE not science. This is what the David Frum of the world are not telling you.
Very true. This skit puts all the blame on the CDC. The CDC does not issue mandates, just guidance, and none of their guidance by the way advocates shunning the unvaccinated. And those state and local health orders aren’t even voted on. It’s just the whim of the health officer to put everyone in masks or exclude the unvaccinated.
Businesses seem to think the CDC is running the country and uses its wise guidance, such as now only the unvaxxed have to wear masks to shop. Of course, it's really Fauci running the country, telling the CDC what to say, and demonizing the unvaxxed, along with his slobbering sycophant, Biden.
So much virtue signaling among the covid cultists. To be virtuous one must wear a mask or two, be vaccinated and boosted, receive all items through home delivery and only bring them inside after three days on porch and disinfecting the outside, wash hands religiously, maintain 6 feet of distance from the plebeians all while shaming and belittling anyone with an alternative thought. It’s a shame that those same virtue signalers will be more persuaded by this SNL skit than by Ron Johnson’s panel of medical experts.
We always knew they were going to pull the 'we didn't know!' and 'this was the science at the time!' cards. NEVER. FORGET. When and if it ends, we hunt. Heads must roll. They have to be made an example of. They sent us on a very bad trajectory and the only way is if people pay the price. The problem is a lot of the 'luxury-lap-top-flip-flop-wearing-#bakingbread-Iwearamasktoprotectyou' crowd felt NO pain throughout all this. They sat and absorbed propaganda willingly and willful and arrogant in their ignorance. They wallowed in base cowardice while engaging in false virtue. And that skit typifies it all. Dumbass normies waking up waaaayyy too late. Notice they don't mention the kids who were the worst hit.
Seriously? F-em all. I've already reorganized my life and people like this I used to go out to shitty dinners with babbling in pointless banter are gone.
Notice they had to insert their vaccine propaganda and that the girl read it in Bloomberg. Only when her corporate masters tell her to come to out is it safe. Here's the thing they still don't get. THE CRIMINALS KNEW ALL ALONG masks and measures aren't effective.
Watch it again. They at least throw a bone to the “masks were never effective” crowd and they acknowledge the evil of firing someone for making a sincere decision not to take a medicine. It’s actually quite a bit of an admission to say the isolation measures were not worth it. I wonder what kind of response they’re getting about this from the true believers.
I never watch that cr*p so I have no bad taste, cause I never tasted.... I never listened to the elite idiots who have no common sense or fear of least not for very long....can't help but hear them once in a while (commercials, etc.). I knew they were lying within a month and who thinks you can have a vaccine tested for safety in less than a year...only idiots...unfortunately that included the president, who still supports the kill shots...and lost much support over that.
This is a back-track effort by many Authoritarian Leftists to try and work they're way back out of the loosing side of the debate. They can't admit to being wrong (b/c they're Authoritarian Leftists) and yet they still need to back out of their previous position because they know it's no longer the correct one since government and media have changed the science so they're doing whatever they can to back out from their previous position. For actor's, specifically in Comedy, this means humor, making fun of the same people they were serious about being.
For those in government they will attempt to act like as if they weren't hardcode supporters of coerced vaccinations but were just following the Fed's guidelines. The Feds will say they were just following the CDC's Guidelines and the CDC will say they were just following the science and because science can change over time they too have now changed their positions. It will be a huge game of passing the buck and in the end the CDC will use the fact that science changes (while simultaneously claiming that the science is settled) as their excuse. All professional liars and some also professional actors.
I want to be Honest with you and I am not a Political guy. What I can tell you is that Politics should never be in Medicine or Healthcare. And for the Blame Part it's pretty much the same for the Handling of covid-19. The Bird 🐦 Doctor has been just as wrong as Gupta David Frum and Chris Cuomo.
I think you're the one who doesn't understand. At no point in my comment did I imply I believed the lies from all those behind the covid push. I only commented on why those who previously supported going so far as to coerce people into getting the vaccine are now trying to back they're way out of that loosing position.
Yes they've tried lying to me all my life more so the last decade but some of us see the BS for what it is.
"Well, we advocated for you to lose your job, your friends, couldn't eat out or travel or live your life for two years...oops, our bad! Want to grab some margs?"
But consider the point of this skit: libtards can't come right out and say it. If they did, it wouldn't make it on air. So SNL is actually using satire for its intended purpose (for the first time in years)! Cloaking truth in humor to sneak it past the censors.
Not just cloaking the truth but also attempting to normalize this, to make it seem like they were this way along and not the aggressive authoritarians ready to send to determent camps anyone who said no to the experimental drug. Yes the skit is making funny of who these people are but it's to try and make it seem like as the majority of them, the SNL crowd, were never like that just other extremist where.
in the skit, they can't even really admit the truth to themselves, only hint at it... still in denial, and still making light of it. reminds me of Hilary joking about finding her emails at Versailles... like that was a big joke. Same old double standard... completely unhinged.
Look up the Impact Memo that was leaked. The science never changed, just the polling.
Here’s some bullet points
Declare the crisis phase of covid and push for feeling and acting more normal.
Recognize that people are worn out and feeling real harm from the years-long restrictions and take their side.
Acknowledge covid still exists and will for a long time.
Don’t set covid zero as the victory condition.
Stop talking about the restrictions and the unknown ahead.
I have lots to say about these points. However, these people should never be forgiven for what they’ve done to our children. I have a lot of hate in my heart for these evil miscreants.
My immediate response to this skit is that I want everyone involved to find themselves in a mass grave. My hatred for the Covidians knows no bounds. We the people will never forgive and never forget.
actually, not sure why justin only shared half the skit...they actually make a joke abt "the science changing" being absurd (i personally found this funny & hopeful that ppl are waking up, but i get why folks are mad)
Similar at first glance but nowhere in those points was “the opposition was right all along and our trusted federal agencies are now suspect” which is what we get from this script. Those points are about saying good job, thanks for your sacrifice.
I still see people walking. By themselves. Alone on a sidewalk. When it is in the 70’s. With a mask. Every day I see that. Maybe it does serve a purpose: when my brain implodes as I slow blink they are ok.
The finger pointing has been building for weeks. They are weak people who don't understand taking responsibility for being wrong. The funny part is I would guess a good portion of them just went along with the SNL narrative while secretly living an entirely different life.
Actually hilarious! They are starting to wake up to the fact that they have fallen for the scam and are VERY reluctant to admit it. On the other hand, it’s great, but they are going to have monumental cognitive dissonance which will eventually lead to massive anger and hostility. My own 50 year old son hasn’t spoken to me for close to a year because I told him he had destroyed his innate immune system and is now likely to develop VAIDS. I’m 72 and am a pure blood. I had a fractured hip last fall, which required surgery. I was terrified of them giving me a blood transfusion, so I claimed to be a Jehovah’s Witness.
Yeah it's really sad that managing other people's emotions for them (ie keeping quiet so as not to upset them) is more important, and more welcome, than helping them. I've sort of given up with my family.
My immediate family (wife and kids) are the only pure bloods on either side of our families. For the most part, they are conservative, but they all fell for the propaganda. They chose to ignore the truth and dismiss it as misinformation. I often wonder if we will be the only ones left 5 years from now.
I think possibly you misunderstood or possibly I misunderstood your response. Either way, Jehovah’s Witness are prohibited from accepting blood transfusions per religious beliefs. This was posted on my chart, on my wrist band and above my hospital bed. This is quite different than closing the door if they should knock and turning them away.
Speaking of Republicans, where was our leadership throughout the past year? Aside from Rand Paul and maybe Ted Cruz, all I heard was Crickets. I live in the separate country of Washington State. Our Republicans have been silent, aside from a very small minority.
DeSantis in Florida. Noem wouldn't shut down in S Dakota. Eric Schmitt, AG in MO, and other Republican AsG, sued Biden over the employer jab mandate, and won. Schmitt has spent the last 6 mos suing schools and communities to drop masks. AG in AZ has done a few things on the natl level, I think. Ron Johnson in US Senate has been hitting them on reports of bad effects of the jab. Senate and House Republicans have repeatedly voiced opposition to mandates and have tried to bring up bills. Several House Republicans have been fined by Pelosi for showing up without masks...
I stand corrected. I should not have dismissed those folks, especially DeSantis and Johnson. Both are heroes to me. Thanks for taking the time to respond Joe. We'll get through this bullshit, together. Jeff
Both GOP and DNC have devolved into cults. They slavishly follow their leadership in support of ideologue agendas. Neither care if their policies are good or not, only whether the platform results in more power or profit.
You are one Strong Lady Simone! This little bug is tearing apart families and marriages. And employment. Maybe we did underestimate its lethal side....
Omicron may have destroyed the entire insanity. Why would he bother you about becoming a lab rat experiment over even Omicron which has blown through many places? No, he won't bother you anymore. 🐸
In desperation, SNL is pretending the "science has changed" but it hasn't, and their attempt at comedy is beyond distasteful and nauseating. SNL will end very soon.
Thank you for explaining why our kids who just came back from break have to wear masks but only on Monday and Tuesday. Hochul whoring for Joe. She won't even have to shampoo her hair for this one.
I find this to be an adequate reflection on how these people will address their colossal failure. THEY WON'T. If SNL, the President, my Governor, Democrats, the MSM who verbally attacked/berated/vilified 20-30% of the citizenry as "dirty unvaccinated" is somehow going to be purged or forgotten anytime soon they are sorely mistaken. This miniscule offering is so lacking in anything meaningful it only enraged me and reignited all of my mistrust and complete disgust/disregard for them.
Funny how it takes Comedians to Wake People up to the Lab Leak And not to all the Covid Hysteria hysteria. Could the court Jesters have more power than the Court Advisors?
Maybe that’s the whole point of cancel culture and shutting down the voices of the comedians who would have pointed out early that the emperor or has no clothes. Hence why leftists have no sense of humor.
