In a rational world the scientific and medical establishment would be long past any pro-mRNA propaganda. The jabs have failed. They were a (semi-)noble experiment, but they’ve failed. The proof fills hospitals and morgues from Tel Aviv to Edinburgh.
Instead researchers would be trying desperately to answer the questions about what may happen next:
Will original antigenic sin run deeper with vaccine-generated immunity than natural immunity? In other words, do shots that produce supra-natural levels of antibodies to the original - and now defunct - spike protein lead to deeper imprinting than the natural immune response to the entire virion? If so, what may the long-term impact of that “aggravated” imprinting be?
What, if anything, may the near-complete failure of the vaccines to lead to the production of CD8+ T-cells mean for the development of long-term immunity to Sars-Cov-2 post-breakthrough infection?
Why did non-Covid deaths increase so much last fall in Europe and the United States - with the excess particularly visible in people under 50 at low risk from Covid? Why have they since retreated? Why did cardiovascular deaths in particular spike so much?
Has the incidence of myeloid or lymphatic cancers increased in the last year? How frequently are cases like this one in Belgium occurring? Do the cases of severe lymphadenopathy that sometimes follow the shots carry any long-term risk, or do they resolve without incident?
What, if any, protection against severe infection and death from Covid did and do mRNA vaccines actually offer AFTER factoring out deaths in the rump of elderly people too sick to be vaccinated? How does that protection decline over time? How did Omicron change it?
ADDED BONUS QUESTION for the CIA: why has China completely avoided using mRNA vaccines?
A billion people need the answers to the questions.
Which is exactly why no one in power appears to be in any hurry to ask them.
I've discovered that, for the most part, the ONLY people interested in the answers to these questions are those of us who have not taken these mRNA shots.
The jabbed are like those whistling past the graveyard.
No. Some of us got the jab under duress and asked questions in the spring, only to now get the answers that are concerning....praying God strengthens our bodies because we got the jab in good faith to now be informed otherwise. We have been healthy so far, will never get the booster, and can only wait now to see what happens in years ahead. Not sure if everyone's immune response is the same, or if genetics will have a factor in how the mRNA affects their overall health. God's design of the human body is complex, wonderous and healing could be possible. Praying
It's a matter of personal choice to inject yourself with experimental drugs. Parents forcing unwitting children to do so is just plain evil. I have no more patience for excusing intentionally bad acts.
Especially those who might be injured for life. I have dealt with birth defects in my low back my entire life, brought about by my mother being convinced to take the 'pregnancy drug' DES (diethylstilbesterol), so I am familiar with that situation.
My mother was also convinced to take the DES drug, telling her it would prevent miscarriages. This decision effected my reproductive organs and made it very difficult to get pregnant. I have 2 children, 1 adopted and 1 via IVF! My daughters nor I will ever take the shot!
Sorry to hear that. Your situation sounds exactly the same as what happened to my older sister. My mom actually took the drug with my brother who is older than both of us. He was affected also, but not as much as my sister and I. Doesn't appear to have had any impact on my younger siblings though.
Parents are playing with fire here out of ignorance. I feel like I am watching a horror movie where I can see the plot but the actors have not yet been told the ending. It's hard to watch. I'd like to turn off the movie, but I can't.
My wife was in full remission from lung cancer in March 2021. She suddenly developed a gelatinous blood object in her left atrial appendage. Cardiac MRI and PET reports said it was not a thrombus. This thing in her heart didn’t light up like a clot. Evidently part broke broke off in October, causing one stroke. Then, a month later, the rest careened into her brain as a major embolic event. Meanwhile a growing nodule has appeared near her previously benign lung suture. She had no previous heart or clotting issues. In fact, initially they thought the LAA mass was a cardiac metastisis. It wasn’t. You will never convince me the Pfizer vaccine was not at least a contributing factor in all this. And none of her doctors will submit her case to VAERS. They are all in denial.
They are not in denial. The know what these vaccines are doing. We no longer have medical establishments that hold up the oath they took for their patients. Their new oath is to serve their master big Pharma and the share/stock holders of the corporations they now work for, once called hospitals. They are now politically owned!! Like everything else we have known... Praying for your wife, I so sorry to hear this. And , Praying for this Nation. God is the only one who can protect us .
Similar happened to my aunt who is dying. She had remission from cancer, but her doctor recommended the 'vaccine'. The cancer came back with a vengeance, and nothing seems to have slowed it down.
Please get your wife's medical records and file a report to VAERS yourself.
Also, you may be able to minimize further adverse effects. See my reply to Phyl Smith above (for some reason my reply appears twice and I haven't been able to successfully delete one copy...)
Penetrating last sentence calls Muggeridge to mind: People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to. No doubt many doctors suspect there is something quite wrong with a warp speed developed cocktail whose use brooks no scrutiny and violates informed consent. But in the end, job security mandates that they roll over and go back to sleep. Swarthmore ex-pat here. And former Bulletin paper boy. I am sorry to hear of your wife's circumstances. Grace & Peace to you.
I’d be having a talk (yell) with the doctors. VAERS is only voluntary for patients. Doctors are legally obligated to report a possible event. It’s not their job to determine whether it was vaccine related or not. That’s the job of VAERS. Also, I believe you can submit a VAERS report.
Not denial, The Dr's that summit to VARS all get pushback and bonuses cut. Those Dr's also loess their jobs. Its also very long process to submit a VAERS, most Dr's don't know how also.
Read my comment above and it covers your wife problem.
My question is why did you take the injections? When you know they were experimental? Why did you not do your own research on mRNA gene therapy? You would have found out they have been trying to lunch mRNA Gene theropy since the 1980 and have failed sue to something called ADE, a form of aids?
You are not a kid any longer. You should have know if the MSM, government are telling you it is good for you, you trust but verify. I never trust the vaccine industry I know what tricks they pull and I verified and found them to be lacking.
I do hope your wife recovers but fear if she had cancer before this is going to be another hard journey for your family.
A very dear friend died of cancer, and the last few months, was for for her. I visited but each time I came away I breakdown in the car. She suffered so much that at the end I was happy she was not suffering and was at peace. I would never wish Cancer on my worst enemy, the pain and suffering the patient goes through before they reach the end is hard for everybody. She was not family but an old friend we always had drinks with in the pub. A vibrant young girl very bodily very pretty.
I am writing this and tearing up, remembering how bubbly and pretty she was. Such a wast, she had a bright future and was making great progress in her career.
I miss her, and her corny jokes, they made us all smile and we all though she had the energy of a teenager, with the jokes to go with that personality.
The final months she was unrecognisable. RIP beautiful girl you are know next to good telling those bad jokes.
My healthy elderly friend got the vax and soon afterwards was diagnosed with a rapidly growing brain tumor. They gave her a year; she lasted 3 weeks. Every new pain I feel now is cause for concern. I hope I'm well past the 'window of fatality' after the vaccines (no booster) but who knows for sure?
I am a DES baby too. I ended up with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma at 32 years of age. Which is rare, this type cancer is usually found in girls age 4-14. I went thru surgery and many months of chemo. I struggled for years to get pregnant. I finally did have 1 healthy child. I lost him in a car accident. After the cancer, I was no longer able to have children. DES is a dirty word in my home. I will never take this drug therapy disguised as a vaccine.
