It's great to have numbers to show what has been obvious; the vaccines don't work against Omicron. It's insane. Everyone I know who has gotten Omicron has been fully vaxxed and most boosted. Yet, Playwrights Horizons, Carnegie Hall, The Players (club), the University Club, St Thomas Fifth Avenue all require proof of full vaccination, leading those at high risk believe they are safe.

They all have lost my respect.

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Jun 22, 2022·edited Jun 22, 2022

I work at a university, and they are still requiring the booster shot. I luckily have received an exemption. Talk about losing respect. This is supposedly a world class research center but to question the vax is akin to heresy here. As an unvaccinated minion I am required to test every week and wear a mask at all times. Meanwhile the vaxxed don't need to be tested and don't have to wear a mask. Of course, almost all of them have become sick from Omicron over the last 6 months.

I don't think these people have ever deserved any respect.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022

You want to say screw’ ‘em, but I know you need a job. The vax has made many people nuts.

Fall / winter this year will be interesting…. I’ll be watching the Southern Hemisphere over the next few months for signs of what the future holds for us.

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Biden says another pandemic is coming 🤬

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His party is the pandemic- so much damage and devastation in such little time….

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sadly, seems to be :(

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Yup, no timeline, no details... just pure fear mongering. Another PANDEMIC is coming!!!! pandemics historically are decades between ... nope, Joe says another one is coming!!! Panic, fear... listen to us ... next will be that MAGA people want us all to die..... we need to stop listening to them

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bunch of bozos :( yes, i've already stopped listening to them... and, looks like you have, too. Bravo!

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And if you notice now, we stopped going through the alphabet and everything is a subvariant of Omi. That's because they want you take the Omi shot and not realize Omi was 234 variants ago.

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The shots were already visibly failing with Delta. Omicron came along at just the right time to take the blame. I think it would be best to just say that the shots have failed against COVID.

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Yeah, it's not a coincidence that us 'anti-vaxxers' knew the shots were going to fail in winter, and they did. Omi was a convenient scapegoat.

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Now wait a minute! You obviously didn't see the White House Tweet... "It will be a winter of suffering and death" for the unvaccinated.

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Did you see what Biden just said on national TV? “ I need more money to buy more vaccines for the next pandemic. It’s coming soon. So I want to be ready”

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we're not falling for this again

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It was the virtue signaling about the vax, and still is for many, that pissed me off the most.

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yeah I went to an international healthcare conference earlier this month, proof of vaccination (2) was required along with masks. People were so damn smug about not being a "super spreader" event and the science and all that. One of my friends was the worst! She got Covid next week. I had to laugh. She is OK

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An outdoor music festival in a city near me is requiring all of their volunteers - 13 years old and up - to be double vaccinated. https://www.guelphtoday.com/local-news/some-volunteers-irked-by-hillside-fesitvals-vaccine-mandate-5502375.

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Damn, that is dumb

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I just acquired Omicron. I am unvaxed. It feels like a mild cold. So far a low fever, fatigue and a runny nose.

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Karen, you say: “…the vaccines don’t work against Omicron.”, But what’s this: “These findings demonstrate the benefits of vaccinating those with prior infection for optimal protection against the omicron variant,” said Dr. Abu-Raddad.

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Unvaccinated and had Delta in June of 2021. Wife was Pfizered 2x spring of 2021. She didn’t catch Delta, but was waylaid by Omnicron this past Jan. I slept next to her for 4 nights before she was Covid confirmed and had nothing but a normal healthy Jan… Dr. Abu can stick it where the sun don’t shine.

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Karen, Dr. Abu-Raddad uses the same clinical study in the New England Journal of Medicine that Alex uses for his talking points. I was simply trying to point out the fallacy of your comment: “…the vaccines don’t work against Omicron.”

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The people I know who were Omnicroned were the vaxxed or never had Covid. Most I know who had it were double and triple vaccinated. Most were

Flulike for a week, but gratefully better.

