I never ceased to be amazed that there are rabid antisemites in this day and age. That one comment you highlighted--calling you a pig--is appalling.

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Ditto from me. Still find it shocking when such things are said - even if nothing should surprise me in 2023.

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The comment is appalling but not surprising. Hatefulness is as ubiquitous the air we breathe.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

The October 7 attack was immediately applauded throughout the Moslem and Arab world, including those who have moved to the West. Then the signal went out from the hard left that Hamas was justified due to "anti-whiteness" (Palestinians are perceived as brown and Israelis as white even though this makes no sense) and "anti-settler colonialism" (even though this makes no sense as Jews have been in Judea and Samaria for 4,000 years). I have seen more of this blend of anti-semitism in the streets than the white supremacist variety. With that said, I think many of the white supremacists are emboldened by what they see.

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All the drivel below OMG. The one thing we must remember is that Jews have been in Judea and Samaria for 4,000 years. Thank you for this. May they level Gaza and decimate Hamas. 🙏

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Why? You must live in some kind of a bubble far removed from the real world

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The minute we stop expecting decency from our fellow countrymen is when the moment we surrender any hope for a well ordered civil society.

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They need to cut off the head of the snake in Qatar.

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In due time. To repeat a trite phrase...They are dead men walking.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

WHY no one question $$$ & political motives behind ALL of this is the astonishing aspect to me. Who stands to gain the most out of this and who is making $$$

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Exactly! Who benefits? The Israeli government. Who allowed the 10/7 attacks and gave the IDF a 7hr stand down order? The Israeli government. Who will now steal the gas reserves under Gaza? The Israeli government. Whose economy was on the brink of collapse but now can print billions? The Israeli government. Who was being protested by hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens and was on the brink of being kicked out of power? Netanyahu, who now has war powers. Follow the money - Netanyahu has admitted multiple tomes that the Israeli government funds Hamas. And who benefits? Netanyahu and the Israeli government.

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Ignore a worldview that has advocated death to infidels since the 7th century. It’s all about Netanyahu, that makes perfect sense?

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

It's what I always come back too as well. I mean it's 'written" that way so not subject to interpretation

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Do some research. Every word I said is factual and can be confirmed easily with a little bit of study. This has little to do with Islam or Judaism. Frankly, the Israeli government, AKA the globalists, want to end all religions except their own. It's a religious war, but not in the way you think. Read Albert Pike's letter about their plans for 3 world wars. It was written around 1880.

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Even if every word you wrote is factual, it doesn’t mean your conclusion is correct. One can still draw erroneous conclusions from facts. And when one of your facts is a letter about future world domination written in 1880, well then...

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You're right. It doesn't mean I'm right. Here is a WSJ article. Make up your own mind. See the WSJ (January 24, 2009), “How Israel helped to Spawn Hamas.”

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Just read the article - you’ve really misinterpreted the article. Israel in a thousand ways tried to deal with Palestinian radicals including (the article says) attempts to cooperate with the Islamists. Time and again, their efforts to find a pliant Palestinian partner that is both credible with Palestinians and willing to give up violence, have backfired. And of course would be partners have turned into foes or lost support if their people. THIS is what the point of the article meant-it was not Israel’s intention to help “spawn” Hamas!

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Before it was the Jews it was the Christians visiting the Holy Land Remember the Crusades? Probably not No one knows history anymore only DEI and CRT

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Netanyahu supplies rockets to Hamas? Builds their tunnels? Created and supports Iran and Hezbollah? Maybe Netanyahu created Islam too?