So sorry to hear your story. I hope other people will avoid anything not very well proven in their most important efforts. Also you cannot presently 'trust' your doctor to tell you the truth, either because of ignorance or because they are afraid of losing their license to practice it they go against the 'narrative'.
Sorry to hear that. I ended up with spermatoceles on my epididymis. Very annoying, although not dangerous. Was able to be treated with sclerotherapy and avoided surgery. DES is now known to cause this condition.
Only good thing I can say about this drug is that,
1) it taught me to be discerning toward and questioning of the medical industry.
2) gave me some life challenges - just another opportunity for personal growth
I also had a pituitary tumor in my 50's, which was odd at that age. Usually it happens in young girls. That was the worst because of the severe hormonal disruption, but I don't know if it can be tied to the DES. I have not seen any evidence connecting the two, but I have often wondered.
Praying to God what Dr. Malone and others were saying is true. So that there would be few lives that can be sacrificed from the madness of the Powers that Were.
Why? They saw the same information as those of us who have been derided and excoriated for the last year because we refused. If you have problems after taking the shot, I am sorry for you but it's your fault.
Many people I love have gotten the shots. I've been amazed at how many intelligent people just believed whatever they read/heard from mainstream media; trusted grandfatherly Fauci; obediently locked down, social distanced, wore masks; and then lined up to get the injections.
My path re: COVID diverged from theirs as soon as the official word was "There's no treatment; all we can do is supportive care in the hospital, for people who start turning blue." I collected a whole file folder of treatment information from "alternative" doctors and when I got COVID myself in March 2020, I started DIY treatment on Day 1 of symptoms and was completely over it by Day 8, in spite of being elderly and high risk. I never got sick enough to even sit down, and my oxygen saturation never went below 97%.
But when I warned people about the injections (I'd been studying vaccine injury on and off for about 17 years and knew the COVID vaccines would be off the scale in risk) was already hopeless. The psy-op has been brilliantly successful. But you know, I've made too many serious mistakes in my own life to tell anybody "It's your fault" about anything.
I agree with you that it is hopeless to convince those who will not listen. I'm slowly coming to accept that I am going to lose some family members & friends. A number of them have developed some serious new conditions. Two friends have died. I refuse to say aloud, "I told you so" but I do think it to myself.
You are a good person. Sorry you have to watch while people are sick or die when you know in your soul that it could have been avoided in many cases. I’ve had the same issue with family. Stopped talking about it because they always get so angry. Would love to be a fly on the wall when they start hearing the new narrative (began last evening on “news”) - open up, no masks. I expect some will just say - “good thing we’re vaccinated, we got through unscathed:…..while others will understand what really has gone on. I hope!
Praying for you. Consider that next time you're threatened to stand your ground. The Lord will provide and this could have been over sooner if people would have just said no. Businesses couldn't have functioned under the loss. Good will prevail if the good people stand against evil. When we back down we cede the ground and it's much harder and more costly to take back. I'll lose my job, my home, whatever before being forced to be part of a medical experiment with potential consequences far beyond financial. God gave me grit to make it, with His grace, no matter how hard it is. I trust him. I don't trust my boss or the government. Please consider this the next time.
You are so right I will be losing my job in March. I have no qualms about it. I have no fear because the great mother will provide. I have seen so many people give in and it hurts my heart to see because they lose a piece of themselves when they do. I can see it in their eyes. God bless everyone.
Good luck to you! Stay strong! I hope you find another job with a better company. I refuse to support companies that continue this mandate after the court ruled against it. It’s plain evil.
I said no and lost my job. I have my health and life, which is all God wants us to have. The power in doing nothing for good is greater than the power of complying with evil.
I wish more people had resisted when it became clear that there was extreme coercion to get these vaccines. That raised hackles on my neck, there was no chance I was getting the 'vaccine' when the coercion became obvious. Very sorry for those who got the shots, and had bad results. The best we can hope for is the perpetrators getting justice (on this earth) and things similar not continuing. Life is just attrition, it helps to have a spiritual bent, IMO. Everything is temporary.
I never did trust the government, media, or my boss....that is not the problem. I trusted my lifelong doctor and several Christian nurses. It was the lack of data, and an assumption by medical doctors that the jab was safe or only minor short term risk. Now that is being back tracked.
It is a particular type of evil that uses people's trust in order to hurt them. It doesn't matter if the advice is coming from a doctor or a street car operator. Hopefully, the doctor made the mistake in good faith. They have to trust people too.
Some people automatically ascribe good intentions to the 'government' (and it's encouraged by the 'government') Sometimes it's too late when people realize the 'government' is just a bunch of powerful people who are trying to hold on to their power. Governments have been the source of much evil in history.
You are exactly correct. People that give in like this hurt those that won't. Now that they are hurt they feel bad but I can't feel much sympathy for them.
Try to act humanely. It is a human shortcoming to ascribe bad things happening due to people's 'own fault'. You can justify anything with this 'argument'
People differ and arguments used to persuade act differently on different people. You likely have your own shortcomings.
You are among those courageous few (too few I think) who express regret and hope rather than spite and whose witness is so very important to moving the discourse forward. If we dismiss those who took the mRNA jabs as “whistling past the graveyard” we not only lose your witness but succumb to the tactic of division that those in control of the narrative (those in power) very much want.
Agreed! There are a lot of people who were against all the government intervention, but trusted their doctor and medical professionals, and now data is showing more shocking information than anyone had previous expected. There are the 20% that are still believers......mostly because they are uninformed or leftists that want the government to control everyone's lives anyway. It is time to make the 20% have no power......the more information that can come out, the more that people will use their wits and common sense to make better decisions for themselves. This is why we cannot have government run healthcare, or government control over our life, finances, family and kids education....and so on. It is imperative we keep freedom because it protects the individual and subsequently, the whole of culture.
Very wise view! Government deserves to be viewed with extreme suspicion! Individual choice is the only defensible policy, and (real education, NOT propaganda) knowledge (informed consent) should guide those choices.
I think people who “trusted” the science and took the vaccination knowing they were low risk to the virus…but felt like they were “doing their part”…these are exactly the people who should be demanding answers to these questions! I won’t take the mRNA so tho these ?’s are interesting to doesn’t really matter for me. Other than maybe wondering why the mandate still exists for hero health care workers.
yep, they went straight from Hero to Zero in an instant. That shows you the satanic mentality of our current admin. And the commercials using children in order to solicit children for jabs is equal to Human sex trafficking! If you don't see that, you are numb to basic human dignity and honoring people as Gods creation. If there is even a hint of coercion or demanding anything of anyone, hidden agenda's, you are working for satan.
That whole notion of “doing your part”, came from the mask. There was a statement, “I’m mask for you, you mask for me.” The notion that you’re an evil person if you care about your own health, or wonder if what they are recommending is right for you. Their only propaganda message has been, “do it for others. You’re a horrible person if you don’t. You’re killing grandma.”