Here's a great dive into the paradox as to why jabbed patients during the maximum efficacy period are PCR negative but exhibit Covid-like illness and that the jab offers no reduction in hospitalization. Remember folks, the CDC ,Pfizer and Moderna as well as the media always ignore PCR negative, Covid-like illness in the jabbed. Great scientific explanation....
I'm in my mid 50's. I have never watched a full episode of SNL. I have watched some skits that were funny. This skit was not one of them. This skit was just stupid. Truly a half-hearted attempt at making fun of themselves. And they still had to try to save part of their narrative by saying: "Fact, vaccines save lives. Fact, the hospitals would have been overrun."
Agree - did not like that "fact" line, but it's the closest we've gotten to anything in the mainstream coming near the truth. Got to encourage it - there was a lot that was good in the skit. People don't turn on a dime. Let's give them a few weeks. Let's see if Colbert or the other comedians begin to pull at the threads. Comedian Heather McDonald's on-air faint and Bob Saget's death got their attention. She has said publicly that she won't get another booster.
This looks like a big sign to me. Limited hangout, but still. Looks like whoever is in control of SNL and presumably much else is holding out an olive branch to the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.
Also looks like they’re setting up the CDC as the fall guy. By the way, the CDC never called for vaccine mandates, though they did unconscionably recommend them for everybody including children, for whom there is still no FDA-approved vaccine. It was the Biden administration, universities, school boards, local governments, certain big companies, and non-profits that made vaccination a requirement for entry or participation with no basis in any CDC guidance.
Alex is entitled to disagree with Malone or anyone else he wants. Are you a leftist fanatic? Cancel culture warrior? I personally believe in freedom of speech.
Sorry I’m not a deranged lunatic that feels, for whatever reason, people should be cancelled. I disagree with Alex on Dr. Malone, I don’t agree with what he said. I’m fine with that. People don’t need to agree on everything and I do think he should apologize, PRIVATELY and leave it at that. I’m here for information and in the grand scheme of this, that’s all that matters.
Do you expect people to spread the other cheek and hang out with someone who trashes us and refuses to retract it? That is the price. You don't get to do that.
He's also lying about ivermectin.
You think that's being a "deranged lunatic", then go pfuck yourself.
He trashed Malone publicly. He needs to apologize publicly.
First it’s a moral issue that is being laughed at by the people who did WRONG. It IS funny, simply not in a way that is preferred. They don’t PAY for what they did wrong. They cluster and shake together…. The digital passports thing is real in the US!! 21 states!?!?!?!? Horrifying…. STUPID. It’s NOT the way we need to have “individual health records” simplified. That is B.S. and it simply is another super slippery slope. Warn your representatives they will not be reelected with this in their state!!
In a word these people are as phony as a three dollar note. These people that are so very easily manipulated and led around at will by those that take such glee at causing all of this chaos and suffering are so incredibly dangerous. They are the type of people the catholic Priests convinced to turn in their neighbors to be burned and tortured during the inquisition. They are the type of people the Catholic Priests convinced to hunt down and slaughter the peace loving Cathars. There were many of these types calling for atrocities these last two wonderful years of science.
Many of us were brainwashed and repeatedly lied to and developed something like Stockholm syndrome. Now we’ve been set free, sort of. But behaviors don’t change that fast. We have to relearn normal. We the People had better learn fast, we have a lot to get through.
Excellent talk about Stockholm syndrome with examples related to what has happened during the last 2 years - this is part of the Grand Jury effort. Also references the psychological study done to "market" the injection.
This reminds me of the changing sign on the barn in Animal Farm which ultimately reads "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Would have been funny if the Bloomberg article admitted Ivermectin was being used in many countries with great success against the ChiCom virus like Japan, Mexico, etc. w can write the skit and include excess mortality.
The process of memory-holing begins. It starts with humor, as if how wrong and evil about it they've been for the last two years is a joke, and it ends with a complete absence of remembering any of it. Those who do remember it will be marginalized as overreacting and exaggerating the abject evil of it all. Let it go, they'll say, and rejoin them in society as if it never happened.
SNL skit still has vaccines saving lives. The joke is SNL, and another complete wiff. They too have ignored and socially condemned anything that countered the covid narrative, including the massive reports of adverse events that are continuing to grow and yet still ignored. The humor will never be funny coming from those who were complicit. The Goebbels of the world and their acolytes should not crack jokes on their egregious efforts.
The most concerning thing about this is the muscle tension + bulging eyes because someone dares to express an opinion or mention an article that MIGHT go off script. The reactions of their immediate social circle matter more than the truth. This is the most terrifying outcome of the pandemic imho
I haven't seen SNL for at least a decade and boy, are these guys ever lousy. Even if the writing was great, I doubt this crew could make anything funny. Regarding the content, the "facts" they list aren't, well, facts, so they actually weren't grappling with anything other than their own nastiness.
Odds this was not a joint between government and media? No way SNL did this of their own volition. Greasing the skids for the SOTU and the dropping of certain mandates in NYC. Making a mockery of the pain and hurt this mindset had on so many is not a good look. But, the b*itch we've had to be for the narrative this last two years makes some of us joyous. I believe strongly in forgiveness, but this is hardly repentance.
Someone had to sign off on it, yes, which might be why that out of synch "fact" line was in it. But so many people got to see this skit. It gives them permission to have these conversations themselves, to overcome their own "The Emperor's New Clothes" hesitancy of stating the obvious. We generally don't do a 180 in a moment. It takes at least a few days, if not a few weeks. Let's see what comes of it in the next month.
The video is not funny at all. It's all tragic and very sad. I can't imagine who's laughing at all this. These "go along to get along" brain washed sheeple now think this sh*t is funny? It's not. It's very very sad.
Reality has not hit home yet. I am afraid this will be true of everyone. I already lost 2 clot shotted friends in their fifties, 1 in sleep, 1 coronary nose first dive. I also have a friend 50 who did collapsed nose first on the pavement and did hospital time. Others include rosacea and swollen lymph nodes. Sad is only the beginning I fear.
So sorry to hear of these terrible tragedies among your friends! Thank God most of my family did not get the clot shot! (just 1 idiot who's wife forced him to get it!)
I’m relieved to see this because it means the conversation has hit mainstream. I find it also maddening that people can just laugh and joke about all the awful things they’ve happily supported the last couple of years. All the killed businesses, lost jobs, new addictions, lost learning, lives lost due to medical malpractice, destroyed friendships and relationships… In my heart I’m just very, very sad.
I saw that last night. Could hardly believe they were putting these ideas out there. Looks like somebody actually has a working brain at SNL... or is no longer afraid to show it.
This has always been about the whims of spoiled cuddled only child generations who are used to and feel entitled to to terrorize their surroundings. "We are afraid so everybody else must suffer!"
I forgot who recently said it, "SNL just isn't funny anymore" and most comedians aren't either these days. It's the same principle of "the left can't meme"
Understand this, federal, state and local governments spent hundreds of billions of dollars...billions...on regulatory enforcement and surveillance systems all over the nation. That still exist, in place, ready to be used again at a moment's notice. And understand that once government has a system in place it likes to use it. Especially nice, new, fancy expensive ones that make government leaders and officials feel powerful - doing "something" to "fix" a problem they declare is a problem. As long as those nice, new, fancy expensive enforcement and surveillance systems remain in place you can be exactly 100% confidant they will be used again. Sooner than you may think. For something you can't even think of just yet. But they have.
Which means that every effort needs to be made to force them to yank out those enforcement and surveillance systems, every branch, every root, every remaining vestige of them. It won't be easy. Government leaders and officials don't like throwing away billions of dollars of nice, new, fancy systems that make them feel and appear powerful. They'll say it's reckless and wasteful, that we learned from CV the importance of having them in place to "protect us." But we know they didn't protect us. They oppressed us. For nothing.
Now is the time to act. We can't wait until they try to use them again. We've seen the irrationality of our friends and neighbors who've embraced doing "something" in a crisis - even if it doesn't work to protect them. We can't rely on them in the future any more than we could rely on them in the past when the media and officials are separating them from their rational thought and senses.
Fear is nearly impossible to contain when unleashed on a population. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" wasn't just intended to calm the public's fear of Japan bombing our cities. FDR knew and had witnessed totalitarianism sweep across the globe on the back of fear. The words even truer today than when he said them following the date that lives in infamy.
Great post. The fear quote by Roosevelt was made in 1933 at his inaugural speech wayyyy before Japan was a thing. Roosevelt was paraphrasing quotes from as early as Montaigne in the 1500's. Who probably stole it from his grandfather.
It’s all so uncanny. And how about today’s NYT on the vaxx not being effective on kids 5 - 11. I wonder when the outrage will catch up to the reality that has inevitably unfolded. Sadly, those of us who were vilified for shouting this from the rooftops for the past year are going to walk away from these toxic circles and never look back. (Well I guess that’s not sadly for us!)
This may get buried, so I wanted to point it out in a main comment. @AlexBerenson you should look at THIS. NATIONAL "SMART HEALTH ID" CURRENTLY ROLLING OUT IN U.S.A., ALREADY IN 21 STATES!!!!
The article is written for FORBES, which is usually conservative in perspective. However, this doesn't feel that way. Here's why. Suzanne Rowan Kelleher, the "reporter" bio:
I watch trends in travel. Prior to working at Forbes, I was a longtime freelancer who contributed hundreds of articles to Conde Nast Traveler, CNN Travel, Travel + Leisure, Afar, Reader's Digest, TripSavvy, Parade, and scores of other outlets. Follow me on Instagram (@suzannekelleher) and Flipboard (@SRKelleher)
Oh they are soooo brave!! Really taking it to man in this skit. F them!! These are the same people who treated objectors as irrational Know Nots who should be shunned from society. Not to mention it’s just bad writing and even worse performing. Who really watches SNL anymore?
