I've discovered that, for the most part, the ONLY people interested in the answers to these questions are those of us who have not taken these mRNA shots.

The jabbed are like those whistling past the graveyard.

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No. Some of us got the jab under duress and asked questions in the spring, only to now get the answers that are concerning....praying God strengthens our bodies because we got the jab in good faith to now be informed otherwise. We have been healthy so far, will never get the booster, and can only wait now to see what happens in years ahead. Not sure if everyone's immune response is the same, or if genetics will have a factor in how the mRNA affects their overall health. God's design of the human body is complex, wonderous and healing could be possible. Praying

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Praying for all who were coerced and lied to.

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And for children who did not consent to these shots.

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Their parents will be guilty for the upcoming infanticide.

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there has been an uptick in miscarriages.

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i think up tick is a massive understatement

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And stillbirths, sadly.

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Most parents were coerced and lied to. They’ll have a enough guilt, so afford them some grace.

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It's a matter of personal choice to inject yourself with experimental drugs. Parents forcing unwitting children to do so is just plain evil. I have no more patience for excusing intentionally bad acts.

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Not everyone has the same knowledge level or the very healthy skepticism of government that those who regularly visit substacks like Alex’s and don’t rely on others to do their thinking for them. “Forgive them for they know not what they do,”(or have done.) Many of them were fooled and truly believed their decisions were just.

For those Branch Covidians that should’ve known or did know better and subjected their children to the jab and mask anyway, There’s a special place in hell for them.

They were too cowardly to reject the bridle and bit that comes with appeasing their desire for the approval and acceptance of others or control over them. For them I have little sympathy, but I do grieve for their victims.

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It is not only a matter of personal choice the the laws and ethics of medicine demand it (See: Nuremberg Laws which specifically disallow the "enticement or enforcement" of experimental medications or procedures.)

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A lot of parents were thinking that this vaccine was the same as the Measles and Mumps vaccines. They are having a hard time wrapping their head around just how different this jab is.

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The offering of the children to Molech.

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Yes and not being grand parents either.

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There will be some very uncomfortable discussions around the dinner table over the next 5 to 10 years.

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You got that right!

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Especially those who might be injured for life. I have dealt with birth defects in my low back my entire life, brought about by my mother being convinced to take the 'pregnancy drug' DES (diethylstilbesterol), so I am familiar with that situation.

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My mother was also convinced to take the DES drug, telling her it would prevent miscarriages. This decision effected my reproductive organs and made it very difficult to get pregnant. I have 2 children, 1 adopted and 1 via IVF! My daughters nor I will ever take the shot!

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Sorry to hear that. Your situation sounds exactly the same as what happened to my older sister. My mom actually took the drug with my brother who is older than both of us. He was affected also, but not as much as my sister and I. Doesn't appear to have had any impact on my younger siblings though.

Parents are playing with fire here out of ignorance. I feel like I am watching a horror movie where I can see the plot but the actors have not yet been told the ending. It's hard to watch. I'd like to turn off the movie, but I can't.

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Thank you and I completely agree with you! This will be a nightmare for generations!

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My wife was in full remission from lung cancer in March 2021. She suddenly developed a gelatinous blood object in her left atrial appendage. Cardiac MRI and PET reports said it was not a thrombus. This thing in her heart didn’t light up like a clot. Evidently part broke broke off in October, causing one stroke. Then, a month later, the rest careened into her brain as a major embolic event. Meanwhile a growing nodule has appeared near her previously benign lung suture. She had no previous heart or clotting issues. In fact, initially they thought the LAA mass was a cardiac metastisis. It wasn’t. You will never convince me the Pfizer vaccine was not at least a contributing factor in all this. And none of her doctors will submit her case to VAERS. They are all in denial.

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They are not in denial. The know what these vaccines are doing. We no longer have medical establishments that hold up the oath they took for their patients. Their new oath is to serve their master big Pharma and the share/stock holders of the corporations they now work for, once called hospitals. They are now politically owned!! Like everything else we have known... Praying for your wife, I so sorry to hear this. And , Praying for this Nation. God is the only one who can protect us .

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Trust in God, but please also safe Gard yourself and fight back. The hospital protocols are killing people and the nurses and Dr's know it. This is genicide, depopulation and that is what we can see now after 2yrs. just wait and see what happens in the next 10yrs. Its going to be totally obvious and those that did it will be on an island sunning themselves with all that money they got with a new identity hiding from the authorities that will be chasing the Dr's politicians and all those hospital mangers, that know what the was gaining on.

Hitler would be proud liking up from that hot place. He will be smiling as the Jews did it to themselves and the world followed. I really hope the climate change shits are proud of themselves as they will have reduced the population growth and reduced carbon output (we all breath that shit out and so do the plants at night). What amazes me is H2O which covers most of our planet is the biggest green house gas in paper form yet carbon dioxide plays may be 3% at most in that equation. Humans contribute to 0.04% of all that. All the numbers can be found yet we go along with the fact humans are causing the earth to warm up. Crazy, but I believe in facts and not political manipulated statistics.

What is the COVID19 agenda =>>> depopulation.

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Similar happened to my aunt who is dying. She had remission from cancer, but her doctor recommended the 'vaccine'. The cancer came back with a vengeance, and nothing seems to have slowed it down.

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Has anyone in your family emailed the doctor to ask why he recommended a cancer causing drug to a cancer survivor? These so-called doctors make me sick.

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Please get your wife's medical records and file a report to VAERS yourself.

Also, you may be able to minimize further adverse effects. See my reply to Phyl Smith above (for some reason my reply appears twice and I haven't been able to successfully delete one copy...)

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Perhaps you could repeat it, I cannot seem to find it. Thank you Kayla

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Strange glitches were happening last night when I was posting and apparently my reply to Phyl Smith didn't "survive." I just rewrote and posted it, so please look again. (If you can't find it, please let me know.)

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Penetrating last sentence calls Muggeridge to mind: People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to. No doubt many doctors suspect there is something quite wrong with a warp speed developed cocktail whose use brooks no scrutiny and violates informed consent. But in the end, job security mandates that they roll over and go back to sleep. Swarthmore ex-pat here. And former Bulletin paper boy. I am sorry to hear of your wife's circumstances. Grace & Peace to you.

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I’d be having a talk (yell) with the doctors. VAERS is only voluntary for patients. Doctors are legally obligated to report a possible event. It’s not their job to determine whether it was vaccine related or not. That’s the job of VAERS. Also, I believe you can submit a VAERS report.

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Not denial, The Dr's that summit to VARS all get pushback and bonuses cut. Those Dr's also loess their jobs. Its also very long process to submit a VAERS, most Dr's don't know how also.

Read my comment above and it covers your wife problem.

My question is why did you take the injections? When you know they were experimental? Why did you not do your own research on mRNA gene therapy? You would have found out they have been trying to lunch mRNA Gene theropy since the 1980 and have failed sue to something called ADE, a form of aids?

You are not a kid any longer. You should have know if the MSM, government are telling you it is good for you, you trust but verify. I never trust the vaccine industry I know what tricks they pull and I verified and found them to be lacking.

I do hope your wife recovers but fear if she had cancer before this is going to be another hard journey for your family.

A very dear friend died of cancer, and the last few months, was for for her. I visited but each time I came away I breakdown in the car. She suffered so much that at the end I was happy she was not suffering and was at peace. I would never wish Cancer on my worst enemy, the pain and suffering the patient goes through before they reach the end is hard for everybody. She was not family but an old friend we always had drinks with in the pub. A vibrant young girl very bodily very pretty.

I am writing this and tearing up, remembering how bubbly and pretty she was. Such a wast, she had a bright future and was making great progress in her career.

I miss her, and her corny jokes, they made us all smile and we all though she had the energy of a teenager, with the jokes to go with that personality.

The final months she was unrecognisable. RIP beautiful girl you are know next to good telling those bad jokes.

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My healthy elderly friend got the vax and soon afterwards was diagnosed with a rapidly growing brain tumor. They gave her a year; she lasted 3 weeks. Every new pain I feel now is cause for concern. I hope I'm well past the 'window of fatality' after the vaccines (no booster) but who knows for sure?

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I don't have solid data on this, but my impression is that if you are 6 or 7 months post-vax and haven't had apparent trouble, you are past the acute causes of death. (I've heard that about 5 months post-vax, there's a rash of blood clots in legs, which of course can break loose and move to heart, lungs, and brain causing disasters there.) But from what I've heard so far, there are longer-term problems such as ADE; a form of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS but not HIV-AIDS); autoimmune diseases; and heart failure that often happens within 3-5 years of myocarditis. Various doctors are studying the vaccine adverse effects and finding ways to address them. I've already posted resources re: this somewhere else on this page, so won't repeat the info here. You might want to study up and take some measures to protect yourself against these longer-term issues...probably less stressful than having every new pain alarm you... Whatever you decide to do, I hope it works out well for you.

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Thank you for your post, though. I appreciate your thoughts and comments. I do believe you are right about fewer effects the further you are from having received the vaccines. I would love to figure out how to get the damned thing out of me completely. Maybe someday, although I doubt it.

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I am a DES baby too. I ended up with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma at 32 years of age. Which is rare, this type cancer is usually found in girls age 4-14. I went thru surgery and many months of chemo. I struggled for years to get pregnant. I finally did have 1 healthy child. I lost him in a car accident. After the cancer, I was no longer able to have children. DES is a dirty word in my home. I will never take this drug therapy disguised as a vaccine.

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So sorry to hear your story. I hope other people will avoid anything not very well proven in their most important efforts. Also you cannot presently 'trust' your doctor to tell you the truth, either because of ignorance or because they are afraid of losing their license to practice it they go against the 'narrative'.

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So sorry E, wishing you much more happiness in the future.

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Feb 7, 2022
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Thank you for your kind words.

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Feb 6, 2022
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Sorry to hear that. I ended up with spermatoceles on my epididymis. Very annoying, although not dangerous. Was able to be treated with sclerotherapy and avoided surgery. DES is now known to cause this condition.

Only good thing I can say about this drug is that,

1) it taught me to be discerning toward and questioning of the medical industry.

2) gave me some life challenges - just another opportunity for personal growth

I also had a pituitary tumor in my 50's, which was odd at that age. Usually it happens in young girls. That was the worst because of the severe hormonal disruption, but I don't know if it can be tied to the DES. I have not seen any evidence connecting the two, but I have often wondered.

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President Biden, the VP and Sen Gillibrand were praying with you at the Anti-LGBTQ National Prayer Breakfast this week.

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Praying to God what Dr. Malone and others were saying is true. So that there would be few lives that can be sacrificed from the madness of the Powers that Were.



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Why? They saw the same information as those of us who have been derided and excoriated for the last year because we refused. If you have problems after taking the shot, I am sorry for you but it's your fault.

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Many people I love have gotten the shots. I've been amazed at how many intelligent people just believed whatever they read/heard from mainstream media; trusted grandfatherly Fauci; obediently locked down, social distanced, wore masks; and then lined up to get the injections.

My path re: COVID diverged from theirs as soon as the official word was "There's no treatment; all we can do is supportive care in the hospital, for people who start turning blue." I collected a whole file folder of treatment information from "alternative" doctors and when I got COVID myself in March 2020, I started DIY treatment on Day 1 of symptoms and was completely over it by Day 8, in spite of being elderly and high risk. I never got sick enough to even sit down, and my oxygen saturation never went below 97%.

But when I warned people about the injections (I'd been studying vaccine injury on and off for about 17 years and knew the COVID vaccines would be off the scale in risk)...it was already hopeless. The psy-op has been brilliantly successful. But you know, I've made too many serious mistakes in my own life to tell anybody "It's your fault" about anything.

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I agree with you that it is hopeless to convince those who will not listen. I'm slowly coming to accept that I am going to lose some family members & friends. A number of them have developed some serious new conditions. Two friends have died. I refuse to say aloud, "I told you so" but I do think it to myself.

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I'm sorry you've lost two friends!

Losing people is so hard.

I'm bracing myself.

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You are a good person. Sorry you have to watch while people are sick or die when you know in your soul that it could have been avoided in many cases. I’ve had the same issue with family. Stopped talking about it because they always get so angry. Would love to be a fly on the wall when they start hearing the new narrative (began last evening on “news”) - open up, no masks. I expect some will just say - “good thing we’re vaccinated, we got through unscathed:…..while others will understand what really has gone on. I hope!

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Praying for you. Consider that next time you're threatened to stand your ground. The Lord will provide and this could have been over sooner if people would have just said no. Businesses couldn't have functioned under the loss. Good will prevail if the good people stand against evil. When we back down we cede the ground and it's much harder and more costly to take back. I'll lose my job, my home, whatever before being forced to be part of a medical experiment with potential consequences far beyond financial. God gave me grit to make it, with His grace, no matter how hard it is. I trust him. I don't trust my boss or the government. Please consider this the next time.

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You are so right I will be losing my job in March. I have no qualms about it. I have no fear because the great mother will provide. I have seen so many people give in and it hurts my heart to see because they lose a piece of themselves when they do. I can see it in their eyes. God bless everyone.

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Get a good hobby and enjoy the rest of your life!

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Enjoy your life even if you don't have a hobby! Best regards!

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Good luck to you! Stay strong! I hope you find another job with a better company. I refuse to support companies that continue this mandate after the court ruled against it. It’s plain evil.

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I said no and lost my job. I have my health and life, which is all God wants us to have. The power in doing nothing for good is greater than the power of complying with evil.

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Amen. You will be part of saving this country. Thank you for staying strong. Thank you for trusting God.

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I wish more people had resisted when it became clear that there was extreme coercion to get these vaccines. That raised hackles on my neck, there was no chance I was getting the 'vaccine' when the coercion became obvious. Very sorry for those who got the shots, and had bad results. The best we can hope for is the perpetrators getting justice (on this earth) and things similar not continuing. Life is just attrition, it helps to have a spiritual bent, IMO. Everything is temporary.

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I never did trust the government, media, or my boss....that is not the problem. I trusted my lifelong doctor and several Christian nurses. It was the lack of data, and an assumption by medical doctors that the jab was safe or only minor short term risk. Now that is being back tracked.

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It is a particular type of evil that uses people's trust in order to hurt them. It doesn't matter if the advice is coming from a doctor or a street car operator. Hopefully, the doctor made the mistake in good faith. They have to trust people too.

Some people automatically ascribe good intentions to the 'government' (and it's encouraged by the 'government') Sometimes it's too late when people realize the 'government' is just a bunch of powerful people who are trying to hold on to their power. Governments have been the source of much evil in history.

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Please share this with everyone you know who got jabbed. https://www.bitchute.com/video/lHkUXPQwOmFA/

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You are exactly correct. People that give in like this hurt those that won't. Now that they are hurt they feel bad but I can't feel much sympathy for them.

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Try to act humanely. It is a human shortcoming to ascribe bad things happening due to people's 'own fault'. You can justify anything with this 'argument'

People differ and arguments used to persuade act differently on different people. You likely have your own shortcomings.

Best regards.

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Misery loves company.

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I'm afraid it will take several years to see the full extent of the Greatest Experiment in Human History.

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AKA the Great Depopulation.

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You are among those courageous few (too few I think) who express regret and hope rather than spite and whose witness is so very important to moving the discourse forward. If we dismiss those who took the mRNA jabs as “whistling past the graveyard” we not only lose your witness but succumb to the tactic of division that those in control of the narrative (those in power) very much want.

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Agreed! There are a lot of people who were against all the government intervention, but trusted their doctor and medical professionals, and now data is showing more shocking information than anyone had previous expected. There are the 20% that are still believers......mostly because they are uninformed or leftists that want the government to control everyone's lives anyway. It is time to make the 20% have no power......the more information that can come out, the more that people will use their wits and common sense to make better decisions for themselves. This is why we cannot have government run healthcare, or government control over our life, finances, family and kids education....and so on. It is imperative we keep freedom because it protects the individual and subsequently, the whole of culture.

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Very wise view! Government deserves to be viewed with extreme suspicion! Individual choice is the only defensible policy, and (real education, NOT propaganda) knowledge (informed consent) should guide those choices.

