My husband is a pilot for AA. He is “sick”. He’s going to stay “sick”. I hope his fellow pilots will do the same. Time to turn the tide. Let’s Go Brandon.

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We have his back. We have your back. There are FAR, FAR more of us than the totalitarian Left wants everyone to believe. To wit: Chicago back down from their vaxx mandate on teachers. Enough teachers (already a Liberal/Leftist cabal) in deep-blue Chicago, in deep-blue Illinois, forced Chicago to back down.

It's not right-wingers, it's not partisan at all; it's people from ALL walks of life who are fighting this Leftist tyranny.

Thank your husband, thank you. Your sacrifices are not unnoticed and will NOT be in vain. We will stand shoulder to shoulder with you, if/when it comes to that.

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We need civil disobedience in numbers.

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Nor should the people we hold the power.

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People need to realize this. They're too busy wanting to go back to the bar, casino and restaurant to worry about giving away their children's future. History won't look back on them kindly.

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I think the way it is unfolding now is better-- chaotic unpredictable and non-violent. Exercising our rights where we can

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"Unfortunately, we now know the vaccines do not preclude infection or transmission. As a result, we are forcing people to choose between their livelihoods and a freedom-robbing vaccination mandate with no rationale. We are only beginning to see the dire consequences of these ill-advised mandates."

Author: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin.

An Awakening? I hope more Politicians wake up !!!

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For sure only governments take your not give them ours are inalienable by our creator. Present day rulers do not know or like our constitution yet they take a oath too protect and defend. Most have no intention to be responsible. Just show them the money and spin everything

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not wanting forced medical procedures might be one thing most Americans agree on regardless of your politics; biden may unite us all yet!

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Unproven, untested forced experimental medical procedures, to boot, about which there are ZERO long-term safety data (or efficacy data, FTM).

Remember, it took four YEARS to discover the disaster that was Thalidomide.

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Vioxx too!! (Merck's FUCKUP and they have a new magic Covid Pill!! )

I guess NO LONG TERM STUDIES falls on deaf ears until it's too late !!

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Agreed! But you know what I don’t get? Is why do people have to have a religion or medical reason to explain why they should be exempt? I’m against use of using aborted fetuses in development of anything. It has nothing to do with religion. I do have problems with meds and in the end, doctor wouldn’t write an exemption, but it’s crazy to me people have to have some “official” reason to be against this vaxx for whatever reason. It pisses me off to no end!

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Complete agree. That issue is continually glossed over. I have a right to say 'NO' and I don't need a doctor or pastor to give me that authority, either!

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That would be something! I still think it’s some of the other changes like the bank transaction issue I mentioned earlier that woke people up to Biden’s regime. If there’s one thing most of us have in common, is we are protective when it comes to money and our bank accounts and we don’t want anyone telling us how to spend our money (except maybe taxes which we seem to accept - sigh 😔)

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*backed*, not *back* (I wish we could edit our posts, at least within the first 5 minutes after we comment)

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Me too. My typos can’t be corrected.

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If I make a blunder and notice it immediately, I delete it, correct it, and repost.

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I did that with a different post, where I forgot to include nurses in my list of those who are risking everything. But no one had "liked" or commented on that one yet. This one already had reactions, so I didn't want to mess with the thread continuity.

Still...Substack SHOULD be sophisticated enough to allow edits, at least within a reasonable window of time if not totally open-ended. I get how they might not want to allow you to edit something 2 days later, but for example The Epoch Times and the WSJ allow edits within, I think, 5 minutes of posting.

Substack should incorporate that.

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Maybe write the comment in a different app then copy-paste it. Or you can reply to your own comment and add or clarify.

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That's what I did with the one I caught early enough - I copied my original comment, then reposted it in here with the correction, then deleted the original.

I actually have added/clarified an earlier post with another comment, but, the situation I'm talking about is not about substance, it's about typos. I cannot stand making typos and then catching them when it's too late! (Yes, I know - be a better proofreader from the get-go! But these kinds of threads are on-the-fly conversations that don't lend themselves to careful oversight. Anyhoo, Substack should allow a five-minute Edit period, IMO. I'd also like to have the ability to do some formatting, italics and bold, for example. Disqus allows that. Substack should, too. You can even do it in MeWe once you learn how to place asterisks properly. Ok, rant over.)

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I've done that as well, but I still wasn't fast enough. My deletion "ruined" a very witty and on-point response from someone else. Editing sometimes changes the comment's meaning and that can also ruin responses, but I still wish we could edit. In the meantime, replying to your own comment with asterisks works OK too.

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Don’t worry about the typos. We are very “sophisticated readers” here and we get it.

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A very sophisticated and UN-vaccinated crowd. ;-)

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Unless you type "your" instead of "you're". Then we might question the efficacy of your post ;-)

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If your MESSAGE gets across, witty or not, you’ve contributed to the discussion, folks. This is not about getting responses. Don’t beat yourselves up.

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Go Brandon! 🤪🤪

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Thanks, KP. I agree. I don't care about my own *mostly witless* responses, but I kinda hate ruining someone else's when THEIR wit and response contributed to the the thread. The levity in these dark times is therapeutic too.

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I agree that it's not *about* getting responses, but it *is* about not messing up a series of responses by deleting a post because of a typo. Because that series of responses is a conversation, and the conversation IMO is more important than any one comment. Which is your point as well, I do understand. It's the message.

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Whenever I feel inclined to complain about Substack forum software, I remind myself that at least it's mostly from this century.

Visit market-ticker.org where there are often some extremely great discussion threads but the forum software Deninger uses over there dates back to the early 90s I think. It's terrible.

But his Covid and government oriented content is good so I put up with the software. First world problems...

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"Editing sometimes changes the comment's meaning and that can also ruin responses" ~ yes, for sure. That's why I favor a 5-minute editing period after the post goes up, like Epoch and WSJ. After that, tough luck. Post a clarifying comment, and live with the typos!

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Hadn't considered a 5-minute editing period!

One difficulty on these super-popular substacks (thank you Alex Berenson from the depths of my heart!) is that the replies fly faster than my fingers and as much as I tell myself to slow down and think, I still want to keep up. I'm not used to "social media" !

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Right. Now, if it is something lengthy I’m posting , I copy it before I post in case I see a typo. Delete and fix. Sometimes I’m just lazy lol

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I voted blue all the way down ticket and am considered a leftist from Portland Oregon. This vaccine issue has made me rethink everything and unite with people on the right.

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Same, but in VA. There are more of us than are willing to get loud. I slapped a Youngkin sign in my yard so fast it made my own head spin. Enough is enough. I'm praying for all of us, that we can limp back to personal freedom and actual tolerance together.

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Welcome! Hope more of you catch on

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Independent all the way here. This is a fight across the spectrum.

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Voting for Blue is voting for totalitarianism. When an organization tells you what to do, how to spend your money and on what, when you can travel, then you have no freedom. When you have racists teaching your kids you have exactly what the communists and Nazis had done. When you look back compare the philosophy to what actually was implemented you should realize that the two are divergent. That is why my philosophy is leave me the hell alone and shut the hell up. W Wilson ruined this country with his Income tax. The man was a tyrant. Dont believe me go back and read the things he instituted and how he did it.

Buddy your ignorance caused the problem.

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Thank your husband, we are fighting this tyranny and I will never back down, ever. My employer in uk is a US law firn trying to mandate his, but I will never take this vaccine for a quick trip, in the uk they’re punishing unvaccinated travellers by making us have more tests and quarantine 😡

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Agreed! This affects all of us despite party lines and a lot are not in favor of forced vaccinations even if they are believers of this one (I’d be willing to bet too that many who got the jab (and won’t admit it) did not get vaccines that have been offered to us because most people I know have never gotten the flu shot or even a tetanus shot).

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I will proudly wear my Let's Go Brandon t-shirt as I sleep at the airport gates. God bless you, your husband and your family!

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I like that, Silverbullitt, I like that a lot!

May God bless all who participate in resisting this evil from the largest group to the smallest individuals. We need to free our children from this tyranny too!

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Tell your husband thank you from a few million likeminded people.

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Prayers that your husband continues to be strong in his "sickness". America is proud of him!

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As an loyal AA customer for years I too pray for his strength!

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Thanks to him for taking a stand against vaccine tyranny!

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Your husband is a King among men. Thank you. It is not going unnoticed

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Please tell him THANK YOU from all of us freedom loving Americans!

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Many thanks to your husband and other pilots who are standing up for America!!! Heroes!!🇺🇸

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A great big thank you to your husband and to all who take a stand for freedom. We're with you!

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Tell your husband I am a huge fan of what he is doing!

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EB - I can't say it any better than the others, but I want the "choir" to be huge THANK YOU and your husband pilot and all the other pilots and crews everywhere that take a stand.

Ephesians 6 Full Armor of God for all of you and His protection, strength and wisdom as well.

Let's Go Brandon!

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Why the little orange flower next to your name?

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Hi CarolAnne - Substack considers me to be a "founding member" (probably, but not necessarily, specific to Alex Berenson) based on my subscription. They have several levels of subscriptions: free, monthly, annual and "founding member." That doesn't mean I'm smarter than anyone else (*very much to the contrary* actually) and it definitely isn't because of a low frequency of typos and misspellings. It just means that I believe in Alex so strongly that I've chosen to support him a bit more than the average bear and that I was sufficiently ticked off by the way Big Tech has treated him (I've never joined Twitter, but they have been particularly unkind to him).

It took a couple months to show up and I almost wish it hadn't. I've never desired the spotlight and my silly contributions don't deserve it.

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Founding Member status is for any particular author. You could have that status on some and not on others. Of course, one can also change their sponsorship too, at any time, but at least at the annual renewal.

I actually think you can be "anonymous" too as to your status if you prefer just mark that in your account.

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Thanks, Dennis, for the clarification!

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Thanks for the explanation. I look forward to reading more of your comments. 😀

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Thanks, CarolAnne and back at you! There are a lot of folks on Alex's posts that I'd love to meet over a cup of coffee, tea or heavier.

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I’ve been wondering what this is too. I was thinking maybe a long time substack subscriber or someone who comments frequently…?

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I think it's more based on subscription level. Yes, I comment more often than I should and sometimes those become a bit silly or off subject and they certainly contain a lot of typos and misspellings.

I'm an old guy and have never participated in "social media." Substack isn't social media but there is a social side of it when we begin to recognize frequent names.

I'm learning that, at times, my adrenaline spikes when I feel strongly about one of Alex's posts (that's most of them by the way) AND when one of my comments collects a lot of up-votes or replies. Learning that is a good thing; succumbing to it is not!

I now understand why young folks can get hooked on (and hurt by) by replies good and bad - it can be like a drug. Or, maybe, for me, like a Snickers Bar.

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I hope he is feeling better as soon as the mandates are lifted. Purely coincidental, I’m sure. 😉

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A mandate-ectomy is needed to cure the woes of the world.

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Tell your husband that we stand with him, all the way. Post here if you need help in your fight.

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Let's Go Brandon indeed!

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Please thank him for me

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Thank God for people like your husband. I believe these pilots will be the saving grace for all companies who do not want to comply with this mandate. We should NEVER be forced to have any medical procedure. There are no approved Covid vaccines in the U.S. so it’s even worse that this is experimental. Nuremberg Code anyone?

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Furthermore, they're not vaccines as that word had been defined for *years*. The dishonest, corrupt CDC had to change the definition of "vaccine" a couple of weeks ago because the Chinese virus experimental drugs weren't acting like vaccines are supposed to act.

So they changed the definition. That's the ONLY reason they're called vaccines now.

I changed the definition of "leg" to include an animal's tail. Wanna buy the world's only five-legged horse? That's illustrative of just how COMPLETELY dishonest and corrupt our CDC is now. Beyond the pale.

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Excellent point!

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I can say this because I have no travel plans at this time. And I hope I would feel the same way if I was a prospective inconvenienced traveler:

I applaud the pilots--and any other workers--who are in a position to push back on this relentless government over reach.

I'm only surprised that it took this long for Americans to assert themselves.

