Given that the government is going all in to use the shamdemic as an excuse to take full control of our lives, I think now would be a good time to revisit the actual contract we have with our government.

Here's the basic premise in the founding of the enlightenment model of the US: Rights were given to you by your creator, not by your government. Your government didn't give them to you so, they can't take them away. Furthermore the 9th amendment to the constitution makes these guarantees explicit. If any person in the government tries to take them away anyway, despite lacking any authority to do so, they are traitors to the citizens and must be treated as such.

Just to be clear, our government has invalidated itself by abrogating its duties and for subjugating us, meaning we currently do not have one and instead we have a bunch of criminals masquerading as our government.

Now with that in mind, here is the situation as I presently see it:

The only way out of this onslaught of medical tyranny is to burn the entire system down because the system is rotten to the core and is woven together by blanket webs of interlocking incestuous corruption. It cannot be untangled or fixed as each corrupted entanglement has a stranglehold on the ones surrounding it - eg. everyone is compromised and has incriminating evidence on everyone else. It can only be demolished and rebuilt from scratch.

The time to act to resolve this conflict is now.


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Agree. The medical industrial complex is evil incarnate. Hospitals are the new Killing fields. Should have been a plumber, not an RN.

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God bless you for being an RN with a conscience and a heart.

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Thank you Reverend

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Switch to home health nursing. It lets you be a nurse again.

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Most are mandating the shot😪

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Looking into it

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I think the Founding fathers didn't foresee how advancing technology and the surveillance state could erode the constitution and Bill of Rights.

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They understood the evilness (greed, power, jealousy) of mankind quite well.

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Anti-gunners often say "The Founders could never have imagined such weapons as we have today in the hands of the public."

Although not necessarily correct, I grant that to them and reply, "The Founders could never have imagined such weapons as we have today in the hands of government. In whom do you think they would have had more trust with these weapons, the people or the government?"

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Easier Said Than Done. Zombie Sheople will line up for the 3-Shot Omicron cure; even Moderna now says it's 3 shots. Big Pharma must be faxed their talking points every morning from the same source, The NWO.

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From the Broadcasting Board of Governors, empowered by the 2013 repeal of Smith-Mundt, as a wise commenter noted yesterday on here somewhere.

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And the second ammendment provides a solution.

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Michael W knows the score

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Yep, I just keep stocking up on ammo... it's the only thing threatening our corrupt "govt."

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We are of similar mind, although I’m still hoping for a peaceful version. Come join me here at: NewSA.substack.com

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How about shamEdemic?

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Blow it all up !

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What does that symbol mean?

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Spike protein.

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I actually use it as “BAM !” as in “you got that right”…”strong comment”…”exactly!”…

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I wish I could like this comment twice. Well done.


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So, your solution is “Build Back Better”?

How about just let’s put a halt to the destruction.

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just a thought, certainly you know Build Back Better is a WEF blueprint for enslaving the world. The OP is obviously not considering that.

How else can you solve this problem other than - like a overgrown endlessly entangled Forrest - burning it down and starting from scratch?

That is what our forefathers did and it worked pretty well. There is no alternative anyway, the system cannot be reformed because it is rotten through and through.

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build-back-bet-ter - new-world-or-der - build-back-bet-ter - new-world-or-der.... Same number of syllables. Same cadence. No coincidence.

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<em>”… Build Back Better is a WEF blueprint for enslaving the world.”</em>

That was my point. How do we benefit if we help them achieve their goal?

<em>” How else can you solve this problem other than - … - burning it down and starting from scratch?”</em>

We can’t just destroy the good with the bad. And if we can’t tell the difference between good and bad, how can we trust ourselves to rebuild to a higher standard?

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Our house needs a deep, deep, cleaning!

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Yes, just don’t burn down the house in doing so.

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Agreed! ctl, alt, delete didn't work so now we need to execute a hard reboot.

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Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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Oh wow. Destroy to Build Back Better? Isn't that just what the Xiden administration is promoting? Don't get me wrong, I couldn't agree more with your assessment of the corruption and tyranny, just not the fix.

Three changes in the law: removing indemnification for vaccines, removing EUA authorization, and removing FDA funding by pharma would fix 90 percent these issues. There is little reason for corruption when the money and the easy money is removed.

Law suits are working, granted they are slow. Resistance is working as well. The global predators are losing. 2022 will be tough for they are like wild animals in a corner, but they will continue to lose on the strength of our Constitution, tattered as it is.