My company still has us masking (vaxed or not), paying $21 extra a pay period for healthcare & testing weekly if unvaxed. When will these policies that never worked end? Its still not over for many having to live with these shitty restrictions because of our choice.
CDC on Friday changed mask "guidance" to be much less restrictive (based on hospitalizations vs cases...imagine that!). Yet, even though Fed govt may change "guidance", there is still the state, then county, then city, then business mandates. I fear the vax/mask mandates will never end.
This left a bad taste in my mouth. These people who told us all to stay home and save lives, told everyone to get vaccinated and boosted, celebrated companies who fired employees who wouldn’t do so. Now the science has “changed” or more so the truth is slowly trickling out and they can’t hide the fact that they f-d up for the last two years. So now they make skits about it and laugh. Doesn’t sit well with me.
not to mention those who said, seriously, that the unvaxxed should just be allowed to die, denied medical care, denied the right to raise their own children...
David Frum Blue Checks and the Elite media said that the unvaccinated should not receive any Hospitalization.
Since they have been nothing more than killing fields for a decade or so--this is good news.
Seriously and to top it die in isolation without family because SCIENCE!!!!
Yes. My mom died in 2020, she lived at home and died at home of long time heart problems. When we saw that she only had weeks left, I told our GP that what was NOT going to happen was my mom in a hospital isolated, not being able to see anyone especially me. It was the perfect decision because together we both enjoyed her last days.
I am very sorry for your loss and am impressed with your wherewithal to insist upon your own terms for your mother's passing.
This isn't science. This is lunacy. To reduce a human being to nothing more than a guinea pig because everything that can be stolen from us has is sheer lunacy.
Please remember all these legitimate points when the Covid Tribunals start.
yes, due to Nationalized Medicine er um...OBAMACARE! Now you see the plans all along. Ruin the private Doc's, then eliminate all integrity in the remaining Doc's with flatout bribery, ruin insurance, sky-rocket prices for treatment, get ppl addicted to insurance who'd never had insurance, get all the uninsured on the Nanny State. Turn medicine into Tyranny during the pandemic while killing the innocent sheep they coerced to slaughter. I still have no insurance since losing it in 2012, so yes, I'm still pissed over the obamacare fiasco
I remember when they went to HMOs. I thought it was asinine. I had insurance for my kids and I always went PPO—no HMO. Remember—they ruined my kids shortly after they were born and like a glutton for punishment, I went back for more.
I finally completely gave up medicine after trying out a new PCP. I told her right off the bat that I knew medicine and I wasn’t going to dumb things down for her. Her eyes grew wide with astonishment. Oops… After about a half-hour of rangling, I left and never went back. I had brought a 76YO friend with me whose father had been a doctor and he was stunned at what he had seen and had heard.
These pharmaceutical employees almost killed me over a long time in a particularly painful and brutal way. In deference to the 2 fingers I have left, I’ll lend you a snippet my story in an article.
A Tale of 2 Kidneys and Mitochondrial DNA
So this is about kidneys and mtDNA, but kidneys got me to this point—mine, that is. Bear with me through my Tale which finally brought me to a discussion of mtDNA. I’m in good company because the WHO’s Colin Mathers knows a lot about it.
What she said.
That's because the hospitals were jammed with the "vaccinated" room left.
The Shots do not Work as Claimed, but The Shots do Work as Intended.
This was always an exercise [experiment] in genetic modification.
They lied to people. What’s new???
The infertility was the objective.
They probably didn't expect all the death, but were delighted that the sheep/brainwashed are simply ignoring it.
400,000 dead so far in US. VAERS is the only system we have, they simply don't post a URF and it's all good.
Yes, I agree the vehicle used was the genetic modification. The mad scientists working on genetic modification via mRNA, probably for cancer research, met up with the eugenic-malthusian-vaccine crew, met up with the world-dominating nazis.
They "work" well to injure the recipients immune system.
Having done crime stats for a decade I can attest to that fact, it's all lies.
what's new is that it can and will be exposed after doing some digging and we're better equipped to find out.
This article and the author are just stupid. I stopped reading when she said there never was a deadly virus. How myopic and manciacal do you have to be to insist at this point that there was no virus. Can't take someone this obtuse,(or ideological) seriously.
There has never been any isolation or purification of the virus. All alleged variants of the never isolated virus are just computer simulations. When you have no isolated virus, how do you create a test to prove you have the never isolated virus? You don't. The CDC admitted they didn't have the Covid19 when they created the PCRs for this "novel virus". So now you identify many with this new novel virus which creates a large case count and a pandemic based on bad tests. Everyone getting sick is now diagnosed with Covid rather than the true cause which could have been anything from pneumonia to poisoning from bad foods, air, water, emfs, drugs. Even gunshot victims were tested and labeled as covid cases for God's sake. People get sick every single day. People die in vast numbers daily from heart attacks, opioid overdoses but give them a bad test and they are now covid patients. Add bad injections into the mix and you have more victims now labeled covid victims rather than vaccine victims. Add cash incentives to hospitals and even more cases can be created out of thin air. So people were sick. When haven't there been sick people? You can't say it was THIS virus when you can't show THE virus. And to date, no one has shown THE virus you claim exists.
All I know is the yearly flu with its 40,000 deaths a year, 'disappeared' with about 2,000 cases in 2021 to be replaced with covid-19. Since the pcr test can't tell the difference it seems like we went thru hell for nothing really out of the ordinary. Yeah, the say it was easier to catch. So what, if it doesn't kill you, it makes you better with immunity. They won't ever admit to any of this. Not happening.
Fine. Give me all my 30 years of insurance premiums.
And stop using insurance for any self-induced condition, from heart attacks to IVF (StTD and age driven)
Oh jeesh--I'd be rich.
David Frum is among some of the worst scum on the face of the planet.
No arguments from me David Frum is a Major contributor of Misinformation. Look at all the so called Journalists they walked away from talking about Covid-19 because everyone of them was 100% wrong. This is why Berenson has been so disliked by social media and the Elite media because he has been the only Person right.
Big time
I was actually OK with that. Had I come down with covid, I really don't think I would have gone to a hospital. Right now, I have a cardiologist appt coming up in April that I will probably attend but why? I have no intentions of using any drugs he might prescribe. I'm not formally educated in medicine but I've educated myself with medical journals and all kinds of online info as well as some great books. My decision is completely well informed and I have lost almost all trust in doctors and medicine over the last 2 years. I say almost because I do see that there are still some great people out there and emergency medicine is quite effective.
Again and I want to make this all so that you Perfectly understand me. The only Doctor who can diagnose you and Treat you and most of you may never see one in a life time is a CRITICAL CARE Doctor. No David Frum of the world no one from the Elite media Twitter or Facebook Blue checks and all have absolutely no business talking about Covid-19 including Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci they have been total Misinformation spreading fear and Medical Misinformation for well over 2 years now. The one and only who has been repeatedly right for months October 2019 has been Berenson. No Rooster 🐓 or Bird 🐦 Doctor or weatherman has been right like Berenson.
I'm going to assume you mean diagnosis for Critical care b/c there's no way my cardioligist is not qualified to not diagnose my heart condition but a Critical Career doctor is.
This is very true. Most non surgical MD's practices are basically big pharma dispenseries directed by big pharmas data and reports. I no longer trust them. We have to take charge of our own health. Throw away sugars and grains and industrial seed oils, get lots of daily exercise and most metabolic disease pathways will be cut short. There will be no need for Lipitor, Ace Inhibitors or Metformin etc.
there is plenty of need for metformin from OBESE DIABETICS
I can identify with what you posted. I have aggressive cancer, or so I was told 4 years ago. However due to pandemic, have not been to see oncologist for 2 years. Why would I go? I have declined chemo, radiation and hormone therapy. So when friends ask me how I am feeling, I just laugh. I feel fine. I too have lost all faith in the medical community. I keep a safe distance.
Dear Graygirl, I also had cancer in 2009. I was told I'd be lucky to make it to 10 years. Today, I'm alive and healthy. I also declined chemo and hormone therapy, radiation was not recommended for my situation. After that I was diagnosed with a relatively rare cancer in 2011 that was not aggressive, but was completely and repeatedly misdiagnosed. It actually started in 1991, wasn't diagnosed then (which I later came to realize was a great blessing), was diagnosed in 2011 but was not staged doctors initially thought it started in 2011, in fact, it started in 1991 but began to advance in 2011. Eventually, my doctors realized that. Details aren't important.
I highly, highly recommend a book by Dr. David Servan Schrieber named 'Anti Cancer: A New Way of Life' I did everything that book recommended with great results for me including participation in the Healing Journey Program mentioned in the book.
One day, we all will die of one thing or another. Enjoy your time on your terms and get close to God. That's what I do. Love & blessings to you.
I have that book. Loved it. I have recommended that book to many. Also Netflix did documentary on him. Excellent work. I have watched that film several times.
Wow! Good for you.
We had the bio weapon Fauci Flu.
It was scary, but they killed my best friend and my brother in the hospital. Fauci Protocol of Murder. Ventilators and Remdesivir.
We were not going to the hospital, never.
because we, Pure-Bloods, do not need these not-a-vaccine shots - we get an infection and get Well and the creator awards us with LifeLong Immunity; while those who have damaged their immune system with these Not-a-vaccine injections are infected and and lie in hospital, pobresitos.
China never had a mRNA shot and why have the David Frum of the world ignored this and why have no one's asked them like Berenson?
pure bloods? really?
Please don't make this a thing guys... I'm in a deeply covidian city and have as much an axe to grind with the covid regime as the next thinking person.
But coming up with derogatory labels (particularly one as loaded as "pure blood") is just playing a shitty game that'll have shitty prizes.
I wanna see the monsters in media, government and industry get held to account, but disparaging the dumb-dumbs that went along to get along (and maybe took it too far in their personal lives) just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I'd really rather not have to explain away or defend my "side" using hateful and ridiculous terms like "pure blood".