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I am a prospective inconvenienced traveler. I live on an island. I can only get to the States to visit my kids, their families, my new granddaughters, by air. The Christmas and New Year's holidays are approaching. I don't know how this will all shake out by then, but I stand with and behind (and in front of, if it comes to that) everyone who is fighting this tyranny at the possible cost of their jobs - teachers, pilots, nurses, flight attendants, truckers, everyone.

"THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated." ~Thomas Paine, 1776

(I deleted my original post because - a pox upon me! - I forgot to include nurses in my list)

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Love what you have to say here. Discomfort is coming our way if we are to win this fight over tyranny. Discomfort now, freedom later.

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Patriots for freedom have suffered discomfort throughout history! I’m standing up and out, proud if I can be numbered among them. 🇺🇸

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A quote I read today by Ethical Skeptic on Twitter.

“The goal of a syndicate is not a ‘Jeffersonian’ equal justice - but rather retribution for a fictitious offense, absolute power, and genocide.”

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It may be obvious from my post, but to be clear: I am a prospective inconvenienced traveler who will remain in the unvaccinated control group at any and all cost. Period.

I do not and will not take experimental drugs forced upon me, drugs for which there is literally ZERO long-term data about their safety.

I will NOT be Chinese-virus-vaccinated by drugs that are called "vaccines" SOLELY and ONLY because the corrupt, dishonest CDC changed the long-standing definition of "vaccine" because the Chinese virus drugs do not act, and were not acting, like vaccines. So they had to change the long-standing definition of "vaccine" in order to be able to call these experimental drugs "vaccines". F that. F them.

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So you are FAAFO! good for you🥰

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We are prospective inconvenienced travelers with a booked month long trip to HI just over a week from now. We debated on cancelling, though we would stand to lose thousands due to not using our timeshare weeks this year (too late now to roll over). We considered all the mandates and requirements, found a way to easily test in and be able to obtain food despite the insane restrictions on Oahu. We set our expectations appropriately, and we're ready to have a very different vacation on the islands this time.

HOWEVER ... while I will be very, very sad if these plans get disrupted, I will support the pilots and other staff that "sick out" to protest the draconian mandates. When we return from the trip, we have to face our own mandates, as my husband's two-man company is a sub-contractor to a federal contractor, and will be required to jab up in order to keep working from his home office. We are working on getting a religious exemption, and hope that will do. He has some mild heart issues, and he doesn't want to take the risk of exacerbating that. (I "retired" aka gave up looking, after getting laid off from my healthcare IT job, but have had Covid, and natural immunity - but that's not recognized anywhere, yet.) Fortunately, otherwise, living in a very red state, our every day lives will likely be unaffected by mandates. I hope.

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I love Maui and I can’t even imagine going there now . It’s a crazy leftist gov and they are destroying their only economy…. I have friends there and they are dealing with the insane rules , but I’m not going until it comes back , if it does ! A good friend just came back , you can’t go really anywhere if you’re not vaxed and dining is over at 3 pm ???? They don’t want people to gather … I hope Oahu is better !

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Oh no, Oahu is much, much worse right now.

In Maui, if you want to dine inside a restaurant (and they can stay open until 10pm now,) you have to be vax'd, otherwise you can dine outside (and many restaurants do offer this), or get take out.

In Oahu, if you want to dine inside OR outside - basically anywhere you can sit and eat on premises, you have to show that you are vax'd or show negative test results from within the past 48 hours.

Fortunately, Kauai and the Big Island have no such rules and only have the state requirement of masks in all indoor spaces.

Like I said, we have adjusted our expectations, and we are planning on a very different HI trip this time. I just pray we are able to get the rental cars we booked back last April!

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I knew HI was bad, but reading this is really depressing. It's the only state my husband hasn't been to and we thought it would be a great vacation for our 25th (we're about 10 years late, BTW!!) and now it looks like we'll never get there this side of the Kingdom. Good to know Kauai and the Big Island are less restricted as those are the islands on our list, but as I'm diehard anti-mask, those will have to wait too.

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Thanks I love the big island, I did not know that !! 🌈🌴🌺

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So sad…🙁

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You are fortunate to live in a red state….I hope you are not disappointed in your Hawaii trip. Being in a restrictive locked down state like CA, it is not fun to travel in parts of the state that are under a total totalitarian lockdown and mindset. I live in SoCA near the border with Mexico and we are relatively ‘free’ here, but everything from LA north along the coast is not free, and the energy feels quite oppressive.

I know I just went on a week long trip there. (And I drove, did not fly) I couldn’t wait to get home to my freedom loving friends, family and community.

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My heart just breaks for CA - I was born La Jolla, and spent most of my childhood in La Mesa. But my father saw the writing on the wall, and got his family out before everything went to shit - in 1978. I bless his now departed soul every day now - even though I was extremely unhappy at 13 to have to leave my friends and school and all.

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I really respect your thought process through this🥰 The right way will show itself. FYI-- European countries and frankly most in the world recognize natural immunity (through an antibody test typically). It is here in North America (sparing the sane country of Mexico 😊) that we don't respect the bodies wisdom. Why? Cause the Pharma giant squid of greed can't make money off that .

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PS: My cousin’s maiden name was Carol

Jones! Your name caught my eye! And no she would never be a follower of Alex B or read things that he has to say! On the contrary! 😉😀

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HAHA!!! love it-- such a common name in so many areas 🥰

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Yes Mexico may be more sane, but still everyone is wearing masks there and they want you to wear a mask into stores…I live down on the border and go to the dentist in Mexico. I’m perhaps the only or one of the few persons walking on the street without a mask on! And the Mexicans are fairly compliant when it comes to getting the Vacuña!

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Sorry to hear of your experience. I just returned from 12 days in Mexico City and Tecate (A ranch I go to) and I had a different experience. I guess it is all in comparison to what you are experiencing at home. 😊

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In Tecate did you go to Rancho La Puerta? If so The Ranch is in a bit of a bubble there in Tecate…always has been. I have been there s a few times. As far as Mexico City were there people wearing masks everywhere and were they required to go into stores, businesses or museums? Over in San Diego you don’t have to wear a mask to go shopping or into a store…though plenty of the Sheeple are still wearing them!

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I have heard a lot about natural immunity lately. I was in a waiting room a few days ago and CNN was on the TV that was mounted on the wall. The guest speaker said that natural immunity is proven to be as effective as the “vaccine” induced immunity. The info spreading!

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Does your husband on the company? If so, issue a new corporate policy that bands all employees directors and subcontractors from being required to take an experimental medical treatment which it still is.

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It's not that simple. The mandate comes from being a subcontractor to a federal agency. Both my husband and his partner, who is the owner, are opposed to being vax'd, but the mandate comes from the feds. If they walk away, not only would they lose a substantial amount of money (deep into 7 figures) but they'd also risk being sued by the contracting company. It's a flippin mess.

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I understand. Remember, there is no official rule or law on this. There is no OSHA rule. There’s nothing congress is voted on. It’s nothing but smoke and mirrors. 1. Nope. Not doing it. Fire me. 2. Ok sure, just sign this binding legal agreement accepting responsibility for any negative health impacts indefinitely.

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SO perfectly said, Andrew the Great!, along with SOOO many other Freedom lovers, Tyranny fighters, using their voice here. It's truly comforting being surrounded by so many like-minded people during this most uncertain, and literally frightening time. A hUge hug and heartfelt thanks to all, especially those fighting on the front line in this disastrous mess.!!.

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"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem." Thomas Jefferson, 1787

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Beautiful words!

Our ancestors didn’t win their freedom laying in feathered nests. We must honour their memories.

“We owe our freedom to men who do not bend, kneel or submit”. Winston Churchill

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Beautiful post🥰 Thank-you!

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It is beyond frustrating to be stuck because of this, I understand and I’m sure I will be one of the stranded in the upcoming days. However, this tyranny from the “President” has to be challenged and we the people must do everything possible to show Chinese Joe that he works for us, OT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!! God bless the pilots, the nurses, the teachers and everyone else refusing the mandates! Let’s go Brendon!!!

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We have to think of the big picture.....if they break my back, they will break yours.

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What bothers me about all this is the speed and eagerness of these companies to implement something that, technically, is not yet a regulation or executive order.

ALL companies, no matter what business they're in, are so beholden to the government they can't wait to follow through on a mere suggestion they should mandate vaccines.

That's something that has to change.

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The airlines all took buckets of money from the Federal Government, now they have to go along to get along. Hospitals too... it's all about being on the Fed Gov payroll.

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Ding-ding-ding-ding, we have a winner.

When you get free money you owe SOMETHING to whomever gave you money.

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And when they want to continue to get free money, that may be the crux of it.

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What's odd is that SW Air doesn't actually get that much fed money via contracts. And to my knowledge, there were no strings attached to the bailout funds. Southwest got $2.3 billion in direct payroll support and a billion dollar loan but still, they don't have to mandate their pilots get the jab because they received those bennies.

What is more likely is that, like a lot of large corporations, they think that mandating shots will ingratiate them to not only the Feds but to the traveling public at large. These C-level types live in such an ivory tower that they believe (feel) that everybody loves them some clot shots.

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And masks! I'm sick of seeing retail employees behind masks! It's difficult to understand them and kind of dehumanizes these people just trying to work. Idiotic corporations are catering to the weak and fearful neurotics. Pisses me off.

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The single most disgusting thing to arise out of this pandemic is the mandate for food service employees to wear masks.

Those people are constantly touching their mask then your silverware, french fries, etc.

They wear their masks into the restroom and after doing their bathroom duties, the flush creates a "toilet plume" which covers their mask with feces particles. They then spend the rest of their day breathing those particles in plus spreading them to your food.

I've stopped going out to eat wherever the employees are masked. Once you see the info on toilet plumes, you can't unsee it.

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And it’s getting old, here in Florida ( Red county) no one has worn a mask in forever, except retail, waitstaff and Country Club employees ( we golf a lot), it’s getting uncomfortable watching those that serve us, who we consider equals and kind people being denigrated behind those filthy masks. We need to stand up for everyone still being forced to mask, it’s insane.

DeSantis has unmasked the school children, Thank God, next are

the Publix cashiers.

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After reading your comment, I don’t think I’m eating out again

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Many restaurant employees don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. You think they put those "Employees must wash hands before returning to work" signs in the bathroom just for show?

If you're that paranoid about stuff like that, you should never have been eating out all these years, period. The food service industry isn't a 'clean' one, in general.

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I am currently on a Zoom meeting, the bulk of the people are in the office, I work remote.

They broke for lunch and left the camera on. One guy sitting there, in a large conf room that holds 40 or so. He is alone. He is wearing a mask.

They have conditioned so many that they need to wear a mask no matter what.

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Exactly-- I actually stopped such person in my neighbourhood, walking by himself and asked him why he was wearing a mask outside. he said" Its easier, then I don't have to put it remember to put it on when I go into a store" WTF? 😳😳😳

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It's their security blanket...their "blanky". My first thought is how dumb it is but then I catch myself and just pity them.

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I am retiring earlier than I had planned because I work in retail and cannot endure a mask eight hours a day anymore. I don’t like people just walking up and crowding with the line, “it’s okay, I am vaccinated.” I have more chance of getting the virus from them than from my fellow unvaccinated. I have decided not to wait for my company to go along with the mandate. As much as it pains me to take my work ethic away from coworkers, at 68 I just can’t stay.

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I’m sick of seeing college kids in masks... it’s insane.

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If they want to identify as slaves I'm happy to treat them as such. Mockery may not make them reevaluate their decisions, but at least they won't feel so good about them.

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I agree. So many of these young progressive kids see their masks as a badge of courage. An award. They have no idea….

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Bet they've been promise more bailout govt bribes to support the AGENDA. This whole episode stinks of bribery and backroom dealings. WE DO NOT NEED POLITICIANS! IF THEY WERE ALL FIRED AND BANNED LIFE WOULD BE SIMPLE...THEY CREATE ALL OF THE PROBLEMS AND STEAL ALL OF THE MONEY.

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I read somewhere that the FEDS had SW Pilots flying illegals all over the country and they weren't happy about it. Is this true?

