Love you Alex, but the dictator on day 1 was clearly a joke with his pal Sean Hannity. This was in the context of the media narrative of him wanting to be a dictator. The lies about President Trump told over the last nine years are staggering and have consequences. Sadly, I have no faith in the federal government to fairly and transparently investigate this assassination attempt. We all saw what happened and the staggering incompetence of the Secret Service. Just like the Biden international affairs lost our deterrence around the world, the Secret Service lost its deterrence on Saturday.

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“Sadly, I have no faith in the federal government to fairly and transparently investigate this assassination attempt.”

Yup — Every “investigation” seems to be “Orwellian” for cover up.

The first thing out of Biden’s mouth was “don’t jump to conclusions about the associations the shooter might have had.” This struck me as disingenuous and suspicious coming from JRB. Hmmm… sounds like this guy had associations!

But then I began to wonder if someone forgot to fill in the President that “the shooter narrative” was going cast him as a Republican!?!

I have 3 kids around the age of this shooter and I can virtually guarantee that none of their friends care at all about joining a political party. If this kid did he sounds like an Oswald.

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I saw in an article about George Stephanopoulos: “the bullet missed him by less than an inch ”. Now unless the articles don’t consider EARS to be part of one’s body, this is a lie. Perhaps “missed killing him…” but the press is just awful.

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And Hannity keeps saying "By a millimeter." Sounds like he's never seen a meter stick. Not taking the miricale of the moment away- believe me on THAT one- but it was a little more than a millimeter, Sean.

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Yes, I can spell. Just can't type.

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And now there is a “classmate interview” video informing us that Crooks hated politicians going back to Bernie’s run … so I am supposed to believe that a bunch of 12 year olds had developed a political outlook? So Crooks has switched from being quiet to outspoken?

Yeah, right. The narrative creators seem to be losing track of their own “account.”

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Thanks to Tik Tok now we know why Corporate Media has been using a very out of date photo of Crooks. Here’s his revised look:


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Can’t believe Alex dropped the ole dictator for a day screed on us. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together caught the Trump sarcasm. Alex can do better than that.

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TDS blinds...

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sad but true

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exactly right

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It was such neglect that it seems incredibly intentional. Thank God for attendees who tried to do the job of Law enforcement and the de ret service. There is no excuse.

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Laura Ingraham also asked Trump if he wanted revenge at the Town Hall she hosted with him. Trump said I don't care about the revenge thing, that's the word they always use. My revenge will be success.

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Yes to everything you wrote. And it won't get better. There is a large segment of the population who only read/listen to the legacy media. They don't read anything else. And there are people -- people I personally know through my professional life -- who have repeated that Trump is "literal" Hitler and his rhetoric is the problem and he created the situation ... all since the attempted assassination. And the media will not stop. There are still people -- a large number of people who I had always thought were intelligent even if I disagreed with them on issues -- who still believe the Russian collusion hoax. ... I don't like everything RFK Jr believes, but his comments post shooting really resonated with me. He is a statesman and he clearly cares about what is going on in America. I hope Trump, if elected, finds a place for him in his administration. Maybe in charge of the FDA ...

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I would also LOVE to see RFK Jr get in there somehow.

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RFK is too much of a leftist. But I like his hate of Big Pharma.

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so they are sending prayers and best wishes to "Hitler." Pretty funny

Interesting thing is trump mentioned to Joe Kiernan (CNBC) in a personal phone call that heard from people he did not expect to, (Democrats.) So there seems to be some sane people on the other side that not only want to tone things down but realize where the future is.

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Not all Democrats are bad. There are sane Democrats out there who genuinely want to work together to solve problems. The problem is that the Democratic Party has gone so far off the cliff with DEI initiatives, gender ideology, etc that the sane Democrats haven't quite figured out what to do. Trump is literally not a true conservative, which is why I've always had an issue with him. He's a populist. I will still vote for him because Biden's administration is running the country into the ground. (I didn't in 2016, but did in 2020). I think the sane Democrats are beginning to see this. We are entering a major realignment of the political parties. I truly hope that there can be a unity so we can have constructive conversations about issues that affect the country without my liberal friends melting down that if Trump says it, it must be bad.

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I never liked Trump, the PT Barnumesque showmanship was never to my taste but he did get me to question some of my assumptions and change my mind, (China being one of them.) You are right he is not a conservative*which I like more as the conservatives seem to come in 2 varieties, the NR types who espouse the theories and the politicians who do believe a word they say, other than tax cuts, and immediately renege on all of their promises. I prefer Trump's populism to that. Especially because he has fought to implement his promises.