Let's show a little love here man. There's a chance these shots will have done some serious harm to a lot of people. Gotta rise above man. Our governments are the enemy, not our neighbors. It's what i've been trying to explain to covidians this whole time...
The term "pure bloods" is stupid. No one's blood is "pure" because any of the myriad drugs we take can affect our genes. Example would be SSRI meds that leave people with permanent sexual dysfunction, neuroleptics that leave you with permanent tardive dyskinesia.
It's a cruel way to say the vaxxed are dirty and contaminated. They need compassion, not contempt.
Also, since the spike protein is toxic (c.f. Robt Malone talking about this on Joe Rogan), and it is in Covid as well as the shots, likely very few of us are actually "pure" of that. Many people, including Alex, do not "believe" in long covid, however since SARS-CoV-2 was an ENGINEERED BIOWEAPON that came from a lab, who knows what the long term effects are for people who caught the virus, not just those who got the jab.
Great points AJ!
Many who took the injections felt it was the right thing to do at the time and the pressure to do so was immense including keeping one's job.
We 'all' know differently now and keeping the separation amongst us average people via jabbed/unjabbed only plays into the divide and conquer routine that got us here in the first place.
It's only the top of the third inning ( plenty of ball yet to play) and being unified is how we'll defeat what's in motion by the evil ones and find the legal redress for the complicity and corruption that has spread faster than the virus itself. It ain't gonna be easy but there is no other path to take now.
I am Proud to be a PURE BLOOD
When all is said and done (which isn't quite yet), I would say I'm Grateful to have passed on vaccinations.
I'm not vaxxed but I've had covid. I don't assume my blood is "pure". What does that mean anyway?
Well, so did the hospitals. Not to mention patients on organ donor lists.
They can all fuck off and go away themselves.
oooooo... Problem is they are. They are running off to islands. That's bad news for us on mainlands. This guy is still smiling. That definitely worries me
You’ve made me so very happy…
In a recent tweet of an interview, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, acts like he is President and king of COVID. He smiles when it’s suggested that the elderly should be withheld their social security checks until they get vaccinated with the COVID vaccine.
And word is--he runs all this:
Netzwerkanalise Corona Komplex
I hear you, Marie.. We're not outta the woods yet. They are quietly rolling out digital vax passports in many states. The gateway pundit website had a story yesterday.
The various states are doing away with shots & mask mandates, yet implementing digital shots passports? Something doesn't add up...
Trying to implement a social credit system. Notice how easy it was to debunk and seize assets of Canadian truckers?
That was a little too quick and easy. Quite a wake-up call. Never thought that could happen. But it did.
Use cash!
That taught us canadians something though. After they announced it there was a run on the canadian banks thats why they panicked and dropped the EA. So now we know next time they fuck with us we just yank our money out enmass to force them to re evaluate their position. More effective than any protest
That works until the war causes super-inflation and all our cash is worthless. Enter the CBDC (central bank digital currency). Here's a summary ... includes an OLD video of Canada's banking plans. There's another with Tony Blair in the UK recently. And these two substack authors discuss the same kind of thing being discussed in Russia. ... So talk in Canada in 2018, UK in 2021, Russia as early as 2012.
Just like the provinces in Canada are getting rid of mandates to reportedly be replaced by a federal mandate. All smoke and mirrors.
Being sly...
Did I miss the federal mandate? When did that happen?
To my knowledge it hasn't happened yet...stay tuned as that was the plan. Perhaps with the mess he created it will be delayed or better yet won't happen. The Canadian movement is far from over.
That's the control bit. The underlying motivation that they do not say out loud. But there is plenty of proof dating back YEARS.
The last couple years, there has been a lot that did not add up, something I realized right from the get-go. FEAR MONGERING mostly, and the disease used as an excuse to implement tyranny.
If you haven't listened to Maajid Nawaz on Joe Rogan's podcast, you really should. It explains why all this is happening. Think it doesn't make sense? Oh it does ... And he does not just talk. He shows proof of what he is asserting.
The podcast link ( you do not need to pay for spotify to listen )
Agreed. And the next pandemic is around the corner but I think there will be much more hesitancy to trust the government and people will rightly begin to recognize tyranny. Because the Bible tells me so, we won’t be able to stop it, but at least people may begin to seek Truth which can only be found in The Word of God. A relationship with the Risen Savior Jesus Christ is the hope for what is coming. And even Christians who fell prey to the Covid lies are waking up. Truly. If you don’t know how the Bible ends check it out. Look at Israel, Iran, Russia, China and the lack of a current identifiable World power that is good. One World Government is coming. For two years other media has heard governments say it out loud…”New World Order”. This. Is. Truth. Know Truth.
The next lockdown, since the globalist always tell us. Will be the manufactured climate crisis agenda. You heard Kerry, who few on his private jet, don’t forget the climate crisis I’m in charge of…..
I loved your comment! I think the only way to stop the roll out of the NWO is revival: historically it has mightily improved societies at a grassroots opposed to the damage done by fake Christians.
Yeah. I get tired of all the fatalistic resignation. Christians aren't supposed to crystal-ball, we're supposed to get off our pampered asses and fight.
Even the red states. There was an article in Forbes, too, I think it was.
TY, Aisfor. This is scary but the Protect Well app fell by the wayside so hopefully this will be obsolete soon. Insane and disheartening.
Good words for this: insane and disheartening.
Remarkable amount of tone-deafness in this Forbes article. A Republican governor - in Utah, no less - failing to grasp that this ISN'T about 'control of your own data' and ALL about being 'forced to reveal it' as a condition of everyday life. What strange planet are we on where even the Forbes reporter fails to grasp the broader implications of this?
Whatever and wherever this newborn Bindle outfit is, we need to strangle the concept in its crib.
People like it because they like knowing the person they are sitting next to is unlikely to be infected. Huh? You mean the one that only had limited 2-3 month enhanced antibody protection and probably has a much higher viral load? The whole justification is still based upon the lie of mrna shot efficacy. Something is definitely up.
Thank you for sharing this
This is why we must continue to RESIST !! Don't join their games. Don't Appease the Apparatus. RESIST Boosters !! RESIST "omicron" only Shots!!
Force obsolescence into the VaxPass Schemes. Don't Sign Up!!
civil disobedience on a global scale.
What I don't get is the article contends the pressure for this is intense from around the world. YET, I read IATA and WHO don't want passports and several countries have already opened up to ALL travellers. I smell a rat.
I smell a Bat
It’s all about federal dollars. States that take the cash, must follow fed guidelines.
good, God! my BF's work just instituted vax mandates for employees, since SCOTUS upheld it for CMS... :/ unbelievable.
fortunately, my BF is appreciated by his employer, and got a religious exemption.
it wasn't SCOTUS job to determine if the mandate made any sense, just to determine if it was legal... but dang, just as the hole world is realizing what a scam it was, NOW they mandate?
I know. Our SCOTUS has no idea of their role, or else they have been blackmailed.
i suspect someone has something on JOhn Roberts.... maybe he really was on Epstein's Island.. but he has turned badly... or, the appointment was New World Order Bush at his finest :(
His trip to Malta clutching his briefcase was a tip off...he got paid and threatened...he is gay, he has two illegally adopted kids from Ireland laundered through Argentina (breaking the law), and he was threatened with exposure or silence and money.
SCOTUS has not made a decision on the merits. They issued an injunction staying enforcement for 100 employer rule, they did not for healthcare workers. There has not been a decision on the merits. Not saying I have hope, but that is the legal fact.
Failure to appeal or to reference constitutional guarantees of individual liberty by no one in the room, not even one of the attorneys or justices? Shame on all of them. Tulsi Gabbard's CPAC speech, on the other hand, was unwavering on the guarantees of our founding documents. An 'E Pluribus Unum' moment, if there ever was one - in the hall of her political opponents, no less.
SHAME? I am OUTRAGED. Every republican should take us out of WHO NOW.
The National Socialist regime that rose to power in 1930's Germany did so with the blessings and support of that nation's highest courts. Which, contrary to revisionist bias was held in high moral regard, intellect, ethical jurisprudence. Everything that transpired under the Nazi regime was "legal" under their moral, esteemed, considered constitution.
Ultimately courts only rule on the words in law, not the morals or ethics or righteousness of them. To believe jurists role is to protect citizens from the abuses of their leaders is the fiction of the myth perpetuated on citizenry, that our government exists to protect their citizens and the courts protect our rights from the transgressions of politicians.
If you've ever been in the company of leaders in your community at political events, fundraisers, charity balls, holiday soirees, etc, you'll find judges, legislators, regulators, lobbyists, executives, lawyers, leaders of nonprofit organizations all clanking wine glasses and sharing stroking one another's egos. With the judges appointed from the same lawyer class that strokes egos of the politicians who appoint them. I know. I've been at my share of those gatherings. As I'm sure Alex has. Judges are politicians in robes, make no mistake about it. No matter how much the Chief Justice protests.
Germany suffered the same societal dynamic in the 1930's that we suffer today. Here's a link to a presentation of the Justice Trial at Nuremberg. It leads with an insightful commentary, followed by the actual trial transcripts. One can easily bring the same societal dynamic it describes forward to present. If you think, believe or hope that the courts will rise to protect our rights guaranteed to us under the US Constitution, even after bearing witness to the past two years of decisions and the decisions to avoid decisions (that are decisions in and of themselves) then you haven't learned the lessons of history that we were all supposed to learn so as to avoid making the same mistakes.
Only We, The People can protect our rights. No heroes in black robes will be saving the day for us. In the leading commentary it is noted that Germany lacked "a "higher law" (constitutional or ethical standards) that might be resorted to by judges to avoid the harsh effects of discriminatory laws." Looking at high court decisions over the past two years alone informs us that our courts no longer have a "higher law" they will invoke to protect our constitutional rights. They use linguistic trickery to make our rights disappear, rather than enforce them.
