Buddy of mine played rugby in college and a teammate of his died, 43 years old and in good of shape as he was in his playing days. I call those anecdotes though. We’ll have those examples, but sometimes they happen. They happen with the flu too. I was hospitalized for 10 days after Swine Flu left me with pancreatitis. Not a drinker, not a smoker, and at that time was a wildland firefighter in peak condition. Had COVID last October and it out me down for a week or two, but that’s all it was. I don’t think Alex, or anyone else, is saying that the danger is nonexistent. Just that the danger isn’t significant enough to make the demands on the public that the government and the left is making.

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Well exactly. If the death/severe illness rate was higher, we would all of us personally know of a couple of people who died or almost died. But most of us don't, which is why covid has been such a hard sell. In my town of 10,000, if I knew even 10 people who died of covid, I'd be scrambling to get a vax etc. But nope, zip, all of my elderly neighbors (and everybody else) is fine. Hospital was fine. Everything was always fine.

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Yes!! Exactly that!

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I don't know anyone who has died from Covid. I do know people who have tested POSITIVE but had mild symptoms or none at all. I work in the film industry and it is an absolute nightmare. Everyone has to be tested 3 days before they show up to work on set. Then when they report to work they are tested again the morning they get there. They test, then work all day long around a hundred other people. At the end of the day you get a text message telling you whether or not you tested positive or negative. (?) One set I know of had a camera person test negative at the end of the day so the entire film had to quarantine! How does this make any sense? On another set the test kits were tainted and everyone tested positive until they found the mistake. This whole thing is so overblown. It still baffles me that the CDC and WH think it is just fine and dandy to protest elbow to elbow in the streets but God forbid anyone wants to go to church! You can scream and chant but don't sing a hymn! A million illegal aliens can walk across the border with no mask, no social distancing, no vaccine, loaded onto buses and planes and dropped off all over our country yet WE have to live under draconian rules! No wonder people are so done with this and don't believe anything anymore. Alex is one of the only voices of reason out there and they want him silenced. I had a horrible flu a few years ago exactly like Covid-19. I was treated at home and recovered in a couple of weeks with a cough that lingered for months but I survived! I'm almost 70 years old and do not get the flu shot and will not get this vaccine. I know the risk and I am willing to take it. I have survived way worse and if it's my time then I will go out keeping my freedom and sanity. People who are vaccinated should not be afraid to be around the unvaccinated if the vaccine WORKS so what is the problem? I guess maybe it doesn't since we all have to mask up and live in fear again. I'm so over this. Sorry for the rant but I'm old so I earned it.

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Thanks for the sanity. I loved "I know the risk and I am willing to take it." That is also referred to as personal freedom and the ability to make one's own decisions. Wow . . . I can remember when that was considered normal.

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Great rant!!! This BS only makes sense for Insurance cos (cover your ass policies) and virtue signalling industries. Also any association or regulatory body-- so they can prove they " are acting in their members interest"-- ass kissing apparatchiks

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Unfortunately people (including young "healthy" people) die of the flu every year. This was a bad flu-- the one that got named COVID-19-- why? ask Dr. Fauci and the labs the NIH funds for gain of function research. There are several current studies released that show the genetic sequence. Why is that important? Because there has been talk in the research community that there were some "non-evoluntionary" (ie nature flu progression aspects) genetic sequences that showed up in COVID. Were they animal? were they HIV related? Jury is still out, researchers are postulating, but we will know and soon.

I am not a medical researcher nor a political public health "Dr" who has never seen a patient. I am just a regular doctor who sees patients. How many deaths have I seen? Two-- one a 92 yr old man with 4 comorbitities, and one 66 yr. old with heart issues. Did people get COVID? yes-- was it bad for some - yes. All this makes me reflect on what I learned in school-- what IS health? Can we see someone that is unhealthy? What is the role of nutrition and stress in disease? Can a horrible flu take away someone with an undiagnosed underlying hypertension or heart murmur or vascular issue- yes. Do they have to be 80? no. It's sad but it happens every year. It's just we don't hear about it, it doesn't make front page news. Why because it happens unfortunately so regularly. 2017 and 2003 were the worst years for flu deaths that I have seen. That didn't make it to the front page then and we don't hear about it now. Please note I live in Toronto, Canada. My experience may not reflect the one where you live.

Look at the overall death numbers for your state, your country. Have they increased overall? Not here and not in the UK-- the only two countries I have regular #s for and have knowledge of how deaths are reported. Remember many of us doctors were told to record deaths as COVID deaths. Here in Canada we received a "if you talk to patients about alternative vaccines or alternatives to vaccines you can be sanctioned and may lose your license to practice". We were also told how to record deaths, ie if they had COVID symptoms (Ie flu symptoms) within a certain time Frame (it kept changing) then record the death as COVID.

