After all we've been put through during the past two years, I pose the following question:

Do you trust the “Science”?

Trust the government?

Trust the Politicians?

Trust Fauci?

Trust actors, pop stars, athletes, social media "influencers"

Do you trust the pharmaceutical industry? https://tritorch.com/wiz

The doctors on the take from the drug pushers? https://tritorch.com/sak

The WEF, the WHO, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The CIA, the CFR, the FBI, the NIH, the CDC, the FDA


The Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, the Royal Family?

The masked burly men in the park?

The brainwashed housewives at the supermarket?

The entertainment industry, the tabloids, the social media corporations?

The Fourth Estate, Fifth Column (the media)?

If after two years into this fraud you still trust any of the above entities, then you've already lost.

But maybe there is still hope now that the globalists are directly targeting children with their poison injections...

When they start dropping dead in classrooms in greater numbers people like you are, hopefully, going to finally start waking up to what is actually occurring here, and then maybe, just maybe, we can then turn the tide.

Hope springs eternal.


By the way, they are trying to normalize the idea that children dying from heart attacks is normal, when it is the vaccine:


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Nice writeup on Cyber Polygon! Thanks!


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Ummm, NO! But I think I trust the sheep even less!! They keep pushing us toward the cliff! I just want critical thinkers back.

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Wait, what about the lemmings? Sheep aren't that dumb. 🐀🐀🐏🐏😱

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Yeah, I feel bad for the actual sheep who would know better! 😂😳

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I have personal experience of the truculence and outright aggression that sheep will exhibit, if they're cornered, or you seem to be threatening their lambs. To compare people to sheep may be to malign them (the sheep, that is).

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See my much earlier comment (on Alex Berenson or Steve Kirsch; I don't recall). Apparently rather few critical thinkers since the Enlightenment.

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Did not see your comment but we need to rename enlightenment…all I know is in Wa the double mask wearers who are lining their kids up for the jab are the same ones whose kids ride motorized scooters with no shoes or helmet but you guessed it, wearing a mask!!! You just can’t make it up!!! 😂😂😂

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Or very few questioning the advice of a physician as he/she speaks from the pocket of Big pHarma. “Get the pneumonia/flu/shingles/HPV/Hib/anthrax jab. Take the statins, the bone health infusions… and do not ask why or ask about the efficacy. Just do it.”

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you really need to be your own doctor now because most have failed us

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Agreed. Luckily, my doctor is a young conservative who sees through all the BS.

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and you'll be better than they would be at this point

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well you are one of them now, so let's get going..

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LOL Our masks are off in our deep blue mandated state and no jab here even if we have to lose our jobs. We are HUGE fans of Let's Go Brandon....let's go!!

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masks off here too. we need a leader which sure is not going to be of the current government, so folks need to get it on with the 'alternative' good folks

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Alex? el gato malo? steve kirsch?

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While I don't exactly trust the sheep - the sheep are more trustworthy than any politician. Remember that the majority of Americans were against the Iraq War of 2003. They were totally against the bank bailouts of 2009/10/11/..../21. They are mostly against mass illegal immigration. So as dumb as they've made us, the average American (elite and pseudo elite Americans are scary, I'll grant you that) is far better than the average politician.

And the most important thing is that we give up our insane and unexamined belief that giving up our authority to "government" will somehow work out better than simply being responsible for ourselves. Study, then commit to voluntaryism and the non-Aggression principle.

Please read this book to save yourself from belief in "government"! https://themostdangeroussuperstition.com/

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Respectfully, although I don't disagree with your opinions, I believe they fall short of describing the truth of "the sheep". Maybe it is because I live in a blue state and work in the peripheral of education but what started as a movement in our colleges has taken all schools (most private too) hostage. The education system is creating an entire generation of "know it all" and "entitled" young people who believe everything they are fed. I would love to believe that reading a book would turn this ship around but I don't think most understand the reality of how large an influence the "elites" have and how far the reach has become. We have an undereducated, under motivated and over stimulated generation who we are depending on government to bail out their student loans, provide their retirement and a lifestyle they see on social media. So, no, I don't trust the sheep, I sit in meetings and am astounded at the arrogance that accompanies their narrow vision. I don't believe they would read your book or any of the other great ones that have been written by very educated people who have lived a long life and have much to offer all of us with their wisdom!

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I hear you re: the youth. Though I'll say I've been equally shocked for several years now to find parents as far gone as their kids. I don't quite know how that happened as the ADL type groups didn't have direct access to the parents like they do the kids.

I do know that there is no way that government and existing parties are going to lead us out of this mess. We truly must replace government with voluntary organization. There are two political planks worth pursuing:

- Approval Voting (much better than ranked voting) - Yes votes = 1 point, no ranking. So if a Dem who was waking to the corruption of the parties votes for Bill Clinton and Ross Perot, a Republican who was waking to the corruption of the parties votes for George Bush Sr and Ross Perot and finally the Independent who knows deeply of the corruption of the parties votes only for Perot - then Perot wins in a landslide with 3x the votes of either opponent. (see how much better that is than ranking?)

- Next platform is something like this: "Vote for me and my party! We will reduce every aspect of government and simultaneously work with you to replace it with voluntary organization."

The good news is that I've never seen so many people waking up to how awful government and the authorities are. Even some blue friends are starting to wake up. My sister who is double vaxxed now doesn't want the booster AND she started reading RFK Jr's book on the Real Fauci (which I left strategically in the guest room :). She got hooked so I gave her a copy.

All that said, we may have to divide the country. And I do understand that the Bolsheviks will do everything they can to prevent losing control over everyone. But the more Bolshevik the Bolsheviks act, the more they lose support.

Prayers on!

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Jan 2, 2022
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We should all get together and form our own country.

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There's some ones emptying out in Central America that we can use.

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Truthfully, I wont be able to trust most of my friends or family after this. While I am maintaining a cordial relationship with them for the time being, the insight I have gained with regard to their views on personal accountability and one’s body autonomy (or lack there of) has left me widely disturbed.

I suppose a positive (or negative depending on how you view it) by-product of the last 2 years has been the ability to see beneath the thin veneer of your neighbour’s disarming smile, and see the terrified communist that dwells within.

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amen, trust God/Holy Spirit only, ppl are incredibly fallible, even your spouse and children. The bible has become so alive to me over the last 2 years.

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Honestly, I’m not religious at all, but I respect your views nonetheless. Regardless if you believe in it or not, there are a lot of good traditional values that are taught throughout, and they should not be overlooked.

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Morals, Values and common sense missing from our society today. The elites want us to believe they’re our god and care about our lives- they want us dependent on their existence. They’re only desire is to enslave and control us while they do as they please. Self- reliance is a dirty word and idea.

Remember- He who feeds you can also starve you.

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With the coming economic collapse of 2022 - 2032, there is hope that a work ethic will once again be restored and religion will again become important.

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I’m not sold on religion. I’m a believer in the redemptive power of Jesus and having a personal relationship with Him. Religion is just one group of humans trying to control another group by oppressive legalism. Jesus didn’t have much to do with the Pharisees for that very reason.

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Give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach a man to fish, he can eat every day. Or something to that effect…

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Same problem here! I can no longer relate to 70% of my friends, family and co-workers if they did take the death jab. I consider them stupid, at best. I wonder if there comes a moment i will rid them out of my life forever....

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I can't fault the folks who got vaccinated while the original strain was still dominant, as getting a severe case could be terminal. What most of us learned quickly was that severe cases are very rare, and the jab wasn't particularly safe or efficacious. The ones who are still gullible a year later are so heavily conditioned that they will fade out of my life naturally, but I will remain cordial until they withdraw.

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wow, that's profound. Many I'm having trouble with are apparently alcohol/pot controlled. The head in the sand mentality. I personally have struggled more with drinking bottles of wine every day until January 2021 I seriously realised it was a problem that I was using to cope. Since that awakening, God has been near.

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Bless you.

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It was more that as therapeutics were being tried by credentialed doctors, and as they were being censored, I was incredulous. Plus then it was realizing you were being directed to let the virus “cook” in you untreated for 14 days and then you could be sent to the ER, only not to be treated. Huh???? How could you trust any doctor who put their job over your health? Especially when there were some who were daring to discover treatments that worked. Politics over real science. The last thing you wanted was to be placed at the mercy of some hospital “system”. see FLCCC.

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I never did, my in-laws are all Progressive Liberals, little contact with my side as we are so far apart in ages. Problem they grew up, scattered when they were old enough to leave a small dirt poor town that was coming out of the Great Depression, 6 girls, most in different states, I'm in the tail end generation. I even disowned my youngest sister, for failing to attend our only brothers Memorial. She was to busy partying and posting it on FB.

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ooh...ouch.And I thought I had a horrible sister.

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I left home at 18, the next sister who I love to pieces had to deal with her Narcistic ME attitude. Knock down drag out fights. Very selfish. Not even so much as Flowers for his Memorial, which we did at the middle sister's who has a heart of gold, home, the very old fashion way. CD music, his friends and what few relatives around, even the oldest cousin who had just recovered from a heart attack, each spoke, had a card table set up with the Brass urn I bought, photos, deli trays, sodas, Tea, coffee. He had just about a $1,000. Couldn't afford the funeral homes $400 marble urn, I got a nice Brass one on line, FedEx it. We traveled 800 miles 1 way.

