So, Denmark is smart enough to take one of the many 'off ramps' that have presented themselves over the last 18 months (one of the early ones was Summer 2020, when cases plummeted and the NYT -- the NYT! -- reported that PCR tests were giving 90% false positives).

Unfortunately, at least in my personal experience, a good part of the US has been propagandized into a state of paralyzed terror. They are well beyond the point of reason and they don't WANT to take an off ramp.

I'd hoped that the vaccine would, at least, serve as an inoculation against *fear*, but here we are with the vaccinated (i.e., purportedly protected) being terrified of the unvaccinated. When has that ever happened before, with a "vaccine"?

I'm happy the Danish government feels their citizens are sane enough to take the off-ramp. Sadly, it's Karen driving the car here -- white knuckled, teeth gritted behind her triple mask, and she ain't about to slow down.

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Convincing the "vaccinated" to fear the unvaccinated started before vaxx failure was undeniable...clearly, part of the psy-op. Now that vaxx failure is undeniable, the "vaccinated" are primed to blame the unvaccinated...even though it's ridiculous and counter-intuitive. If anything, the unvaccinated should be wary of the "vaccinated" because some portion of them are now asymptomatic carriers.

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The unvaccinated are the most vulnerable now, but that is slowly changing as vaccines wear off and because of vaccinating during a pandemic the virus will mutate and produce a variant much stronger to survive. The virus must have hosts to survive. Therefore the virus must resist vaccines, variant winner, which since they are leaky vaccines, easier to do. People do not realize there is leaky vs sterilizing.

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"natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity."


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According to PHE data, the fully vaxxed over 50 have a higher rate of infection with the Delta variant than the unvaxxed. Given that the ratio of fully vaxxed to unvaxxed is ~9:1 that is quite telling.

IMO, the risk of serious disease and death is stratified by age and comorbidities. Obesity is the universal risk factor.

And, yes, mass vaccination in the middle of the pandemic with leaky jabs will drive mutations that escape vaxx immunity and prolong the pandemic.

Table 4., page 14


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viruses mutate. That's what they do.

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and get weaker as they mutate

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Normally, but how this virus was handled, developed, and vaccinations during a pandemic, the variants appear to be acting differently.

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I dunno Delta variant seems to have followed the more contagious less deadly MO

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What do you mean how it was handled and developed? The medical behaviour of not giving a vaccine (remember this isn't one- there is not dead or alive viral material in the jab) during a pandemic is what we all get taught. Can you reference where you think " the variants appear to be acting differently"? Thanks

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Right? No good for viruses with a fast kill.

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Look around, anyone else getting that deja vu feeling? This is a path that we’ve gone down before and guess who was in charge of the debacle? If you guessed Fauci, you’ve been keeping up.

As AIDS was primarily killing gay young men and some people who had received transfusions, Fauci was busy ignoring the facts. It was obvious to the physicians treating AIDS patients that thousands of gay men were dying and a very small percentage of heterosexuals were afflicted.

Fauci promised an effective vaccine within a year and 40 years later we are still waiting.

The AIDS epidemic ravaged through communities and robbed families of their loved ones. Fauci and the CDC refused to shut down gay bars and bathhouses. No edicts they said. Instead they handed out condoms. Individuals were trusted to make their own decisions. Some did and some didn’t. They trotted out laws to make it a crime to have unprotected sex. Why did they mince around the facts and insist it was equally deadly and prevalent in gay and straight populations? I’m fairly certain that politics created a false equivalency so as to avoid stigmatizing the very group who were watching their worlds collapse.

Fauci has a pattern and a history of failure. Instead of protecting the most vulnerable, the gays in AIDS and the elderly in Covid, he chose to grandstand and elevate himself by spreading fear. He was on every channel, in essence screaming “do as I say or you’ll die”. When it came to saving lives, Fauci chose his own fame over the health and societal wellbeing of Americans.

