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The other Covid path
While Americans demand freedom, Australians accept medical authoritarianism.
Australian authorities have just put Shaun Ferguson in solitary confinement for two weeks without arrest or trial.
His crime: potential exposure to the Omicron (aka cold) variant.
Added bonus: Shaun is fully vaccinated AND apparently tested negative.
But his prison cell, I mean hotel room, is really nice. Aside from the lack of open windows or sunlight. Because who needs those?
Yay Australia! Without your hard work we would have no idea where this all might go…
SOURCE: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-12-12/sa-omicron-close-contact-shares-his-experience/100694038
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By Alex Berenson · Tens of thousands of paid subscribers
Independent, citizen-funded journalism
I have always wanted to visit Australia and NZ. Until now that is. No way I am setting foot inside foreign countries like Australia, NZ and Massachusetts.
The only thing that is stopping this from happening in the USA is 2A. God bless the founders.