You missed the point. From Mercola this morning:

The drug companies need this last remaining age group to be included under the EUA, because once the emergency is finally declared “over,” the next phase of liability shielding requires that the shots receive approval by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Once the vaccine is on the childhood vaccination schedule, the vaccine makers are permanently shielded from liability for injuries and deaths that occur in any age group, including adults

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Yes. This is true. But.

Fraud vitiates any claim of liability protection.

And there is plenty of fraud.

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Let's hope the courts hold up. We have to kill one of these chickens to scare the monkeys (sorry, this is a Chinese expression). SCOTUS seems to be doing better, anyway.


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Even if court gave big awards against Pharma, the execs and stockholders already made big dollars that they get to keep. The companies will just build any losses into their prices for other products they sell.

It's all a fail-safe Scam.


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Well, if they prove fraud, which if the courts are/were even remotely uncorrupted should be easy to do, wouldn't that make a successful prosecution, for at the very least willful ignorance and criminal negligence, possible and doable? After that, hopefully, assuming even as corrupt as it is, the media couldn't ignore the trial and judgment, the floodgates would open. Drowning--literal or metaphorical--is a perfectly appropriate death for these satanic criminals.

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They will NEVER allow it to get to the point that the CDC and FDA were in on the fraud. Saint Fauci and the big wigs have too much invested. What was done to the public is a national disgrace. We still are not treating this disease. The answer was and is therapeutics. But without fear and death they cannot scare the public. These entities need a reason to expand or at least remain relevant. I am afraid it will all be sweep under the rug. They will continue to claim the shots stopped you from dying and we are the ones responsible for continued spread for not taking the vaccine early on. (The newest lie I have heard circulated! If everyone took the vaccine originally the virus would not have been able to mutate. The once great State of NY has become a cesspool of fools!) Regardless, if the courts allow damages the price would be too high. Egos might explode! Like everything else today insanity is winning! SAD!

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I understand your pessimism, I live in NYC, in a building full of covidian cultists. Still, it always seems monsters are untouchable and resistance is futile, until it isn’t. When people eventually wake up to what is happening—and they will, even though it may not be until the carnage is far more horrendous than even now—people like Fauci and doctors who pushed this poison on their patients, and liars in the media and academia better hope they face trials in courts of law, because street justice will be far less kind.

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Project Veritas had an FDA employee on camera stating that the FDA is reliant on money from Big Pharma for a large share of its funding, and that the goal to jab everyone, to include infants, indefinitely. At what point does this qualify for RICO prosecution?

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If you find one new Subtack site today, find Mark Oshinskie's. You can thank me later.

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Agreed. But what is in it for the FDA and CDC bureaucrats?

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Proving fraud is a high bar. In this case, however, there's so much potential evidence in the FDA's EUA application data that's already been released that doing so may be only a matter of time.

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I keep reading about the weird things found by morticians preparing the remains of those who mysteriously died after the vax.

Suppose a courageous (or if not that, politically ambitious) district attorney followed up with manslaughter/negligent homicide charges against the vax manufacturer?

Pharma's documents are out there thanks to FOIA. They're being reviewed by people looking for a smoking gun. Even a tenuous link between those documents and the dead victim could help move things along.

They keep trying to scare the bejeezus out of us. I'd like to see an aggressive DA turn the tables with a credible threat of prison time.

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I don't think they need to look any further than the most recent study charade for the rubber stamping of the EUA for kids 6 months through 5 years. Over 2/3rd's of the kids who started the trial were not included in the final results. Can you say massaging results to provide the FDA with a happy ending?

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It will be difficult, they've either bought off or scared most judges/courts from wanting to tackle this. Who wants to take on our behemoth federal government? That in itself could prove bad for your health, if you know what I mean!

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Taking on Big Pharma in court would be nearly impossible to win. And would take hundreds of millions. For most, it is a hill too large to climb. They have cover in MSM and Gov. I would say Vioxx was a point in your favor, but C19 has adherents and champions and become so politicized that would make it just that much more difficult to be victorious. Possible, but very, very unpleasant.

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Do not underestimate the personal injury lawyers. They're every bit as smart and ruthless as big pharma's counsel, and they have serious political juice as well.

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I suspect that the clever tort lawyers are also patiently waiting for public sentiment to change in their favor. Since civil proceedings require 75% of the jury, it may still be too risky to proceed and I doubt that the big Pharma would settle for an ALJ. A quick walk around the aisles at my local Costco informs me that many of our fellow citizens are still drinking the Kool Aid by walking around with masks—proudly—like complete jackasses. At the same time, I’ve overheard younger adults confess using the “I have Covid” as an excuse to duck out of work and other social obligations. To be sure, the spirit of many Americans has been broken but what really concerns me is that (like H.G. Wells’ Eloi) they like it that way.

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friends 18 year old son DOES NOT want a drivers license, never had a job, does not want to go out into society. His friends do come pick him up (I'm glad he has friends). He admits he is afraid of growing up. He smokes pot every day, of course his parents allow it. He is a good kid, his father died when he was 10ish so I get the fear factor. But until he gets a job, he is suffering a weird self abuse. And I did tell her this weekend to get Alex's book on MJ and pysochosis...she just rolled her eyes as she puffed her THC pen.

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This kid needs a shrink. Seriously. He needs help.

Mom is probably a lost cause.

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Hes a future citizen of the metaverse. Zuckerberg and his playmates creating the digital welfare land are salivating at the millions of adult kids living in parents' basements and the government is adding to the welfare and disability rolls.

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Definitely a future Dem voter

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So, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?

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That kid's only chance is to join the military.

With all the woke changes, even the military may not be a good option anymore.

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There's always going to be a percent of the population, the go along to get along crowd, that will do whatever they perceive is the popular opinion and with so many now online al the time BigTech's tweaked algorithms are able to produce the false perception that all but a very few believe the government approved and corporate sponsored narrative on covid and the vaccine. You have to ignore them b/c they will do whatever they perceive is most popular. You try and convince those who aren't followers but for whatever reason still believe the lie. Of these some will be those who simply are unaware of what's been revealed b/c they are main stream listeners only. Once enough of those who aren't part of the go-along crowd are awakened to the lie then we can re-direct the go-alongs to our side leaving the cult followers as the only supporters of the lie; then and any crook in government getting $$, power or both out of pushing the lie.

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I think this is the way Dr. David Martin is trying to get a case through.

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Yes, I've been waiting for the personal injury lawyers to smell blood in the water. Might be worth going to law school myself and becoming one when it finally does hit the fan, God willing.

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I have been thinking the same thing...but not in a money making way, more of a " we have to make them accountable or else" kind of way. I think you are right...lawyers, judges, and our laws are the only way out..but it takes time.

