My husband is a pilot for AA. He is “sick”. He’s going to stay “sick”. I hope his fellow pilots will do the same. Time to turn the tide. Let’s Go Brandon.

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We have his back. We have your back. There are FAR, FAR more of us than the totalitarian Left wants everyone to believe. To wit: Chicago back down from their vaxx mandate on teachers. Enough teachers (already a Liberal/Leftist cabal) in deep-blue Chicago, in deep-blue Illinois, forced Chicago to back down.

It's not right-wingers, it's not partisan at all; it's people from ALL walks of life who are fighting this Leftist tyranny.

Thank your husband, thank you. Your sacrifices are not unnoticed and will NOT be in vain. We will stand shoulder to shoulder with you, if/when it comes to that.

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We need civil disobedience in numbers.

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Nor should the people we hold the power.

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People need to realize this. They're too busy wanting to go back to the bar, casino and restaurant to worry about giving away their children's future. History won't look back on them kindly.

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I think the way it is unfolding now is better-- chaotic unpredictable and non-violent. Exercising our rights where we can

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"Unfortunately, we now know the vaccines do not preclude infection or transmission. As a result, we are forcing people to choose between their livelihoods and a freedom-robbing vaccination mandate with no rationale. We are only beginning to see the dire consequences of these ill-advised mandates."

Author: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin.

An Awakening? I hope more Politicians wake up !!!

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For sure only governments take your not give them ours are inalienable by our creator. Present day rulers do not know or like our constitution yet they take a oath too protect and defend. Most have no intention to be responsible. Just show them the money and spin everything

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not wanting forced medical procedures might be one thing most Americans agree on regardless of your politics; biden may unite us all yet!

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Unproven, untested forced experimental medical procedures, to boot, about which there are ZERO long-term safety data (or efficacy data, FTM).

Remember, it took four YEARS to discover the disaster that was Thalidomide.

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Vioxx too!! (Merck's FUCKUP and they have a new magic Covid Pill!! )

I guess NO LONG TERM STUDIES falls on deaf ears until it's too late !!

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Agreed! But you know what I don’t get? Is why do people have to have a religion or medical reason to explain why they should be exempt? I’m against use of using aborted fetuses in development of anything. It has nothing to do with religion. I do have problems with meds and in the end, doctor wouldn’t write an exemption, but it’s crazy to me people have to have some “official” reason to be against this vaxx for whatever reason. It pisses me off to no end!

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Complete agree. That issue is continually glossed over. I have a right to say 'NO' and I don't need a doctor or pastor to give me that authority, either!

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That would be something! I still think it’s some of the other changes like the bank transaction issue I mentioned earlier that woke people up to Biden’s regime. If there’s one thing most of us have in common, is we are protective when it comes to money and our bank accounts and we don’t want anyone telling us how to spend our money (except maybe taxes which we seem to accept - sigh 😔)

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*backed*, not *back* (I wish we could edit our posts, at least within the first 5 minutes after we comment)

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Me too. My typos can’t be corrected.

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If I make a blunder and notice it immediately, I delete it, correct it, and repost.

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I did that with a different post, where I forgot to include nurses in my list of those who are risking everything. But no one had "liked" or commented on that one yet. This one already had reactions, so I didn't want to mess with the thread continuity.

Still...Substack SHOULD be sophisticated enough to allow edits, at least within a reasonable window of time if not totally open-ended. I get how they might not want to allow you to edit something 2 days later, but for example The Epoch Times and the WSJ allow edits within, I think, 5 minutes of posting.

Substack should incorporate that.

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Maybe write the comment in a different app then copy-paste it. Or you can reply to your own comment and add or clarify.

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That's what I did with the one I caught early enough - I copied my original comment, then reposted it in here with the correction, then deleted the original.

I actually have added/clarified an earlier post with another comment, but, the situation I'm talking about is not about substance, it's about typos. I cannot stand making typos and then catching them when it's too late! (Yes, I know - be a better proofreader from the get-go! But these kinds of threads are on-the-fly conversations that don't lend themselves to careful oversight. Anyhoo, Substack should allow a five-minute Edit period, IMO. I'd also like to have the ability to do some formatting, italics and bold, for example. Disqus allows that. Substack should, too. You can even do it in MeWe once you learn how to place asterisks properly. Ok, rant over.)

