I have always wanted to visit Australia and NZ. Until now that is. No way I am setting foot inside foreign countries like Australia, NZ and Massachusetts.

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I would add Oregon, California, Illinois, New York City to that list.

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I live in NorCal. It's an entirely different world up here (from Socal that is) I have never worn a mask I am naturally immune, so got my Vax from God. I work for multiple employers, go out to eat, shop, to church and to the movies. I or my family have NEVER complied with any mandates...EVER. most of my friends and family are of the same mind, we just continue to live and ignore the state. I don't even know what our dickhead governor is saying because I don't care. He does not govern my life, and I get a sense that most people here in the central valley are done with all of this shit. There is the occasional idiot, but hey it's California. We've always had nutjob idiots here

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Well, starting on Wednesday, California has a state wide mask mandate. Every person who values freedom needs to take the cue from Dave Rubin and get out while the gettin's good.

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OMFG I don't have enough words to accurately describe my loathing and disgust for Newsom and all the SHEEP who think this is okay. I was trying to have compassion for scared people, but there is so much evidence masks not only do not work, but that they are physically harmful, nevermind any sentient human being's own experience of getting headaches/not being able to understand or be understood/feeling panicked because you CAN'T BREATHE, I mean what is wrong with people?

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I, too, tried to be compassionate for the truly terrified people. Now? I'm outright, overtly hostile.

Today, at the supermarket deli counter, a fellow shopper & I exchanged small talk about shortages.

I smile & said, "Yep, thanks Joe Biden."

The shopper bristled and said, "It's NOT his fault."

I replied, "Oh. That's right. You're wearing a mask. It's YOUR fault because you voted for that demented fool."

I will NOT apologize.

I'm DONE with this.

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Maybe there would be some change if more people would criticize & ridicule the mask wearers.

Y'know, this social pressure works both ways.

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LOL (not LOL, all very sad, really; remember when small talk w/strangers @ the store was, you know, kinda fun?) same. So over it. 'Bout ready to be THAT person with a megaphone and sandwich broad on the streetcorner trying to wake people up.

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I wish I could have been a bystander and heard that exchange! Lol love it! I work at a store and thankfully the customer was of the same mind but she was asking about Covid protocols for vitamins so I told her but she wanted to make a note on her phone so she asks if it’s on the cdc website, I didn’t plan on it coming out of my mouth, but I had a look on my face like she was out of her mind and I said NO! Then I was like I’m sorry that just came out but she broke into laughter and said they felt the same way! Phew! Lol

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What happened to all the George Floyd "I CAN'T BREATHE" protests?

Guess it's ok when ALL the little people can't breathe.

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So very true Russ! The abuse on our little ones is criminal on its face. The long term scars left on these developing humans will be real and we know who is responsible yet no one is held to account. I No words can describe the atrocity being forced upon the most innocent of all. All in the name of science, we are all in this together, be a good citizen, mask so you don't kill rhetoric.

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Best comment ever.

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serious mass psychosis!

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We will NOT comply! We were nice last time. Not this time. It will be war for ANY employee who attempts to compel me or anyone in my family to wear a mask. I will be entering their premises. They will serve me. Watch and learn! It ends NOW! We will lead ! You should too. People want it. They were cheering me on at the end of the last mandate.

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I'd say all of us Californians who value freedom, liberty, and all our other civil rights need to stand up to this fascism and simply refuse to comply. It's that simple! I realize it takes courage, but it's essential that we do so.

I do. Most of the time nothing happens - no one tells me to put on a mask or else leave the store. Once in a blue moon some freakish, terrified customer screams at me to put a mask on, but when that happens I just give him or her a scornful look and walk away without engaging with him / her.

All of the store employees are sick to death of being the enforcers for the State! They probably hate wearing the f***ing masks themselves, but are forced by their employers to do so. The store managers refuse to do the dirty work of harrassing maskless customers. It's way too demeaning and too unpleasant for them. The more there are of us being courageous and defying the mandate, the easier it'll be for like-minded people to join us.

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uggh. well I think certain communities won't comply. It all depends on the county sheriffs - many in Colo have said they won't stop people/make any arrest for not complying (Colo has several counties with mask mandates, unfortunately. I love going food shopping without one.)

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Our sheriffs have already stated that they will NOT enforce this Covid shit. They can’t stand this Governor either. It will come down to individual businesses deciding whether or not to replay this insanity…..and lose business as a result

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People in rural areas don't care. Just stay in republican run counties and it wont be an issue

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I will not comply

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I'm in Mendocino county and the whole place is full of mask nazis.