My question about all of this is Why? Why change the definition of Vaccine, Why record deaths differently. Why are we listening to the WHO for advice? What happened to the local medical councils (not public health--here in Canada they are the ones who do the Hep C ads on TV during vacation season" get your shot"- yikes they are now in charge!

Ask questions. Don't assume. Take interest in your immune system and those of the people you love. Reduce alcohol (sugar), eat some vegetables (vitamins) get into nature, reduce your stress the best you can. If you are struggling reach out to someone. There are still some of us in the medical profession that care more about you than money-- for research, from govts or from patents.

We need to look out for each other and take care of each other.

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I wish you could be my doctor! I'm so glad you mentioned 2003. I got extremely sick in early spring of that year, and the flu test was negative. When I recovered, I was left with asthma (which I never had before). In hindsight, I've wondered if it was SARS, and here is why: I haven't caught COVID. I've lived normally ever since April of 2020. I've flown, eaten in crowded restaurants, been to physical therapy more times than I care to remember and hugged people. How is it possible that I haven't caught the virus unless I carry natural immunity of some sort?

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I have asked this question before and gotten that same backlash. I don’t know anyone who died of covid. Some elderly friends of my mom have but they had multiple other issues (and I didn’t know them). My son (24) and son in law (30) both supposedly had it but were fine. People get so MAD about this question but seriously - people die ALL THE TIME of things. Why is it only THIS thing that we have to be counting?? My grandmother died at 106 1/2 in April 2020 NOT from covid but because she gave up after being isolated from everyone for over a month in her assisted living facility - which she’d only moved into 6 mos before after living independently in her condo. I’m much more angry that she died alone after 6 weeks of isolation than any death from a virus.

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I'm so sorry for you, but I wonder about this, how many people they say died from COVID, but really just died because they gave up or because doctors screwed up and no one was with the patients to watch them and they were counted as COVID because it's just easier. My sister-in-law works in nursing homes. She said they were slapping COVID on death certificates left and right, regardless of the truth. This has become a situation where there is so much lying that trusting anything they put out officially (and especially people anonymously in a comments section like this) is very, very difficult.

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Heard similar thinga in other countries as well.

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Yes "slapping COVID on death certificates" its true

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I have asked myself the same question over and over. I can only come up with this and would love to hear others views-- It is displaced anger. People are angry at being in lockdown, they are angry their lives have been turned upside down and made more difficult than they already were. I flash back to Lady Diana's funeral in the UK in 1997. Not only could you see people weeping uncontrollably as if they lost their mother or wife but it continued for months after the funeral. People emote with others loss allowing their own sadness and grief to be expelled in a safe environment.

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My entire neighborhood had this conversation. None of us came up with anyone we know personally. Just a few 'friend of a friend' got really sick. We are all scratching our head wondering how we completely escaped the virus. On social media you find people listing dozens of people who have died in their immediate circle - like they're the only one left. Something doesn't add up.

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In 2016, I knew a young person who was fit as a fiddle and dropped dead one morning… now I’m thinking that must have been covid.

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LOL!! yup it probably was.

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A dear friend lost her father to influenza in February of 2018 when no one was masking, getting paid not to work or pretending to be heroes in isolation. The self-righteous messages to you are a bit much for me to take. My mother lost her father to heart disease when she was just 12 years old. When someone loves you, your death is devastating even if you didn't die of the WORLD'S WORST VIRUS (I believe rabies actually holds that distinction, but whatever).

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Thank-you for your beautiful perspective.

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Fauci is a talking head of the CCP. Him & his minions are the reason WHY COVID escaped the lab. He knew the whole time & is covering his tracks.

Alex, please keep being a reporter of the unreported truths.

I’m sure you’re 1 of 12 that the WH is looking to shut down & shut up.

Keep FIGHTING & thank you for doing so.

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The CCP is an innocuous sewing circle compared to Gavi.

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I know of three family members who had adverse reactions to the jabs (nothing serious), but no one who was ill or died. My husband had several colleagues who were ill. One, who was morbidly obese, died.

I worked with a 35-year-old mother of two who died from influenza within days. When my daughter went to JHU a few years ago, a young healthy lacrosse player died of influenza. He thought he had a bad cold, went to bed and never woke up.

I cannot reconcile the endless fear mongering with this report from CDC:

"For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death."


Elderly and medically frail people die every year. It is always tragic for their family members. The world has never shut down to prevent this.

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Yes, easy to forget how lethal the flu can be, especially for the young. As a child I was deathly sick from the 1968 flu. School closed for a week because everybody, including teacher, too sick to get out of bed. Very different from 2020.

