I'll be on The Ingraham Angle tonight at 10:40 talking about college vaccine mandates how a coalition of parents around the country are fighting against them. Wish me luck!

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Have you seen the editorial written by the student newspaper at the University of Chicago? It is a brilliant must-read for everyone, IMO.


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Yes - it is outstanding. Rumor has it that their server went down because they had so many hits. I hope other students stand up.

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Wow!! I read it yesterday. Glad the article is spreading fast! Hope your segment went well!

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A medical exemption or religious exemption should suffice, particularly mentioning myocarditis stats and links as Alex provided along with a legal sentence that reads something along the lines of "the vaccine is no longer preventing contracting or transmission of COVID 19 per Pfizer and the CDC; therefore your request for us to take an experimental vaccine without informed consent to avoid such spread is irrational. The risks outweigh the benefits according to my physician and you would then be assuming all liability of vaccine injury. You can't force an experimental product without informed consent of the risks of such a product. Perhaps you are unaware the current product still being administered is the EUA product, not an FDA authorized product that properly provides all risks and takes all liability" Run it by your lawyer but trust me they will back down. As Dr. McCullough says this is a game of "chicken" These are bullies. Bullies always back down.

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I submitted a letter from my doctor. My med exemption was denied promptly. My religious exemption has been pending for more than 30 days. The torture is mental distress and contributes greatly to a hostile environment. God has a plan, that He will reveal in good time. I have to give it to Him every day to not go insane, when I look to apply for jobs that have a vax requirement. We are in a society that openly condones systemic exclusion of the unvaccinated, based on incredibly faulty science.

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Jennifer, they may be holding out to see how legal issues get settled. Don't freak out too much, it's not worth making yourself ill stressing yourself out over this.

My husband's (big corp.) employer kept him waiting for over 2 months before answering his request for religious exemption. His employer knows that a) he has dangerously high blood pressure, and that b) he nearly died a few years ago from a brain hemorrhage (in his cerebellum), and c) his blood pressure goes up a lot when he gets too stressed out.

And yet they kept him waiting over 2 months, and then only gave him a reprieve until spring.

They're treating a lot of people badly, so make sure you don't take it personally. They are heartless.

Having said all that, I do hope they give you the right answer, and soon, Jennifer.

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Thank you and please let us know where to find it and you. My wife and I signed the Cornell document and see - https://provost.uchicago.edu/reports/report-universitys-role-political-and-social-action

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nocollegemandates.com is the landing page with the links to our telegram group. You can find a general twitter account here: @freecollegekids My twitter is @ladyspaulding11. Are you Cornell alums or parents of students there? I signed it as an alum.

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Married a Cornell classmate. We have a Son with Autism, and we both signed. Thanks and good luck. Now reading this amazing piece -https://www.peakprosperity.com/2021-year-in-review-the-rise-of-centralized-healthcare/

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Great job! Wish the segment had been longer; this is such an important topic. How they can do this to these young men and women is beyond me. Good luck in the fight!

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You did fantastic! Short but sweet! Got a lot in there!

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Got it on now!

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Alex! Just quickly, I have a family member who has suffered heart inflammation recently after his second jab, and just today, a client told me he was diagnosed with myocarditis last week following his booster. My Mum also has a cousin who has suffered myocarditis following her second shot. So when I read that the risk is estimated at somewhere between 1 in 2000 and 1 in 3000, I just can't see how that is possible. I don't know that many people and yet I know three people (potentially more, who haven't said anything), who have had this issue. It seems much, much more common than between 1 in 2000 and 1 in 3000. Thank you for your excellent work!

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Steve Kirsch is estimating the risk of myocarditis in young men maybe be closer to 1 in 70.


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It probably has degrees of injury. Many more likely have some damage they won't diagnose for a long time. Many heart conditions in 30 or 40 years will be traced back to the rna vax.

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The ones with minor damage won’t notice unless they engage in vigorous exercise. That would line up with the number of soccer players having sudden heart attacks on the field. I’ll put it this way:

Vaxxed + Cardio Workout = Cardio Wipeout!