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I think people who “trusted” the science and took the vaccination knowing they were low risk to the virus…but felt like they were “doing their part”…these are exactly the people who should be demanding answers to these questions! I won’t take the mRNA so tho these ?’s are interesting to me..it doesn’t really matter for me. Other than maybe wondering why the mandate still exists for hero health care workers.

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yep, they went straight from Hero to Zero in an instant. That shows you the satanic mentality of our current admin. And the commercials using children in order to solicit children for jabs is equal to Human sex trafficking! If you don't see that, you are numb to basic human dignity and honoring people as Gods creation. If there is even a hint of coercion or demanding anything of anyone, hidden agenda's, you are working for satan.

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That whole notion of “doing your part”, came from the mask. There was a statement, “I’m mask for you, you mask for me.” The notion that you’re an evil person if you care about your own health, or wonder if what they are recommending is right for you. Their only propaganda message has been, “do it for others. You’re a horrible person if you don’t. You’re killing grandma.”

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Meanwhile they were incarcerating Grandma in a 'hospital', refusing you leave to see her, and getting a fat cheque for smothering her on an 'Incubator' or slipping her Midazolam in a 'Care Home'.

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Don't forget the remdesivir (in USA, not sure about elsewhere). Nasty stuff.

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Yes, in the UK as well. A Consultant tried to get a whistleblowing Funeral Director to take it. John O'Looney. He says he was lucky to get out of the 'hospital' alive, and only because of strong action by his friends.

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Rundeathisnear is what skeptical nurses have jokingly renamed it

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Gallows humor. Real humor often has a element of truth.

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Remdesivir is an essential element in Fauci's Death Escalator...

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Death Compactor

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At the top of the Escalator there's a pit the deceased fall into, and that pit is the mouth of the Compactor. The evil behind all this is genius in its cleverness...every detail has been carefully orchestrated.

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Belief that authority has some connection with truth, and compassion is the first deadly sin. Government has been responsible for MUCH evil.

Fauci may be the most dangerous of all contemporary bureaucrats.

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Nurses have nicknamed it, "Run- death is near". Funny how this ("coincidentally" expensive-sarcasm) was adopted and defended by Fauci. RFK Jr's book, "The REAL Anthony Fauci" tells the story of remdesivir (and of AZT, and of Hydroxychloroquinine and Fauci's empire and world wide influence. Truly he has been KNOWINGLY responsible for millions of untimely deaths)

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Nurses refer to remdesivir as " run death is near ". They know, not the lying MSM and other compromised individuals / corporations.

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The same Liberals screaming we are killing grandma are the very same ones that support killing babies in the womb. What an oxymoron that is!

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There's strong evidence that the vaccinated can transmit something to the unvaccinated. (I think it's the spike protein being transmitted. In any case, Pfizer knew about transmission because precautions were recommended in at least one section of their trial protocol.) It's not just the vaccinees who are suffering from vaccine injuries...it's also the people who have "received" transmitted material. So it may not be true that these questions don't really matter for you...

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Trusted the mad science of gain-of-function? Knowledge of that was out there early, such as by Dr. Richard Fleming (flemingmethod dot com). But govt. believers, and convenience seekers, would be unlikely to heed a very educated doctor's research findings. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi was also early on this possibility and clearly explained, in whiteboard sketching, what has come to pass, and may so worsen, for what he estimated to be 1 to 2% of vax recipients. If half the globe's vaxed, that's 50 to 100M people. Many shied away early from mRNA innovation when research doctors were calling it gene therapy or a genetic medical device. Being victim to the "first model out" of that seemed like a really dangerous venture, one's body genetically manipulated to produce a part of an unstudied virus. And as well, a rushed vaccine with less than a year's testing in trials. Trusting Techno-Magic is quite the dice throw for one's fragile body.

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Mark Twain said (I'm paraphrasing) that it's easier to con somebody, that to convince them that they have been conned. It's just a human trait.

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Tom, I agree with not allowing ourselves to be artificially divided however a tremendous percentage of the vaxxed wanted (and still want) to destroy those who refused, up to and including internment camps and forced vacations. I will always have a significant division with these people as I would fully expect them to repeat this if they were again instructed to fear and hate the other.

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That disturbing phenomenon surprised me, and still does (though less so in light of Mass Formation implications). Fellow citizens so ready to penalize those exercising free, cautious choice. But they were under the delusion that an as-yet unproven vaccine was the magical cure and the pathway to lifted restrictions; with unrelenting media barking out that unwarranted notion. It certainly made cognitively tangible what none of the holocaust books could clearly impart - the genuine mortal threat of the righteous, but misguided, masses. And the swimming against such a maelstrom. Am I uncaring of others by choosing to protect myself from the unknown? Maybe the hallowed vax is a false idol... And the way they were pushing it so hard with so many wild incentives! Utterly unprecedented in my 60 years. Something is up! All of humanity? Even the seemingly unaffected kids? Now wait a damn millisecond! There has to be a hidden agenda. And I think we're still very unaware of its actual dimensions and intentions. When some scientist leaks that info the resultant upheaval will also be utterly unprecedented in our lifetimes; and likely a huge threat to the already-corroding stability. Billionaire psychopaths have usurped national authorities around the globe to implement a savior or oppressive-control plan based purely on very questionable imagination and the notion of viable 'solutions' conceived by those most detached from the commoners' daily realities, ever in time. As conscience asks: What could possibly go wrong? And those ivory tower -aires really don't have a history of rational humanitarian concern, as well as having many ties to the mad history of Eugenics. Plus they are likely blinded by the risible promises, one again unproven, of ultra sci-fi technology as the primary tools in their 'physician's' bag. Exponentially-scaled madness and dangerous presumptions of rectifying power. And it's massively doubtful that they've properly defined the problems to be solved. Techno-opportunism may be the overarching, driving force; and the despised notion of vax passport registration is utterly inimical to familiar notions of freedom and privacy. Total control and constant surveillance are not the appreciable constituents of a bright future for humanity. But it is so for deranged despots and bureaucrats who have a well-warranted fear of unpredictability among the masses who would move to overthrow them for their outrageously-sadistic plans and actions. We must not let that become the future.

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It sounds like you have read, "Covid-19 and the global predators: We are the prey" by Peter Grebbin, MD. Another corroborating book would be RFK Jr's book, "The REAL Anthony Fauci"

If you haven't read it, it will confirm many of your assertions. And the number of footnotes is close to the amount of pages of text. IOW, it is very well researched (both of the books) and near impossible to refute because of the footnotes, which can provide reading for months.

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You make a good point of course and many of those are driven by what could be called evil or stupidity or ignorance or as I said, perhaps spite — the idea that they may know they got snookered (or worse if they got injured), and yet “dammit if I had to get the shot then everybody should get the shot.” Spiteful denial is good fodder for fear and hate of the other.

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That 'comfort in misery' is human nature. Some religions realize this, and are the better (and the more realistic) for it.

You are right, the same people would do the same things. These people necessarily deny the reality of 'human nature'. 'Human nature' is not necessarily 'humane'.

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The division will continue because sinfully sinful people who hate God Almighty the Lord Jesus Christ are still controlling the narrative.

There is no forgiveness without asking for it.

That means the Oligarchs are damned and will scream 😱 contemptible things at the Righteous.

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I can handle the screaming, but its the organ harvesting that kind of upsets me.

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Maybe you can clue me in. When people of multiple organ failure, how can their organs be in condition to be harvested for transplantation? Or is there some use for them other than transplantation?

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Many die, often quickly, from thrombolytic effects: stroke, heart attack, pulmonary clot. Not necessarily multi-organ failure from killer lymphocyte attack.

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Thank you. I was thinking of people who die of Remdesivir etc., but you're right that many people are dying quickly from the thrombolytic effects of the pseudo-vaccines, and their organs could be in excellent condition. How horrible this all is.

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I pray every day that God will defeat the toxic effects of these vaccines in people who've taken them for any reason at all. You're in my prayers too then.

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Thank you. I really appreciate you're saying this.

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There are lots of us praying. My entire family took the jabs. I pray and try not to think about my kids’ potential future health issues.

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We are praying for you and all others forced into this.

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Hey - you might be OK. Maybe you got a placebo. Did you check your lot#?

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Where do we find which ones that are placebos? Other than everyone in Congress.

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There is a site that has all the clot shot lots listed. I can't remember what it's called, but try going to Dr. Malone's website. There are some vaccine lots that are saline. I pray that you got one of those.

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And the NBA

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I remember back way back when they were being rolled out that our local CVS in CA had “discovered” a whole batch of saline filled syringes. They called it a “mistake”, but why would they ever have put saline in syringes unless it was on purpose. 🤔

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Gee, you’d think that might be of interest to some “news organizations “?

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The shots are still in clinical trials. There are different levels of mRNA in different lots, at least among the Pfizer shots,and some lots are saline "controls."

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How could they discover that?

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How do I do that?

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Feb 5, 2022
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I don't think any of the batches were placebos. I believe everybody got exposed to some mRNA if they took a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. There may have been differences in doses or adjuvants that impact how one fares down the road. But, I don't think anyone was lucky enough to just get a placebo unless you were a member of the global elite (for example, Biden getting what was likely a sailing shot in a staged press conference a few months back).

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Saline and adrenaline

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Look at his eyes. They’re more often then not fully dilated, empty and soulless.

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As many of us in the medical community… And I’ve been a part of it for 28 years essentially we were given the ultimatum: get the shot or lose your job. That is very tough when you have a mortgage to pay, food put on the table and children to take care of. But I think now already having gotten Covid I am in a much better place as thousands of other healthcare workers to make a good case to not ever get boosted.

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Doctors at the hospital in my city threatened to walk off if forced by the hospital system to vaccinate. The hospital backed down. This is in rural Eastern Maryland.

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To me, the most obvious indication that this was never about science and only about power was the absolute dismissal of any discussion of exempting people who've already had covid from the jab. I have yet to hear one good explanation for that from any of the so-called 'experts'.

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I've come to the conclusion it's to reward those who've taken the shots by showing what happens to those who don't. Pure power play.

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I'm curious, if I'm prying, ignore me. But if you knew then what you know now, are your circumstances such that you would still have to take the jab? And if you wouldn't take the jab, at what point did the scales tip? Was there anything that came out that was particularly concerning?

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If I knew what I know now, I would not have taken the jab. I was told by my doctor and several nurses I know that they thought it was safe. As the data has been coming out since late summer and through the end of 2021, and the mandates, everything now stinks. It all stinks and I think I had C19 possibly in Jan 2020 .....had all the symptoms but it wasn't a thing yet....maybe I have natural immunity anyway....have been exposed over and over and not even a sniffle in 2 years

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The best of luck going forward Phyl. My wife is in the same boat as you. She had the Pfizer two shot back in early 2021 so that she could fly to visit family. She now knows that she made a mistake. I am un-vaxxed and will remain so.

We both got the Omi around New Years. She got it first and I caught from her. She is still having a few lingering effects, but nothing bad. I did get over it faster than she did. We both took Ivermectin for a week besides the zinc and vit D. I am 74 and she is 68. No comorbidity for either of us.

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I have exactly the same experience with you regarding catching Omicron from my double vaccinated partner. We both had the mildest symptoms. I tested positive for longer but he has had a lingering cough for weeks that I haven't got.

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Symptoms in Jan. 2020, and many exposures since then. I've had a couple "colds" but those are normal during the winter.

I was coerced to take the jab--and would NEVER do it now.

I added daily vitamins (especially D, C, and B12). And so far I'm doing OK.

I agree: this STINKS.

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I'm sorry to hear the stories but happy to know that many folks who are listed in the official data as fully vaccinated regret that decision. That means that the data on the fully vaccinated misrepresents support for the vaccine. I wonder what percentage of people fit into this regret category.

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My wife doesn't regret it but she won't take another, she can see they don't work.

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Add N.A.C. and aspirin to the list. N.A.C. decreases CV-19 adhesion to the ACE2 site by 42% and 29% of people who take a daily baby aspirin never contract CV-19.

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That is very useful information! Thank you for sharing.

And BTW, my 91-year-old father routinely takes a baby aspirin. He did test positive for CV-19 when everyone seemed to have omicron. I don't know how reliable the home-test was, so I chalk it up to a bad cold. He recovered from it quickly.

Again, thanks!

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You're welcome. The day after the good news about aspirin came out, I remember hearing health officials telling people they no longer needed to take a daily aspirin, and that doing so would be dangerous. After the research came out on N.A.C., the government tried to remove it from retail sale. N.A.C. and aspirin. Two "drugs" that people have used for safely decades. It's get vaxxed or die. We are not offered any other choices.

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Don’t leave ivermectin off that list. WHO’s list of essential medicines for over 40 years.

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The trouble is that it's difficult to get Ivermectin--after the US medical tyrants tried to discredit it. Yes, it can be ordered from outside the USA, but I've heard US Customs are confiscating it from the mail.

My cousin is a pharmacist and he's been threatened with the loss of his license even if he fills a bona fide Ivermectin prescription from an MD.

When my dad got sick with suspected omicron, I pumped him with lots of Vitamin D & C. He thought it was a miracle cure!

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You can order ivm directly from sevencells.com. They have on staff both the physician who writes the script and the pharmacist who fills it. They ship it directly to you.

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I've taken the horse paste myself. Was a cheap source of IVM for me, and I bought a whole carton as well a year ago, and another a few months ago, figuring it was going to get hard to find it. I've also shared it with a few family members and 1-2 people in the community.

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Get Ivermectin here: I did. $90 to fill out questionaire (doctor will call if further questions needed) and ~$220 for 14 IVM capsules (prophylaxis) postpaid. One capsule first day, another third day, then every other week. If you are already sick, they will prescribe differently. I recommend


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I take NAC daily with zinc, D, C, Mag, Mk-7 vit K plus some others incl an iodine supplement. Praise God

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I'm a little wary when it comes to aspirin. I know someone with a history of heart issues having aspirin struck from their medication regimen after having a stroke with bleeding.

I'd prefer the plant or herb aspirin is actually derived from than the manufactured pill.

The recommendations from this list look promising:


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Yep, my Dr. put me on baby aspirin, D3, C, NAC and Zinc as a preventative.

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I thought the baby aspirin was to circumvent getting blood clots??

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Micro blood clots in the lungs are the cause of shortness of breath in COVID-19 patients. And yes, aspirin is used to prevent blood clots. Dr. Paul Marik, a widely respected pulmonologist and critical care doctor who developed hospital and ICU treatment protocols for COVID-19, included adult-dose aspirin (325 mg/day) in his COVID-19 protocols.

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I read an article a way back that said people who had gotten covid and then been jabbed did not have good immunity going forward - UNLESS at least 6 months had passed between getting covid and getting the first jab. It sounds like you lucked out. And since the shots wane so quickly, here's hoping they end up having no lasting effects at all.

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I think Alex once posted that.

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Those are the people who really get injured.

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FYI, on April 17, 2020, at a Presidential briefing at the White House, the Director of the CDC presented a graph showing some of the results of the CDC's influenza-like illness surveillance for the 2019-2020 flu season. (Each flu season, samples of respiratory secretions collected from sick patients around the country are analyzed by the CDC to determine which viruses are responsible.)

The graph showed that Influenza B had peaked in the last week of 2019. Influenza A peaked with a high plateau (not a sharp peak) in the first 2 weeks of February. COVID-19 peaked on March 22 (the exact date was reported).

The 2019-2020 flu season was a bad one according to my doctor, and I myself had a bad flu season that year. I had Influenza A and B, and COVID-19 (I had a quick, easy illness because I started effective treatment on Day 1 of symptoms), and two other unidentified viruses (early December and 3rd week of January).

Public health authorities including the CDC have found it profitable to confuse the symptoms of COVID and flu, but I can tell you that the course of illness for COVID-19 was *not similar* to the course of illness for Influenza A and Influenza B. I had a clear description of the development of COVID-19 symptoms written by a COVID-experienced doctor in China and when a close relative got COVID-19 and didn't do early treatment, I got to see my relative go through the exact course of illness the Chinese doctor described.

For some people, there is a flu-like stage of COVID-19 beginning about Day 8, but that follows 5 days of step-wise appearance and worsening of cold symptoms often (not absolutely always) followed by 2 days of feeling somewhat better (when viral replication drops and stops). Even then, the flu-like stage of COVID usually starts low and builds over a period of days rather than "hitting like a freight train" as influenzas typically do.