If it is true, it's disgusting that the FEDS are pushing the vax issue with pilots and then claiming illegals aren't required to get the vax.

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Its not contracts with the Feds, its an outright briber-er sorry subsidy- $25 b

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I agree the Feds like to throw our money around to get corporations to fall in line. I'm just not sure that an airline who took said bribe in the past is going to doom their company in order to be able to take advantage of some future bribe.

The airline business is a fragile one. These companies come and go. Sure, you can get a bailout from the Feds now and again but that money doesn't buy you more qualified pilots to replace the ones you fired or killed, does it?

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There are a lot of pilots still on the bench because air traffic is still 25% below pre-pandemic levels. Traffic levels will likely continue to be lower than the baseline for another year or two (as happened after 9/11), so those pilots can be called up to fill in the gap caused by those who don't wanna get a jab.

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No, but you are assuming they want to continue their business. Maybe they believe that people will never (due to income or fear) fly like they used to so what kind of business model are they looking at? For starters a much smaller presence.

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I think most of them are considered federal contractors over some minor work they do. They should just give that up. If they all give it up then the federal government has no one to do it.

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"And to my knowledge, there were no strings attached to the bailout funds."

There are ALWAYS strings attached.

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I'm speaking here specifically about mandates. Even in my most cynical world, I have a hard time believing that the feds told SW Air that in order to get payrol and loan funds, they would have to mandate their pilots get jabbed.

Was the Southwest C level delusional enough to think their pilots would go for this?

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it's called drunk with power

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Not sure that is the timeline of the conversation. It wouldn't be that specific in the terms of agreement. It would be something like follow federal policy etc etc. To have a document or email around with that kind of specific language wouldn't happen. Thats what DOJ lawyers are for

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Yup nothing is free

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"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"

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Funny part is....it's NOT the "government's" money, it's tax payer money and it's time the government gets a clue, they work for us. It really is a great awakening....we've allowed the government to get entirely out of control where they are only serving their own self-interest and they act like children not getting their way. As hard as this road is to go down, it needed to happen...We the People needed a wakeup call and we got it! Let's Go Brandon!!

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That's the rub. The quite a number of people in this country think it is the governments money.

I know people who think this way and refuse to discuss it.

Government can only take its money by force.

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Legalized Robbery !!

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Well the problem is that they don’t work for us. They’re supposed to but they don’t.

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Indeed, they work for us.

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too bad so many in gov. (R&D; elected or not) C it as their money.

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the mouse never asks why the free cheese

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But there's NOTHING yet to "go along with". It was a g/d press release.

And they took buckets of money because THE GOVERNMENT destroyed the economy. WTF should ANYONE in America be beholden to the government that destroyed their livelihood, and then tossed them an extortion lifeline that the government caused to be needed?!

Does corporate America not have a g/d spine or brain cell among them??

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Furthermore...WHERE did the money come from? From themselves! From taxpayers!! Government per se didn't give them one g/d penny, because government doesn't produce anything. It only taxes and confiscates. The money the government handed out came FROM the taxpayer, and will be repaid BY the taxpayer and the taxpayers' descendants, in the form of inflation and higher taxes for years to come.

We don't owe government ANYTHING for the sh*t they've done TO us, and neither does corporate America.

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Doesn't change the fact that the government has already done this (search for Obama and GM).

We have let the federal government become far too powerful, instead of the limited roll the Founders envisioned.

As Mr. Franklin said, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Well, I think it is over and it is time to "alter or abolish" the current form of government as it has become destructive to our unalienable Rights, among them being Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

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I don't disagree with your points. But I'm talking about corporate America's disgusting genuflecting to government and to anti-America Leftists and Democrats.

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Oh, you and I are on the same page. It is disgusting. I honestly do not understand how they can bend over like they do.

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Totally agree Andrew, but think back -- THIS is the way it is always done. They take taxpayer money and decide who they will give it to - -Israel?, MIC? Corporations supporting a govt policy (Ie ObamaCare)-- do taxpayers vote for that- no. This is NOT a new formula for them. It is just that it is so aggregious because it limits freedom that people are paying attention.

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That's all true, Carol. But one of the arguments is that the airlines are doing the vaxx mandates because they "owe" it to the government, because of the big bailouts they got from the government.

My argument is that they don't "owe" the government jack sh*t, if they "owe" anyone, they owe US, because WE are the ones who funded those bailouts with our and our descendants' tax dollars (present and future) and with inflation.

I think it *can* be viewed analogously to foreign aid. If we give Israel or Colombia or Sri Lanka federal aid, those countries damn well BETTER feel like they "owe" America - that is, Americans - for that aid. All too often, however, countries that receive foreign aid from us then turn around and sh*t on us.

Well, the airlines are doing the same thing. They take OUR and our children's and our grandchildren's tax dollars...and then they sh*t on us, by extension, by genuflecting to government with the vaxx mandates.

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They would not do something because they "owe" it. Corporations don't have character. They'd do it because they don't want to be left out of the next round as punishment.

so I agree with you it seems unlikely that would happen. During the NSA spying scandals AT&T got some extra privileges in HIPAA as payback for "taking one for the team" by illegally cooperating with the bulk spying, but I don't see an airline getting left out of a future bailout because their vax coercion wasn't enthusiastic enough.

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Totally agree but that is not how corps see it-- they see that Govt's can make more money for them by moving regs so they dont have to incur costs, Govt effects tax policy and employment policy. Taxpayers dont. That connection and pressure has been given over/lost? to special interests, K street and lobbyists. And now you have a pay to play govt, not a democratic one. They grease each others palms, put on a show every election cycle and we have let them (I'm Canadian and its the same here, just not as corporate and the money isn't as agregious).Why? because we are all busy trying to live and survive and have looked the other way while this happens--no judgement, the offloading of services the pressures of society all take precedent and govts have seen an opportunity to steal, corrupt and destroy the public connection. And when we said heh what the hell, they made sure they could control the outcome of elections-- the rot is complete.

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I am assuming (I know, bad to assume) your questions are rhetorical ...

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A perfect example of government taking money from the people to use against the people.

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ITS ALWAYS THAT WAY-- pick a President, pick an issue-- its nothing new-- just way more people are affected by the COVID BS

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Let's face it, many companies took buckets of money from the government over the years, especially in 2008-2011. Of all, airlines owe the government the least because the government and the economy need the airlines more than the airlines need the government in the end. If flights slow or stop, there will be too much pressure on politicians and they will have to given in on this. The US government could create their own airline, would you fly on it?

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Reminded me of the time some of my friends were touring Russia and flew on a Russian airline. At that time all the airlines were gov owned and operated. She said as they took off....her seat began to slide backwards on the rail it was attached too. Said it was one of the scariest airplane rides she ever experienced.

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This is exactly right. I toured China in 1980. We flew in Russian-built planes. The Chinese “flight attendants “ sat on, what looked like, milking stools the entire flight! Flights were terrifyingly dangerous.

Additionally, I spent a week behind the Iron Curtain in Germany in the mid-60’s. Crossing back through Checkpoint Charlie was a sight I cannot get out of my mind. The Soviets through all our luggage out on the road, opened it all up and scattered clothes everywhere. As a very naive 16 year old whose life was all about rock ‘n roll, I assumed I was a gonner. It was a helluva education I wish our youngins could experience today.

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About the same time frame...sometime in the early to mid 70's. I remember her also telling me that women guards were placed outside their hotel room door. And the lack of toilet paper. They told me the sights were incredibly beautiful but they would never go back LOL. Yes...the kids today need to spend a few months in Cuba or Venezuela. And not sponsored by the gov.....live and work with the working class. I have spent some time in Cairo Egypt. The poverty is gut wrenching. No jobs....heavily dependent on tourist. Never seen so many grown men sitting on their ass all day long.

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Interesting...while in Cairo I asked my host why there was so much poverty. His reply was stunning. He said "we lost our middle class".

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Let's face it, they already did it with GM with a lot less reason, search for Obama and GM.

Because the economy is so dependent on the airlines, they confiscate it under "for the good of the people". They first got money in the 2001, then in 2008-2011 bailouts, and finally they got more last year with the CARES Act (and the airlines were FIRST in getting the money).

If it is the only way to fly? I would be forced to use the government airline to do my job.

The libs endgame is communism - total control by the government of ALL industries.

They wouldn't need to "create" their own airline. Do you really think they wouldn't just take over the airlines?

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They did here in Canada-- Air Canada-- people actually now want to fly on it because it became privatized (another taxpayer funded toy for a politically connected CEO 🙄) before that not so much.

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FED dolled mula always has strings attached and Biden can declare an emergency and confiscate an airline that doesn't get in the Covid Line.

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But as yet he cannot command the pilots of said confiscated airline to fly. Would you want to be in an airplane piloted by a slave?

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Who could die suddenly from stoke or a heart attack?

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Yes, who could die very suddenly if he gets the shot.

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And defense contractors like Raytheon and Boeing

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Exactly same with MSM and the same here in Canada-- Air Canada and the CBC, all the print media-- got TONS of money

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They need to turn off CNN and MSBNC and NPR, etc. They are being pressured into it. They don't know they law. There is no law.

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There is in fact Biden Regime lawlessness. It must be resisted.

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Remember, the Obama regime would go after any company or industry that opposed them... Not to mention, these airlines need business from the federal government...

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Not totally true--depends on the Airline depends on who is connected politically, ie Delta has no vaxx mandates for employees. Depends on who got straight up subsidies. Its not homogeneous.

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True. There’s no “mandate” at this point

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Southwest has government contracts and falls under the vaccine mandate for all federal contractors. Not sure about American Airlines.

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They should give up that work for now. If all airlines give it up then there’s no one to do it. There must be some reason they are dividing it between airlines. So they would have to change those laws. And is it really better to have so many pilots leave than to give up some contracts? Either way, there is no mandate and the CEO has already said no one will be fired. (He did not say they would not be placed on unpaid leaves of absence.) He can give out generous medical and religious exemptions. He may just see God and do that.

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Asking a corporation to give up profit is like asking a king to give up land. They're too sure of their position to make the sensible choice even if it would avoid a bloody, expensive, useless war.

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True. I’ve got it—say the staff is all vaccine worshippers so they get a religious exemption! As they are spiritually jabbed. :)

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And there never should be.

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It was a deal with the devil!

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I am rather certain that 3% of Southwest’s employees voluntarily chose to be vaccinated leaving 97% free to choose. If Southwest’s business with the US government

Is 3% of its revenues, then they are fully in compliance. Since Texas government does not require a mandate Southwest can fully comply with that allowing 97% to choose.


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In my humble opinion THAT is something WE THE PEOPLE make it change. In our Capitalism, WE the consumer, not the government make or break those business.

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Unfortunately this money to then came from Trump, I think, but then likely leveraged against them by Bunker Biden. Now they must decide which relationship to stay in bed with, the Feds or their loyal employees.

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I’m also am amazed how quickly they bowed ? I’m ready to be inconvenienced also . This has to be done and the airlines can do it !! 🇺🇸🇨🇱

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You go home with who brought ya-- if you get a $25 Billion dollar subsidy you owe someone

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We the people paid for the subsidy.

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They have been bought (sorry got subsidies 🙄) off-- SWA $25 billion in cash and in loans. Nice right?

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I fully support the pilots and other staffers who are taking a stand. I feel for those passengers who have been "stranded" or inconvenienced, but we must all be inconvenienced for a short period of time in order to stop this gov't overreach NOW. Stay home for 2 weeks, we complied, wear a useless piece of paper across your face, we complied, get a vax that really isn't a vax regardless of natural immunity, DO NOT COMPLY! I complied briefly with the stay at home, but I have been doing my own protest. I will not go anywhere that requires a mask, and I will NEVER show vax papers. I don't have a problem with the vax, I just won't ever show the papers. We must all take a stand now, and stop this, or there will be something else after this. How many men and women sacrificed and took a stand for this country by going to war? Being gone for months, years, on end, or even forever? I for one, am okay with being inconvenienced for a few hours, or by not flying at all until this stops! Let's Go Brandon! Let's Roll!