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...the cornered animal will TRY to pack the Supreme Court & amend the Constitution... praying that Freedom win by the hair on its chin...💕🐱💕... suspiciously eye all doctors now... don’t automatically consider as professional... many just in it for $$$ & $$$...

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Amen! Recall the words of that wise sage, Roger Daltrey, lead singer of ironically named band The Who in the song Won’t Get Fooled Again…,”Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. It’s a play on Orwells “Animal Farm”

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Great song, but they were dead wrong that most people "won't get fooled again."

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Was it in reference to the band or My Generation in gggggeneral? Pun intended…

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I have been supporting the Convention of States. It seems to be heating up given the number of states that have added it to their upcoming legislative sessions.

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It's not heating up. It's not even lukewarm. There's no hero coming and no convention of states. We're going to have to do this ourselves.

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I am for ALL legal means to end this tyranny, of which this is one that we the people can and should employ. Our country's founders used ALL legal means to end tyranny first, and provided this for us. The actions we are taking are working (resistance, court cases, spreading truth, etc) albeit they work slowly. LOL, even in Covid multiple treatments were needed to stop it. But for many it just isn't fast enough. Yet, it is these actions that awaken others.

I am sick to death of those who typically suggest more violent actions, whether they say it directly or not. I have seen comments such as yours suggesting "we do it ourselves" even years ago. A history of revolts show they more often fail than produce the desired result, particularly when the majority of the population has not joined.

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You've completely misread my comment. I'm talking about people standing up and engaging. Remaining in silent opposition is not sufficient. Sorry you read something into my comment that isn't there.

In many European countries, they are producing weekly protests in very sizable number dwarfing all similar efforts here to date. I don't say people should solely participate in public protests but educating oneself and then being vocal about the abuse of our God-given rights is most definitely required.

How that is vocalized is available in numerous options but one important among them is to bring it to the table of all public officials. They need to know that the jig is up. Political power is what they value most and seeing it taken away and jolted as they witnessed in last months election is exactly the Rx they should be fed.

Whether it's by public protest or by direct contact is perfectly good.

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We are dealing with something WORLDWIDE; I do wish you yanks could see past your constitution. Either it allows all this to happen or it failed to prevent all this happening, pick one? Like the vaccines, IT DOES NOT WORK, so can we move on now?

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All laws require obedience to completely work, and there will always be those who skirt, bend, or break the law. No law is a binary work/doesn't. That is why we have police and courts.

In the USA, our founding document, the supreme law, gives the central government clearly defined, limited powers and reserves all other rights and powers to the states and the people. That Constitution is WHY we are winning court battles despite attempts by scofflaws like Xiden to circumvent it. It is also why US citizens feel strongly about those rights reserved to us and why most do not accept and many others at least chaff at central mandates.

Other countries have a powerful central government that can set country wide rules. That is restricted here. When the people protest in other countries, they are all protesting one central entity. It is why your protests look massive and ours don't. Here the battle is at the state and local level as well as with the federal government. The Constitution is why governors like Florida can tell the central government to get stuffed and do.

As to being world- wide, you think we don't know? I have heard many from other countries wonder why isn't the USA protesting, but they miss the location of the battle here. I have also heard it said from other countries that if the USA goes down, it is bad for the world.

There is a reason our statue of liberty faces OUT to the world. It is a beacon of freedom, and the pathetic poem asking for immigrants added years after to its base has nothing to do with its meaning. Our Constitution defines freedom here and what we hope for others. If you want to defeat this world wide scourge of the global predators, you need to take care of your own country. All politics are, ultimately, local.

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Do you “see past” the Magna Carta? Asking for a friend.

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It does work. In the words of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, “Now is not the time to go wobbly”.

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Dec 13, 2021
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Then why was this passed? Looks like this is the start to figure outnwho hasn't gotten vaxed so they can then start taking away more of their rights.

In other words, our govt isn't protecting us looks like to me.


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It's certainly looking better than most of the EU Austria, Germany, or Australia. UK is on the brink again, Wales and Scotland have somehow become more independent during all this. I was breaking the law on a daily basis seeing my 17 year old son one mile over "the border" during the lockdowns. Incredible. He even got tailed by the police twice.

I'm certainly looking to leave the UK hence the username, so if you know any woman (or man!) up for a sham wedding to get me over, that'd be great. hehe. I'd setup in South East USA.

