Can you remind me which branch of the US Government the NY Times falls under?

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Administrative, definitely. It's the de facto Department of Propaganda.

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lets keep the eye on the ball ...

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Do you suggest to blame the virus on Ukrainians and MAGA now?

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If this frankenvirus really came from nature, then it should be relatively easy to find the natural reservoir of it. And yet, no one has. Meanwhile, the pile of evidence on the side of it being engineered is long and detailed.

Still, you can fool some of the people all of the time. It's sad that many of them are called "Democrats." They indeed used to be a party of many fine attributes. But they've literally lost the plot. Entirely.

Worse, this urge to deny the obviously engineered nature of Covid also casts doubt on much of their other "science," particularly that which relies heavily on multi-decade to multi-century weather forecasting. The old arguments seemed credible enough. Now every hurricane, tornado, early frost, late frost, warm winter, cold winter, whatever deviation from what they think of as "normal," is a sign of impending doom.

Now, I'm not "climate denier." I think it's a real problem. But until the Chinese and Indians get serious about the problem, and until the American Left gets serious about nuclear power, trashing our economy in the hopes of it making a difference seems completely suicidal.

But yeah, their increasingly politicized "science."

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Here we go again with controversial ideas. Lyndon Johnson(!!) gave a talk at a university saying he(?) who controls the weather, controls the world. Now there are chem trails in the sky and geoengineering is a valid thing. The HAARP experiments in Alaska have been ongoing. The governments are not even denying that they are manipulating the weather. The Chinese have bragged about causing a sunny day and also snow. I look up into our formerly blue skies to see chem trails a minimum of once a week. The promised severe weather doesn't always occur. The weather is very weird here though. I ask "what could possibly go wrong?"

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You're exactly right and there are more HAARP areas than in Alaska alone, as you're probably aware of.

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Ministry of Truth, headed by that insipid twit Nina Jankowicz. (You don't really believe she's gone, do you?)

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or Diana Moon Glampers [Handicapper General]

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Mar 17, 2023
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I don't know if she went overseas. The last I heard is that she was trying to sue Tucker Carlson & Fox News for making her cry.

She started a Go-Fund-Me to pay lawyers. (Which tells you she has no case b/c if she did, the lawyer would represent her on a contingent fee.)

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It has one of the biggest offices in the Deep State Gazette's complex. The other sections of DSG usually regurgitate their deceptions, creating what they think looks like consensus.

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CIA is that a branch? Asking for a fellow Canadian

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That would be the the JGA (Joseph Goebbels Administration) of the federal government. They’ve got much expertise in this area since they’ve been lying for fascists, communists and socialists for decades.

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Executive. Can't you tell Biden is its editor?

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State Department. WaPo is CIA.

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Thank you, will pass it along.

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Propaganda inc.

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The Dead 💀 Whalers of Eli Yale Univ.

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Mar 17, 2023
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I thought WaPo was CIA and NYT was FBI... But it's all one big hot mess of alphabet-agency vomit...

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A combined team of 51 intel agents and 100s of virologists investigated the raccoon dogs at the wet market and have come to the conclusion that the racoon dogs are not only responsible for spreading covid to humans but also wrote the emails that appeared on Hunter Biden's laptop. By working together this group of experts has solved 2 of the greatest mysteries of the last 4 years.

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This is a coffee spray laughing statement! 😂

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The "theories" about the origins of the corona virus have become so convoluted there is nothing to do but laugh. Dr. Fauci pushing the theory that even if the virus came from the lab it's still a natural occurrence, is hysterical.

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when Fauci says "natural occurrence" I take it he means "accidental but predictable occurrence at poorly secured out-sourced Chinese labs"

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That sounds about right.

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The not so funny thing is that THEY ALREADY TESTED ANIMALS AT THE MARKET and none of them tested positive! All positives were from human samples. The Chinese CDC, of all people, who would have every incentive to find an animal host, conducted this testing and came to this conclusion. These corporate journalists are so incompetent that they can't even come up with a narrative that takes into account existing facts.

