well, it just screams "you are about to get f'd."

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i couldn't figure out a polite way to say that, but yes it sure does

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His meme has it all wrong. The gray guy is Bourla. The yellow bubble is World Domination. The pink guy is Nuremberg 2.0.

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Ironically, they're fueling the "wild conspiracy theories" by labelling Science as a giant tentacled squid with its arms around "the human brain". Bitchute viewers will know what I'm on about ;)

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OMG can't stop laughing

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I’m still laughing

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Me too!

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I’ll second that emotion! 🤣😂🤣

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Me either

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Nov 12, 2021
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Same on you. That was way out of line to ve put on here. Find somewhere else for yourself.

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Correct. I was just about to post that they completely fucked up the meme format. The pink blob needs to be something that is A) dangerous and B) unexpected

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Let it be so

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Haha, shame they have comments off , but you can quote tweet

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Does the Pfizer artist have a vaccine injury?

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Spewed beer - thx, cleaning up now…

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The Pfizer artist is one of us. I'm a copywriter and I often do subversive shit that my clients are too stupid to understand.

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Keeps you sane, I bet

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It does! It's fun, too. I am always amazed at what I can get away with. Sometimes I'll think, surely they won't approve this copy, but they often do.

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Nov 10, 2021
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This isn’t a porn site! Take your lowlife, disgusting, denigration of women somewhere else. There are other repugnant reprobates like you on Twitter and the DNC website, so I sure you’ll be much happier there.

It’d be nice if you’d learn you are more valuable than being some kind of sexual pervert. You might look into getting some professional mental help.

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She's trolling. Already saw her in another of Alex's posts today.

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And that's assuming it's a genuine she. Could be a genuine he. Could be a he/she or a she/he with the trans mental disorder.

Could be a dog, FTM.

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The fool thinks she’s at a leftist site, after all, they think porn belongs everywhere, at schools, at work, even at grocery stores, have you seen the way some women dress these days when they shop?…

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I know, awful. Makes my eyes bleed.

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It's probably a dude, dude.

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Don't waste your time and effort. These people post and run to the next site.

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Judging from the thumbnail picture of your face you've posted here, seeing you nude is not going to be a top priority with anyone.

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Barf worthy 🤮

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Who cares?

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ooooo Paula you sound HAWWWWWT, report back with your antibody titer and date of last shot, and then we can talk...

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Ginger Catholic school girl is so 1990. Find a new demographic to market to hun. Clinton’s might be interested . They are passe too.

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Yep...*both* Clintons.

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Definitely . My apostrophe is incorrect . 🤣

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Take this somewhere else. Not the place for such disgusting posts. Grow up.

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It's a bot. Bot posts are like telomeres on DNA. You can tell how long a thread has been idle by how many bot posts have accumulated at the bottom.

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Apropos. Roll up your sleeve is the new bend over.

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You summed it up superbly in one short sentence.

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Yellow ball should be “VAERs reports” and the pink wiener should be “Pfizer profits”

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This is going to start a meme-- I can hardly wait to see twitterverse on this. How out of touch are these people?

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the wise in their own eyes will be made fools

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Alex, stop being polite, be honest, candid, and in this day and age, brutally frank…

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Or Hilary...what difference does it make?

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"What difference, at this point, does it make?", to be accurate.

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yep...I am all that counts, to hell with anyone that doesn't buy into my fake ass smile and absurd phony personna that I am convinced is so endearing. I will rot in hell because I sold my soul for gluttonous self serving grandiosity.

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Thanks for that accuracy!

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Actually the pink thing looks like a brutal frank(furter).

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No mayo either.

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Just hot sauce.

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Does anyone else think that the pink wiener might actually represent someone who refers to himself as “science”?

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Were you thinking William G?

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At least we know what he was doing to keep busy before he started at NIH, screaming “Science!” For that Thomas Dolby song…

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From ZeroHedge via Summit News....I hope this is going "Viral" !


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The more I look at it it’s hard to believe it’s real.

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Alex, you don't need to be "polite", LOL!