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Yes, I have heard about the entire coastline and Bay Area (incl SF) I stay very FAR away from those parts of Ca. I absolutely love our coast, but I won't put myself through the torture. I went to Monterey about a year ago and I didn't even recognize it as the USA. Never again. I stay in my little bubble in the Central Valley and the husband and I are making plans to move to Kentucky. I have had two of my four kids vacate the State so far. It's sad...I've been here a majority of my life (I'm 58) and I have utter disdain for Ca now. I just feel extremely fortunate to have moved from the Bay Area about 30 years ago. If I must be here for the time being, there is no place else in this state I'd rather be. Psychosis has been kept at bay....so far anyway

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Agree with you, this is SO sad, and I too, have utter disdain. I'm a CA native and have NEVER thought of leaving and now actively working to get to a red state. When Big Tech polluted SF and friends kept absconding to the burbs I was all "hold the line, don't cede the city to them," but boy did I eat my words. Left SF in 2015 for a more rural area, on the coast, LOVE it here except can't believe the number of sheep I'm surrounded by, the crazy lengths I have to go to to avoid wearing the oxygen-deprivation-virtue-signalling device. Quitting my job b/c it is for the state and they mandated the experimental gene therapy. The state of the state breaks my heart and I try to tell myself that it is for a reason and I must be supposed to be somewhere else (soon, I hope), but wow. So disappointed.

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Sad, come to Florida, lots of opportunities and total freedom, reading some of these comments breaks my heart.

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Tink... that is the hardest part to accept as an American at least for me. That being we as Americans are granted by God to pursue life, liberty and happiness so when I read another American say as you did "I stay in my bubble" just so infuriates me as an American. I'm not judging here because I think all of us who KNOW the fraud being perpetrated on us is real and have acclimated or adjusted to this fraud in some way, but we HAVE TO RISE UP and get America back again or whats the point of being an American? Just sayin...

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This all infuriates me as well. I stay in my bubble (meaning the Central Valley, not my house) because to go to the coast, or Bay Area or SF would probably end me up in jail. I can’t stand being in the company of so many mentally ill people in masks. And when I see (mostly young) folks putting their kids in masks, I just want to go up to them and ask them why the hell they are raising freaked out kids. My husband tells me that this has made me a more angry person, so I’m trying to limit my exposure to stupid. It’s the best I can do to survive this insanity 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Excellent! Kentucky needs more real conservatives to take it back & shore it up. Bounce the gov & corrupt Vichy "Republican" senator Mitch McCornhole. Someone needs to lobby Rand Paul to stop falsely claiming the covid vax is safe & effective (1947 Nuremburg Code violation).

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I have lived in Kentucky all of my life. Always thought it was nice, okay. But nothing compared to the coasts and Rockies. But now………. on many a day, I tell my wife that we live in perhaps the best place in the country…….Northern Kentucky!

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We moved from the Chicago area to Iowa about a year ago. Thank God! We have been back a couple of times and nearly everyone says " You got out just in time!"

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I’m so sorry to hear about the tornado destruction in Kentucky over the weekend. Absolutely devastating to so many. It looks to be the southeastern portion of the state that was hit pretty bad? It sounds like you have a pretty decent Governor to help the state recover in due time though.

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Reminds me of Justified: "You will never (want to) leave Harlan alive."

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I just moved away from Monterey to Mendo. Since they built CSUMB the place had become a dump. Just like Santa Cruz.

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Despite the overwhelming evidence which show masks do not do as the sheep believe they do it continues. Just astonishing!

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I, too, live in inland Mendo Co. In fact the head of our 'public health' dept lives a few houses away. The dude is a major progressive. Just check out the stickers all over his truck. I remember when Trump got elected, all of my 'blue' friends put 'RESIST' stickers on their doors and vehicles....hmmm...not much resisting now. I guess medical fascism or medical tyranny is more acceptable when the 'blue' team is in charge. and I have no doubt that if Trump was still in office, doing and saying the exact same things as Biden or any other blue state Gov. the left would be screaming bloody murder...

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You know it!

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How do you do it? I can't even imagine living in a environment that out of touch with reality and basic math.

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Same in Central CA

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Like your comment, but in a sense you do comply with the dickhead or dick with ears by paying taxes that enable his poor decisions. Rubin just announced he's leaving and coming to Florida, which he too called it another country. Love it in Florida, the home of the mostly sane.

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Well we all have to live somewhere. I have 2 grandchildren left here in Ca for now (8 and 6 months) and I’m not willing to eliminate them from my life just yet. I’m sure you can understand that. Also, you’re gonna be losing your wonderful Governor pretty soon because we’re going to elect him for President 🇺🇸🇺🇸 So you Floridians better have a good backup plan. Just sayin 🤷🏻‍♀️

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As for DeSantis. Many like his lieutenant governor, but who really knows. She may have a tough time winning. Florida citizens seem to forget how narrow of margin DeSantis won by. Thankfully Gilliam was caught with Crack or we'd be California ².

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DeSantis won by an VERY narrow margin. It’s shocking because there is simply no comparison between him and his drug addict opponent. Wow, Florida really dodged a bullet there. But that was all before Covid, so I’m sure most Floridans are of a more sober mind now…..hopefully. The lesson I’ve learned in all of this is that we can never take human intelligence for granted.