I hope this information is of interest.

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It's my understanding that the second phase is an inflammatory phase and that steroids are necessary for treatment. Do some people never enter the inflammatory phase? And if they do, is there any idea what percentage become seriously ill?

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Yes, and the second phase is also a clotting phase; aspirin, heparin, or other anticoagulants are used. From what I've heard, some people never experience the inflammatory/clotting phase. I think those are people whose viral load never got very high. That could be for several different reasons -- exposed to only a low number of viruses; strong innate immune system; cross-immunity from other (past) coronavirus infections; few ACE receptors for viruses to use to enter cells; use of virus-killing agents; using of agents that block virus attachment to cells.

When I had COVID, I didn't experience that second phase. I did DIY treatment to suppress viral replication on Days 1-3 or 4; then I added in an obscure, potent anti-viral and by Day 8, I was completely symptom free. (I continued infrequent doses of the anti-viral for about another three days "just to be sure.")

My relative who had her first symptoms on the same day I did and who took only one dose of my obscure anti-viral (refused more because it made her nauseated) went on to experience the whole illness at an uncomfortable but not dangerous level. On Day 9 she developed shortness of breath (caused by micro clots in the lungs). It took her about a month to fully recover. One of her doctors had her on nutritional supplements for unrelated reasons, and at some point we realized that those supplements protected her from severe disease (Vitamins A, C, D, E; selenium; zinc; quercetin; and inositol (which acts as a surfactant in the lungs and relieves shortness of breath).

In March-April 2020, I had some statistics on what percentages of people would get sick from COVID and how many of those would be hospitalized, would need ICU, would die. I'm sure there are still statistics (but untrustworthy ones, in the U.S.), but doctors who have used effective early treatment protocols report that virtually none of their patients needed to be hospitalized; and if hospitalized, they didn't need ICU; and they didn't die; and they didn't develop "long COVID" either.

At this point, the situation in hospitals has changed and anyone entering who tests positive (PCR) for COVID is shunted onto the "treatment" protocol I call Fauci's Death Escalator -- Remdesivir plus ventilator. So it's critical to stay out of U.S. hospitals, which are the new killing fields and every dead "COVID patient" can earn a U.S. hospital up to about $100,000 in government payments.

Vladimir Zelenko, Peter McCullough, Brian Tyson, and George Fareed are examples of successful early treatment doctors. Check out C19protocols.com if you want an idea what protocols are out there.

BTW, the Chinese reported early on that in Wuhan, people with Type O blood were far less likely to die than people with Type A blood. Interesting, huh?

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Dr. Zelenko offers a pill (z stack) that contains vitamin d, quercetin (a zinc ionospore) zinc, vitamin c and other ingredients. He only charges $55 for 60 capsules (30 days worth) or less if you get a 'subscription'. I pay $45 a month. Previously, I was taking separate pills, this is easier and cheaper too.

Dr. Zelenko was one of the first to offer early treatment and has treated thousands of people. He has a very good reputation. A Godly man.

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Yes, Dr. Zelenko is wonderful. Highly intelligent, principled, golden-hearted, and bold in speaking the truth. By the time he wrote his letter to medical practitioners around the world, I had gotten COVID, treated it DIY using information I'd collected from alternative-medicine doctors sharing treatment information online, and fully recovered. But Dr. Zelenko's treatment protocol was so simple, inexpensive, and effective, and acceptable to people who preferred conventional medical care to alternative -- I was delighted to learn about it and spread the word about it. I recommend his "Z-Stack" supplement constantly to people for prophylaxis and early treatment, and for people whose immunity to viruses has been damaged by a COVID vaccine.

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This great. Thank you! (I'm keeping this)

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3 stages. Replication (where it's easiest to intervene) Inflammatory (often needs different drugs, although IVM is exception) and clotting (different drugs again) I'm just repeating, I'm not a doctor.

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I know Dr. Paul Marik's treatment guide divided COVID-19 into three stages as you've described here, each stage requiring treatment with its own drugs and protocol. However, if I understand Dr. Peter McCullough correctly, his opinion is that the hyperinflammation and hypercoagulation occur simultaneously. I think he says that the shortness of breath, for example, which often starts on Day 8 or very shortly after, is caused by micro-clots in the lungs. In any case, in practice this is a minor difference and skillful doctors tailor their treatment to the needs of the patient in front of them.

For people who may not be familiar with these two physicians...Dr. McCullough's specialty is early outpatient treatment. Dr. Marik is a pulmonologist and critical care expert, and a specialist in hospital and ICU treatment. Both of these men are world-class doctors and pioneers in effective treatment of COVID. Because of their caring, compassion, and integrity, I find that listening to them speak about their work is nourishing to heart and soul.

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Flu was reduced when covid dominated, it's called viral displacement, and it's well known.

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It looked like viral displacement happened in the 2020-2021 flu season. In the 2019-2020 season, though, COVID-19 came along after Influenza A and B. The incidence peaks (for outpatient surveillance testing) of the three illnesses were approximately equal in height on the CDC's graph presented at the Presidential briefing on April 17, 2020.

Looking at that graph, it's hard to be very alarmed about COVID, and hard to be convinced that the lockdowns accomplished anything (the slope of the decline of COVID was virtually identical to the slope of the decline of Influenza B). IMO Trump should have looked at that graph, put a gag and a muzzle on Fauci, declared the "emergency" over...and maybe asked the FBI to investigate what the hell happened in New York City because the death rate there was atrocious.

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And he should have followed through and made Robert F. Kennedy Jr. "vaccine czar" like he was implying he would.

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Or - the PCR test, which was never able to differentiate between the flu and covid, was cranked up to 45 cycles and gave them all the covid cases they needed to claim emergency and get the EUA.

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same here!

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Why would they know more than you? I will tell you why. You failed to educate, there was ample information out there suggesting these shots were very risky.

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For me, a prior hospital visit made my decision pre-covid. What had been anticipated to be an overnight stay, exploded into seventeen days. During those days, no testing at all took place to find out what went wrong. First day only, limited scans were done to prove the hospital could not be held liable.

My takeaway from all this? Too much top-down management, even then. Too much CYA, pure and simple. The so-called 'health care' system is far too sclerotic as a result.

Let doctors be doctors, let nurses be nurses, Let Freedom Reign for all of them. Each and every front line medical professional performed competently and admirably. But too many decisions were being foisted on them.

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There will most certainly be some people who got the jabs who will be just fine. The human body is a miraculous thing and it isn't easy to derail a healthy one. One of the difficult things about these shots is that so many people have such diverse reactions. Some people have speculated that a good number of the shots were saline just to throw off any attempt to link the poor health consequences to the shots. I don't have any clue if that is true but it is most definitely on the table.

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I am praying also. Please dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, please protect all those who were forced to get the kill shots and heal them/us of whatever illness/death has been inflicted on us. Please help us in our great need for healing. Amen.

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You should add in some strength and resolve. So the next time, make no mistake, there wil be a next time, next time you folks face a little coercion you won't give in.

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Amen !!!

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I suspect a high percentage of placebos were administered. There is data being gathered but we’re not seeing it. This could explain why such a large number of “vaccinated” people are getting omicron like everyone else, And why they are saying vaccines provide no protection against omicron.

Let’s pray that you received a placebo.

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I don't think there's any evidence of this. I believe there is evidence of variation in dosage and formulation between batches but no evidence of widespread administration of placebos. I do believe placebos were given to many very powerful people but the rest of us either got mRNA injected into our bodies or declined altogether.

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I think it's much more likely that because of the spike mutations in omicron, the earlier vaccines just don't work as well.

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Wow. That is an interesting conclusion. I hope to God it’s true.

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I don’t think there were any true placebo injections because they had to give everyone the graphene oxide so you could be tracked. Maybe some didn’t have any actual mRNA and less graphene?

Almost everyone I know that got jabbed had slight side effects right after and some not so slight so there has to be something other than saline in there.

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well, I personally know of 2 35 year olds now dead, 1 was 3 weeks ago(2 weeks after jab, he complained to parents that he didn't feel well 1 week after booster) and the other was 3 months ago died of heart embolism(clot) months after jab, from my church.

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There is no "tracking function inherent in 'graphene oxide'.

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Who claimed that there is a tracking function 'inherent' in graphene?

It is the most important ingredient in many cutting edge tracking applications and needs a few adjuvants to do the tracking.

There are many things in the vax, a German researcher was interviewed for TV (early 2021) and found that only 1/3rd of the particles in the vax were lipid nanoparticles, the rest was 'contamination'. The graphene has by now been confirmed, my guess is they'll find many more interesting ingredients.

Link for the German 'contaminants' finding:


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Everybody reacts differently because of their general health and other factors. Like vitamin D levels for instance.

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we're WAY PAST the needless number of deaths necessary to know to stop this insanity!! Ppl are friggin brainwashed from propaganda. All previous jabs were stopped after 50ish deaths prior to this and now we're into the thousands for covid pfizer/moderna/jnj ??

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this is a very interesting website. different areas may have gotten more "potent" vaccines - there's definitely a dose dependent thing going on with pfizer vax. a lot to look at here.

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check out the Ethical sceptic on twitter... interesting post of the breakdown by state of adverse events...

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I'm un-jabbed. I've had both versions of this bioweapon. This is IMHO Marek's disease being played out in humans. Aka ADE. It is also, because of the gene manipulation, going to cause many more wide spread diverse causes of death that will never be attributed to the poison.


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I hope you have a good paper trail on the coercion and sue your employer into the next century. We’re going to see a lot of corporate bankruptcies.

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Same here. At the time, I believed the information that was disseminated. Got my second Pfizer shot in April and had a side effect within one week on same side of shot (swollen lymph node in armpit that swelled up to gold ball size and became infected). It was only then that I started to question the narrative because I couldn’t find any info on potential side effects, which seemed suspicious. I got antibiotics and it went away. Then 7 months later got Covid. I just wish I’d not gotten the shot and wish I didn’t succumb to the pressure from my ex to get my 15 year old son vaccinated too. Thankfully, he’s had no side effects. Though, he keeps asking to get the booster and I said no….not sure how long I’ll be able to win that battle.

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Serious question - Where were you getting your information from?

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I have been told that pine needle tea is a good method to help fight the spike protein. I have gotten some for my daughter and granddaughter and their husbands (they took the vaccine). And I always pray for them.

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I read that too about the pine needle tea.

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Elderberry is another.

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I just looked it up and this is just about the best advice I've heard in a long time ! Thank you so much. I have read a lot in the past about pine pollen tinctures, but pine needle tea sounds much easier and tastier!! I live in a forest area, I will try White pine needle tea!!

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I think most people will be ok. The shots will likely increase risk for some issues much like tobacco use or occupational exposure to certain chemicals.

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I agree. While I think all cause mortality will increase to some extent, I don’t think it’s going to be massive. Enough though to make people think twice before they jump into taking another experimental shot.

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But what about all the babies. All the miscarriages and babies dead in the womb. Oh, the murderers. And the doctors who pushed the murdering shots.

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I think you are probably correct about this. The majority of people who smoke cigarettes don't get lung cancer, but that does not mean that cigarettes are not a primary trigger in otherwise susceptible individuals.

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I'm double-vaxxed with Moderna, and I want to know. I won't be taking any boosters, but it's still important to know and understand what happened and what to expect over the next months to years.

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My situation exactly.

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Nobody knows! It's not safety tested. Stay as healthy as you can. Watch out for the sugars, carbs and seed oils. Good luck!

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Find & Read the previous studies on coronavirus vaccine attempts on the NIH website,and other sites. It will give you some insight on what to expect.

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Not just coronavirus vaccines, look at the long-term attempt to make mRNA vaccines for various things work. Because of the Covid emergency, they've really got a foot in the door so they can use their shiny new toy for any number of other conditions.

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thank you

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Ugh don’t go on Rumble... the Stew Peters show, you’ll never be the same again.

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And you guys are worth your weight in gold. Happy to meet you. YOu have guts and brains.

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I was vaccinated and I want to know. I don’t think the unjabbed are the only ones questioning….

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Good to realize. My issue is with the medical establishment that continues to repeat the vaccine lie despite overwhelming information that the shots are a total failure.

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And they participated in denying therapeutics- not to mention refusing treatment to the very sick (cancer etc) simply because no vaccine. It’s not science. There is something sinister going on in medicine.

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My doctor of over 20 years (a Mormon, BTW) pushed everything our evil government told her to. When my spouse and I got Covid we were hung out to dry.

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It's called "COMPLIANCE"

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Yup. You it the nail on the head. They DO NOT WANT to know what they have done to themselves. My sister case in point. "stop posting to facebook". etc.

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It’s hard to blame them now, considering there is absolutely nothing they can do to reverse what’s potentially to come. My super liberal friend’s husband just had a heart attack out of nowhere. I had to sit on my hands to resist the “TOLDJA” temptation. She is suffering enough right now.

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My sister in law died suddenly last year of a heart attack and was one of the early vaccination recipients. Her own doctor refused the cause of death because he said it was impossible that she had heart trouble because she exercised constantly, weighed about 90 pounds and had no history of a problem. They did an autopsy to confirm and it was her heart. I believe it was caused by the shot but would never bring it up to her husband because there is nothing that they could have done and no data yet existed for cardiac events. I'm so sorry that your friend has had a similar experience. It is heart breaking.

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Devastating! This is the worst part: Too many people we love succumbed to the "safe" and "effective" propaganda, and now the rest of us will all be forced to sit back and watch them suffer--or worse. I'm so sorry!

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It was...."we're getting it so we can travel and eat out and get back to normal" They bought the swamp hook line and sinker. Do not ever be the immediate gratification crowd again. Be the wait and see crowd. And the, let's wait on the Lord mindset. Never be rushed again! No matter what.

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The whole back to normal thing was a lie and easy to see that from the get go.

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So sorry to hear Laura.

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Many of us are doing the same thing- sitting on our hands and resisting the toldja moment. I’m doing it with healthy friends who are now suffering with shingles, with horrible vertigo, and as of yesterday a friend who gave birth to a baby born blind with no ears. All of the above were jabbed.

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OMG! The baby!! That is beyond imagination.

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I'm so frightened about how this poison hurts babies, small children.

And the guilt that parents will feel for believing these monster-doctors.

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Did the friend receive it during pregnancy?

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I do not know when but she was for sure vaxxed and maybe boosted

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I don't mean to sound heartless, but this is why I know we're going to win - because in the end there will be no way to hide all the horrors.

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We need to bring back the Nuremburg Trials. These people are FIENDS.

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Oh my gosh. That list is incredible. So very sad

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OMG my great niece is pregnant ,I pray for her and the baby ,she works for hov and had to take the jab.i warn her but to no evail.

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No, she did NOT have to take the jab. It was a choice rooted in poor judgement and a common vice, namely, cowardice.

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I really wish people would stop condemning people who took the jab. Many people had misplaced confidence in their government. But they do not need further holier-than-thou criticism.

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According to Mattias Desmet, it's critical we keep communication open. Criticizing, being sarcastic, feeding an us-vs-them mentality, etc., is the exact opposite of how to get through mass formation with the least amount of horror.

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Absolutely agree. Who knew two years ago that trust would turn out to be such a deadly trait.

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Every person that gave in added to the pro vaccine side and narratives. I won’t condemn you. I forgive you and will pray for your health. But your decision did affect all of us.

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Sheesh. What worries me are the ones who, after everything we've been through, think vaccine passports will somehow protect us. I have a friend in Boston who is nonplussed at the number of people in Canada opposing mandates. She's OK with a few nutcases (like me) but seeing the vast numbers up there has shaken her.

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That makes me ill.

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Oh my goodness. 😭

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Yes, we lost a brother. First blood clots in the optic nerve then onto the heart.

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My father-in-law is likely dying due to congestive heart failure. Implanted defibrillator, stable, healthy and active until the first two jabs in the spring. Then within two weeks of the second, gout-like symptoms, neuropathy, water retention which all resolved by 6 months. Then in November, the booster to be "safe". Mother-in-law very sick for two weeks after booster, Within three weeks of booster, FIL has symptoms of CHF again, hospitalization, home, hospitalization, home with O2, diuretics, more tests, hospitalized again. I doubt he will make it and he was a big advocate of the "vaccine".