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Nov 10, 2021
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Here you are again- obviously you’re very desperate. You might reconsider your chosen profession, diesnt look like it’s working too well for you.

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its a bot, like bill gates

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Can't anyone create a nice looking bot?

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Nah- she wants attention- let’s make sure she gets it!

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ALEX: GET RID OF THIS PATHETIC TROLL, and make her so un-user friendly she doesn’t hesitate to troll elsewhere milliseconds Larry.

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Spell correct sucks

…milliseconds later…

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Pfizer see science as a child molester ...which the 5 -11 yo group is about to experience!

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Biden/Obama/Fauci : stranger danger

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and Gates: stranger danger

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Now it all makes sense

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Yeah is that why he's sweating?

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He (?she ?it) is sweating because the realization that it is in the grip of science as the Biden Administration defines it has just set in.

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I hope that’s sweat…. 😬

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Don’t let that porn bitch above confuse you, and Alex needs to delete that garbage?!

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I missed the sweating, but now that I see that I can't stop laughing. 🙃

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he's excited 🤣

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Oh you beat me to it

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Lost book sales as the science becomes too obvious to refute?

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Must be a Progressive brain.

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I wish I could like this 1,000 times!

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It looks to me like a giant blood clot preparing to smother the “human brain” 😬🤷‍♀️

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Don't forget one of Pfizer's other famous products, beginning with V and ending in A.

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The one that causes blindness. Actually ,it does.

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Had to look that up! Dear Lord. Trade a temporary pleasure for potential long-term suffering. Toxicity kills.

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More likely, you get blue’d colour vision because of PDE enzymes in your rods or cones.

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I am so tempted to make a joke about rods here, but it seems improper with Dr. Yeadon in our presence 😆

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A joke could also be made about "Cones."

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I considered that, too, but I felt I was already pushing it with rods 😂

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I think he can handle it

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*lol* No doubt. But I am a lady, after all ;-)

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Oh, the irony …

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Its the blood pressure effect--seriously

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It does?

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You are one smart dude twistertim. After Dr. Y, I think I am in love! 😂

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I just realized, this picture worked because look where it took us all! Shoot, we should know better. We need Alex because he can keep us straight and put this Big Pharma drug kingpin in jail. Anything we can do to help? I hope you are right Alex and he is getting scared from his comment yesterday. Calling us the criminals, the nerve!! He knows the truth. Stare him down.

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THIS kind of analysis is why I love this page! LOL

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Lube was made by scientists too.

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LOL I needed a good laugh today!

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But petroleum is so damn expensive by the gallon today!

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I hope you're putting the right stuff in your vehicle...

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Groceries too!

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This comment wins the internet

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The cartoon makes sense because "Science" is about to fuck the human brain and Fauci is "Science".

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Can we call him FUCK-ME?!

Sorry Alex, but, I despise this bureaucratic sociopath like Biden and Demoncraps…

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Right! And the expression on the brain’s nervously sweating face says “Oh sh*t—I’m about to get f’d up the arse!”

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Yep. I thought it looked like a big pink condom

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Probably cherry flavored

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Diseased condom.

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LOL!! the smile and the pink blobs face-- it is truly creepy porn

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Anyway, I'd say this is subliminal messaging, in the sense that they think the unvaxxed are dicks, but obviously they can't post an actual picture of what they think, because... well, Twitter rules.

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As usual when the gov does you, you don't even get a kiss.

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Surprised the image of a hotdog wasn’t porking the kid

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You folks know the show Schitt’s Creek, with the sign for the town, except for the sign for America is Joe Biden is porking everyone’s kids…

By the way, Joe Biden is a pedophile, the stuff about his daughter with Jill, it’ll never come to a complete revelation, but I bet money he sexually abused her…

It’s more and more despicable the scum we elect into office these days…

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One of my favourite shows -- yes the town sign!!

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Any man who takes a shower with his daughter is sick…..Dr wifey didn’t know?

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The first contribution to Pfizer's media feed by their cool new pansexual intern and you had to crap all over it.