"Ingo Muller, in Hitler's Justice: The Courts of the Third Reich, provides a penetrating picture of the workings of the criminal justice system in Nazi Germany. Muller's analysis of the evidence suggests that most German judges--contrary to common opinion--were ultraconservative nationalists who were largely sympathetic to Nazi goals. The "Nazification" of German law occurred with the willing and enthusiatic help of judges, rather than over their principled objections.
Many judges appointed before the Nazi rise to power--because of the economic and social circles that judges were drawn from--had views that were quite compatible with the Nazi party"
"In its decision, the Justice trial tribunal considered what it called Schlegelberger's "hesitant injustices." The tribunal concluded that Schlegelberger "loathed the evil that he did" and that his real love was for the "life of the intellect, the work of the scholar.""
"Most German judges over-identified with the Nazi regime. They came to see themselves as fighters on the internal battlefront, with the responsibility to punish "the enemy within."
"[the story of the German judges] can in any event help us to see that judges should not be eager enlisters in popular movements of the day, or allow themselves to become so immersed in a professional culture that they are oblivious to the human consequences of their decisions."
And the Doctor's Trial at Nuremberg has it's own relevance today, too.
The horrors committed by those sworn to uphold the Hippocratic Oath presented in this Catholic Culture recounting of 1930's-1940's Germany brought me to tears. Read it. Read all of it. And know that German authorities classified the disobedient, those who resisted the imposition of authoritarianism as mentally defective, sociopaths, who they did the same things to as they did to the handicapped. That means all of us who've been called deplorable, bitter clingers, domestic terrorists. Read this! Know this is the fate that awaits us all - unless we wake our friends, colleagues and communities up. Fast.
Exactly. They are gonna have their Digital Currency this year. Hence the Ukraine Russia fiasco, the banks are gonna collapse, and this will be the solution. SHIT SHIT SHIT why can't we stop them?
they never finish their sentence: "no more mandates! back to normal! (but only with a valid QR code!)". they're sociopaths.
True, meanwhile, Epochtimes announced some major pcr home test is Toxic. Todays news. Sheesh
This was never about a virus. If the vaccines worked, they would have been illegal.
it would've cost 7-10 years of (honest) research first.
they did that research, for decades, it always ended up killing the animals or seriously maiming them. In one study every single ferret that was used in the experiment died. In other studies, the mice used were al dead within months. Blood clots killed them. Sound familiar. this is not new technology, the only think new about it is putting into humans. A crime against humanity. Will anyone go to prison?
interesting point... like the cure for cancer?
Like effective early treatments were made illegal or sabotaged.
This gives an idea of how far back this goes. and a current example
RESIST, as much as possible do not comply: civil disobedience is the way to go, they're grossly overplaying their hand. fear mongering: technically it may be possible, but they're not up to implementing it.
um...the US isn't one of the countries at the table...what???
Totally happy if we stay far, far, FAR away from that idea.
civil disobedience is the way to go. HONK HONK!!
Ever see the movie Gattica?
No, never heard of it. Do u recommend it?
Excellent movie, and very prescient. I saw it in the theater and on premium TV thereafter, a few times. Here's a pretty good review I just came upon on YouTube. It gets into more of a description of the themes about two thirds of the way through, and has some confusing reference shots of other movies in the first half but may give you a good sense of the movie. It's available from various outlets.
Which states other than California?
Or sent to a camp. 56% of democrats had zero problem with camps and children being taken away.
That can not be forgotten or joked away
Unless it's illegal foreigners crossing the border...then it's cruel and unusual treatment.
Exactly. THIS is how you get gulags. We can't be flippant about this. That's a disturbing number. For a vaccine that isn't performing to expectations....and the 'fact' the Mulaney cites in the sketch is disputable.
....and wanted to tax and imprison the unvaccinated, denied them to go see family and care for loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes....a societal break down in ethics and morality. Those people are that dinner table consented to it.
The unvaxxed were killed for profit. It is sick. I will never trust the medical establishment ever again.
I’m pretty sure the vaxxed are the ones killed for profit and anyone unlucky enough to end up in a hospital.
Doctors were the profession with the highest percentage of NAZIs - 50%. They even justified why Jewish doctors should be mistreated.
Howard Stern fuck him
Michael Moore ditto
Big hard time. Fuck that insufferable hypocrite of the highest order. No wonder he likes Neil Young.
And Jim Cramer
exactly. i need to write it down before I forget. Being unvaxxed was adults screaming kudies at us! All the democrats do is divide.
Actual factual! They sow discord to deflect from what crappy ppl the majority of them are all while sitting on their high horse.
bunch of bozos
Did the same to IP PAIN PATIENTS. If you've not read any of Roger Chriss' fact filled articles you need to, He does not write books, Just news articles. Overdose Deaths Are Rising Again and the Pandemic Is Making It Worse — Pain News Network
And who's now dying (sadly) at an alarming rate?!
hard not to get petty, considering what they've done to the rest of us...
Actual factual .
They never believed it was about science or safety which is why we kept catching high profile liberal lockdown mask Nazis violating their own rules.
I beg to differ. Most people absolutely thought they were on the side of science. They just couldn't entertain the possibility that the median and the "experts" would tell them anything other than the whole truth.
The word "vaccine" carries a lot of emotional and historical weight. I think that's a big part of all this craziness. Pharma was smart to label these new medicines as vaccines to take advantage of this.
Political Science. Not medical science. But follow the science, nobody bothered to ask, which one.
Political science theater.
Follow the scientist. Not the science.
I’m talking about the “experts” violating their own God Complex rules. Maybe much of the public did believe it or were afraid but the quick surrender of our civil liberties with little regard for the consequences and the division it caused cannot be forgotten with an SNL skit.
The useful idiots believed that. The ringleaders knew better.
Agree, lots of people prey to the "experts." Seeing strange people walking around on the street alone wearing face diapers. Like an announcement of mental illness. I resisted it all along and led a fight against fines for those who do not ear them outsid. Sick 😷 bastards. Oh yeah, won that fight.
they didn't think, period.
Maybe for about five minutes.
Won't sit well with them either in the near future....if they got jabbed.
Millions of people was forced to take these mRNA shots Millions was bribed with Taxpayers money gift cards and so much more to take the mRNA shots. Where is this data on these people for adverse reactions or death. Why is 6 Billion dollars of taxpayers money gone to the CDC and we don't have answers Uncle Joey?
And why did they just approve more $$$$ for all this crap? Oh ya...Pfizer omicron product coming soon...gotta pay your "dealer".
Politicians think they are scientist = Scientists think they are doctors and sheeple have forgotten how to think for themselves = Thank you Berenson for being so informed.
You took the words out of my mouth
Trillions of dollars spent, kids STILL in masks in some states
It’s not f—-ing funny
What if we lose 1 Million People this Year and the Majority of the American people had all 3 mRNA shots. And Year 2 that number increases to 3 Million deaths here in America 🇺🇸 does anyone know this answer has anyone else besides Berenson thought about this very serious question?
I have come to the conclusion that it will never matter to those that believe in the government narrative. They are truly sheep who will not ever admit that their deaths and disabilities were intentional.
The Bible says that pride is the deadliest sin for good reason.
When you hear Uncle Joey talk doesn't sound like he is taking into his cellphone to send a Message to his Gold fish 🐟? Even the People who are behind the scenes Pulling his strings are dumb. I don't see how he makes it much further.
SOTU should be interesting. They're probably experimenting on the cocktail of meds need to get him to stand up there and speak. Wonder if there are any Vegas odds on this?
A friend’s mother lost 6 friends this last year. Yes, they were in their mid 80s, but they were in their 80s for a few years with no one dying, and then suddenly 6. My friend had forgotten about the first three until I reminded her. They aren’t even aware let alone at the stage to admit.
What if???? The answer is that the sick and dying will realize that the healthy are the unvaxxed and try to kill them because they exercised good judgement for resisting the jab. As everyone knows by now whenever you make a mistake you blame others. That's why your answer to the question "have you been vaccinated?" should always be "of course".
Is that a rhetorical question? The answer is always more boosters.
Stale boosters at that.
Agreed. Point well taken. It is like laughing at the funeral of a child....yet a ray of truth shining into the toxic propaganda fog still warms my heart. It does not make me laugh.
Like it or not, this will wake more out of the covidian cult than yelling at them to admit they are wrong. This is a positive development.
Agreed. I don't get the hate for this skit. It's a very positive step.
"It was just a prank, bro!"
Totally agree. I suspected this would happen. It will be worse also, as the greatest zealots will one day laugh it all off like it was a teenage hairstyle.
The Elite media has taken Money Taxpayers Money from Pfizer as well. To Push these mRNA shots into every Man Woman and Child. And some have lost everything and more Probably will. This is no Laughing matter when Lives in the tens of thousands of people lives have been dismantled over night in 2 years time.
But no matter what they are shown, they will never question any of the lies.
Yes, but when we laugh at something serious that we did where people suffered instead of being contrite, it means they are deep down ashamed of themselves. That stings worse than anything. And they won’t move on until they realize their part with remorse. They’re in a bind.
This is not to apologize to us, it is a signal to the progressives to chill out and accept that the opposition was and is completely rational, also maybe to allow them to acknowledge the doubts they’ve had all along. I think the leaders realized that they took this whole thing too far and the opposition is getting out of control. In other words, time to declare victory and surrender. We won’t really know the significance of this skit probably for another month when we see how much of the restrictions will remain. Will the mask and vaccine requirements really disappear entirely? Perhaps the goal for this mind-bending experiment has finally been reached? Has there been a mutiny up top? Was this the exit plan all along? Or maybe the controllers, whoever they are, just realize they’ve taken all they can grab and it’s time to cut their losses?