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Karen, which would you give more weight: in vitro or over a hundred thousand people?


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Every day I thank God for granting me the gifts of skepticism and obstinacy. These traits often ruffle peoples feathers, but it also protected me and my family from injecting ourselves with this garbage.

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Every day I thank God for granting me the gifts of skepticism and obstinacy

I'd buy a t-shirt with this emblazoned...

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At this point these discussions are really antithetical. The COVID shot discussions are flat-earth vs curved-earth, 7 day Adventists vs people who understand the translation of "day" meaning era, etc... You've picked your side and you're going down with the ship. All our focus should be on supporting, voting for, and empowering people who seek truth over being "right," and simply leave those who refuse to live in reality behind. That's what liberty is. They get to decide for them, we should focus on ensuring those we empower are people worth empowering. The shot itself is irrelevant at this point.

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Except it's not. There are still vaccine mandates in many places and it seems very likely that they will be ramped up again in the fall. In Canada we are stuck with a pro-vax dictator until 2025 - the ones living in reality are the ones who will be left behind here.

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Exactly and many medical institutions are still requiring the vaccine to get life-saving treatments such as an organ transplant. It is sickening.

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I have been a huge supporter or organ donation all my life. My uncle's corneas were transplanted when I was a kid and my father had a heart transplant in 1992. I have campaigned endlessly and signed up hundreds of donors. I removed myself from the list a couple of months ago - I can't support that cause right now.

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Speaking of transplants, and blood donations for that matter, I wonder if you'd even want an organ from someone vaxxed multiple times.

How much do we know about those dynamics?

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Pfizer and Moderna pay the bills, they pay a lot of bills including the main stream media, medical bureaucrats, medical institutions, and the list goes on.

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Totally sickening. Money talks.

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I don’t understand that 2025 part. Are you saying there is not enough opposition for a no-confidence vote?

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Yes. The NDP party has agreed to support whatever BS the Liberals come up with until 2025. Our only hope is that they NDP leader finds his conscience under the mountain of scandals piling up right now.

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Leave - if you can !

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We are only still here because of our kids. As soon as my youngest is done high school, we're outta here (if we can handle it that long)

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If you feel so strongly, why wait?

We moved while our kids were in high school and EVERYONE agrees it was the best move we ever could have made.

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It's such a hard decision, we have aging parents, one kid in university, one in middle school and my husband is 5 years from retirement. Our retirement plan involved being in Canada for half the year, then Greece for the other half. Greece seems to go draconian as soon as the tourist season is over. Like so many of us, we are having to re-think our entire life plan.

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We should start a group. We are in the same situation in QC

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I disagree - I had a conversation about all of this yesterday with an educated person in academia who had previously gotten the shot herself and for her 7 year old but after our conversation yesterday when I gave her data that has been coming out she is not going to get her 8 month old vaccinated. We still have education to do to those who don't see what we see and read what we read.

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I’m glad you reached someone….wish I could tell you the number of people we’ve tried to reach, including the parents of our grandchildren…all vaxxed & boosted. Even though nearly all of them have ended up with covid after vaxx, they still consider us on the wrong side of “science.”

I’d stay connected to that friend’s conscience….the pressure will be on her to have that infant vaxxed.

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It's very very difficult to negotiate these family relationships. Of our six grown children only one has been vaccinated - a tech executive, his family and our grandchildren. We all still get along even though we disagree about this but it is difficult. Every person we save by providing good information is worth it. Hopefully the grandchildren will still be able to have kids and will not vaccinate theirs.

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Yes, it's very difficult. My two daughters and families have not been vaccinated, but I know one of my sons has--I don't know about his family--and I don't know about my other son and his wife. We have a good relationship in general, but neither of my sons or their wives has asked our opinion or solicited information, so it's very difficult to broach the subject. I have nieces and nephews who have asked why we're unvaxxed and what information I can send them, but not my own kids. I desperately want to send them the new info on the shots' effects on sperm, because that might actually influence them. Yet I just don't know if that's the right thing to do.