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Everything you said is correct. One thing you left out though. Fauci also was the one that pushed the theory that you could catch AIDS from someone simply by being in the same room with them. That by itself, further stigmatized the gay community even further.

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The idea that AIDS might be wildly infectious was started in the late 80’s. Fauci knew better and said so but chose to intentionally mislead us to help create support for private and governmental funding of research dollars.

Fauci is a tiny little empty suit and perhaps the most Machiavellian bureaucrat on the planet.

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Fauci also pushed AZT for AIDS and those who took it died faster than those who didn't. He's got a lot of blood on his hands.

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I remember AZT being pushed but didn't realize it was a problem. Lost so many friends to that virus.

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Dr Peter Duesberg exposed the flaws in the hypothesis that HIV caused AIDS. He has website under his own name. AZT was a failed chemo drug from Burroughs Wellcome and it was too lethal so discontinued.. then along came the 70s, liberalizing gay sex in bathhouses. That behavior with use of drugs destroyed the immune systems of gay men. Fauci was behind using AZT to treat AIDS, and is probably responsible for the deaths of a quarter million gays. Long story, but trust me Duesberg is no crank, and his website does a thorough job if supporting what I just synopsized.

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He also during that time refused to support the use of some very effective therapeutic drugs that drs were using to save lives. He, then and now, very likely has blood on his hands

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It's impossible to ever prove this. Some of his biggest critics (articles written 5 or 6 years ago) estimated that roughly one million people needlessly died in this country alone, because of his decisions.

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of course, but at the time people publicly denounced him and got nowhere, like now.

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Can we stop with the slurs? Karen is a real name.

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So are Tom, Dick, and Harry. Lighten up.

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I'm sure some white woman out there named Karen, who already struggles with self-worth because society craps all over people like her, is getting ever more desperate. But hey, Tommy and his buddies want to keep the party going so it's ok.

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Oh dear is it a "safe" issue or are you just virtue signalling on behalf of Karens

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In your world, is it possible to have sympathy for people you don't know?

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Oh Lord-- I am the wrong person to try to shame even passively aggressively-- if you only knew!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Ask that of 70+ million Democrat voters and their "leaders", and when the vast majority show by actions they have sympathy, then we'll look at lesser disruptive issues.

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People who feel desperate because someone misuses her name has far deeper problems. Probably mostly people who don't like parties.

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Oh well, now it's the COVID-party so shut up if you don't like it.

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Been stricken from Vox/Pox, Huffington Post/ HuffingRancidToast, the New York Times/ Slimes, Washington Post/ Compost sites and now trolling here, him/her/he/she/they/them/it?!

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Time to go home troll

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I like parties, but don't have time to go to all of them. I got the invitation (twice that I know of) but skipped that party.

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Are you saying only white women are named Karen?

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Would your real name happen to be Ken? I've never seen someone stand up for people named Karen before. You would hope real people named Karen are intelligent enough to know the reference is not directed at them. But, intelligence does seem to have left the building for many over the last 20 months.

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Hey, my name is Joe, and my name is being shredded on a daily basis by the current Executive Proclaimer. You don't see me on here whining do you? Just take a deep calming breath and relax.

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You got my first laugh of the day Joe!

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I have a friend named Karen and I asked her whether the use of the name Karen in the derogatory way that it has come to be used bothered her. She just laughed and said of course not.

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it's too late

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yeah, let's end "racism", "white supremacy", and "science" too, and then, wow, maybe we'll have some accountability and responsibility again?!?!

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OK, how about "Liberal" ?

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Using that term is an insult to people who are actually liberal.

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Oh Lord -- get a hobby

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So is Kate... You know..Kate the Shrew...

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The humanists will spin data to avoid the truth: it's not the vaxxes.


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Nice article 😊

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this is so well said!

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This is in line with the US military data. There are 1.3 million active/reserve military under the age of 30 in the United States. Exactly THREE of the people in that cohort have died from (with?) COVID in 20 months.and that's with a 10% positivity rate, which is only marginally lower than non-military positivity.

