Hi Alex,

Wasn't it Stephanie Seneff from MIT who has been warning from the beginning that these injections cause misfolded proteins that ultimately are prions and will/do cause prion disease? I believe so. She has been outspoken about this for years.

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Which is a terrifying thought.

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As has Mikovits

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Coincidentally, I recently learned from a friend that his 61-year-old sister, who had worked as a nurse in a hospital where injections of these poisons were mandatory, died two months ago after being ill for only a few weeks. Cause of death: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Her brother told me that the sudden death came as a shock to everyone, as she had been in excellent health until she fell ill. Although there's no proof of whatsoever it also reminded me of what I had read from several highly qualified scientists.

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Stephanie Seneff is a top reliable source in my estimation

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Is prion disease akin to mad cow disease in any way? They would seem to both be protein based diseases, but maybe that is where any commonality ends?

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Bovine spongioform encephalopathy (aka "mad cow disease") IS a prion disease.

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Thanks for the education/confirmation.

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Also Luc Montagnier, the virologist who won the Nobel prize for discovering HIV warned of prion disease from the jabs.

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Thank you, Alex, for your relentless pursuit of the truth! I know so many people who took the jabs (worse yet, who continue to get them) and I worry about their futures. So far the worst “side effect” is that the majority of them seem to be sick all the time (cough, colds, repeated bouts of Covid). Thankfully no myocarditis or turbo cancers yet.

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THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation. Listen to the hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-myocarditis-blues

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Thank you for digging into this, Alex.

A little quibble. You wrote, "media and regulators have not just given up their responsibility as watchdogs but become close to co-promoters of the shots."

I think that more accurately this should be "media and regulators have not just given up their responsibility as watchdogs but become ENTHUSIASTIC AND CAPTURED co-promoters of the shots."

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And deniers of the adverse effects.

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I wonder what happens when these myriad adverse side effects (including sudden death) start kicking in. Will there continue to be abject denial and deference?

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There are also well-documented stories saying that the jabs were manufactured by defense contractors such as Emergent Biosolutions, with Pfizer and Moderna acting as marketing agents and contract administrators. Defense contractors have no obligation to good manufacturing practices, while Pfizer and Moderna may have had little authority over quality assurance. That implies that some additional questions need to be asked about exactly who manufactured what.

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Uh, yeah. And maybe why and when.

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Yes. And a bunch of "follow the money" questions.

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Exactly right and it's why I'm so frustrated to have the two frontrunner old-man candidates emerging for the coming Presidential election. Neither one will ever dig deep for the real story on all of this mess. There are so many other important problems, I realize, but all things Covid (lockdowns, masking, vaccines, mandates, etc.) must have a reckoning.

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Totally agree. Both of these men were significant contributors to the harms inflicted by the response to covid. Both are potentially guilty of corrupt or criminal actions, or at least gross dereliction of duty. Trump still praises his vaccine. Biden boasts of his mandates. Neither is in any position to criticize the other about covid. I have many reservations about RFK Jr, but only he and DeSantis can say they properly questioned covid policies and show any likelihood of addressing them.

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[Defense contractors have no

obligation to good manufacturing practices]

NO obligation?

Seems a bit exaggerated.

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The term "Good Manufacturing Practice" is a standard governing the pharmaceutical industry regarding consistency, quality, and safety. A pharmaceutical manufacturer is subject to inspection at any time, and can be shut down for any shortcoming in the quality of its manufacturing process even if there's been no observable harm done by the drug. Defense contractors are not subject to pharmaceutical regulations, and are not subject to Good Manufacturing Practice standards (or any other). Sasha Latypova's writings on this topic are very informative.

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Looks like djokovic was right all

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Novak's faith is the first and foremost in his life since childhood. He did have the best role models, his parents, family. Most important was the Patriach Pavle from Serbia with whom Nole spent time with. Everything else followed, including the title GOAT!! I along with so many others are so proud of his career, along with standing up to his own beliefs. God Bless Novak Djokovic and his Family!! Novak did say he would forfeit his career rather than take anything foreign in his body, he considers a temple.

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Muhammad Ali of our time. Stayed true to priniciples and real science.

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I’m on vacation in Key West. Walked into CVS this morning to get nail clippers and heard over the sound system that I should trot back to the pharmacist and ask about getting the new Novavax vaccine with no MRNA, just spike protein. Glad I’ve followed Alex and others from the get-go and know the truth. Still, I felt angry just hearing that solicitation!

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Just to clarify: The announcement stated “Novavax vaccine with no mRNA”? If so, that is a tacit (and huge) admission by CVS there is a problem with mRNA.