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Well, yes, certainly first and foremost we must make them accountable. But hey, if those of us who have opposed this all along can find some value in it, particularly during a terrible downturn in the economy, that would be some real justice. I'm actually sort of joking, but perhaps it will encourage others to take up the charge.

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From what I've seen, yes, that might be a good idea. Hold the companies that forced their employees to vaxx accountable for any damage done.

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Yes, I truly think they must have accountability in all of this. Colleges and universities, too. Someone must have accountability in this enormous scam that has affected so many people adversely.

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Life insurance company losses could certainly encourage a massive suit.

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I keep waiting for some of them to start speaking up. Maybe the pharmaceutical companies are sharing a cut with them to help offset their losses. :-/

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Seriously, that would probably be a good career decision.

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I pray you are right.

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Not impossible at all. I’d venture to guess there are more than a few lawyers at this moment trying to put together a class action lawsuit. Pharmaceutical companies lose giant settlements all the time.

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The list of laws making this all completely legal. Her stack is excellent. I suggest subscribing. It's free to all. She is a legal worker, not a lawyer. Some of her more current posts go more in depth with the laws.

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This is incredible , enraging and terrifying all at the same time. We have a tremendous amount of individuals living among us that have no conscience, moral compass or soul at all. And it is sad to say but after the past 2 1/2 years, it is not surprising. Prior to then, ignorance was bliss.

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Yes. You see all these laws that were passed and all I can think is, "How come these were never talked about, so we could write our congressmen?"

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We can only live in hope 🙏🙏🙏

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No doubt. It will take a long time, hurt and kill a lot of people, and cost a lot of money.

These jabs are too dangerous to ignore for long.

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They're getting more dangerous by the day to the people who took them.

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Expect a huge winter season of illness coming up as immune systems have been destroyed in 70 plus percent of Americans.....all viruses and other bugs will rear their ugly heads and take advantage of CLOT SHOTS AIDS !

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The point is you make the situation stinky enough that the feds and pharma are each trying to throw the other under the bus

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Nothing is impossible. I thought I would never see Roe overturned in my lifetime. Of course the fraud trial could take 50 years. In the meantime 50 more new drugs will be out destroying people's lives.

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There are attorneys out there taking on these cases and they are busier than spit on a burning log. I think the number will increase as time goes on just due to the sheer number of cases.

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That's what they said about Big Tobacco.

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WELL, I looked this document over. It would benefit from more summary prose and fewer references. What we all need is an attack vector rather than a history lesson. Does one exist outside of prayer?

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I suggest you subscribe to her stack. It's free. She does go into depth on some of her other stacks. She has worked in the legal field, not a lawyer, and obviously has a very good grasp of the technicalities.

I don't have the room on my phone to store them all.

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There are many legal precedents against drug companies for harming and killing people with their drugs. VIOXX is a good example. Unfortunately, many people will be hurt and some will be killed before this runaway train is stopped. To your point, the fraud is broad and deep in the alphabet agencies. There will be a lot of pushback, but these jabs are too dangerous to ignore for long, and we haven't even gotten to the mid-term and long-term negative sequelae.

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Vioxx is the reason I am super suspicious about anything new from Big Pharma. When your GP calls you at 8:30 pm and orders you to stop taking something immediately it makes you think about taking something so easily the next time.

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My triple-jabbed brother has covid. I dropped off some nutraceuticals and ivermectin, which he took. Over the weekend, he called his GP for advice anyway. The guy never called back. He later texted my brother and told him that he'd called in something for him to the pharmacy. Paxlovid. The pharmacist called the next morning and told my brother that Paxlovid could interact with the drug he takes for high blood pressure and lead to dangerously low blood pressure. He then went on to tell my brother that Paxlovid can cause serious liver damage. My brother decided not to take it. Too many doctors don't know or they don't care.

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😯 A doctor called you w/o having to be begged? WOW!

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Did you happen to go to her stack and see all the laws that have been passed to allow this to happen? --- Yeah, I didn't think so.

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I never said it would be easy. Fraud vitiates any claim of liability protection.

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Fraud does not trump the law. Sorry, you never learned to read.

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Just subscribed... thank you

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Mind. Blown. No hope of change.

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Her stuff is fabulous. A must read for everyone interested in this subject.

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FRAUD committed with no accountability means nothing other than the knowing fraud occurred. I mean look at all the blatant fraud (THE LIST IS LONG) already the past 2.6 years since whu-flu lab release in China and the fraud which occurred well before that. Not ONE person or entity in those 2.6 years has remotely been held to account. In fact the lil elf narcissist Fauci was asking for more of "our" money in congress just last week to fund developing new injections and research in China. Not ONE!

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Subpoena Fauci's financial statements. That ought to conclusively prove fraud.

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I think in 2023 Rand Paul will have the power to subpoena Fauci. I can’t wait.

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I'll buy popcorn and a bottle of champagne--just for the spectacle.

Talk about "Must see TV."

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Just watch congress authorize more of "our" money that Fauci asked for last week to fund ongoing research in China as well as develop new and "highly effective" injections for future use. At worst Fauci fades into a well "we the people" funded pension. Justice at it's finest!

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yeah right and prepare for the same sort of WTF feeling as we have gotten with the Durham investigation. Zero accountability in the SWAMP

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If you think this is a spectator sport, you are in for a brutal awakening soon.

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Congressional investigations are bullshit, as we've seen with the J6 charades.

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Corruption, yes, fraud, no. Subpoena the data from the manufacturers' animal and human trials with the mRNA drugs, as well as internal correspondence, emails, phone records, text messages etc. and minutes from board meetings regarding same.

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Karen Kingston has been talking about "fraud" concept as not being understood correctly, given the circumstances. From what she's saying the fraud is not dependent on the brook Jackson case in court, as the rules that apply under EUA, are invalid because the work Brooke oversaw was relating to clinical trials, that fall under the convential FDA parameters. So yes they have committed fraud, it's already nullified the contract and opened them up to liability from everyone who has been injured or died. But the FDA and companies involved are ignoring this fact, and pretending it's not decided, because there has not been enough people understanding the ramifications and differences between what falls under the EUA, and under the normal clinical trial regulations, which is what the BJ case falls under. It's another damn bait and switch, cases vs death figures tactic. And everyone on Team Reality is falling for it!!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

It's going to be another 2 years before this gets figured out. 😭😭😭😐🙄😑

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Two years?

You're an optimist.

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Sounds to me as nothing but legalease gobbledygook. We all know crimes against humanity has occurred and is allowed to continue. Have to call a spade a spade!

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Fraud put the Biden regime in power. And nobody is doing a damn thing about it! They won't be able to go after the vaccine manufacturers because they are a HUGE lobby. And no lawyer is going to want to take the case. That's the way this goes.

People who get too close to this are going to "suddenly die." There's BIG MONEY behind this effort.