I even wonder if this is what Killed Bob Saget - puts on a terrific two hour show, is obviously totally pumped about it, dies a few hours later. Could adrenaline rush do that to the vaxxed? Good probability.

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If they were interested in knowing, competent autopsy could confirm. Apparently they don't want to know. Forbidden knowledge.

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Right--athletes who tax their hearts the most are where we see the problems immediately. Oldish folks who rarely push themselves to the limit might never know until that one morning when they don't wake up...

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No, they will NOT be traced back to the vax! How would they be?

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They are being. Soccer players are getting alarmed at how many of their number have had unexpected cardio events in the year of the vax. Some European newspapers are keeping count.

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I was referring to the commenter above who said that there will be deaths from covid "vaccine" induced myocarditis which won't show up for quite some time, in some cases for years, and it's those cases that won't be traced back to the "vaccines." As for the current deaths from heart attacks, or other cardiac emergencies, I agree, they are apparent right now, and they are extremely alarming.

But the truth is there are enormous numbers of covid "vaccine" induced injuries which are not in the public's awareness, because they're happening to ordinary people, not sports stars or actors, etc., which are just as devastating in their own way. Not just heart attacks. All sorts of devastating injuries.

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"The Year of the Vax" .... hmmm.... with apologies to Al Stewart

It's like a bogus science fiction movie,

In a country with dystopian crimes,

You go strolling everywhere because, if you're running,

You might run out of time

The jab caulked our veins and our mortal remains

Are completely whacked.

Don't bother requesting medical exemptions,

They'll just tell you to boost

In the year of the vax....

[OK, I'll quit while I'm ahead. For you younger folk, this is a pathetic parody attempt using the 70s pop song "Year of the Cat"]

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Well done! I heard it in my mind in Al's voice, even!

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They will be correlated with the vax, and improved diagnostics will confirm, when the public is ready to understand. Not yet, but soon.

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Jan 18, 2022
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It's testable, but tests are expensive and not covered by insurance unless you're advanced enough to show symptoms. Easiest test is go out and engage in a few hours of intensive cardio. If you survive, you're probably okay, for now. Since most people are only exposed to intense cardio by watching it on tv, never mind.

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This is interesting, because my family member suffered the incident after spending the weekend building a fence at his new house and my client told me his incident happened immediately after spending the day packing up his holiday house and getting it ready for sale (we're in the middle of the Australian summer right now, it is extremely hot and humid). Yet the authorities offer no direction to citizens that they should refrain from strenuous exercise after they receive the shots.

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And they don’t let them out of the house unless they get them!

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Apparently this adverse reaction is variable. Everyone who received the vax should begin learning to recognize the symptoms. So far there's no treatment. Probably will be, eventually.

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oooo that's some dark humor

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Jan 18, 2022
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Vax effects will become just another comorbidity. They'll get you eventually, just random whether it's with covid. We really need to get serious about comorbidities. They're all preventable, and mostly reversible, and apparently cause serious covid.

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A practice in Canada indicated that almost 2/3rds of his patients had elevated D-Dimer readings indicating increased micro-clotting. So the rate of Myocarditis is probably much higher...but at varying degrees.

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Dr Hoffe out of British Columbia and Dr Kilian from Ontario. The attack dogs were on them quickly.

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And Dr Byram Bridle (Canada)

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Even this is likely to be an underestimate. It is just detected more in settings of intense aerobic exertion. (Serendipitous stress tests.) What would they find if they started active surveillance? They won’t; they know it’s dangerous.

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Watch for a spike in “Snow shoveling induced heart attacks” this winter.

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"Risk of Myopericarditis following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in a Large Integrated Health System: A Comparison of Completeness and Timeliness of Two Methods"

"The true incidence of myopericarditis is markedly higher than the incidence reported to US advisory committees."


Posted December 27, 2021

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When people report side effects from the vax to their doctors the doctors often say that it’s not related and then you never hear another thing about it. People trust their doctors and believe what they are told. It’s a wonder any side effects are reported at all.

