The more important question, is it safe to hang out with people dumb enough to be reading The Atlantic in 2021?

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If you still read The Atlantic, you might believe that healthy people kill others just by passing them in the produce aisle. You might believe that transing your toddlers by sterilizing them with puberty blockers is stunning and brave. You might believe that calling white people racists makes black people more successful.

Some of the most idiotic people read The Atlantic.

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In CA, I have a circle of Asian friends who are extraordinary successful, self-directed, and business oriented.

We met a few weeks ago, and it dawned on us that we'd be classified as "white supremacist" and "racist".

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Of course you are! Join the club. I had no idea I was a flaming racist until CRT came along.

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Well since i run the race of life and have to finish the race as the Lord teaches, i've been a racist for a long time :-]

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Dec 9, 2021
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I stopped watching all news and TV in general in 2012. It made a huge difference. And I was able to spot that covid19 was a hoax immediately. And I keep being proven right (sadly).

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I have 3 biracial Great Grands, am I to love them less? My ancestry is Applician, which was a melting pot of races that inter married. My sister is the 1 digging this part up, turns out we are 'distantly' related to Dolly Parton. Scot, Irish, English, French, German, Cherokee, and escaped Black slaves and probably more who didn't cotton to British rule.

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I don't know the word Applician. Was it supposed to be Appalachian? Just curious 😊

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They’d portray you in the mold of George Zimmerman…”Well they’re Asian but they’re white Asians”.

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“The yellow face of white supremacy” 🙄

I think the wicked woke hate the successful non white “non-woke” liberty loving INDIVIDUALIST people EVEN MORE than they hate the successful white ‘non-woke’ people.

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We "Asians" are conveniently omitted on topics of "minorities of color" and systemic racism.

Funny story. A number of years ago I spoke on a panel with other fellow yellow folks. I was asked how "Systemic Racism" made it harder for me to succeed.

I stood up, and said "YOU are the ONLY reason you're not successful", and elaborated on the choices we make determine the probabilities of success and not some boogeyman. I was not invited again. This was in San Francisco.

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Leftists have a problem with Asians. Asians are the living refutation of all of their theories - people who make it clear that actions and cultural values matter.

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The promoted “woke” narrative = The USA IS UNFAIR TO NON WHITES! & THAT IS THE REASON for all racial disparity in success in America.

the Truth in reality = the enemies of freedom, both foreign & domestic, are using these self evident lies to destroy individual freedom & individual rights by undermining the foundations of individual freedom in order to drag us all back into The Dark Ages of tyrannical oppression.

They have been ‘winning’ the psych-ops war they’ve been waging upon u.s., here? Because they own the educational system, the entertainment & advertising industries & have succeeded in dumbing u.s. all down and distracting u.s. with perversions of all sorts for decades.

We lost the war for freedom here when we let them take the media… that ‘4th estate’ was our founder’s best insurance against all that has been allowed to transpire.

If AMERICA were truly unfair to non whites?

Obama would not have been elected 1 time, much less twice & Clarence Thomas would not have been allowed on the scotus & there would not be a black ‘only’ congressional block🙄 or any of the other OBVIOUSLY ‘RACIST’ privileges provided specifically for merely one non-white race… ALL of the positions of power occupied by persons of color & all of the millions of successful minority owned businesses would never have been nor would they exist today their very existence proves the woke are lying. Obama’s election & re-election were the proof in fact that ‘affirmative action’ IS THE ONLY ‘systemically racist’ thing in this country & worse that the citizens of this country are hopelessly brainwashed pathetically belligerently ignorant.

I have become convinced by historical facts and the authentic facts of current events that none of this is “new” in my lifetime.

all of this has been planned for over 75 years…

My family is comprised of Western European ‘white’ euro mutts like myself and mixed race, ‘white’ euro mutt & Asian. Those who benefitted from the Asian influence are all doing fabulously well in their families, careers, kids - spiritual personal… every marker of a successful life.

The others? who benefited entirely from just the poor ghetto euro mutt ‘white’ influences & hyper promoted “black ghetto culture” are ignorant, uneducated, uninterested, undeveloped, alcoholic drug addicts divorced broke &/or dead.

I did not benefit personally from an Asian culture influence… but My mother raised me to work hard and only feel entitled to what I had earned fairly. …🧐More of an original puritan work ethic 🤷‍♀️

My non Amerasian cousins were left to raise themselves while Their moms & dads indulged their own self destructive tendencies…&, of course, modeled that lifestyle for their kids… they & my younger brothers felt so sorry for me and my Amerasian cousins ‘never getting to have a childhood’ &

‘Being made to grow up too soon… and to work too hard, etc…’

they believed this of our more proactive lifestyles largely because we weren’t allowed to run the streets, blow off school & our studies & just ‘hang out’ experimenting with casual sex, drugs, alcohol & other self destructive pursuits.🙄

There’s A LOT I could say about the differences in how I & my Amerasian cousins developmental years & families of origin varied from that of the rest of my extended family…

I bet you can guess most of it😏

But- What I know for certain is that my own personal success in my life & that of my Amerasian cousins?

had nothing!

Not one thing! to do with our dna or our outward ‘unchangeable’ appearance.

“I put before you life & death. I implore you to choose LIFE” -jc

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"The University of Maryland is facing backlash after an administrative graphic separated students into two categories — “students of color, minus Asians” and “white or Asian students.”



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LOL "yellow face of white supremacy" hahaha (I literally spit out of coffee)

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Remember, Fearless Imperial Supreme Leader Comrade Biden said it’s not your skin color that determines your color, it’s how you vote:

“If you don’t vote for me, you’re not black” (to a black man).

I wonder if ol’ Joe thinks “If you don’t vote for me, you’ve not yellow” has the same CRT approval rating?

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that was my Engrish as 2nd language, correction "I literally spit out my coffee" as it is physically impossible for me to "spit out of coffee" haha

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BOLD statement !

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I'll bet you didn't know that's what Teddy Roosevelt said about the Japanese. A matter of imperialist convenience it was.

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I am laughing.... but unfortunately, it's true with certain ideologies. The Pink Shirt Brigade.

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It is not just Asians that are more successful than average. Skilled, legal immigrants of all colors and backgrounds tend to become entrepreneurs, embrace education and do well. African immigrants, for example, dramatically outperform African-Americans by most measures. Imagine that.

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Welcome to upside down world. :\

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John Derbyshire is a popular writer in the "dissident right." He today would be classified with the all-purpose "white supremacist" and "racist" labels. He rarely writes about anything more controversial than uncontrolled immigration, violent crimes of minorities and the foibles of the liberal left. He is a darling of the "white nationalist" or anti-immigration movements. A sweet irony is that he is a naturalized citizen (originally from UK). His wife is too, a naturalized Chinese.

Yes, it is a silly world!

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See Isaieh Chapter 5. You will see the double-fold prophecy to what you stated.

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They stopped a print edition because bird cages became toxic waste zones...

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Do idiots like to read the Atlantic because they're idiots? Or does reading the Atlantic make them idiots? Sounds like an RCT is needed.