Meanwhile they were incarcerating Grandma in a 'hospital', refusing you leave to see her, and getting a fat cheque for smothering her on an 'Incubator' or slipping her Midazolam in a 'Care Home'.
There's strong evidence that the vaccinated can transmit something to the unvaccinated. (I think it's the spike protein being transmitted. In any case, Pfizer knew about transmission because precautions were recommended in at least one section of their trial protocol.) It's not just the vaccinees who are suffering from vaccine's also the people who have "received" transmitted material. So it may not be true that these questions don't really matter for you...
Trusted the mad science of gain-of-function? Knowledge of that was out there early, such as by Dr. Richard Fleming (flemingmethod dot com). But govt. believers, and convenience seekers, would be unlikely to heed a very educated doctor's research findings. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi was also early on this possibility and clearly explained, in whiteboard sketching, what has come to pass, and may so worsen, for what he estimated to be 1 to 2% of vax recipients. If half the globe's vaxed, that's 50 to 100M people. Many shied away early from mRNA innovation when research doctors were calling it gene therapy or a genetic medical device. Being victim to the "first model out" of that seemed like a really dangerous venture, one's body genetically manipulated to produce a part of an unstudied virus. And as well, a rushed vaccine with less than a year's testing in trials. Trusting Techno-Magic is quite the dice throw for one's fragile body.
Tom, I agree with not allowing ourselves to be artificially divided however a tremendous percentage of the vaxxed wanted (and still want) to destroy those who refused, up to and including internment camps and forced vacations. I will always have a significant division with these people as I would fully expect them to repeat this if they were again instructed to fear and hate the other.
That disturbing phenomenon surprised me, and still does (though less so in light of Mass Formation implications). Fellow citizens so ready to penalize those exercising free, cautious choice. But they were under the delusion that an as-yet unproven vaccine was the magical cure and the pathway to lifted restrictions; with unrelenting media barking out that unwarranted notion. It certainly made cognitively tangible what none of the holocaust books could clearly impart - the genuine mortal threat of the righteous, but misguided, masses. And the swimming against such a maelstrom. Am I uncaring of others by choosing to protect myself from the unknown? Maybe the hallowed vax is a false idol... And the way they were pushing it so hard with so many wild incentives! Utterly unprecedented in my 60 years. Something is up! All of humanity? Even the seemingly unaffected kids? Now wait a damn millisecond! There has to be a hidden agenda. And I think we're still very unaware of its actual dimensions and intentions. When some scientist leaks that info the resultant upheaval will also be utterly unprecedented in our lifetimes; and likely a huge threat to the already-corroding stability. Billionaire psychopaths have usurped national authorities around the globe to implement a savior or oppressive-control plan based purely on very questionable imagination and the notion of viable 'solutions' conceived by those most detached from the commoners' daily realities, ever in time. As conscience asks: What could possibly go wrong? And those ivory tower -aires really don't have a history of rational humanitarian concern, as well as having many ties to the mad history of Eugenics. Plus they are likely blinded by the risible promises, one again unproven, of ultra sci-fi technology as the primary tools in their 'physician's' bag. Exponentially-scaled madness and dangerous presumptions of rectifying power. And it's massively doubtful that they've properly defined the problems to be solved. Techno-opportunism may be the overarching, driving force; and the despised notion of vax passport registration is utterly inimical to familiar notions of freedom and privacy. Total control and constant surveillance are not the appreciable constituents of a bright future for humanity. But it is so for deranged despots and bureaucrats who have a well-warranted fear of unpredictability among the masses who would move to overthrow them for their outrageously-sadistic plans and actions. We must not let that become the future.
It sounds like you have read, "Covid-19 and the global predators: We are the prey" by Peter Grebbin, MD. Another corroborating book would be RFK Jr's book, "The REAL Anthony Fauci"
If you haven't read it, it will confirm many of your assertions. And the number of footnotes is close to the amount of pages of text. IOW, it is very well researched (both of the books) and near impossible to refute because of the footnotes, which can provide reading for months.
You make a good point of course and many of those are driven by what could be called evil or stupidity or ignorance or as I said, perhaps spite — the idea that they may know they got snookered (or worse if they got injured), and yet “dammit if I had to get the shot then everybody should get the shot.” Spiteful denial is good fodder for fear and hate of the other.
That 'comfort in misery' is human nature. Some religions realize this, and are the better (and the more realistic) for it.
You are right, the same people would do the same things. These people necessarily deny the reality of 'human nature'. 'Human nature' is not necessarily 'humane'.
Maybe you can clue me in. When people of multiple organ failure, how can their organs be in condition to be harvested for transplantation? Or is there some use for them other than transplantation?
Many die, often quickly, from thrombolytic effects: stroke, heart attack, pulmonary clot. Not necessarily multi-organ failure from killer lymphocyte attack.
I pray every day that God will defeat the toxic effects of these vaccines in people who've taken them for any reason at all. You're in my prayers too then.
There is a site that has all the clot shot lots listed. I can't remember what it's called, but try going to Dr. Malone's website. There are some vaccine lots that are saline. I pray that you got one of those.
I remember back way back when they were being rolled out that our local CVS in CA had “discovered” a whole batch of saline filled syringes. They called it a “mistake”, but why would they ever have put saline in syringes unless it was on purpose. 🤔
The shots are still in clinical trials. There are different levels of mRNA in different lots, at least among the Pfizer shots,and some lots are saline "controls."
I don't think any of the batches were placebos. I believe everybody got exposed to some mRNA if they took a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. There may have been differences in doses or adjuvants that impact how one fares down the road. But, I don't think anyone was lucky enough to just get a placebo unless you were a member of the global elite (for example, Biden getting what was likely a sailing shot in a staged press conference a few months back).
As many of us in the medical community… And I’ve been a part of it for 28 years essentially we were given the ultimatum: get the shot or lose your job. That is very tough when you have a mortgage to pay, food put on the table and children to take care of. But I think now already having gotten Covid I am in a much better place as thousands of other healthcare workers to make a good case to not ever get boosted.
Doctors at the hospital in my city threatened to walk off if forced by the hospital system to vaccinate. The hospital backed down. This is in rural Eastern Maryland.
To me, the most obvious indication that this was never about science and only about power was the absolute dismissal of any discussion of exempting people who've already had covid from the jab. I have yet to hear one good explanation for that from any of the so-called 'experts'.
I'm curious, if I'm prying, ignore me. But if you knew then what you know now, are your circumstances such that you would still have to take the jab? And if you wouldn't take the jab, at what point did the scales tip? Was there anything that came out that was particularly concerning?
If I knew what I know now, I would not have taken the jab. I was told by my doctor and several nurses I know that they thought it was safe. As the data has been coming out since late summer and through the end of 2021, and the mandates, everything now stinks. It all stinks and I think I had C19 possibly in Jan 2020 .....had all the symptoms but it wasn't a thing yet....maybe I have natural immunity anyway....have been exposed over and over and not even a sniffle in 2 years
The best of luck going forward Phyl. My wife is in the same boat as you. She had the Pfizer two shot back in early 2021 so that she could fly to visit family. She now knows that she made a mistake. I am un-vaxxed and will remain so.