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I guess every family has one (or two)- my dad was in hospice at home and my one sister was in the kitchen asking my brother in law about her "inheritance"- my mom is still alive mind you, and she is asking about inheritance when mom is living and we don't know what $ she will need in the near future for her care? Oh here's an additional story: Two of us planned and paid for a party for my parent's 60th anniversary. My one sister (same as above) complained that there was "nothing there for her to eat" (she's a vegan) and "why isn't there an open bar?"- she contributed ZERO to the event. ZERO- yet she complains about the party she had no hand in planning. What is WRONG with people like this? We were raised by the same parents. What happened to her? I can't figure it out, but it started in middle school sometime - being the "victim".

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You did the right thing, and you can rest easy that you did. She can't (but somehow probably rationalizes her behavior)-!

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Sad 😔 but I understand. My sister is pitiful, too long to post

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that is so sad

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you can't choose the damn family!- sometimes family, isn't blood.

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love it!

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For me it's unfortunately more like 95 %. Only people who are really on board with me are my husband and my mom. But they are all that matter anyway.

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We were talking about this at a get-together last night: the people we know who got the jabs who are now losing their minds as dementia or Alzheimer's-like symptoms are setting in.

Depending on which of the three shot versions they've received and how many times they've been poked, the likelihood of your friends, family, and acquaintances who've been jabbed living even 8 more years is highly dubious.

What we're going to do for everyone who suddenly needs long-term care, though--is a serious concern.

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My 95 year old mom already has memory problems...this is probably exacerbating things, sadly. This is terrifying if it holds to be true! (But now that you talk about it, I have two girlfriends, my age, from childhood with whom I talk to on the phone, and when I finish the conversation I have told my husband, "whew, it's like talking to my mom!" (they aren't "getting" things....!)

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Same, but I'm separating myself from many people. If I cannot respect them, how can I even like them ?Today I was invited to an afternoon New Years get together. No mention of vax status. Last week the same host sent out a cocktail party invite saying bring your papers-you must be triple jabbed. I can no longer make sense of any of it-the hypocrisy, the idiocy, the obedience to a senseless agenda. I'm voting for sanity and some quality me time.

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I agree with you. I'd already whittled down my list by the time COVID hit, but it's shorter yet today. It would be nice if we could find like minds to visit with in person, though.

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I miss the days of socializing and meeting new people. The only thing that has kept me sane is my work that focuses on stories of using life's bumps as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life. Thanks to zoom et al I meet great people all over the world. It keeps my world interesting and ever expanding. Without that inspiration and mindset on a daily basis, I cannot imagine what life might be like!

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What a great line of work to be in at the moment! I work from home as well (from my recliner, literally!), writing holistically-oriented pet health articles. I sometimes need a reminder (which you provided!) of how blessed I am to be able to do this and avoid not only the "rat race," but also all the mandates so many people are trying to figure out how to deal with.

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I'm going to start a substack feed for the podcast too. I really like this platform. There's unusually intelligent conversation and I hope I can bring that to BumpInTheRoad too. So many great topics and ideas to discuss!

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I think my relative isolation has saved my sanity. I don't watch tv, but I read and research extensively. The distance has given me perspective on events. And if I ever need to hear the mainstream mantra, all I have to do is listen to the memes that people unconsciously repeat.

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I feel you. I had a Christmas eve invite rescinded because of my vaccination status. A single guest objected, and instead of standing up to that one guest and saying "all are invited, if you are uncomfortable and can't come, I understand", it was: since this boostered guest is scared you can't come.

FU to those people. I can't be friends with people who either lack the critical thinking skills to see through this BS or who are too afraid to stand up for the truth.

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I'm with you.

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I never trusted people to begin with. This thing has just confirmed my suspicions.

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My good friend had a traditional nice upbringing (I had anything but) and continued to believe the elite had his best interests at heart until YESTERDAY, a week after his booster, when he called to say he just got tested for Covid and it's positive. I was nice, not smug, but I told him he was fooled because he is a nice guy. But Im human and fallible and couldn't stop myself from throwing in a dig (he was a standup comedian for years so I had to hit hard):

"Look, you were a classic sheep, a total useful idiot, and it's breathtaking that you didn't see the constant sweaty lies from obviously venal sociopaths and I lost respect for you, I can't help it, cuz you are ignorant and lazy and you were so smug and self righteous and I'll always remember you and your mask and your fear and thank god you are totally inconsequential, cuz you could not have been worse for the people around you who might've seen it earlier if not for your constant cheerleading for Fauci et al, but here's the thing: it's not over just cuz YOU get it now. You are finally awake but there's more work to be done, and yes I can mock you for a few cheap laughs going forward and that will cheer me up a little bit, but let's see how you do in the coming year, cuz evil people are gonna be throwing a few haymakers, and I wanna see if you step up to the fight or crumble like a dainty little lemming before I ever trust you again". He laughed, then he heard silence on the phone, then finally said "Oh".

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Holy guacamole!! What a diatribe. A work of art. Well spoken.

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Wow. Good for you.

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Did you really say this to him?

In your first paragraph you said your reply to him was "nice, not smug," but the diatribe which follows is heated and appropriately angry.

I'm not saying you should not have spoken like this to him; it just doesn't accord with what you said at first.

Do you still think of him as your "good friend?"

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He's a truly great guy, but "My patience Is wearing thin" as Brandon said. My friend even called me after that Biden speech to say even though he had the two shots at that time it was a terrible speech. We talked for over an hour, and you're right about my post, but I was all over the place on the call. He knows something is up now, but he'd take issue with a couple things, then I'd push back with a few facts, he'd agree, then take issue, Id push back, and repeat (ha). He's been a friend for nearly 40 years and about 25 years ago he pulled a stranger out of a burning car (my friend demurred, "Naw, I just undid his seatbelt", but he won some medal in Arizona and is truly, truly a good guy. Which to me, because obviously I'm a mess, makes his abject fear of the plandemic even more bizarre: he's demonstrated selfless courage, and his usual humble nature is a wonderful trait that I've tried to emulate, but I failed on the humble part and he went through a fairly brief period of lecturing me about my duty to others (he is a Libertarian but it went out the window when about a year ago he said "Fred, I don't want a guy walking around without a mask and possibly infecting me. Or my wife. Or you for that matter, so if somebody has Covid I believe he should be locked inside his house for a couple weeks". (He lives in LA) When I asked him how that would be implemented (we talk often) he said "Id have to think about it", and when I asked him about Covid's primary targets, like say the obese, and said "Why not lock them up now as a precautionary measure - for their own good as well as ours" he said I was being sarcastic and he wouldn't answer. I told him I was going to get my younger daughter to ask the same question, she doesn't have a sarcastic bone in her body, and he said "That's great, she can be your puppet". To prove I am not perfect (I know, no need) I was of the mind that somebody as funny as he is would be more immune to the "elite" lies, but maybe he's not as funny as I thought? Hmm, Im not sure why Im joking about this, Im freaked out for my two daughters (both in college, one going back on-line) and usually I feel impotent rage (impotent cuz my two daughters have remained unjabbed, by their own volition and my whole hearted endorsement, but I noticed fairly early on that they don't love me screaming out of moving cars or having long, earnest, very long talks for a long time with total strangers who ask my daughters to mask up in, say, a gym. Thank you (sincerely) so much for asking about this, Im not good at this internet stuff but Alex's site here on substack has been my one and only outlet, unless my friend's epiphany remains intact and my diatribe over the phone hasn't pushed him back into Fauci's or Xi's or Biden's or Gates' or Zuckerberg's et al's arms!

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Maybe your friend is neither as funny, humble, nor intelligent as you've long assumed him to be. And I bet you're a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for.

I, too, find companionship here among this crowd of Alex's readers and supporters. I don't know a single person (other than myself) who rejects the government propaganda about covid and the "vaccines."

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PS, why do I do 50/50 Parentheses so often?

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I know!! It both saddens and disappoints me immensely that I've lost so much respect for friends and loved ones these past two years.

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Yeah me too! Will do my best, but feeling a lot of resentment as time drags on and that doesn’t feel good either.

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It's so hard. I've lost lifetime friends. But I know and trust that this will make space for new connections and friendships.

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It is. I haven’t lost any yet, but I know it’s coming. Right now all are being careful to stay off topic of politics/Covid to avoid an ending of a friendship but it’s like this looming cloud. Thank god my friend of almost 50 years feels like I do, but still she will cave and get the jab if her employer forces it on her as they don’t recognize natural immunity (she’s had Covid twice and did get a T defect test that shows high antibodies). She’s the only source of income and too young to retire and no pension to live off of. I’m afraid for her and she’s not a fighter. Even after this test, her doctor that she likes says she should get the jab. Personally, and I told her so, that if it were my doctor, I’d be out of there pronto because she oughta know better. It irks me, though, she’ll listen to this doctor and not me knowing I do my research and wouldn’t give her false info.

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Scarily true...or to not know that some BFFs had no critical thinking skills. Shows how superficial these "friendships" were in the first place though..But SO MANY scared into submission out there. (Just watched the beginning of "Inglorious Bastards"- just the first 10 min. watch it and know that your neighbor wouldn't have hidden you under the floorboards).

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The one thing that has worked is that even people who don’t like what’s happening have told me they just don’t have the means to survive without an income and too young to retire. They are giving in for this reason only. If it weren’t for that, I doubt I’d have anything to do with some of these people ever again.