So if you're under thirty, and in good enough physical shape to join the military, your odds of dying from COVID in a given year are 30X LESS than dying in a fatal automobile crash. If you are in that group and have already recovered from COVID, the odds of you dying from a subsequent infection are in line with getting struck by lightning or drowning in your bathtub.

Can't wait for the smooth brains to jump and frantically waive their hands screeching about relative risk reduction from the vaccines, when ABSOLUTE risk reduction for certain cohorts is functionally ZERO.

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And there is an ex military doctor who back in early August reported there were 80 young men who developed myocarditis after getting poked! Tragic that the cure is worse than the virus!

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Ha! "smooth brains" love it.

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The Covid 19 virus has shown without a doubt that Americans , in general, are in very poor health compared to other countries around the world. The sad thing is, the severity of covid 19 can easily be mitigated or eliminated through losing weight and better nutrition ( vit D3 ) and yet we have heard nothing from the so called public health experts or mainstream media. Vitamin D should have been recommended and/or distributed to every household ! Hell, the FK. H. Fauci

takes it !! Prevention is not profitable. We do not have a healthcare system in this country,

we have SickCare system that leads to GreedCare!!

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I'm 50 overweight, I take no prescription drugs, have no known illnesses, eat non processed healthy foods, drink way too much beer (own a small commercial brewery/taproom), work in a heavy industrial environment with over 500 people, socialize extensively at my taproom, do not social distance, have live bands, small crowds, hug, etc. Somehow.. I am still alive. I am a powerlifter too so I do exercise and am quite strong. I really should walk more and drink less beer and I'd probably be fit as a fiddle... but I've lived old normal pretty much the whole time. My regular person job was essential during our only full lockdown and we gathered clandestinely in large groups too including sometimes at my taproom. I possibly had covid in February 2020 too but it wasn't really a thing yet here. Looking at the numbers it never made much sense. There is more going on here than a virus. This is more like an excuse... Klaus Schwab/Bill Gates remake the world excuse like they told us.

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Exactly-- lets hope the "culling the herd" group posting here understand this.

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(MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE) Until I faced the fatality of the overweight-abyss, I forced myself to take action (naturally... no artificial-man-made-ANYTHING). It made huge difference to my health - which I thank for enabling me to reject invasive-unapproved-untested jabs. Feeling safe, feeling great and absorbing information posted here. Thanks Alex.

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Excellent point-- I would add Canadians to that comment as well.

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well, what it really says it that we Americans spend alot of money keeping elderly and frail people alive. Trust me when I say - there is alot of walking wounded out there.

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And an increasing # of walking University/College age young people walking wounded out there. And there will be even more after the dust settles on this "thing"called COVID. So what do we do with people in this state? A group posting here would believe we should "cull the herd" -- yup. I feel we should address the concerns of the "walking wounded" -- every person has a different story. Helping anyone with their health-- physical or mental is helping ourselves and each other. That is humanity.

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very few mortalities and low morbidity in young people - those are facts. I think 535 people under 18 have died. This is less than the flu or RSV. Kids are at minimal (no) risk from Covid.

The point about walking wounded is that there are alot of elderly and frail people that will die. Getting rid of Covid doesnt change that unfortunately. They will die from another respiratory virus - the flu etc.

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Agreed--seems like the "regular" flu disappeared ( acknowledgement and stats) in 2020

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My personal experience (living in my small world), aging Americans proudly support themselves; never seeking government hand-outs (perhaps that's why we never vote for tyrannical woke-cult governments. I am equally aware , as my tax-burden continually reminds me, there are PLENTY of moochers incentivized by those governments we reject; many: old and frail.

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The frail and elderly were paying taxes to provide schooling and defense to protect the young pukes who now think they should be culled.

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so true! so well said! But the obesity problem is in a lot of countries--Italy and India come to mind.