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I’m so sorry to hear about both of your in laws. Too many people I love did not opt out—or even consider it. They were all too desperate to return to “normal.” Sadly, there won’t ever be any normal for the vax injured.

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Sounds like your FIL is getting the dessert he deserves and tried to serve to others. Maybe you could ask him how he feels about our toxic civilization socializing the absurd costs of treating such a rotten person.

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Do you live all of your life with that attitude or do you save it for your on-line persona? God help whoever has to deal with you in real life.

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You have to be a leftist troll. No one is this unpleasant without real effort.

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Everything I wrote to Dave is true and relevant. You can't change this with your stereotypical sourpuss.

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A family friend was recently diagnosed with lymphoma two weeks or so after he was jabbed. He instantly suspected the 'vaxx' but went into embarrassed denial that he could even question the 'safe & effective' concoction he received. Cognitive dissonance on steroids much?!

It's no use hammering home the facts after the damage is done. So bloody depressing. :\

I truly do hope there can be a miracle 'undo' for the people who were coerced into having this damaging poison injected into them. 💜

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I took the Moderna shot on June 28. In mid-October I noticed a rather large lump under my jaw. On Dec 20, I was diagnosed with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. I am 62 years old and in relatively good health and a non-smoker. Fortunately my prognosis is quite good. But I can't help but wonder.

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Sure sounds suspicious. Glad to read that you are going to be okay though. 🌞

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Almost the exact same thing happened to my daughter's guy. 49 years old, fit, good health, eats well - Large B-Cell Lymphoma that rapidly showed up in one testicle. Not sure which vaccine he had or exactly when he had it, but he got a booster around the same time the swelling showed up. I didn't have the heart to bring up a connection. Not sure of his prognosis yet. Only confirmed three weeks ago.

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Why not try covidlonghaulers.com.... you never know.

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I believe it was Peter McCullough who said on the Joe Rogan show a while back that in his opinion, long covid and subacute Covid vaccine injury are exactly the same thing. So, anything that has been shown useful in long covid may might also be useful for subacute vaccine injury. I'm using the term subacute here to differentiate the immediate negative reactions to the vaccine like short term lymphadenopathy from the concerns we are discussing here about potential long-term damage to natural immune surveillance and regulation. I believe Dr. McCullough has reported effective treatment of long Covid with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. Anyway, not recommending a specific treatment here, as I am not personally familiar with the data. But, I think it would be worth spending some time on DuckDuckGo looking around. Don't waste your time with Google.

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In RFK Jr.'s book The Real Anthony Fauci, he spends quite a bit exploring the early history of AIDS and Fauci's power grab powered in large part by seizing upon Gallo's claim that a virus (HIV) caused AIDS. This was (is?) far from certain but alternative research was ruthlessly suppressed. If the "Duesberg Hypothesis" is true, then HIV is at most an incidental "passenger" in AIDS cases (many "AIDS" victims had no trace of the virus). I've not finished the book yet, so I don't know if RFK Jr. makes any such link with Covid-19. I think the case is quite strong that virus SARS-CoV-2 causes the "disease" Covid-19, but the parallels to AIDS are still startling. Here are just a few I've noted (again, RFK may or may not have covered these):

AIDS and Covid-19 are a cluster of symptoms. Both have claim that the immune system is weakened or attacked in some ways.

Many healthy (symptomless) people test positive for HIV, even more so probably for SARS-CoV-2.

Relevant to Fauci and his empire, both diseases were captured to develop preferred, experimental, expensive and dangerous treatments, while independent treatments, such as with repurposed existing drugs, were suppressed.

While it's not clear to me what long-term damage the virus itself does (in Covid-19), that risk cannot be ruled out. What we're more interested with here, however, are the very real risks of damage the jabs, especially the mRNA jabs, may cause.

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Holy cow, does RFK mention the Duesberg hypothesis? I am only a chapter in...

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Yes, he goes into quite a bit of detail about it.

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Even DuckDuckGo seems to suppress good research, unfortunately. An alternative is Yandex.

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Yandex is headquartered in Russia. Isn't there a company that isn't all about capturing our data? I may not buy all the Russia, Russia, Russia hysteria but I don't think they've been a model for individual rights and privacy. It doesn't look like that exists in the tech world, but I keep hoping.

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Yes I noticed when I type in anything Catholic as I am one, it always has a bunch of antiCatholic rhetoric in their search engines! On DuckDuckGo. I think it’s Safari in disguise.

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After my last couple of searches, I have been wondering about that

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Brave has a search engine in beta. I’m using it on my work computer successfully.

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Ohhh score! Thank you for another alt search engine, Patrick! 👍

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Yes, it's the long-term immune system damage that seems most concerning and duck duck go is my default search engine too!

It also seems [just from my personal observation thus far] that most people were critically injured at a much greater rate by follow up jabs and 'boosters'. The folks who quit after the first jab didn't seem [so far] to have the same repercussions as the mult-jabbed.

Then, of course, there are the ones who got the 'saline' injections but that's another rabbit hole to this whole nightmare.

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His go to is research by Dr. Bruce Patterson. There is a short segment on The McCullough report Novemberish timeframe or longer video interviews with Patterson, if you can find them. Look for stuff from late fall or younger. They are excellent. Dr Shiva (?) had an interview with him that brought up no one seems to yet be looking at the blood brain barrier and what's crossing / how to fix it. https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2021/07/21/patterson-cracked-long-covid/ The neuro stuff, telomeres /DNA repair, reproduction and the cancer stuff -different pathways that I haven't heard any ground breaking stuff on treatment yet. Just spitballing on pathways or data on suspicious blood chemistry changes. Walter Chestnut is another interesting one. It's going to be a little complicated. Folks are going to need to self advocate, know their bodies and really plug into medical preprints or someone like McCullough that will read a ton of research papers and take Q&A.

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That would truly be the greatest gift that Big Pharma could give the world. But development of same would be admitting liability and fault in the first place, so it will sadly never happen.

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There is no liability. Thanks Congress and the PREP act.

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But the companies mandating so. Are people suing?

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Would you trust it if they did?

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I wouldn't! I'm done with conventional contemporary western medicine. I refuse to have anything further to do with it.

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Good question

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And who would trust their “cure”? They have zero credibility

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I don't trust my doctor ,she tried to talk me into getting the jab .When I ask if she will treat me if I got covid her response was only with over the counter meds.so I knew where I stood, Tylenol .

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If anything, the [hopeful] cure will most likely come from something derived from the blood of the un-jabbed/un-'vaccinated' control group discovered by a handful of trustworthy and honest physicians and scientists like the ones Ron Johnson hosted recently:


This is my hope and prayer for the ones who have been inured...especially the precious children. 🙌

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This is what I’ve been turning over in my mind today: that the Malones and McCulloughs of the world might be able to do their own startup to fix what Big Pharma has broken.

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Exactly. Hope over fear FTW. 👏

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Yeah, I've been meaning to ask this group if anyone remembers a movie where this exact(almost) story line is the reveal.

I think it was vampires that had been created by some vaccine living with normal humans and normal humans were disappearing and ending up in a blood farm or something? There was supposed to be some kind of drug the vampires were supposed to be taking to keep them "normal", but it didn't work so they needed the untainted as cattle and they were running out of us. I don't think the normals new the other people were vampires, just vaccine injured and needed a constant supply of the drug to keep from dying.


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Yes, probably this movie:


Was a pretty good sci-fi flick, as I recall.

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That's it! Thanks!

a plague caused by an infected bat transforms most of the world's population into immortal vampires. The human population plummets, leaving vampires with a severe shortage of blood; vampires deprived of blood degenerate into psychotic, bat-like "subsiders". Most humans are captured and harvested in laboratory farms while scientists research a synthetic Substitute. As sunlight is deadly to vampires, underground passages and UV-filtered cars are built for safe travel, while the few free humans travel by day, hiding in open spaces.

Welcome to the future :-)

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Probably not...but if faced with certain death / disability vs. the possibility of improvement, I suppose I'd give the possibility a go.

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Who knows what they would put in the next “vaccine”? Isn’t once enough? I’d rather die than hand over my body to these evil men.

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There is some kind of protocol I heard on America out loud with dr. Peter McCoulough,some kind cleansing fast.

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How about that young senator getting stroke.I wonder if he was jabed?

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Yeah, he was. He had a big photo-op. Likely boosted too for another photo-op. Newsom in CA got his booster, disappeared for 10 days, missed the climate trip to Scotland and said it was all for family obligations. BTW, Newsom's kids are not vaccinated. Rumor has it that his wife refuses to do it.

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Lujan, New Mexico. 49 years old.

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Any updates on his condition?

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yes, they showed it on the substack post

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If you did tell them, they would be angry with you forever. Most of them do not believe it has any link to the shot - after all the doctors insist it doesn't. They're going to latch on to that but in a couple of years, I bet the guilt is going to be horrific.

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I hope the prosecutions are many!

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I'm aware of several previously perfectly healthy people in their late 50s or early 60s who suddenly began to suffer neurological ailments or died within months after being diagnosed with aggressive cancer. All of these folks were a professional healthcare providers who are focused on integrative medicine and nutrition. None of them were taking pharmaceuticals of any kind on a continual basis. They ate really well, exercised regularly, didn't drink or smoke, etc. They were duped into being vaccinated, as they were not at any risk of severe Covid based upon their demographics and comorbidities. Unfortunately, if I were to even ask the question about whether the strange mortality was related to the vaccines, I would be met with looks of incredulity.

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You don't have to say it but your eyes will betray it. Sorry to hear this.

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A huge number of people have put their trust in their government and media/pharma industrial complex and some have suffered personally as a result. I fear there could be more suffering to come for many. God help them.

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It's odd because any political subject I tried to bring up to my mother who's in her mid-70s says I don't want to know. I think she believes she has enough stress in her life and doesn't want to have to think about things.

It's odd because I'm completely the opposite you have to know as much about as many subjects as I can

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No, it is normal. When you get to a certain age, you no longer want to deal with things of the world.. she is winding down

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Kinda reminds me of the church fathers in the middle ages who refused to even look into Galileo's telescope.

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No, it's not only the people who didn't get the mRNA shots who are interested in the answers to Alex's questions. I'm 70 years old and among the 7 million or so Americans who are immunocompromised. I would assume Alex would like to have readers like me who are not necessarily part of the choir reading his posts.

I was told by my doctors to not only get the shots, but to then get the 'third shot" as soon as it came out. Where do we turn now? Can't just get rid of the shots in our bodies.

Let's not assume only dummies got the shots and see if we can broaden the demand for answers to these questions. This would include a broad coalition of people, not just the readers of this post. Btw, I'm a fan of Alex's just like the rest of you.

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I wouldn't describe myself as a fan of Alex's, but I do appreciate his work.

Since all the Covid propaganda became apparent, I've been making a conscious effort to separate narrative from data, message from messenger. We've all been habituated to pick a team by decades of political polarization. I think it's time for the public to become aware of that, because it's been weaponized by those who would manipulate us.

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We aren’t assuming that. My husband got jabbed back in March. He’s not stupid; this was before the truth began to emerge about the jabs’ utter failure and seemingly ulterior purpose. He’s not getting boosted.

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Marilyn, you are a person who I would like to get to know. You have guts and are brave. If I hadn't researched I would be like you. Yes, let's do a coaltion of all of us...I'm 65. How do we do this?

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No. Some of us got vaccinated and now have been convinced it was a bad idea.

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Let’s get together and fix the future! We have to stop it now and make sure it does not happen again.

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i am doing a baby aspirin per day and following the zelenko protocol quercetin, zinc and vit d

i hope my b cells are not severely harmed.

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That’s great! Consider adding magnesium and electrolytes. I believe in these protocols wholeheartedly. Been on them since mid 2020. Been extensively exposed to active covid people with zero transmission to me.

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I read an interesting pub med on melatonin a few days ago. REALLY interesting, especially for cancer treatments.

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My osteopath placed me on that same protocol—AFTER I recovered from Covid, a year ago this month. So far, my natural protection has been both safe and effective.

But oddly, this same doctor also recommended at that time that I get jabbed. I hope she has educated herself further since then.

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Try adding Quinine Bark, I get it off Amazon. First sniffle add Benadryl. K2 full spectrum Complex to keep your blood flowing better, that comes from online Vitamin shopping, shipping has been so screwy of late.

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Can’t win ‘em all. I’m focused right now on boycotting the WokeLympics and its sponsors. Can’t boycott everything, but we can be firm about the brands we do tell to piss off.

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It may not be your cup of tea, but it is the fastest way to get the Quinine Bark. And if you live in the booney's when it's over a 2 hr drive into Crime/Covid riddled Memphis, TN you do what you must. We don't even have a sit down restaurant. Biggest employer is the Grocery store. The area currently is under less than 2 inches of ice, snow, or downed trees. It paraylizes the whole area. Schools were ordered closed Wed night, before the front moved in. Many live rural, cities don't have the removal equipment than NorthWern or high snow states do, we just don't normally have the need. When we first moved here over 35 yrs ago, there were men on a dump truck tossing out cinder/sand mix on the bridges, Biggest isue is the huge shallow rooted Oaks than topple with the weight on roads, houses, streets, cars, power lines.

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I understand your situation completely but many others can go shopping elsewhere. Thank you Gail for your explanation!☮️

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Well you can add GoFundMe. Bedbath/Beyond, Targets, Hershey's, which are WOKE, and out near the Mall. My husband has spent 40 yrs taking Feds orders, 20 yrs USN, 20 yrs Jr College Prof. Now it's doctors, he just decided his Eldest who participated in Cancer research at Vanderbilt till the grant ran out, then onto setting up Med labs all over the USA is smarter than I am. Education wise yes, commonsense No. She is a Liberal. Just like the rest of his family. His niece is married to Bernie Kopel, Dr from Love Boat, Dixie Carter is related there distantly too. At 81 he figures he hasn't more than a few years, wants peace and quiet. I'm a 1st born, Leo, Alpha, been protesting against Dems to long to give up quietly. Pro-Life, Pro 2nd A, more like a Constitutional Conservative than todays GOP. Onlything I put my foot down over was the NFL. You pick the battles you can win at our ages. He turns certain Olympics on, I turn my hearing aids down and read.

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Search for the study on Diphenhydramine (benedryl) + Lactoferrin combo.. over 90% reduction in viral replication.

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Lactoferrin is a protein in human milk, animal milk, and other bodily fluids. Colostrum, the first milk made after a baby is born, is higher in lactoferrin. Lactoferrin helps regulate how well iron is absorbed into the body from the intestine.

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That's why I said, "for the most part." I can say from personal experience dealing with family members, close friends and associates who have been jabbed, they are not curious or openly concerned about the questions Alex has presented in this post.

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And then there are the ones who treat those who refused this crap poorly. Uninvited to Christmas etc. i do have an issue with those who advocated for harm and mistreatment of unvaccinated. Doubt I’ll forgive them.

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I belong to a womens group. They became rabid vax Karen's. They are so freaking crazy that they have stipulated that come this April when they start meeting weekly IN THE PARK to sit at picnic benches and play bingo to attend you must be vaxxed and sign a form declaring you are. To meet in the park . These people are nuts. Needless to say I no longer attend their functions, I'm pureblood.

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Looks like nature is weeding them out.

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I have very few friends or family who have taken the jab, but all of them are true believers and think I’m an anti-science troglodyte for not taking it.

It’s like we live in different worlds.

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Hubby's side are liberals. My sister and niece both are like me anti-vax. Niece has a lot of health issues, some genetic, Lupus gets her a constant supply of Plaquenil generic, BIL like my G. Nephew are Duchene's M.D. no jabs for them either. Some do it out of necessity, 1 lady I met has a son in St. Jude's Children Hospital, strict requirements have kept covid out.

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Yeah, nobody wants to think about how they made a terrible mistake. Nothing they can do about it, is how they think. Unless/Until the start mandating boosters -- that might get a few people to betray themselves.

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read this paper. at the very end, the poor man states that he realizes the vaccines are the best answer to beat Covid. How sad is it that he had to say that? He took his shots, and is going to die because of them. He knows this. Yet he had to say this in order to get this paper published. To quote: "The patient is the corresponding author of this case report. He hopes that this report will incentivize investigations to clarify the possible impact of anti-SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination on the course of AITL. He remains convinced that mRNA vaccines represent very efficient products with a favorable benefit-risk ratio."