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I usually visit a friend's winter home in Florida. This year? Maybe I'll drive--or not go at all for $5/gal gas.

YES! No more sheep-like compliance for masks, "social distancing," show-your-card.

I'm DONE with all this.

I, too, am willing to be inconvenienced if that's what it takes to end this madness.

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100%. I took it a step further and MOVED to Florida. I also have a beautiful beach condo for rent in St. Augustine. It's available ALL WINTER right now. Anyone interested in using it and escaping the crazed blue states, LMK!

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Do you have a link to your condo? Perfect time of year to get out of Dodge (Buffalo,NY)

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I would be interested depending on the rent I live in Commiefornia and considering a move Fla is a possibility please let me know the details thank you dory O’toole doryotoole@gmail.com

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Hey now! I want that condo, too! lol

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So do I -- I am Canadian dont we get first dibs in FLA? 🤣🤣

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Link is above, but it's priced for short term use, just FYI. Jan-Feb-Mar is our peak season. LOVE FLORIDA!

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No link presents my peak season is the same i live in Palm Springs pleas resend link

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My ancestors willingly sacrificed their lives as young adults for the promise of unalienable rights in the Declaration, then put them on paper with the Bill of Rights. Four score seven years later young adults sacrificed their lives hoping those rights would apply to all Americans, and one hundred years after that yet more Americans put their lives on the line to guarantee those rights for all Americans, and several were martyred. At 74 years of age, I would not sacrifice the rights of my children for a year or two extension of my life, even if I thought my life were under threat, which it is not if I take personal precautions like vitamin D supplements, zinc, quercetin and a stock of medications that are OTC in most tropical countries where malaria and river blindness common.

People must not allow themselves to be stampeded with fear.

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Tune in at 56 minutes in for a convincing report on how keeping high levels of vitamin D will keep you covid protected. No zinc etc. needed. My policy is D3 10000 units (get the one in the red plastic jar at Amazon for $10 for 400 D3 10000 units gel caps) daily plus K2 and magnesium to guard against calcification from too much D3. I take this amount even though I get more sun than most, daily. I mowed my large lawn today.. With shirt off of course for max D conversion via my skin. If your work/life situation is an indoors job you gotta take 10000 D3 daily. I have not had any Covid vaxxes/ _______________ The D3 video to look for is on BitChute. It is called "Flux Woo" from Oct 08, 2021 and will show up on your search via google and Bing ______________ I also see it on youtube as "CLIF HIGH : FLUX WOO" ....

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A revealed email (FOIA?) indicates Fauci takes 6,000 IUs/day, but I've heard that higher level like yours are not dangerous. It's important to take it consistently, as it takes your liver about 2 wks to metabolize the D3 to the useful form (calcefediol?).

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D3 also needs K2 and magnesium to do its complete physiological job. Check out info about that.

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My new line to women friends who are afraid of the vid: I understand, but remember fear is not a virtue.

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With age comes wisdom. Share the truth and it will set us free! 🙏🏻❤️

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Exactly! Fear is what controls the people. Watch V for Vendetta

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You are so right!

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This is beyond Politics now, WE THE PEOPLE ,must apply the Economic Pressure to make elected officials panic. It will be easy is some cases ; And long and difficult in other cases going up against hard-nosed Authoritarians ! It has to be done for the sake of Liberty for all People of the Planet !!!

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Unfortunately, there is a segment of the elites that actually WANT economic destruction for population reduction, but I think most do not and will be susceptible to the pressure you speak of. It will be a difficult struggle, so gird up your loins.

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I think you give the opposition too much credit. I think most of this is just ignorance, bad science, fear porn that attracts viewers and spreads hysteria, president with dementia, vp that's a nitwit, corporate virtue signaling and pandering to a stupid public, and incompetent, weak and fearful leaders at every level in every major institution. Maybe all CEOs and university presidents, judge and politicians should be required to do a semester of flight school!

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About giving the opposition too much credit - Bill Gates was speaking on a TED-X talk recorded on video, talking about his views on over-population and how that is allegedly impacting "global warming." I'm paraphrasing this part, but - he said that even with our best efforts, it would be difficult to prevent projected population increases in the next couple of decades, but - this part was very clear, whether these are his exact words, we can reduce a certain percentage of the expected increase in population with good reproductive health and "with some of the new vaccines." This is a very odd statement - I am sure by "good reproductive health, he meant contraceptives and abortion, since he and his wife have been funding and promoting these efforts globally, and it is contraception and abortion that would partially reduce the anticipated increase in population over some years into the future. "Reproductive health" is a euphemism for not reproducing. But then one would think that vaccines were developed to save lives and thus maintain the population, not to reduce it. Yet, he was saying quite casually that "some of the new vaccines" were going to help prevent further increases in the population and help keep populations lower, though still not low enough for him. I thought this was chilling, but it is consistent from some of the very recent vaccine research that indicates the genetic "vaccines" appear to cause an adverse impact on our innate immune system - the part of the immune system that is quietly working all the time even before we make antibodies, to keep threats under control. There is also data that shows that the vaccines are causing re-activation of viruses that we previously were finished with - reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus that causes mono, reactivation of the chicken pox virus that causes shingles, and so on. In addition, reactivation of previously "cured" cancer that comes back with a vengeance quite quickly and unexpectedly. There is health data that shows these illnesses making a comeback in individuals after receiving the shots, but also data showing that important immune functions have been damaged or suppressed, consistent with the post-vaccine illnesses that are being seen. I don't have time to look up all the articles - but - I do think Gates was being truthful when he showed lower population projection "with some of these new vaccines" and he does now - he's been involved in vaccine research for decades. He knows the vaccines will reduce the population and he is too rich to care. He owns 7 mansions, and just one of them is 66,000 square feet, 11,000 square feet greater than the floor space in the White House's living area, and much more than 20 times the size of homes that most Americans live in. He's rich enough that there is nothing we can do that would make him care. And then - the President of the US has dementia, and there is no way that he is actually running the country - but whoever is running it behind the scenes will never care what the rest of us want or think or do. Some in high places do want money and are paid by the Chinese. But - it is true that the heads of corporations have no idea about the true dangers of the vaccine and how forcing the vaccines on employees will destroy their businesses one way or another. The people do have the power to say no, and there are actually more of us than more of them. Our actions can make a difference. But we should not underestimate the opposition, or the control they have over the media.

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What you point out is the real concern with these "vaccines". I dont know (does anyone) if they will feed this eugenics population issue but I DO know they will cause large increases in chronic health issues, primarily cancer, cognitive nerve and respiratory issues. Pharma likes nothing more than a good lifetime rent from the person it is poisoning.

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So nice to read people who are broadly informed and thinking! (Especially on the heels of dealing with dental folks living in delusional psychosis this morning!) Yes, Gates actually said the world population needed to be reduced by 15-20%. I just said to my husband last night, "Why does Bill Gates use the example of vaccines in his list of ways to 'reduce the population'? Shouldn't that be setting off alarm bells for anyone who is thinking?" In an interview with Stew Peters, Dr. Zelenko said he believes the gene therapy shot is designed for mass genocide. It's the strongest thing I've heard anyone say, and McCullough has said both the virus and jab are bioweapons. Not only do the C-suite people not have a clue about what the jab does, most in the medical establishment don't either. That's obvious from reading comments people post here - like one today who said her pulmonologist is pushing the jab because it's "safe"!! Either they are nefariously lying or they are completely ignorant. Those are the only two options.

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1) The state medical boards tell us we must get all our patients on board with vaccine, though all we receive as physicians is propaganda, and not data - it is hard for medical professionals to get accurate and complete information, and a lot of the research that should have done was never done. But our boards send us propaganda and there is the mistaken belief that everything is as usual. This is a "vaccine" like none other.

2) Many physicians in large health systems are being told that part of their pay will be held back if they do not get a certain percentage of people signed up for the vaccine, so the employer (the health system) is wrongly pressuring the physicians to promote the vaccines - if you assume something is safe because the CDC and FDA say so, and a substantial portion of your income is at risk if you don't promote the vaccine - wouldn't you?

3) Health professionals are threatened with loss of license and thus loss of livelihood, loss of being able to make house payments and support one's children - if we give "false information." Saying that the vaccines are safe, wonderful, no side effects, and necessary = true facts and saying we should evaluate risk vs. benefit, what ARE the side effects etc. = false information, loss of license. I read about a doctor in, I think, Arkansas, who treated 150 prisoners with Ivermectin and they all lived, no one died, but he was being investigated by his medical board. Apparently he cured them with the wrong med - if he had just let them die there would have been no investigation. Sort of like Jesus healing on the Sabbath, healing on the wrong day - wrong med this time. You see these things, and naturally one wants to maintain a low profile and not rock the boat too much especially in any visible way. I also read of a doc in a midwestern state who DID lose his license at least temporarily, due to someone reporting him to the medical board as being "anti-vax." He said he is not anti-vax and whatever he said was misinterpreted but he did lose his license, which would have caused loss of income during at least some period of time - and there was to be a hearing, but I do not know what has happened since then, whether he was re-instated. We can only say what THEY say and think what THEY tell us to think. And let me tell you, it is very hard work for any MD find out the information that we actually need in order to make good recommendations. I thought from the beginning there was something to be concerned about with the vaccines, but I could not find the clear evidence I needed to speak against the vaccine. Now, yes, I heard McCullough say it is a bioweapon, and I have also heard former Pfizer researchers give further information - yes, I am sure of it, but I still am careful about what I would say publicly. Here, you see I have not used my full name. If my patients have taken the vaccine I don't say, "oh, so sorry you have just taken a bioweapon," and actually it does not have all the harmful effects in every person, though it's early days still, and we have not yet seen all that we will see. And later - with the innate immune system being suppressed, if a cancer makes an aggressive comeback unexpectedly, the death will be attributed to the cancer and not the vaccine, for example. If a year later they die of heart failure or respiratory failure from micro-clots from the vaccine - no, that will be death due to heart or lungs, but not a vaccine effect. So, the harmful effects may be difficult to sort out particularly since no one in the three-letter agencies wants the truth to be discovered, autopsies are not being done on those who have been vaxxed even if they die the same die or the day after getting the shot - no one is curious to discover the truth - and - there is just so much money to be made on the vaccines. I think there is more I meant to say - but - it is hard for MD's to even know the truth. AND even the medical newsletters promote the approved narrative and mock or criticize those who believe in treatment and not so much in vaccines - so you know that all the smart people are on board with the vaccines. But it has been very difficult to find information that would allow one to say - despite the pressures - yes, this is harmful. What I have told people is this - the vaccines are not effective against the delta variant. In Israel, there is a surge going on, and about 85% of people who are getting Covid are already fully vaxxed - and no, they do not all have "mild" disease - many are in hospitals and many have died. Since the vaccines do not work anyway - why take the booster? I will treat you if you get sick. If you take another shot, you are accepting all the risk but you get no benefit. Why would you do this? But with many people, even some in my own family, they are so brainwashed, you can't even have a conversation. Btw, we are seeing Israel's situation in other places including in the US. Oh - the thing I meant to say also is that everyone in the original control group already has been vaxxed, thus it will be impossible to get a clear picture of some of the late emerging side effects that are already being seen - some of these effects are being seen by now, but it's tip of the iceberg to what it will be, and tip of the iceberg to what will ever be attributed to the vaccine - no matter how many deaths, it will be worse than we know.

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This is excerpted from the email from the pulmonary group in Georgia that I mentioned earlier (it's mock worthy):


Things to know:

1. The COVID-19 vaccine is scientifically proven effective at preventing the virus. Experts agree getting vaccinated may also help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19. The vaccines cannot give you the virus itself.

2. The COVID-19 vaccine is proven safe through the U.S. Vaccine Safety System. All COVID-19 vaccines have gone through the same safety tests and meet the same requirements as any other vaccine currently produced.

3. With increasing rates of COVID-19, we urge everyone to continue to wear masks, social distance, practice hand hygiene, and avoid crowds, even after vaccination.


And these people call themselves professionals.