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Corporate journalists are not journalists, they're talking heads who are paid to parrot Democrat talking points. They all get the same memo every morning.

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I'm pretty sure raccoon dogs ALSO built the Great Pyramids...!

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No doubt.

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And they blew up Nord Stream 2. Pesky raccoon dogs!!

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And ate my homework...

But they sure are cute.

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They have been really busy.

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The THING is all these perps have to do is shift the narrative. They know they will suffer nothing more than a verbal scolding as usual. The utter lack of REAL accountability is a disgrace beyond measure. The GOP is investigating and probing as they always do, but who here believes any REAL accountability comes from ANY of it? All we will be told is what we already know and expected to pay for all the investigations and probes. Rinse and repeat. Fauci more than likely fades into a generous "we the people" funded pension until he dies. WE get to pay the elf fraud and perhaps the most corrupt person any of us will have known in our lifetime until he dies. Justice in America. An absolute disgrace when considering what he is complicit in for past 45 years +

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Discussion topic or a subject for a future Alex article: Does anyone think Fauci will write a memoir where he gives his version of events? This would generate huge book royalties, but wouldn't it also put him more on the record for any prosecutors in the future? The more I think about it, I don't think he will write a book for this reason ... but I actually hope he does. His own words could be used against him in the future.

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Fauxi's Memoirs?

It would be a work of fiction from a parallel universe with no semblance of truth or fact. He's been bending reality for so long I doubt the evil elf would recognise real truth or his responsibility for anything.

But it would be interesting to see into the psychotic mind of one of the world's most prolific mass murderers. And all done on the American government's dime....

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I can’t imagine that he would have anything valuable to say in a book. He is so inarticulate and uses such imprecise language. When I see him speak on TV, I feel Iike I’m listening to Uncle Junior from “The Sopranos” try to explain something.

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Hey Katie, He's imprecise on purpose so he can revise and roll it back to mean something completely different if he needs to at a late date. He's a master of obfuscation and double speak and, of course, a psychopathic liar!

The fact that he's still walking free is a tragic expression of America's corruption and decline. A million plus already killed: what will it take?

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He would probably get a ghost-writer, but he would need a platoon of lawyers to parse all his text and make sure it wouldn't come back and bite him in the ass.

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Not "largely do not exist"...Furin cleavage sites DO NOT EXIST in beta coronaviruses. This is the smoking gun and they know it which is why they removed the sequences from the international database.

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I know, I just wanted to give myself a little wiggle room in case one turns up.

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Well you can be crystal clear by saying, "as of today, no other beta coronaviruses in history have ever been found with the furin cleavage site."

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At this point shouldn't we expect a Furin site modified virus to turn up in the wild in some animal that's infected from a human with the modified virus and it mutates a little into something new?

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I didn't even finish your article. Need to say I've listened to or read something from a reputable source that said there is DEFINITELY A FURIN CLEAVAGE that didn't get there naturally that makes the 'virus' highly infectious to PEOPLE - and IS NOT INFECTIOUS TO BATS. Enough already. Nothing natural about this and Fauci needs to go directly to jail without passing go or collection another $200.

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While I agree 100% that Fauci should be in jail in Solitary Confinement, however, don’t have any faith that will ever happen.

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All I can say over and over again is, For F--k Sakes, really?

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Back in 2020, when this was emerging I read in the Epoch times what this plague was. Nothing has changed my mind. It's friggin engineered. I also trusted the CDC and FDA to "ok" something that wouldn't hasten our demise. I was wrong...I took 2 because I rightly predicted where we were heading, you know passports, blah, blah. Fortunately, at the moment, we (wife and me) are relatively healthy. Unfortunately, I know longer trust our government. That includes DoD which was my master since 1975. Happy to say that people like you, Kennedy, McCullough and even that turd Fauci (whatever he says is a lie or distortion) enable my reasoning and newfound learning. Keep on my young friend your words matter and as always I love this community. God bless all and Happy St Patricks Day.