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I wonder if people in this position get more than just a paper published. What if they're leaving their families destitute with medical bills and the life insurance won't be there because they took an experimental drug? I can see a lot of people cave in that situation if miraculously, their hospital bills disappeared. I have no idea, but there seems to be a lot of money given to hospitals if they say people died of covid.

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The hospital s get 30 T for each Covid patient

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I had to scroll and scroll here, waiting for someone to mention this who actually read through the paper! Did you see the sole person who commented? (commented on the "patients perspective"). Basically, that person's comment was (paraphrased) why is that even in here?...this is supposed to be a scholarly scientific article, not someone's opinion.

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Ignorance is bliss for some of the poked.

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"There's no use crying over spilled milk." - Ancient proverb

"Never tell me the odds." - Han Solo

Take yer pick. :)

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“ Trust in God, and tie your camel to the tree.”

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I like this camel

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"Don't count your chickens"...or something like that.

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...while calling the inquisitive "conspiracy theorists"

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They are wrapped in a blanket of ignorance and many are smart people that will never admit they got this badly wrong and did it to their kids as well. Worse they will lie louder to protect their egos.

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Yup---vast excess death to occur this year--2022.

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And 2023, and 2024 and So On.....I'm afraid it will take several years to see the full extent of the Greatest Experiment in Human History.

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Or like me can’t do much about. I’m just glad I didn’t get a booster. No need to make things worse than they already are.

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But you can do something about it. There are regimens you can follow to reduce your risk and boost your body's ability. I will try and find one of the better ones.

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When these outcomes start affecting massive numbers of jabbed people, they will be awakened from their psychosis and proceed to revolt against the governments that lied to them. They will cannabalize their leaders as the vaccine-effects cleanse the populations of their weakest links.

When the hospitals have to close because they have no healthy doctors left to treat the vaccine victims, then true justice will reign, as punishment will be exacted for the reign of Covid terror they created in their klilling fields. These spineless medical charlatans will be held terminally accountable for the terror they forced upon their innocent victims in exchange for the 10s of thousands of dollars in govt incentives to murder patients with false positive Covid tests, useless and poisonous remdesivir, and unnecessary ventilators.

The Case Of Scott Quiner / Mercy Hospital, Coon Rapids, Minnesota






The Case Of Burt Croon / Mercy Hospital, Coon Rapids, Minnesota


The Case Of Charles Hughes / St. Mary’s Hospital, Huntington, West Virginia


The Case Of Grace Schara / Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital, Appleton, Wisconsin


Actual Cases Of Hospital & Doctor Malpractice


Biden’s Bounty on Your Life : Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19



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Up to $150,000 per patient for testing-ICU-ventilator and death sequence. Hard to believe we are living during a historical holocaust.

Gates/Fauci/Biden/Schwab/Bloomberg/0bama and thousands more.

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This was NEVER about the virus. It was about mindless acceptance of government power and coercion. Mission accomplished. In the liberal northeast people are in full mask mode even whike driving alone in their cars. Fear has overruled common sense. THIS is the new normal folks.

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Here in Colorado, where I live in the mountains, we never experienced "crazy" -but grocery shopping yesterday we suddenly noticed maybe 30% of people wearing masks. And then we further noticed they did not appear to be locals for several reasons, but mainly they had that high alert/ready to jump look at the rest of us not wearing masks. Then we realized, it's ski season (and a great one w/ lots of snow!) and they were all tourists from one of the coasts or big cities (Chicago, NYC, LA, SF...) and they brought their mask/fear culture with them. Would be interesting to see if they began to normalize to the locals and threw away their masks by the end of their ski vacation.

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Anecdotally from last year: I took my adult grandsons skiing to Park City. They were both forced to take an mRNA shot by their employers. Not me. I was 71 y/o then and had not taken any shots. Of course, we were compelled to mask up on the airplane ride (except when dining or drinking, either on the plane or in the terminal) but I was shocked at the stringency with which masking was enforced on the lift lines. If your mask was below your nose, you were sternly told about it. Of course, as soon as the chair pulled out, the masks came down! None of us came down with the WuFlu, regardless.

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Wow, very relaxed here last year and this year... a "mask" is the normal gator one uses to ski in, so really no one wore the official cult mask. Respect and congrats to you for holding your ground. Same here and we are just a few years younger. I.will.never.concede! We're headed out today to ski, and luckily our governor, Denver mayor, and our county all have removed restrictions. So on the shuttles, the ski tourists should be obvious!

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Asinine. There isn’t one single recorded case of Covid being transmitted on a ski slope—or anywhere else outside!

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I paint people's houses. It takes about two days for them to unmask after they get to know me. I don't mask unless they ask, which I'm happy to do when working in common spaces. When I have to disclose my vax status prior to a residential job the same thing happens. They are curious because I am knowledgeable and I can make an impression with my attention to detail and willingness to listen. It seems easier to reach people as an outsider rather than family member.

In public, I make a point to engage the masked with small talk and kind gestures. You can get more bees with honey than vinegar. Where I live in Pennsylvania we don't have a mask mandate and we voted 53-47 to limit the Governor's emergency powers.

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Nothing worse than covidians vacationing in Florida or going on ski trips while still acting like they are worried about covid.

If you’re still concerned about covid, stay home!

And if you decide to go on vacation, stop pretending you’re worried about a pandemic!

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Haha I experienced the same thing skiing here where I live in the mountains of NC last week.

Neither I nor the locals wear masks anywhere and you can spot the city folk easy masked up, kids masked, and more importantly a noticeable unease in their eyes and behavior.

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Glenwood Springs here representing! We also never experienced crazy. Aspen, as expected, was insane prior to COVID, and so remains. All the rich people found ways to get early vax access, so they had seriously diminished antibodies by the time Delta came around. Pitkin's been the #1 sickest county in the State for... awhile.

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I'm not even sure it's fear anymore. Just "the right thing to do" in order to be an accepted member of the Death Cult. Keep taking injections of Jim Jones Juice or be an outcast. Protect yourself from any possibility of learning the truth and remember to fear and despise the "antivaxxer" heretics.

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It is a sign of obedience to the regime, that you are a good citizen.

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Good point! The mask is the new tattoo to signal you are definitely a faithful member of the gang/cult.

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I fled the northeast a year ago this week. Saw the writing on the wall. Boy, was I right! It’s libtoon crazy there now—worse than I could ever have imagined. People I once thought were smart are…not so much. I’m hoping more of them will break free of the chains and relocate to my free state!

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The day is coming when I too will be free!!

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Feb 5, 2022
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but Inslee is still governor

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Sorry, as strongly as I believe in free speech, I am not going to tolerate calls for vigilantism or “direct justice.”

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I don’t see a call for violence. Are you trying to prevent yourself from being deplatformed again? As you understand, you cannot comply your way out of this. You must stand for freedom.

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The call for violence was deleted. I agree with Alex on this. Standing for freedom is not the same as tolerating calls for vigilantism. For all we know, whoever posted the violent post might well be an agent provocateur.

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What is it they call them? Glowies? Fed posting.

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LOL!! RUSSIA!!!! Right, Karen?

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Ray Epps freelancing for Pfizer

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My guess would be CIA. I don't think Russia is our enemy.

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I have to surmise that his comment was edited after Alex rebuked, but would love clarity.

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Where did that person call for "direct justice?"

Please cite that part of their post.

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Where exactly is the call for vigilantism or “direct justice”? I have followed you from the beginning but you are about to lose credibility with me.

You start censoring speech, and you become part of the problem, not part of the solution. (And censoring also means editing out comments).

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Same guy who attacked a very good man, Dr. Malone...

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? I'm confused Alex, where did this poster suggest vigilante or direct justice? I thought the post reasonable tho would have been stronger with links to patent analyst Dr David Martin and lawyer Reiner Fullmich that do support a Rico at global level.

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Alex - great work!! Do you know yet what impact the vax series has on the immunity of those people who had a natural covid infection PRIOR to getting the vax series? Does it destroy/damage any B or T cells created by the natural infection? My soon to be son-in-law had a nasty covid infection in sept…but was forced to get the first 2 shots in Dec as he didn’t want to be ‘separated’ from the Marine reserves - (medical waiver was denied)……I'm concerned about his health going forward and any potential future grandkids……. Keep up the fantastic work!!!!!

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Look up Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE).

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I missing this. Is the post we can view edited?

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Feb 5, 2022
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Did you know that it is illegal to threaten someone with bodily harm? It's true. It's not just uncivil, and disruptive to society; it is illegal.

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Is it illegal to kill millions with a pseudo-"vaccine" and the poison remdesivir? To intentionally spread Covid via the importation of millions of illegals, many infected? To make illegal the use of proven therapeutics that would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives?

This is not a time for wimps, snowflakes or Karens.

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No one can escape from those facts, there are facts.

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Feb 5, 2022
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take a bath, you and your comments stink.

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This would be assault.

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Ditto for killing/maiming folks with a experimental gene brew, all while refusing to even disclose the contents, which used to be required by law until the corrupt FDA refused to enforce that law? Also refusing to acknowledge the massive number of people killed and damaged by the "vaccines"??

Is that "assault" too?

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Probably falls under conspiracy to commit murder. Just for clarification...assault is making someone fearful of imminent bodily harm. This can be done with words. Battery would require physical contact.

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Can folks please just stop with this depopulation theory? It directly undermines serious questions about vaccine safety and efficacy and allows "Trust the Science" zealots to paint anyone asking questions as a tinfoil hat lunatic.

It doesn't have to be a grand conspiracy.

-Pharma companies want to maximize profits and will downplay side effects/efficacy issues in pursuit of that goal.

-Politicians need a simple, easy solution to reinstate normalcy. A shot that guarantees you don't have to ever get sick is a political win.

-NIH/FDA has a bias toward advancing an exciting medical technology that has been problematic in past use.

-Prestige media organizations can't admit that they were wrong.

It's as simple as that.

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Tell it to Bill Gates, the originator of the depopulation agenda... do some homework before bleating... do you realize that an estimated 300,000 are DEAD from the vaxx in the US alone? VAERS captures maybe 1% of all adverse events...

There is ZERO reason to vaxx babies and 5-11 year olds, or are you too dense to realize that something evil is behind the drive to do so?

"A shot that guarantees you don't have to ever get sick is a political win." Oh really? What shot are you referring to? Certainly not the clot-shots!

"-NIH/FDA has a bias toward advancing an exciting medical technology that has been problematic in past use." Jeeze, wake up, you have swallowed the Big Pharma.Gates/fauci propaganda/BS whole.

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The point is it doesn't matter. Instead of arguing about one conspiracy vs another, just work on the outcomes. We are on the same page - this a trainwreck. Whether it's from Gates, Soros or the tooth fairy doesn't matter - we have a problem on our hands that has potentially devastating outcomes for the world.

We can be in furious agreement about the core issue, but we don't have to be in agreement about the cause.

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By not being agreement as to the cause, it impacts the solution! If you don’t circle the wagons around the cause, there won’t be a successful action-based solution.

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So I thought that too, but if it is depop. then they might be willing to unleash something even worse. It might be helpful to know that we are under attack.

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Definitely death occurring no doubt, but one cannot cull most all of humanity. Just does not make good business sense. Bill needs people to make money off of.

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True... but I think they were aiming at around 2 billion dead... they will fall short, too much info came out too soon about the side effects... people like Dr tenpenny, Colman, Hoffe, Ardis, etc rang that bell early...

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How many did he kill or maim in India or Africa?

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I agree. Please let's keep the conspiracy tales out of the picture. There's enough meat on the bone here to make any conspiracy freak happy - without all the other weird stuff (Soros, depopulation, 5G, etc.).

The far more practical reason for this disaster is greed, stupidity and incompetence.

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Far more intentional than incompetent. These perps are not stupid!

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True... but... Lots of poor deluded sheep here... sad.

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I say good riddance to those who still trust the propaganda! If they haven't woken up yet, I'd rather they exit the earth (i.e. die) and leave it to those of us who have enough "common sense" (I'd call it "personal and spiritual integrity") to realize that this whole covid and covid vax phenomenon is evil, man-made, and must be confronted as such. We will be subjected to ever more tyrannical, authoritarian, fascist treatment unless we face reality head on. Pretending we are not up against world-wide evil is nothing less than suicidal.

Everyone I know, except for myself, believes the government narrative and are gung-ho for the poison injections. I expect they'll be Covid Cult True Believers till the day they die of diseases caused or hastened by the shots.

Nothing in this post is intended as threat to anyone, I feel I ought to add, in light of the current discussion here.

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"...evil, man-made, and must be confronted as such."

Very true... but can we depend on the totally corrupt DOJ and FBI to fight this evil? Our current military "leadership" is no better... actually complicit...

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I agree with you completely.

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Shills like sheep and vice versa

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Hard to keep out the conspiracy theory, when the definition of Conspiracy Theory is exactly what we are all dealing with. Definition:

conspiracy theory

A theory seeking to explain a disputed case or matter as a plot by a secret group or alliance rather than an individual or isolated act .A hypothesis alleging that the members of a coordinated group are, and/or were, secretly working together to commit illegal or wrongful actions including attempting to hide the existence of the group and its activities. In notable cases the hypothesis contradicts the mainstream explanation for historical or current events.

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If two of your three “practical” reasons suggest mentally incapable instigators, then what does that say for those that willingly lined up for this? Greed yes. Those that did this are not stupid nor incompetent. More likely they are sociopathic genius.

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And I also must add that I don’t think those who willfully rolled up their sleeve are stupid. They were (are being) played by group of maniacs that were trusted institutions.

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Please, let's not. They are not theories.

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Right Julia .Just not a good business model for Pharma to cull off all of humanity. Stephanie Seneff sums it up well at what is coming as a BOON in assured $$$ for Pharma treating all the NEW sickly for decades and decades.

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Problem is, the mRNA "vaccine" doesn’t follow a business model since the only customers are governments who either paid upfront, $billions$, and continue to pay while mandating/forcing their citizenry.

Now I’m not advocating this was/is an exercise in depopulation - but if one were to plan such a thing how would it differ if the idea was to reduce populations, especially of the elderly and sick.

As for the mRNA vaccine itself, I was an early proponent until I started researching - and with degrees in biochemistry and biomedical engineering I don’t think I’m a crank. What irritates me are the ads calling this the safest most tested vaccine in history when the truth is that prior to this mRNA jab there hadn’t been any successful widespread uses (if I’ve missed something, I’m always open to being informed). FURTHER, when has a few months testing ever been permitted before a drug or medical procedure was given permission?

Now, as an emergency measure to protect the aged, the infirm, most susceptible, emergency use of this drug may have been wise; but now we’ve been mandating use throughout the global population, not just in nations.

This vaccine/drug has been in beta testing for the past 18-24 months and all the folk who’ve accepted the jab are the test subjects.

Personally, I think the social (different from governmental) pressure to take the jab is that the belief the jab will provide protection without any lifestyle or dietary changes in peoples’ lives.

We’ll see.


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See Stephanie Seneff's articles about the looming neurodegenerative, immunological, cancers etc to come form these injections over time. There is always a business plan. Create the problem and supply the solution. Moderna was a company set up to develop cancer meds using mRNA tech

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Including children who will never be well. And who need fertility treatments. And heart medications.

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I agree- what would be the end game of depopulation? the elites still need the lower class to cook and clean their toilets for them. But I do wonder about the heavy handedness and global coordination of the mandates. The first hint that there may be something more to this was forcing someone who recovered from covid to get an injection with a virus that's extinct and then doubling down on the punishment and hostility even after it was clear the vaccines didn't work. I do wonder about digitization, social contracts, and WEF type of plans. Why is Trudeau behaving this way? It's so irrational.

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Depopulation does not have to be 100% and never would be... Bill gates has called for a massive reduction of population via vaccinations, to take the "stress" off the planet... how much clearer does it have to be?

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At the very least, we can agree that this was never about health and much more sinister than money and greed.

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In a population of half a billion, there will be plenty of serfs to clean toilets for the elite. And that’s without Bezos’ robotics.

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All those brown and black people flooding across our borders will be their flunkies.