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the companies will just file bankruptcy through liberal courts and re-open under another entity like they're currently doing from other mass-lawsuits.

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Good point. That's happening now with asbestos and opioid lawsuits. In those cases one recourse the creditors' attorneys have is to investigate the directors and officers regarding payments of dividends, bonuses, loans, etc. to themselves, and any fishy divestment of assets which might have occurred because of, or in anticipation of, a verdict or settlement.

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A lot of kids will die or be maimed for life before any Big Pharma heads roll or public officials for that matter, by these KILL SHOTS !

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True. But I don't for a minute believe any fraud will ever be proven even though everything these drug companies do is fraudulent. We just don't have the system anymore to prosecute these people. We are a nutsack without the nuts.

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Fraud is proven all the time. Pfizer has paid out the biggest fine in US history. We need prison time for the fraud, though. They can't just cut a big check (from their shareholders dividends) and move on to the next con.

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GOOD point! In this way they control the fraud by simply paying monies which are probably budgeted for that very thing hence no REAL accountability in essence. What is needed is PRISON time and REAL accountability controlled by the people wants and demands. The kind they FEEL and are AFRAID of.

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Agreed! It’s too bad that the people making claims against big pharma/Pfizer actually need the payouts to survive because their quality of life has been annihilated. Some injured people can’t work or provide for their families and unfortunately lots of people eventually die from these drugs as well which can create the same situation (or worse) for the survivors of the person. But wouldn’t it be great if people didn’t sue for money and sued to get these despicable people jailed? Apparently big pharma builds in a budget of $250,000 per person (the amount they put on the value of ones life) into their marketing projections to account for law suits against them, and they are still making billions of $$ after paying out billions!. This kind of marketing strategy speaks for its self doesn’t it. We have to crack this nut wide open to get these atrocities to stop happening. We can’t give up on this, we need to keep exposing them to the world no matter what!

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You're 100% correct. All of the institutions that were created to stop this sort of thing, are now involved in perpetuating it!

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If not its all simply redundant until we die...

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This is important so posting again. Unfortunately the hospitals and Pfizer et al are now claiming to have improved vax for the variants. Some people have been waiting for those. And my greatest concern is the colleges that are sure to mandate again. There might be ways to get out of them, but many 20 somethings are still followers and compliant. Really need to make it cool to them to RESIST the vax. This far, many think the opposite

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I feel like we’re the minority, it’s sad

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Congress is going to have to subpoena all the financial records of any alphabet committee member who voted in favor of poisoning Americans with these experimental "vaccines".

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And yo know those crooks at the FDA are salivating at the chance to add yet another drug to the mandatory vaccine schedule. Granting the industry immunity was one of the worst mistakes in our life time. No industry with immunity like that is not going to seek to pervert and abuse that immunity.

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We can thank Obama for that… 😡

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Another point that Berenson is missing: Many people are STILL being FORCED to get these shots, by businesses, schools, athletic associations, and summer camps. Each and every booster that is approved will be mandated for a significant subset of the population, regardless of how useless and dangerous the shots are.

That's why I've written an open letter to Gov. DeSantis, asking him to use his Florida's statewide vaccine registry to immediately commence a study of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and other catastrophic health outcomes that are becoming common in the healthy. Read and support this effort here:


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NYC off-broadway theaters are requiring boosters, meaning third shots of mRNA, for both audience and performers. NYC has dropped its state-wide vaccine requirement but allowed individual businesses to continue violating medical privacy based on the old precedent, and theaters are known for extreme political posturing. They will likely require whatever further nonsense is approved.

Trade unions are also still requiring vaccines to work even though may of their members are against mandates and often recovered from natural infection.

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Note in NYC the government-enforced restriction has been lifted for customers but not workers. From the NYC Department of Health:

“Businesses may not allow any unvaccinated workers to work at their workplace. A workplace is considered any location — including a vehicle — where you work in the presence of at least one other person.”


Is there any other place in the world requiring all businesses to have only vaccinated people showing up at work?

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Many (most?) colleges are still requiring these useless and dangerous jabs, even though the data and experience makes clear the vaxxed get infected at higher rates than the unvaxxed. One of my daughter's friends is awaiting approval for a vaxx waver to see if she can attend law school in the fall. If they turn her down, she won't go. Makes me very angry.

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They’ll actually still have to be approved, not just EUA, in order to get that post-emergency protection. And there’s no requirement to have EUA on the way to approval. Also this has nothing to do with sped up authorization (again not approval) of reformulated boosters.

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I am not a Healthcare professional but have been studying the effects of childhood vaccines for a few years now. These Pharma companies want to vaxx all the kids, so as you so duly noted, then when they are ‘approved’ and they then can lobby to have them inserted into the ‘childhood vaccine schedule’. Once on the schedule there goes their liability, like all the other 72 vaxxes they push on kids, in order to go to school.

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And there it is!

The only way the emergency ever gets declared over is if they get these vaccines approved and on the childhood vaccination schedule. That is their endgame. And, I'd say it's a fait accompli at this point.

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Everything about this situation is a fait accompli at this point because it was well planned out before hand, and the right people in all the right places have been paid off.

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If you did not see the meeting today, watch it. They are so incompetent it is beyond shocking. Voted 19 to 2 in favor of omicron boosters. They have ZERO CLUES. They even called the drug companies the “sponsors.”

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Great source. Thanks.

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Even Topol disapproves of the Omicron booster.


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Where's the original "emergency" if five states murdered their nursing home residents by mandating COVID patients into nursing homes while simultaneously locking down the entire state population like communists to keep COVID away from the elderly?

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Dr., your excellent book, "Surviving Healthcare", should be required reading for any thinking person! Thank you so much for exposing so much that is wrong with "modern" medicine.

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And yet my daughter can’t wait to get my Grandson age 19 months the jab. Breaks my heart as she believes anything the democratic government says.

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That situation is hard for you, certainly, because it puts you in double bind. Protect your grandson and risk strained relations with your daughter; protect the daughter-parent relationship and risk the health and wellbeing of your grandson. Either way all you have is the truth and your heart will break with such a false dilemma. Not false in the sense that this would not be a real experience for you. False in that the choice if not what is at stake.

May God's hand steer you in the best direction possible.


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Thank you.

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I'm so sorry. I will pray that your grandson escapes without serious side effects. What a terrible spot to be stuck in, afraid for your grandson's safety, but unable to stop it, and objecting will damage your relationship to your child.

My brother and sister-in-law enrolled my 1 year old niece in Moderna's jab trial. 😭 They are both in the medical field, and worship "The Science", despite being hardcore leftists that oppose corporations. 🤷 It makes me ill.

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If the drug companies had any partial ethics they would use saline solution for the shots for children.

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For everybody, not just children. The mortality results from the mRNA vaccine clinical trials support that saline would be better than an mRNA vaccine for adults as well.

