They're desperate to repeat it while continuing to shout down truthful voices about the damage their policies caused. The best example (which you can read in countless articles) is that "covid caused shutdowns" -- that's a complete lie. GOVERNMENT caused shutdowns that were completely unnecessary, and this was clear by early April when seasonality "won" and the virus started receding.

"We didn't know anything" was a lie then and it's a lie now. Step 1 is establishing that people DID know -- and they were kicked out of society for speaking out.

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It's beyond my power to convey the disgust I feel watching the corporate media and the hysterics use manipulative propaganda and yet another consensus drumbeat to attribute the disastrous consequences of what could perhaps best be described as a Regime-run social engineering experiment based on overtly fraudulent pretenses to "the pandemic," as if the policy decisions were predestined and inevitable. Even better is the notion that they “did the best they could with what they knew at the time.” Tell that to the writers of the Great Barrington Declaration; tell that to the experts ostracized and censored and pilloried for pointing out the need for basic cost-benefit analyses.


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I'd gladly put up my record against Fauci's, and I'm just some idiot who can read Hope-Simpson.

Sadly, I CAN'T put up my record against Fauci's because Twitter nuked all my posts due to "misinformation" -- even though the vast majority of those posts used official data from official sources.

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Thank you!

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I have more disdain for Republicans regarding this than anyone. They allowed it...willingly.

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Early on nobody knew what we were dealing with. Republicans,

democrats, independents, politicians, doctors, you, & me. To blame one group over another is ridiculous. If you’re going to blame someone, blame FAUCI, Birx, Gottlieb, and whoever else LIED. All anyone had to do is read the Epoch Times, watch OAN, listen to Frontline Doctors, along Malone, McCullough, etc. They had the real story, the truth, the facts.

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Diamond Princess was a near-perfect laboratory, and it turns out it told us everything we needed to know.

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SimCom, I have 2 daughters so I read up on the Princess ship quarantined off the coast in order to know more about this new "enemy", Covid. I am a mid-range IQ white trash moron, yet I finished the article and got very happy, pointing its stats out to anyone who would listen, thinking everybody can see it was, as you wrote, "the perfect laboratory", with a big group of passengers skewing older, and a big group of employees skewing younger and active, all squeezed together in a pristine laboratory setting w/o much consequence... and a few weeks later when NOBODY in power even mentioned the Princess I knew something was afoot, and from that point on literally, literally, Literally everything the Faucis of the world said was a lie... and almost everything in these comment sections was the Truth. But most of my fairly normal friends could NOT see the truth, and now they are ALL saying "Lets move on". Which of course is yet one more huge giant mistake... and I can't bring myself to talk to them for fear of going the fuck off.

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Sure, let’s move on. But before we can, they have to pay me cash for the massive amounts of income I lost these past three years and for the now destroyed career I had up until Feb. 2020. They have to find out a way to correct the listening comprehension deficiency my 9 year old has from being denied his human right to hear his native language unfiltered and ungarbled through at least one mask for a full 1/3 of his life. That is just the start and must be repeated for each and every individual worldwide who lost what they lost. When they have paid out of their own pockets to restore what they stole from us, yes, then we can move on. But not until then.

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Sooner or later we're going to have to confront people like that, or it will happen again.

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We have no choice but to move on. Life needs to go on. And Christian faith calls for forgiveness. And practically speaking as these posts point out, no amount of truth will affect the people on the other side of this. It’s the Woke brain which finds a way to be irrational about any subject, repelling facts like Djokovic retuning volley. Covid, gender, race are all under a wider umbrella that right now and who knows for how long we will face a societal psychosis.

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Yes it did.

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And we already had "after-reports" by March 27, 2020 with MULTIPLE ships involved.

Remember that lockdown was announced on like March 23, 2020?

So the stats were quite obviously out there.


Here's an analysis done by early March:


Enter the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Quarantined at sea off Japan after a passenger tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the ship became a natural data lab where nearly everyone was tested and few cases of infection were missed.

Infections and deaths onboard suggest that the disease’s true fatality ratio in China is about 0.5 percent, though that number may vary from place to place, researchers report March 9 in a paper posted at MedRxiv.org.

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Don't forget the case study of the USS Roosevelt. An antibody study in mid-April 2020 showed that 60 percent of the crew had been infected in the prior two-plus months. Only 1 out of 4,850 crew members died and he was 44. So the IFR for crew members under 44 was 0.0000 percent.

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I am a Republican who blames it on weak Republicans. Including the weak Republican voters who were scared...for no reason.

