The elephant in the room is actually a donkey. And you are spot on, the vast majority of us are fine. The Wuhan virus is in cosiquensial. It was always a pretence, an excuse by a polital party, to gain control, and more broadly, hold and maintain power. The more the media and the other propaganda arms of the Marxists party scream and acc…
The elephant in the room is actually a donkey. And you are spot on, the vast majority of us are fine. The Wuhan virus is in cosiquensial. It was always a pretence, an excuse by a polital party, to gain control, and more broadly, hold and maintain power. The more the media and the other propaganda arms of the Marxists party scream and accuse us of all the " ism's " they can conjure up the more you realize how their world is falling apart. " The Truth Is Out There "
The elephant in the room is actually a donkey. And you are spot on, the vast majority of us are fine. The Wuhan virus is in cosiquensial. It was always a pretence, an excuse by a polital party, to gain control, and more broadly, hold and maintain power. The more the media and the other propaganda arms of the Marxists party scream and accuse us of all the " ism's " they can conjure up the more you realize how their world is falling apart. " The Truth Is Out There "