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I've done that as well, but I still wasn't fast enough. My deletion "ruined" a very witty and on-point response from someone else. Editing sometimes changes the comment's meaning and that can also ruin responses, but I still wish we could edit. In the meantime, replying to your own comment with asterisks works OK too.

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Don’t worry about the typos. We are very “sophisticated readers” here and we get it.

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A very sophisticated and UN-vaccinated crowd. ;-)

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Unless you type "your" instead of "you're". Then we might question the efficacy of your post ;-)

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If your MESSAGE gets across, witty or not, you’ve contributed to the discussion, folks. This is not about getting responses. Don’t beat yourselves up.

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Go Brandon! 🤪🤪

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Thanks, KP. I agree. I don't care about my own *mostly witless* responses, but I kinda hate ruining someone else's when THEIR wit and response contributed to the the thread. The levity in these dark times is therapeutic too.

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I agree that it's not *about* getting responses, but it *is* about not messing up a series of responses by deleting a post because of a typo. Because that series of responses is a conversation, and the conversation IMO is more important than any one comment. Which is your point as well, I do understand. It's the message.

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Whenever I feel inclined to complain about Substack forum software, I remind myself that at least it's mostly from this century.

Visit market-ticker.org where there are often some extremely great discussion threads but the forum software Deninger uses over there dates back to the early 90s I think. It's terrible.

But his Covid and government oriented content is good so I put up with the software. First world problems...

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"Editing sometimes changes the comment's meaning and that can also ruin responses" ~ yes, for sure. That's why I favor a 5-minute editing period after the post goes up, like Epoch and WSJ. After that, tough luck. Post a clarifying comment, and live with the typos!

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Hadn't considered a 5-minute editing period!

One difficulty on these super-popular substacks (thank you Alex Berenson from the depths of my heart!) is that the replies fly faster than my fingers and as much as I tell myself to slow down and think, I still want to keep up. I'm not used to "social media" !

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Right. Now, if it is something lengthy I’m posting , I copy it before I post in case I see a typo. Delete and fix. Sometimes I’m just lazy lol

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I voted blue all the way down ticket and am considered a leftist from Portland Oregon. This vaccine issue has made me rethink everything and unite with people on the right.

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Same, but in VA. There are more of us than are willing to get loud. I slapped a Youngkin sign in my yard so fast it made my own head spin. Enough is enough. I'm praying for all of us, that we can limp back to personal freedom and actual tolerance together.

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Welcome! Hope more of you catch on

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Independent all the way here. This is a fight across the spectrum.

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Voting for Blue is voting for totalitarianism. When an organization tells you what to do, how to spend your money and on what, when you can travel, then you have no freedom. When you have racists teaching your kids you have exactly what the communists and Nazis had done. When you look back compare the philosophy to what actually was implemented you should realize that the two are divergent. That is why my philosophy is leave me the hell alone and shut the hell up. W Wilson ruined this country with his Income tax. The man was a tyrant. Dont believe me go back and read the things he instituted and how he did it.

Buddy your ignorance caused the problem.

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Thank your husband, we are fighting this tyranny and I will never back down, ever. My employer in uk is a US law firn trying to mandate his, but I will never take this vaccine for a quick trip, in the uk they’re punishing unvaccinated travellers by making us have more tests and quarantine 😡

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Agreed! This affects all of us despite party lines and a lot are not in favor of forced vaccinations even if they are believers of this one (I’d be willing to bet too that many who got the jab (and won’t admit it) did not get vaccines that have been offered to us because most people I know have never gotten the flu shot or even a tetanus shot).

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I will proudly wear my Let's Go Brandon t-shirt as I sleep at the airport gates. God bless you, your husband and your family!

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I like that, Silverbullitt, I like that a lot!

May God bless all who participate in resisting this evil from the largest group to the smallest individuals. We need to free our children from this tyranny too!

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Tell your husband thank you from a few million likeminded people.

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Prayers that your husband continues to be strong in his "sickness". America is proud of him!