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So true. Going back to March 2020, if people had refused to wear the muzzles, no way would this country be in the toilet the way it is now. Basic civil disobedience in large numbers would have prevented our precipitous decline.

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10% is all it would've taken to render the mandates unenforceable. Where were the Republicans and so-called Christians?

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True- but the Republicans did nothing to get all the truth out. Trump was telling everyone to get the shot. Even today he hasn’t admitted to saying he was wrong.

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This was a multi pronged conspiracy the net effect was completing a coup d’etat that had started with the Russian dossier hoax, the Ukraine phone call hoax, 2 failed impeachments, it may have killed millions either with the virus or by the injections but that was just “collateral damage “...

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023

I agree btw. But let's not forget the Republican leadership allowed all the election voting changes to happen. They laid down in fear with covid...just as most of their voters.

This all could've been stopped. But they chose the wrong ramp: FEAR.

when exactly are we going to get those election laws changed back? I think you know the answer to that.

Nonetheless, you and I are on the same team.

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Trump listened to Fauci, which was a major factor in the outcome of the 2020 election. Of course, at the time, everyone in the medical establishment said Fauci was the leading infectious disease expert in the US. The first dissent I saw was Alex's Unreported Truths series.

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Scott Atlas, MD was a dissenter, and Trump brought him in. Unfortunately, he lost out to the Fauci, Birx faction. I blame Trump for allowing Fauci to dominate the dicoussion.

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I think a Trump was overwhelmed by the F & B faction, since they were touted as the experts. Atlas, sadly, knew it was a lost cause…if only…

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Many of you miss the point. Yes, Birx and Fauci were experts but not on the economy, mental health, child development, and public health policy. Narrowly focused experts who resist the expertise of other experts and informed generalists will inevitably make incorrect decisions and then rigidly cling to them. Fauci still thinks that prolonged lockdowns were just fine.

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You’re so right & that’s what I meant by “touted” as experts. They share that title with the same self-acclaimed “experts” like Gates & his band of evil actors.

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You do see that Trump was facing a lot of made up issues at the time. Perhaps distracted and afraid.

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Amen. Repub’s can be sheeple too!

This all harks back to that old tag

“The truth hurts sometimes but lies hurt every time”.there remains public service announcements promoting this experimental gene therapy that is NOT a vaccine, at least not in the traditional sense.

We (society) refuse to learn from the past. I didn’t know the gory details about the monumental disaster that the scarily similar handling of the small pox epidemic

truly was until very recently. People in the medical community should have. Policy makers should have. I smelled a rat from day one of the plandemic. Just a minor amount of internet digging confirmed my suspicions. And I’m no DC department head. They hated Trump so much that anything useable to hurt the country while he was in office was a welcome excuse.

I never liked DJT but as a conservative he was a good thing compared to the usual swamp rats.

I still don’t care for Trump but I’ll take rude tweets over diversity, equity and inclusion being rammed into every aspect of life.

Gotta laugh at anybody still foolish enough to listen to people like Fauci or Spencer.

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100%. I will not hesitate to vote for Trump again if necessary.

My vote is for whoever is against totalitarianism.

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Forgive me for asking but voting got us where we are today, did it not? Freedom of choice (voting) is an illusion - Both sides are owned.

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this idea that republicans were anti-lockdown is a farce. All the swamp repubs wanted mandates, lockdowns, all of it. Not until the political winds shift did they start changing there tune. This includes Trump, who is now gasighting us about lockdowns. It was a handful of governors that were smart enough to go against the grain, and take all the slings and arrows, including from trump. Its a uniparty running things, they are all the same.

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Mass hysteria is just that. Politics couldn't help. Any kickback from one team would be crushed by the other - no matter the team. So nobody would risk that. Feckless.

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Well I think the founders were pretty clear what we do in these circumstances....

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I agree!

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Because they didn’t even try to challenge it’s validity. Honestly, I’ve thought about contacting RFK Jr as an advisor as to how to message COVID and vaccines so the msm doesn’t do a hatchet job on his very concerned and measured opinions of vaccines....

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The initial lockdowns

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Doctors like this, all of them, need to lose their licenses to practice medicine and never allowed any input in the health decisions of others. Didn’t know the risk of ventilators? If true, this is reason enough for my first sentence as he should have known and many who did know were ignored. If he did know, that too is reason enough for my first sentence as here clearly went against what he knew and caused harm he knew would be the result.

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And the cruise ship (Diamond Princess, IIRC) experience bore that out, too. Very early on.