You’re overthinking this. It was all about politics and power and now that the polling is cratering and it’s a midterm election year, the left and the media they control are swiftly shifting the narrative. When CNN stopped the “covid death tracker” the very day of the inauguration you’d think even the true believers would’ve been a little skeptical but hopefully voters will make them pay the price and somebody will actually read the constitution in this country again.
This skit is more than shifting the narrative, which would be simply to say “mission accomplished, curve flattened, no more restrictions.” It is about saying the opposition was right all along, the restrictions were worse than useless, and that the current administration (CDC and executive office with its employer mandates) is to blame. Not good for any Democrat up for re-election if you ask me.
It’s a modified limited hangout. Damage control. No mention of damaged hearts or dead teens.
broken heart syndrome -
Very astute of you. This is the new narrative. They can pivot from the old narrative without any fall-out. . . or so they hope.
Spot on. The pandemic has no more political leverage so it must be put back into the box with hopes we won't remember the overreach. When Pelosi decided that Trump's mask habits were causing us all to become ill, the game started. Masks became a litmus test for society. Anything to divide us.
You have to understand that most of this was done on a Local level as well. Done by your city or town Board of Heath department. They did these Mandates on a VOTE not science. This is what the David Frum of the world are not telling you.
Very true. This skit puts all the blame on the CDC. The CDC does not issue mandates, just guidance, and none of their guidance by the way advocates shunning the unvaccinated. And those state and local health orders aren’t even voted on. It’s just the whim of the health officer to put everyone in masks or exclude the unvaccinated.
Businesses seem to think the CDC is running the country and uses its wise guidance, such as now only the unvaxxed have to wear masks to shop. Of course, it's really Fauci running the country, telling the CDC what to say, and demonizing the unvaxxed, along with his slobbering sycophant, Biden.
Remember when the CDC made it illegal to evict tenants who didn't pay rent? An unelected third party bureaucracy and people went along with it.
Yeah I remember they did something like that. Was it really a health order or just guidance all along?
So much virtue signaling among the covid cultists. To be virtuous one must wear a mask or two, be vaccinated and boosted, receive all items through home delivery and only bring them inside after three days on porch and disinfecting the outside, wash hands religiously, maintain 6 feet of distance from the plebeians all while shaming and belittling anyone with an alternative thought. It’s a shame that those same virtue signalers will be more persuaded by this SNL skit than by Ron Johnson’s panel of medical experts.
They were never persuaded by the science anyway. They just do what they see the “influencers” do.
Bending the Narrative to fit the reality. Or whatever reality is left....
They're just moving on to the next "crisis".
Yup, I feel the same way. It's Duper's Delight by TV executives and TPTB. Just rubbing people's noses in it.
We always knew they were going to pull the 'we didn't know!' and 'this was the science at the time!' cards. NEVER. FORGET. When and if it ends, we hunt. Heads must roll. They have to be made an example of. They sent us on a very bad trajectory and the only way is if people pay the price. The problem is a lot of the 'luxury-lap-top-flip-flop-wearing-#bakingbread-Iwearamasktoprotectyou' crowd felt NO pain throughout all this. They sat and absorbed propaganda willingly and willful and arrogant in their ignorance. They wallowed in base cowardice while engaging in false virtue. And that skit typifies it all. Dumbass normies waking up waaaayyy too late. Notice they don't mention the kids who were the worst hit.
Seriously? F-em all. I've already reorganized my life and people like this I used to go out to shitty dinners with babbling in pointless banter are gone.
Notice they had to insert their vaccine propaganda and that the girl read it in Bloomberg. Only when her corporate masters tell her to come to out is it safe. Here's the thing they still don't get. THE CRIMINALS KNEW ALL ALONG masks and measures aren't effective.
Watch it again. They at least throw a bone to the “masks were never effective” crowd and they acknowledge the evil of firing someone for making a sincere decision not to take a medicine. It’s actually quite a bit of an admission to say the isolation measures were not worth it. I wonder what kind of response they’re getting about this from the true believers.
Oh i saw that.
I never watch that cr*p so I have no bad taste, cause I never tasted.... I never listened to the elite idiots who have no common sense or fear of least not for very long....can't help but hear them once in a while (commercials, etc.). I knew they were lying within a month and who thinks you can have a vaccine tested for safety in less than a year...only idiots...unfortunately that included the president, who still supports the kill shots...and lost much support over that.
Like Berenson has said it's the Fist Illness that comes with its own Cure. And People like David Frum could never understand that truth.
This is a back-track effort by many Authoritarian Leftists to try and work they're way back out of the loosing side of the debate. They can't admit to being wrong (b/c they're Authoritarian Leftists) and yet they still need to back out of their previous position because they know it's no longer the correct one since government and media have changed the science so they're doing whatever they can to back out from their previous position. For actor's, specifically in Comedy, this means humor, making fun of the same people they were serious about being.
For those in government they will attempt to act like as if they weren't hardcode supporters of coerced vaccinations but were just following the Fed's guidelines. The Feds will say they were just following the CDC's Guidelines and the CDC will say they were just following the science and because science can change over time they too have now changed their positions. It will be a huge game of passing the buck and in the end the CDC will use the fact that science changes (while simultaneously claiming that the science is settled) as their excuse. All professional liars and some also professional actors.
I want to be Honest with you and I am not a Political guy. What I can tell you is that Politics should never be in Medicine or Healthcare. And for the Blame Part it's pretty much the same for the Handling of covid-19. The Bird 🐦 Doctor has been just as wrong as Gupta David Frum and Chris Cuomo.
Did you reply to the wrong comment? What you posted doesn't make any sense in response to what I said.
The Reason why you don't understand is because you have been lied to from the Elite media David Frum Twitter and Facebook Fauci and Collins.
I think you're the one who doesn't understand. At no point in my comment did I imply I believed the lies from all those behind the covid push. I only commented on why those who previously supported going so far as to coerce people into getting the vaccine are now trying to back they're way out of that loosing position.
Yes they've tried lying to me all my life more so the last decade but some of us see the BS for what it is.
Well that was fast I deconditioned you from the David Frum coma. We are all still waiting to hear from our war expert Anthony Fauci.
It's amazing the back flips people will do to avoid admitting to a mistake.
"Well, we advocated for you to lose your job, your friends, couldn't eat out or travel or live your life for two years...oops, our bad! Want to grab some margs?"
But consider the point of this skit: libtards can't come right out and say it. If they did, it wouldn't make it on air. So SNL is actually using satire for its intended purpose (for the first time in years)! Cloaking truth in humor to sneak it past the censors.
Not just cloaking the truth but also attempting to normalize this, to make it seem like they were this way along and not the aggressive authoritarians ready to send to determent camps anyone who said no to the experimental drug. Yes the skit is making funny of who these people are but it's to try and make it seem like as the majority of them, the SNL crowd, were never like that just other extremist where.
in the skit, they can't even really admit the truth to themselves, only hint at it... still in denial, and still making light of it. reminds me of Hilary joking about finding her emails at Versailles... like that was a big joke. Same old double standard... completely unhinged.
Narrative 2.0 in time for the State of the Union address. So transparent to see the Pravda media pivot this past month.
The fact that this is on SNL is an earthquake. The narrative has shifted. This was unthinkable two months ago.
Look up the Impact Memo that was leaked. The science never changed, just the polling.
Here’s some bullet points
Declare the crisis phase of covid and push for feeling and acting more normal.
Recognize that people are worn out and feeling real harm from the years-long restrictions and take their side.
Acknowledge covid still exists and will for a long time.
Don’t set covid zero as the victory condition.
Stop talking about the restrictions and the unknown ahead.
I have lots to say about these points. However, these people should never be forgiven for what they’ve done to our children. I have a lot of hate in my heart for these evil miscreants.
I do too. My anger is so BIG - I have to keep reading the Bible and praying.
My immediate response to this skit is that I want everyone involved to find themselves in a mass grave. My hatred for the Covidians knows no bounds. We the people will never forgive and never forget.
I had to laugh at this but I’m right there with you.
Like button doesn't work. like like like
...and people forced to choose between jabs and jobs. Disgusting
....and the elderly. petty tyrants at the nursing homes, bullying everyone to not meet and care for.
actually, not sure why justin only shared half the skit...they actually make a joke abt "the science changing" being absurd (i personally found this funny & hopeful that ppl are waking up, but i get why folks are mad)
Similar at first glance but nowhere in those points was “the opposition was right all along and our trusted federal agencies are now suspect” which is what we get from this script. Those points are about saying good job, thanks for your sacrifice.
Mind boggling that it took 2 years for people to see the truth.
I still see people walking. By themselves. Alone on a sidewalk. When it is in the 70’s. With a mask. Every day I see that. Maybe it does serve a purpose: when my brain implodes as I slow blink they are ok.
or driving a car, alone, in a red state, masked
Saw that today. I just can't with this anymore.
Appeasing the Covid gods. It’s the ONLY way to explain this medieval behavior.
Great weather - whereabouts are you? Oregon has been freezing.
I am just outside of Sacramento. I have been sun bathing lol!
It's cute how they don't take any responsibility. Wait, no it is not. SNL has been the poster child for propaganda for years.
They blame the CDC.
The finger pointing has been building for weeks. They are weak people who don't understand taking responsibility for being wrong. The funny part is I would guess a good portion of them just went along with the SNL narrative while secretly living an entirely different life.
Actually hilarious! They are starting to wake up to the fact that they have fallen for the scam and are VERY reluctant to admit it. On the other hand, it’s great, but they are going to have monumental cognitive dissonance which will eventually lead to massive anger and hostility. My own 50 year old son hasn’t spoken to me for close to a year because I told him he had destroyed his innate immune system and is now likely to develop VAIDS. I’m 72 and am a pure blood. I had a fractured hip last fall, which required surgery. I was terrified of them giving me a blood transfusion, so I claimed to be a Jehovah’s Witness.
Great idea! I'll have to remember that!
here too, necessary hip surgery but reluctant to go in. civil disobedience is the only way. HONK HONK!!