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Hmmm. I think idiots are drawn to it because of its idiocy.

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Is that your opinion or are you stating 'the Science'?😊

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Wait. You mean the white supremacist I scoffed at yesterday, for the serious offence of squeezing the wrong end of an avocado, was not *really* trying to kill me? C'mon!

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The writers are nothing to write home about, either. I would never knowingly read anything by Coates. I bookmarked this as it's a classic example of "straw man" or "ad hominem" fallacy. In this case, the flaw is in the paragraph beginning with "It's worth noting..." Barkley's comments may, indeed be little different than a "garden variety racist." Quite possibly, but what does that have to do with the truth or falsity of his claims? This and similar literary sleight-of-hand always have been present to some extent, but it's gotten much worse in recent years. The truth may not be dead yet, but it's lying in a pool of blood in the back alley, victim of multiple stab and gunshot wounds.


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Ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner for comment of the day!!

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Maybe we need 3 Atlantic booster shots to make it safe!

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Don’t say that they just did it. Pfizer new omicron vax is a 3 shot series. But still get the current booster for the max effect. It’s clown world.

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So you need a booster for wu flu but, you also need 3x omicron??!!???

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Yep. That is 2 original doses + 1 booster + 3 Omicron boosters = 6 shots total so far. I imagine every new variant of interest there will be more!

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Thats more insane than they think I am...🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣

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You forgot the second booster that is currently being served in Israel. That will be 7 shots as of December 9, 0800 Zulu time. Please start putting time stamps on the number of shots required. Basketball scores change slowly than the number of shots required.

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Please slow down, as someone immunocompromised since my heart and lung transplant thirty years ago, I'm already 4 shots behind according to my outpatients team, now it's 7!?

I got Covid in August felt febrile for a week, but now I have measurable natural antibodies. Apparently that's not the right way to go.

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This is bat shit crazy. Yet the covidiots will run as fast as they can to the clinic…

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Can you post a link to how you found this out?

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Wondering if the CEO of Pfizer meant 3 shots of the current gene therapy not 3 additional shots for a new formulated product directed specifically for omicron

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“At this point…what difference does it make?”… where have I heard that before???

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Dec 8, 2021
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UK is recommending boosters at 3mo now. Soon they'll realize that wears off quicker, too. We'll know vax-holes by their IV poles.

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Thanks, i'm in Toronto, the increasing super-socialist conclave.

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Those are 4 shots I’ll be skipping.

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Yep that is why I said 3 boosters for Atlantic too :-)

Crazy times we live in.

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All told by God/Jesus it would come...and only a minority will make it through (Matthew 7:13-14).

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Can you post a link to how you know the omicron shot will be 3 shots total?

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Omg. I really didn’t want to believe it. I just started uncontrollably laughing. A lot of emotions fleeted through me at once and then I just couldn’t stop laughing. You can’t make this stuff up. Hope everyone else has fun getting 6 shots. That needle will never come near my arm!

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Exactamundo! Thank goodness 'st00pid' isn't contagious [yet].

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You get bonus points for using “exactamundo.” First and last time I heard that used, other than by me, was by Fonzie. 👍🏻

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Haha! Yep! Arthur Fonzarelli! =0))

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My very first attempt at creating my own iron on tee shirt in the 70s, I was the Phonze. Must've been learning the "ph" vs f use in the 3rd grade.

Now I get why my mother let me wear the darn thing.

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That’s awesome 😂

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John Prine song

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I'm not sure you're right about that. I'd sooner clean a public toilet than read the rag that Atlantic's become.

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A lot of these once-great magazines or papers have fallen on hard times, even beyond the competition from other media. Many of them were "captured" by the Left over a period of decades. Today as in all major media, they are basically trying to out-virtue-signal competitors or out-left leftist co-workers. Needless to say, standards of quality dropped rather precipitously. Even some of the "legacy left," such as our host (!!!) left or were fired (Greenwald, etc. etc.) Many of these periodicals are on life support by rich patrons who are basically providing lavish salaries for hack writers that in a saner world would be lucky to get jobs as a teaching assistant in a high school English class. I can't believe anybody pays money to read that trash anymore.

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After Wing Bowl.

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Are you sure?

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Are you trying to get me to say I’m wrr? That I’m wrrro? That I might be wrrrooong?

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Only a fool is positive...are you sure?

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Never 100% sure of anything any longer. =O

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It actually is, though. Most people are behaving a certain way, wearing a mask, going along because everyone else is doing it so the "you must know something I don't" mindset seems to be the current threshold for education upon which all decisions are made these days.

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Oh believe me, its contagious. Look at blue cities

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It is not contagious yet? Umm... your comment is self-fulfilling, do you not see that?

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Dec 8, 2021
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My daughter was raised in a conservative Christian home. Went away to college. Came home a liberal who has not seen the inside of a church in years. 💔😢

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Might be contagious

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Definitely! You want to know your soft targets for when shit hits the fan. Why go to the store and hoard toilet paper when you can just take your leftist neighbors goods by force,..minimal force.

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I wouldn't actually want my lefty neighbors' stuff. They use corn husks for toilet paper.

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Haha touché well maybe they have something of value…like weed.

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You are a genius!

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Is that Atlantic News for grade 6 level reading comprehension. I live in Canada so I have not read it.LOL

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It is a super leftist propaganda trash outlet. See my longer comment on this above if you wish.

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Remove "out with" and I think the answer is a resounding "Yes". Well, it may not be safe per se, but still, it'd be the right thing to do.

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No. No it is not. Sadly.

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It’s definitely not safe for your IQ.

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The Bermuda Triangle of truth candor and hope and faith...

Really, do you interact with people who quote the Lame Scream Propaganda Machine BS?!

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When will the double boosted turn on the underboosted?

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The underboosted are probably less scary targets for bullying than the unvaccinated. They've already shown they'll give in at least once.

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I figure every extra dose they lose 5% of their consumer base. That's why they are doing a brand new vaccine for omicron. It's new, its shiny. They can start the kill count all over again and pretend 60% of those who died of covid in 2022 did not take the omicron vaccine. Just , whatever you do, ignore life years lived.

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It is a numbers game. And how much is still stockpiled that needs to be distributed? Oops we ordered 100+ million doses & gotta get rid of them before they expire. Crank up the propaganda ads people, let's move this product NOW!

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One has to wonder how long they can keep this up though. Countries are spending fortunes on testing, vaccines, etc every day. The economy is less efficient at every level and the money printing machine and continual lockdowns are inflation and supply chain issues. The institutions are rotting at a rapid rate and most people that don't want the vaccine may actually be able to outlast the government's that are pushing it.

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Plus what will happen to the healthcare facilities as there are insufficient numbers of workers and more ppl getting sick as time goes on. One would think that the govt would eventually encourage ppl to get healthy and here's how to do it, but, alas, there is no money in that for companies.

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That’s the plan according to many conspiracy theories, which sound less conspiratorial every day. Crash the world economy, create a new world government, and turn the citizens into serfs.

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I wonder if the expiration is fake too. Hurry, get your jab before our stock expires. We've got a fresh batch, step right in.