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https://michelchossudovsky.substack.com/p/criminality-beyond-description-netanyahu-hamas?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=1rxs13&fbclid=IwAR3GmCi8_GlANdFDrR_1s18qCC7S1hga9j15l7BkAtftJq28FUHMJ8Uc-aU. Look it up! You can find quotes from Israeli officials admitting they fund Hamas as recently as Netanyahu in 2019. Go look up the history of how the Israeli government worked to take over the PLO during the 1980s and 1990s. Also, it is ridiculously obvious that 10/7 was a false flag. The Israeli government gave the IDF a 7hour long stand down order to allow Hamas in to Israel unobstructed. We now have IDF footage and IDF whistle-blowers proving operation Hannibal was used during the 10/7 attacks and that the IDF murdered hundreds of their own citizens, supposedly trying to kill Hamas fighters.

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Sarah, I bit the bullet and clicked on your link above. It's blatantly flimsy narrative, not reliable journalism. If you take this as fact, then you don't have any more credibility than the original author. Look, I can't quite tell what is truth in this whole saga, but there is enough obvious nonsense in that article that indicates the whole thing is drivel.

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What part of the article do you find flimsy? What is nonsense? There are direct quotes from Netanyahu with the date and location of the comment that you can factcheck.

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Maybe you will consider the WSJ real journalism. They aren't, but here you go. See the WSJ (January 24, 2009), “How Israel helped to Spawn Hamas.”

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Sarah, where in the world are you finding this nonsense and even more so, believing it!

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Boy he’s got lots of guts to be so outwardly corrupt and evil about this?. Not disputing your opinion, however, so easy to uncover, just makes me wonder. How does America play into all this? I’m too much of a conspiracy theorist to believe we didn’t have anything to do or gain from all this? What makes me sad and Angry are the people of each side are always the pawns. War is hell and just think we involve ourselves and meddle where we don’t belong.

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You're so right. The civilians on each side are being used as pawns. The US will enter into this war and make trillions via the Military Industrial Complex. The wars enable both Israel and the US to print billions or trillions of dollars, to put war powers in place, and to give justification for the 3rd world war they have been planning. Biden has already asked congress for war powers and Netanyahu, who was in danger of being ousted from office, was already given war powers. They plan to escalate this into the 3rd world war, and the only way I can see out of it is for the masses to refuse to participate.

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Do you have links to Netanyahu "funding" HAMAS?

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

TY. I'm going to take some time to read this and absorb. Just hard to imagine N could be that evil if true with how Oct 7th narrative has played out. Makes a person re- question EVERYthing it seems in this world now...

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The last 4 years, I have had to reassess and requestion absolutely everything! I didn't ever look into conspiracy theories or really question narratives until then. I'm an RN and was behind the scenes, practicing in most of the US states during the plandemic. In the first few weeks, I was scared and believed the narratives coming out of China and the MSM. However, after a short time, I began to see serious cracks in the facade that strangely, the other 19 nurses and doctors I was working with, could not/would not see. My job gave me a unique view nationwide. I wanted to understand how the PCR test worked since I hadn't heard of it before, and I went to the source, the inventor, to hear what he had to say about his PCR test. I found interviews with Dr.