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Unfortunately, White Europeans have not been greatly welcomed as immigrants here since the 1965 immigration bill. Perhaps you can have a go at pretending to be an illegal Irish immigrant working the bars (that's what we call a "pub" here 🙂 ) of New York City? Some time back, they were a significant presence of "undocumented workers," although in numbers far below Mexicans and other Latinos.

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Dec 13, 2021
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How does a coyote carry a human ? Asking for a Georgia Democrat….

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I disagree with your solution to the problem. “Burn it down” sounds like the crazy fu** running BLM in New York City. I’m hoping I misunderstood your intent.

If well intentioned people that support the Constitution would just get off their asses and get involved in EVERY election from School Board to POTUS, we would solve the problem. We need to replace the tyrants, not the system. I swore an oath to defend the Constitution some 40 years ago, and I still honor it.

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To loosely quote Benjamin Franklin, the "system" is a Constitutional Republic.......if we can keep it.

The fight is to actually keep it, not to burn it down. It's those trying (and unfortunately succeeding) to burn it down are who the fight is against.

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It’s pure hubris for anyone to think they can create a better framework for the governance of free people than our Founders did. It has stood for over two centuries, allowing us to evolve as a nation yet retain it.

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The second ammendment provides a solution when the first doesn't. God gave us our rights not government. The second ammendment provides credibility to the first - that is, if the government knows that we will use the second if push comes to shove, it makes it less likely that we will need anything but the first.

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What are you going to replace it with and who gets to decide?

It's not the system that needs changing. It's the hearts and minds within it that do.

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Within what? The players inside the corrupt system? Or their constituents outside of it.

What you're describing is a contradiction in terms.

The constituents have all the power, the government has none.

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Are you attempting to argue that you (and the rest of the constituents that "have all the power") are not part of (within) the system?

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are you attempting to argue that the people within the system think that the people outside of the system have any control over them whatsoever?

you are a fool if you do

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It’s obvious that they Think that. Our job is to disabuse them of that notion. You’re a coward if you don’t try.

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What "system" do you imagine we are talking about here? Who exists outside our system of government here and where do I sign up for the Galt's Gulch kind of place?

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The moochers are awakening to those that are the engine of the world are rebelling. Witness the companies that are rebelling against the vaxx mandates. Elon Musk speaking out against the destructive Build Back Broke bill. The Virginia and New Jersey elections. How fitting that the peaceful revolution begins in two of the original 13 Colonies? Never give up!

“Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? No!” - John Belushi as Bluto in Animal House

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Your blue back ground makes it hard to read. Same goes for black/red. Stick with white with black print. Red for highlights.

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Dec 12, 2021
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Never thought I see the day where I fear more my govt or going to the Dr. or hospital for that matter. They all seem to want to KILL ME!

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Pharma made their money. People lost irreplaceable life experiences. Most of us became markedly poorer. And Biden got elected.

None of this can be undone.

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You left out those killed by withholding effective treatment, those killed by applying lethal pseudo-treatment, those killed by the pseudo-vaxes & those whose lives have been permanently damaged & shortened by the pseudo-vaxes.

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Those people mostly died from not being treated for other illnesses

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Those as well, but also those "treated" with remdesivir & vents. Death sentence.

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Very true, but we can end this for our children and beyond

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yes, Omicron is mild, but we have known since April of 2020 that Covid in general is mild and is a disease of octogenarians in care homes - if that. But the official MSM narrative still is from Feb of 2020, and that it has a mortality of 5% for all age groups and that the RNA injection is the only salvation.

If they have been able to bamboozle the stupid facking sheep that still believe Fauci and MSM after 2 years, they can continue to do it longer, even in the face of how mild Omicron is.

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As long as they leave us alone, I am okay with that. But I read that the government has silently voted a few laws that will make vaxx passes legal. We might still be in for some trouble. And we still have a world of difficulty to travel.

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In Europe, we’re not being left alone but are required to show vaccine passports to buy food.

U.K. is last to begin it’s descent into the maelstrom.

In France, the streets are ablaze with protesters & riot cops.

In Greece, they’re fining the unvaccinated & if they don’t pay, they jail them.

Lithuania is total tyranny of bear house arrest for the unvaccinated.

It’s hardly begun.

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Hello Dr. Yeadon. Thank you for your efforts in this never-ending battle. What I'm hoping, as an American, is that the point of distinction for us will be the 2nd amendment. I realize no one wants to "go there" in theory, but I'm hopeful, should the jackboots start appearing in neighborhoods across the U.S., that law abiding citizens will stand up and say "No more."