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The grandchildren I get 100%. If out states were 180°AND my children were not on board with a governor Newsome like, it would be most difficult for sure. I would however gauge my life span vs the likelihood of my life being restricted by a leader that will be succeeded by another moron. After all with today's technology 3000 miles isn't what it was when we were kids.

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My remaining in chilled Ca child has the last two grandkids. My other two daughters have already left. My son “says” he has plans to leave in 2 years. We’ll see. The hubby and I will most likely leave in about a year. Problem is that I don’t want to go to Nebraska or Ohio where the other two kids are. They went there because their spouses are from those states so there’s lots of other family. So their move made sense….🤷🏻‍♀️ it just sucks that so many are being forced into making these moves.

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There are also a lot of people in the Bay Area who give the big finger to Newsom and these mandates. Be careful where you move to - we moved to South Carolina for a year and it was just as bad because the area was full of northeast transplants!! We will probably move to another state eventually but until then, we won't comply and will continue to laugh at the sheep.

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Moved to NC 28 years ago from CA as it was clear the writing was on the wall, even back then, where CA was headed. Now in NC, it isn't the "red" state I moved to all those years ago. Count your blessings that at least you're in SC... McMaster is a Saint compared to our schill Cooper!

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Be sure not to move to Alabama. We are always the lowest state on everything the media says is good and the highest state on everything the media says is bad. Plus we all marry our cousins.

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That IS a real concern. Those who voted for all the destruction of their cities moving to simply do the same in another common sense free state. Hopefully its an exception many will actually be that stupid

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and many will NOT actually be that stupid. Grrrr wrong day to stop sniffing glue

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I was in Nor Cal this weekend, about 40 miles west of Kirkwood. Did not see a mask and everybody was normal. I said to my daughter that I can only imagine what these Californians think of the Bay Area or LA Californians who destroyed their state. With super majorities in the legislature, they can cheat in every election and get away with it. California is not coming back. Too bad, what a place it used to be.

Want to know how it happened?


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I grew up in San Jose. Moved out of that hellhole about 30 years ago and have never looked back. The Central Valley is definitely more conservative, but you’re right; I don’t think California will EVER come back to normal again. So many have been willing to pick up and leave, and the local government couldn’t care less. There is so much corrupt money here that funds these puppets, We The People are insignificant rubes to them.

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Sounds like paradise! And I greatly admire your guts. Im in Victoria, Australia - most locked down place in the world, and our Premier would make your dickhead governor look tame by comparison Im sure! :-(

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Unfortunately you are under Commonwealth Marxist Globalist Control. Australia should have broken away long ago but now it will never happen. Very sad situation. Much of America is also lost.

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North San Diego county is not at all like LA or SF. I’m staring to see much fewer solo drivers wearing masks in their cars.

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Hahaha.... oh my

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Yeah... I just drove down to Mckinleyville. I'm unvaccinated and had no problem. I stopped in Oregon in Chehalis and ate in a restaurant with no mask. Nobody cared. I live in rural WA and nobody cared. I stay out of Seattle and Portland. Definetely not going to LA anytime soon. Prob not San Fran either. During the height of the panic we went to Idaho to experience some normality as things did get a bit weird at first but after they didn't stop the locals in my town "got it". Oh. This is a scam.

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I live in Oregon. I am not supposed to go anywhere without a mask, a "mandate" which I ignore. If I try to visit my doctor, her receptionist will insist that I wear a mask even if there are no other patients in the waiting room, and she is behind a glass window. I find it difficult to understand why so many people are complying with these ridiculous rules. Our governor is a bully. I thought our society had zero tolerance for bullies. Until we as citizens stand up and refuse to comply, this will continue. Resist - Resist - Resist

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If I try to go into a store without a mask, I will be kicked out or arrested. No thanks. My resistance is to vote with my feet and move to where my vote and activism can make a difference, help shore up and take back a swing state like Arizona, and thereby help save the USA. Calizuela is toast. Conservatives who stay here are throwing their votes away. They need to GTFO while they still can, as a day is coming when they won't be allowed to leave and take their property with them. Calizuela's gearing up to jack up the property tax, a legal way to steal property. Also plans on the shelf to tax emigration to other states.

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i think it's time to out the burden on them. I did this a a couple times last year. A woman in a shop asked me to mask and i ignored her. She kept saying you have to mask or leave. so said i don't mask and continued to ignore her. Finally i said she could call the cops if she wanted. She threw up her hands and walked off. Also in two restaurants they yelled at me when i walked from table to bathroom without mask. I said it was stupid, and I don't like stupid games. The Williamsburg waitress pitched a giant fit but ultimately there was nothing she could do.

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Good job!

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Where I live, if they walk away, it's to call THE BLUE. The "Protect & Serve" set.

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Do the police actually respond to such idiocy?

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Except spit in your food, put nothing past these people.

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C'mon over to AZ and help us out🇺🇸

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Thanks. Looks like it. I've donated to Kelli Ward, Wendy Rogers, Paul Gosar, Mark Finchem...

