Yep, I know. Megyn Kelly gave you a boost yesterday, though the other guys credited New York Post with most of your expanded digging. I don't always agree with you, but I know a journalist when I see one. So I'll keep supporting you. I hope others do as well.

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And Glenn Beck and Clay Travis, as well as Breaking Points.

Note: ALL independent media.

I'm continuing my subscription.

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Same here, RioRosie!

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Who's on Breaking Points?

What's it all about?

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Breaking Points is hosted with Saagar Enjeti and Krystal Ball. They provide a right/left perspective without the hysteria. They're on YouTube, Spotify and Locals. Essential viewing, imo.

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Thank you

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Originally these journalists hosted YouTube’s The Hill Rising or is it Rising The Hill (I have never figured out what was up with that name…anyhoo)

It seems like both the journos felt under appreciated and somewhat censored so that they Broke Off and started their own show. Kim Iverson, a conservative highly critical of Covid coverage, later did the same. (She was a big draw for Rising and really deserves an apology.)

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One is liberal and one is conservative so they often disagree. Reminds me of the ‘fighting shows’ my dad watched when I was a kid, like the McNeil Lehrer News Hour.

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So glad to see so many replies--a sign that their audience is growing.

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Krystal and Saagar. Daily news. They have been great. Also very well produced.

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I was a big fan of that show. They were much too sympathetic to vaccine mandates, in my recollection. Kim Iverson who replaced them on Rising was the real deal on COVID.

Maybe I'm misremembering though?

I don't care what they all say now on COVID, what did they say in 2021? I continue to follow Alex for what he said and did in 2020/2021 (and continues to now).

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Never heard of it.

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You know who else has known Biden has dementia for years? Vice president Kamala Harris. Still, she has covered this up and denied it for years.

And you know who else knows the exact same thing? Dr. Anthony Fauci, "America's doctor."

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Sorry but I don’t care so much who gets credit as long as you keep the DemonicRat circular firing squad going.

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Bingo me too.

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Here's a story of mine that tells us some of the interns who pulled off the conspiracy to conceal Biden's dementia for almost four years.


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Well spoken.

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👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Kudos indeed for being the first to break this story —- and for giving a space for fellow truth seekers to come together and grow this community. Glad to be a paying subscriber.

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These people aren't journalists.

If you nailed propaganda to their foreheads they'd ask for copies.

What's outrageous (and dangerous) to me, is the same reason it'll eventually implode:

They're morons who can't even figure out how to make plagiarism look novel.

We got your back Alex. This is a fight for our children. We will never give up.

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There are so many nuggets of truth as this story evolves….. my favorite at the moment being that thanks to the investigative work of Alex , the multi layers of lies by our elected officials and the liberal media have been exposed… and the media’s initial reaction is a Thunberg “ How Dare You ?!?!” But then rather than doing their own digging, they steal Alex’s work!!! They have no work standards. Lie, steal, whatevs!

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You're right. Its much more extensive than Watergate.

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And much more dangerous to the nation than Watergate.

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"These people aren't journalists. ..."

Exactly, it would do untold damage to Alex's reputation if the NYT were to start using his stuff.

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Also: The press secretary of the leader of our country is a black, female version of Baghdad Bob.

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Never, ever. Til my last breath.

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Just checked “you” out. I’m printing all your COVID opinions out for my kids, 37 and 42. Common sense. Thank you!

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Amen Nancy. We need you and your wisdom.

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Alex B. - the Novak Djokovic of journalists...

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Idemo Nole, Idemo Alex!!! God Bless. Gospodi Pomiluj!!

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Keep it up Alex. The next scoop will be trying to figure out why the Dem's made a 180 in the last 24 hours and are now supporting Biden again. Is it because Kamala is that bad and kicking her off would kill their scared DEI initiatives? Or did Biden threaten someone of importance?

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There is also a money problem. If Bidumb is dumped it has to be Kamaltoe because only she can use the 200 million plus in donations for campaigning. Whitless from Michigan and Gruesome Newsom cannot touch it. So they kinda have no choice at this late stage. They knew this 3.5 years ago. Tough shit on them now.

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All great points and I love the nicknames. Will use those going forward.

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Thanks, but cannot take credit for the nicknames. I have seen them multiple times over the past few months, though Gruesome Newsome has been around for longer.

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A great one from a European publication which came out after the debate was “Joematose”.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Alt view: 200 mill is chump change to the donor class and can be replaced hypothetically, the bigger problem is time not money

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Yes time is a critical factor as well. From what i have heard it is already past the time in some states to even change the ballots. Though we all know laws are only suggestions to the Bidumb party.

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The NYT is suitable for lining your parrot cage. That's it.

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Alex. Here is another "vacinne" side effect you may wish to research. When the Phizee shots were first made available years ago, my husband insisted we both get them. I did not want to do so because I have myasthenia Gravis, but he insisted. Off to Walgreens we went for our 1st of 2 shots. Within a few days of getting the shot, my husband's old smallpox scar (had to be over 65 years old) lit up bright red and hurt. He called his doctor who said Phizer "vaccines" can do that and to ignore it. Some prescribed time later we got our second Phizer shot. His smallpox scar got redder, more painful and bigger. It became scaly. Over the next 4 years my husband asked repeatedly of his PCP as well as his oncologist (who follows him annually forever from melanoma of 10 years ago) about this ever growing, painful, red, scaly smallpox scar, and every time he was told it was nothing. He began to develop precancerous lesions on his scalp and went to a dermatologist 2 weeks ago. She immediately recognized the smallpox scar as cancerous (SCC) and biopsies it to confirm. He has surgery on the 16th of this month, but he has been walking around with cancer on his arm for 4 years because apparently nobody knows about this side effect. I mentioned it to yet another doctor who said she had seen another case in our small town. How many people worldwide are walking around with cancerous smallpox scars triggered by COVID "vaccines?"

