I am forever fascinated and confounded that this endless analysis and re-analysis about whether these injections are "safe" or "effective" ignores the massive elephant standing there, swinging its trunk:

Sars-cov2 is HARMLESS for the VAST MAJORITY of people. Whether these "injections" are "safe" or "effective" should be a largely irrelevant question. For almost all people, no protection is needed.

I understand why there may be a need to undermine the "safe-n-effective" message, because it exposes the "fraud" (my word) about these concoctions, but we must not lose sight of the fundamental: these injections are NOT NECESSARY for the vast majority - even assuming they are "safe-n-effective".

Once the underlying reality is recognised, the castles in the air collapse.

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Exactly! .. which is why it should have always been a choice. What's truly astonishing is after being lied to about the vaccines never stopping infection or spread, these same people somehow believe the narrative that the vaccines decrease illness and hospitalizations. I'm shocked they're not pissed as hell.

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what has happened to critical thought?

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Critical thought died with common sense.

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This has been my question since day 1 too. Why do we need a vaccine for 99.9% of people? The virus isn’t dangerous enough for 99.9% of people to need it.

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indeed! only o.1 % is at risk. And the jabs are not risk free either. So the people at risk should have been told this, and then given the choice. This was probably a test drive to see how many people would obey their governments. It is scary to see how many people constantly criticize their governments and then run to do as they say.

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your question was answered and known on day 2. We all have known since WHY

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I don't know about Day 2. The CFR was reported as much higher in the beginning.

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that is indeed what they are. Castles in the air. A totally unnecessary dangerous jab paid for by tax payer money. A total waste of time, money, and a hype that caused and still causes lots of people to live in constant fear and anxiety. I just met 2 face diaper wearers this morning, 2 young women.

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I see people with face diapers all the time. Usually women. They're often alone or with their masked toddlers. Two years ago, these people were told that covid is 1. deadly and 2. contagious. That's all these people know and they aren't able to update the database in their heads which I think is running MS DOS on a 386 microchip hooked up to a dial-up DSL modem running AOL. Actually, I think their heads are completely empty and they're like the NPCs in a video game that are just there.

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Love the MSDOS analogy:). But then I work in IT

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Whenever I see anyone with a face-nappy, my reaction is one of pity for them: "victims of ignorance and fear", and anger at those who have so deliberately generated and maintained the ignorance and fear, all from the luxury of high-position government offices funded by public money.

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This is what I've been saying since March-April 2020. There was no reason to wear a mask or stay at home or cancel your child's birthday party or have a zoom wedding to keep everyone safe. Nearly everyone, the vast majority of people, were and still are safe from covid. The ones who were dying with (not necessarily from) covid were 80+, 3 or more comorbidities, and commonly obese. The masks don't work, the PCR test is fraught with false positives, and the vaccines are neither safe nor effective -- BUT --- that isn't relevant because covid is harmless for the vast majority of society.

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Masks don't work yet the Cleveland Clinic still forces (politely offers ) masks to those coming into the clinic. They have lost all credibility with me. Follow the money , not the science should be the motto.

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Well when they offer it to you, what would happen if you said, "no thank you." ?

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In other words it was one massive CON from the get go...

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Remember those drone videos coming out of china in jan 2020 with the drones telling the people in Wuhan to get back in their homes and put their masks back on? Imagine that, a government that's so secret about everything releasing it's drone videos to the public such that it got onto YouTube. This was a massive CON from the get go and people are so stupid that they fell for it.

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Oct 5, 2022
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The younger generation is dumb enough to believe all this climate change, carbon neutral BS. Of course they throw in "equity, inclusion, and diversity" into the mix just to make it sound better; which again, only works on people with weak minds.

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I want to say to them: “2020 called and wants its misinformation back.”

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Exactly its just round and round and round we go and people forget just who is at risk...it's KNOWN and has been for how long now. The deep seeded Fauci funded wuh-flu psychosis is in deep and only those who saw thru it immediately are safe from the abyss now.

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Perhaps another point might be that these people may have never become ill had they avoided the vaccine. After all nearly half the subject of the UK Challenge Trial never became infected despite the pathogen directly put in their nose. See https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01780-9. Who knows if the vaccine has harmed their immune systems needlessly.

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The elephant in the room is actually a donkey. And you are spot on, the vast majority of us are fine. The Wuhan virus is in cosiquensial. It was always a pretence, an excuse by a polital party, to gain control, and more broadly, hold and maintain power. The more the media and the other propaganda arms of the Marxists party scream and accuse us of all the " ism's " they can conjure up the more you realize how their world is falling apart. " The Truth Is Out There "

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Well said.

