Computer models for public policy are ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. I'm a computer scientist by trade and I've worked in software for 26 years professionally (and programmed for many more). I've worked on games where you can cast magic spells or fire plasma guns. Does that mean you can do it in real life?

The simple rule with computer simulations is: garbage in, garbage out.

For example, lets take the climate grift. Ignoring the obvious incentive of climate scientists to NOT solve the problem (i.e. where does my funding come from when there's no histrionics over the weather) did you know that NO computer simulation has been able to accurately predict our measured yearly temperatures?

If I were to write a climate model in software and test for accuracy what I would do is start at the base-line where we started recording temperatures and then, attempt to predict the temperatures for each year (within a small tolerance) from said base line. If I got the temperatures accurate within a small tolerance then, my model is good. If not, it's garbage.

Guess how many climate simulations can predict the measured temperatures. ZERO. Guess how many climate models are garbage? ALL OF THEM.

A lot of people don't understand computer programming so they just assume that it's right. I presume (given the mid-wits I've worked with in my career) any professional field suffers from the same (Looking at you, medical doctors).

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I wished more people were aware of how bad the climate models are. I heard the most accurate is actually a Russian model and it’s not that great. Unfortunately two generations of kids have been brainwashed into believing this propaganda.

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you are correct. do you know why it's the most accurate? it basically ignore CO2.

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Brawndo's, er CO2's Got What Plants Crave

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Exactly! Many climate change studies have been found to contain false statistics and they have to be walked back.

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when the doom dayers stop flying private then we can talk

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With all of this, just follow the money. Anyone who sees the news media as anything more than a mouthpiece for the globalist elites should have their head examined.

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Thank you. I don'thave the ability to comprehend how computer programing works but i do remember what my computer science professor told us at PSU. " Computers are stupid. They are only as good as the information given to them." Only a fool would put total faith in these machines, in any field of science,

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I would like to see the NASA data run in a regression study, that is run the software backwards with hard scientific evidence of temperature in the past 30 years and see if it validates to the known CO2 levels. I know this was done in the past and the data did not match up, not even close, and I believe this was done with the software that was used by the UN climate panel. "Scientists" also do not know very much about the effects of even clouds on climate or solar cycles so "data" is based on what we know which is not enough. I would also like to know how many times they tweaked the program until they got the results they want. Look at the crazy pandemic models and where this went and I don't believe a F---ing thing the government produces without checking on it myself. GTH is right garbage in.....

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Agree - but the Walking Dead Crowd LOVE Climate and Media can't quite End-is-Near!

Yet particle pollution kills millions every year. Moving from Coal to Gas would be a game changer for the fraction of the price of those solar panels and windmills.

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I agree that particulates are dangerous, China doesn't seem to have a problem with them. Alot of people will lose their jobs if coal shut down and I sympathize with them. But admittedly we don't drive buggies pulled by horses and a lot of jobs were lost there. But others sprang up. The Walking Dead have been whorshipping the sun and wind gods and have sacrificed everyhting for them. Thier myopic willprove to be teir demise. The internal combustion engine of today is very efficient and clean. The technology utilizing Hydrogen as a fuel needs more R&D. Generators, not batteries, would be a better way to power electric motors on vehicles. Cold Fusion is another source to be developed and well as nuclear power. Even something as simple as cleaning up litter (my pet peave) helps our environment. Much of this could be acomplished here in the USA and would exclude China and the globalist just wouldn't have that.

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It’s beyond laughable how ignorant your comment is about the in accuracy of climate temperature models. These models have been remarkably accurate over decades as the analysis done by NASA link below overwhelmingly demonstrates

I guess your have a psychological need to deny the reality of the climate crisis that is all around us, but I hope you’ll come up with a more persuasive argument in your attempt at convincing others to deny the reality of what’s happening all around us all over the world. Maybe your response will be something like oh we can’t believe NASA they are part of the deep state! I will look forward to your attempt to explain away this analysis, and a whole bunch of others that came to the same conclusion. Or perhaps, maybe you’ll simply acknowledge that you were wrong.


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Point me to a SINGLE computer model that matches un-doctored *measured* temperatures from 1880-2022 and takes into account urban "heat island" temperature increases.

I'll wait.