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There are now so many resources (legal & otherwise) they can utilize to fight these illegal mandates. Peggy Hall at TheHealthyAmerican.com has a lot of great info. Also Children’s Health Defense. Look up ‘ways to fight covid mandates’ for more. We have the power; we’ll win this when we stop giving it away.

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Yes, we do have the power, but these people feel that they don’t or can’t deal with the legal challenges. I’m resilient, but most I know don’t. It’s quite sad. I’ll check out Peggy Hall - thanks. I do get Children's Health publication.

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Having to work and go out in society will be the thing that saves them. If they are paying attention at all.

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I’m not sure I understand. They are getting jabbed to pay the bills. They can’t afford to leave a good paying job and only get minimum wage, if they are lucky to find work at all. I got lucky that I can take my pension early even though it’s not much and my part-time work supplements it. If my husband wasn’t working and if mandates go through, we have no choice but to sell our home or we’d be homeless. It’s a legitimate fear for many esp. those with families. I think they’ll realize too late that if they’d all had just stood up and said NO at the beginning, we wouldn’t have lost our freedom. Even if things get reversed which I hope they do, the damage is done and we all then have to pick up the pieces of this mess!

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My daughter was willing to lose her job (said NO at the beginning) and because they really didn't want to lose her, they accepted a waiver from her Dr. It was a lot of work on her and my and her dad's part to provide this emotional and physical support- no I get that people are for the most part caving. Many did at her work place also, who initially stood by and with her. She never backed down. Proud as hell of her. She also just got a promotion- I truly believe her supervisors are looking at what she did as a plus. Shows that she sticks to her word and isn't just a follower. I can't speak for people who are in this position- it has to be horribly difficult. I am retired and have no idea what I would have done-

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What man intends for evil, God uses for good. True since the beginning of time. I have seen good come from this plandemic: the exposure of The Swamp creatures, being just one example.

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Nicely said

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Don't give up on them. You guys will see me say this alot but WE have to build community. Not just like minded ppl but being the catalysts in our own radius of friends/family/neighbors. Avoid the toxic folks for sure but ppl need to break bread together MORE and enjoy a good drink or firepit or whatever. I'm also willing to bet the folks most hypnotized right now watch an inordinate amount of TV. I enjoy sports and documentaries and some movies here and there but rarely get into shows. All the p I know who are all into shows seem to be the most glazed over lol

Build community kids. It's the only way out.

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Agree. Break down barriers with kindness and compassion. “They know not what they do.” But do not allow abuse.

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Meeting with my ukulele group today for those who wish to come. The President of the group canceled today's practice because of omicron (smh)- so this isn't a "legit" practice in his eyes. (who cares?) How about letting adults make their own health and well-being decisions? I know a few people will show up- but the rest of the board members said "yes, let's cancel to keep everyone safe"- ??? Yes, they actually said that. I like making music with these people, but man, they have been brainwashed. I am not giving up and keep a smiling face while I sing and strum. (It's the healthy thing to do!)

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That ‘keep everyone safe’ just frosts me. No one has the power to keep anyone safe. 😬 keep on strummin’👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Thanks! I will...and the next time I see a member of my group in the grill having a mixed drink and fried food, I will take it away from them, because you know..."safety"!

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I agree. My eyes have been opened to some family members ridiculous Covid beliefs. And progressive politics that have left me dumbfounded and rocked to my core. So much so, that I’ve changed my end of life plan.

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That's pretty telling....

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"... and see the terrified communist that dwells within."

Or worse: I've seen the controlling authoritarian within.

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Thus you now appreciate how mass hysteria created some awful human abuses of the past. Have heart, many are seeing the lies exposed as Omicron arrives and policy failures become obvious. Collectives cannot replace individual autonomy without force. We can hope that mild force doesn't turn serious before awareness arrives.

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I trust the science. The science says that “all cause mortality” is higher in the jabbed than the unjabbed. That’s all I need to know. Take vitamins, eat well, exercise, and don’t be afraid. (Normalizing children having heart attacks and strokes is just too much, no?)

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Exactly. Myocarditis? Meh….just a minor side effect of the shot. Insanity!

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This should be child abuse!

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Not should be...it IS

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It never ceases to amaze me how people can be so disconnected from reality.

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They’ve been programmed for decades. The last two years are the roll out of the brainwashed. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2022/01/02/how-to-overcome-fear-addiction.aspx

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It is the conditioning of mostly the 20-40 year old liberal parents which causes them to:

Become masked sheeple.

Keep their kids away from the grandparents out of misplaced fear.

Line their kids up for shots and the grandparents for boosters so that if will be safe for the kids to see granny again.

Even worse than that are the grandparents who should know better demanding that the little kids be jabbed to protect granny. This goes against everything I ever experienced regarding grandparents who are usually totally selfless with their own grandchildren and other young kids. I called my late wife "The Fairy Grandmother" because she adopted and was generous to so many kids that came into her orbit.

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That was made worse when the War on Intractable Pain dominated, it was their idiot college kids ODing on Fen laced Meth, Heroin, etc. I hid my 7.8 NORCO. Now few gets relief from pain, unless you have cancer, Grandma couldn't be trusted to keep it locked up, teens were stealing grandmas pain pills. Got news for the SHEEPLE YOU RAISED YOUR KIDS WRONG. By HS they were already doing MMJ. COLLEGE GAVE them access to the strong stuff laced with China-Fen. WE NOW HAVE A WIDE OPEN BORDERS. It even comes in Via USPS. EVERY CONTAINER SHIP. IMAGE


Stop Calling it an Opioid Crisis--It's a Heroin and Fentanyl Crisis | Cato @ Liberty https://www.cato.org/blog/stop-calling-it-opioid-crisis-its-heroin-fentanyl-crisis

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I guess his thinking was never give up. Wow you can't make this stuff up.

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Crime against humanity. String him up by his balls so he can't have any more!

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Doubling down on stupid! Unbelievable!!! No hope for that father but where is the mother? Get that child into protective services!!

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Can’t even trust the CPS either

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Indeed! And eating well means a diet that will prevent or reverse the markers of metabolic syndrome. Big agribusiness, big pharma, and many doctors don't get that.

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Oh they get it- it just doesn’t make them $$$$- or control of the masses

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Most doctors don't, but this one does:


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Yes, he’s one of the best.

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Unless you grow your own food, you don't no where it comes from. I grew up in the 50-60's certain food was seasonal back then, not pumped full of chemicals to make them bigger, or a cow produce more milk, got news for them I stopped drinking milk when it was pure Holstein it was hard to digest had big globules, vs the Jersey/Guernsey milk that was sweeter, small globules. That was when kids started getting Autism, Colic, stomach problems, now you have infants on Nexium. Mom's stopped Breast feeding. Went to work to afford that bigger house, new car take vacations to Disney rather than their grandparents.

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I agree with you. My Fl cardiologist and my GP both focus on vitamins, eating healthy, sleep, exercise, etc. neither one mentioned the jab at all. So neither did I.

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I trust almost no one. Alex Berenson has been informative. It frankly, I come for the sub stack comments where everyone seems to have just a twist of cynicism.

More people should have been raised to question everything, do some research and above all…don’t panic because the worst possible decisions are made while in a panicked state. 😳

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I agree completely with your view as that is how I was raised starting 70+ years ago.

This is worth viewing and careful, personal consideration.


This is worth viewing and our careful, personal consideration.

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gotta love Dr Malone! I hope he is correct about lost people waking up when they see 'totalitarianism' but sadly i think that is exactly what they want, to be told what to do and feeling that it is the right thing to do...and then right over the cliff...

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Agree. Several 3x Jabbers have told me they feel safer with government leaders taking control and making the decisions. They are willing to cede freedom for safety.

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very sad, I hope they don't have kids!

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Yep, these sheep are so afraid, they don't want just themselves to suffer, they want those who didn't panic to suffer twice as much.

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But really when you are told that the riots you are seeing are mostly peaceful, when a 20 year old punches a 60 year old in the face for carrying an American flag and everyone shrugs their collective shoulders, when a Chinese refugee from communism points out that CRT is Maoist Red Guard aka ANTIFA and the media censors her, when we learn school boards are introducing porn to 1st and 2nd graders and the MSM supports it, when women’s sports are upended and universities encourage it, when evil becomes good and good evil…when you put skirts on men soldiers… and you can’t or won’t quantify it, we have lost our way…something terrible is up.

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Hitler said that terror will always succeed unless countered by equal or greater terror. I think you may be right. We should not argue facts to counter group-think. Instead, we should argue emotionally that totalitarianism is a far greater threat than Sars-Cov-2.

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we need to argue that 'caring for others', compassion, empathy, etc. is how people are supposed to live. Terror has been around for a long time but how much do the people in those societies succeed with that reigning over their heads?

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Well said. At the risk of pissing off some atheists, I trust in only one. No matter what happens next, the world has always been full of terror, death and terrible history. This is just another chapter in a long book. I will fight fiercely if need be but hope for the better part of humanity as you stated above. Fighting and greed has been the impetus for all the wrong being imposed on the world now.

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amen! we always want peace before making decisions. GOD WILL NEVER DISAPPOINT! NEVER make a decision without peace. SAtan will always rush you and shame you...beware of those cues from others around you..(go Brandon)!

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I know its a sad state of affairs. So many sheep, as far as the eye can see.