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Of course, they should "do it for the children" and everyone else. It would be better, since vaccines are already fraudulent, that they should first do no harm in their fraud. Especially since the myocarditis issue alone, in boys and young men, is actually is actually aknowledged.

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Lebwvu - please SHOW HER THIS VIDEO from a wonderful British doctor.


She will not want to go ahead if she listens to Dr Clare. 🤞

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Oh God, how awful. How brainwashed these people are. Keep sending her information; Dr. Desmet, who spoke about mass formation psychosis is saying we have to keep speaking the truth, even if we don't think we are getting through to others.

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Show her this, with all Moderna and Pfizer’s own words taken verbatim from the trials. There’s no there there:


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There are no democratic governments

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Heartbreaking. How to knock sense into these sheep heads?

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Let's be honest... that Dane is lying when he says "yes" to was it right to vaccinate kids at the onset. It was never a good decision and people on this board including Alex have been saying so from the start. Total lies.

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Kudos to him for at least admitting to it now. However, he is still pushing the vax and boosters for all adults.

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Good to point this out. There’s no end to the ways these bastards are going to try to deflect from their culpability.

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This fact alone, the FDA unanimously approving the jab for toddlers and infants says everything you need to know about the FDA. They are in cahoots with the CDC and are helping to get the Jab in the childhood vaccines schedule. From day one, everyone agreed that children were not high risk. But apparently they became high risk once they remembered the 💰 at stake. Sorry, I can be empathetic to those that can’t follow the data on Covid and can’t make sense of it. And it gets confusing! But we ALL heard every news outlet and government officials repeat over and over again, kids aren’t at risk. For two years they never wavered on this how kids fared so much better. So if you allow your kids to get the jab, after already knowing they have never been at risk, and seeing the FDA just plowing ahead and Approving it, you are just plain stupid.

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I was angry last fall when our pediatrician emailed out about covid "vax" clinics for 5-12 year olds. I almost puked yesterday when the same email came out for 6mo - 4 year olds. This is a guy who says not to use orajel for teething and won't prescribe tammiflu because "viruses need to run their course". He is very pro flu shot however. I have half a mind to forward Alex's posts to him, and ask him if he's ever looked at the trial data. Likely time to find a sane pediatrician in our area, although I bet none exist.

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Will be hard to find one not pushing these useless jabs. Even my kids pediatrician, who was supposedly big on holistic remedies and was never one to push antibiotics or even a flu shot is 100% on board with these jabs, or at least was. Wanted both my older teenage kids to get it, and said me and the wife needed them also. Also huge into the masking. Honestly, I’ve lost all respect for the doctor profession.

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Pediatricians are some of the worst VAX blinded. They have been making money off vaccines for years unfortunately. And they are taught from the very beginning of their medical training that the VAXes are so important. Finding one who hasn’t been brainwashed is very difficult. I only know of one and that is a very near retired pediatrician.

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This whole mess has definitely opened my eyes to the whole vax scam. My son will be getting the minimum Tdap required for 6th grade (and none of the recommended extra crap), if I don't pursue a religious accommodation first.

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Pursue first!!! Seriously no vaccine is safe

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TDaP is dangerous too. Don't let him be poisoned with that one either.

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Are you in the US ? Which state ?

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Have you looked in to your state’s vax policies? Some do not require vax for school, or allow for a variety of exemptions.

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Agreed. Got a lecture from my ped after I declined the flu shot for my one year old. He had the audacity to tell me that she probably wouldn’t die but would just get “really sick.”

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My kids are older, so we just quit going to the pediatrician altogether. We've been fortunate that they've been healthy since 2019. Don't feel like arguing over it. And I'm sure I'll get a lecture when I tell them my 12 year old only wants the mandatory Tdap shot, and not 3 more "recommended" ones.

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Good for you, and your kids !

Mandatory Tdap shot…

Question: mandatory for what ?

School ?

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Public school.

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Because Orajel is so dangerous...but stick that mRNA jab into the arm of your little 6mo old baby, even though we don't really know what it will do. Utterly ridiculous. Yes, I've lost almost all respect for most of the medical profession.

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Me as well.

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I'm in the same boat. Sure seems like the entire AAP has been captured by politics, which is obviously bad regardless of which party has captured it (though, realistically, I think we have only one party pretending to have two different teams). Next time we need general advice, I'll look into private practices and naturopaths/functional medicine docs. I just want doctors who use their professional judgment and aren't in a cult - I guess that makes me crazy in 2022!

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I admit I spend way too much time really angry about the state of pediatrics in my town.

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You definitely should

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You can go the family doctor route. I hear they use more independent judgments and respect patient autonomy. Gasp!!

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Agreed a family doctor that is not part of a foundation or an organization like Sutter is probably the best way to go. A DO might be good.

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The Boy Who Cried Wolf. There will be repercussions and regret over today's actions, but it will be too late. With each new bit of information, I'm SO thankful not to have vaxed my kids.

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I’m thankful not to have vexxinated my kids, too. It’s been a rough journey though through all the “you’re gonna die” “you’re so selfish” “you’re banned from this and that” But we persevere...

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So thankful not to have vaccinated myself, or even my senior age parents (they do wear masks in crowded indoor settings though, better than getting unlucky and dying, or even ending up in a hospital that can be almost as dangerous as the disease which brought you there to begin with).

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So thankful not to have vexxinated myself, too; but we couldn’t convince my senior age mom-n-law:( Sadly, the news and fauci beat us on that.

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Lesson learned for me is that government can never be trusted.

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Not just government. Pharma, media, doctors, neighbors -- many have been less reliable than usual. As the great philosopher Fox Mulder taught us, "Trust No One!"

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The neighbor one may be the toughest pill to swallow but swallow it we must.

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We're at a point where this is all just so sad. And as Geert predicted there us now a variant that evades the "protection from serious illness and death" if that was ever really true.

I fear the pandemic all these snowflakes have been hiding in terror from is almost here for real now.

On the bright side I kept my job and in fact became very valuable as a unvaccinated person that will most likely live through it all simply because I didn't trust the approved experts.

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Primaries today in Oklahoma. I am voting for a candidate that is running on a platform of issues that includes putting Fauci in prison!! We have a few candidates that are "say what you mean, do what you say" type of people!

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Good luck! I hope you get a good one! One that really says what they mean and has the guts to back it up. 🤞

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Can you hear it now. "But, if it saved one child, it was worth it"

It didn't, it wasn't.

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Kill hundreds or thousands to save 1. Always a brilliant idea. 🤔🙄

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But what if it was YOUR child

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You want me to say that to save my child, I wish death on thousands of other peoples children.

I'll tell you who I wish death upon. I wish death upon the asshats that think they're gods in creating, making, and mandating. I wish death upon the asshat Karens and Neils that think their way is THE way. The people who hold the majority captive with their yelling and screaming and invasion of privacy. Are you amongst them?