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Exactly they are stretching out the gravy train. But the kicker is even if people don't get the latest "COMVDI" variants jab, they will be back to Pharma for their persistent headaches, inability to conceive, heart palpitations, autoimmune illnesses etc. Cha-China cha-ching $$$ Qui bono

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The perfect business model

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They just did it. It’s a 3 shot series. OMG!!

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It reminds me of the Media business model, triple down on the shrinking segment of the market that still believes you and given them infinite doses of crazy.

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That's why the major push has been for boosters instead of 'first jabs' lately. They know there are millions of sheep who listened the first time, and they will be much easier to convince than the lions who told the 'leaders' to fuck right off.

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I'm asking purely out of curiosity, because this simply doesn't exist where I live: if the wholly unvaccinated decide today to be good girls and boys, do they need to get ALL four shots- Coke Classic and Coke Booster 1 and 2, or just the newest jams?

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The answer, of course, is "You just need one more". When you get that one more, repeat.

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No, what I mean is, if I've had NONE so far, do I only need the new hotness, or must I get all the back issues as well?

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You just need one, until you actually get it. Then it turns out you need another, until you actually get it. Then........

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You could be right, but if my verbose posting just above here is on target, perhaps not. The boosters have been available for at least 4 months, yet only about 10% of previously jabbed sheep have taken a booster (in USA). As with any huge group, it's rarely all or nothing. Some sheep will humbly do what Big Brother tells them, even go into the abbatoir ("Oh boy! I've always wanted to visit France!" 🤣) But there will be a large contingent that have seen what's happened in the past year, the many promises evaporated, and will say "not again."

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While I'm unvaccinated, I have decided to tell people that I intend to get the jab, at shot #10. Figure the kinks will be worked out by then.

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And just like the "wait two weeks" game, when the time comes you can always reneg and say, well.... maybe #11... or #12... 😄

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In another six months, in Atlantic world, it will be unsafe to hang out with the underboosted and a new name will be required for the properly boosted. Multiboosted, superboosted, turboboosted, or just “conformed”. I don’t know.

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pronouns and number of boosters mandatory in bio

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not just number but also desired frequency. "Patrick Tanzola he/him 4/monthly"

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☠️Next appropriate pronoun

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Turboboosted. I love it!

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There's a great bumper sticker in there somewhere! I'm going to have to make one up today!

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Needs to be a sign to hang off of your double mask…

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Remember, double masking is not good enough. Only triple masking works. CNBC told us so!


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Turboboosted 😂🤓

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Blindly Compliant.

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Dec 8, 2021
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The vaccine cards in Israel have always had a 6-month expiration date. I saw one.

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Oregon, too.

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Dec 8, 2021
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Oh it gets worse. Pfizer just came out with a omicron vax. It’s a 3 shot series. They still recommend you get boosted first though. So it’s now at 6

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They’re just gonna make it all digital, a chip inserted in your arm that updates thru your smart phone with your shot schedule. Since the spineless republicans voted to create a national vaccine database, which will track and remind you that your due for a shot. It’s idiot proof, and since it seems a large portion of the population are complete morons will work perfect.

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You will comply 7 of 9. We are Borg.

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No, why not a tattoo? The Scarlet letter or some chip in the hand? Something visible to signal to all, "I am vaxxed, I am virtuous."

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Check out instagram-- lots of people are WAY ahead of you 😳

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Yes, I know about the chips in the body. Can't think of anything that would be so unique for the vaxxed to let all know they are vaxxed.

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With all the boosters, they'd have to keep adding bits to the tattoos for each new dose until your whole body is covered in tattoos ... and then what?

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I identify as "over-boosted" due to the fact that I got covid and survived...all without the vaxx. Scratch that....I now identify as "an over-boosted survivor"

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Get that on a t-shirt, "over boosted survivor who is so over this."

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The "vaxxed" and "unvaxxed" will always have one thing in common...neither will ever be FULLY VACCINATED !

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Underboosted 😂

Of course there is no such thing as overboosted.

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Everytime I hear "boosting" I think of "juicing" (steroid use).

I don't want to damage my health with "juicing" and I think I'll also pass on "boosting" with multiple mystery shots of strange covid juice.

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Underboosted is good. I had been thinking suboptimally boosted, which both convey the same concept that Pfizer, Moderna, Fauci et al like, ie you are always in need of one more. Boosting is a dynamic, not a static event

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If Dhimmis can spin the identity Roulette wheel and identify as anything, then I identify as boosted and dentulous.

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We are all dhimmis now tho most don't know it.

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Boosted, like Vaccinated (and gender) are on a spectrum

It’s fluid, or at least it should be

So shout your boost,vax truth!

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underboosted sound like ubermench to me.

So many echos of the 1930s Nazis going on today

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I think untermensch (sub-human) is the better analog.

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You are right. My German skills are old :-)

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That's actually a fair question. The vaxxes have been available for exactly one year. Boosters first became "a thing" by about September (per a quick google search). I don't have precise information on how long a vaxx protection lasts, but let's say six months. Since it took months early in the year to vaxx significant numbers, that is a good ballpark figure. Since the boosters aren't very popular so far (early Nov.) only about 10% of the previously "fully vaccinated" have taken a booster! This could be due to many reasons of course, but I suspect that distrust is a huge factor. Certainly cost isn't stopping them: the jabs are free for most people. Unless there is a sudden upsurge in popularity of the boosters, then, I make the counter-intuitive observation:

The Boosted are right now a very small fraction of the populace: even of those who took the starter doses, only about one-tenth. Even less of total population, perhaps only 6%.

Based on the early dates, no one should legitimately need a 2nd booster before about March 2022. But they will be an even smaller fraction of the ever-took-a-dose. Again, I know that I'm making many assumptions here.

If my analysis is reasonably close, we can arrive at the relatively happy for our side (?) observation that the boosters are quite unpopular right now (otherwise people would be flocking to get them; indeed perhaps they are, but I think the media would be crowing about it, rather than begging, shaming and just plain doing anything within their power to get people to please, please get injected!!! I surely don't have any detailed sruveys, but I speculate that the majority, perhaps the vast majority, of those who bought "Vaxx 1.0" are disappointed with the results, have buyer's remorse even if they hopefully have suffered no apparent ill effect yet, and will not be highly motivated to take 2.0.

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Trevor Noah did already

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The "vaxxed" and "unvaxxed" will always have one thing in common...neither will ever be FULLY VACCINATED !

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And, the 'vaxxed' gave up their liberty for 'safety' and got neither.

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No true Scotsman --> No true vaccinee. "He had to be admitted to the ICU?! Well, he must not have been vaccinated sufficiently vigorously/recently."

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The Vaxxed aren’t even Vaxxed anymore, if they ever actually were, that’s the most insane part of this nonsense

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If you're asking yourself this question- and especially if you're asking a newspaper to help you answer it- I don't want to hang out with you.

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I totally agree. Intelligence is not a requirement to hang with me, but in the case of the injections (or any of the CCP virus requirement agenda), if a person is stupid enough to support them, then they are too ignorant to be of interest!

