Thank goodness for substack. I have never been a twitter user. I have a life. With substack, I get to read uncensored, well thought out discussion.

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Well, It's about frigging time....the narrative continues to collapse.....Fact Check all you want Twitter....More States need to reject DC's harassment!


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Thank you! That's great news! Now, let's see if lawmakers can resist the lobbyists. This needs to be sent to all residents of that state.

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Thank you for sharing this!!

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I'm looking for more. Do you have a few favorites? I just discovered Andreas Oehler (Going for the Jugular Take 2) and I think i'm going to be hooked.

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Everyone I follow is excellent. You can see them on my profile.

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Eugyppius is fantastic

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I just subscribed. Wow

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Looks very interesting! Thanks!

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Not sure I would lose sleep over what a pack of blithering idiots would be saying. They have lost all credibility outside of the idiot echo chamber.

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The perfect description. Looking forward to your newsletter, Joseph Carroll.

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Idiot Echo Chamber should be formalized; IEC--a chamber of idiots. Joseph Carroll thats a winner. Your going to need a big chamber.

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I bought the book, hardcover, for 3 reasons:

1. In the post covid era I want my dollars supporting journalists that actually investigate. They have families, they deserve to eat, have a roof over their head etc. Happy to pay more for all the countless hours you put in Alex.

2. Amazon could memory hole the digital copy of your work at anytime.

3. I want some minimum wage masked Amazon worker to have to pick your book off the shelf and see "Covid hysteria" pop off the front cover and maybe -just maybe -think twice about what's going on. Someone who might not otherwise be exposed to your work.

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Physical evidence is absolutely essential in our ever increasing digital and censored world. I bought my copy along with a few others for gifts, downloaded it on audible because I enjoyed Alex’s reading of it and above all, needed the truth.

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i also consider the digital "revision" that some electronic copies might undergo. i like paper for controversial topics.

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It's still humans and not robots packing our boxes?

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I like to think theres still at least one human for quality control but yes I see your point

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Well maybe the robots will become sentient and refuse to comply.

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The CDC on January 21, 2022, feeds to the mainstream press earth shattering news that THREE new studies prove once and for all that the vaccines and boosters have incredible success at stopping severe illness from the Wuhan Virus. I've poured through the news reports, including the Wall Street Journal. Have yet to find a single reference to the people or organizations who ran the studies. Is that not the most important question? Are they a bunch of Fauci's corrupt buddies? Otherwise, why in the world trust the CDC on this based on it abysmal track record?

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And here are 1,011 studies that show the jab is dangerous:


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I'd like to put this link on the new covid website I'm building. Ok?

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Oh my goodness, Margery, I just read your bio. So so sorry about what happened to your mom. Thank you for your work to wake people up.

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and you might want to add these:

pandemic of the "unvaccinated" propaganda: https://www.campfire.wiki/doku.php?id=divisive_rhetoric_about_the_unvaccinated

the shockingly deceptive Pfizer clinical trials:


an admission from a nurse who learened the hard way about the shots once she got myocarditis:


American Frontline Nurses talking about what they're seeing in the fields: the corruption, deception, the horror of doctors waking up and realizing what that they are causing harm:


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Absolutely!! Spread it far and wide!!

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Alex, take some satisfaction that you are living rent-free (and vaccine-free) in their heads. You must be right over the target.

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Its no coinkydink they only go after truth tellers. Thats when you know you hit a nerve

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Also, they hate Alex because he is a legit iconoclast, which I expect they all wish they were but know they are not and will never be.

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The future of media belongs to Substack (assuming they don't get power-mad and screw it up.). I recently started a 'stack here in Portland, where progressives rule, top-to-bottom. Local media is simply part of the progressive machine. There is no outlet for differing opinions.

So, I started "Portland Dissent." Substack didn't charge me a dime. Less than six months later there are 70 subs, average read is around 220...new subs are around one a day. I never advertised or otherwise promoted the 'stack. Amazing.

Yes, Twitter has numbers--but Substack has the gravity, structure, tools to grow exponentially. Greenwald, Berenson, Weiss, etc...not huge numbers but, far more important, committed readers. Twitter is going to become a room with no dissenting voices; the woke won't have anyone left to beat up (thus those desperate little posts about Pandemia). They will bore themselves to death.

Twitter=yesterday. Substack=tomorrow.

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"They will bore themselves to death."

Or turn on each other.

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Substack is also TODAY!!

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I believe Greenwald said he gets more readers now than he did when he was at The Intercept.

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A whole lot of people freezing their buts off in DC today to fight against encroaching authoritarianism and you’re complaining about critics on twitter. It’s all about you. Disappointing.