Kary Mullis on YouTube where he explained that the PCR cannot diagnose infection. He said, "it cannot tell you if you are sick or are going to get sick." In one interview, he explained that Fauci and the NIH had been fraudulently using his PCR to diagnose HIV/AIDS for decades. This shocked me, and so I began to dig more. I researched who was funding the COVID injections and found Bill Gates funded all 7 of the shots worldwide. So, I began to research Bill Gates. The Children's Health Defense has a documentary at infertilitymovie.org regarding just a little bit of Gates' history with vaccines, which again shocked me. Then, I began looking more into Gates and his foundations and saw a very troubling picture of this billionaire who has been going around the world for decades, killing and maiming people using vaccines. Seriously, he has murdered tens of million of people, the bulk of which are babies and children. He and his organizations have been taken to court and kicked out of countries, yet he was allowed to continue and never had any consequences. That led me to the World Economic Forum and the UN. I watched several of their simulations and listened to multiple speeches at their gatherings and found out the following: The UN/WEF want a one world government and have been working to bring about this New World Order world government since the 1950s. The WEF wasn't founded until 1971, but all of the people who make up this group are connected to each other and the UN and have been working on this for over a century. They openly discuss their plans to reduce the population of the planet to 500,000,000 people by 2030. Since then, every supposed conspiracy theory I have researched has proven to be true. Weather modification. Pizzagate. Chemtrails. Secret societies and their control of the world. I could go one and on...literally every single one I have researched, has proven true. I see the world radically differently than I did 4 years ago because over the last 4 years, I have researched so many things that I thought I knew before. I went to Baylor Nursing School, paid attention in school, and have always enjoyed current events. What I have learned though is that my education has been mostly worthless and my sources before this 4 years were manipulating me and indoctrinating me so I couldn't see the truth of what is happening in the world. Because I understand better than most what is happening right now, I started a Telegram channel to try to keep people informed and in hopes of providing some solutions to the craziness which is all about to get much, much worse. The plan is so messed up. They literally plan to act out the Book of Revelation over the next few years, and will have some help regarding "stars falling from heaven" since we are at the precipice of a solar cycle called the Grand Solar Minimum. Every 2000 years, all of the planets align on one side of the Earth, and the sun is on the opposite side. This causes all sorts of climate upheaval during about a 2 year period including increased volcanic activity, flooding, and can even cause a new ice age, polar shifts, and more. The globalists know this is coming, which is why they have been preparing us for climate lockdowns. You are welcome to come to my channel to access much of the information I have accessed if you would like to better understand this world and get prepared for a very hard few years. https://t.me/healthfoodWEFtakeover. The US will be at war on US soil in the next few months. It is mostly military-aged males coming in at the Southern Border, which are UN and CCP troops. UN and CCP troops have been pouring into every Western nation over the last few years, so this is coordinated and happening for a reason. The CCP has grown into a large part of the UN military and they have banded together because they have common goals. They want to destroy the West and introduce the China model over the entire world. I'm worried about humanity and am hoping we can work to put an end to this. So far, the biggest hurdle though is that very few understand what is really going on right now. Thanks for caring and being willing to step outside of your current understanding to learn more. These are rare attribute it seems. Wishing you all the best!!

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

From the health sector as well, and like most of us here we are on the exact same page as you with the entire plandemic and aftermath. I was aware of much of the corruption well before the Wuh FLU ever was launched decades ago, and if you follow Mikovits (old school whistle blower therealdrjudy.com), she worked along side Fauci in The AIDS era and revealed what he got away with then which she was crucified for in exposing. Her books are quite revealing...especially the last of the 3... PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION. Most of what we have seen in this most recent plandemic was happening well before Mikovits too. Its just on steroids now, since there is an absolute ZERO accountability for those who orchestrate ALL of it. These criminals KNOW they can do anything without concern. The silver lining of the past 4 years though, is many NEW minds are now aware or OLD minds, have pulled their heads out of the sand. The 8 episode series at remedy.film is very historically revealing too.

I pulled up some charts of the previous 5 glacial periods on our planet and the warmings post...it's quite revealing in context. We are in an ascension typical in warming periods, and have been for past 10,000 years and no where near the top line warming relatively speaking yet. Can pull this historical chart with a simple search. A simple search and one can see it's not a man made thing. It happened 4 or 5 times without man, and is on a similar pattern now. Such corruption and hijacking of science, and man controlled narrative now. How the average mind cannot understand this is astonishing really, but what can we expect with TikTok providing the young minds it's news and many older minds addicted to the bought and paid for MSM

Being able to stay open to sources of input, and utilizing our GOD given independent thought or what some call critical thought is a blessing from only GOD and not MAN. I think Einstein said once "I sometimes think that I am right...I do not know that I am" I try to remember this perspective he felt too.

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I understand Bill Gates' parents headed up the eugenics society in Seattle (have not confirmed). But also see RF Kennedy's book on Fauci and Gates; extremely well researched and documented...and

totally horrifying.