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Medicine has become very complicated, with many silos for specialists. The average GP, internist or family practice physician doesn't have time to learn the technical foundations of all specialties, so (s)he is taught to defer to authorities in those other fields. They don't have the time to read and understand technical papers, and if they work for a large clinic or hospital, they are paid for obedience. Zelenko is in private practice, and McCullough has been disowned by Baylor, with whom he was associated for many years. Gold was fired from her job.

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Consider Matthew Ehret's article about Maurice Strong, on of Canada's most committed globalists: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/11/25/maurice-strong-and-the-roots-of-the-great-reset-agenda/. Pay particular attention to the two quotes. Within the first, Strong says, "...it is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security.” So everything is to be controlled top-down from the global level, and who elects or selects the "global community?" Keep in mind Matthew's description of this fellows influence during the last half of the 20th Century and first few of the 21st and his elite connections.

Now, consider the meat of the second quote, "So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

I didn't say this viewpoint dominates elite classes. If it did, the vacks makers would be giving it away free to developing countries instead of worrying about their own profits. But Malthusian thinking is not rare among these elites, and their arrogance does not allow them to consider that the hoi polloi will have the wisdom to limit their reproduction before disaster strikes. These Malthusian "stake holders" will continue to push for a "Great Reset," and we don't yet know how many elites will go along with the necessary economic collapse.

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Brilliant points and love the connections you make 💗

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Maurice Strong was the original Klaus Swab. Unfortunately Canadian and a fucking psychopath-- shudder-- got to close to him and his brood at one point in Ottawa. He truly drunk the UN/WEF/ Gates/blackmail and bribery works koolaid . BIG TRUDEAU LIBERAL.

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They THINK they want it-- be careful what you ask for

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Some of the authoritarians are on Chinese payroll and probably get so much money that they don't care about us or what we do - they just have to keep doing what they do to meet their employer's expectation which is not us. In addition, some of the people who are active a bit behind the scenes or behind the curtain are uber-wealthy globalists who have so much money that the economic impact of one person is a drop in the ocean. But I agree, that enough people standing up will make a difference in the overall outcome. We can impact corporations that depend on our work or our purchases. Globalists who want to kill 3/4 of the world's population are too rich and insulated to be influenced away from their agenda, but corporations who need our participation - our work or our purchases can be influenced.

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I agree with you 100 percent!!

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Well we've certainly all been 'inconvenienced' by business closures, school closures, mask mandates etc. etc.

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I have a flurry of travel ahead and numerous commercial pilot friends. They all will verify this. They are using their power, not only for themselves, but for us. Support them and re-learn to use your power, you have it too.

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“You’ve always had the power, my dear. You just had to learn to use it for yourself.”

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There's no place like home.

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Oooohhhhh I can hear Glindas voice-- I have a craving for yellow bricks😊

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Oh man...me too!

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CANCEL your plans and just do ZOOM for awhile - be sure to tell the airlines why you are canceling or not going to be flying for awhile :)

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Zoom or drive. From where I live in an east coast state, can drive to Chicago, Atlanta, Indianpolis, Nashville, Philly, Washington or New York in one day. If I were flying, there are no direct flights to most of these locations, and considering airport check in and wait times on a good day, plus what it may come to with possible testing and the potential issues of vax, masks etc., no thank you. It is much more pleasant driving as long as there is gas at the pumps which is true for now. Otherwise, I have learned to love zoom, and was often annoying even before Covid. I think timewise, I do not really suffer from driving rather than flying, and it's much better for health, mental health and - freedom, for now. Recently, I almost decided to fly to New Jersey for an all-day pharma meeting for health professionals, then decided to drive, then decided not to go at all. But for the present, if anything comes up, I am not going to plan to fly - it will be drive, or zoom. In the past, I have been a very frequent flyer, but not for now.

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I don't care if this has to go on for 6 months or longer.

Slavery and forced inoculations are a lifetime commitment with this agenda.

The Ruling Class is NOT going to stop.

They are patient and have the resources to be patient.

We must outlast them.

Throw sand in the gears of their plans at every turn.

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Thank them for us!

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Alex, pay attention to what will happen in Italy the 15 October when the Covid certification to work will be made mandatory: in the port of Trieste, the worker said they will strike, the government tried to bribe them by giving free test in order to have a valid certification but they refused as they are opposite to Covid certification for any worker on Italy. Please notice that from the port of Trieste are carried all products destinated to Germany. Also in the military base of sigonella the air force will protest and about 18000 police officers will also protest as they are not vaccinated. The government are trying hard to blame neo-fascist movement but this time they step on a s*it bigger than them.

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As an American of Italian descent, I have great fondness for the innate screwy-ness of Italians. Italians have elevated protest to an art form, god love 'em.

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I'm of Italian (father from Sicily) and Irish descent. I prefer the Irish rebellions. More fireworks.

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Me too! Irish, Italian, and for that extra kick of bitchiness, French Canadian.

Feisty, stubborn, passionate, and just mean enough to get the job done!

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My husband is German and Irish. Together we make a formidable team!

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I wish we could send them our support. My question is why did Canadians re-elect someone who is gleefully passporting them..... They had an election which would have ended this for them!

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The 3 main parties all were on the same communist agenda page. All pushing mandates. A fourth (new) party, the PPC were blocked or misaligned by the CBC which is a state run (read: Liberal) media. People here a absolutely brainwashed by the non-stop propoganda.

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Trudeau won with 34% of the vote. His major "conservative" opponent was as bad on lockdowns and mandates as Justin. The establishment didn't offer a way out.

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There was a 3rd party alternative. Granted, it was shut out of debates but it was on the ballot for those refusing to vote the lesser of evils.

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I guess the big political money is only provided by those who support the narrative and the populace is so unjustifiably filled with fear by a corrupt media that the people vote for "safety." Terrifying it was so easy for the power players to do!

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It's the Rest of us that keep the gears of the Economy oiled,however....

This is beyond Politics now, WE THE PEOPLE ,must apply the Economic Pressure to make elected officials panic. It will be easy is some cases ; And long and difficult in other cases going up against hard-nosed Authoritarians ! It has to be done for the sake of Liberty for all People of the Planet !!!

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Yes! It is a world takeover! The world is praying America will win this battle because once they have us, they have the world. 🙏🏻

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I suspect their elections may not have integrity any more either?

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Perhaps the same reason that the occupant in the WH got "more votes, NOT voters". But then again... other indicators about Canadians cannot be ignored.

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They didn’t vote him in just like we didn’t vote in Biden.

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Please yes.

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I’m flying today on southwest😬. I was going to write let’s go Brandon on the barf bag. Hope I don’t get stuck in my travels but wld be worth it to see Americans standing up for freedom!!

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DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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First rule of all modern warfare....control the skies.

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I think you may be on to something Tom.

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Texans, we have an opportunity to get a law passed this week banning vaccine mandates. Special session ends October 20. Call your state house and senate representatives and urge them to support legislation banning all vaccine mandates in Texas. Look up your representatives by typing “who represents me in Texas” into Google

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Its not working. Florida neither. These governors should have been on it months ago! Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman...all putting the screws to their workers.

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NO MANDATES is law in Florida. Challenged of course but law. Gov. DeSantis has already fined one county $3.5M for mask mandate.

Also the constant lies about COVID numbers going up in FL are a nuisance but what would you expect from leftist media.

Confront, confront, confront and never let them get away with lying.

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Tell that to Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman... they must not have received the memo. They will just say "F-U" to Heavy D.

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They are all Defense Contractors and are complying with the EO/mandate that all federal contractors must be vaccinated. This sets up court challenges for state's rights (legislation) over federal mandates. States should win unless the federal mandates are backed by legislation ~ they are not.

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If Arkansas is any indicator, GOP politicians will not be our savior. They are generally worse than useless. The Arkansas House has a super majority and they couldn't get a single decent piece of anti-mandate legislation passed in the special session that just ended.

Likewise, even that bastion of conservatism, Wyoming, has done nothing about mandates. Same for Idaho.

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This is beyond Politics now, WE THE PEOPLE ,must apply the Economic Pressure to make elected officials panic. It will be easy is some cases ; And long and difficult in other cases going up against hard-nosed Authoritarians ! It has to be done for the sake of Liberty for all People of the Planet !!!

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ABSOLUTELY. Here in the Northeast, the brainwashing was so effective. The people are happy to comply. They cannot understand why anyone wont comply. "Just take the shot." is heard daily. "Just wear a mask" ABSOLUTELY SICKENING.

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I live in Western NY. Yup. I simply shake my head nowadays.

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Thats all you can do. I spent months writing letters and sending emails. The few that took the time to wrote back basically told me they were going to do what they want and thank you for writing. All the protests, our king in CT, does what he wants. And the Dems are happy to back him up. They took away our religious exemptions for students, knowing full well that covid mandates were coming. They are cold and heartless.

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I agree but all we need to do is look at how maverick GOP legislators and senators who buck the system are treated by the establishment GOP both in the states and in DC. They are slandered and their motives are impugned.

Furthermore, if there is a GOP president in office, that person will endorse the establishment RINO and claim that the upstart conservative candidate is a loon and "can't win".

It's extremely difficult for the conservative who DOES pass through the gauntlet to keep his or her position once elected. There are all kinds of mechanisms that GOP leadership can use against people like Hawley, Paul, Cruz, Chip Roy, MTG, or others of their ilk.

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If they can’t get it done they should be primaried out. They need to know there are real consequences for putting self interest ahead of the will of the people.

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Yeah but.........where do you find voters with balls?

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Wyoming has passed a ban on vaccine mandates. I know because it’s specifically called out in my company’s mandate - they have to do the weekly testing instead.

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The problem is that it's a half measure and maybe not even that. The vaxxed are the actual super-spreaders but there is no mandate to test THEM. In effect, the mandate to get tested (which can be painful, unnecessary, expensive, and may even introduce pathogens in the testing process) is just a way to force people to get the vax so they no longer have to worry about getting constantly tested.

Furthermore, testing produces a huge amount of false positives. We all know this. So if you test positive, what happens? You may not have Covid but you're still prevented from living a normal life for a period of time.

Oh, and in Wyoming, I believe some kid just got arrested for not wearing a mask, no?

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That is the company still wanting to be lock step with the Admin. There needs to be a safer way to administer testing and both the vaccinated and nonvaccinated should be tested if that is what the company wants. Since both can catch and spread it. That would be the “equitable” way of handling it.

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We need to go back to NO TESTING. What an abnormal way to live our lives. Ban testing. Ban masks. Ban mandates.

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The supreme irony of the testing mandate for the unvaxxed vs the vaxxed is that if you catch SARS COV-2 you'll know it. The unvaxxed who get infected by the virus are almost always symptomatic so they don't go out. They're sick. This has been the standard behavior forever with people getting the flu or other coronaviruses.

But meanwhile, the vaxxed can easily become infected and not only do they carry huge viral loads when the do but they also are often asymptomatic or only have minor symptoms (which they don't chalk up to Covid since they got vaxxed after all).

So the vaxxed go out and spread their disease, increasing the wave of infections and putting everyone at even more risk due to their foolish acceptance of the jab.

Until EVERYONE is tested, NO ONE should be tested.

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The only bill that got passed in Arkansas is useless as it does not go into effect for another 3 months, long after mandates have destroyed the lives of those who don't want to get jabbed.

For the actual story read Horowitz:


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Thank you! SMH

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I believe the term for that is RINO.

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Actually, the Dems and RINOs make up the majority of the Uniparty.

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I thought Idaho's Lt. Gov issued an executive order when the useless GOP Gov went to do a photo-op at the border?

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That's correct but when the dirt-bag governor, Brad "Chicken" Little came back into town, he countermanded the order.

That guy has got to be sent packing by Idahoans.

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It is working. It has been slow going, but it is picking up steam. The time to act is now. For example, the governor of Texas signed an executive order on Monday to prioritize legislation for the legislator to vote on this week. That’s meaningful progress

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I am trying to hold out hope. We have 41 days till D day. Unfortunately employees need their jobs and if you live in a blue state, you are absolutely all alone in this.