We both got the Omi around New Years. She got it first and I caught from her. She is still having a few lingering effects, but nothing bad. I did get over it faster than she did. We both took Ivermectin for a week besides the zinc and vit D. I am 74 and she is 68. No comorbidity for either of us.
I have exactly the same experience with you regarding catching Omicron from my double vaccinated partner. We both had the mildest symptoms. I tested positive for longer but he has had a lingering cough for weeks that I haven't got.
I'm sorry to hear the stories but happy to know that many folks who are listed in the official data as fully vaccinated regret that decision. That means that the data on the fully vaccinated misrepresents support for the vaccine. I wonder what percentage of people fit into this regret category.
Add N.A.C. and aspirin to the list. N.A.C. decreases CV-19 adhesion to the ACE2 site by 42% and 29% of people who take a daily baby aspirin never contract CV-19.
That is very useful information! Thank you for sharing.
And BTW, my 91-year-old father routinely takes a baby aspirin. He did test positive for CV-19 when everyone seemed to have omicron. I don't know how reliable the home-test was, so I chalk it up to a bad cold. He recovered from it quickly.
I read an article a way back that said people who had gotten covid and then been jabbed did not have good immunity going forward - UNLESS at least 6 months had passed between getting covid and getting the first jab. It sounds like you lucked out. And since the shots wane so quickly, here's hoping they end up having no lasting effects at all.
FYI, on April 17, 2020, at a Presidential briefing at the White House, the Director of the CDC presented a graph showing some of the results of the CDC's influenza-like illness surveillance for the 2019-2020 flu season. (Each flu season, samples of respiratory secretions collected from sick patients around the country are analyzed by the CDC to determine which viruses are responsible.)
The graph showed that Influenza B had peaked in the last week of 2019. Influenza A peaked with a high plateau (not a sharp peak) in the first 2 weeks of February. COVID-19 peaked on March 22 (the exact date was reported).
The 2019-2020 flu season was a bad one according to my doctor, and I myself had a bad flu season that year. I had Influenza A and B, and COVID-19 (I had a quick, easy illness because I started effective treatment on Day 1 of symptoms), and two other unidentified viruses (early December and 3rd week of January).
Public health authorities including the CDC have found it profitable to confuse the symptoms of COVID and flu, but I can tell you that the course of illness for COVID-19 was *not similar* to the course of illness for Influenza A and Influenza B. I had a clear description of the development of COVID-19 symptoms written by a COVID-experienced doctor in China and when a close relative got COVID-19 and didn't do early treatment, I got to see my relative go through the exact course of illness the Chinese doctor described.
For some people, there is a flu-like stage of COVID-19 beginning about Day 8, but that follows 5 days of step-wise appearance and worsening of cold symptoms often (not absolutely always) followed by 2 days of feeling somewhat better (when viral replication drops and stops). Even then, the flu-like stage of COVID usually starts low and builds over a period of days rather than "hitting like a freight train" as influenzas typically do.
It's my understanding that the second phase is an inflammatory phase and that steroids are necessary for treatment. Do some people never enter the inflammatory phase? And if they do, is there any idea what percentage become seriously ill?
Yes, and the second phase is also a clotting phase; aspirin, heparin, or other anticoagulants are used. From what I've heard, some people never experience the inflammatory/clotting phase. I think those are people whose viral load never got very high. That could be for several different reasons -- exposed to only a low number of viruses; strong innate immune system; cross-immunity from other (past) coronavirus infections; few ACE receptors for viruses to use to enter cells; use of virus-killing agents; using of agents that block virus attachment to cells.
When I had COVID, I didn't experience that second phase. I did DIY treatment to suppress viral replication on Days 1-3 or 4; then I added in an obscure, potent anti-viral and by Day 8, I was completely symptom free. (I continued infrequent doses of the anti-viral for about another three days "just to be sure.")
My relative who had her first symptoms on the same day I did and who took only one dose of my obscure anti-viral (refused more because it made her nauseated) went on to experience the whole illness at an uncomfortable but not dangerous level. On Day 9 she developed shortness of breath (caused by micro clots in the lungs). It took her about a month to fully recover. One of her doctors had her on nutritional supplements for unrelated reasons, and at some point we realized that those supplements protected her from severe disease (Vitamins A, C, D, E; selenium; zinc; quercetin; and inositol (which acts as a surfactant in the lungs and relieves shortness of breath).
In March-April 2020, I had some statistics on what percentages of people would get sick from COVID and how many of those would be hospitalized, would need ICU, would die. I'm sure there are still statistics (but untrustworthy ones, in the U.S.), but doctors who have used effective early treatment protocols report that virtually none of their patients needed to be hospitalized; and if hospitalized, they didn't need ICU; and they didn't die; and they didn't develop "long COVID" either.
At this point, the situation in hospitals has changed and anyone entering who tests positive (PCR) for COVID is shunted onto the "treatment" protocol I call Fauci's Death Escalator -- Remdesivir plus ventilator. So it's critical to stay out of U.S. hospitals, which are the new killing fields and every dead "COVID patient" can earn a U.S. hospital up to about $100,000 in government payments.
Vladimir Zelenko, Peter McCullough, Brian Tyson, and George Fareed are examples of successful early treatment doctors. Check out if you want an idea what protocols are out there.
BTW, the Chinese reported early on that in Wuhan, people with Type O blood were far less likely to die than people with Type A blood. Interesting, huh?
3 stages. Replication (where it's easiest to intervene) Inflammatory (often needs different drugs, although IVM is exception) and clotting (different drugs again) I'm just repeating, I'm not a doctor.
It looked like viral displacement happened in the 2020-2021 flu season. In the 2019-2020 season, though, COVID-19 came along after Influenza A and B. The incidence peaks (for outpatient surveillance testing) of the three illnesses were approximately equal in height on the CDC's graph presented at the Presidential briefing on April 17, 2020.
Looking at that graph, it's hard to be very alarmed about COVID, and hard to be convinced that the lockdowns accomplished anything (the slope of the decline of COVID was virtually identical to the slope of the decline of Influenza B). IMO Trump should have looked at that graph, put a gag and a muzzle on Fauci, declared the "emergency" over...and maybe asked the FBI to investigate what the hell happened in New York City because the death rate there was atrocious.
Or - the PCR test, which was never able to differentiate between the flu and covid, was cranked up to 45 cycles and gave them all the covid cases they needed to claim emergency and get the EUA.
I've discovered that, for the most part, the ONLY people interested in the answers to these questions are those of us who have not taken these mRNA shots.
The jabbed are like those whistling past the graveyard.
No. Some of us got the jab under duress and asked questions in the spring, only to now get the answers that are concerning....praying God strengthens our bodies because we got the jab in good faith to now be informed otherwise. We have been healthy so far, will never get the booster, and can only wait now to see what happens in years ahead. Not sure if everyone's immune response is the same, or if genetics will have a factor in how the mRNA affects their overall health. God's design of the human body is complex, wonderous and healing could be possible. Praying
Praying for all who were coerced and lied to.
And for children who did not consent to these shots.