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Here is a WSJ article that explains some of it. See the WSJ (January 24, 2009), “How Israel helped to Spawn Hamas.”

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Sarah, you completely misinterpreted that WSJ aritcle that you say is not real journalism. See my response above.

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Hello. No, I didn't misinterpret it. I posted the WSJ article after someone else disliked another source. I could post 50 different articles and documentaries on this topic. There is a ton of information on it, you just have to want to know. Here is another. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/

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Sarah, at this point this is where I have to say "we agree to disagree". I think your views and interpretations are your own and that's that!

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How does the long envisioned Ben Gurion Canal play into Israel’s suddenly inept border protection measures on October 7?

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I’m wondering how those devious Israelis got the Palestinians to play their part to advance the Ben Gurion Canal. Oh wait, I know! Those weren’t really Palestinians beheading and burning Jews. They were Mossad operatives who infiltrated the noble Palestinian resistance!


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They were under a negotiated cease fire

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

How could anyone think this Israel/Hamas situation could possibly have a "good" or "right" solution? From the safety of our homes in America, it's easy to pontificate about the Middle East. Israel is a tiny island in the middle of a sea of deadly, never-ending hostility. Even with those who have finally been trying to get along and be peaceful, there remains a deeply rooted and often thinly disguised hated for Jews, there's no getting around it. I worked in the Middle East for 10 years: two in Iran, followed by 8 in Saudi Arabia. I was a teacher and my students were Iranians, Saudis and many Palestinians. I knew them well, I was in their homes and I heard their discussions. I spent a lot of time not only in many surrounding Middle Eastern countries, but also in Israel. So I knew a lot of the players and saw it all play out in front of me, over and over, the tension was always there. There's a lot of hatred all over this part of the world, not just towards the West, but tribal hatred towards each other. My Sunni students in Saudi Arabia described some of the Shi'ite students as "worse than dogs". And obviously they were all disdainful of Jews and of Israel. After all the years of knowing these people, I'm finding it hard to have much sympathy for the Palestinians in general. They are perpetual "refugees" and perpetual "victims" because that's the card they play and that is how they have been programmed to think. And what I also learned is that virtually all the other Arab nations don't like them, they see them as troublemakers they don't want in their country, and they are disdainful of the Palestinian "cause" despite what they may proclaim publicly. Yes, there are many wonderful Palestinian people, I knew a lot of them. A lot. But I have to question why they elected Hamas in the first place because they knew full well what was in the Hamas charter: kill Jews and eliminate "the Zionist entity" as they called Israel.

So Bibi and the Israelis are in a terrible situation because Israelis value life, and Hamas and those who think like them do NOT value life, sometimes not even the lives of their own children. What parent with our Western Judeo-Christian values could cheer the martyrdom of our own child? So Israel is rightly determined to eliminate Hamas, but they are compelled by their ethical and moral code to save their own people who are hostages. Hamas is playing the hostage card to the hilt and appear to be taking advantage of Israel, but I believe Israel has more cards to play in this sickening chess game. Bibi will be damned if he does and damned if he doesn't manage to rescue the hostages. This "pause" isn't good, but it seems that Bibi at least had to try to get back as many hostages as possible. After he has accomplished what he reasonably can with unreasonable people, then I would say that Bib should give ample warning for civilians to leave, and then let loose on the deviants called Hamas.

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You obviously have authentic "cred" if you in fact experienced, and witnessed all you have mentioned, and I trust what you are saying is your truth as you saw and heard it. With that said, can you elaborate on or give an opinion on what you mention about the Palestine people voting for HAMAS in electing them. My more exact desire is to know more clearly how fair and honest that election was given what we know of HAMAS and the powers that support them behind the scene. Also, in your opinion, just what % of the Palestine population do you believe in their heart of hearts support HAMAS. Is it say 40, 60 or say 80%?