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That is indeed what I think of 2 of my former (very well educated) friends. Former. They kind of ignored me, one trying to get back into grace because of health problems, but friends they can no longer be. Friendship is earned. And there are lots of people who do.

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My mother-in-law is currently being threatened by some of her "friends" to either get the injection or they will disown her. She is 84 and lives alone with her critters and I pray that she stands her ground and chooses no friends or new friends over those ignorant old wind bags!

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I hope she finds soulace in the animals and may be she finds a friend or two who like her, refused the poison. Strength ! A little thought goes out to your MIL xxx

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Thank you so much. I sure wish I was closer to her as I adore her and we get along GREAT! She is in Florida and I am in Wyoming!

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It's hard to make new friends, but times like these can make it easy. Figure out a way to find ladies local to her who also don't vax and set up a tea party!

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My dog never kept me down, my brother and so called friends, not so much. I hope she stands firm.

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Animals do not betray you. They are the best companions.

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I had the Atlantic when the circus started. I have been trying for months to unsubscribe. To no avail. I finally blocked them. See if they will send my money back.

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I unsubscribed about 4 years ago by removing my payment information and letting it time out. It was the only way to get away from the NY Times, too.

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That is what I did, but it still runs for 6 months, so I guess money gone. At least a good riddance from my inbox. Thanks for the info !

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I've been trying to shake off the New Yorker to no avail for prolly a year now. Cancelling your credit card is a freaking chore but I guess it'd be worth it to no longer have to see virtue signaling cover art when I open the mail box.

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Thank you! I've also tried to unsubscribe to these propaganda outlets, with the same futility. I'll do as you did. I positively abhor the idea of supporting them financially at this point!

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Cancel your card if you must. Anything to stop giving them money.

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No need to cancel your card. Simply dispute payment with credit card company and payment will be reversed. MUCH easier!

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Great idea. I did that once before, years ago, and that works indeed. Too late now. Card is gone LOL. They made a fuss for an international payment and out they went.

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That is exactly what I did !

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Worked at newspapers for 20+ years.

It takes forever for the circulation department to cut off subscribers who cancel. The newspapers (and I'm sure magazines) will carry you for MONTHS, even if you're no longer paying.

The reason is that these publications need to keep their numbers up....because the advertising rates are based on the number of subscribers.

A reader called me once and said she wanted to change her father's delivery address...to the cemetery. He'd been dead for six months; she tried canceling his subscription. Yet my paper continued to deliver. So, she said, she was trying a "change of address" to make us STOP.

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There was a time when I looked forward to receiving my issue.

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May I suggest American Spectator?

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I will look into it, thanks for the tip ! Right now I got too many Substack subscriptions ! At least they tell the truth.

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The Spectator provides a feast for the mind. I love it!

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I remember those days! But now, looking back on even decades old Atlantic pieces, it's obvious that much of it has always been elite flavored manipulative propaganda.

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I had similar issue with the WashPo app on my Kindle Fire. I keep removing it. Amazon keeps auto adding it back. I don't even have a subscription!

I think these DS rags are desperation to pump up their reader numbers. Even including "readers" who don't read their newspapers, and don't want to...

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I had it on my computer and they kept sending different newsletters. It finally stopped when I unsubscribed one by one from all the newsletters, then hit keep my preferences. It is now gone. I hesitate to put something on my phone for that reason.

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Pay by PayPal and you can just shut off the subscription. No need to "talk to an agent."

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Plot twist, the person is asking the question because they are lonely and crave social interaction

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Socialization is an acquired taste. There is an old saying that no man is an island. Well, that may be true, but in my case, I live at the far end of a damned long, narrow peninsula 😛

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Sounds enchanting and extremely quiet and private!

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I'll entertain, but when I start showing proof of the injected being dangerous, they need to open their minds and eyes and start doing some serious research or I will dump them like a bad habit!

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Yes, it's safe to hang out with the unboosted. It is not, however, safe to hang out with the boosted 🤦‍♀️

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"Sorry, it's just that I'm scared of people with fascist tendencies. As a progressive, I'm sure you understand."

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😆 Oh yeah, and don't shed on me!

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LOL I'm going to ask an artist to mock up that flag design right the fuck now.

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Please oh please oh please share when you do. My credit card is waiting at the ready.

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I've saved this thread and will do so. It will probably be a T-shirt design on his page when finished but he will gladly free the graphic to whoever.

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Just one graphic?

There could be about 20, maybe more

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Stay tuned.

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I did indeed, but thanks for checking as I have been collecting all of these articles in their respective folders for later reference!

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I know! I thought I was subscribed to you. I somehow wasn’t and just rectified that.

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Aww, bless you, Luna579, and I'm delighted to welcome you!

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I didn't use the word "booster" in the last 30years, ever since I was placing my young kids into "booster" seats. Back then it was about safety, today it is about tyranny!!

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Haha, good point, although it’s appropriate because this tyranny is all about infantilizing us in the name of safety!

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As a dentist, this post and video are quite special! One, I remember working without gloves and a mask. Two, patients still think we can see inside their mouth when they refuse to open. I know, not the reason for your post but had to share the humor I got out of this. Thanks for making me smile :) Hard to do some days when I work in a profession of sheep!

I have had so many patients come in double vaxx'd and boosted still completely afraid to visit family or go shopping. The kicker is, they are all less than 50 years old and can't wait to get their kids vaxx'd. It breaks my heart. I hope we can open their eyes before it is too late!

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My dear holistic dentist just retired and I am so sad. I saw him for the last time in September and he and his staff didn't give a flip about jab status nor did they make us wear masks. After my exam he sat next to my chair and talked to me without his mask on. I will dearly miss his way of being and I'm glad to hear there are other sane dentists out there!

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Thank you for sharing this story! This warms my heart :) I have a group of dentists that is working together on an Open Letter to the ADA. The ADA has become corrupted like the AMA and our hope to to form a parallel dental organization that stands for medical freedom, informed consent and the patient/doctor relationship. I hope I can find more dentists like yours!!

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I hope you can, too! I'm currently on the search for a new dentist and it's tough to find someone who hasn't fallen into the mass psychosis.

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Don't I know! It feels like the majority of my profession has turned of its critical thinking skills! Good luck!!

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Root canals, fluoride treatments, even most fillings, and IGNORING vitamin K2 (plus D3, A, and E).... "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." -Upton Sinclair

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Ditto just walked out of another "fear porn palace" here in Toronto Canada. Stuff happening in there I haven't seen anywhere else and I was on a Hospital Board during SARS in 2003. Insanity

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The ADA promoted compulsory fluoridation longer than I've been around.

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Dec 9, 2021
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No, but if you find one, I would love to know. We need to grow our effort.

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My last visit 10 months ago with my dermatologist in florida was unmasked. Awesome.

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So many people are just innumerate. They've been told the shot reduces their chances of infection and or death by some seemingly huge amount like say 90% and that's all they can process. The concept of a 90% reduction of some already tiny probability just can't breach the math-brain barrier.

Big Pharma knows the average joe doesn't understand relative vs absolute risk and so they're exploiting that for all it's worth.