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People shut down when they walk into a doctor's office, instead of treating them like anyone else they would hire.

If the house painter you hire is using lead paint you question him and fire him.

Why do people think doctors are any different?

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Could not agree more!! People don’t advocate for themselves either. They don’t question anything and they don’t ask about cost. Absolutely astounding to me.

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Abso-fucking-lutely. WE PAY THEM! We also pay our politicians and the furer fauci. At least we have more of a voice in deciding our doctors- wish it were true of politicians.

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Now that the Supreme Court decided to uphold vaccine mandates for health care workers, though, no one who believes in medical freedom, scientific discourse, or the beauty of natural physiology will be entering the field anymore. So when we are really old, and all our medical providers are younger...we are SCREWED. Well, unless we just take really damned good care of ourselves and refuse medical care. Ugh

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Take control of your health. Stop eating processed foods and the likelihood of needing their help goes down significantly.

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Jan 18, 2022Edited
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precisely. i lost my job. started my own practice.

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Recognize that if government decides to give us ‘free’ healthcare, they get ultimate control of the services provided.

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Interesting thought.

I can see them using COVID and Big Pharma's, big payday, as an excuse for single payer healthcare.

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Their response to covid and pressure to make everyone take the shots is a perfect showcase of how horrible universal healthcare could be.

Imagine these people having even greater control over healthcare.

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He who pays the piper, calls the tune.

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I listened to RFK Jr.'s latest podcast where he interviews a woman who was in an early clinical trial for the AstraZeneca vax. She had terrible health effects so she was unable to get the second shot. It was absolutely undeniable that her injuries came from the shot. She was simply "disappeared" from the clinical trial. Put into the category of "did not continue". Her vax injuries were not reported.

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If you think that's bad, you should listen to this. It's Ron Johnson's hearing with people who suffered from adverse effects from the vax including people in the trials. It's eye opening and horrifying. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/ron-johnson-people-injured-covid-vaccine/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=4e32080c-358a-406c-99b3-97e9c71b9354

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When the guy talks about his 16 yo son dying 5 days after the vax, it's heart-breaking. I was weeping. I can't deal with the idea of these young children dying, and their parents being so duped into thinking they were doing the "right thing". It's nauseating. Someone needs to hang for this!

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And one side of the aisle along with most media dismissed that testimony as political theater. We have become a corrupt nation.

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Healthy, very physically active 50 year old guy I know had a stroke 1 week after his second gene therapy shot. He asked his doctor if it could be related to the shot, and the doctor said absolutely not. He wouldn’t even contemplate it.

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The vast majority of possible side effects are NOT recorded. A medical professional is willing to risk his job, even career with what must be a totally thankless, laborious data entry job, As I note above (quote from RFK's book), any injury or death prior to two weeks after 2nd jab is "officially" in an unvaccinated person! If the CDC et al really abide by that definition, that means 70% (t least) of vaccine related deaths are ignored or discounted, even if it were among the 1% or whatever that actually get recorded in the database.

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Me too. I know two young men who got myocarditis after the mRNA shots.

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me too. Mom sends me a message every month about someone in her building or one of their children. (she's in a 55 and up community)

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My father's platelets dropped after his second jab.

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My sister's platelets went through the roof after the JJ shot. Chronically low for years, then boom, sky high. Finally came down but she was terrified for a good six months.

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Imagine the people around the world in that position, with politicians in places like Australia and Canada declaring there are no exceptions, you must keep taking boosters or else we will make life miserable for you. For your own good!

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That's terrible!

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ok--i've been seeing this in patients! but colleagues refuse to entertain the idea of vaccine injury. no peers to talk to about this.

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Hi Mary. My experience here in Melbourne, Australia fits yours. A friend of mine knows 3 people who got myocarditis after Pfizer - their son and his friend, both in their early twenties. They're being seen by the same cardiologist and their son is a very serious case. His sport is finished and he's taking medicine that, according to my friend, the pharmacist said they'd had a big increase in since the roll out.