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Thank you for some clarity in this thread

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Never negotiate with terrorists! After that, I am really hoping Israel agreed to a halt because they feel like they already degraded Hamas to the level they intended to with this counter-attack into Gaza. (I don't know that, and Israel should never disclose that...but I hope to hell that's why they stopped the attack)

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All of this handwringing and pearl clutching happens with such regularity that you’d think we would have learned the simplest lesson soonest: negotiating with terrorists empowers them. Every. Single. Time.

And now we’re re-learning the lesson which Jefferson had to teach the Barbary Pirates in 1801. Nothing has changed for the people in that part of the world in 220 years.

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Correction, nothing has changed for the islamists in that part of the world since the founding of Islam over a thousand years ago

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All our comments are clearly well thought--even those with whom I disagree. (Except for the jerk with the "Zionist" comment.)

It's all well & good to proclaim "Do not negotiate with terrorists," UNTIL IT'S SOMEONE YOU LOVE. Your child, husband/wife, mother/father, sister/brother.

I don't know what I'd do if it was someone I love who was held hostage. Don't tell me it would be "patriotic" to sacrifice my soldier-son/daughter--or someone else I love.

This is how terrorism works. There are no good "solutions."

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This is a point from your heart and I agree with you. However, from the start I assumed that the majority of the hostages would die. I didn’t think that the Israel’s would negotiate but they did. What caused this shift in their stated policy is anyones guess.

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true - which is why you have to think "outside of the box." this has been an endless cycle so only new thinking will change that.

And that thinking has been done. Thats what the policy was that Biden walked back. But an Israel bent on revenge is much closer to what hamas wants then an israel normalizing with the regional powers, which is checkmate for Hamas.

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Israel lives in that part of the world where it can be fatal to fail to observe the old Roman motto of "Oderint dum metuant." Let them hate me as long as they fear me. Israel made the colossal mistake of forgetting that the Islamic MO has not changed since 700 AD. When Christendom was ascendant, it bore the brunt of Islamic murder and mayhem but now that the Jews have reinstated their official presence in their restored country, the long knives have been out for them on and off since 1948. If Israel were correct that the attack on October 7th was of an "existential" nature, then the response to it should have been massive and devastating which it hasn't been and probably never will be. It was incumbent, for example, for Israel's defense forces to have largely vaporized Gaza before the usual hand wringers and fair weather friends of theirs like the US would have gotten their chance to hector and cavil them at every turn. Given that so-called Gazan civilians, who overwhelmingly support Hamas and the other terrorists, participated themselves in the slaughter of innocents, any concern for their safety and well being betrays a lack of follow through on the goals the Israelis set forth in the aftermath of the attack. My own view is that Israel needed to channel the likes of General Curtis LeMay and CIC Arthur 'Bomber' Harris in terms of prosecuting the war notwithstanding the seemingly atavistic nature of such an invocation. Right now, Israel needs to stop playing defense in accordance with the dictates of the so-called international community and do something unexpected and spectacular to redress how debilitated they are mentally and physically so that its neighbors will once again take cognizance of the need to leave Israel and Israelis alone. I have my own thoughts about what such actions might entail but I will leave it there for others to ponder.

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They came in in pickup trucks, a glider or two, and motor cycles. Existential threat? Are you joking? No resistance from Israel for 7-30 hours..in a territory you can cycle across in 20 minutes, cycle down in an hour or so. Money makes zee world go around..hoping US taxpayers get discounts on the casinos, atlantis Gaza, strip clubs and amusement parks to come, in exchange for our 3 billion a year and one time(?) 12 billion bonus.

So-called gaza civilians? Half the population under 18 yrs of age? Your thoughts lean to gassing them? So they can't get mad in 10 years that they're mother's were flattened under a block of concrete?