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As an loyal AA customer for years I too pray for his strength!

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Thanks to him for taking a stand against vaccine tyranny!

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Your husband is a King among men. Thank you. It is not going unnoticed

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Please tell him THANK YOU from all of us freedom loving Americans!

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Many thanks to your husband and other pilots who are standing up for America!!! Heroes!!🇺🇸

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A great big thank you to your husband and to all who take a stand for freedom. We're with you!

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Tell your husband I am a huge fan of what he is doing!

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EB - I can't say it any better than the others, but I want the "choir" to be huge THANK YOU and your husband pilot and all the other pilots and crews everywhere that take a stand.

Ephesians 6 Full Armor of God for all of you and His protection, strength and wisdom as well.

Let's Go Brandon!

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Why the little orange flower next to your name?

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Hi CarolAnne - Substack considers me to be a "founding member" (probably, but not necessarily, specific to Alex Berenson) based on my subscription. They have several levels of subscriptions: free, monthly, annual and "founding member." That doesn't mean I'm smarter than anyone else (*very much to the contrary* actually) and it definitely isn't because of a low frequency of typos and misspellings. It just means that I believe in Alex so strongly that I've chosen to support him a bit more than the average bear and that I was sufficiently ticked off by the way Big Tech has treated him (I've never joined Twitter, but they have been particularly unkind to him).

It took a couple months to show up and I almost wish it hadn't. I've never desired the spotlight and my silly contributions don't deserve it.

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Founding Member status is for any particular author. You could have that status on some and not on others. Of course, one can also change their sponsorship too, at any time, but at least at the annual renewal.

I actually think you can be "anonymous" too as to your status if you prefer just mark that in your account.

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Thanks, Dennis, for the clarification!

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Thanks for the explanation. I look forward to reading more of your comments. 😀

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Thanks, CarolAnne and back at you! There are a lot of folks on Alex's posts that I'd love to meet over a cup of coffee, tea or heavier.

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I’ve been wondering what this is too. I was thinking maybe a long time substack subscriber or someone who comments frequently…?

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I think it's more based on subscription level. Yes, I comment more often than I should and sometimes those become a bit silly or off subject and they certainly contain a lot of typos and misspellings.

I'm an old guy and have never participated in "social media." Substack isn't social media but there is a social side of it when we begin to recognize frequent names.

I'm learning that, at times, my adrenaline spikes when I feel strongly about one of Alex's posts (that's most of them by the way) AND when one of my comments collects a lot of up-votes or replies. Learning that is a good thing; succumbing to it is not!

I now understand why young folks can get hooked on (and hurt by) by replies good and bad - it can be like a drug. Or, maybe, for me, like a Snickers Bar.

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I hope he is feeling better as soon as the mandates are lifted. Purely coincidental, I’m sure. 😉

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A mandate-ectomy is needed to cure the woes of the world.

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Tell your husband that we stand with him, all the way. Post here if you need help in your fight.

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Let's Go Brandon indeed!

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Please thank him for me

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Thank God for people like your husband. I believe these pilots will be the saving grace for all companies who do not want to comply with this mandate. We should NEVER be forced to have any medical procedure. There are no approved Covid vaccines in the U.S. so it’s even worse that this is experimental. Nuremberg Code anyone?

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Furthermore, they're not vaccines as that word had been defined for *years*. The dishonest, corrupt CDC had to change the definition of "vaccine" a couple of weeks ago because the Chinese virus experimental drugs weren't acting like vaccines are supposed to act.

So they changed the definition. That's the ONLY reason they're called vaccines now.

I changed the definition of "leg" to include an animal's tail. Wanna buy the world's only five-legged horse? That's illustrative of just how COMPLETELY dishonest and corrupt our CDC is now. Beyond the pale.

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Excellent point!

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I can say this because I have no travel plans at this time. And I hope I would feel the same way if I was a prospective inconvenienced traveler:

I applaud the pilots--and any other workers--who are in a position to push back on this relentless government over reach.

I'm only surprised that it took this long for Americans to assert themselves.