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We really must start a Go Fund Me account and donate the money to any member of Congress who wears a BATMAN COSTUME while questioning Dr. Anthony Fauci.

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Rand Paul will do it for free

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Rand Paul would have great FUN with it!

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@Katie- AND he's got better hair

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Batman confronts "Mighty Mouse"!!!

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@Rio- I'm in!!!

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If it were anywhere close to true, vax-happy Bill Gates would be rushing to jab the raccoon dogs, instead of chickens. Or masking cows, FFS.

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They keep lying because there are no repercussions...just another attempt to convince the weak minded and there are a lot of those.

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A rapist will rape until IT is stopped. Its not rocket science is it. The absolute #1 crisis we have on almost every level of society IS accountability or lack there of, but especially within the swamp-pharma-medical-media cartel. Truly the definition of insanity. All the same players are in all the same positions and have no concern for being truly held accountable. Just sayin...AGAIN

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You are so correct. There are no universal truths in any field, (medicine, law, tech, education etc...) The folks who control these institutions are either naive or evil. We are subject to Lies about every type of information we seek. Trust is gone and we are left to find counselor’s, mentors and truth tellers like Alex B. On our own. We have no access to so called ethical and honorable experts any more because the evil ones are shutting down their ability to reach us. Our government is intentionally doing this. It is beyond chilling! Thank God for Substack.

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Pushing the live market or natural origins theory advances two important goals for team Fauci - it debunks the "lab-created" theory, but it also nixes any investigations into "early cases" before this live market was held. My opinion is this group doesn't want anyone poking around finding "confirmed" examples of early cases from outside of Wuhan. That would get investigators closer to the real perpetrators of this pandemic and cover-up.

This is why so many mechanisms were employed to conceal evidence of early spread.


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Two thoughts, one more horrifying than the next:

Raccoon Dogs actually exist.

A huge number look at the picture and collectively say “Yum!”

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why is Kristian Anderson still considered a

credible source? Fauci commissioned him to write the first article insisting it was not possible that it leaked from a lab (that Fauci edited and quoted from), and this is clearly a follow-up. he is a perfect living example of cognitive bias in science.

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Alex-Glad you read The Atlantic so the rest of us don't have to, but for you it must be a noisome job.

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coffee spit laughing

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A friend called at 6 this morning to tell me about the Atlantic article. She refuses to believe the virus came from the lab. All I could say was to review what happened during the fall of 2019: lab workers sick, new ventilation put in, date deleted, etc. Occam's Razor can be applied here.

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If someone phoned me at 6:00 am they would no longer be my friend.

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She is totally obsessed with any opinions that are in conflict with: Fauci is a god, vaccines are good, vaccines do no harm, masks are good etc. Apparently she thought the article is some kind of proof about the origin. She must not be familiar with the researchers. Who would ever find Kristian Anderson credible?

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Not only did the virus leak from the lab. The leak was intentional

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How is it so few talk about the intentionality? Just surreal to me

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WHEN did any leak really occur? In America (and around the world), WHEN did millions of Americans experience Covid-like SYMPTOMS? It wasn't April and May 2020.

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There are a couple of peer reviewed papers that show stored samples in Italy prove the virus was present in Italy as early as September 2019. Here are a couple of links:



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perhaps the quad flu vaccine in Italy made people far more prone to an ADE reaction scenario with the wuh flu hitting right after or during?

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I don't have an understanding of why Italy was hit early and hard, but the flu vaccine is a distinct possibility.

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Responded in wrong place on site to your comment...you should be able to find it since I mentioned your name in my post. you raise an interesting point for sure

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Bill that is a damn good question and if it NEVER happened just when will that get a serious looksie as in investigated?