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I dont want to sound callous but everyone who lives in a deep blue state needs to seriously consider moving to a solid Red state asap. This country has all the earmarks of heading for a split and you do not want to be caught on the wrong side of the divide. It's hard, i know but it wasn't easy for the jews fleeing Nazi Germany either. Those that did never regretted it.

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The National Divorce will be painful for many of our fellow freedom lovers who live in Blue states. Even in red states, the libs control the big cities. So it won't be easy to self-separate.

Furthermore, libs don't like the results of their own voting patterns. This is a widely understood problem amongst those of us on the political right. The locust destroy their own communities and then move on to destroy places like Austin and Sarasota with their destructive mindset.

There is no solution except to get to critical mass in various places to force liberty on those who don't want it by removing leftists from school boards, mayoral mansions, and state governments.

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We are fixing up the house to sell next spring to leave NY and 'domicile' in FL. We will be Rving full time. FL is retireee friendly. NY is not.

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Good Luck!

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I wish you well in that endeavor. A LOT of people are considering the same course. Unfortunately, the result of that is that homes in Florida are skyrocketing in price.

So if you plan to move there, do it ASAP or face having to pay $500K for a small 3 bedroom house built in 1982.

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No. Blues need to reform their States, not move to Red States. Stand your ground.

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Conservatives, independents, and even a few liberals tried that in California recently.

Newsom is still governor.

Now, even libs I know (I used to live in California so still have acquaintances there), are talking of leaving.

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There is an appeal to the stand your ground and fix the mess where you are sentiment, Poeme. Here's why I don't think they work here and now:

1. The Blue States are like territory overrun by the enemy. We don't have sufficient forces there to do anything but be eliminated piece meal. Moving to a Red state is a strategic withdrawal. Live to fight another day.

2. The patriots who move to Red are strengthening the Red and the Red will need all of it they can get. Eventually the Red states will have to secede (or declare functional independence from the feds). When that happens, we want all hands on deck. Rally rally rally. Having masses of people in NY or CA for example won't help.

3. Fix in place? Too late for that. These people are fleeing like refugees from tyrannical state govts. They should be received with generosity and expectation they will work to ensure no purpling occurs in their adopted state.

4. The place to stand our ground IS the Red states. It's our only, best chance to win back the Blue states once they collapse from corruption and collectivism.

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One can hardly prevent people from moving into one's state... ? You do not have to declare a political party to buy a home anywhere. People leave California and then vote how they vote. As far as not moving to Red States - the states can't control people moving in and then voting like idiots. That is what makes the problem unsolvable.

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Yes! I agree whole-heartedly! Now to work on my husband ;)

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I have a few friends that love Biden, et. al. and want to see leftist policies implemented everywhere.

When they start talking mandates I just nod and might say sorry, I'm just not into your totalitarian/fascist way of thinking. They might huff and puff but I remind them that the only way they are going to get unpopular, unAmerican policies like mandates implemented, is to go full on NAZI.

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You are not alone. We are a massive movement. Take action. Call your representatives. Go to their offices. Let them know you object.

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HA! Writing and protesting does nothing here in CT.

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I feel like the same is happening in OH. Writing is no doubt falling on blind eyes and the email delete buttons are red hot in the OH legislature these days. I will, however, continue sending messages with the hope that the people's voices will be heard. Freedom is quickly vanishing in the heartland and it's a damn disgrace to Ohioans and all of humanity! We have to keep pushing back. Keep writing and taking a stand Meg.

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I'm in New York State. Grateful I'm retired because I would have been mandated and i really liked my job...

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I just posted a reply above with phone numbers and names for who should be contacted by Texas voters to urge that the legislature passes this legislation. See my comment above (Martha72 - there is another Martha in this thread, but I am Martha72 and I did a copy and paste of something I received today that tells who to contact about the legislation, somewhat above.

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Heh Negative Nancy-- read below

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I believe the states are the key to defeating this mass formation and totalitarianism.

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It's called Extreme Federalism!

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Same as it ever was!

The 17th Amendment started filtering all the power to the feds, but when the shit hits the fan, the states are the ones with the resources and people.

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I just received an email about this, saying that phone calls are needed to various people to help get this passed. I don't actually live in Texas but got on the email list somehow - anyone who lives and votes in Texas should read and follow up on the following urgently while there is still time (names and phone numbers of key people included below:

Time is of the essence.

We believe HB 168 is the best legislative option currently presented to ban vaccine mandates in Texas.

We have 5 days left in the 3rd special session and we have yet to pass any legislation that would ban vaccine mandates in Texas.

Due to House rules our window to pass something is even narrower. We need you to call right now.

HB 168 provides a strong legal standing to resist Biden’s radical Constitutional overreach that many other bills are missing. It is also allows an individual to refuse the vaccine instead of seeking an exemption, an opt-in rather than opt-out view. HB 168 further prevents adverse action or penalty of any kind against an individual who does not receive the COVID19 vaccine. HB 168 allows the Attorney General of Texas to sue if a person’s rights are violated, and that person is allowed to receive a minimum of $5,000 in damages.

Call House Speaker Dade Phelan, House State Affairs Committee Chairman Chris Paddie, Senate State Affairs Committee Chairman Bryan Hughes, and Lt. Gov. Dan Patick right now and tell them to pass HB 168 before the end of the 3rd Special Session.

Speaker of the House Dade Phelan: (512) 463-1000

House State Affairs Committee Chairman Chris Paddie: (512) 463-0556

Senate State Affairs Committee Chairman Bryan Hughes: (512) 463-0101

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: (512) 463-0001


Becky Green

Chairman, Special Committee on Vaccine Mandates,

Republican Party of Texas

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Huntsville, Alabama thrives on government work, direct and contract. There is a substantial movement underway here to resist and object to sir Biden's edict. Many young families.

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HSV is a beautiful town! From industry up North, keep at it! You have our full support!

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We will be joining you soon and plan to support! (Escaping California thankfully!)

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Come on the Huntsville!

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I fly firefighting tankers and I would say that more than half of us are ready to walk if the mandate is imposed on us. I have already told my employer that I would not be “vaccinated” to fly in Australia this year after 6 years of aerial firefighting in Australia- this year they will get a newbie.

I have 25 years total experience and 20 working years left. I have to maintain a strict FAA medical every 6 months. No way am I going to take my chances with my heart or my blood and ruin my best working years.

God bless Airline Pilots for taking a stand. I with that we were as tightly connected as them.

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Bless you sir

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Hope they will continue to stand no matter how uncomfortable it gets for all of us. Do we want a little discomfort now or to be forever controlled.

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This needs to be a bumper sticker

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I didn't see this one coming, but maybe the airlines will be the ones who save us from these ridiculous/unethical/unlawful/illegal mandates! Kudos to the pilots for "speaking" for millions of us!!!! Thank you!

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As a retired airline pilot, I STRONGLY SUPPORT the action these pilots are taking. Couldn’t be prouder of the courage they’re showing. I only hope they persevere until the mandate is completely lifted and don’t give up with a weak promise of “waivers for everyone.” Waivers can and have been rescinded. And, the feds will play hardball with that. They’ll change the rules to require a percentage of Vaxxed employees and waivers won’t count in meeting the minimum percentage. Mandates, and the thought process behind them must be crushed. These work actions are an incredible “first shot on the Lexington green” but are just the beginning of the war. Without mandates, no vaxx passport, without the passport, no route to the control the Cabal requires for their tyranny. They will not give up easily. Tell every pilot you know, and every one who knows a pilot that you support them. Having lived through many contract battles, the companies and the Feds will not rollover and play dead. The battle will get intense.

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God bless you guys.

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Great piece Alex and points out that force should always be a last resort. They are pushing a policy,apparently because Pfizer and Moderna now have billions to pour into bank accounts of members of congress( perish the thought) and with disregard for the facts…the vaccinated MAY have higher viral loads than the unvaccinated and DO spread the disease,even to other vaccinated who MAY have lower antibody levels and the risk of death is still incredibly overhyped. EARLY treatment with HCQ and Ivermectin,Zinc,Vit D(good to take daily) WILL help in forestalling a more serious outcome. I am a plastic surgeon,former vascular and trauma surgeon and,though it’s a small sample,have treated at least 20 with mild symptoms in the main( one was severely I’ll and with comorbidity) and NO ONE. Went to the hospital. There is a reason people are dying in hospitals and Inhave seen it locally. Many are not given therapeutics,most of which are quite safe and in many cases safer than the mRNA vaccines, but just symptomatic care…steroids and O2 and maybe Remdesivir,which allegedly shortens hospital stays by 5 days…it did in the case of my friend…he went to the morgue! I am appalled at the misinformation being dished out about therapeutics by social media who have,I’m sure, killed many who may have accepted treatment with those meds had they NOT read Facebook. Even our “distinguished” surgeon general,Vivek Murthy has claimed ,against recent reports,that vaccine levels of antibodies are higher than natural disease acquired immunity! What a liar.

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Dr., please continue to SPEAK OUT MORE! Its the brave ones there like YOU in the medical field in practice who can convince the public (and turn this fiasco around before its too late; we’re in WW3, a global war) to the TRUTH over what MSM, CDC, and Big Pharma are telling saying. Maybe do a video on Rumble with Big Deltree or others.

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Thanks for that and,unfortunately,many doctors today are employed by hospitals and are prohibited from expressing opinions. Many are substandard foreign medical graduates who have different opinions on life than Americans and are employed solely to keep the hospitals numbers up,if you get my drift.

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Dr. Mandraccia, Please consider being a whistleblower about your experiences. Its the only way to squash this and get more ppl to grasp the wide-scale pervasiveness & corruption in this matter. Life as we know is dangerously on the brink of no return if we don't get more ppl to understand. I know bc I have encountered incredible resistance speaking to others in my circle in the form of “me, my wife and family took the vaccines and all fine except my mother got afib within 36 hours after vaccination, but she is fine now except her med have to changed”. Or I don't believe in this Great Reset, its a conspiracy theory”. Or ppl just were incapable or unwilling for whatever reasons of believing the degree of malfeasance involved.

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Where do you practice??!! I need to find a doctor like you. Ive been putting off all sorts of medical care because i don't want to get in their database of unjabbed.

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I understand. Is that you too? I heard new practices are forming with medical professionals who have already left those environments. I know. Its a big risk but you will be subjected to slavery and not true medical practice.

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Dr. Robert Mandraccia: you have no idea of the power of your words and your station. Please keep it up!

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Your patients are truly blessed to have you as their doctor. It seems that the vast majority of doctors are not speaking up and not doing early intervention because they won't stand up to their organizations, whether hospitals or medical practices or the licensing board. It's disastrous that we can't trust doctors anymore.

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If I could thank the pilots I would. Clearly, they do have leverage, unlike most of us.

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I just wrote this to Mr Kelly, SW CEO:

Last time I checked Congress had not repealed the US Constitution. Who gave you the right to require anyone to take an experimental injection?

Have you ever heard of the Nuremberg Code? They hanged officials who compelled people to undergo an experiment against their will.

When are CEO's going to wake up!

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Done! Thanks for sharing. ( I edited the form letter to reflect that I am not affiliated with Southwest)

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Thank you

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As a B787 captain with 33 years and Air Force veteran, who may get fired because of this ridiculous mandate, I thank you!!!

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I'm asking in ignorance,with a wish to become educated: is this use ofvthe emergency channel not unlike us flying our country's flag upside-down??

Emergency- the Republic is in Distress


I am so thankful for you pilots who have taken this upon your shoulders and who also write in to give insight and - dare I say?? Hope.