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Israel, not me, characterized the 10/7 slaughter as representing an existential threat. All I did was try to tease out the implications. But perhaps your household needs a healthy dose of what Hamas visited upon the innocents in southern Israel for you to get your mind right on this subject. Gaza delenda est, I say. But my thoughts did not "lean to gassing them" which would not have occurred to you if you had carefully considered my references to LeMay and Harris. Everybody in Gaza is guilty of the crime of supporting terrorists and that is why they overwhelmingly elected those malignant vegetables. And why they handed out candies to celebrate the abominable carnage. I say get rid of them all, one way or another. They have permanent irredentist and murderous tendencies which means they cannot be neighbors of Israel. I hope Israel takes that to heart. I used to live there and I would expect no less if I still did.

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I completely agree with everything you said. Best analysis of the situation I have seen. Thank you.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

But really, I hope you will stick to covid shit, and the fertility statistics you wrote about a few weeks ago, rather than throwing your hat into the very overcrowded geopolitical analysis ring.

Like it or not, your substack is a product, and you should know your customers. The reason I am paying for it is not just that you are a swell guy, which I'm sure you are, but because of your incisive and uniquely well informed coverage of covid and the incestuous relationship between Big Government and Big Pharma that you can hopefully unveil even further as your lawsuit progresses.

I really couldn't care much less about the Israel-Hamas war, or the Russia-Ukraine war for that matter, and if I wanted to, which I don't, I could read about them for free in any number of places. So the more your substack focuses on those, the more you are selling me a product I don't want at a price higher than the competition's, and the less likely I am to renew.

You'll have to decide whether you're likely to pull in other subscribers who have other interests than me, but unless you are going to differentiate yourself by somehow lining up a bunch of well-placed sources in the Middle East, I just don't see why your efforts as a geopolitical analyst / armchair war correspondent would be any more valuable than the many others out there.

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Nah, I like to hear Alex's take on other stuff, too. I have the ability to filter on my own.

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Your point is like the one recently made by Aaron Sibarium. There's no shortage of center-right/right opinion journalism out there. But there is a shortage of actual news gathering journalism on the center-right/right. His point is that we all have an appetite for actual news - i.e., information revealed to us that would otherwise be hard for us to find (e.g., the Twitter files) but very few news organizations do this any more.

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Thanks, food for thought. I must admit so much analysis, too much IMO. I try to get my Israel Hamas conflict information from Glen Greenwald on Rumble M-F. I recommend.

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I get saturated easily on the “what everyone’s talking about “ front, especially if it’s overseas and I can’t verify or examine things myself. We’ve got enough issues in this country to focus on. I don’t mind forays though. First, lots of things do intersect. Like Ukraine and the biolabs. (Even though we haven’t heard much about them, other than they exist). If Alex started to disproportionately cover the extracurricular issues at the expense of his core wheelhouse, I would agree. As of yet, I haven’t experienced (thankfully) such an imbalance though.

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After Covid, I'm surprised but not shocked. To watch friends, neighbours and family turn against the unvaccinated like my spouse and I, Nazi Germany came into focus. Our thoughts and prayers to Jewish people everywhere. Long live Israel!

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i love that Alex does these summaries of comments. It’s refreshing to feel like a part of a conversation... not just lectured to. Thank you.

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I don't know what Israel should do. She's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't as Jews have been historically. It seems only Jews are both oppressed and oppressor and no matter what, they never win. Despite being overly successful as a people overcoming all this garbage. You can't have people succeeding, you know. Everybody must be the same and that means destitute while a tyrannical fascist government (controlling major corporations) have power. That appears to be the goal. I'm sure the reason was to retain support of the west which was shaky at best. Incredibly. All horrible.

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Alex, I urge you to follow/read/watch Max Blumenthal on TwitteX. The truth: IDF fired on Israelis. If you disagree with his in-depth investigative reporting, please respond.

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Israel is holding 3,000 hostages, Hamas perhaps another 200. And just how reasonable is it that with every discussion of Israel's right of self defense, the right of Gaza to self defense is never mentioned. Israel got paid back for 75 years of terrorism and much to no surprise, they don't like it a bit more than the Palestinians. The terror and murder of innocent Jews on October 7th was more of a function of the IDF and the Hannibal Directive than that of Hamas. Once again, Israel is not the victim, they just want to pretend they are.

