Computer models for public policy are ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. I'm a computer scientist by trade and I've worked in software for 26 years professionally (and programmed for many more). I've worked on games where you can cast magic spells or fire plasma guns. Does that mean you can do it in real life?

The simple rule with computer simulations is: garbage in, garbage out.

For example, lets take the climate grift. Ignoring the obvious incentive of climate scientists to NOT solve the problem (i.e. where does my funding come from when there's no histrionics over the weather) did you know that NO computer simulation has been able to accurately predict our measured yearly temperatures?

If I were to write a climate model in software and test for accuracy what I would do is start at the base-line where we started recording temperatures and then, attempt to predict the temperatures for each year (within a small tolerance) from said base line. If I got the temperatures accurate within a small tolerance then, my model is good. If not, it's garbage.

Guess how many climate simulations can predict the measured temperatures. ZERO. Guess how many climate models are garbage? ALL OF THEM.

A lot of people don't understand computer programming so they just assume that it's right. I presume (given the mid-wits I've worked with in my career) any professional field suffers from the same (Looking at you, medical doctors).

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This is the Alex I pay for! Get 'em! This paper was such a joke, as is just about everything that makes it onto the mainstream media these days (and we know why, don't we?)

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The Covid ICU doctor told us privately that the vax (that the Chemo doctor pushed) most likely killed my dad (he’d just completed his final chemo treatment weeks prior to his first shot). He was also a stem cell transplant survivor, but had suffered minor kidney issues for that procedure for a few years. While he was in the ICU, he was given three treatments of Remdesivir that put him in to kidney failure. From there, it was a just a matter of weeks on a ventilator before he passed away. How many people have a similar story? How many people were killed by the “treatment “ and preventative measures? I am willing to bet I will NOT see a headline on THIS story.

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The greatest psy-op in history continues. The sheep eat it up.

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Excellent riposte! I've given up on flu virus vaccines, too. After all, they're never better than about 50% effective anyway. Instead, I go for "bullet-proofing." The early success of hydroxychloroquine + zinc against corona viruses (common cold, as well as COVID) convinced me that prevention is better than attempts at questionable immunization. Hydroxychloroquine, in particular, was designed to prevent malaria this way --- a preventive dose before traveling, then weekly doses. Combined with zinc, it performs the same function with COVID. And more lately, ivermectin gives the same results. Plus, there's an added benefit. Since the common cold is a variety of corona virus, this preventive regimen works on that, too. Not only have I not had COVID, I have had neither the seasonal flu nor a cold in the last two years since I've been doing this. And I'm in two of the high-risk categories.

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I would like to add, Alex, that the failure of our elected officials to publicly call out this fake and garbage science is a crime of omission of the highest order. Our elected officials, who are paid to advocate for their constituents, should have been calling out the fake science and mis and disinformation all along and in this case as well. If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem, as it has been said. And are elected officials are as much a part of the problem as all those who weren't orchestrating the crimes, but looked the other way or remained silent while the crimes took their deadly toll.

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Dude, your weird takes and weird fights aside

This is solid material that makes me shout like it’s 2021 again :

Get ‘em Alex !

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A computer model can produce any result the modelers desire.

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This is why nobody in the White House knows what Gender they are each day. People who writes charts spends to much time licking venomous toads bellies and testicles. Everyone in the Biden administration has serious problems issues. Does anyone want your child to be like anyone in the Biden administration. His daily Carpet Muncher spokesman is a real winner.

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I'm beginning to think the MRNA not only causes blood clots but, also brain disorders.

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Gah, thank you for summarising. I see these stupid headlines and know they're BS but don't know where to start. Very sharable rebuttal should this sound byte show up in my feed or in conversation with a Covidian this week, thanks!

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“We therefore used a computer model...” + “simulation” -- 95% of the population swoons.

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Some of my "smart" friends still believe the "vaccine" protects you from covid19, but not the kind from unvaccinated people, they wear masks when they're alone, and they apply the 6ft. rule according to political or religious affiliation. There is no expert or report you can put before them that will change their minds.

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Imagine if Faustus and Co hadn’t been performing GOF research in the US or elsewhere, if the WEF “Great Reset” was actually just a conspiracy theory, if somebody would actually hammer Event 201, if the psycho-sadist kleptocorporporate multinational monopolists/Big BanksUN/EU/NATO expansionism elite technocracy, CCP, Intel. , pseudo-Science sadists hadn’t withheld safe, cheap, repulsed therapeutics, not implemented lockdowns, mask mandates, mRNA vaccine, prosecuted BLM/Antifa mob violence, secured our borders , assured free and fair secure elections, didn’t fabricate the dangerous and insane Russia/Ukraine Hoaxes, reported honestly and more Americans read “ Brave New World”,” 1984”, “ LightSource”, Bradbury, Mathieson, Ayn Rand, We’re knowledgable in world history, Civics,Biology, Chemistry, Humanities, Consumer Education, the prominent American corporations that funded the Nazis eugenics, Mengele, Kaiser Wilhelm Institure, Auschwitz and fund the Democrat media propaganda( Henry Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, AP, IBM, Coca- Cola, Kodak, Pharma, Dow Chemicals, to name a few) American History, the rise of the Third Reich,Mao, Castro, Pinochet, Franco, Ceaucescu, Father Coughlin,Mussolini, Ho Chi Min, Hindenburg,Hirohito, Mugabe, the Kim Dynasty, Papa Doc Duvalier, Imelda Marcos,Marx, Lenin, Stalin, the Iranian Revolution, Idi Amin/Uganda, Rwanda, Operation Dark Winter, Dulles, Tenet, - heroes Pat Moynihan, Goldwater, Rod Serling, Santanaya, Pasternak, Bonhoeffer, Salk, Sabin… if they knew about Jim’s Jones/Jonestown/Guyana “ Socialist Agrarian Multiracial Utopia” and the bedazzled sponsors, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown, George Moscone, Willie Brown, Rockefeller/Carnegie/NPR/Roslyn and Jimmy Cater among the proud sponsors… imagine if Americans didn’t get so comfortable, easily distracted , hadn’t ceded the concepts of individuality, curiosity, critical thinking…

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Nice work Alex! The masses read this garbage and take it as fact with no critical thought.

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Nice article Alex. But I am very sad and concerned that the lies and/or the ignorance continues to this day.

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