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My family and in-law types are all over the place on this issue. I finally reached out to one of my nephews who has young kids that I know recovered from Christmas Covid. They live in NYC and are, at least, I assume , under pressure. I said I did not know their stance but that it was completely unwarranted medically to vaxx those kids. I got a very polite “thanks for your input.” That makes me think “my input” was too late.

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At least you tried.

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I’m sorry that you couldn’t reach your family members - I think I would swoop my granddaughter up and be on the nightly news for kidnapping - so I can imagine how sad that makes you. Other than my own adult children - I have not been able to reach any other family - even after sending them 140 articles from Brownstone on natural immunity etc ..... it’s bizarre to me how people are so easily manipulated.

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Renee, I love it, and not to be a naysayer cuz I really want this person you educated to stay on track, but the hypnotized are VERY hypnotized and still get bombarded with abject lies: I thought I had my wife convinced her vaccines weren't helping her (Im unvaxxed, got Covid 8 months ago, and shrugged it off to her surprise) and my teenage daughters worked on her as well, but a couple weeks later she scurried out to get a booster. I just don't understand how the propaganda has so much power over the little sheep, especially considering how the real facts are pouring out from so many trusted quarters, and the pro-vaxxers are getting dog piled by the truth. Im going to work on pithy phrases that cut to the truth, cuz that is one thing, the only thing, the Left is good at: Wrapping their lies in belittling quotes, cuz it's like high school all over again: the insecure need to be in the "We're better than the unwashed and ignorant" clique; in reality, maybe they shower, but their ignorance is a stubborn stain.

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I’m very sorry that you couldn’t convince her not to get the booster. It worked differently here at my house - after my husband felt he was forced to get it for his job - and did it behind my back because he knew that I was fighting for many people to get exemptions (my daughter in college, my daughter who works in a NICU, myself and people who contacted me for help) - when I finally started to have data available that I shared with him -then everyone in the house got Covid including him (and he was the only one Vaxed and did worse than the rest of us) - he said to me “I will never get injected with this neurotoxin again” - I was like - finally!!!! But, I do agree - I think fear or some kind of inability to believe that there is no institution - not gov’t, not CDC, FDA nor church that is looking out for us - they are just following a script and it’s a bad one. They have perfected and practiced the art of emotional manipulation and it’s sickening. I often wonder why I am not caught in the web - I haven’t found that answer yet.

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You are not caught because you most likely :

1.Are a critical thinker

2.Have a strong sense of self

3. Are grounded in reality

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Like this comment too!

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It won't let me hit like, so Im writing like!!

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That’s interesting about your husband. I find myself being willing to look like the nut-job the rest of my life if it meant my spouse would never get a serious case of Covid. And that he will have grandkids.

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That's very well said, and you're absolutely right. There is certainly still education to do here - my point was that the data isn't changing. All the reports are just iterations of the same reports that have been coming out since the initial trial data from Pfizer showing your risk of death and hospitalization were higher if you were in the "treatment" group than if you were in the "placebo" group. So yes, of course, we should continue to share and educate wherever and however we can - but more (or maybe I should have said equally) important is identifying those who were asking the right questions, and sharing the right data, and most importantly implementing, or not implementing, the right solutions so we can do everything possible to minimize the risk of this disaster happening again because we're all busy talking amongst ourselves while allowing the talking heads to keep getting it wrong without reprisal...

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Very true! I totally agree.

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Ms Laux, congrats on assisting a friend to alter her behavior. You are doing the work of the Lord indeed. But must admit I am mortified that someone would even consider giving her 8 MONTH OLD child this vaxx poison. WTF......these people are insane. Team reality knows that these babies have virtually a 100% chance of not dying from covid. Team reality also knows that this cohort (i didnt even the word meant 1 yr ago...I kept trying to look up the word hort but to no avail....but I digress....) has a 100% chance of having zero significant side effects if they dont get the vaxx. Yet they line up like lemmings with there children who have no choice in the matter. So sad. To many freaks.....not enough circuses....

