Our world right now: Mass psychosis and Mass Narcissism have had a baby.

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Neurotic low risk people with cold symptoms. Horror story indeed!

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Thank you for the great halloween costume idea!

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Oh that is TOO PERFECT! I tweeted it crediting you and Alex's substack. I want it on a t-shirt.

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🤣🤣🤣 (breathe) 🤣🤣🤣

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I love this analysis.

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Oct 4, 2021
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I wonder which news organization will take my family's dramatic covid story? It was so bad I was up cleaning my horse's stall and making all three meals for the family. My husband on the other hand did what husbands tend to do and laid in bed for three days watching tv. It was really touch and go there for awhile!!

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What news story will admit a young mother died from the vaccine? A vaccine she did not want to take.

Her obituary makes it pretty darn clear


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You can feel their very justified anger in how clearly and well this is written. I hope those who forced this school room mom to take their death jab learn something. So, so sad. 😥

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Reading this took my breath away. Absolutely horrifying.

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The risk/ benefit it SO different for each person. The CDC refuses to acknowledge deaths (remember the doctor in his 50’s in Florida back in December?). There have been 5 cases I know of in NC where docs/ family said vaccine caused death - to my knowledge not a single one has been followed up with.

A 13 year old girl permanently paralyzed from the trials was listed as “abdominal discomfort” on the trial tracking.

The side effects are rare, not not THAT rare, and with monoclonal antibodies and other treatments, this vaccine is more dangerous for many who are younger and healthy.

These girls lost their mom so appease the phobia of others, and authoritarians…….. in other words, they will grow up without a mom for no good reason other than the simple reality that authoritarianism is FAR more lethal than any virus.

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Hopefully they'll learn the appropriate lesson from this tragedy and get justice for their mother.

This wave of evil will create many lovers of freedom out of its victims.

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I'll put my $20 on the table that says there's no record in VAERS of a 37 yo female dying Sep 7 in WA after taking the vaccine.

Age, gender, state, date of death/injury - that's all the info needed to check it out.

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She is in VAERS. It's just as devastating there.

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Thanks for checking and letting us know.

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I thought you might have already looked. I won't link to it, but it's record 1683324.

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I agree. I guess it's possible that the entire obit was made up, but golly, any journalist with any respectability could probably get the hospital records without too much trouble and help us verify this story. The media black-out is astounding.

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I just went to the funeral home website and she is, indeed, listed there in the obituaries.

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I saw someone questioning it so I did some digging and also found her LinkedIn, her parents on white pages, and her wedding registry. :’(

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VAERS reports take time to show up publicly. Of those I know who died from the vaccine, only 1 had a report filed.

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Brave obituary—kudos for the truth. What a horrible shame for that family.

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Tragic. Well written obit but sad.

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I am beyond shocked that I can't find this in the news at all. I checked KOMO and KATU (Seattle and Oregon, respectively) and they didn't even mention it. At least in the early months, I saw Oregon cover a couple of these VIIT cases. Total media black-out.

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I have checked King and Kiro also. Nothing on this story. In the meantime, Komo loves to run stories about covid deaths that could have been prevented if those evil "vaccine hesitant " people hadn't have "coerced " loved ones not to get the miracle vaccine.

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This obituary was written truthfully while so many aren’t.


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This is absolutely awful. There can be no justice for her and her family against the scurrilous nerds who developed these chemicals, or their corporate overlords who hide behind the immunity contracts, but those who imposed the mandates and forced her to inject these toxins must and should pay a price.

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We're men. What do you expect us to do? I am also confident that you shovel plenty of s__t together. Glad to hear that he survived the plague.

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And we do love our hubbies. My guy is worth all the couch-laying & complaining for all the other good things he brings to my life. :-)

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To Viking: Just pointing out a long-held observation. No disrespect to Men.

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No disrespect taken. Never. I deem myself disrespect proof.

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Man Flu!

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Seriously 😄 but in all seriousness, I was worried in the beginning so I read everything that was coming out and I had everyone in the family getting their vitamin D level up, out everyday exercising, Quercitin, C and zinc. I felt we were well prepared when we finally got it, which was inevitable because my husband was going to work everyday and one by one all his coworkers came down with it throughout the year. He did lose his sense of smell for three months though 😳

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Sasha - you bypassed the propaganda. Well done! You took care of a whole family, and props to you for getting them through. Everything you gave them saved them! They of course won't appreciate that. I do . Your hubby probably had it - and everyone survived :) Love to hear these stories! Many get it and never know, or it was a cold, or flu. Did you get your antibodies tested? T Cell test if after a year of exposure. We mostly all live through it. Don't want to forget those in care homes, immune compromised, I truly care about them.