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It's so sad. I have been to the dentists, chiropractor and the hairdresser. No one has bothered me about a mask. I'd be absolutely beside myself if there were outdoor mandates like you have in Or. Absolutely crazed beside myself. Good luck to you. I used to visit Oregon quite often about 20 years ago. It was so beautiful. Amazing how corrupt politics, mixed with unintelligent fear is the perfect recipe for acceptable tyranny

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What The World needs against Tyranny....A quote by Jim Morrison:

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first.”

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This is Gold🔥🔥🔥

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I was just up in NYC (Manhattan). Some notes from someone living in Va:

1. restaurants were nicely for me, not nicely for the owners, not slightly busy. VA: packed

2. I was checked for a CDC card, the people at the door took a passing glance at a pic on my phone. No ID required. Colleagues all showed ID and a pic, which also weren't checked. Staff masked. VA: staff and guests not masked at most places

3. I took a ferry to from NJ/NYC. Virtually zero masks worn by staff or passengers

Didn't feel like the subway, which I used to frequent

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I forgot OreGONE

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Anyone for Philadelphia?

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Phila resident here, and I'm working on a complaint against the city government about these ridiculous mandates that people think are laws. Health Dept is not a legislative body, and private businesses are not part of the government and have no obligation to enforce these press releases that are not laws.

I'm not a lawyer but I'm learning the ropes to file on my own. Wish me luck :)

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Good luck from a fellow (Western) Pennsylvanian. I read your mandates today and was horrified.

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Go For It! But the Nazis might lock you up! But then again it is Philadelphia. As soon as they book you they will let you go with no bail!

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No, they let dangerous criminals go with no bail, but free thinkers are a threat to the system and will be locked away like J6 protesters.

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To my dismay, we need to add Hawaii. But know that Arizona is open for business! Live here, and we're over it. Well, there is a handful who still wear masks.

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Add Michigan and Washington State

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Foreign countries. Good one. I avoid buying anything from commie locales, plus NY, NJ, and China. Even though I'm still in Calizuela, when looking for something on ebay I buy it from a free state like Florida, or mostly free state like TX, Louisiana, Arizona, Alabama or Alabama instead.

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Add Oklahoma! We are suing the Biden over not paying the National Guard if they don't vax. I don't know of any Covid restrictions. You can wear a mask if you want to but most don't. No vax card checking at shops or restaurants here. Can open carry but no one knows if you are or are not. Keeps crime down. Just a free state where the wind keeps sweeping down the plains!

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Yes...I have included Oklahoma in the map of the new Republic of America. Texas, Oklahoma, GA, Miss, Florida, Ark, MS, S. Carolina and a few states in the Midwest.

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Calizuela! Love it! (I live there too!)

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Are they really gonna do the you must show vax card to travel to California? Or is it just l.a I'm in las Vegas usually go to oc and sd.was in oc in August no masks. in Las Vegas bs continues

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I don't know. I'm bugging out of here soon for a free state.

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That's good. Good luck I've got probably 2 more yrs in the formally free state of nev.

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Yep. Nevada's a real disappointment. Lots of incorporation business moving to Wyoming.

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Yeah business leaving alot of people I know have moved to Utah az and fla.turned into a dung pile

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Let us know where you land. I'd like to get out of here, too, but don't want to go to the "next Nevada" - once red, now blue.

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I've been to both Australia and NZ. Although both countries are nice, they most definitely are not worth the stay in isolation camps. I refuse to go anywhere where I can be rounded up by tyrannical governments with no due process.

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The list of places I'm willing to visit has shrunk considerably in the last 10 years. Just as well, flying has been horrid for twenty years, anyway.

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I refuse to fly commercial until they knock this crap off completely. They've lost my business and I suspect millions of others too. I'd like to travel abroad, but it's not worth it. F'em. Lots of places I haven't seen in the USA I can drive or fly myself too.

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I refuse to get on any plane where pilots have all been jabbed. I've been flying since I was an infant so I have no fear of flying. However, I'm not trusting my life with pilots who are now because of these mandates at high risk of experiencing cardiac arrest, stroke, and clots during the flight.

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I flew well over a million miles for work. I'm never packing myself in one of those sardine cans again.

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I used to LOVE to fly. Now I brace myself for how they are going to make it a miserable experience.

The miracle of a tin can flying at 10,000 ft, turning a 20 hr drive into 3hrs, and they can’t figure out how to hire nice flight attendants. (Based on how the mandates maybe the airlines are jerks to work for?)

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I think the masking along all the other TSA bullshit is really making people angry, and having to serve angry passengers… I can’t imagine what a shitty job.

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Yep. The "woke" corporate tyrants are cutting their own throats, killing the travel, airline & cruise industries. They deserve to Eat S And Die. F'em.

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Me too, Big Pharma, (yes, I’m sorry) I will never get on a plane until they stop this masking shit. Ever. I live in Paradise, I don’t really need to go anywhere.

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Heh, I don't live in paradise, but close enough and there's nowhere I particularly need to be : )

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I agree! Not playing these reindeer games. Ever.