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I am a prospective inconvenienced traveler. I live on an island. I can only get to the States to visit my kids, their families, my new granddaughters, by air. The Christmas and New Year's holidays are approaching. I don't know how this will all shake out by then, but I stand with and behind (and in front of, if it comes to that) everyone who is fighting this tyranny at the possible cost of their jobs - teachers, pilots, nurses, flight attendants, truckers, everyone.

"THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated." ~Thomas Paine, 1776

(I deleted my original post because - a pox upon me! - I forgot to include nurses in my list)

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Love what you have to say here. Discomfort is coming our way if we are to win this fight over tyranny. Discomfort now, freedom later.

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Patriots for freedom have suffered discomfort throughout history! I’m standing up and out, proud if I can be numbered among them. 🇺🇸

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A quote I read today by Ethical Skeptic on Twitter.

“The goal of a syndicate is not a ‘Jeffersonian’ equal justice - but rather retribution for a fictitious offense, absolute power, and genocide.”

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It may be obvious from my post, but to be clear: I am a prospective inconvenienced traveler who will remain in the unvaccinated control group at any and all cost. Period.

I do not and will not take experimental drugs forced upon me, drugs for which there is literally ZERO long-term data about their safety.

I will NOT be Chinese-virus-vaccinated by drugs that are called "vaccines" SOLELY and ONLY because the corrupt, dishonest CDC changed the long-standing definition of "vaccine" because the Chinese virus drugs do not act, and were not acting, like vaccines. So they had to change the long-standing definition of "vaccine" in order to be able to call these experimental drugs "vaccines". F that. F them.

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So you are FAAFO! good for you🥰

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We are prospective inconvenienced travelers with a booked month long trip to HI just over a week from now. We debated on cancelling, though we would stand to lose thousands due to not using our timeshare weeks this year (too late now to roll over). We considered all the mandates and requirements, found a way to easily test in and be able to obtain food despite the insane restrictions on Oahu. We set our expectations appropriately, and we're ready to have a very different vacation on the islands this time.

HOWEVER ... while I will be very, very sad if these plans get disrupted, I will support the pilots and other staff that "sick out" to protest the draconian mandates. When we return from the trip, we have to face our own mandates, as my husband's two-man company is a sub-contractor to a federal contractor, and will be required to jab up in order to keep working from his home office. We are working on getting a religious exemption, and hope that will do. He has some mild heart issues, and he doesn't want to take the risk of exacerbating that. (I "retired" aka gave up looking, after getting laid off from my healthcare IT job, but have had Covid, and natural immunity - but that's not recognized anywhere, yet.) Fortunately, otherwise, living in a very red state, our every day lives will likely be unaffected by mandates. I hope.

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I love Maui and I can’t even imagine going there now . It’s a crazy leftist gov and they are destroying their only economy…. I have friends there and they are dealing with the insane rules , but I’m not going until it comes back , if it does ! A good friend just came back , you can’t go really anywhere if you’re not vaxed and dining is over at 3 pm ???? They don’t want people to gather … I hope Oahu is better !

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Oh no, Oahu is much, much worse right now.

In Maui, if you want to dine inside a restaurant (and they can stay open until 10pm now,) you have to be vax'd, otherwise you can dine outside (and many restaurants do offer this), or get take out.

In Oahu, if you want to dine inside OR outside - basically anywhere you can sit and eat on premises, you have to show that you are vax'd or show negative test results from within the past 48 hours.

Fortunately, Kauai and the Big Island have no such rules and only have the state requirement of masks in all indoor spaces.

Like I said, we have adjusted our expectations, and we are planning on a very different HI trip this time. I just pray we are able to get the rental cars we booked back last April!

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I knew HI was bad, but reading this is really depressing. It's the only state my husband hasn't been to and we thought it would be a great vacation for our 25th (we're about 10 years late, BTW!!) and now it looks like we'll never get there this side of the Kingdom. Good to know Kauai and the Big Island are less restricted as those are the islands on our list, but as I'm diehard anti-mask, those will have to wait too.