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I too feel horrible for those in care homes that really aren't getting the prophylactic for this other than the jab. I have everyone that will listen on my regiment and so far no hospitalizations 😄 I had several friends tell me their doctor gave them the positive result and go to the hospital if they had breathing issues 😒 No tests yet, one of my teen sons had a friend that tested positive and a coworker of my husbands and they were both in close quarters and didn't come down with anything so that's my shaky gauge as to we probably have immunity, ha.

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That’s why I am shoving human ivermectin down my husband’s throat if he gets it he’s going to be parked on the couch

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I just LOL’d. Love it!

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Oh my Gosh that is probably the truist truism of all. Mom with COVID - power through. Dad - can't move off couch for days. The more things change, the more they stay the same!

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Lol, well in his defense he's a very hard working dad and husband and I think in the last four years that was his only time calling in sick. But he did milk it a little 😂

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Thanks for sharing. What a harrowing experience!!!

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In many ways, it’s a plague of narcissism and sanctimony.

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right on. covid has been an amplifier of pre-existing neurosis.

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This is why my neurotic relative are harping on me about not getting the clot shot. Their neurosis, their problem, transferred to me

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Yes, especially with the masks. You can tell a lot about a person’s intelligence, suggestibility, and conformity that way.

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Yes - and sociopathy and greed.

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As Naomi Wolf has pointed out, COVID is mostly marketing, and promoting the product (in this case, COVID) to the aspirational is an important part of marketing.

I'm still surprised that the Dallas Morning News would print this, though. That's a major newspaper.

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Same story in my family. All pre-vaccine. Wife and I had it - less than mild cold. Worst part was listening to the press tell us we were going to die. Son/girlfriend had it - asymptomatic - didn't know until they took an antibody test. Other son/girlfriend - flu symptoms - nothing serious. Eight months later +antibodies. Ten months later +T Cells. Immunity still running strong. Just another story, but it's ours.

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What happens if a spider gets inside your house? Here's how a Denton family coped.

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A CA friend told me he and his wife can't wait to get their two year old vaxxed. Newsom and Fauci have them convinced this will solve everything. Meanwhile CA has real problems like … Water! Fires! Crime! And our American Psycho governor has yet to address how this state is going to solve any of those problems or the shortage of supplies and those supplies docked in CA harbors. Or the economy tanking. Or businesses and restaurants failing from HIS vaccine mandate. But toddlers getting vaxxed is going to save us.

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And if I am correct, CA governor allowed teachers to be exempted from vaccines via testing while denying that to all students.

If parents don’t pull their kids out to homeschool or move out after this, they are complicit in all damage done to their kids.

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I am a teacher and am ready to pull my kid out of the school system the moment the NY dictator governor demands vaccinating children. I do believe many others will do the same. Schools will then lose a substantial amount of money. That is what it will take.

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My bet is Newsom will try to outlaw homeschooling and/or have the children removed from their parents and/or have the parents tried as Domestic Terrorists. He owes beating his recall to the Teacher's Union, the Resnicks who stole water rights in Central CA, the developers, woke Hollywood, Big Pharma. But I bet his kids will not get vaxxed because after all he's got a Great Reset Dynasty to create.

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That would not surprise me in CA. And I expect a huge flight out of the state if homeschooling is made illegal in CA. We live in a redder state and we already said that we will move if there is a push to force vaccines at any level. So far, our governor has been holding and homeschooling is huge around our area. So we will see.

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What state?

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I am in the bluest part of Texas (where parents are lying to get their underage kids the jabs and impatiently waiting for approval for their obviously underage kids to get the jabs).

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We are considering Florida or Tennessee, though Florida is in the crosshairs now and I can see a concerted effort to flip it blue coming

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Horrible, and tragic. Homeschooling works well for some, but so many parents do not have the knowledge or skills to adequately teach their children. What to do?

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There are so many resources out there... and I belong to a locals.com group that has a lot of information about homeschooling and how to start. Most likely we will be using a conservative online program and there are a lot of homeschool groups and co-opts in my area. We most likely will be shifting to online school by high school if not earlier and if local community colleges don’t require vaccines, add a few of those mixed in. Then again, our state makes it very easy to homeschool - and parents need to decide where their priorities lie.