* To tell the truth he sounds like an old time Taft Republican.

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All good points. I get mad at republicans all the time for being hypocrites. Rand Paul is my favorite and I also really like Ron DeSantis. But for me, I just want them to do right most of the time. By right I mean limited government, enforcing laws, protecting our borders, lower taxes. Basically, I like Mike Rowe, LOL. The Dems have successfully branded the GOP as the party of big business, but that has changed.

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you and me both. I keep having to remind my wife that the Democrats are the party of the rich now. Shes not very political so her muscle memory is the GOP as the fat big biz types. Funny because she now thinks she has become a conservative, to her horror, lol. but I tell her " you have not changed at all. Its your fellow liberals who went nuts."

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I've always been right of center, but I've also always had left of center friends. We've never had any problems having civil conversations. The Democrats have definitely changed over the last 20 years. I've actually had friends who don't talk to me anymore and I have literally NOT changed my core beliefs since I registered Republican at 18. (I did have a few years where I was a Libertarian, but I don't agree with them on border or drug issues, so that was short lived, LOL.) My changes have been that I'm more tolerant of people who don't agree with me, and more open to different ways of solving complex problems (like homelessness) Ironically, the Democrats have become LESS tolerant!

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We would be friends.

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There were, and are, plenty of ‘good people’ who were believers and ardent supporters of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and so many more.

The Democratic Party will either destroy this country and turn it into a Brazil or China, or they will be replaced and be left in the dustbin of history. I can’t see a third way at this point. Too many of them are too educated and arrogant to ever relinquish this quest.

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I'm convinced that many from the left don't give a rats ass about Trump or what happens to him. I think they have had an epiphany. They have come to the realization that if the violent rhetoric doesn't get reduced, they might be the ones that the pointy end of the bullet is aimed at and this scares them to death.

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possibly. I also think that there are a lot of cowardly politicians (redundant, I know) who were afraid to step out in front of their fire-eaters and say stop! as the apparatus had become so good at destroying apostates. Trump said he got a lot of calls from people he did not expect to hear from. i would imagine someone like Schumer would be a caller. hes probably known Trump for 40 years and been on good terms with him before 2016. he's a political hack but hes not an evil person. He's had to go along with the rhetoric somewhat unwillingly because he does not have the courage to stand up against his own party. I can see him calling DJT out of genuine concern for both him and the country and looking for ways to tone it down.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Not an evil person. Like Alex, you are naive, too. No one would stay in power that long without being evil.

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to paraphrase Burke, for evil to flourish it only takes good men to do nothing. So no, i do not believe that all of them are evil. Though they are not willing to confront evil. i chose Schumer specifically because I see him as a careerist hack who while he may not have real evil in his heart he has no courage to risk his career to confront it. I would say the same about McConnell. if fact I have always been convinced if they woke up one morning to find thy had been switched neither would have any problem seamlessly transiting to the new role

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And still (yet), the TDS fanatics still don’t understand their madness. Dark days indeed.

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Stage One Thinkers all of them. I personally know of people who still firmly believe that if a well known media outlet says it, if it's in print, then it must be the truth. Sad but true.

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Surprisingly I know quite a few “smart” people who are plagued with this syndrome. It makes no sense!

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Every school I have attended up through and including my MBA, insisted that no one can use any source that is not peer reviewed and validated. These are the articles you tend to find published by educational institutions or scientific organizations. Anyone who believes what they see on the news, deserves to be duped. I always verify, such as yesterday during a discussion with my daughter, I did not believe Christopher Columbus was a rapist and a murderer. So I kept asking, what is your source? "It's all over the place" she kept saying, so my husband looked it up and a site that contained a lengthy analysis basically said, Columbus did not do all of that, it was the crews he left on land. However, in his journal he did indicate the indigenous people "would make good servants". As the captain, he was responsible for his employees, and therefore the "cause", however, was not a rapist and murderer himself as current liberal agenda would have you believe. Just my two cents about validation, not just accepting whats on the "news" as fact and not the opinion designed to make people think as the media wants.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Can't correlate critical independent thought with those who on paper or by education referred to as intelligent

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Most are covidian maniacs, possibly vax injured.

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Pre-disposition is a common segway... If one does not erradicate it, it becomes chronic.

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Its a deep psychotic abyss rarely crawled out of...TDS

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(Loved it, short, sweet and to the point.)

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The mad can never understand their madness.

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one of the true signs of psychosis, and brainwashing.