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Everyone wants to be screwed from a giant pink ( hotdog?)

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THIS wins the best comment-- can't you hear the intern now " what is inappropriate about this ?"

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Does this strike anyone else as creepy as ***k?

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Why yes…yes it does

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Yeah, like 1000 X creepy as ***k

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Maybe Brandon's email got hacked?

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Ack! Indeed!! Exactly what I thought too.

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What are these "Wild conspiracy theories" that they love to talk about? You would think that they would try to refute them with the great hot dog of science.

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Holy shit no….”the great hot dog of science”….I’m rupturing my damn spleen here…🤣

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The Great PINK Hot Dog of Science

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Looks like Barbapapa from the 1970’s cartoons!

They should sue!

Barbapapa would NEVER do this!

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Settle down!!!

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Ms Wood is not happy. Sorry I couldn't resist. 😄

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Oh, just crazy conspiracy theory nonsense, like something called "natural immunity" or vaccine efficacy wanes after a few months or their crazy claim that there's apparently a highly-vaccinated country called Israel ??? Idk, these Alex jones-types are so nuts!

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They have to paint people as conspirators, make it seem like folks are to be ignored and ridiculed. The truth is, THEY are theorists. How the F*Vi can this company prove they “saved” a single life? Do they have a crystal ball? Are they psychic? It is all statistics, not scientifically proven because it would be impossible to prove.

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I just want an apology when reality smacks them in the face. Not holding my breath....

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You’d suffocate quickly.

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create an enemy, a boogie man. In this case its those that question this vaccine. Only an inbred wing nut would dare question the effacy or safety of our wonderful vaccines. But dont worry, we have "science" to set things straight. Its propaganda 101.

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Remember when Zerohedge got "perma"banned from Twitter in January 2019 for the lab leak theory

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Refute them? No, no, no. The whole point of the term "wild conspiracy theory" (along with plain old "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist") is to be what psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton calls a thought-stopping cliche': an easily memorized and repeated phrase or sentence that closes the door on thought, feelings, and debate for people who want to escape the cognitive dissonance and avoid the emotional distress caused by facing ugly realities.

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The only conspiracies they’re willing to acknowledge are the stuff no one actually believes like micro chips and 5G

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Even the chips idea isn’t as far out there are you might think.

If VaxPass is successfully inserted into our societies, because we were too bloody civilised to fight back, I predict within a year, large numbers of people will voluntarily seek a subcutaneous transponder so they always have ID, even naked.

Several hundred students in a Scandinavian country are trialling this instead of contactless payment cards.

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Dr. Mike, that (or something very similar) is bound to happen sooner or later. Health Records, Vax Status, Digital Money, and lots more.

This will irritate some folks, I will not hide that I am a Christian and that I believe in God's Word (the Bible) and, as it specifically applies to this comment: I believe Revelation 13:16-17

"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, *so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark,* which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." (NIV 1984 printing - emphasis added)

We're not there -- yet.

The Vax Pass is not "the Mark" - yet.

But, we are most assuredly paving the way.

Many are already eager to accept such a thing.

Many more are eager to enforce such a thing on "the deplorable masses."

When that happens, "he/she/it/they" will be able to track those who seek or even resist but cave-in and accept the Mark, and "they" will have the global mechanism to prevent those unfortunate souls from traveling, shopping, buying, selling, and a whole lot more. I suspect that time approaches rapidly.

I don't mean to be a downer, but this is the ultimate reason we need to resist things such as Vaccination Mandates that restrict our movements and activities.

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It's like this: the One who was able to encode the microbiology of life (from DNA to ribosomes and more) thousands of years ago in the story of Jacob (aka Israel), and encode quantum and particle physics in a single vision given to Ezekiel... might know a thing or two about what humans are going to do with all this technology. https://lettertotheatheists.com/blueprint-for-life/

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That looks like an interesting link, but is a bit lengthy for me right now. I'll try to read through it tomorrow. Thanks!!

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Nanotechnology. Precisely. Check out the Electron Transport Chain when you get a chance. It puts our current level of technology to shame.