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Yep. I mention that a little further down the thread. We had analysis from the DP done in early March 2020. Lockdown came in late March.


Enter the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Quarantined at sea off Japan after a passenger tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the ship became a natural data lab where nearly everyone was tested and few cases of infection were missed.

Infections and deaths onboard suggest that the disease’s true fatality ratio in China is about 0.5 percent, though that number may vary from place to place, researchers report March 9 in a paper posted at MedRxiv.org.

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Yes, I didn't notice until I read further down. Thanks!

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I know you like to play up the middle and ridicule the other sides for being extreme. But you are currently in a lawsuit against the government, right? Maybe it’s time you entertained the possibility that some of the extreme stances on conspiracy may actually be grounded in truth. This doctor appearing with both Ebola and SARS-CoV2 with such a strong stance and politicized view may just be...a plant. Not a fern. Political opposition.

Oh, and you know what Ebola and SARS-CoV2 actually DO have in common? Neither of them have been isolated nor have been proven to cause disease, and both of them are being used as means to oppress societies and make money for Pharma.

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and both are almost certain lab made

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As in on a computer? Yes. But neither of them has ever been removed from a human being, isolated, introduced to another human being, and caused the same symptoms. They are strings of numbers on computer assemblage programs that were emailed to databases and put into PCR machines. It’s fraudulent to its core.

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It is quite certain, that the sicknesses were lab developed, as in, made to attack people. Biological warfare, gain-of-function as they euphemistically cal it because there is no gain, and the only function is to make people sick or kill them.

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You are entitled to believe that. I think it’s a red herring. There is still no scientific proof at all that any lab-tweaked protein can cause illness and self-replicate. We can be poisoned by chemicals and other toxins, but there is no “virus” that has ever been proven to cause sickness.

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There is plenty of proof that the Spike Protein causes long term systemic damage and there is also proof that is has been known for years. It is a bioweapon intentionally released indeed.

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Sure. Now find a study that proves that it has been isolated properly. All of the toxins and heavy metals in the shots do not equal spike protein, btw. You believe in unicorns!

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By selling more Remdesivir...and we all know how that has turned out. Works for neither, but kills off the patient to secure a kill fee bonus for the hospitals "following the CDC schedule."

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Interesting. Yeah the $$$ always outweigh the what’s best...

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It doesn’t matter if it’s friends, family, medical professionals, scientific leaders, people don’t like admitting when they’re wrong. Or caught lying. And we live in a world where the mainstream media provides cover for people who lie. Like Anthony Fauci, the J. Edgar Hoover of public health, who lied to Congress on national television, with impunity.

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I work for a us law firm in London and they tried to mandate the vaccine for us but 8 stood firm out of 350. We were ignored, bullied, they told us we had to test every day, send in proof and wear a mask when vaccinated did not. I never wore one but one lawyer reported us to HR saying they’re not wearing a mask. Gestapo he was. Our data was beached by his secretary telling him. All those people are so virtuous and say they did the right thing. All the unvaccinated have had covid, no problems, we used ivermectin and none of us have any health issues. One lawyer now has heart problems, at least 5 people have eye issues. All after vaccination.

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Good for you for standing firm. I got fired and I’m suing.

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Screw them for getting the shot and taking the easy way out. They could have support the people who didnt get the shot. They are as guilty as the NAZI towns people knowing there was a concentration camp next to their town.

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Of all the injustices suffered in the last 3 years, what makes me the most angry is someone losing their ability to make an income because of not consenting to the shot. Good for you for standing firm. Hopefully the tides are turning a bit and you will win your suit.

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Thank you. I never thought I would have to make a choice like this, but there comes a point where one has to take a stand. This is it.

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Bravo Sir! I hope you win.

I was fired from my job for refusing the vaxx. I was Director of Nursing for a Home Care company for 20 years. I have lost so much respect for my profession. Absolutely no common sense. I have such disgust for the healthcare community and what they did to so many. They truly abandoned their patients, their ethics, and their logic.

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See, this is the insanity. Director of Nursing... as if you don’t know anything about health, biology, potential risks, etc. wrong on every level. I’m a layman and figured it out right away. I’m sorry to hear you had to go through that, it’s gut wrenching.

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Good luck. I know for a fact had they mandated it in the uk. They would have done the same. Bastards

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I had to draw the line, it’s just wrong.