Their parents will be guilty for the upcoming infanticide.
there has been an uptick in miscarriages.
i think up tick is a massive understatement
And stillbirths, sadly.
Most parents were coerced and lied to. They’ll have a enough guilt, so afford them some grace.
It's a matter of personal choice to inject yourself with experimental drugs. Parents forcing unwitting children to do so is just plain evil. I have no more patience for excusing intentionally bad acts.
The offering of the children to Molech.
Yes and not being grand parents either.
There will be some very uncomfortable discussions around the dinner table over the next 5 to 10 years.
You got that right!
Especially those who might be injured for life. I have dealt with birth defects in my low back my entire life, brought about by my mother being convinced to take the 'pregnancy drug' DES (diethylstilbesterol), so I am familiar with that situation.
My mother was also convinced to take the DES drug, telling her it would prevent miscarriages. This decision effected my reproductive organs and made it very difficult to get pregnant. I have 2 children, 1 adopted and 1 via IVF! My daughters nor I will ever take the shot!
Sorry to hear that. Your situation sounds exactly the same as what happened to my older sister. My mom actually took the drug with my brother who is older than both of us. He was affected also, but not as much as my sister and I. Doesn't appear to have had any impact on my younger siblings though.
Parents are playing with fire here out of ignorance. I feel like I am watching a horror movie where I can see the plot but the actors have not yet been told the ending. It's hard to watch. I'd like to turn off the movie, but I can't.
My wife was in full remission from lung cancer in March 2021. She suddenly developed a gelatinous blood object in her left atrial appendage. Cardiac MRI and PET reports said it was not a thrombus. This thing in her heart didn’t light up like a clot. Evidently part broke broke off in October, causing one stroke. Then, a month later, the rest careened into her brain as a major embolic event. Meanwhile a growing nodule has appeared near her previously benign lung suture. She had no previous heart or clotting issues. In fact, initially they thought the LAA mass was a cardiac metastisis. It wasn’t. You will never convince me the Pfizer vaccine was not at least a contributing factor in all this. And none of her doctors will submit her case to VAERS. They are all in denial.
They are not in denial. The know what these vaccines are doing. We no longer have medical establishments that hold up the oath they took for their patients. Their new oath is to serve their master big Pharma and the share/stock holders of the corporations they now work for, once called hospitals. They are now politically owned!! Like everything else we have known... Praying for your wife, I so sorry to hear this. And , Praying for this Nation. God is the only one who can protect us .
Similar happened to my aunt who is dying. She had remission from cancer, but her doctor recommended the 'vaccine'. The cancer came back with a vengeance, and nothing seems to have slowed it down.
Please get your wife's medical records and file a report to VAERS yourself.
Also, you may be able to minimize further adverse effects. See my reply to Phyl Smith above (for some reason my reply appears twice and I haven't been able to successfully delete one copy...)
Penetrating last sentence calls Muggeridge to mind: People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to. No doubt many doctors suspect there is something quite wrong with a warp speed developed cocktail whose use brooks no scrutiny and violates informed consent. But in the end, job security mandates that they roll over and go back to sleep. Swarthmore ex-pat here. And former Bulletin paper boy. I am sorry to hear of your wife's circumstances. Grace & Peace to you.
I’d be having a talk (yell) with the doctors. VAERS is only voluntary for patients. Doctors are legally obligated to report a possible event. It’s not their job to determine whether it was vaccine related or not. That’s the job of VAERS. Also, I believe you can submit a VAERS report.
Not denial, The Dr's that summit to VARS all get pushback and bonuses cut. Those Dr's also loess their jobs. Its also very long process to submit a VAERS, most Dr's don't know how also.
Read my comment above and it covers your wife problem.
My question is why did you take the injections? When you know they were experimental? Why did you not do your own research on mRNA gene therapy? You would have found out they have been trying to lunch mRNA Gene theropy since the 1980 and have failed sue to something called ADE, a form of aids?
You are not a kid any longer. You should have know if the MSM, government are telling you it is good for you, you trust but verify. I never trust the vaccine industry I know what tricks they pull and I verified and found them to be lacking.
I do hope your wife recovers but fear if she had cancer before this is going to be another hard journey for your family.
A very dear friend died of cancer, and the last few months, was for for her. I visited but each time I came away I breakdown in the car. She suffered so much that at the end I was happy she was not suffering and was at peace. I would never wish Cancer on my worst enemy, the pain and suffering the patient goes through before they reach the end is hard for everybody. She was not family but an old friend we always had drinks with in the pub. A vibrant young girl very bodily very pretty.
I am writing this and tearing up, remembering how bubbly and pretty she was. Such a wast, she had a bright future and was making great progress in her career.
I miss her, and her corny jokes, they made us all smile and we all though she had the energy of a teenager, with the jokes to go with that personality.
The final months she was unrecognisable. RIP beautiful girl you are know next to good telling those bad jokes.
My healthy elderly friend got the vax and soon afterwards was diagnosed with a rapidly growing brain tumor. They gave her a year; she lasted 3 weeks. Every new pain I feel now is cause for concern. I hope I'm well past the 'window of fatality' after the vaccines (no booster) but who knows for sure?
I am a DES baby too. I ended up with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma at 32 years of age. Which is rare, this type cancer is usually found in girls age 4-14. I went thru surgery and many months of chemo. I struggled for years to get pregnant. I finally did have 1 healthy child. I lost him in a car accident. After the cancer, I was no longer able to have children. DES is a dirty word in my home. I will never take this drug therapy disguised as a vaccine.
So sorry to hear your story. I hope other people will avoid anything not very well proven in their most important efforts. Also you cannot presently 'trust' your doctor to tell you the truth, either because of ignorance or because they are afraid of losing their license to practice it they go against the 'narrative'.
So sorry E, wishing you much more happiness in the future.
Sorry to hear that. I ended up with spermatoceles on my epididymis. Very annoying, although not dangerous. Was able to be treated with sclerotherapy and avoided surgery. DES is now known to cause this condition.
Only good thing I can say about this drug is that,
1) it taught me to be discerning toward and questioning of the medical industry.
2) gave me some life challenges - just another opportunity for personal growth
I also had a pituitary tumor in my 50's, which was odd at that age. Usually it happens in young girls. That was the worst because of the severe hormonal disruption, but I don't know if it can be tied to the DES. I have not seen any evidence connecting the two, but I have often wondered.
President Biden, the VP and Sen Gillibrand were praying with you at the Anti-LGBTQ National Prayer Breakfast this week.
Praying to God what Dr. Malone and others were saying is true. So that there would be few lives that can be sacrificed from the madness of the Powers that Were.
Why? They saw the same information as those of us who have been derided and excoriated for the last year because we refused. If you have problems after taking the shot, I am sorry for you but it's your fault.
Many people I love have gotten the shots. I've been amazed at how many intelligent people just believed whatever they read/heard from mainstream media; trusted grandfatherly Fauci; obediently locked down, social distanced, wore masks; and then lined up to get the injections.
