Alex - consider releasing an updated edition of Pandemia with all the new data, revelations, and actions by our government, media and Big Pharma since published. For history’s sake and for a few extra bucks to support your critical lawsuit. God bless you!

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I would like to - it's just a matter of finding the time.

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When you WIN this lawsuit please also go back and continue your important work on the evils of pot. I am a “true” chronic pain patient, one who has refused to ever ask for or use “medical marijuana” as I believe it only cheapens my actual illness and would allow doctors to write me off as a pot head. Regardless, I have gone to the ER several times this winter, for myself and my (immune compromised) daughter. I was SHOCKED and DISMAYED to endure the endless questions asking if we were pot users. My 13 year old daughter was too sick to even understand the questions and honestly even I was confused, but apparently hospitals are being inundated with cases of cyclical vomiting syndrome and other negative side effects from pot. Like the vaccine, that made Pfizer millions, pot is making the government millions so obviously the media will not cover this. You did and you were right then and are right now. Unfortunately, like with the vaccines your reporting is problematic for them! WE NEED TO END THIS INSANE EVIL PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN BIG PHARMA, THE GOVERNMENT, AND THE MEDIA! God Bless you on this lawsuit and when it’s done keep up the good fight on your previous work!!

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Jeffrey Wiegand.

In the 1980's against all odds, 60 Minutes got Jeffrey Wiegand to break his NDA and risk a business ending lawsuit, all to take on big tobacco.

The result? Big Tobacco had to finally admit that cigarettes caused lung cancer.

40 years ago journalism was dominated by loners, liberal free thinkers, street hustle, chutzpah, and a duty to find the truth no matter where it led.

Journalism today is dominated by group think, leftist political orthodoxy, conformity, and laziness.

The same people that risked everything to expose big tobacco now cover up for big pharma and the government.

Today Jeff Wiegand wouldn't even get his phone call returned by 60 Minutes.

How times have changed........

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Excellent. And in the aftermath, my insufferable Senator - Da Nang Dick Blumenthal (his mouth is wider than his neck) was involved in a settlement/shakedown of the tobacco companies for $252 million - to be given to the Gubmint for “education” 😂

It is a measure of McTurtle’s constipated smallness that he recently took a $1 million dollar public payday from Pfizer.

Considering the amount of Redrum and injuries (Rose, Kirsch, Wolfe, et al), when are the pols going to go after Pfizer for the trillions using the tobacco settlement model?

Who knows - maybe some of that money may even trickle down to the families of the Redrummed and injured?!

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You’re absolutely right. The media bias has reached levels I never would have believed. They used to at least pretend to be impartial...

Trump broke them! Stay strong to the end Alex

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Why would you use go fund me, given their egregious policies towards freedom fighters ?

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I won’t ever donate via gofundme.

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Also, they have a habit of letting people donate millions and then yanking it...which is worse than just forbidding it in the first place.

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Because Alex has yet to feel the full wrath of the woke.

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Think A is far closer now to realizing it than he was. It's HIT him over the head enough times to realize he was duped. Takes some time and heavy HITS to wake UP for some

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I only would use “Give, Send, Go”. And, they also have a PRAYER option.

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Yet, you are still a Democrat and hate Trump. That’s more bewildering to me than anything the left is doing. Alan Dershowitz keeps defending Trump but then says I would never vote for him. Well Alan, if Biden/Democrat/RINO wins in 24, you can throw your lawyer license in the trash because it will be worthless along with everything else we all take for granted.

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It’s called Principles. You can disagree with everything someone stands for but still defend their right to say or express their opinions. The fact of the matter is that both parties and the system is broken. Why do you think there are so many independents?

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Independents too “scared” or “unprincipled” enough to call out the duplicities and stand up for what’s right. We live out Bonhoeffer’s words every single day. Someday, they’ll find nobody speaking up for them either.

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I might call it pandering to the herd. Don't you think a lot of people are more inclined to accept someone questioning the narrative if they start out with "I don't like Trump, but . . ." ?

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I absolutely love the irony in our deeply divided era that Alex, a lifetime liberal, is being shut out by the mainstream media and the conservative media is not really sure what to do with him. We need to break down the artificial walls that divide us. I am a committed conservative but read with interest and mostly agreement with everything that Alex and Vinay Prasad write. I still believe that there are vital lessons from the pandemic that most of America and most of my physician colleagues have failed to understand or embrace. The medical profession in this country has lost a great deal of respect that the public had provided for decades due to a failure to speak up. For instance, less than 20% of American parents are honoring the CDC's recommendations in terms of vaccine and how is the typical American primary care physician responded. Generally by remaining silent. The AAP is of no help, being a rubber stamp for all things progressive. I am hugely disappointed.

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I recently read that doctors in some states have received financial “reward” for patients that got vaccinated

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Mafia like coercion and using FREE printed monies to do so thanks to the false use of the emergency act and ball-less GOP to stop IT

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The 'conservative' (i.e. free) media has embraced Alex.

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I think what you have done and are doing is extremely important and justified. I am one of your biggest supporters and will continue to support your work. But didn’t you settle on your last law suit to Twitter for an undisclosed amount? I think if people donate it’s because they want to see it go through, and if you decide to settle you should pay people back for their donations.

