it's well beyond clear that this is not about a virus, and never was. And pretending it's about a virus is to uphold the absurdity that the global elites care about the untermenschen. It's entirely about the global elites implementing fascism in various countries (but seemingly not every single country). The fascism being eugenics and rights-removal via casedemic that can only be solved with removing rights and injections, but then there is further casedemic... and the circular cycle continues. Not every country is participating to the same degree. There is no way out until the spigot of CARES funds is turned off, which I'm guessing will only be when vax passport/digital ID and related social credit system is implemented to a substantial degree in the US.

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When are the powers-that-be going to start focusing on TREATMENTS for those who contract covid, regardless of vaccination status?? No other infection, condition, desease, etc doesn't have treatment options, except for covid....they, the powers that be, go so far as to block treatment options or make them incredibly hard to get. It's past time to make the various treatments readily available...they don't have to be 100% successful, but we should be given the choice to try them!!


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just now

There is no end game. There never was. If we let them, it will be 2050, and our grandkids will be in forced masks, and won't be able to leave their quarters, without a QR code or chip implant verifying they are up to date with their 100th shot. This is not hyperbole and probably an underestimate of what'sto come.

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To me the scariest part of this pandemic is the shape of the US health system. Our healthcare institutions have become so politicized that we can't adapt or change on the run. The stereotype of the brash, independent physician bucking the administration is just a Hollywood dream. The government has authority over nearly everything because no hospital can afford to lose medicare payment. Now it is so clear why some would use medicine as a political tool.

We have no effective early treatment plan, only "go home and come to the hospital. if you are sick". Repurposed medications have been branded as "Horse dewormer" even as they are the subject of ongoing investigations. Medicines that have been proven to help such as Vit D, repurposed anti-depressants and inhaled steroids are not being prescribed. Even newly developed monoclonal therapy is under emphasized - when if used properly could clearly be saving thousands more. Instead - now the government is restricting its use even more.

And vaccines - I will yield to Alex here, because he has done more research than me. But to vaccinate everyone is clearly a dangerous strategy. I would invite everyone to look at the British health service data. Its extensive and hard to understand. Make no mistake, we have to look at countries like Great Britain and Israel, because we have no system to evaluate the vaccines in the real world. All of this information - coming from hospitals on who is vaccinated and who isn't - Its all garbage data. It can't be believed unless its part of some ongoing, verified study. And make no mistake - all of those studies show the same thing. Vaccines dont stop you from getting Delta, they dont stop you from spreading Delta and now it looks like they dont stop you from dying from Delta. They do protect you from Hospital admission. But what's the point?

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What did you think about the the fans in the stands at the football games? … I bet Fauci was livid!🤣

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Article is fine except I know the numbers are not correct regarding it being the unvaccinated filling the hospitals. Unless you’re considering the one dose or not getting past a certain timeframe after the second dose. The numbers have been played with so much to induce fear that I don’t believe the numbers any more.

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The hubris here has been thinking we can outwit a virus. It’s the idea that we as humans can control our mortality to such a degree that we don’t fall prey to the rules about infections and mortality that we have always fallen prey to. It’s also an unwillingness to look at the cold hard fact that as a population we as Americans are pretty unhealthy overall: as a group we are morbidly obese, can’t even walk from the back of a car park, don’t exercise, eat unhealthy foods, and think medicine (or maybe even this vaccine) can fix all our bad choices. Total hubris and now there is no way out because none of the powers that be who came up with lockdowns and vaccines etc etc will ever admit they are wrong. Again, no humility among anyone so again: hubris!

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Alex, I was hoping you were taking a break and spending time with family. You have been through H-E-L-L the last 15 months. You deserve a break.

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Thanks Alex, if we ever right this ship it will be because of people like you!

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The piece you reference is actually filled with inaccuracies. I get you don't agree with it all, but the comment section is filled with Pharma trolls FYI. My fav is they describe that Israel is the super success with vaccines, no problems here, but then says "best if you get the natural immunity PLUS a vaccine". Geez 😳🙄

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Listening to Alex on Travis Show, doesn’t deter my belief we will not return to American humanity of sanity and concern for life UNTIL the Left personally and painfully feel consequences on them for their relentless quest for horrific hate and brutal lust for power!

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Alex, please join Gettr, Parler or Gab and keep posting. Twitter users will screenshot your stuff, which is vital right now. If joining another platform interferes with your legal remedy regarding Twitter, I guess you’ll have to decide what’s more important

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Family time is important! Thanks for the update.

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Apparently Biden's Press Secretary Psaki let it slip in a recent press conference that this is a PLANDEMIC ! Find the video...see for yourself. The Truth has a way of slipping out !!!

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By the way, power is not just corrupt anymore, it’s cruel and vicious and vile, and add that up, it’s about killing people, plain and simple…

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