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You are a Rockstar. Its hard to endure that and not be completely changed. I refused everything too and all it did was exposed how utterly disgusting people can be. I was ready to change my entire life to not be forced to get this shot...it made zero sense as I had covid and recovered easily....head cold for a few days. I honestly can not see people the same anymore.

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Me too. We love to travel and if it meant we could no longer do it, it was something we was prepared to do. We had family blame us for their covid, it was the anti vaxers fault it was spreading. No apologies. Family members told us they hoped we didn’t get sick with it. In fact my husband was full on with this. He said to me come on Jan you must take the vaccine so we can get back to normal. He is a taxi driver and he had hundreds of people in the car every week and he never caught covid until February 2022 and within those first few weeks he did not catch it and then I was right with my gut instinct how bloody contagious can it be if a taxi driver hasn’t caught it straight away. Also he was eligible for the first wave of covid vaccines in line with the NHS workers in the uk. Thank the good lord they had no appointments as within those first few weeks so many of his customers were having many side effects. It was that that changed his mind immediately. It was falling on deaf ears when I tried to tell him. He listened to Alex on Joe Rogan, Peter mcculloch, Brett Weinstein, Pierre Kory and so he’s more aware of what’s taken place. We have a friend who did get sick with covid and he said we should be forced to get it but even he recently say “what on earth have they done to us”.

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Good for you!

If only others had the common sense to do what you did non of this would have happened.

No one in my immediate family took it. THANK GOD!

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Buffoons, no different than the Nazi youth.

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"One lawyer now has heart problems, at least 5 people have eye issues. All after vaccination."

If they were among the people demanding that everyone get the shots: Karma's a bitch.

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Recently I was reading an horrific YouTube comment thread on the “eye issues” including blindness. I wonder if that was more associated with the AZ vaxx given in the UK??

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The Magnificent 8 !

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Fauci also known as the Pope of sickness.

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Fauci the devil antichrist or one of satin

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023

Good Hoover analogy as both were adept at using blackmail: one had dirty pictures the other had dirty research funds.

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The Vaccinated

Are Starting To Realize

That Once They Get Sick

They Are Not Going To Get Better.

The Freak-Out Has Begun.


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I am seeing evidence of it, sick over and over again with various ailments.

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The Most Heavily Vaccinated People And Those

Injured The Most - Are Still Wearing Masks.

Enjoy This Moment. It Is Yours.

Because They Are The Same Fucked-Up Morons

That Wanted To Force Inject You; To Quarantine You; To Fire You; And To Deny You Medical Care. They Still Do.

So Tell Them - To Their Faces:

“Don’t Get Sick - Because You Won’t Get Better”

You Owe Yourself That.

They Are Not Getting Better. Make Them Hear It.

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A perfect last verse for their "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" anthem...

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The Most Heavily Vaccinated People And Those

Injured The Most - Are Still Wearing Masks.

Enjoy This Moment. It Is Yours.

Because They Are The Same Fucked-Up Morons

That Wanted To Force Inject You; To Quarantine You; To Fire You; And To Deny You Medical Care. They Still Do.

So Tell Them - To Their Faces:

“Don’t Get Sick - Because You Won’t Get Better”

You Owe Yourself That.

They Are Not Getting Better. Make Them Hear It.

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I began following your twitter early in 2020 and your content was very important. It gave an alternative view to the alarmist hysteria and led me to the right sources to evaluate covid for myself. In early April my wife and I, both hospital employees, sat down with the kids (high school aged at the time) and discussed how we would handle covid. Basically all agreed we were at very little risk and decided to live our lives as normal and ignore covid as much the state would allow. Went on our beach vacation in July as planned. Long story short it was the right decision. That and not getting the vaccines. Thanks.

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As Ed Dowd is fond of saying, fraudsters don't readily admit their fraud, they double down, then triple down. They have to keep the fraud going as long as possible because admitting to it is all harm, no benefit to them. They have no remorse about the harm they've inflicted on others.

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Doctors like Spencer are the reason many don't trust health authorities anymore. When doctors like Battacharia, McCarty and McCulloch were trying to bring facts and reason into the discussions about Covid, they were shut down while those like Spencer got the media microphones and caused fear in the population.

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Lucky I started following you in 2020 after learning about your research regarding the dangers of high THC marijuana and psychotropics. In all the isolation and craziness of covid, you were there for the truth-telling of covid, too. Thanks, Alex! Always keep doing what you do.