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I hope that won’t be necessary but just in case...

The US is the final battleground. Fight like crazy. As Reagan said over 40y ago, if the US fails, there’s nowhere else to go.

I hunch that more Americans recognised EVIL when they see it.

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I am afraid we are not lucky enough to get to a climactic event. The monsters in charge know to inflict their pain slowly not to trigger an event like that - inch by inch for two years.

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Boil the frog slowly….

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Dec 13, 2021
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Same thing in Florida and Oklahoma. Life has been back to normal for over a year.

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I was surprised to see vax passports in Idaho in large venues. (Blue city.) Masking varied from required to requested to unmentioned. Guess it’s up to the locality. Tx, Fl, and Mt I think don’t allow any vax passports or vax mandates.

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Throughout history, humans have gone into full on wars over less than what's been happening for 2 years in places that used to be known as "the free world". The problem now is that the enemy is not a foreign entity. The enemy are the 40% or so of the population that are sworn followers of Covidism- their new fanatical religion. If it occurs, a war in this situation would be a blessing where clear battle lines can be drawn and this tyranny could be settled once and for all. But I am afraid we are not lucky enough to get to a climactic event yet.

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The new Jacobin’s.

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I think it's already a deterrent and that's why we in the U.S. haven't gotten to the full-on fascism so much of Europe has.

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My parents in Belgium don't go out much, but if you want to do more than grocery shopping, it seems you have to show your vaxx card. They already had a third jab and the rest of the people will get one soon. My dad expects that they will get an 'invitation' (read - order) to get jabbed every 6 months until ?

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Dr. Yeadon, I listened again last night to your video from months ago warning us about it all. I recognize how BRAVE & CARING of humanity you are to have done that knowing the authorities could punish you at anytime they feel like it. I also connected deeply with your concern that it is ALMOST TOO LATE and how difficult it is to get people to COMPREHEND how DIRE the situation and close we are to losing our freedom FOREVER! The Omicron news seems to be good news since it’s harmless overall so how can they mandate vaccines then any longer? I know they will twist the truth but hopefully they CANT WIN on this one. I pray for us all. Thank you

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BTW, I live in SE US. Not too bad here yet, certainly not like Europe but distrustful of the future.

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Thank you, Sharon. I often say it’s not brave, once you’ve seen through it, there’s no peace in denial!

I too am more optimistic about the USA coming through Covid19. But I fear the perpetrators knew they might not take down USA as they pretty much have Europe, CAN/NZ/AUS & I am concerned there’ll be a new event instead.

That’s much more likely to be spotted by an alert American, I guess. So keep your minds active.

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Dr. Yeadon, One thing I have been wondering about, and, If I recall correctly, Dr. Sukrit Bhatdi has said mini-clots from the spike proteins are in the capillaries adhering to the walls and are in essence like mini-strokes from clotting? So if the spike proteins are going all over the body and crossing the blood brain barrier too, could that mean the vaxes could change one’s personality, but to a lesser degree since they are mini, (but still in the brain) than some more serious strokes lead to?

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It drives me batty how there “is an elephant in the room” and so many people don’t seem to see it at all or only a tiny portion. Makes me crazy and I have lost too many friends-people over this that I feel like I am already in a communist country where I cant speak the truth or express my feelings without people getting all offended and upset. People just cant seem to fathom the long-term ugly picture where this is going! I’ve even been called paranoid recently. I thought about it, and said, NO, you’re just terribly UNIFORMED!

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Please continue to keep us informed. Any new thoughts, insights, or tidbits is greatly needed, and, you know, greatly appreciated in this war for humanity?

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I learned about you from this PhD Biologist, who’s been trying for nearly 2 years to show, from biology, what’s wrong with the narrative.


He, and those like yourself who he’s referenced, have been indispensable in getting me up to speed on this.

Speaking of horror stories, his wife is set to go to Holland to help her mother care for her sister with terminal cancer. He’s home with the kids, and fired from his research position for his views on COVID. I expect his posts to be fewer, because he’ll have to take care of the children alone.

I do hope Dr Fuelmich cagey a case together soon, before the opportunity is lost.

For those not aware of who Dr. Fuelmich is, here’s a link.


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Thank you for the links. I have seen an interview from Dr Fuelmich earlier on, very interesting.

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Good thing BREXIT happened. Once more into the breech!

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You will not be able to sit on the sidelines and wait until it goes away.