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Thanks I love the big island, I did not know that !! 🌈🌴🌺

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So sad…🙁

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You are fortunate to live in a red state….I hope you are not disappointed in your Hawaii trip. Being in a restrictive locked down state like CA, it is not fun to travel in parts of the state that are under a total totalitarian lockdown and mindset. I live in SoCA near the border with Mexico and we are relatively ‘free’ here, but everything from LA north along the coast is not free, and the energy feels quite oppressive.

I know I just went on a week long trip there. (And I drove, did not fly) I couldn’t wait to get home to my freedom loving friends, family and community.

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My heart just breaks for CA - I was born La Jolla, and spent most of my childhood in La Mesa. But my father saw the writing on the wall, and got his family out before everything went to shit - in 1978. I bless his now departed soul every day now - even though I was extremely unhappy at 13 to have to leave my friends and school and all.

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I really respect your thought process through this🥰 The right way will show itself. FYI-- European countries and frankly most in the world recognize natural immunity (through an antibody test typically). It is here in North America (sparing the sane country of Mexico 😊) that we don't respect the bodies wisdom. Why? Cause the Pharma giant squid of greed can't make money off that .

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PS: My cousin’s maiden name was Carol

Jones! Your name caught my eye! And no she would never be a follower of Alex B or read things that he has to say! On the contrary! 😉😀

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HAHA!!! love it-- such a common name in so many areas 🥰

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Yes Mexico may be more sane, but still everyone is wearing masks there and they want you to wear a mask into stores…I live down on the border and go to the dentist in Mexico. I’m perhaps the only or one of the few persons walking on the street without a mask on! And the Mexicans are fairly compliant when it comes to getting the Vacuña!

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Sorry to hear of your experience. I just returned from 12 days in Mexico City and Tecate (A ranch I go to) and I had a different experience. I guess it is all in comparison to what you are experiencing at home. 😊

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In Tecate did you go to Rancho La Puerta? If so The Ranch is in a bit of a bubble there in Tecate…always has been. I have been there s a few times. As far as Mexico City were there people wearing masks everywhere and were they required to go into stores, businesses or museums? Over in San Diego you don’t have to wear a mask to go shopping or into a store…though plenty of the Sheeple are still wearing them!

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I have heard a lot about natural immunity lately. I was in a waiting room a few days ago and CNN was on the TV that was mounted on the wall. The guest speaker said that natural immunity is proven to be as effective as the “vaccine” induced immunity. The info spreading!

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Does your husband on the company? If so, issue a new corporate policy that bands all employees directors and subcontractors from being required to take an experimental medical treatment which it still is.

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It's not that simple. The mandate comes from being a subcontractor to a federal agency. Both my husband and his partner, who is the owner, are opposed to being vax'd, but the mandate comes from the feds. If they walk away, not only would they lose a substantial amount of money (deep into 7 figures) but they'd also risk being sued by the contracting company. It's a flippin mess.

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I understand. Remember, there is no official rule or law on this. There is no OSHA rule. There’s nothing congress is voted on. It’s nothing but smoke and mirrors. 1. Nope. Not doing it. Fire me. 2. Ok sure, just sign this binding legal agreement accepting responsibility for any negative health impacts indefinitely.

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SO perfectly said, Andrew the Great!, along with SOOO many other Freedom lovers, Tyranny fighters, using their voice here. It's truly comforting being surrounded by so many like-minded people during this most uncertain, and literally frightening time. A hUge hug and heartfelt thanks to all, especially those fighting on the front line in this disastrous mess.!!.

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"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem." Thomas Jefferson, 1787

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Beautiful words!

Our ancestors didn’t win their freedom laying in feathered nests. We must honour their memories.

“We owe our freedom to men who do not bend, kneel or submit”. Winston Churchill

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Beautiful post🥰 Thank-you!

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It is beyond frustrating to be stuck because of this, I understand and I’m sure I will be one of the stranded in the upcoming days. However, this tyranny from the “President” has to be challenged and we the people must do everything possible to show Chinese Joe that he works for us, OT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!! God bless the pilots, the nurses, the teachers and everyone else refusing the mandates! Let’s go Brendon!!!

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We have to think of the big picture.....if they break my back, they will break yours.

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What bothers me about all this is the speed and eagerness of these companies to implement something that, technically, is not yet a regulation or executive order.