We've had two Australian journalists hospitalised after Pfizer- Georgia Clark and Denham Hitchock, one a very serious case.

Steve Kirsch puts the incidence of myocarditis after the Covid injections as much higher. On his site, you may have read, he reports on the school Monte Vista that had 4 cases of myocarditis, putting the rate at 1 in 70.

What Steve says is supported by the testimony of respected UK cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra. His evidence is anecdotal but he's putting his reputation on the line in speaking out:


Below is a New Zealand nurse speaking of her experience of patients coming in after Covid injections that are "cardiac, cardiac, cardiac':


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Hi! I'm in Aus! In Qld! Not that anything good is happening here, but we've been so mortified by what VIC has had to go through in the last few years under Danial Andrews!

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Hi Mary. Yes, it's awful and bizarre in equal measures. My highly educated family seem to think Dan's had a difficult job but did what was necessary!! There are certain things we don't talk about, like tear gas and firing rubber bullets into unarmed protesters. I was told by someone who lives near the shrine that there were what looked like two real tanks, not that vehicle with 'rescue' on the side that has trouble taking corners. I've been trying to get hold of some footage to verify this.

My husband has all the medical contacts, so I'm passing him studies to forward to cardiologists. They come back with the "Covid is worse" mantra. I've suggested he ask them where the evidence is that the injections reduce the risk of worse outcome, but he said the only approach was to nudge them gently. It's beyond belief what's going on. There are parents rushing out to get their small children injected.

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You might enjoy https://steveblizard.substack.com/p/battleground-melbourne-documentary. A lot of poor victims in Vic. The US was saved by FL standing up to the government.

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me too. I'm hearing about so many

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lol our product is NOT causing calves to spontaneously bleed to death, don't jump to conclusions

*investigation finds it does*

stop spreading misinformation! it's not our product doing it, you are cowspiracy theorists!

*government bans product*

no! this isn't fair, you are spreading Fake Moos

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Thinking of those poor baby calves .😭 next our children .

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Pfizer makes Prenvar 13 for infants. When they die within the week, it's SIDS.

They are already killing children and denying it. Look up how many infant deaths have no known causes every year. (I'm not counting those that have a known cause like suffocation.)

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Japan practically eliminated SIDS by ending most vaccinations in the first 2 years of life...imagine that happening here. I can't imagine that, not possible ever.

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Also ,US Infant SID cases dropped in 2020 due to missed vaccines....Gee, I wonder why?

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*Very* interesting!

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Alex, please reconsider your approach and address your substack subscribers. You are losing substack subscribers. Some who are still hanging on are waiting for you to embrace the mea culpa (rather than doubling down) for your bushwhacking of Dr Malone on live TV. This has more to do with credibility of methods leading up to public statements and the way you treat fellow researchers than whatever conclusion you come to. Questions have been raised asking whether you have some alternative agenda that might get in the way of your work.

Ouch Alex, I thought journalists reached out to people to get their responses before making public claims or publishing their pieces. I’m waiting for your apology about the bushwacking of Dr. Malone on live TV. At least he was a gentleman in the moment. While you’re writing your apology, there is some reading waiting for you on another substack (Dr. Malone’s). And maybe you haven’t seen the totality of evidence published on the FLCCC web site. Go check it out. I’m very appreciative of the work you do and have done, but this incident doesn’t do your work any favors.

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Agree with you, still waiting. If I was to act like Alex in a comment to this bovine article, I would just attack him personally and ignore the article / questions being debated as that's exactly what he did. I still don't understand why he did it when he could have immediately brought up his Twitter suit which would have been relevant and helpful...

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There are people with honor that apologize when wrong. And even if there is something, still didn't expect that cheap shot

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We are witnessing a test of character. Hopefully it will resolve well.

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OMG stop this nonsense. A real apology comes from a person freely. Forcing this won't turn AB into the person you want him to be.

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Go away troll.

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What? this seems totally reasonable to me. I've seen Alex apologize when he gets things wrong

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He apologized for questioning the election

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I agree - I’m still waiting as well.