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Thank-you for your sober reminders 😍

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It seems to me that a couple of the covid mortality variables not many are discussing here has to do with when the diagnosis occurred and the treatment began and also what the treatment was. I am one of those who believes early diagnosis and treatment with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, azithromycin, dexamethasone, and heparin is the best treatment for recovery. There has been much negative press about this treatment, but the science proves it works. Big Pharma wants to sell the vaccines and big money is behind them. I have never been a believer in masks but have been careful to avoid large crowds. I am 79 years old and recently retired from my profession as a pharmacist. My wife who is 74 agrees with me and we have informed our physician that should we test positive we wish to have the above mentioned treatment plan.

I encourage others who become ill to get tested immediately for Covid and to request their physician to treat them accordingly. Also, I believe the daily intake of vitamin C 1000mg, zinc 50 mg, vitamin D 4000 mcg, along with melatonin 10 mg and famotidine 20 mg is a good idea for prevention. Of course it’s always best to talk with your physician about this as well.

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Hi Doug...I think you have hit the nail on the head 👍

There appears to be a "divide and conquer" strategy being deployed towards citizens...along the lines of "hate each other, (fight about "branch covidians" vs "covidiots") but DO NOT hold the government or big pharma to account by asking difficult questions about their performance".

A great of example of this has been seen recently in Indonesia:

"...Not so in Indonesia where an enterprising philanthropist, Haryoseno, leapt into action and made ivermectin available to the masses for free or at low cost.

As a result, Indonesia has had an extremely low Covid mortality rate.

That is until the Ministry of Health decided, in line with the WHO’s recommendation, that ivermectin would only be used in a clinical trial.

Haryoseno has been threatened with a fine and a ten-year jail sentence and the supply of ivermectin has dried up.

Result? Deaths per million have increased five-fold since withdrawal of ivermectin on 12 June..."

Source: https://www.spectator.com.au/2021/07/hunt-goes-off-script-with-ivermectin/

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Hi Antipodean. I will share one more bit of info with you. My wife and I have consistently used an antiviral nasal spray which our local ear, nose and throat doc recommends. We have used it whenever we are in public. Anyone can make the nasal spray. You don’t have to be a pharmacist. 😉 I purchase a saline nasal spray in a 40-50 ml bottle, remove the top of the spray bottle and add 3 ml of Betadyne solution. You put the nasal top back on the bottle and shake a few times gently. We use 1-2 sprays in each nostril. It’s recommended to be used no more than once every 4-6 hours. Betadyne is that bright orange iodine solution used to cleanse an area just prior to a surgical procedure. I’m not recommending this to you or anyone else but am just sharing what we do. Communicating with your physician is always best. I hope you and your loved ones stay healthy.

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By the way, thanks for the link. Sounds like the same garbage being tossed out for consumption by ignorant and pompous politicians here.

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Thanks Doug.

On a side note, as I have aged, I have realised things seem to follow a relatively familiar script/themes.

Two examples:

1) For older readers, an old article by Matt Taibbi might bring back memories from the 1960s:

"...A few sociologists over the years noted moral panics benefited the interested players in a particular way. There was symbiosis between big commercial news outlets and state authorities.

Scare the crap out of people, and media companies get richer, while state agencies get more and more license for authoritarian crackdowns on the “folk devil” of the moment. A perfect partnership..."

Source: https://taibbi.substack.com/p/all-the-folk-devils-are-here (8 Jan 2019)



"...In a free and open society, freedom is the greater good. So, in a sense, what is playing out on a grand scale is a global referendum on freedom. The consequences of this referendum will be with us long after the virus fades away..."

Source: https://www.juliusruechel.com/2021/07/the-emperor-has-no-clothes-finding.html (17 July 2021)

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I went to the doctor the other day with a suspected broken ankle. As he checked it out, he said most likely it is broken, but he would need to run a covid pcr test to confirm.

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I don't CARE who died of "Covid". My life and liberty are not subject to the difficulties of others.

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I don't know anyone who has died of the Covid, and I only know three people who tested positive: my hairstylist and her husband and my brother-in-law. All are fine. I wonder if the people who know of many deaths live in big cities where the overall deaths were just much higher? I also wonder about the PCR tests and if they are really telling us that people are dying of Covid or just that the virus fragments were present at the time of death?

My state had only about 600 deaths, total, despite being close to NY and MA. Why? They'll say it's because of all our lock-down and quarantine rules, but I'll let you in on a little secret -- most people didn't pay any attention to the "rules." They were not enforced or even tracked.