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You nailed it. Eisenhower once said, ‘beware the military/industrial complex.’ Now we need to beware of the pharmaceutical/political complex.

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*** Eisenhower went way beyond the MIC in his Farewell Address, and Eisenhower nailed it back then:

“In the same fashion the free university – historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery – has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

“Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."

Interesting how we only hear about one little section of that amazing speech.

The headline is overstated, but see: https://redstate.com/setonmotley/2021/05/25/eisenhower-also-predicted-fake-science-virus-lockdowns-big-tech-and-leftist-colleges-n385599

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Brilliant… so insanely insightful. And right!

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And just as with Orwell, the warnings have gone completely unheeded.

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Please tell me there are clones of Eisenhower somewhere!!

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Same thing, right?

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At this point, yes.

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he actually did warn of a scientific technological elite controlling policy in the same farewell address.


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Eisenhower did warn us not only for the military/industrial complex. Eisenhower included the scientific complex in the warning. or in his words:

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been over shadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

"Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system-ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society."

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Ike was a wise man

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Oh, I forgot HospitalComplex, Too !

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I would revise that as the pharmaceutical/medical/agricultural/political complex, as they're all working in tandem to destroy our health and wellbeing.

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Military-pharmaceutical complex.

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Look up the Rhine meadow massacre,where Eisenhower ordered the murder of thousands of German troops in cold blood at the end of the war,don't big up a mass murderer.

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Wow, that was good! You covered a lot of the basis. Unfortunately, when we get into the powerful people running the show we must realize how long this was in the making. I fear that when people wake up from this they’ll be swayed into another debacle to maintain the ultimate goal - depopulation and transhumism thus creating another feudal system.

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I believe this time is the closest this Country has come to Socialism and Marxism. SOME people know something is terribly wrong right now similar to the 1917/18 Russian people RIGHT before the Bolshevik takeover.

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That’s because they can use that philosophy to push the agenda. My intuition tells me it’s not socialism or Marxism the elites (Great Reset) is after. It’s depopulation (not enough resources has been documented for decades) and a feudal like system. Everyone left alive works for a few big corporations owned by guess who and rents from the same. All the money that’s been pushed into modern medicine to transhumanize will make the peasants comply.

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ICAN/Highwire (Del Bigtree) has a great interview about Communism and the Great Reset:


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That is an excellent video

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thats why we're still bascially in the same place..there are far far too many americans who believe this crap with all their being.

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Belonging to the tribe is more important than truth.

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I know walking on your own in one direction is better than walking with the crowd in the wrong direction.

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Amen to that. I'd rather lose all my friends than succumb to this BS.

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I've just been praying lately, Lord, why am I feeling so lonely lately? I'm counting on you for friendship and directing me to ppl who are seeking you that I can trust. I know we are to be encouragers to others, but it gets downright hard watching ppl self destruct around me and they have NOTHING to give.

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There are many who you can trust. If not your own circle, then look to groups like this. The main thing is to not give up.

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Jan 2, 2022
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Ha, I already lost all my "friends". I only need one friend and I have to look up to see him right now.

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I've often taken the proverbial road less travelled and I'm grateful for it

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Same here.

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Gosh, I totally forgot that, thanks for the reminder tribe trumps all else. Bad LIB, bad girl. Go to the corner. 😪

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mob mentality, group think! heard a pastor say "you will never find Jesus in Mob Mentality" it is true, you have to know your own heart and hear God in the Word on your own , you'll not find your God in others or your parents salvation. Dont mean that to sound overly religious. Jesus came to re-introduce US TO OURSELVES! That self(our heart) that we got cut off from intimacy with ourselves, either thru abuses...sexual, emotional, verbal, physical abuse. Even inuendo and teachers who were cut off from their hearts ergo they helped cut us off from our hearts by hurtful or outright shaming comments.

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Yes, easier to believe that than doing your own investigation. What are your priorities I would ask the mind numb robots, obviously not your health/nutrition/your children. And if you challenge them, you get dropped as a friend + you are "so negative" and how dare you burst my bubble I have been told.

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The X-Files had it right: Trust No One.

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Not sure that I trust myself anymore.

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I trust you Viking.

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But you can't live that way. There are people you can trust, and when you find them, nurture that relationship. I am not making light of what you are saying: I have terminated many -- hell, most -- relationships over the last two years. But I've gained a couple I treasure.

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right here dude

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thank you. my heart needs to hear truth.

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The less you believe in God, the more you'll try to fill that void with something.

For many, it's government & every one on your list.

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I think covid has become a religion to people who formerly had none. Or more like a cult. There is going to be a lot of human wreckage because of it.

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Branch covidians. Fauci is their pope. People like offit and hotez and wen are their priest class. Malone and McCullough are the heretics. Vax as their sacrament.

It seems they let covid insanity replace politics in their god shaped hole.

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You forgot the rituals of hand washing and hand sanitizer, and the proper mask.

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They’re far more ritualized

Priests and nurses in garb

Sacrificial victims isolated in wards, cut off from loved ones, sacrificed on the altars according to administrative protocols

And don't forget the ritual dancing.... during a pandemic "overworked" but they had time for TikTok videos

It's all ritualized... and satanic

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The parallels are astonishing.

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And I'm guessing the witch-burning is just around the corner😱

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Global agenda has been widely-publicized (hidden in plain sight) for years on the UN web site. Almost nobody bothered to look.

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Great Reset here we come.

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Damn the Authoritarian torpedoes... Full Speed Ahead!

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Speaking of "the children". Isn't it also ironic that the media began its campaign on the normalcy of youth heart attacks around the same time child jabs rolled out? "Oh, Denise, you didn't know children had heart attacks at such an early age? You've really got to get off that right wing media stuff and look at the science".

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yep, we need defribulators in ALL SCHOOLS! What the HELL?? And I'm beginning to hear adverts "younger ppl are having heart problems". BS

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Don’t forget to give a massive amount of credit to the Communist Party of China. If we’re not already servants of them, we’re at least breathtakingly close.

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I think we were sold out a long time ago but by globalist so not necessarily China calling the shots.

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The Atlantic is quickly becoming the Pissific.

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Step back even further, to the past 6+ years, in this world of down is up, bad is good, injustice is justice, wrong is right, crazy, in lock-step narrative...perhaps we should have seen this coming. It's all "hidden" in plain sight.

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The brain washed Karens in the super market.

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rush at them if they give you "the stink eye...you haven't got a mask on" and laugh if they fall into the campbells soup! A whole new Andy Warhol

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Malone on Rogan pretty much nailed it. Mass formation psychosis deliberately unleashed on all of us. God will see us through to the war crimes trials.

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War crimes trials? Appropriately, should be held in Nuremburg.

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I’m reading “Ordinary Men” by Christopher Browning - how regular police and retired army came to do the day-to-day shooting and deporting of the Germany’s Final Solution.

We are on a malevolence gradient. They were ordered by superiors and paid.

What is worse now is that the

ObersturmKärenführers are free-lance: neither organized and directed nor paid.

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I just saw that they unleashed attack dogs on demonstrators in the Netherlands today. God help us all.

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Jan 2, 2022
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Yet the recent polls and VA election have produced a shift in the WH. The overlords are worried. For a year the masks of progressivism had been dropped. They took down a sitting President after all with massive lies a la Harry Reid. And so many believed…Don’t you know, they have moved on from a constitutional republic? Time to clamp down on those stupid quaint folk in love with their guns and religion. Did you not know that the O was one of them?

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The biggest difference is that they were shooting the disarmed and pathologically peaceful Jews. This time, they’re targeting the most armed and trained subgroup of society.

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Who has more powerful weapons - the federal government or individual American citizens who own a gun? We can't win this war with weapons of war. Honestly, I don't think we can win it, period.

There were some Jews who, with the help of some of the Polish resistance, managed to acquire weapons and staged an armed resistance against the Nazis in the Warsaw ghetto. It was an amazing feat of heroism and bravery. Of course they were doomed to failure, but this does give the lie to the idea that all Jews are pathologically pacifist.


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Jan 2, 2022
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Defeatist attitude. The reds aren’t an occupying force, they live here. F15 pilots have to return home, generals drive cars. Stop thinking like an infantry force and start thinking like an insurgency.

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The Austrians kicked out the Soviets in the 1950s

Public Rosary Parades

It can be done

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The Swiss kept the Nazis at bay with just the threat of a quarter million marksmen.

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I agree. This can also be done via FaceTime. Do it with friends once a week. We are from several states and counties within states. Recently added Divine Mercy Chaplet to the Rosary and St Michael prayer. Forming small groups to help one another with info and eventually supplies.

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Truthbird, in the end we did put an end to the Holocaust albeit not without tremendous sacrifice. We must become Joan of Arc. We must expect to be Christ’s sacrifice itself for truth.

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"Who has more and more powerful weapons - the federal government or individual American citizens who own a gun? We can't win this war with weapons of war."

The Taliban has entered the chat.

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I have zero sympathy for the Taliban. I despise them. (I'm assuming your comment was directed at me.)

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You should listen to the Jocko podcast where he covers that book. Christ. I couldn't even listen to the entire episode it was too much.

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Thanks. Agreed. I have to put it down after a bit.

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Could also be held at Fort Leavenworth. They have good sturdy gallows there.