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Road trips are my choice too

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until they make gas and cars obsolete

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That is exactly how I and my husband feel. If you cannot drive to it.....well maybe in my next life.

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Millions and millions

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Any country or state who goes this path cuts their own throat. The tourism decrease alone will bury them, but something tells me its what is intended in the global build back better agenda. I use to visit NYC 4 to 5 times a year and drop quite a lot of $$$ now I have zero desire to visit. The tax base for that city is gonna be destroyed as well as it being a destination city now going forward. Can make this stuff up!

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Apparently every broadway show is requiring vax passports now. Not that I give a F, but they deserve to go under.

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Yes, children must be vaxxed to watch woke Broadway Bullshit, F that noise.

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Well, the ENTIRE CITY requires vaccine passports. Every venue, every restaurant, every bar is required to check. Of course, some won't do it, but they could be fined for not checking.

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There's 200,000 lawyers per square mile in NYC. Why hasn't someone taken this to court?

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Midtown is empty since many corp employees still work from home. No train tickets, no coffees, no lunch, no shopping to and from.

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Aw c'mon! Massachusetts isn't as bad as NY and NYC.

I went to a Massachusetts supermarket today. No "social distancing." No mask requirement. No mention of checking vaccine status.

Apx 20 percent of shoppers were masked. (100 percent of employees are required to wear masks.)

No one-way aisles.

Half of the shoppers didn't wipe their carts with disinfecting wipes.

That said, it's entirely possible that it could change...in a New York Minute.

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I’m in Florida , so worried about my son in MA at school, but he plans on staying there, I’m afraid he’s not telling me what’s going on there, because he is here in Florida often and sees how free it is. Worried Mom.

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Probably fine, and doesn't want to worry you more.

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Don't worry. I'm sure he'll be fine.

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Tell me about your U. S. Attorney just appointed! Your are in for trouble!

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I KNOW! She's a real lunatic.

I fear she'll run for governor next.

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She wouldn't be there is Warren and Markey didn't vote to confirm her. Doesn't Mass have some better Senate candidates than those two?

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No. There are none. The democrats have a death grip on this state.

At this point, the only UN-electable Kennedy is RFK Jr.

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Ditto, Just the Facts, ditto!

I hope the USA climbs back out of our self-dug pit and shows Australia how to do it too.

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Wish I had gone to Australia four years ago when I was asked. I scratched it off my bucket list about three months ago. So sad.

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M Lang, I hate to click the 'like' button on this but I did. In this case, it simply means that I agree and sympathize. I've always wanted to visit there and New Zealand myself.

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The danger of socialize medicine. When you let the gov take over your health....as with any gov program....comes with strings attached. I have quite a few close Australian friends. A few...most of them seniors...are all in. I never thought I would see Australia go full authoritarian. Europe...no big surprise.

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True -- and it doesn't apply ONLY to socialized "medicine" either. Long term welfare is just one other example of the "gotcha" system.

I've met a fair number of Australians myself, but, to my shame, I haven't kept sufficiently in touch with them to call them close. I've liked everyone of them and I suspect they would not go along with what's happening any more than you or I. However, the fear and the pressure that a government exerts can be significant. I think it's like a small snowball rolling down a hill - with each successive roll, it picks up more snow (ie: people or "peers" that succumb) and each new peer adds weight, girth and momentum. Eventually, the force and "the price" required to stop it, becomes extreme.

I suspect that, at this point, no "man" can fix this. It will require God's intervention.

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Yes...that is what a friend and I said this morning. Only God can fix it.

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I’m with you, but soon it won’t matter anyways as we won’t be allowed to travel other than maybe by car. 😡

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We best get ahead of that, punish the travel industry by boycott. If the travel industry and airlines get hit hard enough fast enough they will be forced to hold their noses and start looking after our rights before it's too late. Same for boycotting everything made by J&J & Pfizer. They're both vulnerable due to large number of OTC products and optional drugs. Read labels before buying OTC or paying for prescriptions.

And get to the free states while the getting's good. I refuse to be like the Jews in Nazi Germany who thought "it can't happen here" until it was too late. Half my family is Jewish, fled Russia when my Rabbi great grandfather was murdered. That was it. They got out just in time before the commies took over.

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I totally agree with you. I haven’t booked any flights waiting to see what happens. Like you, half my family is from Russia and Poland. Most got out early but not all. It is shocking to me that anyone my age (going on 59) growing up listening to relatives or their Holocaust survivor parents are falling for this crap. We hope to get to a freer state by the time my husband can retire (4 more years), until then it’s a waiting game 🤞🏼 I SO hope 2022 is the year for a wider awakening!

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Ha. Right

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Creative and funny.

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Totally agree. Which is good because those flights were way too long. And maybe the Great Barrier Reef will last a little longer without tourists!

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The only thing that is stopping this from happening in the USA is 2A. God bless the founders.

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Except we’ve accepted the expansion of the federal government to a size 1000s of times the size envisioned.