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You’re not even subtle in moving the goal posts. Your post said nothing about 1880 and I showed you an article that demonstrated that a dozen models have accurately predicted the temperature increases induced by climate change over the last couple of decades, since climate change related temperatures have increased. You’re very clearly said that no computer model has been able to accurately predict temperature increases. I have demonstrated that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Good bye.

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1880 == "base-line where we started recording temperatures".

Are you a) a troll or b) retarded?

I didn't say temperature didn't increase. I said the models DO NOT predict the measured temperatures. If that's confusing see point b above.

Remember in the 70s when they predicted the next ice age by 2000? Remember when Miami was supposed to be underwater by 2016?

SHOW me a COMPUTER model year after year, from 1880 the *predicted* computer model matches the *measured* temperature within 1%.

Until then, Good bye indeed.

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My grandpa told me once, "Never get in a pissing contest with a skunk."

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Grandpas had wisdom. Love that!

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Great response! You took the words put of my mouth! 😂

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I’ve always wondered what caused the other truly MASSIVE climate changes in Earth’s time? Certainly wasn’t humans.

A huge issue I personally have is the extremely short sighted views the climate extremists have. 30-40 years is NOTHING to base a model on. Our universe is massive. There are oodles more. There are likely impacts our tiny human brains haven’t even fathomed yet that effect Earth. Humans always overestimate their abilities - usually to further a cause, a belief, for political benefit, or to line some pockets. No matter if they are wrong and often willfully being ignorant.

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Mammoths passing gas ended the last ice age. It is known.

Seriously though, the climate will continue to change with or without us.

It is the pinnacle of human hubris to think that we can control the climate.

Should we continue to litter, pollute, and destroy pristine wilderness? Of course not. Should we stop heating our homes and start eating bugs to appease the climate doom cult? Nope!

The tell for me is that if human CO2 emissions are literally life and death for the species then, we have the technology to solve this problem... Nuclear.

It's not without problems but 4th generation reactors at atmospheric pressure are not your grandfather's nuclear power.

Because we haven't doubled down on a real solution that's when my BS detector went off around the global cooling/global warming/climate change narrative being pushed in the exact same fashion as the COVID BS.

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Thanks for the laugh!

Mammoths must have farted themselves to extinction... 🤣

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Did you read the underlying information? Even in the synopsis it is clear that the models were not in fact accurate and had to be adjusted. "The results: 10 of the model projections closely matched observations. Moreover, after accounting for differences between modeled and actual changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other factors that drive climate, the number increased to 14." As someone who has studied advanced statistics, "closely" is meaningless. Additionally, NASA adjusts what prior temperature readings are for past observations. Near the end of the synopsis it states the models are in fact obsolete. You are free to believe what you want, but the Al Gore version of "Global Warming" is a long con.

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Why then is the eastern Pacific experiencing a very rare 3rd La Niña in a row in the northern hemisphere? That is something that has only occurred four times since 1900, and only twice since 1950. Did any climate model predict that this rare 3rd in a row El Niño? Nope.

Yesterday, December 13, was the 13th anniversary of blowhard hypocrite Al Gore proclaiming, “Some of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” Climate models are a joke.

AGW is pure fear mongering. Just like the China Virus fear mongering. Learn to think for yourself or someone else will do it for you.

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In fact arctic sea ice is at a high level right now, according to the Norwegian government analysis:


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What flavor was the Kool Aid? Try the flavor Jim Jones

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It was actually Flavor Aid. He didn't even have the decency to use Kool Aid.

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uh-huh. you're full of shit. the models didn't work so they fucked with the data. nice try skippy.

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“Adjusting” models to account for differences between projected and actual emissions can make them remarkably accurate:

“This study’s accounting for differences between the projected and actual emissions and other factors allowed a more focused evaluation of the models’ representation of Earth’s climate system.”

Translation: when we went and put the actual numbers in, our models were right. Seriously?

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That is not correct. Almost none of the hundreds of available models (CMIP6) get the current temperature correct starting with the actual temperature in 1990.

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Remembering that clear speech and clear writing is indicative of clear thought:

What is the Delta between the current and optimal Earth temperatures? Why?

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This is the Alex I pay for! Get 'em! This paper was such a joke, as is just about everything that makes it onto the mainstream media these days (and we know why, don't we?)

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Roger that, Commander.