If your goal is some woke madrassa disguised as an “elite” college, then yes it may be a challenge. Ours isn’t some degree in X studies that renders the degree holder less than useful in even flipping burgers. So we are much more open to non traditional paths and frankly I would rather use the money that would be wasted on woke garbage now taught in colleges to help them start a business (or farm) or do certification courses in various technology platforms that will allow them to do well in tech sector.

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Totally agree with your comment. Our priorities changed a lot over the last few years. I homeschool two that are in high school. For certain classes, like math, they take an online class. But with most classes they have a curriculum that has a teachers manual, so you’re not just making it up as you go. There’s a few really high quality curriculums out there that offer lots of support for parents. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

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Good to know, and that answers my specific concern, not that I'm about to start homeschooling anyone except my dog. I have a master's degree and have taught a college course, but god help anyone try to learn math from me, except geometry.

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I know bunch of parents who lied about their child’s age to give them the full adult dose including one whose child just turned 11 before their child got it (and their child just recovered from a head concussion). And one parent who said she wasn’t letting her child go in person classes until the child is fully vaccinated (and they lied about their child’s age by a few months so they could speed up their timeline for allowing the child attend in person). And so many more who are impatient for their obviously underage children to be vaccinated. Obviously we live in a blue area. We won’t be allowing our children to get it and we have been telling them why so that they understand why (because we know their peers will be brainwashed).

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I truly think the vaccine is more of a status symbol for many.

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Exactly right. It’s virtue signaling like those yard signs: “in this house we believe ….”

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Those are soooooooo annoying.

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I call that yard pollution.

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Just like the masks.

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Yes, a status symbol for Satanists who don't even know they are Devil Worshippers.

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For some, proof of 'patriotism,' if that isn't f**ked up.

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Twenty years from these kids are going to be charging their parents with Ritual Satanic Abuse.

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Hang on on that one. As far as I've seen, no one is raping and directly murdering (or even beheading) the children as happens in satanic ritual abuse. That goes places far uglier than I want to say, having a friend who survived it, and another who counsels victims of satanic ritual abuse. It's soul-shattering stuff, and intended to be so.

They are abusing their children, but most often in good faith, if very misguided. When the autoimmune disorders, neurological and cardiological problems and cancers manifest it will be hard to prove as vax injury. But awareness must be starting to arise...

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The Devil invented the Road of Good Intentions.

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I have a cousin who has mental health issues. She suffers from anxiety and OCD. The whole pandemic played right into her pre-existing conditions. She’s young and just had her first baby. She had the shot while pregnant and constantly rants about wanting the newborn to be eligible for the shot. I believe there’s a lot of people who suffer from similar issues that this virus exacerbated. It doesn’t help that her double vaxxed mother got covid and keeps saying thank god she had the vaccine or she would be dead right now.

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My husband and I were discussing how children tend to reflect their parents - and that children who are afraid to go out without a mask or socialize with other kids for fear of dying are going to be the ones who will grow up afraid to take risks for anything. Whereas our children, because we haven’t fallen for the mass hysteria to live in fear, are much more likely to live a more fulfilling live and be willing to take risks and move forward. Our children will be more resilient- we did everything we could to live normally all last year (ditched the masks as soon as possible, use our community pool as much as possible, have them do all their normal after school activities and in person camps, and do our usual activities). Those neurotic parents who think their kid will be in the ICU if they catch covid are also testing their kids all the time, forcing them to wear masks outside (even if parents aren’t wearing them because their children are not vaccinated and they are) and training their kids to just unquestioningly follow orders with no real rational thought to any of this.

Not to even mention on the physical side, I strongly suspect that kids who have been locked up are going to find themselves more susceptible to what would normally be trivial bugs (look at the unusual spike of RSV over summer). Their bodies won’t be used to normal social contact after such a long time of isolation.

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Tell her my story. I went to my dermatologist for a check up. He was lecturing me about getting the vaccine and making my blood pressure soar, telling me I could die if I don't get vaxxed, and clearly more obsessed about Covid than my family history of skin cancer, and turned to leave when I asked him to have something biopsied. It turned out to be skin cancer but very early. In a panic I immediately went to a surgeon to have it removed and said “am I going to die?” He said “not from this, but you have to do something about your blood pressure.”

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Just F.....G Crazy to subject our kids to TOXIC Vaccines for a 99.99997 % survival rate disease in their age groups !! These Excited Parents better get educated by someone about the real facts now!! I know, breaking the Public Education Indoctrination is tough, but it has to be done !! It's for the sake of the children, as the libs always say!!