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That is a cool read. Makes sense of stories in the Bible that seemed unnecessarily detailed. Much like bacteria motors support intelligent design.

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Unnecessarily detailed Bible stories? 😂

That's where the life is in them. There are no wasted words.

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I do agree you are correct, but right now it appears greed is the main motivator for these pigs.

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True enough. Greed ... and Power. Dominance. Obedience. In a way, those all amount to pretty much the same thing as far as forcing a vax passport requirement upon the masses.

The reasons for seeking, or at least accepting, the requirement for one's self are a bit more complicated and diverse - in my opinion.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter HOW the world gets us there, we're headed in that direction. The Vax Passport is NOT the “Mark of the Beast,” but it IS furthering the technology and it is absolutely inuring society to not only accept it, but also to eagerly seek it. If/when pledging one's obedience to a person, group or thing becomes a part of that ... resist with everything you've got even when it involves food and survival.

I will never willingly/knowingly bow my knee to anyone or anything thing other than to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Personally, I trust in God; NOT in Man.

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The 5G stuff I know zero about.

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Dr. Yeadon, I think the "5G stuff" is actually very important. Here's the gist of the "5G stuff" as I understand it: 5G "energizes" oxygen molecules; in other words, it makes oxygen molecules spin so fast that it's difficult for the hemoglobin in red blood cells to capture oxygen molecules so as to transport them from the lungs to body tissues. The result is some degree of oxygen deprivation...enough to have a significant bad effect on health.

One thing I learned years ago (though I couldn't tell you the source) is that viruses thrive in low-oxygen environments. So exposure to 5G will make people more vulnerable to becoming ill from viruses including SARS-CoV-2.

I also learned that Vitamin E protects cells from the effects of low oxygen, and I think that's why Vitamin E is a good "virus fighter" (as I found when I had shingles a couple of decades ago and an alternative health care practitioner recommended dry Vitamin E as treatment).

I'm sorry I can't provide cites but I'm sure you have the research skills to track these things down if you're interested (and I hope you are).

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Kayla, the 5G waveband covers a range of frequencies, but for airborne O2 I'm not sure there is enough coupling to do what you say. I see a lot of research on the effects of radio frequency and sub millimeter wave frequency on organic tissue, and I wouldn't want to say there is no potential for damage there, just that it depends on so much, the intensity of the electromagnetic waves, the actual frequencies. The human brain already contains magnetite particles which could possibly respond to RF. What I think I can say is we are not at the point where we can be turned into automatons via any electromagnetic radiation. Injured, quite possibly, but not controlled.

We've been exposed to 5G already with some of the TV signals in use. It's a field of active research and very complex.

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Thanks! I'll see if I can dig into the past and find whatever it was I read or watched about "the oxygen effect" of 5G...will let you know if I find something helpful.

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Isn't most of the O2 in the blood attached to hemoglobin? I'm no expert but the wavebands for 5G might be a poor match to vibrational/rotational modes in hemoglobin and what O2 there is free in the blood. Not sure what those frequencies/wavelengths would be in vivo. Only familiar with them in vacuo for some molecules like O2, CO2, etc.

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What I read or heard is that the molecules of oxygen drawn into the lungs by inhalation, if “energized” by 5G, are spinning too fast for hemoglobin in the blood (circulating in the lungs) to capture them. I think in early 2020, I saw this explained in a video on youtube. With youtube’s censorship, I imagine this video has been deleted or at least shadow-banned, but surely the information could be found via a censorship-free internet browser? It sounds like you have a background in science that would make the search relatively easy. I hope you’ll go searching and bring back references.

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I actually take this as an admission that they know they're losing.

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Me too. Between the over the top CEO statement of us being 'criminals' and this absurd meme, I'd say they know they are losing.

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Yep. Nothing projects confidence quite like calling your detractors "crazy conspiracy theorists" and calling for them to be imprisoned.

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Losing the plot at the very least...

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I’m in the dark. What statement????

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It may surprise a few people here, but I actually agree with Bourla's "people who 'spread misinformation' on the vaccines are 'criminals' and have cost 'millions of lives."