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Death by legal injection? Lots of warehoused 'vax' nearing the end of its shelf life

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Yes he also mentioned the hit piece on him in the Atlantic in detail during the Rogan show, and then added more detail about the Atlantic in this interview - well worth listening to the whole thing:


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Is this the Rogan-Malone interview? Everyone talking about it. Or did it follow that one? Thanks (Never seen Rogan show.)

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I’d never heard of Rogan before 2020. Alex’s interview first one I watched. I didn’t think anything could top McCulloughs. I was wrong. Didn’t expect to be so impressed with Malone. It’s a must listen. The systematic destruction of dissenters with decades of impeccable careers, is one of the most frightening things. Malone points to some real heavy weight backers coordinating this. I can’t believe he called out Blackrock, vanguard, essentially central banks. Man…. He’s one brave dude

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That whole interview is a RED PILL! It's long but I've re-listened a few times now it's so good.

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I watched it. I’ve heard Dr. Malone in other interviews from Brett Weinstein to Global Covid Summit, so I knew how keen he was. Was good to hear his perspective on mass psychosis. Additionally, his experience in regulatory law brought in a different dimension to the conversation.

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No that's from infowars but here's the Joe Rogan-Malone interview (you'll need a free account to listen):


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Saved! Appreciate more than one source! 👍

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Thank you to Peter and Paul (only missing Mary here, LOL, for those who are old codgers like me) for the alternative links. I have a technical issue with Spotify, so I am grateful for alternatives.

Just watched, and I think this was Malone at his very best. I think I saw a side of him that I haven't seen in other interviews. I think I saw a little bit of what he might be like when he's dealing with friends, neighbors, and family far away from the necessarily cultivated professionalism of the podcast circuit.

Damn good stuff!

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Yes, it's so valuable to have alternate link sources and YES, that interview is pure GOLD! So refreshing..like he was visibly exhaling a huge sigh of relief with each truth he didn't have to self-censor. 👍

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I agree. It's like after awhile he relaxed and became more "conversational". There might truly be method in Joe Rogan's madness of the insanely long form interview. It brings the person out one way or the other.

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Looks like this came straight after the Rogan interview. You can find that one easily by a simple search on Spotify. I suggest you listen to Rogan first, and then this. (Need over 4 hours clear time but definitely worth it!)

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I listened in 4 separate times, I think Malone could have gone on all day! Amazing

Now for RFK jr on Rogan!

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I've seen the buzz over this interview but haven't had time to explore it yet. I've been wondering what the key difference is between those who fall under the spell and those who don't. Why did some of us accept this, while some of us resisted and rejected it? Was there an answer to that in the interview?

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No, not that I remember. The way I look at it is, there appears to be a majority of people who don't prefer to think. And although that sounds derogatory, I don't necessarily mean it as such. It is based on my own experience with family and friends, family in particular. It seems like most of my family doesn't want to think critically. There is the mass narrative, they go with that and if I attempt to introduce any facts, figures or truths that dispute it, they get angry. So I stop trying.

Interestingly, I just finished reading The Road to Serfdom and Hayek made a similar point. I don't remember his exact language but he said something to the effect of, "most likely a majority of people are not cut out for critical thinking and making their own decisions, but that doesn't mean they should be taken advantage of." Something to that affect.

Also, Fromm wrote something similar in his Escape from Freedom. Most people subconsciously take on a belief, and then look for "conscious, rational" reasons to justify their position. However, the position came first. Only later did they find a justification.

Here's a great example of this. I shared the Malone interview with someone who is very close to me and urged her to watch it. She said, "Ewww, no. That's the one where he compared America to Nazi Germany right? I don't want to watch that."

In the interview Malone *never* says Nazi Germany. He says something to the effect of, "What's happening now in America is similar to what happened to Germany in the 1920s and 30s. There were lots of highly educated people and yet they got hoodwinked."

In terms of seconds of oratory duration, his *single* reference to Germany accounts for about 0.002% of the podcast, and yet this person close to me used that as an excuse to not listen to it. However, it's very clear to me that as soon as she realized that this was a "subversive to the narrative" podcast her unconscious mind already decided she wouldn't want to see/hear it. Then she looked for some kind of "rational" argument about why she wouldn't want to take it in.

Anyways. To make a long point short, I think that a lot of people don't really want to think. They just want their football on the weekends, their paycheck every two weeks and a yearly vacation to Disneyland. And who the fuck can fault them? I've been doing a lot of goddamn thinking these last two years and I don't know how much happiness it's brought me. Mostly it's made me feel miserable about the human race, our society and the direction the planet is headed. Was McMurphy better or worse off after Ratchet scrambled his brains?

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Excellent rant. Couldn’t have said it better. Critical thinking is nothing but a headache in an age of unreason. Being awake sucks, but going back to sleep is impossible now.

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As a follow-up to your comment. I agree they don't want to think, however, I think there is something else at play. Last year, I was talking with my neighbor (now former neighbor) on the phone. She was ALL IN on COVID. Got the best mask, had to sanitize her surfaces many times a day, etc. When the video of the 2 docs in California came out, I forwarded it to her. Her response to me was how comforted she was by seeing this. THEN, she went back to her larger circle of friends and family and continued with the masks, sanitizer, etc. I was definitely an "outlier" among her network. I haven't heard from her since the fall. I suspect she no longer wants me in her "circle."

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No. The theory is that mass formation psychosis cognitively impairs about 30% of the population. 30% are resistant and 40% are persuadable. Many of us have been asking what’s different that we see it, and the best I can come up with is a distrust in government, a fundamental feeling of self-reliance and a genuine yearning for freedom. You’d be surprised at the number of our countrymen that would gladly trade freedom for authority. They want nothing to do with making their own decisions.

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Thanks for your response. Adding to that, I had seen somewhere else in reading about this that it also seems that people who believe in a higher power and an 'afterlife' also seem to resist the spell more consistently, and that would make sense, as we don't see the government as the ultimate authority or caregiver for us. Self-reliance (to your point) and belief in something more powerful.

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It comes down to trust: if you trust the government and the Mainstream Media, then of course, you'l believe the official narrative. I used to be like everyone else- but having an autistic son gradually woke me up. Only very slowly did I come to realize after much research, that vaccines are not safe and effective, which prepared me for the current COVID scam-demic. Otherwise, I think I'd probably be on my 3rd or 4th shot by now.

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But what happened to Liberals? Weren't they the original 'don't trust the government, don't trust corporations, resist, resist, resist' crowd? Now they're crawling over each other to line up for their 4th, 5th, 6th, nth shot. WTH?

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They are too afraid of social shaming.

"You'll kill grandma is you leave the house"

What a dumb thing to believe. They didn't believe that! They were afraid of being criticized or called selfish. They're afraid of being called racist, of being called sexist, etc etc etc.

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This is a video worth watching on so called liberal values. I haven't been a big Del Bigtree fan but this interview is changing my mind. It's also an excellent perspective on the shifting politics of these times. https://www.bitchute.com/video/YIgNhGioCmVt/

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Fear trumps their liberalism. Never underestimate the power of fear.

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I have thought the same thing.

They used to question big pharma?

Now they are just their slaves.

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Jan 2, 2022Edited
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Interesting reply, thanks. Resonates with the 'morally superior' references from my social circle (well, former social circle, I guess. LOL) If no longer 'Left', where do you see yourself on the political continuum now?

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satan plays into pride and arrogance and victimhood....it's very powerful and contagious to objectify ppl. Make them see themselves as objects and you have slaves....Jesus came to save us from that BS. Remind ppl that they are loving beings capable giving love and receiving love and you have ppl in touch with their hearts.

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Here in the UK, that feeling of superiority manifests itself in blind worship of the supposedly under-funded National Health Service, and calls for yet more funds to be thrown at it, thereby further enriching the pharmaceutical industry by increasing the sales of their mostly useless and unnecessary products. Most folk over here limitlessly value the institution of the NHS, and value health very little.

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Dr Malone referred to the Mass Formation Psychosis theory put forward by Mattais Desmet of the university of Ghent (Belgium). It was easy to find but since the Rogan-Malone show, there are some nasty things going on:


You can still find it, but search well. Clear thinking by Dr Desmet.

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It’s interesting to learn Google is trying to manipulate results data related to mass formation. One might wonder if the regime was already aware of mass formation and was seeking to wield its power.

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I'm reading a book called "Bad News" that's also quite informative in explaining the current information landscape, or lack thereof. Can't recommend it enough. As a bonus it's easy and addicting to read.

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Can we please all agree that we will stop referring to these clowns as the "Elite Media"? It's akin to referring to the Detroit Lions as "Perennial Powerhouse". Seriously! How about "Clown ShowMedia"? "Deep State Media"? "Dumb As a Rock People Pretending To Be Journalists Media"?

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Pravda. Ministry of Truth propaganda. Bought-and-paid-for mouthpieces for the global elites.

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Or Tass. Pravda and Tass the twin beacons of

'truth' in the Soviet Union.

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Elite on their own minds.

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Clown Show Media, I like it!

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Hate the word elite. I've lost more brain cells than most these people will ever have.

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If the Atlantic ever tells us not to worry it's because the military is on its way to put us all in the camps.

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And our masked, quintuple vaxed neighbors will turn us in.

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Reminds me of the excellent ancient Hebrew principle, LARGELY Israel's principle since 1948.

"Im ba l'hargekha, hashkem l'hargo."

"If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first."

Note: Without that rabbinical principle Israel would not exist today, though foolish evil Israeli leaders are once again bent on national suicide in various ways, not just the vaccine.