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We worked on lab specimens all the time without gloves years ago....I had just got into the lab field and it was fairly common.

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Nature developed these brilliant technologies that can be utilized to prevent infection. One is called "skin". Another is called "water". Very cool stuff.

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Yes! Another is called "the microbiome". Another is called "not living in a bubble..."

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Double vaxx'd and boosted and still completely afraid to visit family or go shopping...but totally okay with a dental visit? Hmmm. I think they have medication for that.

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I know...I wonder the same thing when they say this to me. I am grateful for their trust, I just wish I could turn the light on and awaken them to the lies they are believing.

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The response to this pandemic has broken many people. Many will never be healed.

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No. It shows how many people were already broken, or psychologically sick. They were like that long before covid, but we weren't necessarily aware of it, or at least not to the extreme degree we are now.

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Amen to that.

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Covid is everywhere, vaxxed and unvaxxed, boosted and not boosted, animals and yes, even in poop (appropriate given this sh!tshow). Let's get on with life!

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Take your vitamin D and get over it. Literally.

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Go outside

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Lose weight

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Stop smoking and get off your meds

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Lincoln Nebraska Children's Zoo murdered its snow leopards.

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No, three died of Covid complications, two other tigers recovered.


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Fluvoxamine didn't work? (Nor ivermectin, nor zinc and HCQ?)

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Sometimes nothing works. I am sad that they died.

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The "vaxxed" and "unvaxxed" will always have one thing in common...neither will ever be FULLY VACCINATED !

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They will always keep moving the goal post. You will never be able to achieve a perfect social credit score (uh, I mean vaccination status) for long.

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This is what they have done will much of medical testing so that they can get people on more and more drugs. Lower the thresholds and raise their profits.

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I concur. My blood pressure has been 140/90 since I was 17 years old (couple years shy of 60 now). A few years ago the standards changed and I was suddenly "at risk" and told to start medications for it. They would have had me on useless drugs for over 40 years!(and likely young guys are now pushed into that.) Over 50% of people have "abnormal" blood pressure according to today's standards. Wrap your head around that statement; most are abnormal?? riigghhttt!

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Well, there are a lot more fatsos nowadays.

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If you celebrated Thanksgiving with your family and friends you are smarter than the entirety of the staff at The Atlantic.

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Boosted WaPo Neocon who mocked the "antivaxxers" dies of sudden cardia arrest in NYC. The universe doth have a sense of humor.

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Who and when?

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Wow!! No way to know if he was fully vaxed and boosted? Shortly after my Dad was boosted he was admitted to hospital with heart trouble. No history of heart trouble in my family. He is 86

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So sorry to hear that.

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Great link, thanks.

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yes, and they immediately point out in the articles that he'd had heart issues for some time bla bla bla. Amazing how they feel the need to find an excuse in order to cover his ignorance and his vile hatred toward unvaxxers.

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Boost yourself into heaven

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I hope for them it will be heaven. They have an unwanted substance in their bodies. They might need to go to the other end !

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Dec 8, 2021
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It’s a challenge, indeed

Or divine justice

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What a bunch of pussies. The Atlantic should give out tampons with this story.

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And Midol

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Dec 8, 2021
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And yours to me. So what?

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I work remotely in our system commonly referred to as "health" care. Yesterday I spoke to (yet another) injectee who contracted "it" at work, tested positive. He described his symptoms as severe cough, fever, chills, nausea, bedridden for at least a week. Luckily he was feeling better. His M.D. prescribed a 5 day course of prednisone - hey, he got something! He also received monoclonal AB infusion at an outdoor clinic that he said helped. My next question: "Have you been Foolly Vacks Sin Ated?" "Oh yes", he replied. "I had my second shot back in April." He paused and then said, "And I got very sick".

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At least it sounds like he might be starting to think. Every injectee we know who then got “very sick” from COVID insists they would have died if they’d not been protected by the vaccine.

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Oooh...injectee...I like that. ;)

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You may borrow it if you like. :-)

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Thank you! I've been struggling for a proper term. ;)

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I’d argue is it safe to be around the boosted? My husband was vaccinated (no booster) and my daughter’s menstrual cycle went crazy that month. Never happened to her before. And two of my chiropractor friends can tell when they’ve been around vaccinated patients. They get swollen lymph nodes, menstrual irregularities, etc.

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Interesting. Wow. My lymph nodes are ALWAYS swollen after I come in from being out with vaxed friends (in close contact,) or at a dinner. I just went to have my swabs taken at a lab but the ENT said that she found 'nothing' wrong. No redness, no white spots... I asked her, 'then why are my lymph nodes always swollen?' She said, 'I have no idea... there is no sign of infection.' But it appears the infection may be coming from somewhere else...

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Vaxxed people are like cell phone towers for viruses-- they attract them. This particular vax really affects your innate immune response at a greater level than any other vaccine. That is due to the 24/7 spike protein creation action. Once you have had two or three shots the ability of your innate system to be as effective as before decreases. Hence the viruses etc that are always around us are able to penetrate a weakened immune system and voila you are an incubator which then creates that "super-spreader" function to all in its path.

You need to step up your own protection against these walking virus towers. The fact your lymph nodes are responded in a good sign-- says your lymph system and Cells have kicked in. Help your immune system out by doing the Vit C, Zinc, Quercetin etc. protocols that have been suggested. For blood clotting, menstrual issues think of supplements Nattokinase, Artemisinin and NAC. Look at magnesium and melatonin as well.

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Brilliant piece of advice and so thankful for information that makes sense. In the up is down and down is up world of 'science' we live, hard to know what to believe. But, I know this much is true; when multiple leaders throw parties and shop and go to baseball games without their masks while simultaneously terrorising people over a virus that kills less than 1% of the population, something is rotten in the state of Denmark (and the world.). Much thanks for the info and recommendations.

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Are you referring to the glands in your neck? (Lymph nodes are in various places in our bodies, but those are probably the easiest to see and feel - in my opinion, anyway.) Chronically swollen neck glands can indicate chronic infection and / or autoimmune disease (speaking as someone who has autoimmune thyroiditis and often has sore and swollen neck glands.)

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I get it now. Covid is like a movie franchise. It's not for everyone, certainly not Team Reality, but it has its fanbase and the fanbase craves more.

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I can't wait for COVID Endgame to come out.

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Comments are awesome- and the great majority i agree with and they give me hope for America. This triple board certified MD heart surgeon says hell yes. I have seen myocarditis related to the jab. Did any of you “vaxxed” people get full informed consent review with an MD who answered all your questions and told you about the risks? No, I didn’t think so. Sorry.

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What's cool about my doc is he hasn't mentioned the jab ONE TIME. I think he knows better. The nurse previously asked if I'd gotten "my shot" and I almost replied that it's not mine. Instead I just said No.

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Just had a telehealth visit with my cardiologist. Never mentioned the jab once! God I love Florida!!

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I'm in NC & my doctor knows that I question everything, including his advice. This one knows I'm very healthy and have an aversion to drugs being the end-all-be-all for every annoyance.

Years ago I learned doctors can be wrong primarily because 1) they don't know the full backstory or 2) they're lazy and rely on "canned" protocol.