My path re: COVID diverged from theirs as soon as the official word was "There's no treatment; all we can do is supportive care in the hospital, for people who start turning blue." I collected a whole file folder of treatment information from "alternative" doctors and when I got COVID myself in March 2020, I started DIY treatment on Day 1 of symptoms and was completely over it by Day 8, in spite of being elderly and high risk. I never got sick enough to even sit down, and my oxygen saturation never went below 97%.
But when I warned people about the injections (I'd been studying vaccine injury on and off for about 17 years and knew the COVID vaccines would be off the scale in risk) was already hopeless. The psy-op has been brilliantly successful. But you know, I've made too many serious mistakes in my own life to tell anybody "It's your fault" about anything.
I agree with you that it is hopeless to convince those who will not listen. I'm slowly coming to accept that I am going to lose some family members & friends. A number of them have developed some serious new conditions. Two friends have died. I refuse to say aloud, "I told you so" but I do think it to myself.
I'm sorry you've lost two friends!
Losing people is so hard.
I'm bracing myself.
You are a good person. Sorry you have to watch while people are sick or die when you know in your soul that it could have been avoided in many cases. I’ve had the same issue with family. Stopped talking about it because they always get so angry. Would love to be a fly on the wall when they start hearing the new narrative (began last evening on “news”) - open up, no masks. I expect some will just say - “good thing we’re vaccinated, we got through unscathed:…..while others will understand what really has gone on. I hope!
Praying for you. Consider that next time you're threatened to stand your ground. The Lord will provide and this could have been over sooner if people would have just said no. Businesses couldn't have functioned under the loss. Good will prevail if the good people stand against evil. When we back down we cede the ground and it's much harder and more costly to take back. I'll lose my job, my home, whatever before being forced to be part of a medical experiment with potential consequences far beyond financial. God gave me grit to make it, with His grace, no matter how hard it is. I trust him. I don't trust my boss or the government. Please consider this the next time.
You are so right I will be losing my job in March. I have no qualms about it. I have no fear because the great mother will provide. I have seen so many people give in and it hurts my heart to see because they lose a piece of themselves when they do. I can see it in their eyes. God bless everyone.
Get a good hobby and enjoy the rest of your life!
Enjoy your life even if you don't have a hobby! Best regards!
Good luck to you! Stay strong! I hope you find another job with a better company. I refuse to support companies that continue this mandate after the court ruled against it. It’s plain evil.
I said no and lost my job. I have my health and life, which is all God wants us to have. The power in doing nothing for good is greater than the power of complying with evil.
Amen. You will be part of saving this country. Thank you for staying strong. Thank you for trusting God.
I wish more people had resisted when it became clear that there was extreme coercion to get these vaccines. That raised hackles on my neck, there was no chance I was getting the 'vaccine' when the coercion became obvious. Very sorry for those who got the shots, and had bad results. The best we can hope for is the perpetrators getting justice (on this earth) and things similar not continuing. Life is just attrition, it helps to have a spiritual bent, IMO. Everything is temporary.
I never did trust the government, media, or my boss....that is not the problem. I trusted my lifelong doctor and several Christian nurses. It was the lack of data, and an assumption by medical doctors that the jab was safe or only minor short term risk. Now that is being back tracked.
It is a particular type of evil that uses people's trust in order to hurt them. It doesn't matter if the advice is coming from a doctor or a street car operator. Hopefully, the doctor made the mistake in good faith. They have to trust people too.
Some people automatically ascribe good intentions to the 'government' (and it's encouraged by the 'government') Sometimes it's too late when people realize the 'government' is just a bunch of powerful people who are trying to hold on to their power. Governments have been the source of much evil in history.
Please share this with everyone you know who got jabbed.
You are exactly correct. People that give in like this hurt those that won't. Now that they are hurt they feel bad but I can't feel much sympathy for them.
Try to act humanely. It is a human shortcoming to ascribe bad things happening due to people's 'own fault'. You can justify anything with this 'argument'
People differ and arguments used to persuade act differently on different people. You likely have your own shortcomings.
Best regards.
Misery loves company.
I'm afraid it will take several years to see the full extent of the Greatest Experiment in Human History.
AKA the Great Depopulation.
You are among those courageous few (too few I think) who express regret and hope rather than spite and whose witness is so very important to moving the discourse forward. If we dismiss those who took the mRNA jabs as “whistling past the graveyard” we not only lose your witness but succumb to the tactic of division that those in control of the narrative (those in power) very much want.
Agreed! There are a lot of people who were against all the government intervention, but trusted their doctor and medical professionals, and now data is showing more shocking information than anyone had previous expected. There are the 20% that are still believers......mostly because they are uninformed or leftists that want the government to control everyone's lives anyway. It is time to make the 20% have no power......the more information that can come out, the more that people will use their wits and common sense to make better decisions for themselves. This is why we cannot have government run healthcare, or government control over our life, finances, family and kids education....and so on. It is imperative we keep freedom because it protects the individual and subsequently, the whole of culture.
Very wise view! Government deserves to be viewed with extreme suspicion! Individual choice is the only defensible policy, and (real education, NOT propaganda) knowledge (informed consent) should guide those choices.
I think people who “trusted” the science and took the vaccination knowing they were low risk to the virus…but felt like they were “doing their part”…these are exactly the people who should be demanding answers to these questions! I won’t take the mRNA so tho these ?’s are interesting to doesn’t really matter for me. Other than maybe wondering why the mandate still exists for hero health care workers.
yep, they went straight from Hero to Zero in an instant. That shows you the satanic mentality of our current admin. And the commercials using children in order to solicit children for jabs is equal to Human sex trafficking! If you don't see that, you are numb to basic human dignity and honoring people as Gods creation. If there is even a hint of coercion or demanding anything of anyone, hidden agenda's, you are working for satan.
That whole notion of “doing your part”, came from the mask. There was a statement, “I’m mask for you, you mask for me.” The notion that you’re an evil person if you care about your own health, or wonder if what they are recommending is right for you. Their only propaganda message has been, “do it for others. You’re a horrible person if you don’t. You’re killing grandma.”
Meanwhile they were incarcerating Grandma in a 'hospital', refusing you leave to see her, and getting a fat cheque for smothering her on an 'Incubator' or slipping her Midazolam in a 'Care Home'.
Don't forget the remdesivir (in USA, not sure about elsewhere). Nasty stuff.
The same Liberals screaming we are killing grandma are the very same ones that support killing babies in the womb. What an oxymoron that is!
There's strong evidence that the vaccinated can transmit something to the unvaccinated. (I think it's the spike protein being transmitted. In any case, Pfizer knew about transmission because precautions were recommended in at least one section of their trial protocol.) It's not just the vaccinees who are suffering from vaccine's also the people who have "received" transmitted material. So it may not be true that these questions don't really matter for you...
Trusted the mad science of gain-of-function? Knowledge of that was out there early, such as by Dr. Richard Fleming (flemingmethod dot com). But govt. believers, and convenience seekers, would be unlikely to heed a very educated doctor's research findings. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi was also early on this possibility and clearly explained, in whiteboard sketching, what has come to pass, and may so worsen, for what he estimated to be 1 to 2% of vax recipients. If half the globe's vaxed, that's 50 to 100M people. Many shied away early from mRNA innovation when research doctors were calling it gene therapy or a genetic medical device. Being victim to the "first model out" of that seemed like a really dangerous venture, one's body genetically manipulated to produce a part of an unstudied virus. And as well, a rushed vaccine with less than a year's testing in trials. Trusting Techno-Magic is quite the dice throw for one's fragile body.