The commerce clause cases pretty much removed all limits and emasculated the Constitution.

We used to be a country of enumerated powers, now we are a country of enumerated liberties.

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"In 1787, there was a sizable block of delegates who were initially opposed to the Bill of Rights. This is what a member of the Georgia delegation had to say by way of opposition; 'If we list a set of rights, some fools in the future are going to claim that people are entitled only to those rights enumerated and no others."

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that’s funny. they’re trying to say now that those enumerated rights aren’t actual rights anyway, as they continually chip away at the 1st, 2nd and 4th.

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What you say is exactly right but we can change it. The Constitution was always only as good as the people's belief in it and understanding of it.

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The American Revolution was the most stark example of a government limiting itself -- for obvious reasons. Today we're getting example after example of why they spelled out the restrictions on government they did in the Bill of Rights.

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Today we're getting closer and closer to a Second American Revolution. One that will restore the sanity that prevailed in the wake of the original.

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If that's the case, then great. I'm having a hard time buying that what stands between say an exec order to forcibly remove someone from their home without due process is a , or a threat of a, firearm.

I'd hypothesize that federalism is at the core. The states still are amazingly, suprisingly, independent. The only time we ever used to hear about a governor was when there was a natural disaster. Now the executive and legislative at the state level have real power - to keep states free or lock em down.

Yes the Biden admin tried various executive pushes (OSHA), but the courts have slowed those pushes.

I'll remain skeptical that if AUS had 2A, that the few brave enough to resist their "orders" (I can't saw laws, that'd be a lie), wouldn't be mowed down by the state. Sure the initial sheriff could be sent away, but there'd be an escalation which'd leave the individual losing.

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True to an extent but I believe the 2nd amendment works at a population level rather than an individual level. For a govt to take authoritarian action against an individual belonging to an armed populace may require just a bit more effort than an unarmed one, even if individual in question may not choose to be armed.

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To the states question - makes the point even clearer as I’m sure there’s at least ONE governor in the US crazy enough to try something like this - pritzker comes to mind or DeVine - but the didn’t. Why?

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Which police officer wants to volunteer to go to someone's house to put them in quarantine when the target might be armed? No police officers that I know. And btw, isn't it nice that the police have no idea which houses have guns and which don't?

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Specially local police that go shooting with the 2A citizens on their time off. That’s why they have to get FBI to come in. There has long been a push for Federal police. Like the SS

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There are rumblings of them trying to change that with a national registry.

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Individuals cannot confront Leviathan. The Second depends on an armed *populace* that would stand together against tyranny. Around 3% of the population is required to thwart a tyrannical government.

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Try forcibly pulling a kid out of a 2A parents home to quarantine until the state decides they can be let out. That will not go well

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Part of the value of having the 2A is that the police are fearful. Police in America would think twice before going to someone's house to collect them for quarantine. It is quite likely that police may attempt to enter someone's home and the person is armed. Few police officers want to confront that. They want to go home to their families. So if you are the police, you've got to really think about whether what you are going to someone's house for is worth risking your own life. In Australia, those police officers go to people's houses with no fear whatsoever. In America, it happens not infrequently that police get shot when serving a warrant - and much of the time it is found to be justified by the courts. One of the high profile cases was that of Breonna Taylor who was tragically killed but her boyfriend shot a police officer in that incident and it was found to be self defense.

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A large part of it is about potential. Biden can try to order house to house vaccinations - but finding the second fool to do it is gonna be difficult.

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And what's left of 1A - freedom of religion forces them to honor conscientious objections to vaccine.

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Not according to the SCOTUS who refuses to hear these cases

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I know a fair number of folks whose conscientious objections have been honored, without going to the US supreme court. Remember, there's civil court. They don't want to pay workers more in judgments than they would've made working for 20 years.

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That and state federalism, and hopefully the Constitution. God bless the founders indeed!

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And 50 state governments, of which roughly half are hostile to mandates, though only 2 or 3 have defied the feds. More will come.

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I knew Australia and NZ were going to go down this rabbit hole 1.5 years ago when an absolute Covid-Zero policy was jubilantly embraced by the citizens. Heck, Australia was the model for all the Covidists here for a long time - 'having eliminated Covid via closures'. It's logically and scientifically insane to think you can permanently isolate a country from an airborne virus. The sheep that bought and cheered for that policy at that time, can appreciate this now that the chickens have come home to roost. Similarly the sheep that reelected Jacinda Ardern with an overwhelming majority 1.5 years ago because "she had won the war against Covid", should be interviewed now.

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And wouldn't you know it? That darned virus showed up in Australia right when the seasonality theorists predicted that it would.

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But this guy seems to like this policy. They're done for.

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With Respect and not to be overly critical, 'covidists' should wear a more fitting label ... something like covidians. You make some good points.

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This would be us but for 350 million firearms. Might happen in California or NY, but not Tennessee or Texas.

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I can assure you that you can add Florida to that list with TN and TX

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Don’t forget us in GA! We got your back.