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I would think the greatest "evidence" that people had Covid would be that they experienced many of the Covid symptoms. I don't remember anyone in my town having bad coughs, sore throats, fever, etc ... in April or May 2020. But those people were everywhere in December and January.

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George, please do tell why you think it was intentional.

I have Always thought it was intentional. One theory was to stop Hong Kong (successful), the second was to stop Trump (successful). So far Chinas 2 for 2, IMO.


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Two perfectly timed events for sure Kim and not lost on those who follow such timed events. I would add # 3 allowed the massive assault on individual liberties-freedom by having un-elected officials in Fed and local levels to totally abuse the emergency powers act. Look how long this was abused and in some areas still going on. #4 would be the whole whu flu scamdemic was simply table setting for the greater 2030 agenda to flourish and execute which is is currently still. Needed to NOT have Trump around to do so or far easier anyway with puppet in place

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I have a question. Does anyone believe omicron was also an intentionally released gain of function virus, but this time by the good guys? It would seem that Omicron totally changed the trajectory of the pandemic.

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David Martin has done excellent work on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMSz209wV8g&t=3s

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Love DM...just wish it-he would get REAL traction. plandemicseries.com/davidmartin/ excellent albeit redundant for most of us here. The redundancy is truly deafening 3 years + in and yet not ONE person responsible for it remotely held accountable. Not ONE!

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This tendency to be incapable of believing that someone could have bad intentions has permeated a lot of areas of society. This is one of them. Another example: none of the people who have been shot by police over the past few years could have been doing anything criminal at the time? They were all minding their own business? I’m not saying all of them were criminals. But NONE of them were engaged in ANY criminal activity at the time they were shot? This disingenuous naïveté, this pretending that some people are incapable of bad behavior and of being bad actors, and that other people are only capable of bad behavior, is disturbing to witness.

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I think it goes something like this: If I were to believe that bad intention is what prompts bad behavior, it would mean those bad actors must be responsible and held accountable for their bad behavior. If I hold them accountable and expect them to pay retribution, then I might also have to take responsibility for my behavior and hold myself accountable. The quaint notion of personal responsibility and accountability has gone the way of the dinosaur in American culture. It's far from a small development.

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Well stated and so true! The coddling, entitling strange allure to the "collective" mind-set with many is quite disturbing. It's like their GOD given critical thought switched was turned off thru years of indoctrination

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What the Atlantic is not saying is that raccoon dogs were working at WIV as rat-catchers and were somehow being discriminated against by the white male patriarchy of the West. Or something.

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You don't take a stock Mustang back to your garage and add a souped-up engine, better exhaust and turbo and then enter it into a race as a off the floor model.

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and when you google "raccoon dog" you get all the articles saying covid LIKELY came from this animal...never on any site that still allows comments

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Yup, I saw that today. But I ignored them and just went to images. Boy are they cute!!!!

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Pfizer vaccine development began on January 10, 2020 (see last paragraph of article): https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2034577

Moderna vaccine development had begun by January 13, 2020: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1682852/000119312520074867/d884510dex991.htm

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Wow. So basically, Pfizer and Moderna had begun developing their vaccines:

a) weeks before the first case was confirmed in the US

b) a month before the disease had its name "COVID-19"

c) two months before the WHO declared COVID-19 as a pandemic

Just wow.

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Some vials have 2016 on them! This was planned for YEARS! It's a good thing President Trump rushed them....otherwise they would have milked that "LOCK DOWN" for a decade! And then, our whole war to keep our freedoms and rights would be OVER. I'm so glad he did what he did even though stupid people think he was aware of the shots being toxic, but I know he was not. He just did what had to be done to stop the total LOCK DOWN of the WESTERN Countries.

I'm horrified at what FAUCI and his BEST Buddies did to the whole planet by tweaking the Seasonal Flu like that!