Yeah it's really sad that managing other people's emotions for them (ie keeping quiet so as not to upset them) is more important, and more welcome, than helping them. I've sort of given up with my family.
My immediate family (wife and kids) are the only pure bloods on either side of our families. For the most part, they are conservative, but they all fell for the propaganda. They chose to ignore the truth and dismiss it as misinformation. I often wonder if we will be the only ones left 5 years from now.
MIGHT TAKE LONGER. Glyphosate Contamination ‘Widespread’ in Foods Sold at Whole Foods, Amazon, Walmart and Target
The Detox Project on Tuesday released a detailed report showing the true levels of weedkiller contamination in essential foods sold by some of the top grocery stores in the country.
Smart! I never thought about it. But I have two canes.
I think possibly you misunderstood or possibly I misunderstood your response. Either way, Jehovah’s Witness are prohibited from accepting blood transfusions per religious beliefs. This was posted on my chart, on my wrist band and above my hospital bed. This is quite different than closing the door if they should knock and turning them away.
Mine is a adjustable aluminum 1, I loaded it with Steel nuts, top and bottom. Makes a decent weapon in No Carry places.
"Let's just pretend it never happened... Republicans are still stupid, right??"
Speaking of Republicans, where was our leadership throughout the past year? Aside from Rand Paul and maybe Ted Cruz, all I heard was Crickets. I live in the separate country of Washington State. Our Republicans have been silent, aside from a very small minority.
DeSantis in Florida. Noem wouldn't shut down in S Dakota. Eric Schmitt, AG in MO, and other Republican AsG, sued Biden over the employer jab mandate, and won. Schmitt has spent the last 6 mos suing schools and communities to drop masks. AG in AZ has done a few things on the natl level, I think. Ron Johnson in US Senate has been hitting them on reports of bad effects of the jab. Senate and House Republicans have repeatedly voiced opposition to mandates and have tried to bring up bills. Several House Republicans have been fined by Pelosi for showing up without masks...
I stand corrected. I should not have dismissed those folks, especially DeSantis and Johnson. Both are heroes to me. Thanks for taking the time to respond Joe. We'll get through this bullshit, together. Jeff
Amen. I thank God for a lot of these guys on our side. Heroes, yes.
My governor Kim Reynolds was a voice of reason during this shit show and took heat from the left, especially the teachers' union.
Josh Hawley too. Blackburn is up for re-election, while I'd normaly vote for her, she's been in DC to long. BOTH PARTIES TAKE PHARMA'S $$.
Both GOP and DNC have devolved into cults. They slavishly follow their leadership in support of ideologue agendas. Neither care if their policies are good or not, only whether the platform results in more power or profit.
Nobody watches SNL. They suck.
I agree. Nobody would laugh about this ridiculous try at comedy, if you just remove the laugh track.
I'm not fucking hesitant. I will sleep under a bridge before taking DEATHVAX
My double jabbed husband hasn’t stopped asking if/when I’ll have the jab.
He knows how I like my coffee, but sometimes I think he doesn’t really know me.
Last week, when he asked I told him I’d become a ‘lady of the night’ before I ever get jabbed.
I don’t think he’ll ask me again!
You are one Strong Lady Simone! This little bug is tearing apart families and marriages. And employment. Maybe we did underestimate its lethal side....
I told my 5siblings, and many others on email:
Don't f... kill my nephews and grand nephews, nieces and grand nieces
I left curse in their.
I do not care what they thought.
They all wished me happy birthday 2 mo later.... I'm disgusted... no fight.
They're all commies...
I told mine I would divorce him before getting it. He got the point. Glad he decided not to get the booster.
Omicron may have destroyed the entire insanity. Why would he bother you about becoming a lab rat experiment over even Omicron which has blown through many places? No, he won't bother you anymore. 🐸
In desperation, SNL is pretending the "science has changed" but it hasn't, and their attempt at comedy is beyond distasteful and nauseating. SNL will end very soon.
It’s just a corporate farm team for the next direct to video star
Biden is going to declare victory in the SotU. NY dropped masks in schools....not tomorrow or Tuesday, but the day after the speech.
I hope California is next. I had a glimmer of hope today.
Thank you for explaining why our kids who just came back from break have to wear masks but only on Monday and Tuesday. Hochul whoring for Joe. She won't even have to shampoo her hair for this one.
They will hear about it after the biopsy results come in
Also, when they are in a constant flurry of giving eulogies for their rapidly dwindling close circle of lab-jab cheerleaders.
I find this to be an adequate reflection on how these people will address their colossal failure. THEY WON'T. If SNL, the President, my Governor, Democrats, the MSM who verbally attacked/berated/vilified 20-30% of the citizenry as "dirty unvaccinated" is somehow going to be purged or forgotten anytime soon they are sorely mistaken. This miniscule offering is so lacking in anything meaningful it only enraged me and reignited all of my mistrust and complete disgust/disregard for them.
You are SO right TOO LITTLE TOO LATE I have grown to hate these buffoons
Nothing to see here, just some "Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental Gene Therapy The KNEW about before the mass vaccination started.
The proof of Criminal Intent in in their own documents: Premeditated GENOCIDE
By definition, omission is lying. People made medical decisions based on those omissions. NEEDS TO BE CHARGES. 🤐
Funny how it takes Comedians to Wake People up to the Lab Leak And not to all the Covid Hysteria hysteria. Could the court Jesters have more power than the Court Advisors?
Maybe that’s the whole point of cancel culture and shutting down the voices of the comedians who would have pointed out early that the emperor or has no clothes. Hence why leftists have no sense of humor.
Shout to Russell Brand and Ricky Gervais! They always said it like it is.
Also JP Sears. He never fell for any of this corporate pharma BS
Love JP. He is consistently ahead of the BS and so clever with his insights.
I have to mention the great Don Rickles who did not care who he offended, who went out of his way to offend, in fact. And that was his genius.
Absolutely why comedians have been targeted. They see the hypocrisy and poke holes in it. Funny, not funny, that SNL gets away with it.
SNL hasn’t been funny for nearly 40 years.
I liked it a lot in the late 80's to 90's period. Lot of great players, not too political, but spoofed right and left when it was.
Really gone to the dogs in 2000s. Only good things I've seen on there was when Louis CK would come on. Now he can't come on!
SNL wasn't funny in the 70s.
They used to, before they became Woke. Sad to see a craft get hijacked.
Wait until they learn about negative efficacy, that knowledge will probably cause some more coincidental heart attacks.
That's why he was taking his blood pressure lol.
So now it's OK to be unjabbed? Guess I've stopped speaking to the authoritarians in my life, at least about anything vax-related, so I have no idea.
We will never forget.
Here's a great dive into the paradox as to why jabbed patients during the maximum efficacy period are PCR negative but exhibit Covid-like illness and that the jab offers no reduction in hospitalization. Remember folks, the CDC ,Pfizer and Moderna as well as the media always ignore PCR negative, Covid-like illness in the jabbed. Great scientific explanation....
Great article, thank you for posting. Rather mind blowing, even knowing they lied, it’s still sickening to read further proof
I'm in my mid 50's. I have never watched a full episode of SNL. I have watched some skits that were funny. This skit was not one of them. This skit was just stupid. Truly a half-hearted attempt at making fun of themselves. And they still had to try to save part of their narrative by saying: "Fact, vaccines save lives. Fact, the hospitals would have been overrun."
Agree - did not like that "fact" line, but it's the closest we've gotten to anything in the mainstream coming near the truth. Got to encourage it - there was a lot that was good in the skit. People don't turn on a dime. Let's give them a few weeks. Let's see if Colbert or the other comedians begin to pull at the threads. Comedian Heather McDonald's on-air faint and Bob Saget's death got their attention. She has said publicly that she won't get another booster.
This looks like a big sign to me. Limited hangout, but still. Looks like whoever is in control of SNL and presumably much else is holding out an olive branch to the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.
Also looks like they’re setting up the CDC as the fall guy. By the way, the CDC never called for vaccine mandates, though they did unconscionably recommend them for everybody including children, for whom there is still no FDA-approved vaccine. It was the Biden administration, universities, school boards, local governments, certain big companies, and non-profits that made vaccination a requirement for entry or participation with no basis in any CDC guidance.
Not over...they are just trying to distract us from the rollout.
Too bad you can't hang out with the sane crowd anymore either after shitting on Dr Malone.
Alex is going to wander the earth, like Kane in Kung Fu
That is a beautiful visual. Spot on Barbelo!! We are in the Age of Neo-Absurdism. You captured that.
Alex is entitled to disagree with Malone or anyone else he wants. Are you a leftist fanatic? Cancel culture warrior? I personally believe in freedom of speech.
He's entitled to lie, smear and blindside, and he's entitled to pay the price for doing it. Do you believe in responsibility?
What kind of price are you talking about.
Sorry I’m not a deranged lunatic that feels, for whatever reason, people should be cancelled. I disagree with Alex on Dr. Malone, I don’t agree with what he said. I’m fine with that. People don’t need to agree on everything and I do think he should apologize, PRIVATELY and leave it at that. I’m here for information and in the grand scheme of this, that’s all that matters.
Do you expect people to spread the other cheek and hang out with someone who trashes us and refuses to retract it? That is the price. You don't get to do that.
He's also lying about ivermectin.
You think that's being a "deranged lunatic", then go pfuck yourself.
He trashed Malone publicly. He needs to apologize publicly.
No. Not on opinion, debate or free speech. Never. Nada.
Alex doesn’t disagree with Malone! Alex resents Malone curb stomping him on his own ignorance! LOL!
Did he actually mean he used to hang out with the SNL crowd?
Yeah...that made me giggle a bit [albeit nervously]..