Even Sweden(!) is now complying despite practical having herd immunity. Read this thread on what is going on in different countries world-wide, reported by readers on the ground. It is truly shocking:


We must speak out and protest, and keep protesting. They will not stop. I went to my first ever protest on the weekend.

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Cite your sources.

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“I read somewhere” is not credible information. Except at CNN and DNCTV.

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Faulty testing will continue to boost "case" numbers for any "varient" they choose. Most believe, including friends, family and coworkers ( physicians and nurses) the cases are killers which all come from covid. Sorry, poor sentence structure! My patience is gone!!! Had a slight cold. Swabbed at work for 4 days

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The testing place reassured people last year with a message on the web site, that cases were only positive tests. Until then I did not realize that these were not sick people but just probably flawed tests. The web site never mentioned the sick or hospitalized but just the cases and the deaths. I stopped watching it since it gives no info whatsoever on the sick amount

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OK I live in South Africa and I think you are (probably) right. Lots of cases but pretty much zero serious. Most hospitilsations incidental. I think Covid is over. But I fear Politicians and Big Pharma will disagree.

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Fuck what politicians and big pharma want. Do not comply. It’s that simple.

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the ghouls have amassed a vast amount of power, control and $$$$$ in 2 years. I doubt they are going to let it all go that easily. Omicron or not, we are going to have to fight to get our 2019 life back.

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Being ungovernable goes a long way. Also: Starve the Beast. Get all the toxic Big Tech tentacles out of your life... Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, etc. It can be done.

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Talk about starving the beast…

The beast has not been doing it’s basic responsibilities…ie securing the border…the beast should not be fed unless and until !

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Sad how many mouthy conservatives complain about everything then pay Google, Amazon/Prime, FacePh-ck, Twatter et ilk to destroy us. They're great at whining, but can't be inconvenienced in the slightest of ways to save the USA.

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Sometimes there is little choice but to order stuff from Amazon. And I am not quite that computer literate to move away from the Google and Yahoo's

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There is always a choice. Starving Amazon is just as important as refusing the gene therapy. Besides, Amazon (and Whole Foods, btw) price gouge--often you can find what they sell cheaper elsewhere with just a little digging. I have had wonderful experiences going out of my way to not shop either. Zero Amazon purchases in over 7 years.

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i just do things the inconvenient old fashioned way💕💕💕

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Look up the products you want on Amazon and then use your browser to locate their website and buy directly from them and bypass the traitorous Bezos. It can be done. Same with Fakebook. Don’t buy a product using their links. Get rid of the middleman.

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...RHINO’s stink!!!...

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We need merch: Starve The Beast

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Alex we had it here. Unfortunately the fully vaccinated person who brought it into my house did not tell us after the visit that they were sick. so it killed my greater than 90 year old mom. She survived three bouts of covid in my house, her caretaker (who was with her 4 days) my earlier covid and my daughters covid. She survived because I was told quickly of the exposure and I put her on hcq each time. This time I did not know because I was not told. When she started to get sick I did not think covid...there was no fever. By the time i got her on the medications it was too late. I got it too....but wow very different. Just like the south african doctor reported the first effect was just sore muscles and tired. Then it turned to flu like but no fever. Note also the studies on fat are correct. How do I know....I regularly get coolsculpt it reduces my back swelling and controls my sicatica - yes it works and of course it is off spec the doctor just thinks I am crazy vain about my back - ha! But when I had alfa covid (i was teaching and got it from a teacher in early 2020). At anyrate a long haul effect was this terrible back pain - the likes of which I never had - like needles in your back. Well I felt that again - except it was right after a back coolsculpt and well the pain was in my but only...like there was a line of where the coolscupt ended. So the study that came out this week saying covid hides in the fat tissue i think is right on .... see naturalnews.com. Hey another reason to diet but if you have a lot of fat and are worried about covid....go get it frozen. It works. My mom was an angel. Really devout woman....I know she is in heaven.

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I'm so sorry about your Mom

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I think Fauci, wants Folks like you every so often Top off Your Booster Shots as Variant change.

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We are all unvaccinated. I am sharing my real experience. I see you have nothing but false insults to share.