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I see one (no major health issues, at least so far, but I'm a revenue source 🙂). I look forward to asking him if he's seen an uptick in "business" since the start of 2021.

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Covid vaccines seem a little like Pringles. Once you start...

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My younger brother apparently doesn't think so. He was in town last week from Seattle and he would only meet me outside, from 6 feet away, and he wore a paper mask he kept touching the entire time. He was afraid because I had just recovered from covid. He's been jabbed.

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People with natural immunity are the safest to be around for anyone worried about covid. For adults to be convinced otherwise shows how stupid the media and public health authorities are making people.

Destroying common sense, one headline at a time.

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And he says he doesn't even pay attention to the news. Maybe it's the Seattle way of life to be afraid.

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Just use the simple trick of assume the opposite of what the headline is, and you will likely be closer to whatever the truth is.

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They do love inverting reality

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Really, about all you can do is laugh at these people.

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Weirdo there

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It's not safe to hang out with people who read The Atlantic even if they are boosted.

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I like the term PureBloods, which makes the rest mongrels.

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If it's safety they are looking for, they won't find it in this world. From the moment of conception until one shuffles off their mortal coil, the world if full of dangers. Cheers.

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…and finally… a sane comment.. thank you. Law of nature and all that … I’m 70… my mom is 94… and we haven’t stopped living normally. Living in fear is no kind of life. If I see dead people laying all over the ground… I figure I’ll be next… or I won’t. Either way.. I’m not going to stop living until I’m dead. And I’ve seen enough of “government antics” in my life to know better than to believe them 🙄

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Hi San Dee. My wife and I are both 72. We decided very early on that we were to old to live whatever time we have left, in fear.

Most interestingly, my wife, never a political person, has become very conservatively "activated" by lockdowns, forced masking, forced isolation, vaccine mandates, and the generally foolish liberal reaction to the Covid.

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Hi Forest and wife 😊… I too have never been much of a “political person” … always finding that sanity can be found somewhere in the middle.. and even finding that sanity… attempts at achieving it are so poorly planned by governments. I wonder what has happened to the common sense I was raised with…I wonder more often why we even need a government when they rarely do their job. I live among people who are also more than 20 years my seniors.. they too wonder … I have handed down common sense to my daughter and grand daughter who do not live in fear. They have watched me live my life full on… I am a retired Pilot from the days where we were exposed to many many things and also many hazards that of course are not here in todays technology…I never lived in fear-a healthy respect perhaps-but not fear. Like your wife… I am one who has never spoken out… until now. It is because of those we leave behind…and the world we are leaving them. It is almost too much to bear when I think of going backwards in time.. erasing the freedoms we fought so hard to achieve.. our parents who fought and died in wars to achieve those freedoms. I don’t want my grandchild to have to live in a world like that. I have a friend who is still alive who was in Hitlers youth camp during the war…another who lived in an occupied Austrian city. When you hear that kind of history - not from a book- but from real people- how can you not speak? So I understand that some will speak now who have not spoken before. For some… it is too late.. they have lost the ability to think for themselves- to see what is actually before their eyes… but my granddaughter tells me that not all the young are fooled..she is not… and to have hope. So I do. And I keep speaking out and following common sense as I always have. I have nothing to lose. For if we -having lived these many years do not… who will? I live in a retirement community over 25K strong… some laugh at our children sitting the death watch as we go about our business normally and we didn’t wear masks after June of 2020- I never did. After 2 years and no one here died… many got the flu- but no one died.. our children feel a bit sheepish sitting their death watch and hiding in their rooms while we are active. So… I guess the proof is in the pudding as they say… we are a very healthy and active community here. Many people have died of “flu” and many other things for years and years… this is no different. I figure … what good is life if you can’t live it… I’m going to keep living until I’m dead. That’s what my grandmother told me… during the Spanish flu… she helped take care of the sick and survived that as well as all her family members who did the same. I guess people were different then though… maybe people are so afraid to die now- they’ve forgotten what it’s like to live.

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It’s unforgivable how all these quality media organisations have degenerated into propaganda mouthpieces . When I talk to people here in Oz who think they are informed it’s amazing how blinded they are to the truth . I feel like I’m on another planet . These threads and posts help me feel I’m not alone . Thank you everyone for being here , it would be much harder without you .

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My Aunt ( a retired RN) - not only regularly reads The Atlantic but listens to NPR religiously. So she's effectively being tagged teamed by two of the best propagandists in the business. She used to have critical thinking skills but TDS and Covid hysteria has long since killed those brain cells. I'm working very hard to convince her not to get a booster especially because she was recently very sick from a neurological event - supposedly caused by another medication and not the vax. Not a single medical professional considered that to even be a possibility for her very serious issues - except for me (and I'm also an RN). So, yesterday I sent her my complete Covid resource list - and yes, Alex - you were at the top! I'm hoping to make some headway but I'm competing with the other side of the family which includes a pro vax, low information Pediatrician (the other grandma of my Aunt's grandchild). They're all vaxxed up, Covid hysterics who have spent the last 12 days freaking out because the baby's uncle had the audacity to kiss him on Thanksgiving and the following day, the uncle, tested postive for Covid. The baby, of course, is fine - but, still....how dare the baby be exposed to covid while surrounded by supposedly protected vaxxed up family! And the baby was exposed to worse - when his Mom got vaxxed during pregnancy.... For the love of pete - I don't know how any of these people are surviving life in general these days. The anxiety and fear is so palpable and sad. So - it's boosters for life on that side and my Aunt will either go down with them or I will be successful in pulling her out of the dumpster fire. The propaganda surrounding me is relentless. Today I'm told that the *majority* of hospitalized Covid patients in my state are - you guessed it - "unvaxxed". I can't even verify if this is true but I don't believe it anyway because I'm seeing the opposite with my own eyes. Not a single hospitlization of the vaxxed is ever attributed to vaccine injury or failed vax efficacy - it's always a "coincendental". And, I knew this was bound to happen but now we're being given pep talks about getting the booster and how "easy peasy" it was for our boss who could play tennis the next day.... while we have patients dropping like flies from post booster events. Or we're told that the very obvious and disturbing health care staffing shortages - across every aspect of the health care industry, have every thing to do with *anything* other than the vax mandate. It's enough to make me start to question how much longer I can continue on in the field working with colleagues I once admired but who have literally lost their minds. Meanwhile, I remain silent about my unvaxxed status, not feeling good about having to hide it yet really having no alternative. I've long since reckoned with the fact that this will be the hill I die on.

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I have listened to Alex's Audiobook. Really like it. Maybe go over to her house (your Aunt) have some tasty tea and put it on and listen to the more appropriate chapters.

As for the Tennis playing Boss...wait until she has her "strange" MI or Stroke, while playing tennis. This is a Marathon. Waiting and watching will be the best consolation during this time. Stay strong, Science will bear this out, but it's going to take quite awhile. Fair number of people already have "buyers remorse" for the first round of "the treatment".

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If it really is only unvaxxed in the hospitals, why the booster push? Can any health care people weigh in??