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Sarcasm, I hear them in my head.

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Check the odds on which side that would mean.

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It's always been all about the Benjamins. A LOT of people have made serious money on vaccines, including lots of people who get "royalties" who work in the NIH/CDC/FDA and I'm sure others in Congress are getting their payback too.

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More important is the development of contagious vaccinations. They are ready and I am sure the argument will be made about the resistance during Covid. I am continually surprised how left our medical community has become, no critical thinking. Since Brandon has already mentioned the next pandemic, I am sure they have a plan! Not even sure how to fix this anymore since DC is full of both parties not caring anymore. Republicans will not save us and even Trump is still touting about his "Warp Speed".

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We must quit thinking that government (a certain person or party) will "save" us. We must all roll up our sleeves and do the hard work of fixing these problems at the community level. We can actually influence policy at our local level, which hopefully will eventually roll up to the national level.

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I completely agree but some of us live in communities that are so far left, there is no voice to have. My community is full of government workers and unions that think Brandon is a great president. So long as they are addicted to pensions, you will not see any change in the communities in liberal states. We are still on emergency status in Wa and have lost jobs because of the crazy left punch drinkers. We have family in Texas, 2 doctors, and they are so far left too. Unless we bust up the colleges and public education, there is no change coming any time soon. Not trying to be negative, it is just the reality so many of us are living in. Look at how they are treating J6 vs. the BLM riots and what is happening with our Supreme Court. We have very few critical thinkers coming out of any schools and they mostly remain silent for fear of retribution while they are there. I hear Trump complain more about the election than what is needed for our future or help the people still rotting in the crap DC jail being railroaded by the left who owns it all. Where are the Republicans on all of this? Busy visiting Ukraine and giving our hard earned money to a useless war that we should not be in. Done ranting now! :)

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I suppose I'm naive in that I live in a red state, largely surrounded by like-minded people (although not always). If I lived elsewhere and had any opportunity at all to leave, I certainly would. But it's definitely time for people to stop fearing the retribution, as you mention - have a spine, speak your mind, explain calmly and compassionately what you think. This irrational, radical behavior must come to an end at some point, and the rest of us will be left to clean up the mess they have caused. I truly think an economic crash will be the force that ends this mess. When people don't have enough to eat and don't have jobs, they won't be quite so concerned about whether or not someone is a she/her or they/them. And yes, totally with you on the Republicans in Ukraine, and I'm sick of Trump as well, but they are never going to help you. They only care about themselves, their power, and their personal fortunes.

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I speak my mind every day but will never tell others what to do as I do not walk in their shoes. There is no calm explanation to crazy. If you don't live it, you just don't know. When I was in school, I did not face the pressures they do now. Same thing in education, we did not know how anyone voted and the students we worked with did not know anything about our personal life. I would love to see more speak their mind as well but there are so few left in our education system, they are truly addicted to pensions if they are not crazy. There will be no help from politicians, I have always been a very independent thinker but voted for Ross Perot and helped get Clinton elected. Oops! I understand what you are saying about grass roots movement but we cannot oversimplify a very complicated subject. Have you tried talking reason to a teacher that thinks they are moderate? LOL This generation needs to suffer with no bail out from the government and I cannot express enough how much parents have contributed to the problems we are facing, always a soft landing given for their snowflakes. I raised 3 kind girls who contribute to society and still laugh about the consequences I let them experience to help build them into strong people. They all live in conservative states now, haha!

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The US used to be the the scientific lead. Now we are the scientific imbeciles. This practice of wholesale jabbing kids was a war crime 80 years sgo. I can not believe the sheeple that continue to follow this nonsense.

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2 fables that guide humans:

“The sky is falling”, & “Wolf!”

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This Substack writer sent a letter to DeSantis urging FL to study their vaxxed vs. unvaxxed data bases to compare health outcomes. This may be one of the only chances to do so in the short term to publicly expose the the harm of the shots.


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Here's something that I found that should illuminate why we don't hear much about covid vaccine risk or lack of vaxx efficacy on Big Tech platforms (YT, Google, FB, and Twitter):

In the words of Glen Meder:

"In order for us to have an honest government that respects the Constitution, we must have the ability to say what we want to say, challenge ideas, confront official “facts” and narratives, and hear from others with opposing viewpoints. We must be able to do this without fear of reprisal, cancellation or censorship.

And this is not just true regarding political beliefs, but it is also true for science. The Scientific Method is a method of research in which a problem is identified, relevant data are gathered, a hypothesis is formulated from these data, and the hypothesis is empirically tested. Then it is freely and openly discussed by other scientists across multiple disciplines who challenge the thought processes, the methodology and conclusions, and then conduct their own rigorous testing.

When scientific discussion is suppressed, challenges are censored, and scientists and doctors who challenge the authority-approved narrative lose their jobs, then science itself becomes corrupted.

I believe that Google (YouTube is owned by Google) has done more to suppress freedom than any other company, and they are, therefore, an enemy to the Constitution, to science and humankind itself. I think Google is evil.

For this reason, I do not publish anything on YouTube anymore."

Ditto that for Facebook and Twitter.

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Science and journalism are both supposed to be professions that "search for the truth." Both are completely captured.

This does not bode well for the future of mankind.

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Academia has also been hijacked by the left and that is much of the source of the corruption in the "search for the truth."

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Ironically, Google's unofficial motto used to be "Don't be evil." But removed all mention of it about 4 years ago. Perhaps that is when the censoring ramped up.

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That is why I am so thankful to be a paid subscriber to Alex Berenson's substack. I want to hear all sides of the story and have a useful and constructive exchange of ideas. I know that people have disputed Berenson's claims about cannabis and ivermectin and that is good because we need more debate less censoring, more questioning and less condemnation, more analysis and less blind acceptance. I truly believe that if Google made themselves a platform that didn't take sides and was a place for free and open speech, Google would make more money and do more good. Google's censoring started about 2015-16 when Trump took center stage and Google has lost droves of their users' eyeballs and engagement time by alienating and demonizing people with conservative judeo-christian family values.

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Same here.

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I can hear the Covid fearful saying "But what about Long Covid, Alex? I need to endlessly jab my kid to protect him/her/zie/they/zer/zim from Long Covid!"

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The Seattle Slimes breathlessly reported yesterday that 642,000 people in WA have "long covid." And for bonus points, more women than men complain of long covid. Their definition "According to the data, an estimated 2.1 million Washingtonians age 18 and older have tested positive for the coronavirus or been diagnosed with COVID by a health care provider. Of those, about 31%, an estimated 662,000, had symptoms that persisted for several months or more." Nationally, 34% of all covid+ people, or 34M have experienced symptoms lasting 3 months or longer.