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Joe Dirt, I like the name, and your comment!

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Very very sad indeed.

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It seems you’ve really lost a sense of the whole argument. We’re talking about freedom to not be forced to take an experimental drug which they insist on calling a “vaccine“. As others have noted you sound as if all is well, just ignore the enemy. Sounds like you’re too happy to be part of a captive nation.

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Speaking of negative efficacy, I’ve been looking over the fda briefings by Pfizer and Moderna, i haven’t seen anyone mention this: Moderna’s own data on obese children finds negative efficacy! It’s so weird because you’d think the one proven high risk group is the obese, so you’d really want to focus on that, if any kids are gonna get dangerously ill it’s the obese ones… yet on Moderna p114, table 59, they find vaccine efficacy for the obese 2-5 year olds as - 15.4% (compared with +40.4 for non-obese). Am I missing something? Shouldn’t this be huge news? I know Moderna writes it’s nothing to worry about since the confidence intervals are so wide, but that of course applies to all their data! Crazy.

Meanwhile the FDA remain total safety nazis about European formula in the midst of a formula crisis, of course: https://gaty.substack.com/p/can-starving-babies-drink-vaccines

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Stop fat shaming @Adrian or we'll cancel you.

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Your statement: “The New England Journal, which published it last week, is among the world’s best medical research outlets” might have been true before the pandemic but the editors have significant COI and the papers they have published over the past 2 years have been distinctly biased in favor of the narrative. Further to that the NEJM editors refuse to correct inaccurate data in 2 of the Pfizer papers they published. NEJM has fallen from grace in my book, while the BMJ has risen as an open honest medical science dialog source.

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I agree 100%. I used to have the NEJM on a pedestal. I took its word as medical dogma. Until now. That slime bag - Editor-in-Chief

Eric J. Rubin, M.D., Ph.D. Is literally the one who voted for medical experimentation on American children. He stood up and said in the vaccine advisory meeting - “who cares if we don’t have safety data in children, we won’t know if it’s safe until we start mandating it”. And that’s just what he did. He approved COVID vaccines for children based on antibody studies alone. This man is a criminal. If anyone should be up against the ABIM to have their medical license stripped it is this criminal. I will NEVER respect the NEJM or the Lancet ever again.

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Oh hey I get to re-use this from the bad cat article!

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

― Upton Sinclair

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2022 version:

"It is difficult to get a person to understand something, when his self- image depends on not understanding it."

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And then there's the blood supply…many blood banks required vaccination proof during the lockdowns and relaxed somewhat over the latter part of last year. The main one around here seems to pretty much stay at crisis point and they are begging people to donate. We've yet to see anything about possible effects on people who did not get the vaccine, but had to get transfusion(s) from someone who did.

When AIDS first hit—and until COVID—most blood banks would not allow gay people to even donate. You know, "risky" behavior and all—even if monogamous or celibate. Even as more heterosexual people became infected, they were never outright banned from donating unless they were intravenous drug users (who most likely would never volunteer anyway, but I digress).

Each passing day, it seems getting vaccinated with mRNA—whether forced or voluntary--is the riskiest behavior yet. I feel so bad for the kids who've been pushed into it by well-meaning but ignorant parents or schools being forced by "matching federal funds" requiring them to deny attending or participating in extracurricular activities as the bribe.

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They've loosened the risky behavior rules for donating blood. They are that desperate. Or maybe they just do not care at this point.

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THANK YOU! I am going to look into banking my blood, if that’s still a possibility. I’d be able to donate to anyone, ONeg, but I may be in trouble if I ever need blood.

