Are you auditioning for the Babylon Bee?

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Took the words right out of my mind!

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A criminal lawsuit involving Zyprexa?! Oooo do tell! From a pharmaceutical background, this is interesting and wondering why I didn’t hear of it before.

PS: these weight loss drugs might go the same route as there’s a lot of side effects that are being hidden here in the states but not overseas eg; mental disorders: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-hidden-struggle-in-health-care

Also, number 7 was HILARIOUS 😂

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It's utterly insane! After just poisoning everyone with barely tested covid mRNA jabbs which are wreaking death and havoc in their wake, we now have the mass role out Ozempic - the latest magic pill for weight loss. How long before this one fails with huge health consequences... The signs are already not good - have you seen the state of Sharon Osborne, she looks like the walking dead!

And to think all anyone needs to do is stop eating ultra processed crap, eat real food and practise intermittent fasting - time limited eating, not even calorie restriction - That's REAL magic - and it's totally FREE!! (But of course, where's the profit in that...)

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This is like telling an alcoholic, "You don't need no stinking AA. Just stop drinking alcohol.". Americans are just as addicted to processed foods as alcoholics are to booze. Taking a daily shot of Ozempic or equivalent is easier than changing eating habits.

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That’s the issue- using this peptide-Ozempic,etc- as a quick fix instead of as a part of a comprehensive plan that includes diet and exercise is a large part of what’s creating these problems. Fast fixes are not generally better than going slow with the dose of this drug. Humans love this because it seems like it’s a quick fix but it’s not. I do think that if used correctly and with the proper plan and doses it can be a very useful part of helping our obese and diabetic population. Check out Dr. Tyna Moore’s website for lots of free information and podcasts about these peptides. And no, I am in no way affiliated with her, although I do value her work, as I value and appreciate Alex. Very humorous article that I needed, considering what is going on…

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Bob, You are unfortunately right. I remember I once had some American chocolate - it was disgusting. I could never go to America as I wouldn't be able to eat their crap processed food.

To think, they will spend thousands on taking a regular shot when the real answer is SO simple: Just change your diet! Doh! It's like Type 2 Diabetics are told to eat a low fat diet and carbs as much as they like and a shot of insulin will put them right. Double Doh!! It don't!

There just HAS to be a tipping point where this insanity finally ends. I'm just SO grateful I know the truth - but then again, I make it my business to study it for myself and don't just believe the white coats and experts who were SO wrong about the clot shots.

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I agree with your last paragraph, but very few people have the discipline to practice those methods. Processed foods are addictive, not only physically, but mentally, because of their taste and how easy it is to prepare them. We are also a society addicted to eating and drinking and billions are spent on advertising to feed that addiction. Like the new practice of bringing water with us everywhere we go and having dozens of bottled water brands available, there are restaurants everywhere. It's too easy to get a meal. Being hungry is good for you.

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You are SO right! If only people knew and understood what is being done TO them by their corrupt governments and BIG food corporations - They are hapless victims of capitalist GREED and it is harming and eventually killing them! It's pure EVIL!

The UK NHS is already spending 10% of its annual budget on obesity and related chronic diseases - and it will only get much worse. It truly breaks my heart to see it.

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They were good, and yes, number 7 gets my vote (if elections hadn't been canceled as the result of the threat they pose) as the winner.

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I’m still trying to understand who on Earth (MSNBC fans aside) didn’t know that Joe has severe dementia. They didn’t question his 2020 basement campaign, his mumbling or mean, nasty outbursts? The media are jackals but that’s not a great excuse for ignorance after 4 years. Thanks for the “memo!”

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They knew but didn't care as long as Orange Hitler would be kept out of the WH

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Yes, I am convinced they all knew but anything was worth it to defeat orange man bad.

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That‘s how they didn‘t know. Blind rage.

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He’s gonna have to up the Amazon voucher! 😝

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So true. I read an article a few days ago that explained how AI was being used and why Amazon is considered an AI investment. A few years ago they admitted to changing prices several million times. The article went on to explain that each person has a unique dollar amount just above their forehead that is AI's calculation of the price that person is willing to pay for a certain item. This has been developed by AI using the incredible amount of spying done on each person online. This is called individual pricing. We each have our own algorithm. So the voucher is going to have to be individually priced and priced a lot higher.