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The Covid ICU doctor told us privately that the vax (that the Chemo doctor pushed) most likely killed my dad (he’d just completed his final chemo treatment weeks prior to his first shot). He was also a stem cell transplant survivor, but had suffered minor kidney issues for that procedure for a few years. While he was in the ICU, he was given three treatments of Remdesivir that put him in to kidney failure. From there, it was a just a matter of weeks on a ventilator before he passed away. How many people have a similar story? How many people were killed by the “treatment “ and preventative measures? I am willing to bet I will NOT see a headline on THIS story.

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I am so sorry for your loss.

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Thank you so much.❤️

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So sorry about your dad. This so called treatment is criminal.

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Yes- and it’s so tricky, because physicians and nurses were truly invested in saving him...& even they suspected that he was so compromised (in the first place) that he couldn’t (shouldn’t have tried to) handle two doses of the “precautionary measures”. Then, unknowingly, gave him “treatment” that further decreased his ability to survive. It was heartbreaking for all of us. A man who fought so hard to live was lied to.

The hospital never sent a bill (32 days in the Covid ICU) and the government rushed in with Covid relief money ($9,000.) to help pay for the funeral- so, no questions asked by the family... afraid of what that kind of medical care could cost.

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That's just awful. Hopefully those who knew this was wrong will be held to account.

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Also, thank you, Louise C.❤️

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The greatest psy-op in history continues. The sheep eat it up.

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Excellent riposte! I've given up on flu virus vaccines, too. After all, they're never better than about 50% effective anyway. Instead, I go for "bullet-proofing." The early success of hydroxychloroquine + zinc against corona viruses (common cold, as well as COVID) convinced me that prevention is better than attempts at questionable immunization. Hydroxychloroquine, in particular, was designed to prevent malaria this way --- a preventive dose before traveling, then weekly doses. Combined with zinc, it performs the same function with COVID. And more lately, ivermectin gives the same results. Plus, there's an added benefit. Since the common cold is a variety of corona virus, this preventive regimen works on that, too. Not only have I not had COVID, I have had neither the seasonal flu nor a cold in the last two years since I've been doing this. And I'm in two of the high-risk categories.

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Dr. Mercola notes in his book that coronavirus vaccines never made it past animal studies into human studies because the vaccines killed all the animals.

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I would like to add, Alex, that the failure of our elected officials to publicly call out this fake and garbage science is a crime of omission of the highest order. Our elected officials, who are paid to advocate for their constituents, should have been calling out the fake science and mis and disinformation all along and in this case as well. If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem, as it has been said. And are elected officials are as much a part of the problem as all those who weren't orchestrating the crimes, but looked the other way or remained silent while the crimes took their deadly toll.

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It is all about $$$$ and elected officials not having a backbone with a few exceptions.

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Dude, your weird takes and weird fights aside

This is solid material that makes me shout like it’s 2021 again :

Get ‘em Alex !

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A computer model can produce any result the modelers desire.

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This is why nobody in the White House knows what Gender they are each day. People who writes charts spends to much time licking venomous toads bellies and testicles. Everyone in the Biden administration has serious problems issues. Does anyone want your child to be like anyone in the Biden administration. His daily Carpet Muncher spokesman is a real winner.

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I'm beginning to think the MRNA not only causes blood clots but, also brain disorders.

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Gah, thank you for summarising. I see these stupid headlines and know they're BS but don't know where to start. Very sharable rebuttal should this sound byte show up in my feed or in conversation with a Covidian this week, thanks!

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“We therefore used a computer model...” + “simulation” -- 95% of the population swoons.

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That's how I knew this was all BS right from the beginning. It was all based on models and projections. I do projections for a small business where I've worked for 20 yrs. Know the business inside and out, yet I'm still thrilled when the projection is at least in the ballpark of what actually happens. Sorry SimCom but most models and projections aren't worth the paper they used to be printed on.

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That's why it's good to command them........you can get them to say whatever you want them to say.........

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LOL! Of course! However, I trust you based on your Substack work so don't let me down....

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It's good to command the simulation. When you tell the model works, the model tells you that masks work!

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Some of my "smart" friends still believe the "vaccine" protects you from covid19, but not the kind from unvaccinated people, they wear masks when they're alone, and they apply the 6ft. rule according to political or religious affiliation. There is no expert or report you can put before them that will change their minds.