But,....even worse? All the Grand Parents, Fat people, sick people and Wise older people were Euthanized in Hospitals all over the planet! Here, in the USA, Fauci told hospitals the ONLY USE HIS PROTOCOL or you'll get no funding ever again! ONLY Remdesivir and Ventilators.

Do not give any one HCQ or Ivermectin EVER!!!! If you do you'll lose you license. And that is how he killed 600,000 older and sick people, the Globalists gave the hospitals $40,000 for each 'covid' death! INCENTIVIZED Hospital and Care Home MURDER! Depopulation, culling of the older and wiser people to keep them from warning us of what the elite were doing to the Planet. Do you know any one who DIED of the flu at home? Even the HOMELESS did fine! They died almost entirely in HOSPITALS!

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We know it’s engineered, possibly spread from multiple locations and beginning as early as 2019. All of this discussion is just a maze of distraction. The real issue, Covid came timely to cheat in the elections, the vaccine is depopulating the earth while making a few extremely wealthy. Trump out, people dying, big pharma getting richer. Boom....quite the plan, quite the happy ending.

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If the raccoon dog fits, you must acquit.

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Good analogy. Everyone knew exactly what happened then, too. But still the charade continued.

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Alex, you're taking a lot for granted when you keep saying the virus LEAKED from a lab. How do you know it wasn't released on purpose?

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I agree. The only real question is whether it escaped accidentally or whether it was deliberately leaked. Anyone with half a brain can see it was fiddled with in a lab.

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I can make a very strong argument that it was released on purpose.

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A pangalin and a racoon walk into The Atlantic...... and on their way to the seafood market pick up their friend, the bat before heading to a bar......

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Thank you for letting me comment.

Am I truly the only person on earth who sees these selfish shameless soulless sadistic shitbags for the truly despicable uncaring evil they have shown to slime humanity?

Wow, people are so pathetic to continue to tolerate and condone this hate, lust for power, and pure disdain for life.

I wake up every day hoping to read Faux-i is dead, and frankly, if terminated prematurely, I would agree without any expense to testify on the behalf of the terminator that it was justifiable termination.

Sheesh, that scumbag is so hideous, and he will continue to soil our existence for years to come, and, people will still kneel and accept his putrid presence.

Have a sad useless hopeless weekend….

Faux-i will be laughing and dancing without a fucking care in the world, collecting his half million dollar a year pension you ALL are footing for that cretin!

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I believe maybe raccoon dogs are the missing link. A turtle caught and ate a Covid-infected bat, and then a pangolin kissed the turtle, and a raccoon dog had a play date with the pangolin--the raccoon dog was then caught and offered for sale at the Wuhan seafood market.

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I think people should listen to Dr. Li-Meng Yan, Chinese virologist that defected from China in April 2021 to alert the world. She stated that the CCP Military released the SARS-CoV-2 intentionally. She also stated it was produced in the Wuhan Bio research lab in Wuhan, China. Her story is as plausible as any other.

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Like I said over at Eugyppius' page, NOPE not buying it. Fauci is going down as a mass murderer of humans and beagles! That is his legacy!

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That racoon dog looks remarkably like Tony. Perhaps he knows something about being a parasite infested dog. (Read "Parasite Rex" to chill you to the bone.)

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CTV News also started this bull shit 🤣🤣

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After 3 years now going on 4 Legacy Media is dead everything falls on deaf ears.

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Not for the Liberals!! They memorize every thing MSM tells them like Good little Slaves.

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sad but true. Just read the WaPo health and science section on Tuesday talking to the left's favorite COVID docs and most of them still mask!! I feel badly for hospital staff who have to mask even though reliable studies show it does not work. Patients like my mom who is hard of hearing cannot hear them through a mask. How many lives has that cost???

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I would like to cancel hubby’s Atlantic subscription behind his back, but I suppose that would make my free speech commitment hypocritical, grrrr. I don’t know what is worse: it’s disinformation about Covid or about “the threat of right-wing terrorism” in our midst. Double grrr.

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