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Blood donation centers where I live have never required the vax. Like everywhere else, they are desperate for donations. I started donating about two years ago, mainly to reduce Iron in my body (blood donation is the most effective way to do this) once every six months. The second time I gave blood was little over 4 months after I had what I was certain was covid-19. I actually told them about this prior to the donation. Some weeks later, I got mail saying they had tested my blood and that I had NO covid-19 antibodies in my blood. This was an eye opener. Either I never got covid-19 or the antibodies you get from it fade within a few months. Of course i refuse the covid-19 shots.

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The antibodies aren't that important anyway, your T and B cells remember.

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I have IgG SARS COV2 antibodies against the spike protein and against the SARS COV2 Nucleus antigen that are still through the roof from natural immunity that occurred from an (unvaccinated) Delta COVID infection over 8 months ago. If you had COVID you would still have some antibodies show up in your blood. Assuming the lab tested for the correct things which are:

1) SARS COV2 Total Antibody Profile

2) SARS COV2 IgG Ab N protein

3) SARS COV2 Total Ab N protein quantity

4) SARS COV2 Total Ab S protein quantity

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I didn’t know you could donate blood if you have hemochromatosis. It’s hereditary in my family, quite a few 1st & 2nd cousins have it (I come from a huge family). Maybe different states have diff requirements.

I guess I’m more worried about some day, if there was a need for blood & not knowing if it’s vaxx tainted.

I had antibodies 6 months after recovery but I think Zade is spot on! So…I bet you’re in good shape! And good for you, not being persuaded as I’m sure they said you were immune compromised and you got through it!!!

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According to the Red Cross, 4.5 million Americans will a need blood transfusion each year.

Applying the Pareto principle, and having worked in health care, a safe bet is that 80% of those folks are repeaters- the chronically ill, who need it regularly, repeatedly, periodically.

So, 0.27% of the population are new recipients each year.

If COVID death rates didn't spook you, then perhaps you should invest your worries elsewhere.

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Stage 4 here…counting my blessings I’m not in need of blood. And covid deaths…big pharma & the powers that stopped other life-saving protocols should be ashamed…vaxx death numbers will get there.

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@Robert Curlin: Doesn't ignorant fully negate "well-meaning?"

What good are intentions if you don't do your homework?

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IMHO, in the case of young/first time parents, it does not. Many are simply doing what our disgusting, lying 3-letter agencies are disseminating through the media as "safe and encouraged." I've lost count of the number of medical "professionals" I know who simply parrot CDC talking points. They often cannot speak out--out of fear of losing their jobs--or insurance not paying for services rendered, UNLESS they follow outlined protocols set by government & insurance companies, NOT the doctors. Compound that with actual counter-evidence of vaccine testing & efficacy failures being basically banned in most every form of both traditional and social media; young parents simply aren't exposed to much "truth" about the vaccines. I'm not using "ignorant" as an insult--just as originally intended: trusting and unaware that something they honestly think is helping their child is most probably harming the child long-term, thanks to the lies they've been force-fed.

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How many times does someone need to be lied to before they stop trusting?


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Obviously, a lot! Fauci still has a job.

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No conclusions or statements purporting “less severe illness or deaths” for the vaccinated is non-science. Moderna, Pfizer and J&J vaccinated the control groups….eliminating the science based future comparisons bet vaxxed and unvaxxed. There are no control groups and therefore no comparisons can be made….EVER. This NEVER happens in real science based studies. How can you determine the 5 year adverse effects of a drug when you purposely eliminated the control group….you can’t. The adverse effects are unknown forever.

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@always How can you determine the 5 year adverse effects in less than five years?


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Just in case you are not be facetious and are serious about your question, 5 year effects (good and bad) take 5 years to discover them. There are no science shortcuts. Before the Covid vaccines, FDA approval took about 10 years for all new drugs.

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I included a handy dandy emoticon in my previous comment, but you are correct.