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Well said

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Oct 3, 2022
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You again. If Berenson is a fraud, why do you keep coming back here? You post articles that you don't read and expect people to believe them over what Berenson says. The CDC has data that shows the vaccine is both safe and effective. Is that evidence that Berenson is a fraud or is that evidence that the CDC is an organization that's in bed with Big Pharma?

Fauci also disagrees with Berenson, does that mean Berenson is a fraud or does that mean Fauci is a fraud? Since you obviously believe the links you post, go read the NYT or watch CNN and MSNBC so that you can confirm that covid is going to kill you and everyone else and that we should all get vaccinated, wear masks, and stand the magical 6 feet away from each other to stay safe. And don't forget that State Health Depts suggested we get tested for covid-19 often, even without symptoms. That obviously makes sense to you. I'm sure wearing a mask on a plane made sense to you too. The big difference is, people like you believe the CDC's propaganda and people who follow Berenson think that Fauci and the CDC are 100% full of BS.

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And we hope that "Tom" doesn't vote come November. Don't subject the rest of us to your ideology.

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Go get your 5th shot.

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That seems like a really reliable source. The SWPRS have almost done a 180 since the early part of the pandemic on the whole vaccine issue. My guess is that they are controlled opposition.

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I see that this page has a misser right up front. Sars is not a new virus. It was around in 2003 and the 'novel' one is number 2. That is what the name says right? Berenson might not always be right, but he dared to stand up and say out loud what was going on.

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Don't go to church...keep liquor stores and tobacco shops open!

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This was already debunked.

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A cyber stalker indeed. 'Bout time to give it up. I doubt any who visit here are pleased with your fruitless assistance. OTOH, my response is just getting into the pigsty with you.

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Oct 5, 2022
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Superb reply

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Sadly, I suspect for many of the deeply hypnotized, this information (assuming they ever are allowed, or allow themselves, to see it), even though I suspect it overstates any protection offered, will probably just reinforce their conviction that getting a "booster" every three months or so makes sense, and is the way to go.

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Yes. That is all it will do. More boosters.

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that is where my dad is. A fifth shot. One every so often. He thinks it is worth it. Oh well. He is 88. If he were to pass away, one would say old age...

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My dad at 92 got booster #__ (probably 2, it was in April, as encouraged at the independent living facility). His dementia took an immediate and severe downturn, to assisted living to memory care to nursing home to passing a week ago. It is so beyond exasperating to watch all of this unfold and see TPTB cram another 2+2=5 down our throats.

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Sorry to read about your dad. May the good memories of him overshadow the unhappy ones.

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If he were to pass away at 88 and then just happen to test positive right before he died, he'll be part of the covid-19 death stat. That's how they goose up the numbers.

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Hypnotised sheep.

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I lost a friend today. It was a "sudden and unexpected" loss. He was a cop with 25 yrs active duty. Unlike most cops he was in pretty decent shape; worked out 3-4x's per week and carried maybe 20# extra. This weekend he had just performed a Match Director role for about 80 women in a firearms course including instruction and competition. Today he's gone. I only know that it wasn't suicide, murder or a heart attack. Everyone is too shocked to even discuss it yet, however, he was dedicated enough to be an example and I know he Nanner Nanner Nannered me last week for getting his booster.

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So sorry for the loss of your friend. I am beginning to think the athletic-vaxed are at the greatest risk. The less athletic, it might take a while longer. But if the blood and heart and liver and brain are as affected as I've read, it's just a matter of time. Hoping that the single-vaxed have a chance. Many people are in that category. (Wonder what the percentages are for 1x vs 2x vs 3x etc.)

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So very sad to hear of your friend passing.

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A friend has an appointment for his third booster, meaning shot #5. I warned him he’s destroying his immune system and he smugly replied: “Well, I haven’t gotten Covid!” How naive- doesn’t even know the latest that the jabs don’t prevent. His 38 year old son died last August 2021 in his sleep. Son was a school employee where work required the jab. I could never say what I think, but I’m worried my friend is going to die too. At least I’ll know I warned him.

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Very sorry about your friend. How old was he?

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It’s asked many times- 51 y/o. No other details as to exact jab et al

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So sorry to read about your friend. May your memories of him bring you comfort.

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How old was he? When did he get the new booster?

