I see a group of people that can not admit they are wrong, and instead, they double down on their mistake. Who knows, the next version of these drugs (sorry, I an not call them vaccines) will most likely have far greater side effects than the last one. Know this, I will NEVER take it , never wear a mask again.

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They KNOW they can "get away" with it

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Especially with the MSM behind them.

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Too bad that no one in the MSM has the courage to go against "The Science." The truth about the virus and the shots has to be plastered on every website, news network and publication. That's the only way to effect change. We need massive numbers to push back. I'm still hearing people talk about the horrors of covid and how lucky we were to have vaccines, they saved so many lives. It could have been so much worse. People are still wearing masks at the slightest mention of the flu even though masks have been shown to be useless for at least 3 years.

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And this isn’t just the public health bureaucrats, but all bureaucrats. This is why the founders designed a limited government of an enumerated powers. And the left has been attempting to undo this since the founding. I hope this is opening Alex’s eyes. It is all about power and control.

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I also see a certain well respected writer who cannot admit he was wrong about a certain I-v…tin therapy .

Or a certain politician who cannot admit he was wrong about toxxxines .

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And the "group of people who cannot admit they are wrong" is legion. These people actually comprise the "leadership" echelon in every important organization in the world.

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Heaven help us!

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When I read what they are saying, it's not clear to me that they know or believe they are wrong. That terrifies me.

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What is just as chilling to me is the WHO Pandemic Treaty......and the powers that be may very well sign the USA up for it

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This is Very concerning to me too! Did you see The Jan Jakielek of Epoch Times’ Roundtable with important news from Senator Ron Johnson!


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More news on the WHO Pandemic treaty, behind the scenes action 6/1/2024:


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As IF this is remotely surprising? Since the planning and execution of the 2020 plandemic not ONE of these people responsible for it all have been the least bit worried of being held accountable. Of course it just continues. Surreal anyone would think it would not. It's all just...allowed to continue and the great taxpayer fleecing will FUND it all over and over and over

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You have written a variation of this same comment more times than I can count. So my question to you is — do you think that RFK Jr would hold these people accountable? I do — especially compared to the other choices. Obviously the current administration is worse than useless and dangerous on many scores. Meanwhile Trump still stands by his vaxx — not only is his ego involved but, as one person has suggested to me, it is because a lot of “moderate Republicans” do too. I guess it’s partly a social class acceptability thing. And Trump the Outsider got played while in office whereas RFK Jr is an Insider/Outsider. As a bonus he’s also right about free speech , opposing digital currency and closing the border.

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May 21·edited May 21

Yes I do and have always tried keeping this top of mind since "time" tends to wash away what is the actual anecdote to the redundancy of the matter. I believe most agree with the premise knowing what is known and what was done with humanity-society. As for RFK...no one in America understands the church of vaccinology as well as RFK for certain on the political, legal and public health fronts. Would HE hold those who should be held accountable to the accountability needed...probably not in my opinion. In a debate with Trump and the puppet currently in the WH he would crush them in substance no doubt. With that said, I WISH he was more moderate to conservative in the climate narrative as well as on his abortion stance. With Trump it's been the one true thorn in my side his decision NOT to address the EUA gene therapy medication launch and aftermath we have all seen play out across the world including within our own circle of influence with family and friends over these past 4 years. Dr. Peter McCullough recently addressed this in an Epoch Times article on why Trump should come CLEAN on his choice to sweep it all under the rug. What gets me the most are those who still use the 4 year old cover for Trump saying he was in a corner and misled by those like Birx, Fauci etc which I can understand and have always had no issue with even though he still could have made changes then too in my opinion. The MAIN issue with me is how he has "to this very day" continued with the "how great" OWS was, and the injection rollout. How any Trump supporter has no issue with this knowing the aftermath of injections and the danger is what it IS! I say this loving Trump's policies, and feel to this day he is the best person available to try and pull America out of the communistic decent we ALL see happening and actually make America more of what it was intended to be. Definitely not perfect by any stretch, but the alternative's are 100X worse. We can all see just how much effort the deep state has put into NOT allowing Trump to be sworn in again to the WH in 25. Quite telling unto itself...in my opinion.

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💯 All of these people need to be held accountable. It would be the one good thing that a RFK Jr Presidency would bring.

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Yes, but his abortion stance has killed more Americans than any disease and all wars!

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May 21·edited May 21

I am pro life but I doubt that pushing abortion is anywhere near Bobby’s top card. Trump got r v w overturned with his justices; it is now a state issue. Trump still stands by Warp Speed which is just as bad as the doctors and scientists who can’t admit they’ were wrong.

IMHO, Bobby would be more effective in the hard work of cleaning up corruption while Trump — in this area — got badly played and every honest conservative knows that uncomfortable fact.

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Yep the vax was a bomb. The negative crowd response has pretty much shut him up about the vax.

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And apparently he has backed off his extreme stance on the advice of those who obviously disagreed. I must confess I was a little shocked to learn what he said — because it actually seemed out of character for him — so I am glad he has backtracked. Still, this is really not a presidental issue at this point, it’s a state issue

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It was never about health and always about control. It’s still is. That’s why the narrative, nor the gameplan, never changes. COVID gave them a taste of the control that was possible. It’s addicting. They’ll never relinquish that euphoria until made to relinquish it. Be ungovernable.