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the trust fund wimpy frat boy is bought and paid for is why!

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Do you think he is just having a temper tantrum by pressuring gofundme to divert the truckers' money to other causes? Is it possible he is trying to show that he is committed to whatever deal he made with WEF? I read 2/3rds of Canadians support his covid policies. Why else would he be so confident that he can direct a fundraiser to steal donations and everyone would just go home? I've heard him speak and he is either quite delusional or 2/3rds of Canadians actually do support him. (BTW he is a doofus and I am repulsed by him)

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And he IS the son of Fidel Castro, after all.

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Keep hearing that...is that FACT?

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Hard to believe 2/3s support him. If true than Canadians get what they ask for I guess

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At one time I might have agreed with you but two things make me think depop. is a real thing. 1- The TED talk where Gates talks about the vaccines as a tool to cut population. 2- Guilt and fear of getting caught would cause the Pharma companies to silently shrink away and declare success and try to manage the damage. BUT they are doubling down and authorizing it for little children and CA has it on the docket for mandatory vax. I can no longer think this is just sloppy science.

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So who financed The Georgia Guidestones? Just some rich goofball?

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Someone who wanted to have something clearly identifiable to track when the information moves through the medium?

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The outlandish conspiracy theories always make me shake my head. Yes, it’s remotely possible they’re true, but the all ascribe a level of competence to the actors that is exceedingly unlikely. These are bulls in a china shop, not James Bond villains.

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You need to dig deeper. Take off rose colored glasses and investigate. They play stupid but they are brilliantly evil.

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Evil I agree with, but it's the brilliant part I don't. They're largely smarter than your average MSM-consumer but not exceedingly so. They've reached the positions they're at because of the apathy of the opposition rather than genius-level brilliance.

Would they stop at purging large portions if it furthered their goals? Absolutely not. I just don't believe it's the primary intent. They will take the easiest and most efficient path to mulcting power and money from their "subjects", and that isn't it. It's much easier to brainwash them into voluntarily handing it over as so many have been.

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Correct, but sheep will be sheep.

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End stage capitalism … one world government… ect ect ect …always follow the money 💰

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Sorry to hear you're a bobblehead. Is Satan an outlandish theory in your book?

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If you disagree with me, then make an argument and support it. Devolving straight into insults makes you no better than a lefty screaming "racist!" Be better than that. It may make you feel better, but it doesn't sway anyone else so it's ultimately fruitless.

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Read RFK Jr.’s book. We have been sold both the sickness and the cure for a very long time now.

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How about “There’s to many people on the planet, sustainable future, humans are a plague in this planet, climate change, …”.

I just don’t get how that, which we all have been hearing all the time for the past 30 years, goes along with “stop the planet because we want to save every single person alive, injected everyone, by any means, because we love humanity and want everyone to be safe and healthy”.

How do you conciliate these paradoxical campaigns, which come from the same actors?

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The vaccine "guarantees" you won't get sick? Are you seriously saying this right now!?

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Some of you are in such a hurry to be outraged that you don't slow down long enough to comprehend what you just read. That's not what the poster meant; are YOU suggesting you don't recall these orgs/pols making the guarantee? They were clearly wrong. But the guarantee WAS politically convenient.

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Thanks Julia, I'm glad other people don't see this as a mass depopulation experiment/grand conspiracy. It's hella evil and the purveyors all ought to rot in hell, but I don't think mass depopulation was the goal.

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I don't believe "It's as simple as that".

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I get that. But, one thing that concerns me is,

“There’s to many people on the planet, sustainable future, humans are a plague in this planet, climate change, …”.

I just don’t get how that, which we all hear all the time, goes along with “stop the planet, injected everyone, by any means, because we love humanity and want everyone to be safe and healthy”.

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and its really just begun. See agenda 2030

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Why are people so afraid of looking into Agenda 2030 (The Great Reset) KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

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Probably the same reason some cavemen chose not to look into fire. FEAR

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Homo sapiens was using fire - in controlled ways, that is - before they were living in caves during the ice ages.

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User was banned for this comment??? WTF?

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It was the following comment, which I have removed.

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Seems like you whine a lot about being censored... but are fine with doing it yourself...

When "law and order" are subsumed by rampant corruption, what do YOU suggest? Besides bending over...

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Completely aside from issues of morality, were some harm to come to a member of the Covid establishment, that establishment would do everything (no matter how far-fetched) to blame it on substack writers like yourself in an effort to shut this site down.

By banning calls for direct justice and vigilantism, you are taking ammunition away from Chelsea Clinton and her ilk.

Good show.

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Wait, I'm sorry. I subscribe to this substack as much to support free speech as to receive complete and honest information on the virus and vaccine efficacy. Nevertheless I recognize that there are limits on speech, eg, laws which recognize causes of action for libel or slander or prohibit "terroristic threats" or "yelling fire in a crowded theatre" do not violate the First Amendment. But I may have upvotex Alex too quickly, without complete information. Next to the notice of banning above appears a "hidden" comment that does NOT call for a violent response to the violence the commenter perceives to have been perpetrated against society. Are we ASSUMING that all persons with this view are violent?? Or is Substack just really unclear about the exact comment resulting in banning? Alex says it's the "following" comment, which he's "removed" (rather than merely had "hidden" by Substack?) so I may not have seen the actual comment that prompted banning. I also apologize for my admitted unfamiliarity with Sunstack commenting functionality. But if I am paying for journalism (which to my mind includes the associated commentary from all interested parties) then I want the reason for banning to be 100% clear. Removing the comment makes that difficult, especially since the above says "this" (hidden) comment resulted in the banning.

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No doubt a few people who were responding to this post soon after it appeared online saw the banned comment, before Alex took it down. I didn't see it, (I joined in after it'd been taken down) but I trust Alex's judgment on this.

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I’m not sure I trust his judgment. I did until he needlessly trashed Malone. Now I’m wary. Lots of good folks here are still asleep. They think that if the vaccine problem is solved everything will return to normal. But that’s not gonna happen. The Reset is a thing, whether we like it or not. The truckers and their supporters in Canada understand this. Their Charter Rights have been assaulted, as has our Constitution. This is all by design whether you want to accept it or not.

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His very brand, of necessity, incorporates free speech. If his reasons for censorship (yes, censorship that does not implicate the First Amendment and is his right) are not 100% transparent, I think he will be looking at a problem down the road. I tend to agree with you. His reasons were likely sound. But I (and probably most of the folks on this substack) like to make my own judgments about things.

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It seems to me that Alex did explain why he took the banned post down. Evidently it included calls for vigilantism and for "direct justice," which I assume is another way of saying extrajudicial murder of people who are responsible for aspects of the "vaccines", the creation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, etc.

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Were his reasons sound for his vicious, slanderous attack on Dr. Malone?

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First time I have seen someone banned on this platform. Here we go again.

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We don't know - at least I don't know - what the banned post said. (I joined the discussion after it'd been taken down.) But I trust Alex's judgment on this.

Have you ever been the subject of death threats? Have you ever been purposefully attacked and injured by someone? I have. If you had, I think you would have a different view on this matter.

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Why would that comment be banned? Makes perfect sense to me.

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Duplicity? Cowardice? "Wokeness"?

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Who banned this comment ,it's a freaking truth.!

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It sounds like you want to question The Science™. That is verboten and makes you a white supremacist, domestic terrorist. Come on man!

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How’d you trademark “The Science”? (rhetorical)

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It also makes you a misogynist racist!

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Funny enough, I haven't heard many claims of misogyny by the Covidians against us team-reality anti-lockdown/mandate crowd. (Racism, yes.)

Maybe that one was even too absurd for them to attempt. *Lockdowns are misogynistic AF.* Since lockdowners close schools, forcing usually Moms to abandon careers + eliminating work in hospitality, which is majority female.

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There ya go! I was being facetious, but you found the way in. 😁

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Now, that’s funny!

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Sardonic humor! I love it!

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You know who’s perfected the sardonic humor in Plandemic World? Jeff Childers. You’ll love his wry wit—and his well-sourced info. He publishes a daily recap (even Saturdays!) of all things Covid: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/

He’s a Florida attorney who’s been fighting mandates and trying to save lives for two years now. Good stuff.

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Thanks. I’m going to check it out.

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I initially refused the shot back in the spring because I thought most of the covid response was an overreaction and I saw the rush to get vaccinated as more of the same. I wasn’t scared.

Then the side effects data starting becoming apparent and I was pretty sure of my decision.

Over the summer, I was hospitalized with covid pneumonia for a week and got guilt tripped left and right, both from hospital staff and my own family that it was my own damn fault. For a brief time, I started to agree with them. Remember, around this time Delta was flaring up and the news was full of stories about “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. I distinctly remember one news story about a guy in the hospital in Louisiana that was explicitly framed as “Look at this stupid unrepentant antivaxxer!”

Then once I was out and recovering, and the mandate issue started rising up and the vaccines started wearing off everywhere, I started thinking rationally again.

Now, the long term effects of these “vaccines” are becoming apparent and I am increasingly confident that not only did I make the right decision personally, but that government propaganda and popular panic has pushed us into a calamity of our own making that is far worse than the disease itself.

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So in your case, then...no one shot JR.

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I had an almost exact same experience, only I was in the hospital for 10 days with COVID pneumonia. You and I have gotten our antibodies the hard way - we EARNED them! Robust and long-lasting. No worries about the friggin’ vaccine!

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"pandemic of the unvaccinated” aaah... yes... that one. I just realized it's been a while since I've heard it. Ah, I'd love to hear it now preceded by, "We no longer have..."

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You know why they banned early treatment? They could never get an EUA if there was treatments available. It is that freaking simple.

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Yup. Now, I would love to sit down and have a few drinks with Fauci's doctor...we know he takes vitamin D, but does he also by any chance suffer from lupus or recurrent scabies? Or perhaps malaria has made a silent return to certain pockets of Washington, DC?

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Washington D.C. is, literally, a swamp. There have been recorded cases of malaria, in modern times, linked to those recently arrived from other nations.

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Not just China, India too.

When a company says their product works AND demands unconditional indemnity, things do not compute. Smart people.

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The companies did not specify what their product works FOR.

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How does one account for the push to vaccinate still going on from all leaders in the face of an obvious failure? The answer is that it is not about the vaccine. It always was about the ID digital passports for every citizen of the world. It is for this they need a needle in every arm from birth for life. Ireland busy on their digital 'health' pass. Australia should have their life pass through the house shortly. UN coercing people that it will make life perfect. There are three main drivers - Schwab (WEF), Soros and Gates plus others.

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Right Jennie a push to vaccinate even our babies while other countries are moving away from mRNA shots for children our FDA will consider adding them to the childhood vaccine regimen for 2-4 year olds.


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People of the past, especially the last 100 years, and books have tried hard to alert us to these times. There is more to these times than meets the eye.

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1984, Brave New World, et al

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I think it is very important to remain alert and cynical even. They are looking for different moments in time to continue to push through this agenda. We have to make sure that we hone our critical thinking so that we are not lagging one step behind them all the time. This is a battle for our souls, and we have to stop the ID passports. We will otherwise be trapped for what could amount to generations who will not be able to free themselves. I don't have any answers on how to do this. I see the possibility for success with so many Canadian citizens now behind their freedom convoy, and faith is strengthened for a moment. But I am also aware that the time is not a few years off, as I originally thought, but it is NOW.

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Amen. It is NOW. Thank God for the Canadian truckers. If only our truckers would do it.

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Go Jennie 👍🏻🤑😉

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you kwazy conspiracy theorist, you. come on, man

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Jennie 👍🏻🤫🤑

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How in the world do you believe that this is some (semi) noble experiment. You've completely lost your mind and abandoned all critical thinking skills if you think this for even half a second.

Noble experiments are hardly the realm of serial felons like Pfizer and corrupt bureaucrats like Fauci.

The model is simple: theoretically fabricate a 'new disease' and then cause real disease with the novel 'treatment'. Call the 'new disease' a 'variant' and keep the Covid Crazy Train rolling all the way to the bank.

"Simulate the action. Stimulate the desired outcome."

The mRNA drug triggers toxic stress, the body releases exosomes during inflammation-detoxification-apoptosis, the exosomes are falsely labelled 'viral rna' and amplified by misuse of PCR.

More injections/drugs prescribed, more toxicity. And on and on it goes.

A lot of people aren't getting yet that the mRNA "vaccine" cash cow is going to be much bigger than Covid Con itself. Theoretically they plan to use a similar mechanism against any invented viral pathogen in existence, and now that they've gotten the tech to market, they'll start going down the list.

Corporate run governments look to mandate the shots (or short of that, will use every form of coercion available to them) for entire populations.

Again, if you can do it once you can do it a thousand times. every human being on earth, every human body will be an endless source of revenue.

This is the next epoch of medicine, which began by monetizing illness, proceeded to monetize health, and will now monetize the human body itself. The injections needn't be "efficacious" at all for this scheme to work.

It's going to be a subscription model for endless mRNA injections. We will all become human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel.

Anyone who believes any aspect of this Covid Con- including you Alex are being led into a trap they'll never be able to escape, and they've been conditioned to reject a priori the possibility that people in power conspire to enrich themselves at the expense of the masses because it sounds too "conpspiratorial" to them.

The goal is to include and thus hide the many variable disease conditions directly caused by the mRNA injection behind false 'covid' PCR diagnoses, providing a never-ending self-fulfilling pretext for more injections and more false contagion restrictions.

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CAN I just pay pfizer not to get jabbed? Like a ransom to keep my own body? And another fee for when I would have got cancer from being jabbed ? Can we just pay a fee to big pharma and skip the “treatment?”

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I assume your post is written in jest.

If you were allowed to pay a bribe in order to have bodily autonomy, it wouldn't be bodily autonomy at all, right? And it could be revoked at any time.

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It’s snark. Because with vaxx mandates and a bill before state legislatures to set up medical camps for the unvaxxed to force compliance - and with the vaxx causing AIDS / Mareks- if it is all about money I should be able to buy my right to my own health.

Right now across the planet freedoms to be secure in your own body are being revoked.

They get the sheep to go along with it out of fear and a certain part of the population of any country likes to force other people to follow “rules”

If it’s about money I should be able to pay not to get jabbed so I can avoid aids / marek / cancer.

But it’s not about money is it? It’s about control and they are making a population get aids / cancer / Mareks to be able to control them easier.

Climate change is to take money out of the middle class and give it to the elites

This vaxx causes illnesses. This will allow them to nationalize health insurance and increase all our costs -taking money from

The middle class and give it to the elites. The middle class will be too sick and afraid to fight back

This makes us all serfs

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maybe you write a proposal...who knows?

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Hard to argue a thing you said Allen. Pretty much NAILED it!

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Yes, you nailed it down tight!

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I told my anesthesiologist doctor friend about the Alex post a few days ago. Alex reported that he had confidential information from a number of sources in large hospital systems had told him that 50% of hospital workers and nurses were not vaccinated (If NYT can use unidentified confidential sources so can we). The Doc told me that hospitals are handing out religious exemptions like candy on Halloween just to stay open! I told him that the nurses were the "canaries in the coal mine"! They have to treat vaccine damaged on 12 hour shifts. They know! He told me, get this as a doctor, that most doctors were compromised, nurses were not. Doctors have their practice established in a local area. They can be cancelled and have their medical license removed. Nurses can pick up and go elsewhere, hence travelling nurses. Furthermore, hospitals are much more dependent on nurses to stay open.

The Underground is alive and well!

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Fox should put whistleblowers ( nurses and doctors) , cover up their identity…I think we would be shocked what we hear

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Project Veritas has been giving whistleblowers a platform!

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Just the facts please … SO Damn True!

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Um Mr Alex, please save these questions for at least 75 years k thanks

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And yet a front-page article in WSJ today is “Can the Technology Behind Covid Vaccines Cure Other Diseases?” Absolutely no mention of any side effects. 😵

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A koan for those seeking enlightenment: can the technology behind covid vaccines cure the diseases caused by the technology behind covid vaccines?

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🌞yes .. there are drugs using RNA technology.

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yes and the it took most of the way through the article to talk about how long term it didn’t make a difference on cystic fibrosis therapy. and that the altered cells get stuck in the liver and spleen and don’t seem to get to other organs like say lungs where the virus does a lot of damage.