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Dr Prasad recently did another great take down, this time comparing two studies on long Covid (and I think it was with these same factoids.)

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Here ya go. This man is such an important voice that needs to be heard even more widely. If we took a poll of Unreported Truths readers who know his work, my guess would be a nearly unanimous vote in favor of him heading up/reforming the FDA. Immediately!


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Not to burst the bubble, Dr. Prasad may be 10x times better than "the rest", but as of THIS MONTH (!!!) he is still saying "Vaccinate adults, boost elderly".


We really really cannot afford this type of "controlled opposition" at this point. Such controlled opposition may well do MORE HARM than good because many adults and elderly will actually TRUST AND LISTEN to him, even if they are smart enough not to trust Dr. Fauci.

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The idea of "controlled opposition" means What? Exactly? Is it Something Real about a person -- that includes an intention to deceive or mislead rooted in corruption -- that can be Proven in some way? I think that would have to be the bar to reach. Otherwise, it seems like something to throw at people with whom we don't 100% agree.

My take on VP is this: he may (still) be too much of a "vaxxer," BUT at the same time it is clear he argues for -- nay, is BEGGING FOR --public policy that is substantiated (in ways consistent with his training that can be evaluated).

In practical terms he has stuck his neck/reputation very far out on a limb and has been a leading voice to question/trash the FDA and CDC. I will take the protection of children against these shots, that he advocates, as a trade off for his other vaxxy tendencies. Adults can make good or bad decisions for themselves in a way that children cannot. At the end of the day, we don't have "perfect world" choices.

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We can agree to disagree.

I certainly do not trust any of the controlled opposition "Twitter star plus professional star" physicians like Prasad, Makary, McBride, Boulware, etc. Not saying those physicians are bad, but it is very clear that they care much more about the "P"s like pay, profession, power, prestige, public perception, popularity, etc. than about doing the right thing.

They are a stark contrast to physicians like Marik, Kory, McCullough, etc., who ACTUALLY FOUGHT to save lives at tremendous professional and personal cost, literally giving up their bread and butter. Actions speak louder than words.

Plus, refusal to endorse something as absurd as childhood mRNA vaccines is not at all an unpopular opinion, even among a considerable proportion of mainstream doctors who have a shred of decency. Claiming that mRNA vaccination is overwhelmingly beneficial for adults (and implying that the risks are trivial) has deadly consequences, first of all because it misleads (if someone trusts Dr. Prasad how will they know they are being misled?), but also because it paves the way to making mandates acceptable, no matter how much Dr. Prasad may claim he's not for mandates.

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Thank you! From what I have seen, he seems to be able to voice criticisms without being censored/canceled. Looking forward to the video...

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Do you have a link? I can't find any recent articles when I search for Prasad and Long Covid ~ 🤦‍♀️

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I would love the link, too, please!

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Bunch of whiners who have mostly been vaccinated too. They just don't want to go back to work....bring on more free money! I hate living in Wa and look every day for jobs anywhere else.

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I will be getting religious exemptions for my children, and I know I am not alone. These regulators and pharma companies are shooting themselves- I will never trust an injection again, and I now look at the medical industrial complex, as well as government, with a distrustful eye.

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I know this will be shocking but there is no reference to this in google. Duck duck go yes.

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Check out Jessica's substack about self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) trials. Yikes. https://jessicar.substack.com/p/no-more-clinical-trials-needed?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email.

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I wish she didn't publish with that blue background. Horrible on the eyes, enough to give me nausea.

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Put it in the “Reader” format and it takes the blue background away.

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Thank you!

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The wild card is whether--CDC or no CDC--the shots will be required for college & university students who want to return to classroom learning. And, CDC or no CDC, will the omnipotent teacher unions and their idiot sidekicks the school boards require shots for schoolchildren.

Once this garbage lands on the children's vax schedule (even though it manifestly is NOT a vax!) there goes the game.

BTW, and at the other end of the age spectrum, I just returned from taking Dad to see his doctor. As he was entering the exam room with the nurse practitioner, I said, "Dad? Don't forget to tell her NO covid booster!"

Then to the nurse practitioner, I said, "Did you hear that? NO BOOSTER! We're done with this horseshit."

I do hope I frightened her just a little.

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Absolutely. I think Alex remains too optimistic. Healthcare workers still are mandated. They are already required to get annual influenza vaccinations and they will certainly be required to get the reformulated covid product again in the fall. Many companies will require the "new and improved" booster. Also, I expect that there will either be a real or fake surge in cases and a new propaganda push for injections before the winter.

And Kirsch's latest survey shows 42% are willing to take more injections if the CDC recommends them. And they certainly will. The game isn't over yet.

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Oh, Dad………think about you and your dad every Friday at lunch. Hope this was just a regular visit and that everything is alright. AND, I’m sure you frightened the nurse.

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Dad's good--very frail but good. Just an ordinary checkup, and the usual tests.

You're sweet to think of us.

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YOU CAN BET THE FARM the commie schools will use coercion on students and parents again

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“ Demand for the mRNA Covid shots has collapsed completely and is unlikely ever to return”

You are quite the optimist today. Unfortunately democrats do not believe in a God, and therefore try to be one themselves…….

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Many colleges still require boosters for their students. When will they stop? Here’s Stanford:


They also require this of attendees of their summer programs.

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When they get their asses sued off?

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Yep. Dealing with this now for my kids fall enrollment at U of Colorado. Required. Mandatory. And only ethical exemption is if your religion opposes ALL vaccines - not just the EUA mRNA. That's right, the carrot and the stick to force you into an experimental treatment. Our media worse than sucks - they are on the take.

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I am sorry you have to deal with this. Before COVID, we took vaccines. Now that God made me do my research (by speaking to my conscience), my conscience is offended by all vaccines. The data doesn't hold up on any of them.

I was terminated from employment over this. It is a hill for me. The right of ALL Americans to choose, to have informed consent, is a freedom worth fighting for.

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Seems like a good opportunity to take part in meaningful protests against misguided and discriminatory policies that violate rights to bodily autonomy. Surely there are hundreds if not thousands of other people who would join him/her. A passionate minority with lots of signs, yelling, and threats of withheld tuition would likely be sufficient at this point.

The trouble is...how could you coordinate before the fall?

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They are getting sued. 1:22-cv-00013 Garlick v U of C. But it looks like it's going nowhere - the judge tentatively dismissed for jurisdiction and the 11th amendment (state's can't be sued in federal court) last brief filed 4-22-22, then crickets. Maybe the judge got 2 shots and 2 boosters and then got the covid?

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Sorry to hear- are you sure that "restriction" on exemptions isn't just a scare tactic (perhaps based on deliberately misleading language) to simply discourage religious exemption requests?