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Not that she'll be open to it, but I just wrote up some long commentary on dealing with neurologists after a vaccination issue - https://wholistic.substack.com/p/the-challenge-of-finding-a-good-neurologist

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Thank you Stephanie! What's fascinating is that my Aunt had the following diagnosis at various points - "functional neuro disorder" "functional movement disorder " and - the biggie - "functional psychogenic disorder" - or it's all in your head. Her issues started after her 1st covid jab. She was already on a medication (ingrezza) to treat the permanent side effects she got from a psych med and shortly after the jab - her symptoms exacerbated- literally to the point where she was shaking head to toe , could barely walk. After repeated hospitalizations where they just ignored the issue, I took her to Mass General Hospital - the supposed best of the best. Not only did they fail to do a complete neuro work up (a head CT was the only imaging/testing done), but they actually encouraged her to get the 2nd jab during a hospital stay. She readily agreed - and unfortunately I wasn't there to stop it. I also feel like the "vaccine" was somehow interacting with her medications and I asked them to discontinue everything that wasn't absolutely necessary and lo and behold, she started to improve. I haven't seen a single study yet about the medication interactions or how the spike protein might interfere with mechanisms of action but I have to believe it's happening more frequently than is realized - because any vax injury/side effect/adverse event is essentially being ignored or dismissed. Anyway, I think she was lucky to have escaped more serious issues with the first 2 jabs but I don't feel her luck will hold out with a 3rd. Not to mention she is at higher risk due to having suffered a stroke a few years a back. It would be contraindicated to say the least. Thank you again for your story and good for you for being your own best advocate! I wish you the best!

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All double jabbed are now unvaxxed.

Ha ha

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But not to the clean ones. They still carry that poison in their bodies, probably till they die, because I read it cannot get out.

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A better question: Is it safe to hang out with vaccinated people? This unreasonable fear of giving someone a virus when you don't have any symptoms of being sick is very destructive. Keeping loved ones apart because of this fear is just plain evil.

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and then there's the shedding

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I've heard about shedding, but it seems to be a taboo subject. Why is that? Probably the same reason vaccine injury is taboo to many people.

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Excellent point

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How can Pfizer already have a booster for omicron when they don’t know enough about the virus yet?! What cocktail is in this booster?!

Where is the booster for insanity and ignorance?!

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They must feel confident in the MSM Fear Porn!

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I am old enough to remember when people said they were in a "mixed marriage", they meant that the spouses were either of different races or religions or both. Several years ago, one wag used that phrase to indicate that the spouses were affiliated with different political parties. Well, right now I am in a mixed marriage that has nothing to do with race or religion and perhaps only incidentally connected with our different party affiliations. No, in my case, I have a spouse who is deathly afraid of contracting the SARS-2 virus and whose approach to the problem extends well beyond listening to the nostrums at, say, CNN, the CDC, the Administration, Fauci and his minions, etc. So of course she is fully vaccinated and has gotten the booster. And she is a mask person--no surprise there. Our daughter came to visit recently from NYC and I found out that my wife asked my daughter to get tested before she came over, notwithstanding that she too has gotten fully vaccinated and boostered. All this out of concern that I, fit as the proverbial fiddle, who have not and will not drink the COVID Kool-Aid, might contract the virus, thereby creating contagion right in our very home. Of course all this is laughable--at least to me--but I have to live in an environment in which my inclinations as to how to conduct my remaining years do not control certain aspects of behavior. It has been more than 42 years since we both stood under the Chupah so for better or worse, I put up with it at least up to a point. But no jabs for me and no masks. I have been a catcher since I was 10 and have played, until recently, in the Peoples Republic of Arlington County for nearly the past 40 years but not this year when the County imposed a cloth mask requirement on catchers on the field. I wear a catcher's mask to protect myself from real dangers, not the faux ones the County is concerned about. And I stopped giving talks in my synagogue, talks I had been asked to give on matters of sacred text, Judaica, etc. over the past 30 years because of a mask requirement to be in the synagogue. So now I just pray at home daily. My wife does not care that I take good care of myself, walk 6-8 miles daily, do 10-20 minutes of daily rebounding to remain in the trim and am only 10 pounds away from my weight when we returned from our honeymoon. Big deal. Because I will not submit to the injection and mask monsters, I remain ever susceptible to contracting the dreaded virus. I wonder how many others are in a mixed marriage like mine. It is a good thing that I have a strong constitution for enduring unpleasantness. It turns out that love and affection will get you only so far during these dark days. Ah well, things could be worse, much worse than my current ordeal.

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We are having a full-blown Star-bellied Sneetches problem. (Credit DarkHorse Podcast)

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Let's perhaps take a lesson from Narnia: "safe" and "good" may not be the same thing.

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This is such nonsense, how convenient they never mention it could be from the jab.... keep kidding yourselves. Now it's PPSD that's the cause.

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Yeah and shockingly only the vaccinated are getting stressed out during the pandemic! Gee that’s some mighty impressive science going on there...

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Post vaccine stress disorder. PVSD

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If PVSD should be changed to PVDD. Post vaccine death disorder.

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It sounds very serious, and would explain literally everything about heart damage previously blamed on the vaccine. How ghastly.

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Very convenient

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Of for gods sake-- dont buy into that 🙄

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Is it safe being around the vaccinated? They are all lunatics.. 🤣

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Exactly! That’s what concerns me

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I have “friends” like this. Thankfully Covid has spared me from attending our regular dinner parties with conversations so vapid and boring I have to drink excessively just to get through them. These people have always been afraid of their own shadows so to them I say, “good luck.”

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LOL!!! ditto-- time for me to find new friends

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[Opinion] Except perhaps in the most egregious circumstances, when a rift between friend and family occurs, we must ask: Who is the one who initiated the split? For example, if other family members insist you be vaxxed (join the cult) and you refuse, I'd say that "it's on them." It is THEY who tried to impose new conditions on the relationship and, if you don't meet them, THEY now exclude you. In other words, you have done nothing and are not in the wrong. What's the best than you can do now? Let them go. If they ever want to come back in peace, you can evaluate that at a future date. But neither should you curse them into non-existence. They are like the Prodigal Son who left home, not some blood enemy that must be killed upon sight. The weakest action you could take would be to give in to the new demands. You are refusing for a reason, and unless you've honestly re-evaluated your principles and find you are in the wrong, you aren't, and let the other party go. It's his choice to end the relationship, not yours.

Yes, sometimes we have to find new friends. If only it were as easy to find new family.

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So the Protected want the Unprotected to utilize the Protection that no longer protects to further protect the Protected?

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Let's ask the right question. Is it safe to be in the presence of the holy mRNA injectees? How do we really know? 40 trillion spike protein packages...what happens to them?

After seeing that the secret Pfizer data (the data they wanted the CDC to keep hidden until 2076) for the first 3 months of the holy mRNA injection has been forced into the public's eye, I trust no one injected with this unholy garbage. The data is gruesome, to say the least.

Supposedly, killer covid-19 is all spike proteins and so is the holy mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna...any connections? You bet your booties.