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Also in the WSJ, a couple hundred thousand in pharma ads.

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I read and linked that article elsewhere. It does read like capitalist cheerleading of a new promising technology. I pointed out that the author did drop a few hints that all is not well: (1) traditional vaccines took years for proofs of safety and efficacy, implying (perhaps) that just because mRNA allows rapid development, doesn't prove safety; (2) that the tech was known for decades but was hardly used.

Basically he leaves hanging the questions of safety, or even whether they'll be effective.


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Dr. Ryan Cole has been sounding the alarm regarding what he is seeing in pathology reports. In just his office he is seeing an increase in cancers that our bodies normally suppress. Hes seeing an increase in childhood diseases in adults. The vaccines attach to the gene that gives us protection against certain cancers. Viola....now it doesn't. Hes seeing an increase in endometriosis. He's done several interviews on Epoch Times. I thank God for Epoch Times. They have done several interviews with Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Martin kulldorf, Dr. Paul Alexander. Dr. Scott Atlas. What do they have in common? They've all been banned, censored and vilified by Fauci and Collins at the NIH. Not to mention how they've been demonized by the legacy media for putting out "misinformation". You know who I trust the most? The doctors, researchers, policy health experts and scientists that have been banned, censored and vilified.

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Dr. Cole is a true hero. Below is a link of his recent interview. It is calm, sober, and well-reasoned. It is suitable to be passed on to any friends or relatives who still have even a scintilla of reasonableness as to this issue.


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As has Stephanie Seneff, Tenpenny, Yeadon, Van Bossche etc

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Those are the ONLY doctors I trust!

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"Which is exactly why no one in power appears to be in any hurry to ask them."

I'm going to guess that the criminal and civil liabilities are really starting to add up for those rank and file workers at the FDA, NIH, CDC, etc.

We know you guys are reading these substacks. Time to come clean about the damage you have caused, if only for your conscience.

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"A billion people need the answers to the questions.

Which is exactly why no one in power appears to be in any hurry to ask them."

With a very small handful of exceptions, don't expect Republicans to be pressing for answers.

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The only two people in Congress who have done anything are Rand Paul -- focusing on Fauci and China -- and Ron (?) Johnson, who is focusing on the vaccines and early treatment (or, rather, prevention of effective early treatment.) I'm sorely disappointed in Republicans, especially a few who -- while they are good at things like masks and opening schools and no mandates -- are NOT asking the hard questions and NOT demanding an investigation, even though I thought they'd have the guts to do it.

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Senators Rand Paul and Ron Johnson are American heroes who stand up. Notice, you don't see Ted Cruz or the Republicans standing with or behind them. At all. Cowards.

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I have been a lifelong Republican except for the 10 or so years I was registered as a Libertarian because the Republicans irritated me. I re-registered Republican when I left California because the primaries in Arizona DO matter (they don't in California.) ... There are some congressional folks who need to step up now. I'll forgive them for their silence if they stand up NOW. Ron DeSantis has been great after the first few weeks when he bought into the "15 days" but I can forgive that because a lot of people didn't really know what the heck was going on in March. He then looked at the evidence and listened to the right people and even though the media and the country seemed to turn on him and vilify him, he didn't waver. I respect that.

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Most of them don't really know much. Especially about science.

I've read a little of Scott Atlas's account of his interaction with Trump's pandemic czar Mike Pence. According to Atlas, he, Fauci and Birx would meet with Pence. Atlas would show up with studies backing up what he was saying. Fauci and Birx were armed with just their opinions. After hearing them out, Pence would thank them, then dismiss them, then not do anything.

I know it's one person's story. But to me it's entirely plausible.

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THEY ARE ALL ON THE TAKE. dems and repubs are being paid by Pfizer to keep their mouth shut.

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Exactly Rand Paul’s wife bought Gilead stock, Remdesivir. Reported as required by Paul last year.

This was likely after Trump mentioned Remdesivir as one of his treatments.

Paul’s back and forths with Fauci feel like circus.

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They don’t even have to buy stock. They are given cash.

Same thing with Neil young et al. Their music was sold long ago and is now owned by Blackrock. Which has a pfizer guy on their board.

Blackrock called Neil and said we will pay you to raise a stink. So he did. You can tell because the Wall Street Journal wrote a puff piece today how neil suddenly realized and why he called Spotify. It’s all lies.

Neil and all these people including the Wall Street Journal are paid to support the lying narrative

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There is a reason Larry Klayman's political autobiography is titled "Whores."

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I am not a scientist, but I did learn about the function of RNA in high school Biology class. Discussions about mRNA that revolve around "hijacking" immune systems and "hacking the software of life" are very concerning. We should proceed far more cautiously than public health has been. 1 billion person human trials do not reflect any level of caution and are the stuff of Aldous Huxley.

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The vax is irrelevant to me, having been fortunate enough to have avoided it so far. But these six questions assume the perspective of those for whom the vax seems relevant. I prefer the more basic question, my "question zero," of why so much of the population allowed themselves to be driven to accept so many obviously fraudulent oppressions, that only culminated in the vax madness in the end. In the beginning, estimates of horrendous disaster were proffered, without evidence, which incited the gullible to panic. So many signals were available to the reasonably competent, yet were widely ignored, even resisted.

Our European brother, eugyppius, has solicited testimony of when we first recognized the problems with the propaganda narrative. Hopefully that will be developed into a more comprehensive analysis of where we went mad, and why. Maybe some will learn from it. Many won't.

The most egregious frauds have been made by people who moaned "follow the science," yet they did not, and many accepted their specious claims. The most important solution is to begin teaching everyone what science actually is, and how it is done. This whole disaster is basically a failure of education. If we don't fix that, we should get used to continuing stampedes, driven by whatever artificial panic the next charlatan chooses for us.

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Climate Change.

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I think part of the problem so many fell prey to narratives is a basic misunderstanding of corona family virons. There has never been a successful injection for the cold du jour. Ever. Hasn't everyone understood this??? Guess not. Another thing, an injection into the deltoid is folly for a virus that enters the nasal mucous linings as the path to the inner respiratory system. Again, just basic common sense. What comes next. Well, Gates speaks of germ games with a smallpox scenario. Watch out.

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The immune system resides throughout the body, standing guard everywhere, so the injection site is just a matter of convenience. The biggest thing people need to learn is external -- who to trust, and recognizing when we're being defrauded.

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The corona viruses enter through the nose which has its own antibodies as a first line of defense.

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I just watched a very compelling interview on Epoch Times’ “American thought leaders” edition with Dr Ryan Cole, a pathologist, who was discussing this trend of cancers and diseases etc post vaccination. It’s terrifying! And yet he, along with other medical doctors have been SHUT DOWN by the media (our new medical professionals) as spreading dangerous misinformation. This is evil!!!!! I am so angry every single day at the utter contempt for truth that has permeated our society and the willful ignorance that is more infectious than the virus. I am also angry at the millions who have taken this shot out of fear, coercion and complete ignorance who are now jabbing their kids so that they can attend school. Yet another institution that is contributing to the moral and intellectual decay of society. All the while Congress, Judges (and their staff), the White House staff, EMPLOYEES of J&J (and most likely Pfizer as well) ARE ALL EXEMPT FROM THIS POISON…but the rubes of society, the little guy and their children MUST take this experimental poison into their bodies or die from starvation, suicide because of financial ruin, or the myriad of diseases that WILL develop as a result of the injected poison. If there was a movie made about this (now) reality that we live in, I’d think the writer was a sick nut job. And yet, as it turns out it would be a non-fiction story……

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The TV interview noted here, featuring Dr. Ryan Cole, was full of extremely useful information, some new to me. I was so impressed with him I wanted to be certain that Alex B knew of him and his observations based on pathology. I thought about forwarding the link but wasn't sure how to do it. It's Epoch Tv American Thought Leaders series. Dr. Cole has some troubling comments about the jab and cancers. Worth your time Alex and everyone else here.

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Well the problem is liberals can't critically think. They regurgitate whatever Hollywood and msm tells them. If you were severely at risk of covid, I wouldn't blame you for getting the jab, but if you're healthy and under 50, I question your sanity..... If you're under 35, I don't question it, I already know you're bat shit crazy. Someone copy and pasted something about people not caring what they eat regarding fast food likening it to the jab. I told them nobody is forcing you to eat McDonald's to get into a place of business or to maintain employment. Nobody going crazy on you calling you a fucking super spreader killer for not eating onion rings from burger King.

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Consider that the problem is that people are willing to call the people who do those things liberals. They redefined words like woman, racism, and vaccine. Let's call them what they are: fascists. There is nothing liberal about them. They can be found on both sides of the aisle.

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im a physician, my wife received the pfizer vaccine in later March 2021, and April 2021 was her second vaccine for covid 19. she had a very unusual reaction to the second vaccine with almost a week of fever, chills, lethargy and malaise. Thereafter wasnt quite herself, In early June 2021 she had increasing weakness and shortness of breath that culminated in severe shortness of breath and insisted she felt like she was going to die. In the hospital she was found to have Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, with dramatic drop in cardiac function compared with baseline only a few months before. She had heart failure, and prolonged QT interval both new findings

Cardiac cath was negative for coronary artery disease. She was given the boot from the hospital after only a few days and was told that with beta blockers she would get better

5 days later she had a cardiac arrest and was resuscitated by me and awoke spontaneously

As a result AICD was placed which prevented any further arryhthmic episodes but

then subsuquently had multiple episodes of heart failure with presevered ejection fraction

All physicians that we interacted with refused to entertain the possibility of vaccine related cardiomyopathy, but I know thats what it is

with the release of the dramatic DOD data, I know all these side effects can be explained by the vaccine.

Months after the onset of the heart failure she sustained a stroke with loss of vision

I know this also must be related to her vaccine.

Tell everyone , no further vaccines if they want to stay healthy

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$64 Dollar Question. How many of the Elite are actually fully vaccinated and boosted?

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I wonder if Harry and Meghan’s pediatrician will be jabbing their two little ones with this poison?

Answer: No.

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And at #7: Why is a vax needed if the disease it is supposed to prevent has a 99.x% survival rate?

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I think research will show every vaccine is given to protect against an illness with a 99.9% survival rate.

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Then we need to rethink the Vaccine Religion.

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Lets just be honest here, none of these questions will be answered until the republicans can take back control of the house &/or senate. It would be political suicide to discuss any of this now, and the longer the democrats can delay this, the better it is for them. I'm not trying to make this about politics, but this is just the reality we live in. Congressional hearings, and testimony under oath are likely to be the only way out of this, and even then, pharma is so connected to the lobbying industry, that we are likely screwed regardless.

The only way these get answered is when it hits home for the average American. A lot of people will have to lose a loved one unexpectedly, or really, really early. We are already seeing the statistics shift in the insurance data. After the grief subsides, they will have to question how it happened, and if it could have been the vaccines. It will take years.

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you have far too much faith in the GOP. They do huff and puff a lot though, but when was the last time they ever held anyone to REAL account? We don't NEED more investigations and book sales on Fox. We demand ACCOUNTABILITY of the servants we PAY! PERIOD!

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Exactly. When have republicans brought any criminals to justice? Lots of words, short on action. The uni party.

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Like a Trey Gowdy hearing. All bark and no bite.

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All of them really. Talk is ALL they DO!

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It's likely to be different this time. Hopefully there are enough pissed off people, that the pressure will be too much to ignore.

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It's all we have at the moment. Hope and people like Alex exposing the truth.

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Alex is still asleep. But he’s waking a little. Still groggy though.😛

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I reckon so

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You are correct, and that's how politics works. Why would they try and hold anyone to account now when they have little to gain RIGHT NOW? They will go all in once the timing is right. It is advantageous for the party NOT in control to take advantage of a situation that benefits them most once they are in control. It's beyond horrendous that this COVID disaster will be used as a political tool when so many innocent people are dying and sick, or will be terribly sick soon from long term unknown side effects. It is what it is, and political games will be played regardless of the cost to the average american.

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The covid disaster is a political tool.

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JL I wish I had your optimism. The Republicans have gotten into office so many times and then proceeded to DO NOTHING that I’ve concluded that the whole lot of them, both Ds and Rs are bought and paid for by the same Big Interests that control our world. It’s a big club and you ain’t in it!

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Depressingly agree. Save the rare outlier (e.g. a Ron/Rand Paul) the R and D are just the Uniparty. We all like to root for our team, but in my life alone, the Republicans have many dubious credits: 1970s Watergate, 1980s Iran-Contra, 1990s -- Hmm, can't think of anything, first gulf war maybe; 2000s 9-11 op and Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction." Etc. You get the picture. Yes the Dems have their share of evil too, but the rot is through and through.

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I just finished listening to Joe Rogan's podcasts with Dr. Robert Malone & Dr. Peter McCullough & I am so relieved that I decided not to get the vaccine. As a Baby Boomer, I trusted the government, but find myself questioning the role the federal government has played in crushing all other Covid treatments. I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, but I can't help but think that there has been collusion with Big Pharma to push mRNA vaccines at all costs. Is it possible that there are thousands of people who would be alive today if they had been treated with hydroxychloriquine or ivermectin?

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Several of my friends and I have had this conversation: we were NEVER "conspiracy theorists" or tin foil hat types, but we no longer trust the government AT ALL; in fact, we have learned to be deeply suspicious of EVERYTHING coming out of Washington now, no matter from which side of the aisle it originated!

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Very smart. Washington is largely corrupt and getting worse, both parties. How it is fixed, I have no idea.

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The courts.

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Go back and look at the laws regarding the execution of an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) by the FDA:

All existing safe and effective therapies for the disease at hand (Covid) MUST BE tested and deemed to be “ineffective” or “unsafe” PRIOR to the EUA for experimental Covid vaccines which have ZERO safety studies, ZERO efficacy studies and ZERO long-term studies (I am talking the over 20 years Ivermectin has been FDA approved for safety).

The FDA fucked up big time on this one. And Dr. Malone detailed this in a recent post.

THIS is where the FDA will be brought down in a giant, tumultuous thump! FDA and it’s Big Pharma collusion go “bye-bye!”

THIS is what the lawsuits are going after. Suppressing the anti-viral early Covid at home meds IVM and Hydroxychloroquine and Fluvoxamine and prednisone and inhalers and Vitamin D3 and Zinc and Vitamin C. A crime, a conspiracy between Big Pharma, the FDA, the CDC, big medical corporations etc. to suppress early, safe, effective and CHEAP anti-virals and other meds from Americans with early Covid diagnosis who were told “go home and when you can’t breathe and your O2 sats are 85 or lower THEN go to the ER.”

Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough and Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik and Dr. Atlas and Dr. Reish KNOW this has been criminal medical malpractice and criminal medical malfeasance at the highest levels.

Thousands suffered and many died needlessly.

Bring on the lawsuits and arrests NOW and STOP this criminality with cease and desist orders!


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If they are right, not thousand but hundreds of thousands of people died unnecessarily.

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Now the stock market is starting to reflect what is happening. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/long-funeral-homes-short-life-insurers-ex-blackrock-fund-manager-discovers-some-disturbing

And this is in the comments: from DOD

Spontaneous Abortions up 306%

Acute Myocarditis up 285%

Pulmonary Embolism up 467%

HIV cases up 590%

Chest pain reports up 1529%

>Longitudinal data from DMED on US active duty service members from the year 2021 show a marked rise (often 300-500%) in many categories of disease and injury rate when compared to the previous 5 year average.

>DMED, the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, tracks epidemiological data among active duty DoD personnel, including disease and injury rate. Only medical providers can submit records to the database.

>Active duty DoD personnel are on average younger and in better physical health than the rest of the population.

Video showing the DMED past the login wall by the military whistleblower group Terminal CWO:


Screenshots in PDF format:


Senator Ron Johnson's highlight reel of his 5+ hour COVID-19 panel discussion:


Attorney Thomas Renz listing some of the observations in a panel discussion held by Senator Ron Johnson @ 4:52:50


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The vaccines have failed. Those vaccinated are more susceptible in getting the Omicron. Why are Dr McCullough & Dr Malone still advocating for Seniors to get the jab? We know if they did get any protection its gone away. They are now more vulnerable than ever to Omicron and any other type of infection because of decreased immunity and the comorbities they already have. What am I missing? Seems like a huge disconnect

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65 with comorbities could be on the vaccine treadmill. Omicron was one chance people had for some immunity. Remember this is RNA vaccine can wake up or stimulate cancer or other illnesses or diseases. Therapeutics, exercise, diet , vitamins would have been the best bet for most … 65 +|- with or without comorbities.