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

The injections reactivate many things not to mention accelerate and yet everyone is just coming to accept the huge increases in ill health and death as if just a normal aspect of life. Those who did this to humanity all walk FREE still. Zero accountability anywhere to be seen as we now enter the 2nd half of 2024. Mikovits in her books talked about these side effects and the normalization of them long ago. therealdrjudy.com Her books are great! She exposed Fauci back in the AIDS era. Granted nothing was done in terms of accountability then either. It's all simply allowed...

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Yup. Jeff Childers points to "turbo cancer" constantly. I am ever grateful I avoided the experimental shot!

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With a very limited immune system after three shots of the mRNA EDED (Extremely Dangerous Experimental Drug), cancer grows rapidly with nothing to fight it. Hence turbo cancer

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Dr. Russell Blaylock reports that IVM not only gives C19 protection but also "suppress(es) and kill(s) tumors". He also reports that by the third injection of Covid vaccine a person has little or no immune system. The reason is the mRNA causes a dramatic rise in the immune suppressor called the IgG4. Now, due to the mRNA, pathologists, are seeing an explosion in cancers and and cancers are turbo in nature rapidly metastasizing. Wife and I have been on IVM for approaching 5 years and have had no covid or cancer.

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What do you mean you've been on IVM for 5 years. Is it a daily thing for you?

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Twice a week on a dosage determined by body weight. A more frequent dosage would be administered if Covid was present. Our DIL was on a heavy dose daily while being treated for breast cancer (3.5) as well as Nano Curcumin and a few other supplements (Amla and Moringa for instance) as well as a heavy veggie diet. After chemo and surgery at MD, the surgeons were confused because they found no evidence of cancer (only scar tissue they thought was evidence of cancer once being present) in 45 lymph nodes removed and a double mastectomy. She had cancer confirmed by two biopsies before treatment began. So far she is cancer free but still on IVM and Nano Curcumin. We are confident IVM played a significant role in her success thus far.

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IVM - is that ivermectin? ?? A certain kind?

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Just the standard Ivermectin.

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I don't thin k they check for *any* side effects. No see, no hear.

Dr. Kory (I think) or at least one of the doctors in the FLCCC, said that medical examiners DO NOT stain for spike proteins.

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We have gone to bat for you over on Jeff Childers' Coffee and Covid Substack...not sure what his readership is, but they all now know that the source was YOU!! Check out the comments section....


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Yes! Jeff issued a correction crediting you.

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Lovely of him. Hopefully you as well!

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Some are giving you credit - Dan Bongino credited you yesterday in his podcast.

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I sent him a tip minutes before I heard him credit Alex and said the NY Times stole it. I underestimated the man again!

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And again today!

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As did Megyn Kelly.

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Thank you for all you do, Alex. This is a victory for those of us who want to hear the truth, even it we don't like what it says.

I first subscribed to you when you were reporting about Covid vaccines and you said something like (I forget the exact wording), "On page 67 of the Appendices to this scholarly scientific article this one table shows that the shots were dangerous for this group of people." I was really impressed - that was some dedicated and tenacious reading! You continue to dig through things powerful people don't want highlighted - again, thank you!

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I started subscribing 1/12/23 when Berenson posted "Everything you hate about climate change virtue signaling in the most absurd story you'll read this year: The New York Times somehow casts a Massachusetts couple sho spent $7 million on building an oceanfront (second) home as environmental activists. Can't make it up." The essay is a gem.

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I remember that, Buffy! They flew in special insulation from France or something. As if that helps the environment?!!

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I think you are amazing. What you have endured is incredible. You could have kept your mouth shut and been rewarded, but you did the right thing. I don't know if you realize how rare you are.

People like you just might save the world.

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The comments on the NYT are hilarious. Full of Leftist Loyalists who are saying the visits are because there was a recent bill passed funding Parkinson's research, so of course all those visits were an expert advising on that bill.

I guess they missed this part.

"with all but one visit scheduled by the navy nurse who oversees care for President Biden."

Maybe they should read Unreported Truths instead of the derivative NYT coverage.

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The doubling down on their bullshit is epic.

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That's why I'm a subscriber, Alex. Keep at it.

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He's not just a journalist, he's the circulation director, too! Come on folks, pay the man.

The Supreme Court screwed the country with the Murthy decision. Nobody has standing because they can't prove they were personally damaged by being censored. It's going to take someone with a better case, someone who can prove he has suffered actual damages from the government ordering Twitter to ban him, to get our rights back.

Berenson vs. Biden is our last hope. Surely supporting that worthy endeavor is worth the pittance he asks.

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And the Managing Editor..... 😄

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You are a leader in the "new world of journalism," and I much appreciate what you are doing and the risks you took to get here. Thank you for the truth.

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NYT- thieves and liars

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