No matter, the entire covid scam is based on tests and cases using the extremely faulty PCR method. Show me the actual printout or output that identifies covid and all the 1,247 mutations and how it is determined what is which. Never gonna happen.

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Literally all of my current SOI that are Covid Positive right now are VAXED! How can we ignore what we see in front of us. MSM and Fauci makes us all think we are crazy and that only the vaxed boosted are protected. All of this is ludicrous. The blackballed scientists all warned us!

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What about the un-ziptied? Is it safe to go hang out with folks who have un-ziptied hands that could morph into fists that might pummel your head? I expect a "zip tie" mandate immediately! Safety first!

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One of the Mission Bay (SDUSD) teachers today informed the class that their vaccination status is now visible on the Powerschool attendance records (teacher view). Unvaccinated students have a red mark, partially vaccinated have a yellow mark, and fully vaccinated are marked in green. the students and teacher were appalled. This is private health information that possibly should only be known by a District-level nurse of health officer. This is total overreach by the District. Further, teachers with fear could treat students differently based on this information which is discriminatory based on medical condition/medical status.

Disgusting and I bet mandatory boosters are next for the teens.

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If my child were in that school and affected by this nonsense, I would be speaking to my lawyer today. That's a clear and total violation of HIPAA privacy.

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Or pulling my child out!

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Yes, but you really have to fight back on these things. It's outrageous that a school would expose its students private health information! Should they now be allowed to broadcast to the other parents which children have lice or who is being treated for other embarrassing problems? We're gonna have a generation of anxious, terrified children.

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How bout which teachers have had gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HPV or syph?

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Oh, I like that much better!

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So where is the parental outrage?

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People need to stop being such complaisant cows and make some noise. I have no respect for people who won’t say a word.

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That's a violation of HIPAA. Even if it's the "teacher view," vax status is NONE OF ANYONE'S BUSINESS.

Time to call the lawyers.

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Are they handing out colour coded "Stars" next to pin on their jackets 😳?

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Is it safe to hang out with the vaccinated is my question. What with all the talk of shedding of the manipulated spike protein. The vaccine overloads the immune system like flooding a field. All sorts of shite comes out. In the ICU, we NEVER allowed any vaccines to be given.

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The question itself is embarrassing. Here’s another question - why did I get vaccinated if I have to worry about being infected by those who have been vaccinated but didn’t get the boost? Shouldn’t I feel comfortable hanging out with people who weren’t even vaccinated? Don’t answer that, I hang out with them already. I mean, I’m vaxed & boosted! But wait - aren’t the vaxed still getting infected? Why aren’t the Columbia School of Journalism grads w/ their master degrees not asking that question?

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Because they graduated from the Columbia School of Journalism.

Believe me: I hired two of them. Both had grammatically incorrect resumes, and neither could hit a deadline with a sheet of plywood. Correct spelling? Surely you jest!

Viva diversity, equity & inclusion!

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I know what you mean Rosie. I have doctoral candidates that can’t write and don’t know what a comma is.

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Punctuation is racist.

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This is what diabolical disorientation does to man.

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They don't have a love for the truth?

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They love themselves. They are smitten with their literary "skills."

I could puke just thinking about them.

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OMG still can’t believe this is not a joke but I just read the Pfizer has a vax for Omicrom. It’s a 3 dose series. The recommendation is get a booster now and then get the 3 dose new one. I shit you not!

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The Dr. who "discovered" Omicron said the symptoms are mild fatigue, muscle ache and slight cough. Do we really need a vax or booster for something that is less severe than the common cold(or IS the common cold with a new label)? The vax for Omicron Pfizer is pushing is really just more of the same poison. Every disease is now a variant of Covid. No flu exists anymore. It all just vanished. Everything is Covid or a variant.

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We should nearing the point where if someone admits they work for one of these media organizations, the reaction should be disdain similar to someone admitting they work for a tobacco company. The reaction should actually be worse, since the second hand effects of their product are much, much worse.

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Can we call ourselves Undocumented Citizens instead?

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And to our European, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand friends looking for sanctuary in the US...fly to Mexico and walk across the Rio Grande. If you're separated from your loved ones, Brandon will give you $450K to start your new life, so make sure you surrender to different Border Control Agents.

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Soon they'll be calling us illegals wherever we go. Everybody gets their turn in the barrel eventually.

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Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group

So when that cage is done with them and you still poor it comes for you

The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee you have been used

You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (oops!)


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It's like Dr. Seuss' "Sneeches" story - except with dangerous gene therapy shots instead of belly stars.

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And no one dare ask the question: what are the long term effects of maintaining artificially elevated antibody levels over an extended period of time? Oh, and they are elevated in response to your own cells producing proteins via mRNA. Will your antibodies eventually “decide” that your own cells are the virus?

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yes possibly--its called autoimmune illness (there is a whole host of them)

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I am naturally immune but at some point it is possible a variant created by the vaxed and their leaky genetic treatments could affect me, especially as they take their subscription jabs. I wonder if it is safe to hang out with the vaxed?

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"Subscription jabs" is a great phrase. That's what it's come down to, hasn't it? And so many people have put themselves on automatic renewal.

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Yep. When I look at the current consumer model, subscription is the trend. We used to be able to buy Microsoft Office, now it is subscription. True for so many other things we used to buy. It is all to squeeze more money out for profits. Why wouldn't these be the same? Covid has animal reservoirs, so it will be around like the flu all the time. Flu shots are the (I read) the biggest money maker compared to other drugs.

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Uninterrupted rents are the best income stream ever-- tech, Pharma, media, real estate-- they bear the risk you get the money

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So far, few people I know personally are overly fussy about the vaxx status of other acquaintances. It's been mostly a don't ask, don't tell situation.

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Same here.

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Not to offend anyone but if it is ok for someone to identify as another gender, is it ok for me to “identify” as vaxed, boosted and super boosted?

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I thought now you could choose that you don't want to identify your gender! what happened to that novel concept when discussing vaxx status??

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maybe just a symbol...the artist formerly known as prince.

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We have a t-shirt that says "I Identify as Vaccinated".

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Hey; I do! Had COVID Feb/Mar 2020, but Nurse Wretched and daughter "don't care".

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1000 thumbs up!!! My wife made the same comment recently.

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"Endentulous mouthbreathers!" 😆

Ah, Alex, your particular brand of droll, sarcastic humor brightens the news landscape.

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"Endentulous mouthbreathers!"

As a born and bred Son of the South, I resemble that remark.🤣

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I've seen plenty of New Yorkers who resemble that too

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Thank you, Alex, for your wit. Its the only thing getting me through these days.

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The comment sections are the icing on the cake for these substack posts (Alex, el gato's etc..)...tragic, witty, frivolous, educational, inspirational, desperate, humorous, insightful and sincere. Effin' glorious.

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The comments keep me sane.

My family, friends, neighbors think I'm nuts.

Here, I feel that I'm in good company.

Keep posting. I'll keep reading.

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You're definitely not nuts. :)

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Money quote from Alex's latest book (page 157): "[By late April 2020] The Atlantic was distinguishing itself as the most hysterical elite media outlet of all -- no small feat." 🤣

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