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If one more person tells me the vaccines are FDA approved I’m going to scream!!!! Even my family doctor stated this as fact. He even went on the FDA website while I was there and read out the headline. When I pointed out that if he read further down he would read that Cormodity (or however you spell it) was FDA approved but it’s still unavailable!!! He was shocked speechless!

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Comirnaty. And he should be smart enough (but apparently isn't) to understand the distinction between "approved" and "authorized" in this particular context.

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Even creepier name is Moderna Spikevax. Kinda says it all.

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COTY perfume. miRNA Micro RNA.

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One area you should look into is the financial performance of funeral homes and life insurance companies in 2020 and 2021. A few key observations:

Mortality worsened in 2021 vs. 2020 despite widespread vaccinations

A spike in Mortality among younger, working-age individuals coincided with vaccine mandates

The spike in younger deaths peaked in Q3 2021 when Covid deaths were extremely low (but rising into the end of September)

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Society of actuaries is a real thing and they have several reports/white papers on their website related to Covid-19.

David Martin's YouTube episode about the case of the missing death benefits has a link to the first summary data, but there have been others since then.

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I find myself not trusting our medical doctors. Why are they blindly leading so many to be vaccinated?

What are the hospital incentives from the government and the pharmaceutical companies?

Also, does each hospital have this ‘rating’ system for medicating Covid patients? I have a friend in the hospital and he’s been horribly treated because he is not vaxxed.

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Hospitals have become killing fields. Here's the typical scenario...person shows up at an Emergency Room complaining of cold or flu like symptoms. Hospital administers a Covid test that was never intended for diagnostic use and has been cited as providing as many as 90+% false positive readings. Of course the test comes back positive after which the hospital informs the person they cannot leave as they are Covid positive and a threat to infect society. The person must be admitted as a patient and receive a Covid injection. The person obviously becomes agitated, and whether through compliance or force is injected with a sedative, with the hospital telling the person the Covid is causing anxiety and the shot will calm them. After the sedative, the person is injected with a Covid injection, and then remdesivir. A few hours later, once the sedative has reduced respiratory rate and the patient is in a hospital bed, the hospital tells the person their breathing is so shallow due to the Covid they need a ventilator, and tubes are shoved down the patient's throat. Food and water are denied, the patient becomes weaker and more ill, and eventually dies. All the while the family of the patient is denied access to see or advocate for their loved one, and telephone calls in the Covid ward are unanswered and no return call is made...especially if the patient's family begged the hospital to try Hydroxy-chloroquine or Ivermectin.

And the craziest part of all this is that the person may never have had Covid to begin with.

Along the way to murdering the person, the hospital received bonus payments from the government for diagnosing and admitting a Covid patient, for injecting a Covid shot, for injecting remdesivir, for hooking a patient up to a ventilator, and get this - a special bonus payment for treating a person who died in hospital from Covid ! Its been estimated that the bonus payments to the hospital for each Covid patient who was admitted, injected, vented and murdered totals something close to a hundred thousand dollars !!!

Don't believe it ? Here's first hand testimony of actual cases where this scenario played out in real life, resulting in needless and completely avoidable deaths :

The Case Of Scott Quiner / Mercy Hospital, Coon Rapids, Minnesota






The Case Of Burt Croon / Mercy Hospital, Coon Rapids, Minnesota


The Case Of Charles Hughes / St. Mary’s Hospital, Huntington, West Virginia


The Case Of Grace Schara / Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital, Appleton, Wisconsin


Actual Cases Of Hospital & Doctor Malpractice


Biden’s Bounty on Your Life : Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19



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Exactly. STAY WELL AND AVOID THE HOSPITAL with every breath in your body!

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More health problems created by the vaccines the more business for doctors. The doctors are legally protected by following FDA and CDC guidelines. I understand cardiologists are very very busy. The Hippocratic Oath has been revised like the definition of a vaccine by the FDA last August. "Do no harm to the patient" is now revised to " Do no harm to my bank account"!

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This is so very sad to me. So very sad…

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Sad and utterly disgusting. Could not happen in a sane society, which lends even more credence to the Mass Formation Psychosis diagnosis.

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That legal protection maybe as pourous as sand on a rainy day. For FDA/CDC have no authority over medical practice regarding legal medicine use, only the Health Depatments of each State have that authority. In States where safe and effective treatments were allowed but doctors chose to use remdesivir and ventilators instead even after knowing the poor outcomes that such therapy produced, those doctors will be at risk of criminal and civil liability. And they will be judged by a jury of peers, many of whom have been poisoned by the same vaxes these criminals injected into patients.

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I had a report yesterday that the Governor of Oklahoma has fired up to 30% of the State Health Department. His default position is to assume that anything told to him by Health Officials is false. The Cabal is very large.

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For me, the first questions are how many people died after vaccination & to what extent are the Bradford Hill criteria for causality met?

My reading is, in the USA, approximately 400,000 & “all eleven of them”.

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They are trying to kill us all. Good luck everyone.

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I recently had a routine follow up appointment with my primary care physician. She asked if I had been given the COVID jab. I replied “No. I believe in my innate immune system and have no intention of ever taking it.” I asked her if she had received it. She said yes and that she had also received the booster. I asked her why would she put a substance into her body that came without a package insert? She went on to explain she was working in a hospital COVID ward during 2020 so she took the first 2 jabs. I told her I can kind of, sort of, not really understand this….but I really don’t understand why she took the booster. Her response was the first two didn’t hurt me so I took the booster. I then asked her if she had seen the whistle blower data dump from the DMAS system and there has been a 1000% increase in neurological damages from the vaccinations. Her response, no. “ Would you like me to show you the data?” She said “no.” I told her I’d pray for her.

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I had a similar experience with my pulmonologist after my hospital stay. I had just recovered from an actual infection and he was telling me how I needed to get the shot as soon as possible after I was fully recovered.

I never went back to him after the original follow up visit. How could I trust him that he had my best interests at heart?

Similarly, my teenager’s pediatrician back in the fall refused to order a covid antibody test for him because she said the test could be “misused” and her “preference” was vaccination. He got a test anyway (positive) and he will not be going back to that doctor he has seen now for more than 10 years.

I simply do not understand doctors who push these shots on patients who absolutely do not need them and who obviously have had time to see the copious negative data on their effects by now.

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I know I need to find a new doctor. The real issue is locating one in your specific geographic area that doesn’t go along with the narrative. I don’t really know how to go about locating one ? Seems like you would need to ask a series of questions about the doctors philosophy prior to scheduling an appointment.

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I am in the same boat. I won't go back to my doctor after he tried to coerce me into getting the shots. At this point, I am just going to wait for a while and hopefully the Covid insanity will resolve one way or another. I am lucky to be healthy enough right now to be able to wait.

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She didn’t in any way try to coerce me. I’m troubled that she didn’t want to see the evidence. I’m 72 and am on Medicare, Social Security and have TRICARE insurance( retired military spouse). What bothers me is that I have received multiple letters from the DOD telling me I need to come in for my “death jab”.I’ve also received phone calls from DOD (I block the numbers and don’t answer the calls.) This clearly indicates they are keeping tabs on exactly who is and isn’t jabbed, despite the lies they are spewing that they aren’t keeping track.

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The popularity of the mRNA jabs will turn quickly. The second gen of vaccines will be hitting the market soon. NVAX already approved and ordered in Israel, Australia, UK and other Vax Crazy places. Slowly but surely the no-working mRNA's will be replaced. But hey - it was good ride!

Then we will get the injury lawyers - they will file suits against all these private companies that forced people to be jabbed.

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They're all still way too busy promoting that the "vaccines work" to do any of that....even in Israel. We are still nowhere near allowable mainstream examinations of these things.

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Last night I decided to switch off from this and read something else. I thought I will listen to an episode of joe rogan, but nothing to do with covid.

I came across his podcast with an author named Annie Jacobsen and her investigations into operation Paperclip. Really interesting how the US military sneaked out 1400 nazi scientists after the war. Two peoples names she spoke about caught my attention Kurt Blome and Walter Schrieber.

Blome was involved in vaccines. This then led on to how ARPA was formed, then DARPA by the US. I then remembered reading about DARPA in another article. I remembered reading that Rick Bright was involved in DARPA before moving to BARDA in an article re molnupiravir and it’s mutagenic effects. How have I ended up back at covid. So I googled BARDA, DARPA and covid. Straight to an article stating DARPA and BARDA help Astra Zeneca develop vaccine. How deep is this rabbit hole?

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Moderna worked with Darpa too. Annie is a terrific journalist! Thanks for reminding me about her.

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Comes out on the other side of the planet.


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"Digging to China..."

In 1854 Henry David Thoreau wrote in Walden, “As for your high towers and monuments, there was a crazy fellow in town who undertook to dig through to China, and he got so far that, as he said, he heard the Chinese pots and kettles rattle; but I think that I shall not go out of my way to admire the hole which he made.”

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Now look up Operation Mockingbird and MK Ultra. That will take you even further down the rabbit hole. To the point where you finally see we have been enslaved and lied to for millennia. Truth.

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If you like that stuff, browse www.unz.com. Ron Unz may not be the official librarian of the Rabbit Hole, but a passable substitute!

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Will do, cheers buddy

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Read tritorch Skyhawk !

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Wow, thanks. Who thinks up this stuff

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The world will belong to the non-vaxxed.

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Only a billion people could use some answers to these questions. Remember this is only Year One of what will be called the Great ChiCom Virus Medical Debacle. Dr. Zelenko was right all along about using effective early treatments based on HCQ & Ivermectin.

By the way Alex, I just got banned by whoever is putting up your subscriber info in Telegram. Yes, I made several remarks and yes in response to one person who called the "vax" effective, I said they don't know anything and followed with four sheep emoji. Baaaaa 🐑 🐑🐑🐑

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Email me and I’ll forward ir

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I'm Horsey on Telegram too. Kind thanks.

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HCQ was known to work in 2007 for Sars. Even Fauci said it, yet no longer works based on the NEW science humanity is told to follow.

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I took hydroxychloroquine on two separate occasions to treat Lyme, around 2010 or so. Worked great!

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Telegram trends because it censors. Germany yesterday

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China along with maybe a few in the NIH and their crazy Frankenstein partners know exactly what is in the Wuhan Virus and what is in the shots as they were clearly made together. I opted out on the second half of their experiment and chose to take my chances with the virus. All I know is I got the virus (likely Delta) 6 months ago and I still cannot taste or smell and my hair is falling out. What in the world kind of sicko experiment is this? And there stands Xi presiding over the world-wide Olympics (which I refuse to watch). You truly can't make this Sh#@ up.

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The lack of interest among researchers (especially those funded by You Know Who) about vaccine injury is both unpleasant, and predictable.

I also can't help but notice that Early Treatments have been treated exactly the same way. "There are no early treatments for COVID19." Because they'd cause "vaccine hesitancy."

I mean - we can't even talk about vitamin D!

Here is yet another vitamiin D study out of Israel - which dropped two days ago. If you have vit D levels < 20 ng/ml, you are at 14 times the risk of severe disease vs people with > 40 ng/ml.


Wouldn't it be interesting if low vitamin D was associated with some aspects of vaccine injury?

Why can Israel do these studies, but the US cannot?

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We can do these studies. They just won’t. They are knowingly harming people and suppressing info and therapeutics. I’ve built up a high vit D level (60) and have had several exposures to bad covid with zero transmission. Doctor told me I won’t get it - apparently I am an “inhospitable host! Hopefully others will catch on.

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Smart people get their Vit D levels higher than 55 mg/ml regardless of studies. We know it works by now just due to the censorship. Anything that is ‘misinformation’ is usually true and something people need to pay attention to. My husband and I are in the mid 70 mg/ml range because we’ve been working on it for 2 years at 10k IU a day. We blew thru Covid with flying colors and I even had it 2x. I live in a state with little sun in winter so supplements are essential. It’s easy and inexpensive, it’s foolish not to do it. Supposedly, flush niacin with melatonin also helps with vaccine injuries and extended Covid symptoms. See Dr. Dmitry Kats PhD protocol for more info. Don’t Google. Use DDG otherwise it won’t show up. He was kicked off Twitter for being a truth teller too which means he’s on the right track!

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Every American should be offered free T and B cell Covid titers for immunity levels and D3 levels with free supplementation if needed.

The results should be made public and discussed openly.

This is science. And a true regard for “public health”.

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Wait! What?@! The Chinese are not using mRNA vaccines??

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nope. it's true. and yeah, it makes you wonder.

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The Chinese don't want to kill off their youthful, only the older populations, for which the Virus does quite well.

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I avoided the jabs, yet I am still alive!!

A medical miracle perhaps??!

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Same here. Almost 72 and live in Los Angeles. No jabs and ran around town doing the usual the past two years mask free unless mandated.

Have been taking D and Zinc and Quercitin and Melatonin plus doing the nose cleaning/gargling regimen.

The two little ones came back from Hawaii and promptly got 103 fevers and colds. Neg. Covid.

I was strutting around acting like I had dodged their cold bullet then I got a bad cold. Neg. Covid but took IVM and Hydroxychloroquine anyhow.

Everyone now back to normal.

I would like to do the serum B and T cell Covid immunity test but my UCLA doctor claims their labs don’t do the test.


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I was listening to a video of a CDC lecture on bioethics and Covid. The damned professor didn’t mention the Nuremberg Code, or the BELMONT Report ONCE. She just rambled on and on about equitable distribution and the greater good. NOTHING about informed consent. It was hideous. Who was this professor? Fauci’s wife.! You seriously can’t make this shite up.

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Christine Grady (Fauci) is a big fan of communitarianism. She wrote a book on the subject with our beloved death panel advocate Ezekiel Emmanuel.

Both believe the common good outweighs individual rights and as I recall they even support getting people to volunteer for risky experiments as a public service.

That almost makes me laugh as ‘cue pushing the vaccine by suggesting it is for the public good, can save elderly etc.’

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I am convinced she, her loving hubby, Bill Gates, our buddy Klaus, even the majorities of both Dem and Republican representatives (useful idiots) are very much pushing hard for the WEF "Great Reset." Fortunately, hundreds of millions of very well-armed American citizens don't feel like going along with their plans.

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Be careful. You may have stepped across Alex's line there.

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Well, I was just basing this statement on the recent news that Biden's ATF has (illegally) amassed gun purchase records of 983 million legal American gun owners. I'm sure all political parties are well represented on this list!

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Answers to your questions Alex

Are at


He is also on Twitter at @Parsifaler

Basically Bottom line is this

These are DEADLY (EVIL) Completely Rushed Dangerous Horrible Products that....lead to

1) Spike protein caused thrombosis, stroke, heart attack,etc..

2) Spike Antibodies Homolgous to Immune Antibodies Create Dealyed/Future Cytokine Storm

3) mRNA w/Spike Form Prions cause Neurodegenerative Disease

4) Spike Inhibits LKB1 Causing Tumor Genesis

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If the Rona gonna Rona then why are the Canadian truckers not clogging the hospitals?

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They are killing children, soon infants and newborns: The Real Face Of Evil: 17-Year-Old Sean Hartman Was Killed By The Pfizer Jab. Twitter Removed His Dad's Account For Speaking The Truth


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#3 is easy to answer. Hospitals were incentivized to designate as many deaths to Covid as they could. Unvaccinated death numbers are highly inflated.

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I would add “Do the vaccines cause antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)?”

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And can you explain how the vaccines could have negative efficacy against cases (as seen in the UK-- and likely in the U.S. but unreported) but positive efficacy against hospitalization and death?

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China - "here's the gene sequence to use as a basis for your vaxxes." Also China - "No way we're using those here." Probably China - "Be sure to vax your military suckers!"

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For the TPTB the jabs are doing exactly what they supposed to do, kill, injure, damage immune system to insure perpetual Plandemic. All was planned. And the truth is in their own documents.

Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk


The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan"


mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing


Get Ready For The Next One


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