First it’s a moral issue that is being laughed at by the people who did WRONG. It IS funny, simply not in a way that is preferred. They don’t PAY for what they did wrong. They cluster and shake together…. The digital passports thing is real in the US!! 21 states!?!?!?!? Horrifying…. STUPID. It’s NOT the way we need to have “individual health records” simplified. That is B.S. and it simply is another super slippery slope. Warn your representatives they will not be reelected with this in their state!!
In a word these people are as phony as a three dollar note. These people that are so very easily manipulated and led around at will by those that take such glee at causing all of this chaos and suffering are so incredibly dangerous. They are the type of people the catholic Priests convinced to turn in their neighbors to be burned and tortured during the inquisition. They are the type of people the Catholic Priests convinced to hunt down and slaughter the peace loving Cathars. There were many of these types calling for atrocities these last two wonderful years of science.
Many of us were brainwashed and repeatedly lied to and developed something like Stockholm syndrome. Now we’ve been set free, sort of. But behaviors don’t change that fast. We have to relearn normal. We the People had better learn fast, we have a lot to get through.
Excellent talk about Stockholm syndrome with examples related to what has happened during the last 2 years - this is part of the Grand Jury effort. Also references the psychological study done to "market" the injection.
Around 4hr 17min mark
This reminds me of the changing sign on the barn in Animal Farm which ultimately reads "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Would have been funny if the Bloomberg article admitted Ivermectin was being used in many countries with great success against the ChiCom virus like Japan, Mexico, etc. w can write the skit and include excess mortality.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... wake me up when they really wake up... meow
I haven’t watched SNL in years but this was funny.
The process of memory-holing begins. It starts with humor, as if how wrong and evil about it they've been for the last two years is a joke, and it ends with a complete absence of remembering any of it. Those who do remember it will be marginalized as overreacting and exaggerating the abject evil of it all. Let it go, they'll say, and rejoin them in society as if it never happened.
Nope, never forgetting or forgiving.
SNL skit still has vaccines saving lives. The joke is SNL, and another complete wiff. They too have ignored and socially condemned anything that countered the covid narrative, including the massive reports of adverse events that are continuing to grow and yet still ignored. The humor will never be funny coming from those who were complicit. The Goebbels of the world and their acolytes should not crack jokes on their egregious efforts.
The most concerning thing about this is the muscle tension + bulging eyes because someone dares to express an opinion or mention an article that MIGHT go off script. The reactions of their immediate social circle matter more than the truth. This is the most terrifying outcome of the pandemic imho
What a horrible group of people who can't even talk about these things rationally...some skit.
I haven't seen SNL for at least a decade and boy, are these guys ever lousy. Even if the writing was great, I doubt this crew could make anything funny. Regarding the content, the "facts" they list aren't, well, facts, so they actually weren't grappling with anything other than their own nastiness.
and, agreed~ who needs my brother, his in-laws, and most of my cousins~ i like holding "fringe opinions" bwahahahahahaha!
Odds this was not a joint between government and media? No way SNL did this of their own volition. Greasing the skids for the SOTU and the dropping of certain mandates in NYC. Making a mockery of the pain and hurt this mindset had on so many is not a good look. But, the b*itch we've had to be for the narrative this last two years makes some of us joyous. I believe strongly in forgiveness, but this is hardly repentance.
The full clip is worth watching...
Someone had to sign off on it, yes, which might be why that out of synch "fact" line was in it. But so many people got to see this skit. It gives them permission to have these conversations themselves, to overcome their own "The Emperor's New Clothes" hesitancy of stating the obvious. We generally don't do a 180 in a moment. It takes at least a few days, if not a few weeks. Let's see what comes of it in the next month.
Totally agree. Who approved - they never would have gotten the green light to do this.
The video is not funny at all. It's all tragic and very sad. I can't imagine who's laughing at all this. These "go along to get along" brain washed sheeple now think this sh*t is funny? It's not. It's very very sad.
It's Soviet comedy, with the script written by the Ministry of Humor and State-Sanctioned Frivolity.
Reality has not hit home yet. I am afraid this will be true of everyone. I already lost 2 clot shotted friends in their fifties, 1 in sleep, 1 coronary nose first dive. I also have a friend 50 who did collapsed nose first on the pavement and did hospital time. Others include rosacea and swollen lymph nodes. Sad is only the beginning I fear.
So sorry to hear of these terrible tragedies among your friends! Thank God most of my family did not get the clot shot! (just 1 idiot who's wife forced him to get it!)
I’m relieved to see this because it means the conversation has hit mainstream. I find it also maddening that people can just laugh and joke about all the awful things they’ve happily supported the last couple of years. All the killed businesses, lost jobs, new addictions, lost learning, lives lost due to medical malpractice, destroyed friendships and relationships… In my heart I’m just very, very sad.
They still had to trot out all the bullshit, and pretend to laugh at their idiocy. Hurts me to say I know a lot of people like this.
Only Goebbels is laughing.
It's about time...Now let's see SNL mock Biden for shutting down the pipeline and forcing clot shots on people.
Still not seeing your apology for slamming ivermectin like an idiot
I saw that last night. Could hardly believe they were putting these ideas out there. Looks like somebody actually has a working brain at SNL... or is no longer afraid to show it.
This has always been about the whims of spoiled cuddled only child generations who are used to and feel entitled to to terrorize their surroundings. "We are afraid so everybody else must suffer!"
"I'm afraid to get sick so YOU wear a mask!". sociopaths.
Wait, what?! I'm an only child, my mom was one too. I can absolutely guarantee neither one of us have ever been entitled or spoiled.
Wasnt talking about individuals. Believe me, as a generation there's a huge difference between todays generations and say the WW2 generation.
I knew what you meant. The don’t say that, it offends me, need my safe space lil narcissistic psychopaths generation.
But not all only child turn out trashed.
I forgot who recently said it, "SNL just isn't funny anymore" and most comedians aren't either these days. It's the same principle of "the left can't meme"
Understand this, federal, state and local governments spent hundreds of billions of dollars...billions...on regulatory enforcement and surveillance systems all over the nation. That still exist, in place, ready to be used again at a moment's notice. And understand that once government has a system in place it likes to use it. Especially nice, new, fancy expensive ones that make government leaders and officials feel powerful - doing "something" to "fix" a problem they declare is a problem. As long as those nice, new, fancy expensive enforcement and surveillance systems remain in place you can be exactly 100% confidant they will be used again. Sooner than you may think. For something you can't even think of just yet. But they have.
Which means that every effort needs to be made to force them to yank out those enforcement and surveillance systems, every branch, every root, every remaining vestige of them. It won't be easy. Government leaders and officials don't like throwing away billions of dollars of nice, new, fancy systems that make them feel and appear powerful. They'll say it's reckless and wasteful, that we learned from CV the importance of having them in place to "protect us." But we know they didn't protect us. They oppressed us. For nothing.
Now is the time to act. We can't wait until they try to use them again. We've seen the irrationality of our friends and neighbors who've embraced doing "something" in a crisis - even if it doesn't work to protect them. We can't rely on them in the future any more than we could rely on them in the past when the media and officials are separating them from their rational thought and senses.
Fear is nearly impossible to contain when unleashed on a population. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" wasn't just intended to calm the public's fear of Japan bombing our cities. FDR knew and had witnessed totalitarianism sweep across the globe on the back of fear. The words even truer today than when he said them following the date that lives in infamy.
Great post. The fear quote by Roosevelt was made in 1933 at his inaugural speech wayyyy before Japan was a thing. Roosevelt was paraphrasing quotes from as early as Montaigne in the 1500's. Who probably stole it from his grandfather.
Thank you for the correction on the original use!
It’s all so uncanny. And how about today’s NYT on the vaxx not being effective on kids 5 - 11. I wonder when the outrage will catch up to the reality that has inevitably unfolded. Sadly, those of us who were vilified for shouting this from the rooftops for the past year are going to walk away from these toxic circles and never look back. (Well I guess that’s not sadly for us!)
This may get buried, so I wanted to point it out in a main comment. @AlexBerenson you should look at THIS. NATIONAL "SMART HEALTH ID" CURRENTLY ROLLING OUT IN U.S.A., ALREADY IN 21 STATES!!!!
AND here's where it's all happening:
The article is written for FORBES, which is usually conservative in perspective. However, this doesn't feel that way. Here's why. Suzanne Rowan Kelleher, the "reporter" bio:
I watch trends in travel. Prior to working at Forbes, I was a longtime freelancer who contributed hundreds of articles to Conde Nast Traveler, CNN Travel, Travel + Leisure, Afar, Reader's Digest, TripSavvy, Parade, and scores of other outlets. Follow me on Instagram (@suzannekelleher) and Flipboard (@SRKelleher)
Forbes is leaning left these days. They censored a writer for exposing Dr Fauci's financials.
Oh they are soooo brave!! Really taking it to man in this skit. F them!! These are the same people who treated objectors as irrational Know Nots who should be shunned from society. Not to mention it’s just bad writing and even worse performing. Who really watches SNL anymore?
Comedy has been one of the victims of this disaster. It might never recover.
Too many people in genuine fear of losing their career by running afoul of the Ministry of Truth.
Yep, I lost my job of 40 years for refusing the jab. They gave me 3 weeks to get it or loose my job. I said f*ck it, I'm not getting the damned shot!
Those who submit will regret their choice in the next few months as the consequences become more widely known.
Some of you may have seen this. If not YOU ALL need to check this out and pass it on. It is one of the most concise summaries of the big scam that I have seen.
Where can we see the next episode?
My company still has us masking (vaxed or not), paying $21 extra a pay period for healthcare & testing weekly if unvaxed. When will these policies that never worked end? Its still not over for many having to live with these shitty restrictions because of our choice.
That is discrimination because EUA says taking it does not affect standard of medical care. And all of these vaccines were taken under EUA.
CDC on Friday changed mask "guidance" to be much less restrictive (based on hospitalizations vs cases...imagine that!). Yet, even though Fed govt may change "guidance", there is still the state, then county, then city, then business mandates. I fear the vax/mask mandates will never end.