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Yes, that’s what it stated.

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Holy smokes man…awesome if someone got that on audio.

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I am home preparing for a back surgery. Read: captive audience for new groovy Get Spiked ads replete with Entertainment figures who I will boycott for eternity and healthy folks jogging into the drug store for jabs. The first one I saw was on YouTube. My jaw was hanging open for a second, then I had the urge to call the police. I was going to have “them” charged with targeting me for propaganda. Keep in mind that I was a late Covid bloomer 2022 and actually took my pcp rx for Paxlovid. I was promptly hospitalized when the Urgent care Dr. called an ambulance because one pupil was huge and the other small. Brain bleed which mysteriously healed itself after discontinuing Paxlovid, or Poison #2 as I refer to it.

Of course, the mysterious crippling pain down my left leg has increased to debilitating. They have decided a spinal fusion is a “gray area” but the only solution they can come up with. I am/was a healthy 61 year old. Please make them go away!

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I've had back issues for a while withe the sciatica that comes with it. I took a high dosage of gabapentin for about a month (300mg 3X per day). The side effects were no fun, but it did end the debilitating sciatic pain I was enduring. I got off the med after I was pain free for a week and it never came back. Might be worth a try before taking the risks associated with surgery.

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Another question or two for Moderna:

PAST: Was the formula for the vaccine completed before or after the start of the pandemic?

PAST: Do you believe the Covid-19 virus originated from an accidental escape from a lab, or was it intentional?

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I like #1.

What's the relevance of #2?

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Maybe a way to test their vaccine?

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I still believe that wearing a face mask has a lot to do with the issues people are dealing with today. An average resting person pumps 5 liters of blood through the heart pumps 4 to 5 times this walking or exercise or more. This is without a face mask. Restricting air into the body to pump blood to move oxygen throughout your body is very important for muscles and organs. Someone needs to figure this out and stop all these evil ideas.

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Watch O Holy Roman, a song about a child who asserts his independence from other children who wear the mask. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/o-holy-roman

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Everyone has to understand this is going to have serious consequences with children. Not have the proper oxygen flow through their body as they are developing in all aspects of crucial years.

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In hindsight the die was cast long ago. Now here we are almost 2024, and we are believing by asking a psychopathic entity like Pfizer or Moderna to comply in becoming "transparent" is simply perplexing to me, given all we have seen them do. One would have to be delusional to think they would change the way they operate. A rapist will rape until IT is not allowed too. This is not rocket science, and never has been, yet they keep injecting in an unabated way and could give a rat's a%s what we think. ZERO accountability remains the greatest existential crisis we face.

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Verdi meets Pfizer. A satire on Vaccine mania. Watch Turfseer’s hit music video, VACCINE, MY LOVE! https://turfseer.substack.com/p/vaccine-my-love

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We will find that it was well known reality in the industry amongst the grunts that actually do the work but when it was brought up there we’re told to shut up or be fired. Since they have mortgages and bills to pay they shut up. This was a coordinated attack on humanity and there needs to true justice done. French style justice from their revolution which was bloody. As long as the people who are behind this evil continue not to suffer then nothing will change. Alex thanks for letting the truth to see daylight.

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Too many questions—not enough answers 👀

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How about we scrap the mRNA route permanently? Keep in mind that even if they produced perfect spike proteins, your own reporting shows that it only lasts a couple month and THEN they have negative efficacy. So, it's a damn shell game. What we need to know is which politicians get how much from the companies producing these Frankenstein-ish injections and why Fauci is still walking around without an ankle monitor and why his retirement and pension are intact. Too much drug co. money hitting too many politician's pockets. Let's see who's getting what in Congress and juxtapose that with who in Congress actually took the damn shot in the first place. (If only we could).

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YES! At least transparency about which elected officials got what from the drug companies. I’m not looking for any accountability, however, this would open those eyes who want to see.

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Excellent Alex. I won't hold my breath waiting for their responses. 😊

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I’m still waiting for Alex to apologize to Naomi Wolf for criticizing her for her claims early on regarding the harms caused by the shots to the female reproductive system. Naomi was right and Alex was wrong. Don’t Jewish people have a day devoted to apologizing to others harmed?

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Even though these are the holidaze, I make time to read your work Alex. Thank you for being a light in the darkness. Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!

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I expect those companies to pull this as historically they do.. I question the “regulators” , government and media who shoved this down our throats. There needs to be accountability well beyond the criminal manufacturers..

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While I agree about accountability, it seems NO-ONE has been held accountable for ANY THING. I actually have my doubts they will ever be. BS!

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They'll never tell.

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