Mark Twain said (I'm paraphrasing) that it's easier to con somebody, that to convince them that they have been conned. It's just a human trait.
Tom, I agree with not allowing ourselves to be artificially divided however a tremendous percentage of the vaxxed wanted (and still want) to destroy those who refused, up to and including internment camps and forced vacations. I will always have a significant division with these people as I would fully expect them to repeat this if they were again instructed to fear and hate the other.
That disturbing phenomenon surprised me, and still does (though less so in light of Mass Formation implications). Fellow citizens so ready to penalize those exercising free, cautious choice. But they were under the delusion that an as-yet unproven vaccine was the magical cure and the pathway to lifted restrictions; with unrelenting media barking out that unwarranted notion. It certainly made cognitively tangible what none of the holocaust books could clearly impart - the genuine mortal threat of the righteous, but misguided, masses. And the swimming against such a maelstrom. Am I uncaring of others by choosing to protect myself from the unknown? Maybe the hallowed vax is a false idol... And the way they were pushing it so hard with so many wild incentives! Utterly unprecedented in my 60 years. Something is up! All of humanity? Even the seemingly unaffected kids? Now wait a damn millisecond! There has to be a hidden agenda. And I think we're still very unaware of its actual dimensions and intentions. When some scientist leaks that info the resultant upheaval will also be utterly unprecedented in our lifetimes; and likely a huge threat to the already-corroding stability. Billionaire psychopaths have usurped national authorities around the globe to implement a savior or oppressive-control plan based purely on very questionable imagination and the notion of viable 'solutions' conceived by those most detached from the commoners' daily realities, ever in time. As conscience asks: What could possibly go wrong? And those ivory tower -aires really don't have a history of rational humanitarian concern, as well as having many ties to the mad history of Eugenics. Plus they are likely blinded by the risible promises, one again unproven, of ultra sci-fi technology as the primary tools in their 'physician's' bag. Exponentially-scaled madness and dangerous presumptions of rectifying power. And it's massively doubtful that they've properly defined the problems to be solved. Techno-opportunism may be the overarching, driving force; and the despised notion of vax passport registration is utterly inimical to familiar notions of freedom and privacy. Total control and constant surveillance are not the appreciable constituents of a bright future for humanity. But it is so for deranged despots and bureaucrats who have a well-warranted fear of unpredictability among the masses who would move to overthrow them for their outrageously-sadistic plans and actions. We must not let that become the future.
It sounds like you have read, "Covid-19 and the global predators: We are the prey" by Peter Grebbin, MD. Another corroborating book would be RFK Jr's book, "The REAL Anthony Fauci"
If you haven't read it, it will confirm many of your assertions. And the number of footnotes is close to the amount of pages of text. IOW, it is very well researched (both of the books) and near impossible to refute because of the footnotes, which can provide reading for months.
You make a good point of course and many of those are driven by what could be called evil or stupidity or ignorance or as I said, perhaps spite — the idea that they may know they got snookered (or worse if they got injured), and yet “dammit if I had to get the shot then everybody should get the shot.” Spiteful denial is good fodder for fear and hate of the other.
That 'comfort in misery' is human nature. Some religions realize this, and are the better (and the more realistic) for it.
You are right, the same people would do the same things. These people necessarily deny the reality of 'human nature'. 'Human nature' is not necessarily 'humane'.
The division will continue because sinfully sinful people who hate God Almighty the Lord Jesus Christ are still controlling the narrative.
There is no forgiveness without asking for it.
That means the Oligarchs are damned and will scream 😱 contemptible things at the Righteous.
I can handle the screaming, but its the organ harvesting that kind of upsets me.
Maybe you can clue me in. When people of multiple organ failure, how can their organs be in condition to be harvested for transplantation? Or is there some use for them other than transplantation?
Many die, often quickly, from thrombolytic effects: stroke, heart attack, pulmonary clot. Not necessarily multi-organ failure from killer lymphocyte attack.
I pray every day that God will defeat the toxic effects of these vaccines in people who've taken them for any reason at all. You're in my prayers too then.
Thank you. I really appreciate you're saying this.
There are lots of us praying. My entire family took the jabs. I pray and try not to think about my kids’ potential future health issues.
We are praying for you and all others forced into this.
Hey - you might be OK. Maybe you got a placebo. Did you check your lot#?
Where do we find which ones that are placebos? Other than everyone in Congress.
There is a site that has all the clot shot lots listed. I can't remember what it's called, but try going to Dr. Malone's website. There are some vaccine lots that are saline. I pray that you got one of those.
And the NBA
I remember back way back when they were being rolled out that our local CVS in CA had “discovered” a whole batch of saline filled syringes. They called it a “mistake”, but why would they ever have put saline in syringes unless it was on purpose. 🤔
Gee, you’d think that might be of interest to some “news organizations “?
The shots are still in clinical trials. There are different levels of mRNA in different lots, at least among the Pfizer shots,and some lots are saline "controls."
How could they discover that?
How do I do that?
I don't think any of the batches were placebos. I believe everybody got exposed to some mRNA if they took a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. There may have been differences in doses or adjuvants that impact how one fares down the road. But, I don't think anyone was lucky enough to just get a placebo unless you were a member of the global elite (for example, Biden getting what was likely a sailing shot in a staged press conference a few months back).
Saline and adrenaline also
As many of us in the medical community… And I’ve been a part of it for 28 years essentially we were given the ultimatum: get the shot or lose your job. That is very tough when you have a mortgage to pay, food put on the table and children to take care of. But I think now already having gotten Covid I am in a much better place as thousands of other healthcare workers to make a good case to not ever get boosted.
Doctors at the hospital in my city threatened to walk off if forced by the hospital system to vaccinate. The hospital backed down. This is in rural Eastern Maryland.
To me, the most obvious indication that this was never about science and only about power was the absolute dismissal of any discussion of exempting people who've already had covid from the jab. I have yet to hear one good explanation for that from any of the so-called 'experts'.
I've come to the conclusion it's to reward those who've taken the shots by showing what happens to those who don't. Pure power play.
I'm curious, if I'm prying, ignore me. But if you knew then what you know now, are your circumstances such that you would still have to take the jab? And if you wouldn't take the jab, at what point did the scales tip? Was there anything that came out that was particularly concerning?
If I knew what I know now, I would not have taken the jab. I was told by my doctor and several nurses I know that they thought it was safe. As the data has been coming out since late summer and through the end of 2021, and the mandates, everything now stinks. It all stinks and I think I had C19 possibly in Jan 2020 .....had all the symptoms but it wasn't a thing yet....maybe I have natural immunity anyway....have been exposed over and over and not even a sniffle in 2 years
The best of luck going forward Phyl. My wife is in the same boat as you. She had the Pfizer two shot back in early 2021 so that she could fly to visit family. She now knows that she made a mistake. I am un-vaxxed and will remain so.