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Alex, I think the goal for the USofA is pretty simple. I suspect that most of the vaccine efficacy actually comes from natural immunity. People that were previously infected that went ahead and got the shot. Natural immunity eventually wins out here as we have to be getting close to the 50 + % of people in the country that have had Covid. This number of protected individuals increases as Covid spreads. Soon Covid will be endemic as these rapid massive outbreaks become less and less common.

Team Vax will declare victory with the massive vaccination program - that by the way - it looks like it just spread the disease faster. Just ask the Cornell students! They have 5 times the infections they had last year. Also less testing and fewer students. 95% Vaccinated.

Unfortunately - it looks like they are really focussed on jabbing young children who have no risk from Covid. I really fear the damage this could cause our kids.

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Yes. I agree. It makes you wonder what is in the vaccines.

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My sister just received an email from the HR Dept at the company she has worked at for 20 years. Receive the vaccine, or be terminated. The company receives funding from Medicare and Medicaid, so she isn’t even eligible to take a weekly test to keep her job.

I could cry right now. If we don’t have control over what we put in our body, we no longer have rights as a human.

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JoBu this is outrageous! That company is too quick off the mark. This 'mandate" is being aggressively repudiated and too soon to tell if it will actually happen. Remember - it comes from the same guy who promised a secure and orderly exit from Afghanistan. This "mandate" has thrown 80 million good people into a tizzy about their futures and is part of the ongoing psy-op. First - your sister should let them go ahead and fire her. This will play in her favor if these situations end up in court. Also, There may be a severance package offered, and she will qualify for unemployment. If your sister is 55 or older and has a 401k she can cash it in without paying the 10% penalty if cashed in same annual year as termination (the Rule of 55). We have been conditioned for so long that this master/slave relationship between employers/employees is normal and it can be hard to see beyond that security. There are options. Freelancing, working for a smaller company, changing careers. When one door closes another opens. That company your sister works for is a terrible employer. I am waiting for the shoe to drop where I work too. Everyone should have a Plan B. So sorry for your sister.

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I agree, this is awful. If it comes to it, make sure she gets fired, and does not quit/resign. I am hoping for so many lawsuits. If she resigns, she may not be eligible to sue.

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Start a new union. The original unions had to fight penniless, and tooth and nail to get started. You could start one, and probably shake a local conservative group (ironically!) for initial legal funds.

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In April 2020, a paper was published in the US that implicated obesity as the number one risk factor for bad outcomes from covid. Obesity, not old age or anything else, took first place. It reported that the virus replicates more efficiently in ectopic fat, that fat people shed the virus more efficiently, and that explained not only whole households of obese people getting sick rapidly, but Asians' higher infection rates. Asians have higher percentage of body mass that's fat for a given BMI, than whites. But none of this made the news, because fat shaming is worse than abandoning fat people to a death from covid. They were denied a prophylactic measure by a stupidly woke culture.

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How did we get to a point that we embraced obesity? Shaming absolutely no. Helping, but admitting how obesity is a huge driver of many chronic diseases. Youth is much more sedentary than older generations ever were. For over a decade, a gorgeous bike trail went through our property. I think all totally 65 miles. I rode my bike on this system starting after cancer surgery. I absolutely adored it. Our state had many such systems. I tried many. Many day trips. Started biking 30 miles a day. I rarely saw anybody. The only time my husband and I came upon folks was near the trail heads so near a town. People mostly walking dogs. What we noticed was originally when trials created huge parking lots were cut, many paved. So once upon a time people did ride trail. Many gift shops along the way. All empty today. Towns clearly thought there was business coming off bike trail. Kids do not bike without parents. Parents do not ride very often. That is not to say bikes are not being sold. They are. They just sit in garage. Where I live now, joined bike group. It is gorgeous here. I am about the only one biking anymore.

During my many visits to hospitals, it is clear staff is obese. They see me as a rail. I swear I am not. Everything is relative. Nurses are heavy. Doctors are catching up. Receptionists are always obese.

Saw stat that over 70 percent that died of this virus were also obese. Also much of that number also had dementia indicating elderly population. Our media is purposely scaring people to drive vaccines, deliberately never reporting vaccine deaths and long term illnesses. They could have instead encouraged people to lose weight, get some sunlight, exercise, etc. Almost like they want more to die to prove some sort of point.