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SC too

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AZ too

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Yeah, I agree. Reality is - and Space Hamster Boo said this - is that any conflagration outside of a major blue city will last about 5 minutes. We're already 60% through a balkanization of the US ... For better or worse.

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There are plenty of guns in Upstate New York.

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And who is left in NYC after two years of bungling by de Blasio?

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The Criminals.

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Illegal gun owners or criminals as I call them. Oh and mentally ill folks with no hope or motivation to seek help.

Basically non assets to America.

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We have firearms in CA, just with funny triggers.

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And cute little mini-magazines. Nevada's not far away on that score though

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The geographic bulk of California won't let this fly...it's just the liberal cities...in the rural county where I live, the 2nd Amendment is alive and well...that being said, can't wait to retire and escape this madness!

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Let them start in DC. I'd give it two days. Max.

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In a Country where the Citizens are disarmed, A government can do anything it wants.

Our Founding Fathers wrote the US Constitution based on historical experience, and not on the whims of the elitist tyranny!

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"I'm fully vaccinated and still got covid"

The"best defense" against covid is to get vaccinated

Logic is dead.

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That's what's literally making me insane. I insanely check the news for word that people are waking up. So far .. No

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Scoot over so I can join you on that bench.

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Mass psychosis here in Australia. Our anthem no longer fits “for we are one and free”.

As unvaxxed I no longer can participate in society. Treated as a leaper. No cinemas, public owned facilities such as libraries and museums are off limits, restaurants etc etc….

Sadly most Australians are scared shitless of the Rona. Apparently where I live 95% of 16yrs and older are vaccinated… if you believe the government??

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Just think, when the vax disaster begins you may be the president with a handful of people, really smart people.

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Funny. I don't recall people with AIDS being sequestered this way. Guess we're serious about this disease.

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In fact, it was a horrible thing to even SUGGEST that AIDS victims be treated differently than anybody else.

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I remember. And remember how it was going to take us all out when "it" went airborne. Interesting how that never happened.

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Man, who was the quack who said it was airborne? I can't remember his name but I bet he had to resign in disgrace and never shows his face anymore.

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I believe His Majesty said if/when it goes airborne. I've been hiding in my bunker ever since.

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That was Fauci! The video has been floating around

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And you know what? When AIDS first came along, it was nearly 100% fatal. Young men died horrific deaths within 6 months of infection and there was no surviving it. Still, we didn't force anyone to stay home and we even protected the rights of people who knowingly had unprotected sex while infected.

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Re-thinking AIDS. Was it AZT that killed them? Magic Johnson is still alive, Freddy Mercury is not

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The disease was fatal and AZT another Fauci pushed failure killing faster. Magic Johnson saved by low cost combination therapy protease inhibitors. He's lived a long life. Today, Zelenko protocols and Ivermectin are key inexpensive treatments they fight to suppress.

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We have bent over backwards to protect the privacy of AIDs patients for 30 plus years. No names on the doors of hospital rooms or on patient's paper charts; guestimate how many errors those two things alone caused. HIPPA, HIPPA violation law suits. Healthcare cost through the roof because of privacy, not to mention "room service menus," can I just say I didn't order room service till I was over 55 and was loathed to do so because I was paying for it. One thing the Europeans seem to get right, they still allow "wards" in public hospitals, patients do fine. I've interview patients in ward in Ireland, they tell me they would feel socially ostracize if placed in a private room. But H*ll everyone knows everyone's covid status? What the heck?

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Just spent a wonderful Sunday yesterday, worshipping at a church full of people - probably 250 or so. It was a small church but everyone in the place, except for maybe 2, had no mask. We all sang Christmas hymns and people stayed after for an indoor potluck lunch. It felt like "It's a Wonderful Life". I guess we don't fully appreciate what we have until we lose it. Don't want to say where because there are so many snitches out there. If you leave the urban areas you can find hope.

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People at my parish are pretty much over the mask bs. And thank God

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"It's a Wonderful Life" should be a mandatory reeducation film for Fauci et al

So glad to hear you felt free ☺️

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Our church here in Alabama is the same.

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And Philadelphia just mandated vaccine passports for all restaurants and indoor events starting in January, mimicking NYC and San Fran.

This is not about Covid.

This is about normalizing Chinese style digital social credit systems, and half the population of the U.S., and most of Canada and Australia, is sleepwalking into oblivion.

Governments around the globe are marching in lockstep to initiate the next phase of their soulless dystopia, using Covid as a pretext.

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Filthadelphia is a place I've studiously avoided for the past 50 years or so. They don't need a vaccine passport to keep me out.

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I'm guessing, based on TPTB's tired playbook that we can all see coming from miles away, there will be some kind of false flag whereby "if only we had had some way of knowing" so-and-so was infected with smallpox/ebola/something-more-deadly-than-covid, to get those people who are not currently onboard with legislation like HR550 or worse. Preferably a mass-infection super-spreader event in a red state 2A-supporting christian congregation or something, where TPTB hope quarantining/digital tracking will suddenly look less ridiculous to formerly more-independent/constitutional-rights minded peeps.