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I agree. Alex didn’t have to attend, and maybe in his role as a journalist, he didn’t want to. But it’s a little jarring that on the day people stood up to say no to the mandates and MRNA treatments, which is what he urged at the end of Pandemia, Alex didn’t even give it a tip of the hat.

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I see your point. I couldn't be there, but I contributed monetarily. So, you were there? What was it like ?

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Couldn't go but watched every minute on live stream. Very exciting and many inspiring speeches, inc. by RFK Jr. BTW, I support Alex B. in his fight vs. Twitter.

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Did you go?

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Rebecca, if you are upset with Alex, I get it. At least make an intelligent argument. What does the mandate march have to do with big-tech censorship? Mixing apples and oranges.

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The anti-mandate march has everything to do with Big-Tech censorship. It should be obvious why this is so. Big Tech censors the truth about SARS-CoV-2, covid, potential early treatments for covid, the efficacy of masking in the reduction of transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the efficacy of lockdowns for stopping or reducing covid transmission, the origin of the coronavirus which is responsible for the pandemic, and on and on.

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But Truth bird, Rebecca's criticism is of Alex. Yes you may be able to link big-tech to the mandates. But how is Alex involved with mandates?

Criticize Alex fine, have an intelligent argument.

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Alex is against the government propaganda about covid. The mandates are one specific aspect of the gestalt. The overarching propaganda and the mandates are not separable. It is simply ludicrous to pretend they are.

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Alex has opposed mandates and shutdowns from day 1.

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Thank you. I couldn’t bring myself to type out the obvious for someone feigning ignorance.

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I agree with you, Montezuma: there are lots of things to be angry about: censorship, authoritarianism, segregation, etc. They're all worthy of being protested but one person can't fight everything at the same time. That's why EVERYONE has to make some damn noise!

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And just for the record--Alex is in a much bigger battle than most. If they can try to ruin a decorated investigative journalist, what do you think the rest of our chances are? Stop whining and stand up for something. Or there are other forums you can pout on. Fight whatever perceived battles you have with freedom of speech in your own warped way. Alex has important stuff to do that will actually make a difference.

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I don't understand why you're replying to me that way: I just agreed with the fact that Alex has every right to fight against censorship...please be sure you've actually read the post you're responding to.

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DebMG, I think MaryH was responding to Montezume, not you. I noticed that this happens frequently here.

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I noticed that too. Does anyone understand how Substack stacks?

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(I think MaryH was responding to Rebecca, not DebMG.)

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Thank you. I was🙄

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Absolutely dead serious.

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And you’ve ever had thousands of people trash you on a platform that you were part of for years ? Don’t be so high and mighty.

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And then beg to be accepted back into the fold rather than support censorship free alternatives.

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No, when Alex fights for his rights on a platform that should be supporting FreeSpeech, he is fighting for the rights of everyone. Whose side are you on anyway ?

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Look. Alex does fantastic investigative journalism. I appreciate it. I’ve followed him a long time. I’m a paid subscriber. But I do not see a strong track record fighting censorship in general, mostly just for himself. Often he tries to distance himself from others fighting authoritarianism. He doesn’t want their conspiracy theory stink on him. He thinks his censorship is unique. It’s not. He’s a net positive but posts like todays I find whiny, self serving and annoying. So I say so. He can take it or ignore it. He’s an adult.

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I'm trying to figure out how to respond to you. You just sound so harsh. Alex is a person who has burned his bridges and suffered the consequences. He was right to do it in my way of thinking, but I'm not going to belittle him because he doesn't believe everything I believe . Isn't that one reason we're in this mess to begin with ? Have a little grace.

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Sounds like selective censorship to me🙄

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And like a Karen.

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Seems like there is a whole lot of "whiny and self serving " going on in this discussion. Lets just all agree to disagree and stop trying to one-up each other?

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You apparently havent heard--virtue signalling is so yesterday. Get your panties out of a bunch. Its boring to listen to such self righteous losers who are so far behind that you think youre first🙄

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This post is really about his twitter lawsuit though, and an interesting twist indeed. (Not that he didn't post a rather whiny article about a twitter dweeb the other day though..)

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Jan 23, 2022Edited
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There are a lot of battles in this war. Alex is fighting one of them - censorship. If we don't all stick together, we're going to lose the war. Please, folks, let each expert we enjoy here on Substack get the respect and support they need and deserve. It we get fractured, we're all done for!

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You can always unfollow...

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Jan 23, 2022
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Are you suggesting the March against Mandates in Washington D.C. today was a waste of time and energy? Or that every time masses citizens anywhere in the world gather to protest fascism and totalitarianism it's a waste of time and energy? Or that political activism is a waste of time and energy, period?