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They will never cover it. If you get past dismissal they want to settle I can't see them wanting or letting things get to discovery because that will be another can of worms. The biggest problem today is complacency in voters, don't think so look at Chicago where they elected a mayor to the LEFT of Lightfoot. You can't fix stupid and that's what voters are today. I don't see it lightly but Biden,Fetterman and Feinstein are the proof oh let's not forget McConnel who is GOP in name only. Stay after them Alex

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“Viewpoint discrimination” is Oldspeak. Newspeak: “saving democracy.”

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Orwellian for sure.

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They Legacy media ignore it because Elite media is as stupid and Guilty as Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden. Made millions off of the American taxpayers by selling themselves to Pharmaceutical industry.

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Many decades ago, I wrote an article in which I observed that a world in which a majority could censor all that it did not like would be a stagnant and a declining world. Unfortunately that is the world we live in today as our intrepid former NYT writer now a muckraker spreading the truth about all things COVID has found out. But perhaps he will find some balm in this latter day Gilead. I sure hope so for all our sakes.

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"Freedom of speech is the great bulwark of liberty; they prosper and die together: And it is the terror of traitors and oppressors, and a barrier against them. It produces excellent writers, and encourages men of fine genius.

Tacitus tells us, that the Roman commonwealth bred great and numerous authors, who writ with equal boldness and eloquence: But when it was enslaved, those great wits were no more. Postquam bellatum apud Actium; atque omnem potestatem ad unum conferri pacts interfuit, magna illa ingenia cessere. [“After the battle of Actium, when the interests of peace required that all power should be conferred on one man, great geniuses ceased work.”]

Tyranny had usurped the place of equality, which is the soul of liberty, and destroyed publick courage. The minds of men, terrified by unjust power, degenerated into all the vileness and methods of servitude: Abject sycophancy and blind submission grew the only means of preferment, and indeed of safety; men durst not open their mouths, but to flatter."

- Cato's Letters (John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon)

That was written over 300 years ago.

I think they got it right...and we are now at the abyss

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In this world it seems to be a tiny few who censor many.

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There is another lawsuit that’s been filed against Biden and Fauci et al. It’s called Missouri vs. Biden. The media aren’t talking about it either. The federal government filed a motion to dismiss, but the courts rejected. It’s another unprecedented case as well.

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THIS is what I find so gosh darn perplexing. It's now mid April 2023 and people like Alex and many still in various forums continue to act as if they are surprised the " msm media" does not do what they are suppose too or what we think they should. The NEVER will. We KNOW what they do, and why and will continue to do...it will NOT change. This was 100% expected. Why would you state the obvious year after year after year? UNTIL actual accountability returns all remains the same...why would it not? They do what they do because they can and they know no one is actually in reality holding them to account. Just sayin

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Who in his right mind and assuming a bit of democracy would advocate for censoring? Only a concealing dictator. Democratic people don’t have a problem with many ideas, even strange ones, circulating because they know that in the end facts, knowledge, science will prevail. The vaccines are a good example. People got brain washed but now they know and they will not get fooled again. So Alex, keep it up. No matter the final outcome you have been doing a lot for freedom of speech.

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Daniele, I like your comment a lot, but I never got the jab and told most of my close friends that, IMO, they should skip the boosters cuz I had read/still read the avalanche of info about adverse reactions, but my friends got them anyway (most boosted their teenagers too) and now these same close friends (less close now, I got shrill) are dug in. I can't tell if they're being obstinate, avoiding reality at all cost, shitting themselves but not admitting it, unfathomably brainwashed, or just breathtakingly ignorant/stupid, cuz I'd think by now any normal person would, at the very least, have SOME doubts about this charade (my "calm" label). Have you seen this variety of reactions with your friends, or do most of them know they made a mistake trusting, say, Fauci, or every single mainstream media outlet that's ever been invented?

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Fred, I can tell you my story. I live in the Middle East with my wife and we have two kids studying in the U.K. and our elderly parents in Italy. Despite being both very healthy we concluded that the only way to be able to travel in case of emergencies was to get the jab. Did I feel blackmailed? Big times but for the sake of family security I had to do it. Luckily it seems to me I have no major issues though I got Covid well after taking the jab. Politicians were unforgivable but the crowd that incited and supported them was even worse. The topic is basically taboo with friends though many initial vaccine fans have now realized that it was bogus stuff.

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God bless you alex! More and more average citizens know the truth every day but feel helpless in the face of the corrupt mainstream media, and D. C. (Deeply Corrupt) administration, DOJ and Spy agencies. Keep up the good fight, the more coverage your lawsuit gets the more money will be contributed. occasional updates on Tucker is your best vehicle

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Why do people still read the NYT or listen to CNN/MSNBC or consult any of the legacy media? The most important attribute of a news source is its reliability, yet the legacy media have repeatedly been proven wrong about almost everything. From supporting Hitler in the 1930s to identifying "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, to liberating Libya, perpetrating the Russian collusion hoax and lab origin of Covid, and misstating the efficacy and safety of vaccines, the NYT is invariably wrong. It is infuriating to talk to otherwise educated intelligent people who read the NYT and are misinformed or unaware of almost every major issue of the day. They genuinely have no idea what the Twitter files contain! They certainly don't know about the Berenson suit. I keep hearing that legacy media are losing their audience but that cannot happen soon enough to save civilization.

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“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it.”

There is absolutely NO excuse for (lazy, apathetic) people to not know wtf is going on the the world. At no place in time, have people been able to get truth and information.

As I’ve stated previously, I threw my television away 20 years ago. It’s pure mind poison = propaganda.

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