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I was a Psych major in college and one of the things I learned was that you can make statistics show a correlation to ANYTHING. Calculus takes a variable and demonstrates a result. I got vaxxed long before Alex came along and given what he shows us here I would not do it again. I have been lucky while supposedly vulnerable I never got Covid (knock on wood). No I didn't take any special precautions I hate masks they are worthless unless you are at MOPP 4 Army guys will know what that is

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Look, just figure out how long after the vax people keep dying from it, let’s say 6 months, and then say “hey, you’re not considered fully vaccinated for the purposes of our trial until 6 months after your latest booster.” Then we can make all the vaccine deaths look like unvaccinated ones. Works every time!

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They've been using that ploy in Calif. and elsewhere ever since last fall's booster mandates.

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As Rutherford said, if your experiment needs statistics you ought to have done a better experiment. Yes, many caveats to that blanket prescription apply to research on human subjects but if you are arguing over whether the Kolmogorov-Vladikavkaz Reverse Cubit is superior to the one-tailed Ahlens-Dahlmergen Sorstrumming-modified F test, then the problem is with your data.

So, I diagnose a simple case of Simpson's paradox again.

None of which changes the overwhelmingly justifiable conclusion that the vaccines are not very effective for very long.

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Tomorrow is the 2-year anniversary of the Great Barrington Declaration, published BEFORE any of the so-called "vaccines."

If you want to torture yourself, consider where we would be today if we'd listened to Drs. Sunetra Gupta, Martin Kulldorff, and Bhattacharya.

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And this is why the expression "lying with statistics" came about. Sample size is important.

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The vaxx data is so bad, the State of California has gone back and changed their results. I guess those lying liars forgot to have the Way back machine scrub the data crimes, because comparing data from now to 4 months ago, uh-oh!! The State has removed the boosted data set alone and combined it into the vaxxed data of 2 shots, most likely due to obvious ADE. And, magically, the amount of unvaxxed deaths fell, but they don't seem to have showed up anywhere else. I guess that us a mystery. Good look for yourselves!!


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In Washington we just disappear the information.


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What is the young 70s situation. Today I read the obits and there are Parkinson’s and leeway body dementia in people dying below expectancy ages , not young, but well below expectancy and I wonder. Are there any connections there.

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A sick society IS a good business model for Pharma. Just look at how sick children are now with the average of 75 injections by age 7 now.1-44 show autistic tendencies, huge uptick in autoimmune issues and allergies too in past 25 years of increasing injection schedule for kids. This say's nothing of the adult issues rising in many areas as you mention and cancer acceleration which were once dormant or in remission. It's surreal how not ONE person in the 3 years almost now since the Fauci funded wuh-flu lab release in CHINA has been remotely held accountable. Not ONE!

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FauXi doubled his net worth to $12,000,000 during the pandemic. He’s invested in moderna.

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Accountability means that someone would lose some money and can't have that. Plus there might be some blackmailing going on..just sayin' you never know.

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Nothing changes until IT does. A thief will not stop if he-she knows he will never be busted

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Add to this the normalization of children having heart problems, myocarditis comes to mind, and you know something is amiss. Yes, there is a correlation most definitely.

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Yes, the virologists in Wuhan (or possibly U.S.) attached a prion like domain to the spike protein. This is the most horrific part of the gain of function experiments. Dr Richard Fleming goes into detail about it. Flemingmethod.com

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They'll give you Covid and if not mRNA and lipid nanoparticles will go to your brain and heart. Whilst there your cells will grow spike protein which is toxic and will get your body to attack the cells growing the spike protein.


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8 billion people in the world make up the largest clinical study ever. They know what is going on. They are voting. With their feet. They are avoiding the vaxes and boosters like the plague. Governments can't give the stuff away. And Mandate Joe has slithered into silence after declaring the pandemic over. But the consequences of the mandates roll on. Immune systems forever altered and suffering from the consequences of ADE. My unvaxed next door anesthesiologist warned me about ADE a year and a half ago. Now Dr. Russel Blaylock reports data from a Medicare source indicates 400,000 vaccine related deaths have occurred in the U. S. Wonder what the future holds for the vaxed still living? No wonder Mandate Joe has gone silent.

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We may have some evidence that when the Spike hangs around in your system, it spreads to other areas (female ovaries, etc) and creates a near constant immune response. This could be tiring the immune system making those unfortunate people much more susceptible to any virus, not just covid ... that could explain all cause mortality too. Stay tuned.

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We here in America we are still living in the stone age so we will never know what really happened!?

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so, 3/4 of the country *might* be dependent on a pharma product to protect them from a severe coronavirus, because their immune system is compromised

Alex said on Twitter that Peter Daszak obtained funding for more bat coronavirus research somehow


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“Yiyi Xu” doesn’t sound Swedish to me.

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Must be an immigrant to Sweden.

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