We simply disagree about WHO is actually spreading that misinformation and we wonder why Bourla and his pink pals aren't in prison just yet.

Hmm. Do you think this is a subliminal set of messages from him ASKING to be sent to prison with a giant pink "mr. blobby" cell mate?

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Indeed. WHO being the operative term here ;-)

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Bravo Margaaret Anna! You're right on the money there.

I love it when I "slip up" and unintentionally make a joke that others get. It's like being surprised by a successful set up to the teammate at net in Volley Ball. I stunk (stank? sucked!) at V Ball.

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Next time you see Boula in public, check to see if he sprained his ankle and is hiding a tracking device with a “boot”:

Also check to see if his passport has been revoked??

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Yup. I fully expect (and wish for) that. Accidents happen. Right? Especially if they're, somehow, pegged as Trump's "fault."

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you can smell (or see) the desperation

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We can only hope that is the case.

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Cutter, I get the opposite feel...the 5 fingered thumb to nose wave. But I'll take it thanks...anything that gives us motivation to keep up the good fight!!

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"Show us on the doll where Science touched you…"

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Sigmadog - perfect

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🎯 BAM 💥

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the brain - sweating with a forced smile..

almost like a guest at a joe biden photo op

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It took Gavin Newsome 10 days to draw this?

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It does take longer after you’ve suffered from a booster stroke …

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He forgot to to draw the drool cup

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I just LOL’d

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LOL!! people are on fire tonight

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So Big Science is a pedophile?

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Yes. Apparently Big Phallic Science likes to come up behind you awkwardly and embrace and sniff your head. Like Brandon. Probably likes showering with you too. <cringe>

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Not all science. Just Big Swingin' Pharma.

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Nice qualification!!

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absolutely...been saying that for months

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Not sure who came up with that super cool cartoon, but the thought of convicted felon Pfizer morphing into a giant kielbasa to save us from people they refuse to debate takes surreal to a whole new level. What’s next? Use Big Bird to convince 5 year olds to feel good about risking death?

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I was thinking it was one of those clotty blood sausages. its a perfect meme for them.

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Science went from a process, to a religion, to me watching my back.

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Kind of like the Catholic Church-- #justsaying

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The Klimate Jehovahs are getting nervous. ;-)

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So let’s get this straight. The national news is basically an infomercial for the vaccine. The local news is an infomercial for the vaccine. The Biden administration is an infomercial for the vaccine. Local radio stations are infomercials for the vaccine. Pro sports leagues are infomercials for the vaccine. All this propaganda being shoved down peoples throats 24-7, and yet they still think the people not yet jabbed, are being guided by wild conspiracy theories, and that “science” will somehow save the day. You can’t make this stuff up. RESIST

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I think I know a few people who are infomercials for the vaccine.

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Me too

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🎯 BAM 💥

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I feel like maybe 5 or 6 more threats and insults will persuade me. They need to just hang in there.

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LOL Any specific threats or insults that would work or just any?

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Well, they insult my intelligence and morals and mental health a lot, and that hasn't seemed to work. Maybe they should try insulting my appearance, or my mom. Historically, these are very motivating topics.

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Right. To insult your appearance they might try, ‘Your ear is blue.” (Like in image 3) I’m trying to help them out. It’s the decent thing to do when you encounter someone who is really struggling. How about “Your Mom wears combat boots?” Would that work?

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O M Goodness… that was a good one!

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This gets weirder by the day.

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Bend over now, this won't hurt one bit.

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This tells us what the think of us, they look down on us like a parent looks at a two year old.


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How long before Pfizer deletes this tweet? Quick, screenshot it everyone!

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Don't know about you, but I really don't want a screenshot of it!

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Agreed…it’s too icky

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Who in God’s name would they think this would appeal to, or help someone make an informed decision. This company repulses me, thinking we are that stupid. Wait, some are that stupid……..🤦🏼‍♀️

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What I love is that pink dude in the meme is a negative, and the balloon is the positive:


Nice try, faceless boomer marketing person. Confession through projection.