ALL companies, no matter what business they're in, are so beholden to the government they can't wait to follow through on a mere suggestion they should mandate vaccines.

That's something that has to change.

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The airlines all took buckets of money from the Federal Government, now they have to go along to get along. Hospitals too... it's all about being on the Fed Gov payroll.

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Ding-ding-ding-ding, we have a winner.

When you get free money you owe SOMETHING to whomever gave you money.

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And when they want to continue to get free money, that may be the crux of it.

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What's odd is that SW Air doesn't actually get that much fed money via contracts. And to my knowledge, there were no strings attached to the bailout funds. Southwest got $2.3 billion in direct payroll support and a billion dollar loan but still, they don't have to mandate their pilots get the jab because they received those bennies.

What is more likely is that, like a lot of large corporations, they think that mandating shots will ingratiate them to not only the Feds but to the traveling public at large. These C-level types live in such an ivory tower that they believe (feel) that everybody loves them some clot shots.

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And masks! I'm sick of seeing retail employees behind masks! It's difficult to understand them and kind of dehumanizes these people just trying to work. Idiotic corporations are catering to the weak and fearful neurotics. Pisses me off.

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The single most disgusting thing to arise out of this pandemic is the mandate for food service employees to wear masks.

Those people are constantly touching their mask then your silverware, french fries, etc.

They wear their masks into the restroom and after doing their bathroom duties, the flush creates a "toilet plume" which covers their mask with feces particles. They then spend the rest of their day breathing those particles in plus spreading them to your food.

I've stopped going out to eat wherever the employees are masked. Once you see the info on toilet plumes, you can't unsee it.

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And it’s getting old, here in Florida ( Red county) no one has worn a mask in forever, except retail, waitstaff and Country Club employees ( we golf a lot), it’s getting uncomfortable watching those that serve us, who we consider equals and kind people being denigrated behind those filthy masks. We need to stand up for everyone still being forced to mask, it’s insane.

DeSantis has unmasked the school children, Thank God, next are

the Publix cashiers.

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After reading your comment, I don’t think I’m eating out again

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Many restaurant employees don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. You think they put those "Employees must wash hands before returning to work" signs in the bathroom just for show?

If you're that paranoid about stuff like that, you should never have been eating out all these years, period. The food service industry isn't a 'clean' one, in general.

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I am currently on a Zoom meeting, the bulk of the people are in the office, I work remote.

They broke for lunch and left the camera on. One guy sitting there, in a large conf room that holds 40 or so. He is alone. He is wearing a mask.

They have conditioned so many that they need to wear a mask no matter what.

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Exactly-- I actually stopped such person in my neighbourhood, walking by himself and asked him why he was wearing a mask outside. he said" Its easier, then I don't have to put it remember to put it on when I go into a store" WTF? 😳😳😳

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It's their security blanket...their "blanky". My first thought is how dumb it is but then I catch myself and just pity them.

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I am retiring earlier than I had planned because I work in retail and cannot endure a mask eight hours a day anymore. I don’t like people just walking up and crowding with the line, “it’s okay, I am vaccinated.” I have more chance of getting the virus from them than from my fellow unvaccinated. I have decided not to wait for my company to go along with the mandate. As much as it pains me to take my work ethic away from coworkers, at 68 I just can’t stay.

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I’m sick of seeing college kids in masks... it’s insane.

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If they want to identify as slaves I'm happy to treat them as such. Mockery may not make them reevaluate their decisions, but at least they won't feel so good about them.

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I agree. So many of these young progressive kids see their masks as a badge of courage. An award. They have no idea….

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Bet they've been promise more bailout govt bribes to support the AGENDA. This whole episode stinks of bribery and backroom dealings. WE DO NOT NEED POLITICIANS! IF THEY WERE ALL FIRED AND BANNED LIFE WOULD BE SIMPLE...THEY CREATE ALL OF THE PROBLEMS AND STEAL ALL OF THE MONEY.

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I read somewhere that the FEDS had SW Pilots flying illegals all over the country and they weren't happy about it. Is this true?

If it is true, it's disgusting that the FEDS are pushing the vax issue with pilots and then claiming illegals aren't required to get the vax.

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