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PILOTS— I want all commercial and military pilots to know this: You are leaders to us now —ignited by this mandate issue —to what is actually a worldwide revolt against tyranny, a higher cause than just the mandates. PLEASE continue to stand against this (and also don’t get vaxxed—for your own safety). To your huge and significant ACTION (no longer just words; you’re putting words into action), my contribution will be “to be OK” with having flight delays and cancellations to my scheduled family events so that the MESSAGE you're sending will have major impact around the world. The domino-effect of no pilots would be incredible if all pilots for all airlines, as well as our military pilots, would band together in this, as a collective voice, a collective action, to stand up for freedom. Your actions would ripple around the world. I will be “OK” that this will be more than very uncomfortable for all of us if this happens (the temporary halting of many systems, businesses, supply-chains, etc.). Not getting to my two family weddings and one funeral memorial scheduled this fall and winter (all out of state, with reservations already made to fly)— missing those events for this higher cause will be my worthwhile contribution to the greater cause. Patriots NEED LARGE NUMBERS STANDING in MASS! We haven’t known how to do this in impactful numbers, because we're not destructive “rioter” types, as a general rule. Looks like you pilots are willing to step up for all of us. And we will be behind you! 🇺🇸🙏

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KP: Post of the day!

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My "I will not comply" story for the day. Had an appointment with a new dentist this morning and walked in without a mask (of course). The receptionist was not wearing one but told me I would have to put one on to walk down the hall. I explained I do not wear them for health reasons and said I'd be happy to fill out the paperwork in the car and they could call me in when they were ready as my previous dentist does. I got the "keeping everyone safe" song and dance and Covid yada yada and only rolled my eyes once.

As I'm sitting in the car filling out the paperwork, she comes out with a mask on! and tells me that the dentist has never had anyone "refuse to put a mask on" and "she has rules, this is a medical practice" and "do you have a medical exemption signed by a doctor" and "we're not starting off on the right foot, so she says it would be best if she not treat you."

It appears I was saved from the aggravation of working with another practitioner living in a delusional psychosis.

I called another dental office in our plan, explained the situation, they made an appointment for me and told me I could wait in my car until they called me in.

Unmasked, unafraid and non-compliant!

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Mask requirements by dentists has to be THE most mentally ill behavior in this era of craziness.

But then again, I got an email from my pulmonologist recently asking when I wanted to come in to get vaxxed. The email explained that the vax was "safe and effective" and had been "fully tested".

When your pulmonologist, who should know better than most anyone, is lying to his patients about safety and efficacy of the clot shots, it's time to find a new one.

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Exactly on both counts. It is truly malfeasance to claim these shots are "safe and effective."

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I'm not sure how many would get the jabs if the label on the vial read, "Somewhat safe and about 41% effective".

or they could have the disclaimer, "Hardly anyone dies from getting this shot".

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Like the BLM and ANTIFA protests, "this experimental non-vaccine is mostly safe and almost effective" ???

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How does the dentist look in your mouth while you have a mask on?

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This is the point, about why the dentist experience reveals this whole thing as an exercise of compliance and a fear of the untouchable class, I think.

Dentists have been at unusually high risk all along because every patient breathes on them at close range. If everyone were stating their true objections, dentists wouldn't bother with mask rituals for patients. They'd do ventilation and masks for themselves. If they were smart they'd just give you a $1 antigen test.

The speech is really telling. It's a bunch of frightened conformist mind-reading blather.

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I rarely go to the dentist to begin with (all doctors are crooks, and I learned how to brush and floss around the time I learned to wipe my ass), but this exact story has prevented me from making an appointment despite the fact I need to get the coffee stains cleaned off my teeth. How can they justify you wearing a mask in the lobby when they are going to have to look in your mouth 5 mins later? Makes absolutely no sense, and destroys any credibility these doctors have in my mind. No chance I'd pay them or have them treat me.

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Does this remind anyone else of China? I have a picture of a street sweeper continuing to "sweep" the streets clean in the middle of a major flood (HT Serpentza). The culture is one of fear so they carry out their orders until they are told by someone in authority to stop, no matter how ridiculous it seems.

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Birdingmom - I walked out of my dentist's "check-in" vestibule just this last spring for the same reason. And that was two weeks AFTER our governor removed the mask mandates.

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The maddening thing is all these "healthcare" facilities say they must follow the CDC guidelines. Of course, those guidelines are constantly changing and furthermore, the CDC is not a governing agency so there isn't any reason to follow what they say in any case.

However, if they ARE going to follow the current guidelines, the CDC is explicit now that masks may not have any gaps, may not be single layer whether cloth or disposable, and has to "block the light" if held up to a bright light source.

This pretty much rules out all masks except for n95s and even then they must not leak.


At this point, I'd say that all healthcare facilities are out of compliance with the CDC's "guidance".

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It matters not to these medical offices. You cannot reason with these people. And you're correct that it is particularly insane at a dentist's office. I wear a face shield to my PCP and no one says a word. I take it off when I get to the exam room and no one says a word. I feel like I escaped an authoritarian nut-job yesterday when the dentist sent her slave/flunky out to the car to tell me she wasn't going to see me.

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Designing and successfully wearing a mask that never leaks is a pretty difficult task. I seriously doubt even the N95 masks do that perfectly. Smile real big. Grimace. Stifle a sneeze. Yawn. All those (and more) distort the face and the surface against which the mask is supposed to never lose contact. That happens to me frequently when I wear my very soft, well-cushioned, tightly strapped CPAP mask at night! Not even an N95 mask fits that well.

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Correct. And as any PPP expert will tell you, masks ARE NOT, and can never be, "source control". That is, they can only really seal upon inhalation. When you breath out, the mask will naturally break the seal with your face and your breath will go around the edges on any mask that people have access to for normal everyday use (including and ESPECIALLY N95s.

So it is literally impossible for any mask to be worn in a way that follows CDC guidelines since only half the time (inhalation) is it sealed. The other half of the time it has gaps.

Of course, this is all moot in any case given the "chain link fence can't stop a mosquito" problem. Not even an N95 can filter an airborne virus the size of SARS COV-2.

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Beeblebrox AND Birdingmom - good golly but I like the people who follow Alex! ( I hope you both see this reply. My "name" is boring next to either of yours! Perhaps I should change it to "Arthur Dent" since I feel lost, slow witted and, out of place in this well informed, sophisticated, crowd. On the other hand, I kinda like the name "Slartibartfast" ! )

I seriously doubt that I started the mosquito vs chain link fence analogy and will NOT take credit for it, but I will say I used it a couple e'mails before I saw or heard it anywhere. It's such a perfect analogy I am certain many folks "initiated" it! ) -- The N95 mask's smallest filtration "size" is much bigger than the actual Covid virus; however, "they" will invariably argue that both the virus and the exhaled "droplets" take a circuitous path through the material and "supposedly" gets snagged or trapped anyway.

(I hope you both see this reply)

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The argument you use with anyone who still argues "droplets" (which the WHO and CDC some months ago admitted was not a thing and that the virus is airborne), is that plosive forces like a cough or sneeze aerosolizes the pathogen-laden moisture sticking to the fabric of a mask.

This is called "forced filtration through a membrane". Imagine spraying a water hose through a screen door for somewhat of an analogy. This is just one more reason that masking is a menace.

The thing is, after all this time where we know that masks are worse than useless, the only value a mask has anymore (outside of the mandated use in a healthcare setting) is to help identify sheep.

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See my reply below to Beeblebrox...these "healthcare" places make it up as they go.

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Over at the local hospital where I go for cancer treatment, they have a big sidewalk style menu board in the lobby that says "per CDC guidelines, masks are required in this facility" and then it has a picture of the wrong kind of mask (at least according to the CURRENT CDC guidelines.)

And then there are the stupid signs at the entrance to Kroger that say "To stop the spread of Covid, masks are required in this store".

Since when did anyone, including Fauci himself, say that masks "stopped" spread?

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Yes, same sign at the "B" facilities - wrong mask. I know McCullough says to stop obsessing about the mask stuff because early treatment is more important, but when it's in your face (literally) all the time, it's pretty difficult to suppress screams. I'm hoping the advice from Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLDpZ8daIVM&list=WL&index=33&t=3658s will give me some tools to challenge these irrational people. In grocery stores where I live, masks are encouraged/coerced but not required and if they were required, I wouldn't wear one anyway. I've not worn one in more than a year. I'm not starting now.

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Pilots are also at higher risk of blood clots even before the shot - just part of the job, so ya I fully understand them not wanting a higher risk introduced

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My military pilot father died too young from a blood clot in the 1970’s, he’s smiling down on these pilots standing up for freedom.

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Excellent - and excellent interview with Rogan. Everyone on your Substack who hasn't watched it will enjoy it.

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And here's where I'm going to let you have it, Alex, about your otherwise brilliant Joe Rogan interview. Your pompous ill-informed attitude about abortion is as inhumane as any of pro-vax, pro vaccine mandate you rightfully criticize. It is our body our choice (for our body) when it comes to vaccines - but this idea that a living being a woman created is nothing more than a tumor that if inconvenient a she should be able to kill even after six weeks is sick.

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And this says it all about Pfizer's terror of people waking up to the connection between abortion and the vaccine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50kghlaHYvM

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I totally support the pilots and of course us travelers. The Biden Admin won’t let up however, it’s up to the “ people” to push back.

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If you watch this in terms of the pro-x religion, it's a cult.

What cult expert thinks about the anti-vaccine movement


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Funny all the things he's saying about anti-vaxx actually seem to apply to the mainstream.

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Exactly! Especially the censorship. Only the Provaxers are censoring dissent.

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Once again Mark has nailed it! Read all his posts when you get a chance. He saw it all from the beginning and his writing is first rate!

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Thanks, Howard.

I never bought the panic narrative. I've taken and read much Biology/Ecology. Humans are survivors. We've proven it by surviving.

Sometimes some old, sick people die. It's how life is.

This has been a profoundly harmful, misinformation-fed overreaction from Day 1.

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You bet Mark. I sure appreciate and enjoy your writing. An excellent complement to Alex’s reporting. I was worried when you got deplatformed from your previous host. Glad to see you here.

In your point, I think “excess mortality” from 2021 will exceed 2020 which of course shouldn’t happened with an effective vax. Alex is on the “all cause mortality” numbers. Perhaps shows what is really going on.

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Look into humanism and humanist beliefs. Fauci r 1.

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Alex the trucking companies are facing similar sick outs! There are no news outlets letting that seep out!

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I wonder if longshoremen are in a similar position? Brandon's 24/7 push to alleviate supply chain issues could be in jeopardy. Darn!

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Pilots do not want blood clots in the brain, or heart attacks, just like the rest of us. But they are also, I feel sure, unwilling to kill several hundred passengers if their aircraft goes down. No other profession holds so many lives in its hands at one moment in time.

Does this have to happen before the madness ends?

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I was in the airline industry for 40 years. You do not force pilots into anything they are not agreeable to. They will hold the line and then some. Let's go Brandon.

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Just need some a few more months of key people in key industries in this country to refuse the vaccine and the house of cards that is the mandate falls apart. Could be pilots, could be airline mechanics, air traffic controllers, could be truck drivers, train operators, longshormen, nurses, doctors, utility workers, sanitation workers etc.

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It only takes a small percentage of folks throwing sand in the gears to bring large institutions to their knees. But the more the merrier!

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The pilots are in a strong position. There is a shortage of pilots in this country. If lots of pilots refuse to get vaccinated and then get laid off they would be a large reduction in flights flown. My husband is a corporate pilot and their crew refused to get vaccinated figuring if they fired them the plane wouldn't fly.

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As a physician at a hospital in Michigan, we had a mandate, but most figured out the religious exemption or told to put in for it by superiors …. Otherwise not enough doctors and nurses to care for patients and teach the residents!! Btw… I have antibodies and never got the shot, nor have been sick! …. It must have been the N95 this hospital never gave me. 😉

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Excellent reporting as always. I worry about you working 24/7, but not enough to stop reading; I'm selfish that way. Take care patriot,and Let's go Brandon.

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Pilots have to walk a fine line so AA and SW don't sue them for a job action! That being said, it can be done! An ever grateful nation will look back and honor these men and women who stood up to tyranny!! The airlines known they can't afford to lose 20% of their pilots!! Bankruptcy anyone?