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Very funny! Don't see this side of you very often-- I know, there's serious shit out there to cover, but you're actually clever!

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Just b/c the world's in flames doesn't mean we can't have a little fun.

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Says Evil Incarnate.


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Also, number 7 made me lol. You know it's coming.

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Of course, this is exactly what Zelensky has already done in Ukraine - his presidential mandate is over so he cancelled the elections. Mind you, he's already banned all opposition parties and locked up his competitors. And we're defending democracy?

Meanwhile the US are still giving him $$ Billions to fight an already lost war against a nuclear armed Super Power.

You'd think with all that US taxpayers' money (actually, they just print it out of nothing and add it to the $34 Trillion US national debt) he could afford a proper suit, instead of T shirt & cargoes, for when he goes abroad begging other world leaders to help $ave democracy. Lol indeed.

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Zelensky is playing the part he was assigned. He has to wear the same green shirt at all times to real hammer home the point that he's a president "at war". We're supposed to think he's ready to go out on the front lines and gun down Russian soldiers at a moment's notice.

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Remember that the man was an entertainer by profession. He knows the value of a costume.

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Why is Zelensky at the NATO conference???

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To beg for money. His wife wants to pick up some things at Tiffany's while she's in America.

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Now THAT is an EXCELLENT question!

These sabre rattling pompous idiots won't stop until they get us all blown to smithereens! It's M.A.D!!!

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That, army green look is getting old. The only people who buy into this fraud are Hollywood's useful idiots. Remember how they traveled to Ukraine to pay homage to Zelensky when the war first started?

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Yes, Hollywood's many useful idiots, but also the media's hordes of useful idiots.

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Yes - And every western politician whose image needed a photo op boost - wearing a flak jacket. The UK sent loads, including our hapless (now ex) Prime Minister, BoJo The Clown (aka Boris Johnson). Unfortunately they sent him back...

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Funny! They are probably figuring out a 'severance' package for Joe and Jill as we speak.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

If Joe doesn't agree to leave, I'm looking for the Deep State to threaten to "leak" some of the dirt on him they have in their files.

And if that doesn't work, they can up the ante by threatening Hunter, James, and maybe Jill with prison time.

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This was actually reported on Fox yesterday “there’s a whistleblower waiting in the wings if he (Joe) doesn’t step down”; might’ve been on Jesse Watters show.

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Yes...on was on Watters' show. He said it on two different days. He sounded suspiciously like (this is my opinion only) he has already lined up this whistleblower.

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That makes sense!

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Instead of a Golden parachute, offer a real parachute.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Or a one-way ride on Marine One without a parachute. :-/

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In view of Berenson v. Biden, I'd say it's a sure thing that at least someone in the administration is an Unreported Truths reader or subscriber, even if it's not Jen Jen. And this piece is hilarious BTW. Thanks!

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This is my favorite: "Cancel elections on basis they pose threat to democracy." That's actually believable, and as we know, satire has an element of truth. Well done, Alex.

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Every authoritarian in history has claimed to be acting for the good of the people.

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That would be funnier if it wasn’t true. WTH was the media thinking? Did they plan to cover for Biden for four more years? Did they think we’d never notice the O Biden connection ? Makes me wonder what the next truth bomb will be.

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"WTH was the media thinking?"

They have half the country not doing a whole lot of thinking, just drinking their Kool-Aid by the gallon, so I'd speculate thinking was not high on their priorities. Obedience to their masters is much more important.

The next truth bomb? That's a fun question, since they are pretty rare. Maybe, Ukraine is in big trouble. They really need another $100 billion.

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This is worthy of the Babylon Bee!

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Alex, you are a national treasure. Thanks for using humor to get people’s attention to focus on facts that have been in plain sight forever. I feel humor as a communication style is sometimes more effective. Like my kids say, “If you can’t change it, mock it!”

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Hilarious!! But as crazy as this sounds, probably isn’t too far fetched!

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Inspired brilliance!

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Comedy GOLD!!

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Like the humor!

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