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I am not Vaccinated and have been in a Hospital setting around Doctor's Nurses all of whom work with Covid-19 Patients 25 months Now some have even Passed away. I have seen both non vaccinated and Vaccinated even with a Booster shot have been Hospitalized in a ICU not at home like what you are Pipe dreaming about. Spreading Fear 😱 Like CNN and Chris Cuomo

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Everything I have written I have lived. I had covid and cared for my mom at the same time . She passed because I did not get the iv in time but they would have killed her in the hospital and wd not have given her the care and love I did. At the same time when her care worker had covid I gave her HCQ. She never got sick. When I had it last year all my family had HCQ no one got sick. My daughter then got it from school. Everyone else went on HCQ no one got sick. So I personally have treated this three times. Unfortunately I was late with the medication for mom and I was late with the iv. I can assure there was no dream. If I had done better - recognized it sooner she who was a wonderful woman wd not have been lost.

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Sorry for your loss. But she lived a long life. Be glad of that, at least.

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Chris Cuomo, said the same thing and look what happened to Chris Cuomo. If again like Chris Cuomo if you like him was sitting home thinking you had or have Covid-19. And you was not diagnosed by a Critical care doctor You like Chris Cuomo Never had Covid-19.

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I had a critical care doctor - private vip and brilliant. You are a typical hospital stooge…if CDC does not tell you what to do you can’t think. My doctor 👨‍⚕️ s double board certified and has a duel practice in South Asia she has been treating sars and covid for 20 years.

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...are we ever going to know what’s in the koolaid, original or booster flavors... anyone done trials on ‘mix & match’ tooty fruity... maybe they can add food clot colors and fragrance to the kids vaccinate... bubblegum, red hots, candy cane for the holidays...

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If anyone claims any statistics for ohmycrom, or super delta, or any other version, ask them how they know. They don't. PCR can't distinguish versions, only by sequencing. That's not done in clinics or standard labs. But it doesn't matter, except to scare the 8gnorant. All that matters is the death curves which, as Alex shows, is near zero in every region with competent medical care. We don't need cures for the virus, we need cures for the corruption.

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Ok I have had it twice now and you need to know you cannot get proper medical care unless you are lucky enough to be in Florida Texas a few other states. You need to have what you need in your home. I have an oxygen concentrator (needed that only for the elderly) zpac HCQ ivermectin and dr Zelenko quercetin- d- zinc … I do injection c and Gluthatione you better be ready …. It’s no fun. You can beat it but if you think some hospital is going to save you dream on

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I had it. Sniffles, hoarse, mild fever couple, days, confirmed couple months later with antibodies. Took quercetin and extra zinc couple days, always keep my D up. BMI 20. Probably would have been okay without the quercetin, but already had it.

Most folks have no problem with it, those that do don't need to. The real scandal in all this is docs don't tell us how. Not allowed to, and can't bill it if they do. They get paid when we get sick, not healthy. Couple patients on vents, they get a new car or bling for the mistress.

We really need to change the payment system to reward health, not sickness.

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Seriously. I was a lib when they were debating obamacare, and even then I was against it b/c I was all a) how can you FORCE me to buy this b) product that is shit (American health care). If acupuncture and gym memberships/sports equipment/alternative therapies were covered, maybe we could talk, but.... Seriously, if the US gov't really wanted people healthy, they'd pony up for gym memberships. But guess who has more lobby money...it's the people that make the tests and the drugs and the procedures that allegedly "help" you after you're sick, not the owners of Gold's....

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That's always the problem with welfare, you get whatever they give you. The US insurance system is a huge welfare scam. An honest system would be like auto insurance, you buy it a la carte with higher price for higher coverage. Everybody gets everything is never sustainable.

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Right off the bat, I'm skeptical of your post, because according to the frontline docs many of us follow, no one has been reinfected with COVID. There are many who've had false positive PCR tests, but no one has been reinfected in reality. One round on the mat with the virus, and natural immunity is "complete, durable, and long-lasting."

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Worked in large private practice as RN case management. Reinvention was rare but did occur in 2020. 22 internists each with approx 1400 patients. Saw maybe 10 reinfections. Of course, the tests are flawed so who tf knows

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I believe Dr. McCullough who knows for one by elderly homes who havent gotten it twice. He has been heavily involved from the start figuring out the lies.

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My 25 year old son had it twice. First time wasn’t that bad, and then he got the Delta I presume and it was even less. He was living with us the second time and he didn’t spread it to us.

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I'm not here to argue. According to Dr. Peter McCullough, among others, it just doesn't happen. Perhaps your son had a cold or the flu or some other upper respiratory issue one of the two times, and the rigged PCR test he took gave a false positive. One of the main games being played is to set the PCR test revolutions so high that the vast majority of tests come back positive, when no SARS-COV-2 infection exists.

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Proof, FLU just didnt magically disappear like they claimed.