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Actually, this post is really, really good work. I also think he should apologize, but if he won’t (he won’t), then at least he should continue with valuable reporting such as this. He is a f’ing mess as a person( I sure as hell don’t want to hang with him socially), but a net positive in the balance.

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A place to communicate with former subscribers:


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We have now had a chance to see the results of the character test. As an underscore, on Tuesday after several days of reader messaging, AB made an appearance in the comments to engage with reader subscribers, by replying to Scooter “Just refunded you. Goodbye.” Make your own judgement.

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Yes, I saw that! I guess that was the response we'd been waiting for.

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The takeaway here is: we are the Cows, and our Children are the Calves. The rest is up to you.....

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You take away the liability clause and you will see how fast these vaccine makers run.

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Let's hope the Republicans do something next year (maybe some of them that took the shots will have the side effects and try to do something about it)

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Firing Fauci would be a good start.

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I want them to make Ivermectin the Law Of the Land, since they have the privileged , we should too!

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I'm not hopeful, but it's all we've got.

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If only we had elected officials with the stones to do so.

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That's it - that would fix this whole mess so fast...

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If our children are harmed and we can tie it to the vaccine, watch that liability legal stuff disappear. I'm just surprised they have not been more cautious. Mucking up a 5 year old to protect a triple jab senior isn't valid justification. While parents worry from their fear, their trust in 'science' may be quite misguided. But they may be among those 30 year olds who pretended a medical issue to jump in front of seniors for the jab.

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DES was given to pregnant women for decades until it was banned in 1971. It took 20 years for DES babies to see the effect. At @20yrs old male and female children that were exposed to DES in utero developed a rare cancer not seen before in young people, and fertility issues. DES *today* causes tumors in the children of those children. 2 full generations.

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I am lucky that I had a mother who refused to take a single drug of any sort while she was pregnant. She wouldn't even take an aspirin. She passed away a few years ago but she would have been livid over the fact that doctors are advising these Covid vaccines for pregnant women.

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My grandma took DES. Mom and my brother had the side effects common to those exposed.

But the vaccine religious say, "we have lots of long-term safety date." Riiiight.

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I learned from a vet friend that DES is given to zoo mammals where they don’t want offspring but can’t stop them from breeding, think marine mammals. It makes them unable to get pregnant or the offspring is riddled with tumors! Thank God I have a healthy son. But my daughter (3 rd generation) developed a tumor so large in utero that the pregnancy could not continue. This is the Pharmaceutical industry. They make some great stuff. But when they screw up it is catastrophic

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I'm sorry. That's heartbreaking.

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Yes, I had a great aunt that had a hysterectomy in her 20's because her mom took that too

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Hubby's mother took DES when pregnant with him. He has had testicular cancer and no ability to father children. I am friends with a woman whose mother took it when pregnant with her. She's one of the lucky ones who did have children but was mostly on bed rest and had to have her uterus stitched up in order to get to the end of each pregnancy. But, her daughters and granddaughters need to be monitored regularly.

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Jan 18, 2022
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well, after a few months...

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I read that it took FIVE YEARS for them to tie the birth defects to Thalidomide.

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There is the possibility of serious illness in children of women vaccinated with the mRNA covid vaccines, described in a recent paper by Seneff and Nigh.

Very interesting article, Alex. But the picture of the calf bleeding out the eyes is heart rending.

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I think we all got the picture without the picture; that was not necessary

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I appreciated the picture. Evil is not pretty.

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Yep, as a cattle and horse owner I knew about this.

I've seen mares go into early labor and then drop dead the day after they were given their vaccines. Call me weird but it was these incidents that made me say no to a "booster" the OB tried to push on me when I was pregnant.

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So WHEN does Nuremberg 2.0 begin again? How much longer can these criminals be allowed to inflict such heinous crimes against humanity. Two years in now and how is it remotely possible not one person has been held to serious account? This piece hit a nerve! WTF

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When half the population won't open their eyes, the answer is, never.

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Not until after the revolution. Unfortunately, in this case the AXIS powers are running things and it's Oppenheimer and Einstein on trial.