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Except for watching people die.

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This is why CNN has less than 500,000 viewers Per hour they are a Propaganda tool only. People are getting wise and sick of the Government Lies.

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And 450,000 of those are just Russian bots. The rest are vaccine -crazy progressive fanatics.

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I'd give a lot to know what "other vaccine uptake" is right now. Have the dreadful COVID shots caused people to rethink the "very extensive" childhood vaccination schedule?

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My shot days are OVER. PERIOD. does not matter what kind of shot ...

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I didn't give my daughter Gardasil. I likely would have before all this.

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That would not surprise me. I am 70 and used to get the annual flu shot, starting on my mid-30's, every year. I won't take the flu shot anymore because the companies will likely jam the COVID jab into the flu formulation in the near future (per government recommendation).

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Jun 22, 2022·edited Jun 22, 2022

I turned 60 this year, and have never had a flu shot...and have not had the flu in over 30 years or so.....Hmmmm. I live in Switzerland....my adult kids have never had one either. No clot shots either for all of us..... never a Covid test for me, no masks ever, and maybe I had Covid..I will never know! I did not want to know....the certificates were a moot point for me as they were discriminatory, and I just ignored them and did not play along. Trust in medicine, academia, and most other institutions is out the window! The data is screaming now about the dangers of the shots...we need accountability!

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Jun 22, 2022·edited Jun 22, 2022

All of this has been one major con job. I do not believe those injections do anything beneficial. Not even for the Wuhan strain. Big Pharma used the world for liability free, phase 3 (1 and 2 for boosters and children) clinical trials for mRNA technology.

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i have a feeling the dam will break on the vaccines, at which point it'll be study after study showing not just their lack of efficacy but also how dangerous they are. but i've also been called naive, so.

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I think you are right..I fully agree with your feeling. The bigger issue though is dealing with the fallout from all the shots....the courts and lawyers will be very busy...and so will the medical establishment, with all of the injuries and illness. My belief is that the halls of justice and ethical judges and lawyers are going to be the only ones who will turn the tide, and put an end to this..but it will take a lot of time.

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I've been thinking that for a while. I can't believe it hasn't happened by now.

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And otherwise healthy, young, people continue to not awaken from their sleep.

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Death unknown…and that’s ok? Why aren’t people outrages?

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I can tell you that I'm not ok with any of this

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Jun 22, 2022·edited Jun 22, 2022

What's even more impactful and horrendous is this article from Children's Health Defense . A FOIA request demonstrates that CDC did not even bother to monitor safety signals of the mRNA jabs. Either that or they monitored the data and it was so bad that they are lying to hide the data.


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The way I see it, regarding less severe disease in the vaccinated and boosted……how is it possible to determine this - especially when everyone reacts so differently to the infection? How do they know someone would have been a lot sicker if they didn’t have the jab? It’s all a crap shoot. I have trouble buying into this premise. I think our unique immune systems are more likely what is determining the severity of illness.

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Right. We can't say that the vaccinated have a LESS severe infection any more than we can say the vaccinated have a MORE severe infection - I'm so utterly sick of this propaganda, and all of these brainwashed dummies just repeat it because they've heard it so many times. As RFK pointed out in his book, when Pharma introduced an HIV vaccine (that was highly ineffective), this was the same garbage that Fauci spewed about it - that your infection is much less severe if you've been vaccinated.

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Now wait just a cotton-pickin' minute there, Alex Berenson!

The President of the United States--the leader of this gerontocracy!--just said we need more money for THE NEXT PANDEMIC!

Has anyone else noticed that the Quacking Medical Gnome has, once again, disappeared and now the pitiful demented president is the front man for jabbing little kids with stuff that KIDS DON'T NEED and DOESN'T WORK anyway?

Oh. Wait. His Gnome-ness is covid + and must isolate from Rand Paul.

But never mind that.


Or maybe it's MONKEY POX!

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