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"How do you do, fellow kids?"

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Haha. Well spotted.

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Right? Why does science make the guy nervous and sweaty?

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JB5403 - THIS is yet another reason I appreciate Alex's postings on Substack. The collective intelligence and knowledge from the contributing commenters contribute far more substance, understanding and backstory than I could possibly imagine. Thanks!!

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Well, that was badly worded, but I will leave it to hope you all understand what I meant.

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All of us here feel the same way…

So, we get what you’re saying 👍

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Looks like a giant pink di*k to me..

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As a cartoonist, I am humbled. These are the masters, beyond satire.

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That is one of the creepiest things I have seen in a long time and they want me to take their vaccine. Yeah no thanks.

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Pfizer: "Our new drug reduces severe COVID by 89%!"

The Human Brain: "I dunno. That's an awful big pill to swallow."

Pfizer: "Good news! It's a giant pink suppository!"

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“Good news!” Lololololol

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I just don't understand this big push to get the vaccine when something like 70 percent of adults have gotten it. We are never getting to Covid zero with a vaccine that does not work. This propaganda just fuels conspiracy theories.

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For the sake of the children, I’m thankful they didn’t show below Science’s waist.

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That big pink thing IS what's below Science's waist!

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“Don’t let science near your kids” is what that tells me.

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A Pink Hotdog? No, a dildo. Everything they do is fake. And trying to f you.

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Dr. John Campbell found the smoking gun:


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Dr. Campbell is a complete molecule boss. Love that guy! Actual <gasp> science! :-)

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Thank you for posting that. Pfizer got FDA to (effectively) ban ivermectrin then created a chemical equivalent they can charge $700 per pill for.

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Me, I'd rather eat horse paste. You know, mix it with peanut butter, or raspberry jam, or Nestle's Quick. I'd choke on a $700 pill, but horse paste goes down easy.

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With Public Health Officials using comics, Big Bird, Elmo to reach their constituents, it appears critical thinking is no longer needed with Pharma cheerleaders. More outreach at lower levels of IQ

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Vaccines are for plebs and useless eaters

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Their comments are disabled and all I see are retweets about how creepy it is. It's so weird. These people are so fricken weird.

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They really, really, really hate us

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You would think they'd delete it. Are they that stupid?

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It's almost like they want to see how far they can push it, how obvious they can be.

This is an intelligence test, a compliance test.

"Will people give their kids a vaccine that might kill them for a virus that has no effect on them? Can we make them do it with social pressure, shaming, guilt, fear?"

[two years later]

"Oh wow. Yeah, 50% of American parents will do that! Let's note what worked and what didn't."

It's like a giant psychological experiment. I know I've learned a lot about people and human psychology in the last two years! Fascinating.

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They think we're stupid, no doubt about that. Most of this can be explained by greed and inertia. At times I can't believe this is happening, it's such an obvious cold-blooded murderous scam.

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I am in shock a lot of the time. It's so obvious! Yet most of the people I know are jabbing their kids. Is it too much to call this child sacrifice? Sometimes that's what it feels like to me. Very, very weird.

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Pfizer’s science looks like a giant dick

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And not just in that tweet.

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No, they just think most people have the mentality of a 5-year-old, which they do; although 5-year-olds tend to have more sense.

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Some people should stay very far away from memes.

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OMG science lookin super rapey!

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Come here little brain I've got a genetically modified organism I want to put in you.

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Oh golly, that's a good one!

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Looks to me like “science” is about to ummm…SCREW…..the human brain….ahhh…””doggie style”?

My son would say, “Mom! Get your brain outta the gutter!”

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Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh! (I can tell you and your son are good for each other!)

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Pfizer must be racist, I don’t see an Asian or African American character..cancel them!!!

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Is that a giant blood clot about to smother the human brain?????? 😬……….

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Umm, that's not where you put your hands when you want to be the good guy who's just saving his friend from something dangerous. If a "friend" grabbed me like that I'd reciprocate with a punches and kicks in the appropriate area...