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Our local hospital system just hired a "health advocate" and I swear he must weigh 300 pounds. It's shocking how self-unaware so many in the medical field are.

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It's like hiring a physical trainer who's out of shape. Like taking painting lessons from an artist whose work is crap. Just why?

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I admit I watch a lot documentaries about food and health. The experts interviewed about health during one documentary in Australia were all obese. This just floors me.

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Loved your account of the bike trail. Maybe some of the blame for obesity can go to cell phones. They seem to be hypnotic, and people, kids included, sit very still for hours a day, surfing or gaming.

Another insight: our microwave blew up six months ago. We didn't replace it. My husband and I both lost weight since because it's not so easy to heat food now. We have to stop and think about it.

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deleted google search app awhile ago. But getting rid of my mic is a bridge to far!!

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April 2020? That is two months into this. There is a lot more data out now. Metabolic health is certainly important. I think you are widely overstating this factor. "Asians have higher percentage of body mass that's fat for a given BMI" What does this supposed to mean? Asians have had far better outcomes than Westerners. In fact it isn't even close. All the major countries are less than 1000 deaths per million. Generally around 300. India, Philippines, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Japan. The older populations on traditional diets are certainly better off and are in better health than older US populations.

One benefit they have that people in the USA don't have is that they are not being treated with kidney killing Remdesivir and shoved on ventilators. Fauci's protocol of no early treatment is a major factor. They also have access to Ivermectin. lol

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If you believe sleep matters, which I strongly do, Japan has a huge problem. Sleep pods? US is not much better, but sleeping in public in Japan happens a lot. Most getting little sleep at night needing naps which messes up circadium rhythm. Sleep, and long sleep around 8 hrs is only time body can repair itself. I believe I have had cancer nearly my entire adult life because I rarely slept. I was so busy. I learned to cope with 4 hrs. My body could not kill those cancer cells because body was awake all the time. I have to work at sleeping soundly today. I am pretty good. 6 plus hrs. Also try not to eat after 6 pm. Again body would then need to work on digestion if I eat late. Gone went my migraines, joint pain, which is nothing but inflammation which causes cancer. BTW, took respiratory therapy years ago, and know that few medical staff know how to use ventilators. A few brave docs and nurses early on admitted so on Twitter. I am being kind here. They described an awful scenario. Criminal.

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My understanding is the federal government has given hospitals immunity for strictly following protocol. That protocol is no early treatment, remdesivir, high flow oxygen, ventilator as the final step. The feds pay the hospital for that treatment. If that patient wants something else they have to fight the hospital and will be billed by the hospital. The evil is coming from the feds. There is no concern for the patient

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It's the basic Asian physical makeup. They're not fat, it's just for the same BMI they have more fat. The paper was slain referring to American populations.

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If I’m reading this right - if my wife gets covid, she will turn into a Swedish model like the pic in the article. That would be a miracle for a dumpy guy like me!

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Better hope the Covid turns you into a rich man then! 😉

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The difference between Denmark and the US? They aren’t cursed with Tony Fauci.

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You got that right!

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If our government and the CDC did not constantly change its stories, move the goalposts and be honest about the vaccine, more Americans might be more open to getting the vaccine. But our government lies, so it's not surprising so many millions do not trust our government. Instead, the government is going to use the unvaccinated as scapegoats instead of making a better vaccine, and creating better therapeutics. Biden needs to blame someone, since he has done nothing except whine about cloth masks which as we know, do virtually nothing. Where are the N95 masks for the most vulnerable?