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Then why did they sign a contract with Pfizer?

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The corrupt politicians in control of the Israeli government signed a contract with Pfizer to turn Israel into the world's covid vax guinea pigs. The US forced them to do so. We provide tremendous support for Israel, economically and militarily. Being dependent on us, they had to comply.

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Again, note the word LARGELY. The fact that their leaders are now trying to commit national suicide again does not undermine the wisdom of the prescription.

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I love your spiel about (and picture of) Hauptsturmfuhrer Pfauci! Both hilarious and all too true.

(I don't know how to tell my computer to put an umlaut over the u in fuhrer, or I'd have done so.)

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Going on the basis that one bad war and Israel is gone I guess. But the principle of taking out those who plan against you is also now in place in Scotland where individuals are being arrested because they 'might commit a crime'.

Would Iran be justified in having the same policy? I've seen very recent threats to nuke them back to the stone age.

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Note the word "LARGELY". If they hadn't LARGELY subscribed to that prescription, modern Israel would've never happened or would've been wiped out in the 1950s or 60s. Occasionally Israeli fools (mostly leftists) try to commit national suicide. They almost did under Golda Meir (1972 Yom Kippur War). Maybe they'll pull it off now.

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Jan 2, 2022Edited
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"Thank god for the vaccines, imagine how bad it'd have been if I were only double vaccinated!"

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When I read the stories of the groups of friends, the school, the polar expedition, I just had to laugh. In a few years, they will have had their 40th booster and be sicker than ever... and be glad they were able to get another shot because, god knows, how bad it would have been if they only had had 39

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Of course living through anywhere near 40 boosters is very unlikely.

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you hit a nail there

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I could have died!!! You simply cannot fix stupid.

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That sounds like the governor of New York--the one with the "vaccinated" necklace.

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Underneath their pride is anger at being duped. And that anger is directed at you for showing prudence.

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I still think they’d run for the next shot when availed- living so it worked philosophy

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Two things can both be true at the same time

Which of course makes them even angrier because they recognize you as independent and can think for yourself while they lack the backbone and intelligence.


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Absolutely! They will never direct their anger at the authorities. It will always be redirected at the unvaxxed.

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This times 1,000

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They'll continue to blame the filthy disease-spreading unvaccinated even when they're getting boosted weekly and living in hazmat suits.

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I think most will just run for another when availed to them especially if they had a mild infection.

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oh, but it was better because they had the shots, lol I can't wrap my head around much of it anymore...

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What goes through their minds? Nothing! At most, they gush on and on about how the vax prevented them from being sicker than they were.

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Suprised you didn't mention this one: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/12/nba-nfl-surrendered-vaccine-refusers-kyrie-irving/621142/.

The author is "stunned" that the NBA will no longer discriminate against unvaccinated players with arbitrary and capricious rules that serve no conceivable health function, now that they've concluded that COVID virtue signaling is no longer worth loss of real revenue.

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The Babylon Bee has more credibility.

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My first brush with "mass formation psychosis" was that it was too close to a conspiracy theory.

Then, through more research--Mattias Desmet interview, and more--made me realize it's as logical as anything else. It explains what cannot otherwise be explained.

For almost two years, my best friend & I have been asking ourselves WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?

WHY has the whole world gone nuts?

Mass formation psychosis is the only reasonable explanation.

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there is also a very good YouTube from Sharyl Attkisson from 6 years ago

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'mass formation psychosis' is the perfect excuse for not taking personal responsibility, an easy way out. while there's a global pyramid of power relentlessly crushing down on us, many feel either incapable of standing up against it (which is understandable) or find it easier to just comply. there's no psychosis, there's massive compliance, which in many places is forced (through the abuse of state power) or adhered to for a myriad of personal reasons.

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I might have agreed with you before I really looked into this.

Mattias Desmet actually recommends taking responsibility for speaking up without compliance. He says that not speaking up is compliance, and only the situation worse.

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easier said than done. just got off the phone with a vaxxer. No way of getting them even to look at VAERS numbers...

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*Sigh* I can appreciate this, Ingrid.

Perhaps in time.

My best friend must self-censor when she speaks with the doctor-daughter. It made for a tense Christmas, she said.

I'm going to try saying, "Whatever we've been doing for two years just isn't working," and then walk away--with a smile--if I get push back.

No idea if this will work. It's worth a try, I guess.

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May be it is for the best. Imagine, you have got 3 shots, and then see the huge numbers of deaths from the shots ! If they want to turn a blind eye so be it !

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One particularly upsetting segment of Robert Malone’s interview w Joe Rogan was his claim that Hawaii’s Minister of Health petitioned the State of Maryland to revoke Dr Malone’s medical license using an Atlantic article w many false assertions. If that’s not grounds for a defamation lawsuit I don’t know what is…

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They will tell who/what they fear & when you are over the target which Dr. Malone is..big time.

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Yes, that part spooked me too. And, why was he targeted? Because Malone was a proponent of early treatments!

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successful early treatments blow up the whole Emergency Use Authorisation narrative!

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Exactly. Equally egregious is world governments limiting or altogether banning access to these early treatments! Pure frickin' evil.

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that's WHY he was targeted! 'there are no early treatments' so they can push the EUA vaccines

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Maryland…California East…

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Never thought of myself as a bigot until this plandemic; I now see anyone wearing a mask as a complete idiot - especially the people in their cars or outdoors.

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Not exactly. Many people are genuinely misinformed. Was I an "idiot" in the 1980s and 90s for trying to model my diet on the USDA pyramid? Off base for sure, but I think my processes, given what I was told (by my medical school teachers!), were sound. Also, some people are at high risk/high anxiety. The only nose-skin lost by their mask wearing is from their nose....god bless them if a useless mask helps reduce the anxiety (as it does very little, if anything, for the real risk). The real crime is that there are more effective masks than what is typically employed, and our leaders spent neither time nor treasure making sure they were available and used correctly.

PS even if a person you see is a certified idiot, it's nicer all around to just say to yourself "oh, that poor man. he must be recovering from his bone marrow transplant. I wish him well!"

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Does anyone read The Atlantic that isn't staring out over three masks and sitting in a bathtub of bleach water? Serious question.

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only Alex~ but he's doing it for our benefit :)

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I think one of the fundamental problems is that the Atlantic and New Yorker used to be fine publications a decade or two ago. They were great! But like so many other things they broke under Trump, and I think many readers have not realized that these magazines are essentially nitrogen rich soil now. Or they don't care

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I can't believe that I had never heard this until the Rogan/Malone interview, but guess who has been bankrolling the Atlantic's Covid coverage? You don't need to guess actually. It is described on their site:

"The Atlantic's COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation"

Robert Wood Johnson IV is the billionaire heir to the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical fortune. Good times!

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One tidbit of info that has stuck in my mind from the interview is that the hospitals got extra $$$ for a patient that tested positive, extra $$$ for a patient that was put on a ventilator, and extra $$$ for a covid patient that died in hospital. It blows my mind that the government would incentivize the hospital in such a manner.

Oh - I just noticed after copying, deleting, and reposting my edited comment that there's now an Edit button. So many of us had a discussion one day about wanting an Edit button and like magic it showed up. Thanks be to the person that listened to us and fulfilled our wish.

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Medicare also incentivizes hospitals to use Remdesivir on ventilated patients, which is known to reduce kidney function and fill up the lungs with fluid. That is why so many patients died on the ventilators. https://www.cms.gov/medicare/covid-19/new-covid-19-treatments-add-payment-nctap

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I have said all along that the hospitals (along with Fauci and cohorts) are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths that didn't need to happen. From insisting on treatments that killed patients to withholding treatments that would save them, they are complicit in furthering the plandemic and the blood is on their hands. I am not sure how they sleep at night let alone live with that knowledge.

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Thanks for that nugget. Further proof we are all being played. Just that some of us are aware of it and doing our best to minimize the damage and others just don’t want to know. I keep thinking that those that have jabbed their children have the most to gain by living in denial and the most to lose if they find out they’ve been duped or, to put it another way, accept that they may been coerced into harming their children based on a false and fabricated agenda.

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The puppeteers are all coming out from behind the curtain

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Please----everybody read RFK Jr's "The real Anthony Fauci". I just finished it. It's not an easy read but this whole scamdemic is laid out in perfect detail. All the names of these totalitarians are clearly listed. You think RFK didn't cover his ass on this? Yup Bill Gates, A. Fauci, Michael Bloomberg, the Rockefeller Foundation, Google founders, J. Bezos and hundreds and hundreds more are clearly identified as the enemy of humanity. Along with details on the millions of deaths caused by these criminals. There will have to be a huge Nuremberg trial or freedom loving people will be enslaved for the next millennium. Just say NO. Don't get a vaccine---do not get boosted--do not submit your children to this evil. Do not comply.

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Just finished it. I’m an avid, and fast, reader but this one took me a good 20-30 hours to get through because I had to pause every two pages from a new gut punch of reality. My conclusion, and I know I sound insane saying this, is we are literally living out the wet dream of Bill Gated to mass vaccinate the entire population. And that objective will be achieved not because it is the right thing to do or the best thing to do but because Gates and his cronies have been planning for this for a decade. Best analogy I can think of is the Bush war hawks spending twenty years trying to figure out an excuse to invade invade Iraq. So depressing.