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This is a key point. In my brief discussions with TDS types there's no opening of minds. He's evil and that's it. So unfortunately there's no movement on that key issue. Maybe others have different stories.

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And Covid made this glaringly obvious. I didn’t recognize some friends and family. I still feel like we are living in the twilight zone.

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This. And they still don’t think they were wrong!

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They literally lined up for the Koolaide. Mind boggling.

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We are definitely living in the Twilight Zone. It's not likely to get better any time soon, either.

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Or they do and don’t care. Many of them are already that far along.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

It is so bad you just have to thank God for the Babylon Bee that somehow manages to spoof media insanity while revealing its darkened collective mind. Current gems:

Trump indicted for inciting assassination attempt

Democrats fly flag at half mast because Trump didn’t die.

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“Trump indicted for inciting assassination attempt”

That was my favorite Bee headline this weekend. It might even be their best ever!

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The Media is the real enemy, they just can’t help themselves can they??

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BOOM. Just as Trump said; Enemy of the People

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However, they are being told what to say to the "dumb citizens" who eat it up. This is 100% political.

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DJT didn't "fall" (as the wishcasters had it); actually he did something very encouraging. If one looks at the videotapes and listens to the voiceover, one sees that he deliberately took cover behind his podium, which reassured this voter that: his reflexes are in good shape, he has a survival instinct and he has good common sense

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Yes, and don’t forget how nuts the Left went with Sarah Palin’s crosshairs on her campaign map. But it’s okay for Biden.


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I remember this -- and the press went on for weeks that Palin was to blame for the shooting. I'm sure they still believe it.

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Here is what I don't understand. A 20 year old with a "clean" txt and internet history, travels over an hour to the rally site, is able to penetrate the site without going through the magnetometers, conveniently finds a ladder to climb on top of a building, that building is left unsecured by the Secret Service and is able to get off several shots before being taken out by the Secret Service snipers who had him in their gun sights before he fired a shot and now has his brains blown out and can never talk. Then they find explosives in his vehicle. And the FBI can't open his phone? He uses his father's AR15 type rifle. But the father won't comment until he talk to the legal authorities. And the Secret Service blames the local police. Come on. These are facts. I smell a rat. And this isn't political rhetoric. This is factual rhetoric.

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Exactly. And they can't open his phone but they can confirm that no other suspects are involved. Huh? Makes no sense.

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"Something is rotten in Denmark"! If any party is responsible for this assassination attempt then their obvious first response is "we need to cool the political rhetoric". I hesitate to think this guy acted alone. Too many lapses. Somebody knows. But we will never know with an FBI, co-opted like this one, doing the investigation. The Secret Service Director will keep her job because, if she was instruction to lightly staff the Trump rallies to allow such an atrocity, she is too dangerous to fire.

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She admitted the buck stops with her but she is not stepping down.

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If the buck really stopped with her in the Harry Truman sense then she would step down. If she is referring to the dollar bills that will be incoming from the wealthy billionaires and Dems that want to get rid of Trump, than she naturally wouldn't dare step down because that would stop the dollar flow.

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Yes, she is another incompetent Biden hire. She worked on Jill's security detail and became close to the Biden's, that's how she got the promotion. She probably learned the art of grifting from them also

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Heard FBI cracked phone, true? Don’t know

Wannabe assassin was OUTSIDE perimeter, outside the immediate rally area;

HEARD he got on roof from a low spot

BUT, besides that, I’m with you: how does someone wander around a President Trump Rally site WITH a rifle and not draw attention?

What if he had hid his rifle before hand atop the roof 🤷‍♀️ , why hadn’t the roof WITHIN easy line-of-sight of the rally, the stage, been secured?

I did hear ONE report/comment that the localLEO who did inspect the roof (in response to rally goers cries?) drew back when the wannabe assassin drew down on him with his rifle — and in so doing fell OFF the roof at which point the wannabe assassin commenced firing. If that’s all true, or not, the fact that it seems the wannabe assassin had to hurry may be directly attributed to saving President Trump’s life, as well as President Trump turning his head as the wannabe assassin squeezed the trigger and fired.

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They found out the shooter bought a ladder in the days before the rally.

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Nixon won a landside re-election victory. The media used all of its power to magnify a sleazy burglary into an “ assault” on democracy and forced him out.

How does Watergate compare to what they have done to Trump? Illegal wiretaps under FISA, Lawfare, armed raids o. The President’s house.

Watergate is nothing compared to the present day corruption of the Washington swamp.