I do know of someone whose university said something related as in "explain whether your objection is to vaccines in general or just the COVID vaccine". Their request was along the lines of: they object to vaccines that insert genetic material to instruct their body, because they believe that their body is a temple created by God whom they trust absolutely- something like that and they got approved. Of course, a university can deny any exemption request at their beck and call even if they don't put any specific restrictions on requests. If your child is absolutely forced to get vaccinated, maybe consider going to Mexico to get one of the traditional inactivated virus vaccines like Covaxin or Sinovac? Wouldn't do Novavax even if approved here, it has its own issues. Best of luck.

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Oh, they got that covered. Only CDC approved vaccinations count.

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Covaxin and Sinovac are on the CDC's list of "Accepted COVID-19 Vaccines":


Pretty sure the school would have to accept those vaccines if pushed, but there is a tiny risk of a cart before the horse issue in getting vaccinated with one of those without being 100% sure it would be accepted. If it were me maybe I'd consult a lawyer at this point. Tough situation.

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Read the rule in detail. It says a WHO approved covid vaccine.

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What if your personal conviction says you cannot lie on a consent form? That should work for everyone. Religious exemptions can be made for any deeply held moral belief. I created approach for employees but it should work for students at colleges that offer religious exemptions, if they do grant them at all.


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Thanks. Worth a try. Upon further research into the lawsuit - U of C - is commanding that the exception must be based on a belief that ALL vaccines are objectionable - not just the mRNA. And since she has had all the others, sounds like a loser. Anyways, we are now discussing a break year. These people are truly awful - probably a research school with federal grants. Worth a try.

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If the school receives federal funding it’s a violation of the Civil Rights Act (Title VI) to have such a narrow definition of religious belief.

See: https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/section-12-religious-discrimination#h_9593682596821610748647076

Press harder!

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Meh, screw boulder. Probably too woke anyways. Jack A$$ governor thinks he going to be President. Let the vaccine injury data bury him too for making the mandates.

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If another wave of COVID actually becomes more virulent than the last (due to the vax effect on immunity), then there's going to be a battle over mandating the boosters

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In a sane world, there would be a "battle" over mandating boosters, but we don't live in a sane world. The only people "battling" are those of us herded into the hinterlands of mass communication.

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If anything positive has come out of this two-year-long nightmare it is that large numbers of people are finally waking up to the fact that the government is not your friend and there isn’t a politician in the world who feels your pain.

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And the medical establishment certainly isn't your friend either.

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When will the MSM ask "What's the emergency?" behind these Emergency Use Authorizations? If bodies were getting scooped off the street into a dump truck, that would be an emergency. A handful of kids dying certainly is not.

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What will society do WHEN we find out most of those in power authority and control never got shots/ boosters , nor their favored others/ cronies?

I know…


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We already know that the heads of the social media companies don't let their own children use their products that are conclusively ruining a generation of young minds, but the sheeple don't care as long as they can watch Dancing With the Stars.

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The house of cards may not exactly come tumbling down - the media will cover up the lie - but more and more have discovered the danger of the jabs. It’s why millions of doses are unused and being destroyed. Why booster shots have not been adopted. More and more people have either had serious issues themselves . . . and most of us now know someone who has inexplicably died or been injured, with the common denominator being the vaccination. Getting it on the child vaccine schedule absolves Big Pharma of liability. So even when the public outcry becomes a roar, vaccine makers will skate.

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Look I do not know what this means, but everyday more and more stories about young people going to sleep never to awake. This does not include older folks with prior conditions somehow hastened to death, nor the serious medical conditions that have arisen that cannot be explained. Long Covid, or vaccines? I have a nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach that these deaths are just the tip of the iceberg. I wanted Geert to be wrong.

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There's so much you can blame on climate change. You would have to be a dimwitted dullard not to see the connection and buy into how the cynical SOBs are trying to 'normalize' the diseases these shots are obviously causing. So much so, that you'd fail at connecting the dots despite being numbered in the colouring book.

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The government might not mandate it, but what about pediatrician offices, daycares, kindergartens, museums, etc, etc. so many ways for the regime to pressure families. the fda just took the breakdown of civil society to a whole new level.

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Many local governments mandate it for their employees. NYC is still mandating it not just for employees of the city but for most everyone who works in the city.

And yes, don’t get me started on those places that require it for children. Mandates were supposed to have been justified by the fact that Pfizer was “fully approved” by the FDA, but the stuff for children never got past EUA.

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“Overall, our study confirms the very low risk of death due to SARS-CoV-2 in CYP [children and young people], irrespective of variant,”. These fucking fools deserve our unlimited scorn, forever.

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Yet in Hawaii, 400 kids were lined up by parents, 6 mths to 5, to get vaxed. How do you convince a parent who is more scared of a disease that their children and themselves will survive vs. the possible adverse effects caused by using their children as Guinea pigs. Most likely they do not believe in the healing properties of the human body as they worship at the altar of Fauci.

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My kids are grown, but if I still had them I'd be moving to Florida. Or maybe Costa Rica. Begging for exemptions is just another form of submission to fascism.

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Homeschool and healthy living

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can I ask why Costa Rica ? Very curious 😊

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No particular reason. "Not US" might have been more generally accurate. I've heard they're American friendly, lots of expats there. I had several friends who researched it and moved there years ago. Lost track of them, they're off-grid types. Tropical paradise, but no paradise lasts forever, and Central America does seem to be getting riskier, so I'll investigate further if it begins to seem more attractive. For now, I'm betting on restoring civilization in the US.

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Mercola today cites a letter from congress urging FDA withhold approvals. They'll have more authority in January. Hopefully they'll withhold their funding. The enormous expenditures in public "health" have clearly been wasted.

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They are focused on the wrong things, per usual. The ONLY thing they should be asking to make this determination is 'Where is the long term safety data on mRNA vaccine products- first dose AND subsequent injections?'. How on earth can they blindly proceed? I watch these meetings and stare at the screen trying to see a reflection of a Pharma rep with a gun to their head, because I cannot understand it in any other way. It is like these people are a jury in lock down for the last two years. You cannot reconcile the decisions these people make with reality.

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FDA has been corrupt and in the pocket of big pharma for a LONG time. Heck, just go back several years and look at the (supposed) reason for which they removed phenylpropanolamine (a very effective and innocuous decongestant) from the market. Then look at today's pharmaceutical commercials and tell me if you believe their stated reason. Here, I'll help:



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That's one of my main take-aways from RFK, Jr's book. The FDA - and all the medical organizations - have been corrupted for a LONG time. Nobody (who matters) noticed or cared.

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I noticed...a LONG time ago. Now look - they're going after supplements (or trying to) again. Guess they're either not getting enough of a cut from big pharma, or more likely, big pharma wants SAFE competition out of the way.

