I'm worried that Biden will forced by his handlers to declare martial law. If that happens, we'll have no human or civil rights at all. Game over.
Biden is nothing but a senile, pathetic, disgusting puppet. But the powers that created this gain-of-function-enhanced coronavirus and the bioweapon "vaccines" are satanic. Don't confuse the two.
I'm worried that Biden will forced by his handlers to declare martial law. If that happens, we'll have no human or civil rights at all. Game over.
Biden is nothing but a senile, pathetic, disgusting puppet. But the powers that created this gain-of-function-enhanced coronavirus and the bioweapon "vaccines" are satanic. Don't confuse the two.
If his handlers actually try that, I'm not sure the military will go along with enforcing it. Not very many state and local police forces will be on board, either. Everyone seems pretty 'covided out'.
You and I and probably everyone in this crowd are "covided out."
I think you need to read The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health., by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The reality of what has happened is much worse than you might think. Read the book. It's difficult, long, horrifying, devastating, overwhelming, staggering, and shocking. Knowing the truth is not for the faint of heart.
I found my heart and mind balking, too, as I read it. I read about one hundred pages, then put it aside for a week or so. Then I returned to it and plowed through it steadily but slowly. Take as long as you need to get through it. I'm all for reading slowly, personally.
I really want to read it, but I too get so depressed just knowing the capability of evil some people possess and are willing to inflict onto humanity. The destroyer is real and living inside these swine. I am more than ready for them to be sent into the sea.
Luke 8:33тАФ Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.
Ditto...there are other books out there as well...think Globalists strategy...wake up people! This is not just about Mr. Wizard (Fauci) and the Buffoon in the White House.
Totally agree with everything you say here. The reality check in the book is horrifying and traumatic but we must know what we're up against if we are to defeat it. For those struggling to get through it, the first part is a slow read but then it goes faster. Wondering if Trump as read it.
Trump? I doubt he'd be able to concentrate enough to be able to read a single page. Or one paragraph.
Remember what Rex Tillerson said about him? "He's as dumb as a rock." "He has the attention span of a flea." Another cabinet member said, "He can't read. His eyes glaze over when you try to explain anything to him. You need to present pictures, not text, to him."
I always thought he sounded like a severely- learning-disabled seven-year-old when he read anything from a teleprompter. It was embarrassing to even listen to him because of how stupid he sounded.
I did some Christmas shopping over the weekend (in a mall that was PACKED with relatively few people masked). There has long been a children's play area in the lower level of the mall. I went by and saw it was likewise packed with unmasked children. Maskless children playing with others in a public setting...had not seen such an encouraging, normal thing in nearly two years.
Guys like Austin and Milley don't have much respect outside the Pentagon. They're seen as political bootlickers by most (if not all) of the higher-ranking officers who actually have commands. They would be well advised to 'tread lightly' when it comes to issuing those kinds of orders.
"National emergencies" have been declared over many things that, in retrospect aren't really all that urgent. Postal workers on strike. Steel workers strikes. Probably many more I can't recall. Just because they don't happen every year (or every decade) doesn't mean much. I say go ahead and declare martial law. This has been dragged along for far too long and it's time to settle it once and for all. I know what side I'll be on, and am willing to die for what I believe in. I suspect a large fraction of the nation believes much the same.
[Note the consummate skill in stopping just short of Fedposting, yet maintaining vague sense of rebellion. ЁЯШО]
I'm worried that Biden will forced by his handlers to declare martial law. If that happens, we'll have no human or civil rights at all. Game over.
Biden is nothing but a senile, pathetic, disgusting puppet. But the powers that created this gain-of-function-enhanced coronavirus and the bioweapon "vaccines" are satanic. Don't confuse the two.
If his handlers actually try that, I'm not sure the military will go along with enforcing it. Not very many state and local police forces will be on board, either. Everyone seems pretty 'covided out'.
You and I and probably everyone in this crowd are "covided out."
I think you need to read The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health., by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The reality of what has happened is much worse than you might think. Read the book. It's difficult, long, horrifying, devastating, overwhelming, staggering, and shocking. Knowing the truth is not for the faint of heart.
Yeah every time I pick it up, it depresses me so much, I put it back down. At this rate it might take me a year to actually read the damn thing.
I found my heart and mind balking, too, as I read it. I read about one hundred pages, then put it aside for a week or so. Then I returned to it and plowed through it steadily but slowly. Take as long as you need to get through it. I'm all for reading slowly, personally.
I really want to read it, but I too get so depressed just knowing the capability of evil some people possess and are willing to inflict onto humanity. The destroyer is real and living inside these swine. I am more than ready for them to be sent into the sea.
Luke 8:33тАФ Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.
Ditto...there are other books out there as well...think Globalists strategy...wake up people! This is not just about Mr. Wizard (Fauci) and the Buffoon in the White House.
Kennedy's book, The Real Anthony Fauci, is about much more than just Tony Fauci and Bill Gates.
Agree, one of the tougher books I have read but read it we must.
Totally agree with everything you say here. The reality check in the book is horrifying and traumatic but we must know what we're up against if we are to defeat it. For those struggling to get through it, the first part is a slow read but then it goes faster. Wondering if Trump as read it.
Trump? I doubt he'd be able to concentrate enough to be able to read a single page. Or one paragraph.
Remember what Rex Tillerson said about him? "He's as dumb as a rock." "He has the attention span of a flea." Another cabinet member said, "He can't read. His eyes glaze over when you try to explain anything to him. You need to present pictures, not text, to him."
I always thought he sounded like a severely- learning-disabled seven-year-old when he read anything from a teleprompter. It was embarrassing to even listen to him because of how stupid he sounded.
Yikes, red pill. I can take it.
I did some Christmas shopping over the weekend (in a mall that was PACKED with relatively few people masked). There has long been a children's play area in the lower level of the mall. I went by and saw it was likewise packed with unmasked children. Maskless children playing with others in a public setting...had not seen such an encouraging, normal thing in nearly two years.
Where are you? That would not be possible where I live, in the San Francisco bay area.
The Left is not so liberal after all. More like Hitler, to parrot that old cliche.
a glimmer of hope
Just left a Walmart. Seems like the majority has put their masks back on. Not me. Not boosted and dug in.
Some State and local authorities wouldnтАЩt go along with Marshall law but Austin and Milley sure as shit would.
Guys like Austin and Milley don't have much respect outside the Pentagon. They're seen as political bootlickers by most (if not all) of the higher-ranking officers who actually have commands. They would be well advised to 'tread lightly' when it comes to issuing those kinds of orders.
he's always been incompetent, dishonest and corrupt (and handsy), I don't feel sorry for him. not at all...
I don't feel sorry for Biden at all. I meant he's worthy of scorn and derision. I've never liked him. I've always thought he's corrupt and disgusting.
Trump declared an National Emergency which sets the stage for Marshall Law.
"National emergencies" have been declared over many things that, in retrospect aren't really all that urgent. Postal workers on strike. Steel workers strikes. Probably many more I can't recall. Just because they don't happen every year (or every decade) doesn't mean much. I say go ahead and declare martial law. This has been dragged along for far too long and it's time to settle it once and for all. I know what side I'll be on, and am willing to die for what I believe in. I suspect a large fraction of the nation believes much the same.
[Note the consummate skill in stopping just short of Fedposting, yet maintaining vague sense of rebellion. ЁЯШО]
You've done your home work!