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Thanks--you're exactly correct. Don't forget the entire US government Security and Medical agencies--FBI,DOJ,CIA,NIH,NIAID,CDC and other 3 letter coconspirators are involved. These individuals are now working full time to spread total lies to those dumb enough to watch these traitorous 'News' outlets. We are all in big trouble--and word must get out. I pray that those that took this poison survive.

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I just finished listening to Dr Peter McCullough. How his words aren’t blasted from every mountain top is unbelievable! He’s EXACTLY right! This country did a horrendous job! There are therapeutics out there that had Faucci not bashed could have saves thousands of lives!!!

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Fauci/Gates are now in the category of infamous mass murderers along with Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolph Hitler and Pol pot. Yet this modern day Josef Mengele is on TV spreading lies.

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One of the more infuriating and logically-deficient aspects of COVID has been the whole narrative that somehow the unvaccinated are unsafe to hang around with. This notion is so widespread it has taken effect within my own family and I'd say 75% of the families I know of regarding unvaccinated friends. That is, they refuse to visit their unvaccinated family members, including children, on the idea that they somehow pose a threat. This is particularly silly when in almost every case, the unvaxxed was willing to prove they were negative via a COVID test - still, not enough.

What drives me crazy about this is the following:

1. They have set up a policy - as cities have and various venues have (including Michigan State now) - that allows for the positive and vaxxed to roam freely but does not allow the negative and unvaxxed to roam freely. If you're going to try to "keep COVID out", then the only logical policy is to test NOT to require vaccinations. Of course, I don't favor either as risk is part of living in a free society, but in isolated settings (such as visiting vulnerable family member), at least the logic of testing makes some sense.

2. It ignores the fact that the CDC has long admitted that the vaccinated spread COVID - and, of course, everyone now knows this by simply living, as cases are happening left and right among the vaccinated, particularly in regards to omicron. The notion of "breakthrough" cases no longer exists - the fact is that everyone can get it and everyone can spread it.

3. It ignores the obvious fact that the vaccines themselves have failed and/or are not vaccines - that is, they don't do anything to prevent the person taking the vax from becoming infected OR becoming sick. They've moved the goal posts so far that now it's that they limit the risk of severe illness or death - they don't even prevent that. One would think that this would cause the vaxxed' light bulbs to turn on and they would realize the vaccines are basically worthless, but in fact the opposite is occurring when they literally impose restrictions on their own family members. If they vaccines worked, then the vaxxed would have zero to fear with a visit from someone unvaccinated - that's why they took the damn thing, right?

The only logical basis for refusing to spend time with unvaxxed folks is if somehow the unvaxxed were spreaders and the vaxxed were not AND you admit the vaccines don't prevent infection OR if somehow a virus you would get from an unvaxxed person was somehow worse than someone who was vaxxed.

Of course, Team Reality knows that the fact the vaccines don't prevent infection means the entire conversation is silly, because the vaxxed keep spreading it just as much as we do. Yet, this logic has yet to creep into places like Michigan State, who just imposed a new vaccine passport.

It's so maddening.

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It's even more hilarious when to be 'dangerous', the unvaxxed have had to dodge the virus for 20+ months to begin with. But we dodged getting the virus for 20+ months how can being unvaxxed be dangerous?

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All y'all are so silly. You keep forgetting you can't use logic/reasoning on the fearful vaxxed. You must somehow appeal to their emotions, don't ask me how as I'm in camp logic. Maybe a brain transplant like you see in the cartoon "Futurama". 😛💀

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I always say the same thing -- I had it months ago. It was a moderate cold. I have better protection than anything that comes out of a bottle.

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Eerily similar to the 1930s when a certain regime thru intense media propaganda made sure people feared Jewish people because they were infectious. Just like today...total LIE! How can this not be brought to crimes against humanity level?

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Never in the history of vaccines have the non vaccinated been a threat to the vaccinated. Only now because they were "told" to fear them. Who was responsible for making this decision to use FEAR to create a psychosis like this? What individuals made this decision?

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the nazis vis-a-vis the Jews.

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beyond maddening and those responsible (we know who they are) have to be held to account!

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You said: If the vaccines worked, then the vaxxed would have zero to fear with a visit from someone unvaccinated - that's why they took the damn thing, right?

Lol sadly. So very true....yet they just don't get it! (same with my family)

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Almost impossible to defeat mass psychosis. Gates/Fauci did their job well. FEAR NOT!

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yes, well I do fear, but gearing up to fight even if i need to leave those I loved behind

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These Marxists are using fear as a tool to control the masses--do NOT believe anything that they tell you--the truth is the exact opposite. Pray for those left behind. We are not equipped to counter act Mass psychosis. FEAR NOT!

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Glenn Greenwood has a great piece out on the FBI, CIA infiltration of the networks, specifically NBC & CNN. We’ve known this for a long time. Big tech, big Pharma, big media…the politicians love it when it breaks their way. Is this still a democratic republic or merely an illusion? Who reads The Atlantic? The echo chamber of sociopaths? The book industry is now more important than ever, as are platforms like substack. And then there are the Joe Rogans willing to cut through the lies. Our best shot to mitigate this castration of truth is to mitigate the power of the federal government. Now, more than ever, local & state government is key to a last chance effort to control the flow of info.

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Great Article! I have recancelled my Atlantic subscription as a gesture of disgust.

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We must be patient. In a mere 75 years we'll find out what the pharma companies were doing.

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By *THEN what is happening NOW will look like child's play because they will be doing FAR WORSE things if we continue down this road. *[science fiction ain't got nuttin' on the REAL Frankensteins]! (((shudder)))

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As Chinese exterminators hunt down non communist survivors…

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Aside from the federal government, it would be hard to find another place that employs such a large number of ignorant buffoons.

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“Being this wrong is almost useful. If the Atlantic ever tells us not to worry…

Get ready to panic.”

The best 🤣

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So the Atlantic is a contrary indicator ...good to know.

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You can't expect much from a rag that has writers like Honor Jones that writes about leaving her husband and three kids so she can go microdose, sleep with a woman, and decorate her own apartment.

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Almost as if the CCP owns the Atlantic!

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Perhaps not yet, but soon.

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Those Chinese writers though...

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Alex, God bless you. You keep me sane.

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Steve Jobs widow owns 70% of the Atlantic. She also donated over $600,000 to the Biden Victory Fund.

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Interesting! 70%

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Schumer Plans $1.7 Trillion Bill Vote, Woos Manchin

Manchin last month said he wanted a new bill that goes through Senate committees and focuses on rolling back the 2017 Trump tax cuts.


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Just talked to my cuz in Houston. Her family is fully vaxed and boosted and proud of it. They are hunkered down. Wear masks everywhere. They are concerned that so many illegals are flooding into Houston and some of them must have the virus. I was pleased to inform her that my entire family was unvaxed and did not wear masks except when going to the doctor's office because their lawyers won't let you in otherwise. We have to go for required Medicare checkups. Usually spend 15 min answering questions then get escorted out because I guess we aren't sick enough. Also that none of the family had acquired any mutant of the Covid virus. Some are on IVM with NAC, Zinc and Quercetin. It was quiet after that. Then she said it is a personal choice. And I said, "Tell that to the SCOTUS". Which reminds me of Roosevelt, "The only to fear is fear itself" ...fear makes a person stupid!

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I knew in April 2020 something was wrong with the case and death counts. I’m a data person, and would not claim to be a scientist knowing science was corrupted by corporate oligopolies decades ago. The data is almost meaningless because the PCR test method was and continues to grossly inflate SARS Covid 19 infections. Deaths attributed to Covid 19 are also inflated and hide the co -morbidities involved in most deaths. These inflations continue. Government’s overreach also continues almost unabated. Recent court decisions against federal mask and vaccination mandates offer hope, but blue state governments will continue theirs. The vaccines now with 100’s of millions vaccinated worldwide do no seem to be effective in stopping the spread. Alex’s book explains most of this in plain English. Please read it if you haven’t already.

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Yeah it all started at the news conference when the sScarf Queen said they were going to count deaths of anybody who died WITH covid not just died OF covid, I knew it was all a scam after that.

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That's why the point has arrived for me in my BlueAnon fiefdom that, the very moment I hear "We are absolutely not considering blocking interstate travel to the unvaxxed," I am getting my go-bag and rushing for an exit.

The sad part is that I am 100% serious.

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As a noted philosopher once said, “stupid is as stupid does”

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What is the opposite of a bellwether? The Atlantic.

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99.98% do the opposite of what the Atlantic says. More so from David Frum. They are certified nuts.

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For the sniffles.

For the sniffles.

Snorts some Bolivian marching powder, looks back at Atlantic headlines.

For the sniffles.

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Alex, reading your blog is like a long running comedy routine. You expose all these fools, prevaricators and propagandists. Fun.

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“I think there are two ways in which people are controlled. First of all frighten people and secondly, demoralise them. An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern.”

~ Tony Benn

Prophetic words. We are where we are.


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Who knew the Sunday comics came in more than one form - vis-a-vis the Atlantic.

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And yet, sites like this give evil leftist propagandists attention and viability…

Do you folks understand the concepts of marginalizing and ostracizing evil scum so they regress to frank violence and can be then legitimately put down like the rabid dogs they really are?!

Oh yeah, law enforcement has been so emasculated, cops stay in their cars or don’t even leave the precinct…

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keeping the unvaxxed away from the vaxxed is only revealing that the unvaxxed are not the problem!