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I ignored too much of this, but I didn't ignore the massive scam to get pretty much every American their flu jabs. The flu "vaccines" are not vaccines either and they don't work either. But the non-stop propaganda and marketing conditioned people to accept a "vaccine" that actually didn't work. About 50 percent of the population dutifully got their flu jab every year - about 70 percent of the elderly.

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Joe Thanos Biden.

Who cares who dies, as long as it isn’t the chosen few who must be spared any inconvenience or risk…

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Still waiting on Nuremberg 2.0 Trials. Hello Dr. Fauci.

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Who is going to call for these trials? The American government?

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There was a “rumor” a few months ago that a group of Attorneys were pursuing such action against the “pandemic mob” (Fauci, et. al.) If so, time is on their side. Reports of deadly vaccine side effects are increasing AND getting better published. This may be a BIG reason climate change is suddenly being blamed for such “side effects.”

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I'm proud some attorneys might be pushing this, but they will fail. Real Nuremberg trials would convict MILLIONS of trusted leaders and authorities for perpetrating crimes against humanity. Every government and major corporation was "all in" on the fraud, and continue to be. In short, there are far too many "stakeholders" to now hold anyone responsible. There'd only be 10 percent of the population that was really innocent and correct.

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Amen Amin!!

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And he's still lying - even knowing what we knew then, jabbing the kids was a terrible idea.

And Pfizer won't need tanks to jab your kids, just some public school bureaucrats in their pockets.

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i'm not sure i buy old Soren's answer: "With what we know today: yes. With what we knew then: no, was the answer." hindsight is easy. i would have said it was a mistake to vaccinate the world from the beginning. there were those (GVB, you, the Weinsteins, etc) who said ok, use them on high risk populations but do not attempt to vaccinate everyone and they were right. there are those (fauci, collins, walensky, biden, rachel madcow, my former employer, etc) who seem to lack even basic hindsight.

so to say "with what we know now" yes, it was a mistake to vaccinate young people doesn't help all the young people who were pressured into getting vaccinated, who got myocarditis, who had strokes, who died. someday when someone here in power admits that yes, it was probably wrong to strip the Bill of Rights over a virus, that will be cold comfort to those who lost their jobs, were banished from their families and ridiculed by their "friends."

the precautionary principal demands that you look BEFORE you leap.

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Well this is a bullsht answer:

"He was asked if it was a mistake to vaccinate children.

- With what we know today: yes. With what we knew then: no, was the answer"

What you knew THEN was:

1. The Chinese virus is LESS dangerous to children than is seasonal influenza

2. The clot shots had ZERO long-term safety data associated with them, for EVERYONE

Under those facts KNOWN AT THE TIME, it WAS a mistake back then to vaxx children. No gobbledygook word salad exonerates him or them.

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Thank you. You've identified another massive canard/cop-out. They DID know - or should have known - all of this by about month two of the official pandemic. BTW, the pandemic actually started - the virus was already spreading widely - probably four or five months before it became "official." So the BIG LIES started BEFORE the official pandemic.

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who's gonna take the FLU vax this year? If they couldn't get the graphene oxide and spike into you so far, I wouldn't put it past them to get it through the flu vax.....expecially if you start hearing them pounding the airwaves about the next BIG FLU WAVE. You're already hearing about the avian flu in all of the chicken farms. BEWARE=be awake. I still cannot believe when ppl tell me they got all 3 last year at the same time, CVD Booster/Flu/shingles. Geert V says DO NOT GET THE FLU VAX IF YOU'VE HAD COVID VAX....ADEI effect and a huge chance of getting avian flu.

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It is shocking that people are submitting to multiple "vaccines" at the same time. Not to mention the flu shot efficacy year after year is rather dismal and it definitely can injure people, yours truly has permanent neuropathy and weakness from my 2nd flu shot in 2013.

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Big Pharma is going to get spanked over this and they know it. I see this move as damage control.

Getting approval for children is vital for them in order to be shielded from liability under EUA by getting their mRNA therapy jab on the childhood vaccination list.

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But not protected if Pfraud has occurred- and the evidence looks to be catastrophic for them in that sense!

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True. They're only buying time -- maybe hoping for a favorable settlement down the road.

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This is the final step to immunobridge in perpetuity and eliminate any liability going forward. This will allow for final and permanent authorization, followed by a subscription model that many, particularly children and HCWs, may find difficult to avoid in various jurisdictions.

Allows papering over of everything that has occurred since there will be no reasonable data collection that one would obtain via a proper RCT with clinical endpoints, which is really needed to properly effectiveness (or lack thereof) of these products.

As far as requiring tanks in the streets, I am less optimistic as I drove by a vaccination site yesterday and saw several moms with toddlers in hand awaiting their miracle. Not sure what other motivation is required.

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I have a video (probably in the 2010's) of Fauci commenting that we need to have a different way of vetting vaccines, one that will make people uncomfortable - basically, just what is being proposed above. Alex, if you could use this video, please advise and I'll get it to you. They are bypassing standard approaches for safety and efficacy, and that is what Fauci was talking about. And here we are.

Re children being approved, I agree with comments below: it has to do with the avoidance of liability.

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Thank you, Alex 🙏

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Trust no one. The entire apparatus is up to its collective asshole in lying, dissembling, misleading, defrauding, scaring and basically fucking up our entire society. The g-d-damned things don't work and you are a g-d-damned fool if you get them and double that if you subject kids to it. But shit, parents take their kids to drag shows so what the hell. Sorry. I am on a tear and I am so sick of these professional liars who don't care who they kill. It is a culture of death: from abortion, to fentanyl to dead Mexicans in trucks, and dead people from shots. Wake the hell up. These bastards mean to kill us all.

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I don't think we can rule out an attempt by leftist school boards and State Departments of Education to mandate vaccines for kids returning to school, including pre-K programs. These are the people you see still wearing masks while driving alone, they are insane.

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Our triplet grand children are 10, almost 11. Their mother and us the grandparents are really hoping that by the time they are 12 all thoughts of vaccinations will be history. They have all had a mild dose of Covid .

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A Hybrid Flu-COVID Messenger RNA 💉 Will Be Ready Within Months – Moderna Reveals Human Trials ... the company is currently working on a “triple-threat” vaccine that will be made available sometime in 2024 or 2025


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and they will be touted has "highly" effective once again and the sheep will line up and months later it will be realized they were not effective. Round and round and round we go. The SAME people who orchestrated ALL of this are STILL in their same positions. What rational mind thinks this is over or these perps will not simply continue the crimes against humanity? Without REAL accountability nothing changes. Not sure why it's not embraced by ALL.

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It’s heartbreaking that anyone would even consider putting this concoction into their child’s body.

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"Demand for the mRNA Covid shots has collapsed completely and is unlikely ever to return." hooray!

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Would love to see the latest charts showing the decline of this in real time!

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Have we misinterpreted the term vaxxed, is really vexed?

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