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Another city I’ll never visit.

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Unfortunately, some of us live in these cities, and have to endure this BS. I live in NYC and haven't been able to eat in a restaurant or visit a museum since September.

The worst part is that most of the city, including the other unvaccinated people like me, appear to have no problem with this arrangement. hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated people have no issue not being able to go into restaurants, bars or gyms.

Barely anyone protests here. They just passively accept it.


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Easier said than done with 2 kids doing very well in school and a family owned business anchored in this city.

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You're going to lose all that anyway.

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Let's hope the next mayor reverses this nonsense.

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Not likely.

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I feel for you. The big problem is the ease of using fake papers. I know people personally that have visited New York and used them recently. People dont realize that using the fake papers is enabling this tyranny to go on.I refuse to partake in anything like that, if places put these absurd mandates in place i will avoid them. I truly feel like if more people felt this way, the passport system would collapse on itself.

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For your own sake, stand up and speak out. Protest and resist publicly AND privately. There ARE others who see this the same way - my wife has/had this same issue with her employer: she was afraid to speak up because she thought she was only one.

But it turned out, she wasn't. Many other nurses felt the same way, but like her, kept quiet.

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I shouldn't be, but I AM shocked Philly would do that. Why does this happen every time evidence comes in that the vaccines don't stop the spread? NYC mandated the vaccine right after that happened in August. Not suspicious at all!

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It's about authorities trying to play god with people's lives. They have the hubris to believe they can stop a respiratory virus AND now they've been given the power to try. They won't succeed, but they'll certainly wreak havoc along the way.

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I don't understand...why didn't the husband, who was potentially exposed by being home with a potentially-exposed partner for at least a day and a half, also have to go to the medi-hotel to quarantine?

I guess the lesson is if you're in Australia and can't turn off the covid contact-tracing feature on your cell phone, leave it home when you go out.

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Great point! There's probably some bizarre answer.

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Americans have hundreds of millions of guns and billions of rounds of ammunition. Australians do not. Thank you, Second Amendment, for continuing to do what you were intended to do when written: be the final line in the sand when the latest generation of criminal sociopaths crawl out from under their rocks.

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My spouse lamented that ammo is 2.5x more expensive at the range this week

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Yes, it is ridiculous

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What if you literally get an actual cold? They still exist right? Not a Covid cold, but an actual cold. Will you be locked up for that too? Or a basic upper respiratory infection? Or what my mom used to call a cough cold and the main cure was heating Vicks over the stove to inhale! Will people be thrown in jail for buying Vicks? Or are vaccines the only cures allowed?

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Have you ever wondered what really newsworthy items are not being covered due to covid and scariants? I remember when news was actually news. Sadly, so many folk are busy, family, life, work etc. and tune into the evening news to get the soundbites. What a perfectly gullible world we have become. Nobody noticed or cared about China joining the WTO on 12/11/2001. 3 months after that Tragic Day. The wheels for this globally changing event started to turn on 9/12/2001. Everyone was distracted, and the stage was set for more of the same. Since then, so many newsworthy items have not been covered as they should have, and therefore not delivered to the working parents tuning in at 10pm. The glitch has grown exponentially. Now we are multiple news sources, multiple "realities". Multiple disinformation and information sources. And it has fallen into the hands of the globalist powers and unnamed unelected powerful bureaucrats to decide the "truth".

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I wonder. Ever since this began, I was like, what are they distracting us from?

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Maybe how gullible we have become? When Bezos brays about the weekend Blue Origin Event without commenting on the deaths in his own dead employees in KY, when Time names Musk as Person of The Year, when the OECD reacts with mandates against the Omigod variant despite South Africa saying no need to panic, when Schwarzenegger has the gall to say "screw your freedom", indeed what have we missed along the way. Bill Gates knows.

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To add to this point: in early 2020 they started to harvest antibodies from covid survivors, and clone them into (patented) monoclonal antibodies, which have become standard treatment for covid. Yet only now almost 2 years later are natural immunity (natural antibodies!) becoming recognized as proof of immunity, but only if you are vaxxed too, and only in some countries and limited bureaucracies. This is ludicrous. But you don't hear about this on the 11pm news.

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Truly sad since those antibodies can save countless lives too

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It’s a war on reality. They want us brain dead and gullible

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I live in New South Wales (Sydney). Tomorrow is "freedom" day for the unjabbed. Not that there are many of us left, mind you, at +90% "fully" vaccinated. Let's see how long they allow us out for. No doubt we will be blamed for the spread of Omicron.

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How nice they let you out for 1 day…sure it’s not “The Purge”????

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Good time to hop a boat and leave 🙃. But seriously it’s horrible for you all. The only thing we can do is get America free, then the dominos will fall easier

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Thank you, Pepperwood. Yes, we are counting on our US brothers and sisters to turn this thing around (although plenty of us are fighting at a local level too).

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Sounds fishy to me. Fool me once shame on you, twice...

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