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Everyone should have either a local doc not in a "hospital system" or a telemed doc lined up to get lifesaving drugs asap. My independent doc follows the FLCCC protocol (all I need to do is make a phone call and the med orders will be sent to a local compounding pharmacy) but my grown son's doc follows the BS CDC. I found a functional medicine doc for him and he has everything he needs just in case.

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They've told so many lies & taken so much power, there is no way to easily land this plane.

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Again does this have to do with SA 70% recovered/naturally immune population, plus 25% vaccinated? In theory maybe this shows how well natural immunity is against covid. Either way it's good news

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Anything that's painful for them is A-ok with me. These newly minted billionaires can choke on their ill-gotten gains. The lies, deception, the bullying, the "othering" of the unvaxxed, the deaths they've caused, the rifts within families over vaxxed v. unvaxxed. I simply cannot abide Big Pharma.

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I'm stuck in Calizuela for a few months, in a limousine-commie-lib coastal region that requires masks everywhere you shop.

I hear comments online like "just say no to masks". Easy to say for those who live in states & regions where you won't be arrested for trying to go in without a petri dish on your face.

Many folks are tired of it, even in commieland. Dems are going to get creamed next year in many states, and lose seats in congress & senate - unless they double down on the election fraud.

Is there some way we can speed up the relief? Maybe a focused boycott to punish one or a few vulnerable states, regions & companies that enforce this Nazi crap? I avoid Cali sellers on eBay, but what good does it do if it's not an organized effort? None.

On the other hand, as Soviet dissidents used to say just before the collapse of the USSR, "Worse is Better, Comrade." i.e., let them jump the shark.

Polis is backing off. Even Newsom a bit. They must be seeing polls, annoyed adverse court decisions, and disobedient attitudes even of Democrat-majority state supreme courts like Pennsylvania. Apparatchiks getting uppity. Bucking the Politburo.

Newsom "beat" the recall handily, but he does have to run again next year, and surely voter regret will build as Cali's economy approaches Venezuela's and the mandates are never seriously relaxed, but I have no doubt Cali commies will steal as many votes as needed to overcome that. But their commie-Dem comrades see the polls, get the angry calls, and surely lobby CCP leadership to back off. Maybe the Politburo's sending dial-it-back-a-bit memos.

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I don't believe that Gavin Newson received nearly as many votes as the media reported. I don't think he won a majority of the votes. There were credible reports of voter fraud in highly Republican areas. The black box voting machines were switching YES votes (to recall Newsom) to NO as voters cast their votes on them, and some Republicans reported that they were not allowed to cast their ballots because "they had already voted." (This was a lie.) The Democrats are every bit as corrupt, and as ready and eager to steal elections, as the Republicans are. A plague on both their houses!

I'm a registered California Democrat (I'm planning to leave the party officially one of these days) who voted to recall Gavin Newsom. I think there must be a very large number of people in California who did likewise. There's no way he could have received the overwhelming majority of the votes that the media proclaimed he did.

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To be honest it was the final nail in my coffin here in CA. I have no idea how he so easily won other than cheating and stupidity. It's really funny, there are so many "smart & educated" people here in Los Angles but the truth is they are all sheep and cowards.

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Yep. We'll probably never know who really won, but there's no way Nuisance got that many votes. Sadly, suicidally stupid Cali "Republicans" paved the way for this vote fraud and their own demise, pushing mail-in registration and voting in the 70s and 80s. Then they refused to do anything about reports of the consequent fraud they facilitated. See no evil, hear no evil...

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... with you 💕truth birdie💕... don’t trust the voting “software”... makes cheating a foregone conclusion...

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Yes indeed. I was absolutely certain the black box electronic voting machines were certain to be used for fraudulent purposes as soon as they appeared. I wasn't the only one who saw this. I clearly remember other activists saying the same thing, insisting that every single election, at every possible level, (city, state, federal) must have a secure paper trail, so that definitive (real / accurate) recounts could be done. Needless to say, this fell on deaf ears, because those in power want to be able to manipulate the vote tallies. And of course, this is exactly what happens.

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I too live in the Communist State of California.. specifically Los Angeles and it has been a miserable experience. I've truly grown to hate these people. How Newsom so handily beat that recall even in Orange County was laughable. The corruption just cannot be over come and the worst part is that I can't get my damn family to leave.

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Leaving CA in June. Gonna be hard to let go of this gorgeous SoCal coastal climate but it’s a prison with golden bars. Hello Lakewood Ranch Florida!