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Jan 24, 2022Edited
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They blocked the hotel rooms before the DC mandates were announced. They added hotels in Arlington afterwards.

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Jan 24, 2022
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Taking a 1000 foot view, it didn't seem like this rally was supposed to do anything but get as many people together as possible and create some attention. I don't think the kind of organization you are talking about was a consideration. If it was people would have been instructed to stay in cause friendly neighboring communities, busses would have been chartered, etc, etc...

That none of that happened, (that I know of) seems like it was fairly successful from the pictures I saw. There was already a pretty hateful column in the daily beast about it yesterday. All you have to do is replace all of the negative adjectives with positive ones when you read it.

Considering some of the photos I've seen of pride parades, that anything positive came of those gives me at least a glimmer of hope that there will be positive results stemming from this. I wouldn't consider it a one and done, just the first of many.

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I am very thankful and happy that i never not once had any desire to access twitter

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Count me among your friends. I just never felt comfortable telling someone, "hey I just tweeted that yesterday." Reminds me of Warner Bros. cartoons. "I tawt I taw a pussy cat." -Tweety Bird

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We read Pandemia. It’s excellent. But I want to point out that there was an anti mandate March in freezing DC today with thousands of brave souls who will no doubt feel the pain of standing against the establishment as well. How much greater if you had been with them. How much greater if all our energies ally?

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Did you go, if so how was it?

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I'm reading in the Epoch Times about a 70 yr old man dying on a ventilator at the Mayo clinic and 3 judges in Florida have refused to allow another doctor to give him Ivermectin. The clinic will not let him leave the hospital and give him a 5% survival chance. What happened to the Right to Try Act? Seems to me he fits the criteria. I just don't get it.

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Mayo Clinic. Yet another formerly renowned institution burning all of its credibility at the altar of covid.

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And McCullough lit the match when he called them out during his rogan episode for not publishing any early treatment protocol. The corruption stinks to high hell.

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I heard she finally got him transferred (TX?) and he’s now awake and tracking, visually, his new doctors.. don’t recall exactly what they gave him.

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Different case that man,(50 something)was in Mercy hospital in Mn and he died in Texas, but they said he would have made it if he came earlier. I think the one at Mayo is still on going

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I stand corrected, Pisano’s family lost the lawsuits, he was never transferred, and he passed …

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Twitter's traffic is dying. The blue checks are only reading each other for comfort and solace that someone believes their lies. If you doubt it, check their stock price over the last 6 months. If you like to play the market, I recommend Put Options.

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Excellent post as always, Alex. I find it funny how some on here subscribed just to troll you, but hey, their money is good here too! I've never been an anti-vaxxer in the least, but having had 4 jabs and still managing to "hit the omicron jackpot", you have it right - and have had it right since ages ago. Your dissenting voice has been an important one, and the more violently one is shouted down should raise eyebrows (and ears to hear) as to what is being said. Unreported - and inconvenient - truths are still true, at the end of the day. Thank you for fighting to get them out there.

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We didn’t subscribe to troll him but his treatment of Dr. Malone lost him a lot of respect, and we are just waiting until the end of the month to unsubscribe.

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Eh, don't worry about them. They are a small band of nutjobs. The American people see what has happened with the whole Covid thing. The Twitterverse can stew in their misinformation. Reality will slap them in the face as time goes on.

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Plus if they keep taking boosters, they won’t be around much longer. We’re going to have much bigger problems to deal with than Twitter.

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Sadly, yes. I'm sure you, like me, have many friends/family that we're worried about for that exact reason.

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I still think there is a pressing (and big) story in uncovering more about who backed the fraudulent Hydroxychloroquine study that the Lancet only later removed. That is not a college prank. This took some money, effort, and collaboration from several people in the know. This had some element of sophistication, even if sloppy.

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I am now also officially banned from twitter.. a govt official made a comment about Howard Stern changing his tune regarding vaccines and the fact that he’d been paid $4M recently.. I said something along the lines that if you’re for sale, no matter the dollar amount, you were still a whore.. BOOM.. booted off twitter. go figure.

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My wife watches Ellen. I happened to see Stern on her show promoting Metamucil. That's all I needed to know. He's for sale.

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guessing Metamucil just handed over a few bucks to Stern as well.. how the mighty have fallen.. he USED to be such a renegade.. now? Give him enough $$’s and he’ll say anything.

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I know it’s hard to do but just ignore the sanctimonious assholes. Their followings are ignorant dumb asses or they wouldn’t be following the shallow asses.

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