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I AM A REAL HUMAN AND THEREFORE UNDERSTAND HUMAN BIOLOGY **beeps the AI in charge of the Pfizer Twitter account**

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If she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood. And therefore? WITCH!

"Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?"

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I'd love to see a Monty Python ... or a Mel Brooks ... skit of the predicament we've allowed here.

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The sad truth is those skits wouldn’t work today because reality is farcical beyond all hyperbole. How do you top the satire we’re living through now?!

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True. The best humor is just a half-bubble off from reality; that's what makes it funny. I have no idea how anyone would top "this" reality, but the big pink mr. blobby thingy kinda came close.

I picture John Cleese in an updated Dead Parrot skit with the vaxes and it's victims ... or a Mel Brooks "Bring out your dead" or the Duck and the Witch skit. The subject of this particular stack begs for a Dark Helmet routine with the light sabers.

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Haha, I can totally picture that!

Maybe this is how we can get the “Science” to debate the actual scientists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohDB5gbtaEQ

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"I could be arguing in my spare time." Man I miss those skits. John Cleese and the crew were masters.

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I know. Classic! Oh that we could return to the innocence of those times (when Monty Python was considered salacious 😆) …

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dont hold your breath.......

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Valid point. I fear those days are long gone and will never be duplicated again. That kind of humor and creativity is like "the next generation's" music. Current day replacement simply doesn't have the same effect. That doesn't keep me from wishing for that level of satire, though.

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Pfizer makes billions every day, you'd think they'd have a better in house artist.

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This is actually a (mis)appropriated meme. They are doing the "hello, fellow kids!" routine.

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It was my attempt at humor.

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Oh no, this cartoon is a masterpiece! Have you ever noticed how often liars make grammatical mistakes that turn their lies into true statements? Fauci does this quite often! This cartoon reveals the truth with exquisite skill -- for people who have the eyes to see what it shows. Just like Fauci reveals the truth with exquisite skill, for people who have the ears to catch the grammatical glitches that turn his lies into statements of truth. (Watch Fauci being grilled by Rand Paul...)

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Yes!!! Sooooooo true!!!

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“attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science." - Pfizauci

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He's so over the top. I've never met anyone capable of saying something that grandiose.

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Soviet era propaganda was more intelligent and subtle.

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And the art was better. So much better!

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You make a good point, who is their target demographic with this meme, a 23 year old genderfluid already vaxxed to the hilt?

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There was an old show called “To Tell the Truth” - 3 people would walk out and introduce themselves with the same name - come back episode should introduce SCIENCE - Hello My name IS Science, hello my name is Science, hello my name is science - Fauci, Pfizer & Berenson

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I'm old enough to remember that show!

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Every comment is stronger when it starts with, “I’m old enough to remember…”

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This is either a giant self-own or a warning cry from within the graphics shop at Pfizer.

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Or BOTH !!!

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covidian science is not based on observation and inference, it is propaganda.

my niece jabbed her 6 and 9 year olds with the pfizer experiment on 7 nov, she posted "science" with the kids''i been jabbed' pasties.......

that is science, no md, no safety data, no efficacy, the kids are safer with the infection!

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Does she shun GMO food? I guess she does, but then GMOs her kids! Clear cut case of cognitive dissonance.

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Sorry to hear this

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mentally ill

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As they say, leftist can't meme. They should stop trying.

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When people tell me to respect someone cause they are doctors I reply "The people who give men pap smears... because biological sex doesn't exist... those guys?"

"The guys who gave out opiates like sweeties?"

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Great comebacks !

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Looks like science is trying to abduct us against our will! Since they are using a lot of fake or manipulated science, that would seem rather apt in this case (and perhaps many others!)

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You know, if they wanted to inspire actual confidence, they could just drop the liability waivers.

*holds breath*

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or they could admit they were wrong about the effectiveness of the vaccine. Admit there is no vaccine to eliminate covid, and back off with the mandates...theres that

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🎯 BAM 💥

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This is going to get really interesting as the Billions slip from their grasp. And the lawsuits pile up.

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