I also suspect that because Vermonters travel to Florida and the South (and the Caribbean) in great numbers every winter (and continued to do so the winter of 2020), we were all exposed to the virus earlier up here. Maybe, maybe not. But my workplace has about 1200 people and there are only a handful who ever even tested positive and no one has died or even been to the hospital as far as we were told. I also have traveled a lot the last year, including Florida, Alabama and South Carolina and I drove all my trips and stopped and ate at restaurants and saw lots of normal people doing normal things. Then I get back up North and it's like everyone has gone crazy.

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Fabulous! People listening to their own common sense and intuition. We do create our own reality. As I have said to friends -- how could they possibly check on all of us-- EVEN if it was digital. They need more of them to monitor all of us 😊 Power in numbers.

Watch what will happen in France next month. As of August 1st unless you are "vaccinated" you can NOT go out to buy food😳 In FRANCE-- the place where they buy their food every day in fresh markets etc. France seems to be a historical bell weather. The police are now marching with the protestors.

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I have a theory, and it is that the ones who know several healthy people who have died from COVID are in early-hit areas, or in areas that were not implementing a variety of treatments.

I am in NJ and know several healthy people 50+ in NY that died at the very beginning of the pandemic.

My whole extended family got COVID last October. We all did ok except my father, 64, got double pneumonia. He was treated in the hospital with steroids, antibiotics, Remdesevir, blood thinners, and I believe monoclonal antibodies. And no vent. He recovered pretty quickly, thank God.

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This is interesting. I know an older couple who say they had friends (also elderly) who died of COVID. They also got COVID, however, both of them, they have many co-morbidities (like dementia and heart trouble,) and they said they have had colds that were worse. I know people who their families say they died of COVID, but these same people whole heartedly buy into the "pandemic of historic proportions" narrative. A close family member (~30) says his uncle's death certificate (he would have been younger than 75) read COVID, but he said his uncle was loaded with cancer and had just gotten home from a surgery when they went over and found him dead on the couch. He tested positive for COVID afterward. I know of a relatively healthy ranch wife (my guess somewhere in her 70s) who died of COVID (she died of pneumonia), but she also did what ranch wives do and didn't even think about getting help until it was too late. I've known people who had COVID who if I believed the evening news should have died. All but one didn't even end up in the hospital. It's a wicked situation to sort out and the problem with the self-righteous people who condemn you for your comment is that the strange thing about this is we ALL should know several people who died *of* COVID. I doubt anyone didn't know someone who died of the Spanish flu. Few people don't know someone who has died in a car wreck (drunk driver, fell asleep, or otherwise), committed suicide, or overdosed. Few people don't know someone who was murdered. As someone else points out, hardly anyone didn't know second or third hand someone who has died serving in the military in some war. I don't care if you know of someone young and healthy personally who died of COVID. The problem is that we ALL don't know of someone. The country isn't that big. We should.

Also, and I'm going to say this, very few people can make a realistic appraisal of their health. I have more than one person say to me, "But I'm healthy." My reply is, "You have colds all the time and you wouldn't know a balanced meal if it walked up and slapped you." So many of those supposedly healthy people who died of COVID, my guess is some of them might have been (it happens--healthy people die all the time because something catches their immune systems just wrong), but many of them were not so healthy, not if you really looked at their lifestyles.

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Exactly yes. I actually do "know" of a young man who died of the Spanish Flu in 1918 as his family owned my house back then, and I see his grave at the local cemetery. I also knew a man who killed himself and his son. (So, so sad.) I know a co-worker who was killed by a hit and run driver walking her dog in a small town. So yeah, the lack of personal confirmed cases is what causes a lot of confusion and distrust.

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Its amazing how the technocratic lot-- politics medicine education corporations think every behaviour is a straight line determinate. That NONE of us talk to each other or have any form of intelligence. Its tiresome and the reason why even though there will be damage to people in various forms, ultimately they will not succeed.

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Brilliant comments 💗 So true about people being unable to appraise their health. I see it everyday in my office and when I speak with family and friends. " I eat healthy (then the drinking and McDonalds meals creep in) but " I run " (then the sleepless nights and the binge eating comes up). Most of my patients live in a delusion.

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so true -- just an example: my mother-in-law is a bit of a drinker -- probably has a bottle of champagne a day, plus assorted glasses of wine, etc. you'd never know it form looking at her, and she's been drinking this way for years and years. She's always going to her doctor complaining about not being able to lose weight, feeling tired or puffy or sore etc....but she's never told the doctor how much she drinks. So they keep looking for (and not finding) other problems.....

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Just to add on, I am 56 and don't know anyone personally who had Covid, except maybe my older brother who had a virus in late March 2020 and then tested positive for antibodies in Fall 2020. I DO know lots of people who had the vaccine and suffered side effects from that.

I am not sick of the virus but I am sick of the narrative about it.

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Ditto-- its like nothing else matters in my practice. Cancer? who cares?

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