Have you considered that all these deaths are from suicide over still having to hear about Covid?

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I’ve considered it, then the bad cat posts memes and I change my mind. Memes save lives.

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Good one. I got it.

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Suicide is tracked at a particular data point. As are other deaths of despair from drug and alcohol overdoses. You can pull the individual country data and see it’s not one cause, and in the last year not intentional suicide driving upticks in all cause mortality across age groups.

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Key sentence in the article:

Bulgaria has very low Covid vaccination rates, likely because generations of Communist misrule left Bulgarians deeply suspicious of government promises of miracle cures.

Ring a bell? Sure rings mine!

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Powerful argument from the data. The negatives from our grand mRNA experiment keep piling up. Thanks Alex.

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Not sure why we continue to beat around the bush with all of the insinuations & innuendos. The Western nations have fallen under the spell of a Luciferian idiocracy, which has killed quite a few people through negligence and overt action. We can all keep pretending that's not the way things are, but evading reality does not make it so.

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I think the WEF agenda 2030 is right on track when you consider all the deaths from Covid plandemic (killed off the older folks), vaccine (killed off the marginal health folks, unborn children, etc), cold from lack of fuel and food in Europe (killed off the poor), government assisted suicide programs, etc. What the heck are our governments up to?

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Not really seeing how the sociopaths at the WEF are going to take over the world when they seem to be intent on killing off the weak and the compliant. Evil makes one stupid and they are surely evil. We give them too much credit.

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If this is the WEF's plan then they will come up with new ways to increase the death toll and get rid of their opposition.

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Maybe something creative like toxic chemicals spilled from train derailments. Or perhaps a new bird flu jab.

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I suspect more death jabs may be in the future. Other means at their disposal include inflation of food and fuel costs that will kill off the poor in less affluent countries from starvation, hypothermia and cutting back on air conditioning. Then there is the possibility of contaiminants in the food supply such as Bill Gate's cancer causing fake meat. The rollout of digital ID and ending of money would allow the government to cut off the bank accounts of people at will as seen during the Canadian Convoy Protest with no recourse to an alternate way to pay bills or buy food.

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I suspect our death tolls are heavily influenced by poor heath as well. US doctors generally push drugs that are not trialed much better than the shots were, instead of focusing on heathy and a clean diet. I look around every day, astounded by the obesity. People continue to grow fatter and lazier. Perfect for a knock on the door by either a grim reaper dressed as COVID, a flu or deadly jab. Sadly, the jab also takes a lot of young, healthy people.

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I know saw some biggins today, holy cow. Healthy at any weight, another unchallenged lie.

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Sometimes I think US and Canada high unchecked immigration is a plan to replace the lazier white entitled population with hard working immigrants who are easier to herd (the new sheep).

We whiteys better step up our abilities or we will become part of history.

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Sadly, Americans are too content on Government handouts and too lackadaisical on legal weed to care about anything other than their next take out order. The truth will never come out because people are not interested. The current state of the US mindset is ripe for socialism. Which they sadly seem to embrace.

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“Ripe for socialism”...BINGO.

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It’s not by chance. Is the long hand of Vladimir Lenin who started the Bolshevik infiltration of our education system in the early 1930’s. The AutoKratz of the world be at straight up fascism and communism or whatever they want to hide behind have been intent on ending this experiment with self rule called democracy/republic. They are infiltrating every facet of our society starting with the schools and government, labor unions, media, and sports. They have succeeded in their take over of the Democrat Party along with plenty of moles and useful idiots in the GOP. Not all of them are out of the closet RINO’s. Judge them by their votes and by their deeds not their words.

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Again, please stop saying these mRNA shots are all done. THEY WERE JUST ADDED TO THE CHILDHOOD SCHEDULE!!!! You may think you are correct, but you are wrong!! They are not going anywhere. Focus on that if you want to be taken seriously.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

Not to mention the DHHS is still aggressively running ads in all media (taxpayer funded) about how people should get the hybrid boosters as best way (safe and effective) to stay protected and to protect those you love. Yeah right...it's over. How could it ever be with the very same criminals who orchestrated ALL of it are still doing so with nary a scratch of any accountability. Sure it's over...WTF!

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Those PSA’s are part of the adjunct advertising budget for Pfizer and I’m sure those swamper that place those ads are being rewarded handsomely even if they are ugly af.

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And check this out. They’ve added a medical code to go into effect in April that obviously flags those of us who refuse to submit. We get more authoritarian by the day.


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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 12, 2023

I've been following this proposal too. Just where are the GOP on this? I imagine the only Governor with the balls to take this to task will be once again DeSantis. Just why are not EVERY red state Governor modeling or mirroring him? He is exactly how a servant of the people is suppose to be!

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Exactly! It just happened today!💥

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I appreciate his work, but he needs to STOP saying these shots are dead. It's quite the opposite.

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These vaccine boosters are producing mutations.

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That's what Geert VandenBossche said would happen.

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This is the Chinese version of the Eskimos putting people on icebergs

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The old and frail would be put on icebergs because they were considered a burden that jeopardized the survival of the clan.

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Except the Eskimos knowingly sacrificed Granny, everyone involved knew what was happening. In the USA, the Feds lied to kill the old woman. After all, the government may have cold hands, but they have a warm heart!!

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What are the Chinese doing with old people in Bulgaria?

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I'm not sure you are correct here, Alex. As I understand it, according to The Narrative the current explanation for otherwise unexplained early deaths among young people is climate change.

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No doubt another excellent data point that the mRNA gene therapy has caused huge excess deaths in North America, Europe, Australia, etc. Yet even as the massive trove of evidence grows and grows and grows the U.S. government and public health DON'T CARE. The CDC just gave all of us the middle finger yesterday and officially added the shit shot, pseudo vaccine (3 shots!) to the childhood and adult vaccine schedule. This will flow down to the medical organizations, state and local health departments, and they will mandate them for kids to attend K-12 and college. The U.S. government and the massive health bureaucracies are doubling down given the cratered demand for the bi (shit) valent shot.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

that cardiovascular chart is amazing

what the heck do they eat in bulgaria?

deep fried-bourbon-bacon-cheese-gravy-sausage-wine-turnip-bacon-syrup cakes? (or just supper cakes, to the locals)

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How did a turnip get in the recipe?

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for the delicious flavor

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Farm to table.

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lol...obviously not concerned about being healthy!

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“First, African countries have populations that are just too young to allow for meaningful comparisons to Europe (and don’t have very good death statistics).”

So just assume the African country averages a very young age - say 35. Then compare their rate of Covid deaths to the similar age demographic in Western countries. Which is higher? We’d expect the Western countries to perform better because they have a much higher standard of living.

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Some Americans are becoming suspicious of communist rule, too.

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Its very easy to get sucked into

‘Confirmation Bias’

Vax as a cause of excess deaths has an elephant in the room

Why has Sweden no excess deaths when they vaxed hard?

Now I would say there is an explanation for this

+ it isnt the vax

The vax did most of its killing just after administration

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So what is it, if not the vax?

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Perhaps Sweden has enough immunity from prior infections to avoid an increase in all cause mortality. Anyway, Sweden is the outlier. Bulgaria proves it isn’t long covid killing all these people. Something must be killing them.

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