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actually the vaxxed being fearful of the unvaxxed proves without a shadow of a doubt that the vaxx doesn't work. or the boosters. LGB

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The unvaccinated must get vaccinated to save the vaccinated. Its idoicy.

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they're so hilarious~ healthy, unvaxxed players are being called up to sub for covid-stricken vaxxed players... my conclusion is completely different than the Atlantic on that one!

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I prefer to think of the fact that unvaccinated and vaccinated are being treated the same is scientific and logical…both groups of people are now equal when it comes to catching and spreading Covid. When will the rest of the world catch on???

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i hear hospitals and similar facilities are in the same boat~

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They are part of the PROBLEM. they get more money for a COVID patient than a Pneumonia 1. Which is why children's hospitals are now over filled. This is Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma and Flu season. Nasal Rape deep enough you'll find a few Covid cells. We went from 60-70's over Christmas, it is 29 right now, idiots let their kids play in the dusting of rare snow we had last night. More fodder for the Covid numbers. NOW they are short handed because FJB got big companies to do his UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES FOR HIM, ILLEGALS NOR REFUGEES FROM HIS KABUL DISASTER DON'T HAVE TO COMPLY. BUT YOU DO.

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that's why they're sending test kits to people at home, too... because otherwise people wouldn't test for a cold... they need to keep the covid numbers up for fear porn :/

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Their so deep in the propaganda machine you would think they were getting money and orders from the CCP.

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This really is getting fun. I'm gonna go head out and get plenty of popcorn to watch the upcoming show! (After consulting with Fauci to find out whether it's safe of course.)

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Alex, doing a great job. Pls. continue to expose what is happening to all those that have fallen "severely" ill from taking the jab. They are not getting the exposure and help they should.

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Get active or stop complaining. If your not part of the solution your part of the problem . Big anti lockdown anti censorship rallies scheduled for 1/23/22 . If you don’t participate please just shut up. Your words are meaningless

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Yep. Like it or not, we are the ones who need to stand up for freedom.


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Thanks for the link. I subscribed.

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Thank you! Hopefully it will continue to be worth your time :)

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Well said. My daughters, sons, and I go maskless most times. When I absolutely must wear a mask I will keep it under my nose and rip it off before leaving the establishment. We go to protests, rallies, marches, and just about any other venue that comes along. Our front yard is adorned with flags letting all know how we feel. My one son is part of a league fighting against the vax mandate. So many want to complain but won't get off the couch to fight. Preaching to the choir does not count. Imagine if tens of thousands of people marched every weekend in every major and minor city. What if we went en masse into venues and challenged authorities to arrest us all. This power grab of the bureaucrats will not end until we end it for them. My hat's off to the people of Italy, France, Germany, and a few others that have been protesting week after week. When will Americans wake up?

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What is the business model for The Atlantic? Unlike other online, news analysis sites that turned into click bait or confirmation bias blog farms, The Atlantic buried its comment forums and walled itself off behind a heavy pay wall. I rarely hear any of their stories or authors being referenced. I see that they have a few podcasts including "Social Distance TM", but I doubt they have much of an audience. Do they actually have enough subscribers due to their legacy as a well known brand? Or is the Atlantic just getting "donations" to maintain the narrative among a small subset of elite Americans?

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Ok, attempting to answer my own question, it appears that it was recently purchased by Emerson Collective, aka Steve Job’s widow. I am guessing that The Atlantic’s purpose is not to make money, but instead to launder Democratic Party opinions through an editorial magazine that still has enough literary prestige not to be perceived as a purely propaganda MSM outlet.

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Same as a lot of other places. Bezos newspaper isn't making a ton of money but it is spreading the correct propaganda.

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you can bet they are getting a payoff somehow

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A fool with money is still a fool.

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I was so gratified to see your comment. I was wondering how long it would take for me reading these comments to finally encounter the magic phrase, "business model." The Atlantic is not in the truth business, it is in the write-things-that-will-get-attention business. As is just about every other content producer (including those I like). The blessed thing about this site, and other good ones I like, is that it owns its mistakes. Which is wise: the truth and reconciliation commission is going name names eventually....

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It's surprisingly cheap to just buy a propaganda outlet these days.

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Especially if you're an oligarch gorging at the trough of the Federal Reserve.

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I would like everyone that believes and supports the federal governments current response to Covid to not go into work for the next month to see if we even notice anything different in our economy or world. I suspect nothing will change and GDP will increase. They don’t really “do” anything for a living.

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Didn't we have several govt shutdowns and non -essential employees stayed home? Somehow life went on, people got their govt checks (as that was an essential job) .

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Smells like Trusted News Initiative?

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One of the hardest parts about this horrible psyop has been having to face the abject stupidity and moral hollowness of people I'd always respected, even admired. And, of course, the deep pain of discovering that family members you've loved and trusted are on board with your social and economic marginalization, and God knows what worse. I find myself making snide remarks to the idiots I see outside on the street with masks on. Today I passed a woman lumbering slowly up the sidewalk with two thick masks (it could even have been three) covering the better part of her face. I couldn't stop myself, but turned and said to her as I passed, "Two, seriously TWO? What is the matter with you?" and kept walking. I just have run completely out of patience with these imbeciles. Being hypnotized isn't an excuse. We have been given free will and accepting information only from MSM and feeding a fear addiction is a choice. These people are victims only of their own narcissism and mental laziness.

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BRAVO. My T shirt of the day says 'THERE ARE 3 USELESS THINGS A DULL KNIFE, A UNLOADED GUN, AND LIBERALS'. YOU CAN ADD A 4TH A UNEDUCATED MIND, you might have a college degree and still be dumb as a box of Rocks, if you've not been taught to think for yourself. don't know your Constitutional Rights beyond pleading the 5th. Or read the Federalist Papers. Most don't know about the human experiments their government sanctions like the Tuskegee, https://www.history.com/news/the-infamous-40-year-tuskegee-study HIV ones. The House That AIDS Built https://www.altheal.org/toxicity/house.htm

Most don't know Margret Sanger was a woman who wanted Black Genocide, well she sold it as ABORTION. 43,000 THIS YEAR. MOSTLY BLACK, PP HER BRAIN CHILD IS IN EVERY POOR BLACK NEIGHBORHOOD. NOT IN MIDDLE TO UPPER CLASS WHITE ONES. And those Baby parts are now sold for profit down to the cells. Progressives pushed for late term to HARVEST THE ORGANS FOR PURCHASE.

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Jan 3, 2022
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Or you get the irrational thinker, 'my sister might die, I need to go to her funeral" from my 81 yr old husband. HE served in the USN 20 YRS, LOTS OF VACCINES. 1 she willed her body to science, 2 she lives in LOCKED DOWN NY, NIAGRA FALLS AREA, 3 YOU CAN'T FLY, YOUR NOT TRIPLED JABED, JUST 1 J/J, THAT IS GIVING YOU HEART ISSUES AS IT IS. I harped till he finally called his Cardio who was REAL FAST to run tests, we can't get the results of. 4 I can't fly with you, NOT JABBED, and airplanes will mess with the Meniere's, did you forget that fact? It's why 4 yrs ago I sent you via a travel agency to your 91 yr old brother's Memorial months later, took his holly-weird daughter married to the Dr from Love Boat, that long to arrange a big shindig, he was cremated. Nor will you be traveling to Canada anytime soon to visit grave sites of long dead relatives to show your un-visiting 3 jabbed daughters.

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I'll be more confident the nonsense is over when they reach the end of the Greek alphabet.

And hope they don't know any other alphabets.

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It's going to be amusing to watch the one-shot, two-shot, and boosted trying to position for max safety.

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I recommend disposing of the Atlantic in the Atlantic!

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Fear - it's the ultimate click bate. And why the slowly dying msm is bleeding credibility like a lamb at at slaughter. They are so intent on their daily survival, that they can't see what they are doing to their brands.

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The survival of the mass media is not imperiled at all. They are lavishly financed, as well as completely controlled by the very same global forces that brought us the virus and the "vaccines."

Read this book to understand the brutal reality we're up against:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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IN fact one of the Atlantic articles confirmed me in not getting the jabs. One woman wrote how bad her husband had reacted on it, he was so sick and then screaming, it works it works (the jab). If he got that sick of the vaxx, I thought, I might just risk the virus. After that it went downhill quickly and now it has been ditched. They pretend the unjabbed are no longer in existance it seems. I blocked it from my newsfeed, same as NYT and WP and several big news... and some small ones as well, the buttlickers as we call them

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😂 Alex you are getting funnier and funnier the more you go. They deserve every zing and then some. They actually belong in prison. They lie, they gaslight, they are complicit in mass murder and coverups too. At least you are properly raking them over the coals. I hope they feel the pain.

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I’m the only one I know not vaxxed. I have been ridiculed and excluded for the last six months. Now I’m the only one who is not/has not been sick. When son’s girlfriend came home from nye festivals and tested positive everyone was shocked I have let her stay and isolate at my home. I’ll never put a virus before my loved ones and I think that might be the palpable difference between those that have allowed themselves to be taken in by the hype and those that have seen through it.

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Everyone needs to read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jr. It exposes the truth on Fauci's purposeful mismanagement of Covid to financially benefit himself, big pharma and other cronies. People who died were collateral damage. All disgusting. Fake science is dirty, bought and paid for. Remember this when science discusses global warming.

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