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If it's about population control, and we know the spike protein is a toxin and the first place it likes to land is ovaries. The bleeding... clearly, public health is not the goal.

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They should go to jail for child abuse.

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Sort of like worrying about the chipped paint on a house when the termites have eaten into the foundation.

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“Madsen, a 48-year-old photographer and stay-at-home-dad” tells me all I need to know about this woke bedwetter. Anybody who gets freaked out over cold symptoms and blames the governor for it is an absolute moron. This dude needs to lay off the soy products.

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Stay At Home Dad is one of the most vicious symptoms of this pandemic

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That's weird, I thought everyone died from covid.

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Only in red states. And Sweden. Everyone dead there

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Lol everyone died in Sweden. You mean at the same rate that we did in the US? And UK?

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No, Not everyone, But the vaccine is giving Covid a run for its money !

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Yeah it's great if you are high risk

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Fewer than 1%.

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More people need to see stories like this. I’ve been asking for over a year why don’t they report on the millions of people who just have a mild case? Never mind. I know the answer. That doesn’t instill fear in the hearts of ”men.”

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I honestly think this is why they tried to keep us from gathering, so we wouldn't talk and share our stories about how we had it and it was nothing. I have nurses as neighbors and they rolled their eyes over it, said everyone coming into the hospital very ill had multiple comorbidities and the younger ones were obese.

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Agreed about keeping people apart and from sharing info and their experiences. I am older and obese (working on it) and know that is a major factor in covid complications. But my vit D3 is a stellar 82, I exercise, take C, D, zinc sulfate, quercetin, glutathione, NAC, and.. ivermectin in prophylactic dose. I have 5 at higher dose to take 5 days in a row if I get sick. And I do not live in fear. That weird covid 'demon' feeds on fear, and it seems, maybe cockiness.

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I had Covid in May, 2020. It was pretty much like a sinus infection. Then I lost my sense of smell for maybe…six hours? I take a multivitamin and extra D3 every day. When I feel like a cold is coming on, I take zicam. I still have antibodies. I’m older and a bit chubby, but I’m fine. I did find it interesting that the tracing team insisted that I got it at the empty supermarket rather than at my mom’s assisted living facility, where all the people with Covid were living. When I questioned test, he just kept insisting. Seemed a bit CYA to me.

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Sounds CYA to me, too. hmm!

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I know everyone is different but my 82 year old grandmother, who is obese and pre-diabetic got covid last winter. She took all the same vitamins but couldn’t get the ivermectin until week two of covid. She recovered and is fine. The horror stories circulate like crazy and the positive ones should too.

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Thank you! Good for your grandmother! She's more than 10 years older than I am, and my blood sugar is great - A1C 5.5. That's encouraging, thanks.

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Don’t lose the snark. I love it so. It’s my coping mechanism.

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😂. I have it here in DFW FINALLY, at least I assume because I was around my father in law who tested positive and I have some symptoms. Been taking ivermectin I bought off indiamart because I need to get better to take care of my young children (completely unaffected) tomorrow. I’m 80% better after one day. It’s a COLD.

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Is Indiamart reliable?

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I have no complaints with my experience

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What dosage are you taking per day? Ordered some too, but not sure what proper dosing is.

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Thank you. I’ve been looking for this. I have iver on the way and I wanted a reliable source for dosage.

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Great directions at FLCCC.net under protocols.

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Worked great for me.

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Sounds exactly like my family’s experience with the rona, minus the dramatic news write up.

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The Fear curve is not yet flattened..

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And it will never be flattened.

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Fear porn is their primary weapon.

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"I'm not dead yet! I think I'll go for a walk. I feel happy! I feel happy!"

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OMFG. This guy says he's a conservative? He's one set of pajamas short of Jon Osshoff.

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Pajama Boy lives!

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I thought that was Dinesh D'Sousa... ?

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I think I may query the Dallas News to see if they would like a story about my cat getting the sniffles. He wouldn't wear the mask I gave him so I made him stay in his cat condo until I could be sure it wasn't Covid.

Now I keep him disinfected with Lysol just to be on the safe side.


(P.S. I have NEVER been less afraid of any virus than I am of Covid. What is the matter with people?)

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Don't tell them about your cats, China just killed the cats of a lady that tested positive. Fauci will come for our pets next, I fear!

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We won't be able to board our dogs unless they have the jab. Well, I guess that doesn't really matter since I won't be able to leave town anyway.

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Cats can catch SARS-CoV-2 from humans. Dogs can't at this point in time.

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