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Well written however TDS is a much deeper problem than a writer writing something stupid. I truly believe many of these people are so brain washed and twisted that they will never recover. If you are paying attention you can see that the MSM is pushing this narrative from Trump to Republicans.

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well, you know, how much evidence did we have that it was an assassination attempt?

Sure, a much reviled political candidate who's currently beating the Dem incumbent in the polls was hit in the head with a bullet fired by a semi-automatic (all of which was clear in the videos that were out immediately) but let's not jump to conclusions!

We are reporters! MAYBE the shooter was just an addled deer hunter who got thought it was deer season already and Trump looked like a big deer!

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Maybe it was someone who watched too many reruns on TV and thought they could shoot his hat off.

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Alex B.: "Obviously, Biden did not want anyone to shoot Trump."

Obviously, that is not a fact in evidence.

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I am genuinely curious about the mainstream medias' funding. I can't believe they get enough eyes and ears, even from die hard liberals, to maintain the kind of facilities and on air personalities they have to pay for to produce the news. If this is ad dollars it has to be coming from organizations and companies that don't depend on viewer money. I would love to hear some explanations.

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Big Pharma constantly running ads for drugs no one can buy without a prescription. It’s the perfect way to funnel money to MSM under cover of “advertising”. They don’t care about ratings. It keeps the propaganda arm afloat pretending to be a real business.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

🎯I believe the US is one of the very few countries where direct-to-consumer pharma advertising is allowed. And then we are told to consult with our pharma reps, err umm doctors.

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We didn’t have pharma advertising when I was growing up. My dad, a surgeon, lamented the day they started allowing it.

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By the way, advertising on TV by Pharma cos is something Bill Clinton pushed. There ‘s no reason a law could be passed to reverse it.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Sounds like political payback

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Yup, just US and New Zealand

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A lot of them get grants from billionaire foundations. This is kept quiet. Here's a rare case of it being admitted by a recipient (once... not on every story paid for this way):


> The Associated Press said Tuesday that it is assigning more than two dozen journalists across the world to cover climate issues, in the news organization’s largest single expansion paid for through philanthropic grants. The announcement illustrates how philanthropy has swiftly become an important new funding source for journalism — at the AP and elsewhere — at a time when the industry’s financial outlook has been otherwise bleak.

> It’s the most recent of a series of grants the AP has received since the mid-2010s to boost coverage in health and science, religion, water issues and philanthropy itself. Some 50 AP journalists have jobs funded through grants.

> For many years, Journalists and philanthropists were more wary of each other. News organizations were concerned about maintaining independence and, until the past two decades, financially secure enough not to need help. Philanthropists didn’t see the need, or how journalists could help them achieve their goals.

> Nonprofit news organizations like ProPublica and Texas Tribune led the way in changing minds. The Salt Lake Tribune, which in 2019 became a nonprofit to attract more donors, and The Seattle Times are other pioneers.

> The AP’s pandemic coverage has been bolstered by funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education.

> “Funders are seeing news and information about the issues they care about dry up,” Stearns said, “and in place of that are seeing disinformation.”

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That is incredibly interesting. So on its face it can't be objective, yet they take the money and do what they're told. No wonder we don't have an objective press.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

380 feet from Trump to assassin with a perfect line of sight on high ground and the most overtly obvious building in area to shoot from and it actually occurred. It took an act of GOD to have Trump turn his head at that specific moment to have bullet graze his ear. Can anyone actually believe this whole thing was not simply ALLOWED. How much TIME did the counter snipers have a fix on the assassin. I've heard "up to" 45 seconds and was told to stand down from shooting or how about those who were said to have "backed down" near the building. Just what happened in reality. Now we have the FBI in control. We all know what that means

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Well, at least the mockingbirds won't be questioning whether Trump passed his "physical fitness" test!...:)

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🤔 obviously, 💩 💩 🧠 didn’t want anyone to shoot President Trump (not a literal quote, I gussied it up for clarity)

Why do you think/say that?

If you were the titular or actual leader of the American a Marxist Camp and everything you’ve tried so far has had the opposite effect of that intended, what would you desire more than anything else? Oh, let’s ask Elmer Fudd, check in with The Coyote.

I’m not gonna ascribe benefit of the doubt thoughts/motivations to 💩 💩 brain and his minions/henchmen - they’ve shown all to well they’ve wasted that benevolence.

Praise God for the angel on President Trump’s shoulder

p.s., from what I’ve been hearing, sounds like President Trump might’a recognized the "You’re here because I Am here."

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I have absolutely no doubt Biden was disappointed in the outcome. No, he was not a part to it, but he, in his black little heart, was so ok with it.

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