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Power and money are at the root of most policies set by politicians.

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May 20·edited May 20

"And it is stunning that four years after Covid emerged, scientists continue to demand not only that we let them do this work but that governments - that is, all of us - pay for it."

This is why we need to try people like Fauci for crimes against humanity and, upon conviction, execute them in a public forum. Until or unless we get serious about punishing the people responsible for the death of millions around the world, they will not have sufficient incentive to not play such risky games with these pathogens. Fauci (and others) are the modern day incarnation of Josef Mengele and should be treated as such.

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May 20·edited May 20

Exactly...nothing STOPS until that happens...why the F would it!

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Sounds like a job for a very good lawyer who is used to fighting powerful interests…hmm…I wonder if any one like that might run for president someday 😉

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The biggest issue I see, is not the idiots that are running the various pandemic responses at HHS and WHO, but the bigger idiots that are walking around in masks, getting in line for their 7th booster. These same idiots still have their Fauci yard signs. Team Apocalypse certainly learned how easy it is to pull the wool over on the entire world. The loved one's of the young athletes who are dropping dead on the playing field continue to say nada. Ecohealth is still a company and Ralph Baric continues to walk among us with celebrity status, no consequences. Most people simply do not care where the virus came from, their lives are somewhat back to normal, good enough. These mad scientists continue to do gain of function research and are never held accountable. Until we admit as a society the truth of what took place, you can bet it will happen again.

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My next story (I need to write it right now) is about Lyme Disease, an "unnatural" disease that was almost certainly created by gain-of-function "mad science" funded by our government.

This has been going on for many decades. It's nothing new and, yes, the same people and organizations are STILL doing the exact same mad science.

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Unless you believe in extreme coincidence that Lymes disease occurred naturally right next to a bioweapons lab. Unfortunately Bill, most people would believe that. The arrogance of these mad scientists to challenge nature and literally risk the human race, is beyond belief. The only thing more unbelievable is that very few seem to care. They will at some point, but by then it will be too late.

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We need COVID Nuremberg trials.

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Please read the Nuremberg code. It is only 1 paragraph and it has “no teeth”. Meaning ZERO punishment is outlined for those who break the code. None.

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What would happen if we simply abolished all of these alphabet public health agencies?

Wouldn't "public health" be much better?

Anthony Fauci has killed more people than any other American in history (absent a president who started an unnecessary war).

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we can magically fix this if we just make sure that the pharma companies don't make any profit on any "vaccine" at all and assume full liability for any new "side effects" they produce.

all of a sudden, the media would magically be flooded with stories about how reckless it is rush new vaccines to market without 7 years of testing & making sure they didn't give any mice or gorillas long covid.

then the childhood vaccine schedule (and the adult vaccine schedule) will magically shrink over time.

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Dark Thomas - you are right on target. Until the incentives are removed, the growth of these useless jabs will continue.

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By powers that be you mean Biden and the democrat controlled executive branch/agency bureaucrats. When you vote for President and your senator and congressperson, please remember this. Republicans are far from perfect, but they and Trump do not support this treaty.

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My fury with these maniacs took a new turn this weekend when I learned that my high school best friend died last week, at the ripe old age of 67.

SIXTY SEVEN. Her mother, who is in fine health at age 91, told me that my girlhood friend developed muscular dystrophy 22 months ago. My friend had been in excellent health. She was never overweight; she was conscious of her diet. She was physically fit...until she couldn't use her arms, then her legs. Then breathing became difficult.

Her health began to fail two months after her husband, who had been in excellent health, died from glioblastoma. At the time of his death, he was 65. His death occurred 18 months after his diagnosis.

These two people are the latest deaths of people I know who are--WERE--in the same general age-range, in the same general physical conditions., with no "comorbidities."


As far as I can see, there was an international game of "Russian Roulette" with hypodermic needles.

And some people are still playing this insane game.

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My school friend had a severe stroke and disappeared from FB last summer

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Our experts, scientific organizations (and tax dollars) produce that which the experts say they are worried about. Then, when they produce that very thing, their "mitigation" measures make "public health" far worse.

But some people and organizations make unfathomable amounts of money ... and "leaders" like Fauci get invited to give commencement speeches and get paid millions in royalties to write books on how they saved millions of lives.

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By “leaders” I take it you mean successful sociopaths. He seems practically demonic in his ability to lie.

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Yes. They are all "successful sociopaths." All these sociopaths find one another too.

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Apparently, stupidity has no limits either. "We don't know when nature will create a new deadly virus, so let's create one ourselves, or maybe several just to be sure!"

These people are like the volunteer firefighter who goes out and commits arson so that he has a fire to fight.

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I'm going to come right out and say H5N1 is engineered. I will stand by this. For EVER cattle have not been susceptible to Influenza A and B strains. Now, as if by magic, we see dairy cows infected. This is NOT a coincidence. I'm a veterinarian. We have NEVER discussed influenza in cattle. NEVER. Dogs-yes, horses-yes. Cattle-NO. This is NOT a natural occurrence.

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May 21·edited May 21

And so perfectly TIMED once again in an election year as well. 2030 agenda called for 2 plandemics and the 2nd one Gates even said would probably come from birds or avian in nature

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Alex, this isn’t just the public health bureaucrats, but all bureaucrats. This is why the founders designed a limited government of an enumerated powers. And the left has been attempting to undo this since the founding.

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