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Agreed , but BTW masks dont work vs viruses --dont care what the mask is

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Carol, you’re 100% right. Here’s proof (lots of links to primary sources within): https://www.city-journal.org/do-masks-work-a-review-of-the-evidence

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Which reminds me, Alex. Still waiting with bated breath for your promised insights into the Bangladeshi article on masking which is now pronounced repeatedly as "proof". It has many issues, but I want to add yours to the list before pushing back hard. Hope you publish on it soon! Thanks

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Yes if they were honest and interested only in what's best for the country, more high risk people probably would be vaccinated (even though they are already highly vaccinated). The problem is that if the CDC and the govt were honest more low risk people wouldn't get vaccinated and they would be open to treatment options instead of vaccines. This would in my opinion put the country in a better place but it wouldn't serve the agenda of big pharma and the govt.

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The goalpost whack-a-mole may have been the deciding factor for many deciding to reject the jab. Once the doubt is raised AND one does its own research, one can arrived to the most sensible conclusion that best suits one's needs/health-situation. Government intrusions are unwelcomed and shall be rejected.

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Sep 13, 2021
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So true, just this AM a lady that normally plays tennis after me at 9 was not there because she had Covid in April but just had the vaccine anyway because of (bad data, lies, etc) and her arm is bad shape she can't even leave the house. Someone made the moronic comment that you need to move the arm after a vaccine to prevent it from getting stiff. I mean the cognitive disassociation with actual reality is just so bizarre to me. That ain't normal folks..

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A friend of mine who had covid got pressured into taking one Pfizer shot just to really make her "bulletproof". She's now four weeks into side effects of paresthesia in feet and legs and side, heaviness in muscles, fatigue. She's very sorry she did this. And none of the doctors who encouraged her to take the shot are any help at all.

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Sep 13, 2021
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One of my sisters, a Navy vet, took the JJ shot. Her platelets went to 765, after she'd spent the previous 35 years with low platelets. The VA didn't give a care. They're now crashed to 65. And she's bruising/hemorrhaging under the skin without having bumped into anything. I had her report it to VAERS because the idiot doctors wouldn't.

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There are protocols out there for post-vx issues that can help her. Start digging, FLCCC is a good place to begin

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I, too, know far more people injured by the shot than the illness.

My Nazi sister, however (the one who ran to get her 13 yo son jabbed), is the only one of us who “knows”(?) 6 people who actually succumbed to Covid (I don’t believe her).

Incidentally, her son had a reaction to his second shot and required the paramedics and a trip to the ER, “out of an abundance of caution.” (Been smh since this started…)

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You poor nephew. Hopefully he is ok

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So far, so good. Thank you for your sweet words! ❤️

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Did they do a D-Dimer test on him?

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Yes important!!

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I don’t know. I’d ask, but I’m afraid my sister will get defensive.

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I am so sorry. What a quandary.

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Poor kid. Hope he recovers OK.

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Thank you! ❤️

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Sep 13, 2021
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So far, so good. Fingers are crossed he stays that way.

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Plus for eg. I have a man of 55 who had a polio jab when he was 2 -- he developed polio and has a whizzened left leg . He has a limp and has been limited his whole life by this. Guess what he said to me when I raised the vaccine? Point is there are countless situations where people have had really bad experiences with previous standard vaccines let alone try an experimental one.

We are all not the same!! Remember

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There’s a Tik Tok video of two women in their 20’s who call themselves “the tremor twins.” They both took Pfizer & live within 15 miles of each other.

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the tremors from the jab? I don't do Tik Tok so depending on you...

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I know firsthand of more deaths and serious adverse effects from the vaccines, than I know firsthand people seriously sickened from covid.

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Yes, you are right!

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Can you please start a podcast. I can help you get started if you need any tips. It’s simple and fun!

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Yes! Alex, we need your podcast!

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Think of how manageable Covid would be if the powers that be would promote the cures? It is criminal to allow people to die that could have been cured !

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For five years now I’ve watched the FDA and CDC recommending more and more pharmaceuticals. And lowering the level to where you need the pharmaceutical. The sun based on age alone, so you’re 65 you need this now whether or not you’re healthy.

So this would not be a profitable move to promote the actual cure

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Ivermectin and Regeneron amongst other meds are proving quite effective!

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