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Very happy for you Jim. Lakewood looks amazing.

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Going from Wokeberry to Mayberry!

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The Golden State is becoming The Golden Shower State

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I escaped from L.A. 25 years ago, much like Snake Plisskin. Where I am now is still freer in the sense of not being a sardine-can rat-race S-hole, but it's nearly as bad politically.

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I went to hit golf balls at a municipal range last night here in Puerto Rico. They require proof of vaxx in order to enter the grounds...to hit golf balls OUT OF SIDE! (e.g. outside)

Insanity and stupidity reign supreme here in Puerto Raila. (not sure that works nearly as well as Calizuela, if at all)

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Out of side. LOL. The USA should cut PR loose. PR independence NOW!

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I don't favor statehood (my wife is from here), but I do favor the current relationship (golf year-round). BUT, the corruption and incompetence in government here would give IL, NY, or CA a run for their money.

The stupidity and incompetence (or outright despotism) of our past 4 governors - especially the current one, Pierluisi - have this island gripped with fear, hysteria, paranoia, and sheer ignorance. I'm sure there are others, somewhere on this island, not wearing masks until and unless they're required to as is my practice...but I've not seen any of them for months.

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Yep. But as long as PR is an unincorporated territory, it'll be Puerto Pobre, a welfare dependency, and the commie-Dems will try to give it statehood.

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Its getting us used to the new system of communism thru vax passports, then digital money. One global money for all, but the billionaires only have freedom any more

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Dec 12, 2021
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As are Undocumented Democrats (aka RINOs, Vichy "Republicans")

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Canada and Australia are ground zero for the Great Reset experiment. Your finance minister is trustee on the Board of the WEF.

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I'm not in Canada or Australia. I'm in California, which is being transformed into Calizuela.

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Canazuela is the new Canada. Trudeau and Newsom are both extreme WEF puppets.

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Also--go out unmasked and if anyone gives you trouble, show them one of the many, many pictures of Nancy Pelosi out and about without a mask.

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Re masks: someone had to go first here in the Midwest, too! Support businesses that don't enforce the mandates!

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I think China wants Australia and Commiefornia! Just getting people accustomed to the new regime!

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It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated. If my damn three year old would just get the jab this could all be over. But no! Between nap time and bed time and carelessly spreading Covid at nursing homes and then going to the mall and refusing to wear her mask when passing the line of people at Cinnabon it’s all her fault. People should be able to go to Cinnabon without having to fear being in close proximity to the unvaxed. To all I apologize for my three year olds behavior.

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Your daughter's new chance at virginity, from Geert Vanden Bosche: https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/like-a-virgin-untouched-forever

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This push for boosters is more dangerous by far than the Omicron variant. A friend of mine in his early 70s just received the booster - and then had a massive stroke - and passed away this week. These companies are mass killers and we won't realize the actual damage they did to our world until it all ends.

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I think people should consider what Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has to say about this. He's been right about everything else so far! https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/mass-vaccination-will-push-sars-cov-2-spike-protein-beyond-omicron

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May it rip through the world and get EVERYBODY infected before the criminal pharmas come out with the Omicron-special vax for the feeble minded.

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It's doing a good job already, half my friends have it so far and looks like most of the professional sports teams are having mass outbreaks.

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My hunch is that the readon Pfizer says their original vax holds up is because they don’t want to tweak their formula to match something so mild. Pretty sure they prefer the more deadly original spike version.

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I agree - too much overhead and they must have ton of excess doses they need to offload. I think the booster is going be a tougher sell in the US especially as time goes on. People are growing tired of this. Plus, now they can focus on all the anti-coagulant drugs and heart drugs that will be needed to combat the side effects of their vaccines. I keep hearing the radio ads for DVT and AFIB brought to you by Bristol Meyers Squib and Pfizer..

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My wife and I have thought that was kind of odd as well…

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Yes, me too. Eerie.

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I've never heard much discussion about the boosters....I'm wondering if they are just more of the same, nothing to distinguish them from the original vaccines.

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Yes....I heard that just the other day and thought it obviously very telling.

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Omicron is likely a wolf in sheep's clothing. Please see my other post about Geert Vanden Bossche's take on Omicron! Also, there is not much point in making an updated vaccine. Because of Original Antigenic Sin OAS such a vaccine would not be very effective even if they did create it. The immune systems of those already jabbed have been too well trained to respond only to the original spike protein that is now no longer in circulation.

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