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Imagine if Faustus and Co hadn’t been performing GOF research in the US or elsewhere, if the WEF “Great Reset” was actually just a conspiracy theory, if somebody would actually hammer Event 201, if the psycho-sadist kleptocorporporate multinational monopolists/Big BanksUN/EU/NATO expansionism elite technocracy, CCP, Intel. , pseudo-Science sadists hadn’t withheld safe, cheap, repulsed therapeutics, not implemented lockdowns, mask mandates, mRNA vaccine, prosecuted BLM/Antifa mob violence, secured our borders , assured free and fair secure elections, didn’t fabricate the dangerous and insane Russia/Ukraine Hoaxes, reported honestly and more Americans read “ Brave New World”,” 1984”, “ LightSource”, Bradbury, Mathieson, Ayn Rand, We’re knowledgable in world history, Civics,Biology, Chemistry, Humanities, Consumer Education, the prominent American corporations that funded the Nazis eugenics, Mengele, Kaiser Wilhelm Institure, Auschwitz and fund the Democrat media propaganda( Henry Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, AP, IBM, Coca- Cola, Kodak, Pharma, Dow Chemicals, to name a few) American History, the rise of the Third Reich,Mao, Castro, Pinochet, Franco, Ceaucescu, Father Coughlin,Mussolini, Ho Chi Min, Hindenburg,Hirohito, Mugabe, the Kim Dynasty, Papa Doc Duvalier, Imelda Marcos,Marx, Lenin, Stalin, the Iranian Revolution, Idi Amin/Uganda, Rwanda, Operation Dark Winter, Dulles, Tenet, - heroes Pat Moynihan, Goldwater, Rod Serling, Santanaya, Pasternak, Bonhoeffer, Salk, Sabin… if they knew about Jim’s Jones/Jonestown/Guyana “ Socialist Agrarian Multiracial Utopia” and the bedazzled sponsors, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown, George Moscone, Willie Brown, Rockefeller/Carnegie/NPR/Roslyn and Jimmy Cater among the proud sponsors… imagine if Americans didn’t get so comfortable, easily distracted , hadn’t ceded the concepts of individuality, curiosity, critical thinking…

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I can sum up your PERFECT commentary.

Imagine if people weren’t gullible, naive, non-critical thinking, stupid, moronic people, passing off as human beings in disguise as 🐑.

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I can’t even imagine if life is real or a parallel, matrix-like universe.

After retiring my business in Tampa/St Pete, I met the director of the Dali’ Museum at an event. We connected immediately. Serendipitous. He hounded me to become a volunteer docent and I finally caved. It was an extraordinary experience. Two college semesters covering subjects I’d never had a desire to pursue. Applied Physics, higher mathematics (passed Algebra, Trig,,Calculus in high school without a clue how. Geometry was easy because it was special),the era spanning Dadaism,Cubism,Surrealism, Post Modernism and how Dali’ integrated works by Bosch, Vermeer,Goya,Rafael,Botticelli,Millais, Milet,Degas, Matisse, Picasso,,Escher,Seurat,et al combined w/ philosophy,Catholicism, mysticism, world and regional history, science, the Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio and patterns of divine perfection in nature, outrageous sexual fetishism…. a helluva re-education for a 40 year old woman. Everything was suddenly crystal clear. How things work, why, patterns within patterns. He literally opened the Doors Of Perception to an alternate reality.

And now, his reality is more the norm than this transhumanist Brave New World. Huxley was either a prophet or the WEF is using Brave New World as a playbook

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You sound like me when I took Art History in college (working two jobs and putting myself through). I couldn’t wait to go to this class! It’s like I couldn’t get enough! I’m 59 today and I was about 25 then. The information is STILL pertinent and I learned so much! I LOVE ART!

What a once in a lifetime experience you had! You’ll cherish that for the rest of your life. Amazing!

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The NYT hid the Holocaust while it was happening.

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Yes the NYT did. Many times!

“However, unbelievably, for the New York Times and other newsrooms the effective cover-up of the Holocaust was not the first time they knowingly censored the horrors of genocide while it was occurring. From approximately 1932 to 1933, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin starved the people of Ukraine, resulting in mass genocide of millions of Ukrainians.” Unfreedom of the Press, Mark R. Levin, 2019

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Nice work Alex! The masses read this garbage and take it as fact with no critical thought.

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Nice article Alex. But I am very sad and concerned that the lies and/or the ignorance continues to this day.

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