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Dropping bombs on civilian’s houses is NOT TERRORISM? What kind of monsters could believe that?

What you Zionists want is the end to your victims, ownership of their land, the canal, and the gas field. Anyone who supports the extermination of the Palestinians is no different from the Nazis. By which I mean you ARE a Nazi . Seig Heil you greedy murderers! You disgusting TERRORISTS!

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By what calculus was it too much to ask that those who have ruled Gaza since 2005 not fire rockets into Israel and to not commit the atrocities of October 7, 2023?

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Yo mismo soy el regalo

By calculating seventy years of expropriation, murder, oppression, insults, concentration camps, lack of clean water, adequate food or medical care and by daily fear of imprisonment for the crime of being Palestinian and being the RIGHTFUL owners of ALL OF ISREAL. You know nothing of any of this because all your simple knowledge comes from your television set, from Jewish owned media companies and for ignorant people like you and no doubt all your friends, history began on October 7.

Palestine was stolen from the Palestinians starting in 1948 and the thefts and murders continue today. Prior to 1948, ALL OF PALESTINE belonged to the Palestinians who were British subjects until the criminal birth of Israel at the hands of Merry Old England, a country that hates the Jews and wants them gone. So they sent them to Palestine with rifles and tanks and told them to work their will on the natives, former British subjects.

Here is a sequence of maps showing the stages of the theft of Palestinian territory starting from the original crime:


If you were Palestinian what would you have done on October 7?

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Surely you can do better than that, as Joshua's entry into that land occurred in 1400 B.C., approximately 2,000 years prior to the creation of modern Islam.

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I don't know how to reply to a stupid non sequitur like that. I am talking about the real world that we live in. I am talking about what has happened to real people in my lifetime and still happens to them today. You are talking about some comic book, bible hero crap that has nothing to do with anything.

Do you support the mass murders of the Palestinians? Then you are an evil, mindless terrorist who gets his rocks off watching bloody children have their faces cut in half with shrapnel. No bible required.

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Muslims want to eradicate every other religion that exists not just Judaism. They want to rule the world by Sharia law. According to the Koran this is their duty. They have been saying just that for hundreds of years. There is no way Muslims will live peacefully alongside Israel. They want to exterminate Jews from the river to the sea. Who else wanted to rid the world of Jews and succeeded in killing 6 million innocent Jewish men, women and children? The NAZIs. Hamas are the terrorists and Nazis in this situation.

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So you say, and I'm sure your TV told you to think that. But I have been watching carefully for nearly 80 years and here is what I have seen with my own eyes: the United States regularly commits genocide against muslims. And Christians. And Buddhists. All over the planet. So do our vassals like Israel. It's how they run the empire. Then they lie about it. Then they get people like you to believe the lies and spread them on Substack. Take the red pill my friend. Turn off your television. It has made you a willing accomplice to mass murder.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

"I myself am the gift", I don't think that either of us knows for certain what happened in Israel on Oct. 7th because we were not there. Do you live in Palestine or Israel? That's the only way you could have seen "with your own eyes".

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Once again: do you support mass murder? Genocide? Killing thousands of innocents? How bloody minded are you?

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Of course I don't. I don't support terrorists either.

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Then we are agreed on everything. Why were you attacking me?

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I am not talking about seeing what happened on 7 Oct. I am talking about what happened since WWII.

Nice use of Google translate. Very adept!

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What does that have to do with what I said? Regardless of what happened on 7 Oct I oppose the massacre of the Innocent Palestinians.

Do you?

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That’s always the key question in any policy proposal-what comes next? Nobody has found the policy that can realistically answer, “Palestinians and Islam will respect others and live peacefully with them.” That’s the core problem.

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