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Or Evolution, These shots may be mutating our species into something not recognizable.

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As long as big Corps like the Banks, Apple, Nike and others keep the BOOSTER mandates...the only solution is for all workers at these companies to QUIT !

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It looks more and more like the Pfizer corporation is a true predatory criminal cabal. I’ll say again to the people who can’t believe these well dressed men and women with all these wonderful credentials could possibly do these horrible crimes against humanity and nature itself for that matter. You really need to understand what a psychopath is. They have absolutely no empathy whatsoever, zero. They absolutely don’t care who or how many people they kill or maim. If they see profit and power that’s all they need. They don’t care if they kill or maim your children. Once you realize that these monsters live among us the sooner you will realize you are nothing more than prey. The exact same way a hungry wolf looks at a lamb.

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The fact they refuse to release the FDA documentation, and will only do it with redactions is a huge red flag something is terribly wrong. We are talking about a drug they want to force onto the entire globe, but are unwilling to share their data. Everything about this stinks.

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We “adults” can defend ourselves, but children and baby cows, I’m gutted by this. Disturbing. Pfizer Sucks.

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It makes me want to beat Bourla with a bull whip

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Let me know when you’re ready, I’m in.

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Not just Pfizer, mind you. They are just the biggest.

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I know! Unfortunately I worked for 4 of them over many years!

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Did anyone study if anything was harmful about the milk from these cows? Was the milk sold to the general public? Did pasteurization kill anything harmful in it?

It's a terrible thing that happened to the animals, and I'm sure the farmers took a financial hit that they can ill afford.

But if this stuff gets into the food production system, that's another level of WTF!!!

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Considering girls are getting their periods younger and younger I've heard many stories it's from antibiotics in the meat

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I think it's the steroids. They are used in some beef and most chicken.

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I heard chickens & eggs.

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Check out the British version of the show "Utopia". Came out in 2014. I saw it right before they announced Covid and when they did I was like WTF it's this show!!!

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I was watching a Netflix show this weekend from 2008. It went into a subplot about world elites meeting in secret to plot and plan against the little people. The "elites" included an uber-wealthy software magnate with a charitable foundation, a member of the WHO, the Pope, and some other world leaders. I was like, WTH? Are these people just sitting around laughing at us with all these movies and shows telegraphing their actual plans?

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you gonna share the title ? :-)

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All factory farm animals are pumped up with antibiotics and hormones to grow faster and fatter.

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Farm girl here. We don't drink milk from beef cows, nor eat the beef from milk cows. Different cows, diets, and handling.

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That's a Holstein, so it was more than likely a dairy cow. And we also eat their meat when they are culled. The meat from culled cows is primarily purchased by institutions, school lunch providers being the biggest.

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For some reason I thought these were dairy cows, hence my questions.

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Yes, that's a holstein.

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Not bad for a city slicker: I identified a dairy cow! Thanks!

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I hope this is prep work for a Pfizer take down book. Not that anything happens to the perps, of course. Little Lord Fraudci is happily skipping around town with the lollipop Bourla gave him.

Still not happy about that bizarro ambush of Malone.

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That for sure was weird at minimum

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"According to the Centers for Disease Control: Side effects generally happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine dose…"

Except MRNA tech and these substances aren't vaccines!

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That crap about "within six weeks" is just another way Big Harma and its advocates wiggle their way out of the incredible damage that can be inflicted by their injection products long-term.

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The vaccine act itself states that "vaccines are inherently unsafe". So there is no such thing as a "safe and effective" vaccine.

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The weasel word "generally" is a pretty big out. Yes, generally we know immediately if you're going to die of anaphylactic shock, but when you are sterilized or have children with birth defects, that's not "generally" known within 6 weeks.

Plus, they are ignoring so many of the side effects that happen within 6 weeks, their contention is useless. The increases in miscarriages and stillborn babies is enough to withdraw the drug alone. Never mind the strokes, pulmonary embolisms, etc. that have all shown up within 6 weeks.

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