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Hey Alex, any chance you can address the issue of the horrible and useless PCR nasopharyngeal swabs tests? The swabs are treated with EO/ethyl oxide, a known carcinogen. And it’s one thing to do those once a year, but 2x/week as required by employers is insane- it’s painful/highly uncomfortable, it’s known to be as useful as tossing a coin in the air in terms of lack of reliability, and they are PRICEY! I suspect that since they run about $200-$300 per test, that’s why they’re insisting on using them, as they want to quickly transfer money away from the non-compliant folks who refuse to vaxx ourselves. I think there’s quite a bit of CONTRACT CORRUPTION going on. Why else do most people not even know about SALIVA TESTING offered by the likes of Saliva Direct at Yale - your alma mater! Please look into this! Saliva testing only costs $80 per test, it’s more reliable than nasopharyngeal and less invasive. Maybe that’s why the powers that be are not giving us that option, because they want to make it as PAINFUL BOTH PHYSICALLY AND FINANCIALLY for us. It’s meant to be PUNISHMENT for not kneeling before them. Please look into this and see whether the airlines will accept saliva testing for travelers and employees alike. Thank you for being a beacon of hope in the darkness, Alex. May God protect you and your family now and always! All the best, a follower

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I'm not certain that the ethyl oxide is a true problem, because my understanding is that this is usually in the form of a gas, and the swabs are not actually dipped into a liquid - I'm not saying there is no risk, but from what I understand, I don't think there is a reason to worry about it - and yes, I could be wrong. But I am more worried about allegations that there is graphene in the the swabs - from what I have seen, this seems plausible and I wish it were possible to actually obtain accurate information. I do mistrust the tests and for myself, plan to avoid them - have not had to have one yes, and am very disinclined to to have one. A related though separate issue is that I did read last week that the PCR tests are so unreliable that their EUA (emergency use authorization) was revoked, BUT I have a family member with Covid at the moment, and she was NOT permitted to have monoclonal antibodies even though she is at extremely high risk AND had a positive rapid test, but she was required to wait for 2 or 3 days for results of a PCR test - had to be re-tested to get a positive on a PCR before she could get in line for antibodies. So - good if the saliva test works, and I'd be pleased to take that instead of the PCR but - will anyone accept that? Can one use the saliva test and get scheduled for antibodies? I do not believe antibodies are a silver bullet and do not replace need for other treatment, but they are a treatment can help if given early enough (within first week up to perhaps 10 days or so - if given very late in treatment, useless) - but - one has to "jump through hoops to get it," and it would be good to allow alternative testing. Not sure if alternative testing is a problem for the powers that be due to who owns the patents on which tests and how much money they make, or if some evil genius actually did put graphene in the tests so that we will have graphene in our brains, or maybe it's both/and. It's quite easy to suspect conspiracies when health professionals are very clearly threatened with loss of license for even talking about these things - if it doesn't fit "their" narrative, it's misinformation, and we can lose our licenses - and so much censorship all over the place, one has to wonder why and suspect something is not right. Anyway, I don't think the problem is merely employers, but government - government (three-letter agencies) deciding which test allows you to receive antibodies, and which tests can have EUA, for two examples). Plus, I did read that Bill Gates and George Soros had somewhat recently bought up a major testing company, and I wondered what's up with that. It's not like they need the money or anything, but if a gazillion workers need tests every week, or twice a week - lotta money, Plus, then they can sort of control behind the scenes, control how many positives vs negatives to perhaps manipulate case numbers according to their wishes? Or poison the tests, who knows. Or just put the other guys out of business? Would be nice to know what is truly going on with testing, but we'll probably never know the half of it.

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It's *said* there are saliva yesterday available, but apparently not everywhere. I've had trans-spenoidal brain surgery,and as such, those long swabs could literally give me a partisl frontal lobotomy. So when it was thought I had covid on early Sept,my insurance company nurses called every day and lab within 90 minutes of me. No- Noone had saliva nor did they have serum testing. By day 4 of their search,I told them " Bina has an at home swab test that is shallow. I'm feeling much better,but I take it anyhow..." ugh.

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A HUGE sincere thank you to those pilots who have stood up for our civil liberties. Those of us who are handtied and have no union to fight for us really appreciate you!

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Agreed! Can’t say it better

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Has anybody asked these CEO's if they have bothered to look at the amount of heart problems being caused by these jabs? As a pilot you have to take a special physical yearly, you can't even fly if you have sleep apnea. Your career will be over if you develop a heart problem.

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The public is slowly waking up to the fact that pilots have to get these physicals and that heart conditions can end a pilot's career. This is why I'm super surprised that ANY pilot has agreed to the clotshot in the first place. I'd like to be warned I'm about to fly on a plane with such a pilot.

Of course, look for airlines to relax the requirements about heart conditions in the coming months and years: "Oh, your physical shows you only have a little thrombosis. Re-certified!"

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It’s crazy that they would demand us to play roulette with our FAA medicals.

All of our years of training and experience would be absolutely worthless if we developed a heart condition, DVT, stoke or some other ungodly side effect.

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Good point, but the “clots” occurred on 6 out of 6 MILLION with the J and J(which O did take as I fly a lot). The cardiac problems (myocarditis) are serious and occur in the young and can be permanent unlike the alleged “ cardiac problems” pushed by Sanjay Gupta and other liars about HCQ which was ONLY a slight prolongation of what is called the P-R interval,rare and innocuous. Additionally, as Alex has reported, the mRNA vaccines never proved in testing to prevent death as they KNEW death was highly rare and only in the older and compromised. This ,to me, is proof this was bioengineered.

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Huge numbers of people are dying "mysteriously" or from "natural causes" shortly after getting jabbed. Rarely are autopsies being done on people who got the clot shot - and we know why - they would find that clots, thrombosis, and other cardiac and pulonary issues are quite common.

As Ethical Skeptic reminds us, the powers that be employ "Nelsonian Knowledge". That is, you will never find out something that you are not specifically looking for. And they are purposefully not looking for adverse events from the jabs.

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Yep. That's when they started acknowledging there was a problem with their anthrax shots in the military, when their pilots couldn't fly anymore.

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You point out one of MANY reasons to get the jab. But only reason necessary is liberty. Full stop!

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Joe, did you mean "one of the many reasons NOT to get the jab"?

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Yes, I did mean NOT to get the jab.

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Alex - Delta hasn’t mandated the vaccine but they have essentially forced their employees anyway. Anyone not vaxed has a $200 health insurance surcharge. If you’re unvaxed and on the corporate campus without a mask they will terminate you.

Delta’s CEO Ed Bastion is a huge mask, BLM, vaccine cheerleader. Since he’s come in as CEO the corporate culture has changed for the worse.

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So.....Delta is also charging those who are obese, have diabetes, or mental health issues? I mean, it's only fair.

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That would actually make a lot more sense than charging the uninjected.

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Hahah, right! But that would be discriminatory. Can't do that.

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Interesting times we are in ~ "the right kind" of discrimination is okay.

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Yes, I was hoping someone else mentioned the $200 per month "fine" for not being vaxed. For some, that is a mandate. Also, my friend was reprimanded for wearing her flag pin on her lapel last summer during the BLM riots, and asked to remove it. Same pin she's been wearing for 25 years.

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Yes and the reason they have this is their huge minority work force based in Atlanta that refuses the get the vaccine.

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I wasn't aware of this.

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The. lM flag was raised on campus and delta branded BLM pins were handed out. Ed has turned DL from an airline into a social justice platform.

DL championed the open sky agreement. All US airlines were against Middle East airlines flying into the US because they couldn’t compete with the fares. Emirates or Qatar would fly Dubai to JFK and offer rock bottom fares because the government would subsidize them. When the open skies group had a meeting with Trump who was the sole US CEO not to show up? Ed Bastion. And DL LED THE GROUP! Trump called out the US CEOs for not buying planes made in America and for Ed not being there.

Ed said he had a vacation he couldn’t reschedule. Didn’t bother to send the COO or anyone else. It was a political snub.

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FINALLY. As a, Veteran, and a retired pilot, corporate GV not airline, I congratulate and thank the Airline Pilots who are standing up for not just themselves but for all Americans. The destruction to our Country , our economy, and our God given Constitutional Rights being wrought by this administration is insidious and long term. Their willingness to show what the unchecked edicts of government will do is to be commended. Airline travel disruptions are immediately noticeable to the general public, unlike what these vax mandates are doing stealthily to Health Care and Logistics. Hand in there!!!

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I support the pilots even though my husband and I are holding tickets to fly to our 25th wedding anniversary honeymoon. I support them holding the line.

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“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin Franklyn

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I refuse to fly until all Covid restrictions are removed. No mask mandates. No vaccine mandates. Nothing.

I haven't flow in two years, and I'm perfectly happy to never fly again if we continue to live in this clown world.

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Joe- agreed

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I also refuse to fly until this tyranny ends. I totally support the pilots and other airline employees who want to stand against vaccine mandates. Like many others have mentioned the government bailed the airlines out during the lockdown leaving the airline boards and CEOs beholden to the government for the handout. It's a pitiful shame and I hope the shareholders of these conglomerates take a stand and remove every one of the board members who allowed this disgusting bedroom deal to happen.

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I hope the pilots don't ask for exemptions. Rather I hope those that don't want the vaccine, just say no. Saying "no" is what will help employees across the country. Exemptions will be much more quiet and won't have the necessary impact.

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I want to say THANK YOU to the Pilots standing up for all Americans Freedom! You are esteemed and brave! God Bless 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

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Bumper stickers? Yard signs? Support the Pilots!

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Pilots. You are our first line of defense against this loss of freedom. Please continue and expand this action. We need you.

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I have been a loyal Delta customer for years. I will continue to be as long as they don't impose mandates on their employees. If they flinch, then I guess my travel will be limited to places that I can drive to comfortably for the foreseeable future.

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While not a mandate, they're changing $200/month for unvaxxed employees. I dunno if that's peanuts to pilots, but it ain't nothing!


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If they are treating the uninjected differently, I don't care much about the specifics. There are a lot of great places I can drive to from where I live in less than 10 hours. Looks like that is where I'll be limited to for a while.

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Driving is part of the trip! So much to see!

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Am flying to Florida next week, on Southwest. If pilots doing a sick-out cause me a delay, I'll happily by them dinner or lunch or whatever. My inconvenience is a small matter in exchange for fighting for our inalienable rights. Keep it up, pilots - we support you.

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Love that! Amen brother!

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Thanks for a great laugh. I'm totally fine with my upcoming trip to AZ being interrupted or cancelled in support of these heroes.

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Let’s Go Brandon. Let’s Roll!

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Thanks for sharing these insider details! However, Delta has been talking about their employee vaccine mandate for months. They had one in place. I fly frequently and made note of the airlines I would no longer support due to employee mandates. Maybe, they decided to quietly lift the mandate at some point. Hopefully, the employees and pilots at all airlines continue to push back on this. I'm ok with not being able to fly for a while until they stop with this mandate.

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My husband is a SW pilot. This goes WAY beyond vax mandates, all the way back to March 2020 when the media/public health/government consortium decided to make Covid Terror the #1 priority for the foreseeable future. Imagine flying 4 days without access to food because (depending on the state) all the airport venues and restaurants have been shut down. (One can't live on granola bars...) Imagine not knowing if you had a hotel bed after flying all day. Imagine wearing a useless mask for 14 hours a day. Imagine dealing with all this crap for 19 months with no end in sight. My husband's employer might have some culpability but I believe most of the blame falls on the aforementioned entities. From my view, they are delighting in foisting unhelpful and decisive mandates upon the rest of us, regardless of the havoc that ensues.

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I was one of the many who was 'inconvenienced' travellers over the weekend while on a University tour in Texas with my oldest daughter. Was it annoying; yes. Was it long; yes. Was it worth it; YES! We were IN Texas in the first place because all the woke (bought for, paid for, sponsored by... insert your corporation/government of choice) woke Universities across most of the country are insisting students get 'jabbed' for admission acceptance. Easy targets. Low hanging fruit. THANK GOD my kids can see the woods through the trees. Our bodies. Our choice. Virus gonna virus and Pilots gonna pilot (or not...) Your strength is our strength. United we stand. Let's go Brandon!

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121.5 is rarely silent. Someone will say meow usually at least once every 15 minutes. I did hear one “let’s go Brandon” last night. It was great. What needs to happen is when we board airliners and they start badgering us with the mask announcements is to start the chant up then.

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