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If he works in a office or Emergency department as he claims he would and should be fired. You don't speak about Politics as a Medical Professional. And let's get this straight I was at the hospital when all hospitals was closed for 4 months here in Massachusetts. Only people who was at the hospital was ICU PCU employees all other units lights was off and it was like a Ghost town in the hospital and Parking lots. Graig doesn't know the criteria for a Patient to be intubated put on life support. And his employer can contact me at anytime. Graig is a fraud at best. I have well over 25 years of critical care expertise.

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Hey Doc! News Flash this was a political Manure show from the beginning. I did my own research and came to the conclusion in Feb 2020 that it was a BIO Weapon which came out of Wuhan, intentional or not, and that it had a death rate of less than 1% in the general population. It affected the elderly mostly. Later with real docs using more than Pharma salesman's go to book, they came up with early treatment. Most of the Docs I knew got those drugs and took them early with none having the Gene Therapy. All survived with no ill effects. While the others, Many in the hospital developed mostly cardiac problems as well as some others. Yep the Idiotic policy of having patients Ill with COVID and told to stay home until the severity of the condition worsened causing them to only then go the hospital. I suggest you look at the Covid Symposium.


Yes listening to some of the speakers gave me more info than I thought I knew. For instance, This Gene Therapy research was started by the DOD & company in 1965!

Its amazing that everything is written down in print you just have to know where to look.

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No we absolutely can not let these people just walk away from the utterly non science based insanity they stoked. They literally wanted un-vaxxed people like myself, shunned from society, fired from jobs, left out of schools and colleges. No way no no no. Folks like this guy are literally some of the most dangerous people....they have no conscience, no regret and are willfully ignorant- and are not happy to just have an opinion...they want to punish those in resistance to their opinion. I agree we need to not stop pointing out their utter disregard for reason, science and truth and they should never again be allowed to push policy or be taken seriously.

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Could not agree more! Our kids had their education, social life, and good mental health DESTROYED! Now they act like nothing happened! We should NEVER EVER EVER EVER forget that. If we do history is bond to repeat itself. Our kids certainly deserve more!

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Seriously, do these folks really believe what they are saying? If so, they are lost. They are insane. If not, they are simply evil. What a choice, huh?

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Religitating the past is just dandy with slavery reparations advocates, who I suspect overlap with the Covid crowd. They like to relitigate some things, just not their egregious C19 foolishness.

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Ah, yes, that constant yearning for "free" stuff--like clot shots promoted as "vaccines."

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I actually had some one say to me, “as long as they’re free, I’ll take any shot they make available”. I wonder if she’s still alive.

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Wow. Talk about blind trust in government...

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This was a woman who wouldn’t take any shots until Trump was out of office because she hated Trump. Like he was the one in the lab concocting the shit.

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I recently learned of a person who has had 10 flippin’ shots. I didn’t know that was even possible!

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Love it, Alex! It’s gotta feel good having those receipts!

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We all kind of knew this before, but COVID proved that a large percentage of doctors are not mentally stable people and being able to retain knowledge from reading textbooks does not correlate to comprehension and decision making.

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I called it on April 21st 2020 in an OpEd: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/21/opinions/safer-way-to-get-america-back-to-work-schulze-vijayan/index.html based on the Italian Public Health Dataz from March 17th 2020 which noted 99% of deaths in Italy at that time were in people with one of more Comorbidity (which kids generally don't have ;)

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Many THX for the Up Votes - It was really hard knowing the truth and not getting anyone to understand there was actual Legitimate Data behind all of it. Additionally - the science was 1 st year medical school biology and epidemiology!

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

Regarding the doctor's recent tweet, "if you miraculously know something now, , why didn't you tell us so then", how anti-science is it to say that there is no way we could know something now in 2023 that we didn't know in 2020. Of course you can't say something today that you are going to learn tomorrow. But we were starting to "know" even in 2020 and are only becoming more certain as the days pass. Alex has this exactly right, do not let these people off the hook by saying "we didn't know." If you didn't know, then you had no right to push for extreme measures.

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The jabs were practically untested! Some of us paid attention to that early on & said a big ol' F.U. to the panicky brownshirts like Spencer's chorus screaming "death to the unvaxxed." Proves all the more Spencer's tweet about "knowing" is idiotic. He's nothing but a coercion tool. We've had to deal with our gullible friends' and families' life altering repercussions--to us they're people. But to our government that foisted this mess upon us, they were and are just lab rats. Absolutely we must NOT let them off the hook!

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Yes, it was/is an experimental biological agent and I wasn’t interested in being a lab rat.

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…if you didn't know, then you had no right to push for extreme measures… Exactly right.

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