We both got the Omi around New Years. She got it first and I caught from her. She is still having a few lingering effects, but nothing bad. I did get over it faster than she did. We both took Ivermectin for a week besides the zinc and vit D. I am 74 and she is 68. No comorbidity for either of us.
I have exactly the same experience with you regarding catching Omicron from my double vaccinated partner. We both had the mildest symptoms. I tested positive for longer but he has had a lingering cough for weeks that I haven't got.
Symptoms in Jan. 2020, and many exposures since then. I've had a couple "colds" but those are normal during the winter.
I was coerced to take the jab--and would NEVER do it now.
I added daily vitamins (especially D, C, and B12). And so far I'm doing OK.
I agree: this STINKS.
I'm sorry to hear the stories but happy to know that many folks who are listed in the official data as fully vaccinated regret that decision. That means that the data on the fully vaccinated misrepresents support for the vaccine. I wonder what percentage of people fit into this regret category.
My wife doesn't regret it but she won't take another, she can see they don't work.
Add N.A.C. and aspirin to the list. N.A.C. decreases CV-19 adhesion to the ACE2 site by 42% and 29% of people who take a daily baby aspirin never contract CV-19.
That is very useful information! Thank you for sharing.
And BTW, my 91-year-old father routinely takes a baby aspirin. He did test positive for CV-19 when everyone seemed to have omicron. I don't know how reliable the home-test was, so I chalk it up to a bad cold. He recovered from it quickly.
Again, thanks!
Yep, my Dr. put me on baby aspirin, D3, C, NAC and Zinc as a preventative.
I thought the baby aspirin was to circumvent getting blood clots??
I read an article a way back that said people who had gotten covid and then been jabbed did not have good immunity going forward - UNLESS at least 6 months had passed between getting covid and getting the first jab. It sounds like you lucked out. And since the shots wane so quickly, here's hoping they end up having no lasting effects at all.
I think Alex once posted that.
Those are the people who really get injured.
FYI, on April 17, 2020, at a Presidential briefing at the White House, the Director of the CDC presented a graph showing some of the results of the CDC's influenza-like illness surveillance for the 2019-2020 flu season. (Each flu season, samples of respiratory secretions collected from sick patients around the country are analyzed by the CDC to determine which viruses are responsible.)
The graph showed that Influenza B had peaked in the last week of 2019. Influenza A peaked with a high plateau (not a sharp peak) in the first 2 weeks of February. COVID-19 peaked on March 22 (the exact date was reported).
The 2019-2020 flu season was a bad one according to my doctor, and I myself had a bad flu season that year. I had Influenza A and B, and COVID-19 (I had a quick, easy illness because I started effective treatment on Day 1 of symptoms), and two other unidentified viruses (early December and 3rd week of January).
Public health authorities including the CDC have found it profitable to confuse the symptoms of COVID and flu, but I can tell you that the course of illness for COVID-19 was *not similar* to the course of illness for Influenza A and Influenza B. I had a clear description of the development of COVID-19 symptoms written by a COVID-experienced doctor in China and when a close relative got COVID-19 and didn't do early treatment, I got to see my relative go through the exact course of illness the Chinese doctor described.
For some people, there is a flu-like stage of COVID-19 beginning about Day 8, but that follows 5 days of step-wise appearance and worsening of cold symptoms often (not absolutely always) followed by 2 days of feeling somewhat better (when viral replication drops and stops). Even then, the flu-like stage of COVID usually starts low and builds over a period of days rather than "hitting like a freight train" as influenzas typically do.
I hope this information is of interest.
It's my understanding that the second phase is an inflammatory phase and that steroids are necessary for treatment. Do some people never enter the inflammatory phase? And if they do, is there any idea what percentage become seriously ill?
Yes, and the second phase is also a clotting phase; aspirin, heparin, or other anticoagulants are used. From what I've heard, some people never experience the inflammatory/clotting phase. I think those are people whose viral load never got very high. That could be for several different reasons -- exposed to only a low number of viruses; strong innate immune system; cross-immunity from other (past) coronavirus infections; few ACE receptors for viruses to use to enter cells; use of virus-killing agents; using of agents that block virus attachment to cells.
When I had COVID, I didn't experience that second phase. I did DIY treatment to suppress viral replication on Days 1-3 or 4; then I added in an obscure, potent anti-viral and by Day 8, I was completely symptom free. (I continued infrequent doses of the anti-viral for about another three days "just to be sure.")
My relative who had her first symptoms on the same day I did and who took only one dose of my obscure anti-viral (refused more because it made her nauseated) went on to experience the whole illness at an uncomfortable but not dangerous level. On Day 9 she developed shortness of breath (caused by micro clots in the lungs). It took her about a month to fully recover. One of her doctors had her on nutritional supplements for unrelated reasons, and at some point we realized that those supplements protected her from severe disease (Vitamins A, C, D, E; selenium; zinc; quercetin; and inositol (which acts as a surfactant in the lungs and relieves shortness of breath).
In March-April 2020, I had some statistics on what percentages of people would get sick from COVID and how many of those would be hospitalized, would need ICU, would die. I'm sure there are still statistics (but untrustworthy ones, in the U.S.), but doctors who have used effective early treatment protocols report that virtually none of their patients needed to be hospitalized; and if hospitalized, they didn't need ICU; and they didn't die; and they didn't develop "long COVID" either.
At this point, the situation in hospitals has changed and anyone entering who tests positive (PCR) for COVID is shunted onto the "treatment" protocol I call Fauci's Death Escalator -- Remdesivir plus ventilator. So it's critical to stay out of U.S. hospitals, which are the new killing fields and every dead "COVID patient" can earn a U.S. hospital up to about $100,000 in government payments.
Vladimir Zelenko, Peter McCullough, Brian Tyson, and George Fareed are examples of successful early treatment doctors. Check out if you want an idea what protocols are out there.
BTW, the Chinese reported early on that in Wuhan, people with Type O blood were far less likely to die than people with Type A blood. Interesting, huh?
3 stages. Replication (where it's easiest to intervene) Inflammatory (often needs different drugs, although IVM is exception) and clotting (different drugs again) I'm just repeating, I'm not a doctor.
Flu was reduced when covid dominated, it's called viral displacement, and it's well known.
It looked like viral displacement happened in the 2020-2021 flu season. In the 2019-2020 season, though, COVID-19 came along after Influenza A and B. The incidence peaks (for outpatient surveillance testing) of the three illnesses were approximately equal in height on the CDC's graph presented at the Presidential briefing on April 17, 2020.
Looking at that graph, it's hard to be very alarmed about COVID, and hard to be convinced that the lockdowns accomplished anything (the slope of the decline of COVID was virtually identical to the slope of the decline of Influenza B). IMO Trump should have looked at that graph, put a gag and a muzzle on Fauci, declared the "emergency" over...and maybe asked the FBI to investigate what the hell happened in New York City because the death rate there was atrocious.
Or - the PCR test, which was never able to differentiate between the flu and covid, was cranked up to 45 cycles and gave them all the covid cases they needed to claim emergency and get the EUA.