Since last August, many of you have told me you wanted to support my fight against Twitter.
I haven’t asked you to make good on those promises. Not yet.
Now I am.
With Judge William Alsup denying Twitter’s motion to dismiss in Berenson v. Twitter, we need to build a war chest.
And the first fight is among the most important of all.
In a matter of weeks, Twitter is supposed to hand over ALL the documents it has about me - including its communications with the federal government. I fully expect the little bird to demand a protective order that will hide those emails and texts and Slack chats and everything else from public view.
My lawyers and I believe you have the right to find out what I learn, and we will argue against a protective order if Twitter asks for one.
Twitter has one of the most expensive law firms in the United States on its side. Me? So far, nearly all the work has been done by one North Carolina lawyer, James Lawrence, with me as the world’s mouthiest paralegal.
James has done incredible work, and at a reasonable cost, but there’s no way around the fact that this fight is about to get expensive - for the best possible reason, BECAUSE WE ARE MOVING FORWARD!
I am trying to raise $200,000. (Twitter’s budget will likely be in the millions of dollars if the case gets close to trial.) That will take us a long way - and just as important, it will show Twitter that although it can outspend me, it cannot intimidate me.
I’ve set up a GoFundMe page here. If you are considering a large donation and would like to send it to me or James directly, please email me at alexberensonauthor at to discuss details. But any donation, large or small, is welcome - I want Twitter to know I have an army on my side that wants the truth.
Thank you for standing with me!
EDIT: For those of you who are not comfortable with GoFundMe, email me and I will tell you my Venmo account, if you would prefer. I didn’t realize this would be such an issue!
I think if they refuse to allow me to raise money for a civil lawsuit that a federal judge has allowed to proceed it'll be a story even the media can't ignore.
No. Please set up a more direct donation method. GoFundMe is a hard no for many--including me. There's GOT to be a parallel economy option. Ask Dan Bongino.
I will also add: the only truly safe way is a peer to peer network for money whether it is crypto, cash, money order or a check. Same for social networks. Musk may free up twitter, but for how long?
Or this....Parallel Economy functions as an alternative to Stripe, a U.S. technology startup valued at $95 billion in March. Alex, use Parallel Economy!!
You underestimate the media's ability to ignore things. They've already called you the "wrongest" man. Why would they lift a finger to help you? And GoFundMe exists to silence dissent. Making money is a side-gig for them.
Alex, you're getting a lot of comments from subscribers who genuinely want to support you, appealing to you to use a funding vehicle other than GFM. I've seen how you handle these things in the past. If it challenges your thinking, or it's just not what you want to hear, you ignore it. I expect this time will be no different.
I know for a fact! TUCKER CARLSON will not ignore it!! there is not a night that goes by that me and my wife don’t watch Tucker, and we catch you on his show every time and you do great!!!
I’m sure everybody can tell what we can easily see. Tucker really likes you and believes in your cause 100%. And me and my wife, we really feel in our hearts, that he will be donating to you…. Furthermore, We seriously wish that you would appear on his show on a regular basis!!
I love Tucker, but don't look at him the same after he did that entire show without uttering Dinesh's name or 2000mules, it was obviously that he was muzzled and always tells us he's not. He lied.
I was VERY, VERY much a "stolen election" skeptic until I read a detailed article (sorry, I cannot remember where) about the evidence Tru the Vote provided to the Georgia Secretary of State. He agreed to open an investigation (after the Georgia governor had declined). I have not seen the film because I ABSOLUTELY HATE WATCHING A VIDEO LONGER THAN 5 MINUTES ON MY TABLET. I'm trying to figure out if I can somehow watch it using my Fire Cube; thus I cannot intelligently discuss the film. But I sincerely believe Catherine has amassed evidence compelling enough to demand investigations in all five states.
Alex, I would give you $500 - but no way on GoFundMe. GoFundMe shut down the Canada truckers fundraise and many others - it is the enemy you are fighting against. Maybe use givesendgo?
And Alex, you need a friend / lawyer / colleague to bounce some ideas off before putting an idea out like this one (and broadly, some of the emails have gotten too sarcastic / shrill). You are winning the cause - act a bit more judiciously to keep that going.
To ALEX And to all of the other, “BERENSON-PATRIOT-WARRIORS” like me. Please consider using, the number 1 “CHRISTIAN CROWD-FUNDING-WEBSITE, Called, “Give-Send-Go.”
I agree with the others. I would like to contribute, but I'm afraid Go Fund Me will shut down your account and steal all the donations. Please find an alternative.
I definitely will throw some $$ your way, but why on earth would you use GoFundMe?! GiveSendGo is way better for anyone who is right, right-adjacent, or perceived as right by the Establishment.
Alex, you betcha, my wife and me will donate. But you seriously need to give serious thought to leaving “Go Fuck Me”, Because they will screw you over.
I want to donate within my means but I will never use GFM after the Freedom Convoy debacle and GFM's attempted theft of funds. Any other way for small donations?
Alex, I’m with most everyone else here. I admire what you’re doing, & I was going to pull the trigger. But I recoiled when I saw GFM. F*** those censorious bastards. What were you thinking? Please set up a new account & I’ll race to be the first in line to donate.
Alex, I’ll donate $1000. But no GoFund(ck) me. Set up a P.O. Box too. The truckers ending up using an unknown site. Can’t recall the name. Also, highly recommend you do credit card donations.
I agree with some of the comments below about GFM. After what they did to the Canadian Truckers, I can't in good conscience work with them again. Would love to support you, however.
This is unconscionable. Can you share a link or article? This would seem to be taking "safe and effective" to a serious extreme (for which I imagine those people could sue).
Hi Alex, I'd like to contribute but won't use GoFundMe after what happened this past year. Values matter. Please let us know if you decide to set up an alternative direct fundraising platform.
Please just shut down the GoFundMe before it gets any traction. Don't want to support that organization. Set up a GiveSendGo campaign. Will donate through Venmo as I 100% believe in you and thank you for everything you have done, gone through the last few years. Feel like it is the least I can do but please, not through GoFundMe. Terrible organization.
Okay, I’m not trying to be a grinch and I wish you well with the case. But your crappy reporting of late makes me hesitant. And look I really am open to having my mind changed but your reporting lacks any substance and lately you seem more inclined to just havibgvye ego stroked. And that’s fine too, bc honestly I think only an egotistical bastard is up for this. Just make sure you earn it....anymore subpar postings and your going to lose paid subscribers
I reluctantly gave to GoFundMe but I enthusiastically donated to your cause. There is another Christian Based Service to GoFundMe that's called GiveSendGo that was on The Michael Berry Show that's not a bunch of left-wing political activists like those at GFM. If you start raising funds on GiveSendGo, I'll match what I just donated on GoFundMe. GFM is just as bad as twitter and facebook.
Anyway, I became a paid subscriber to help Alex in his fight for conservative values and I gave to his GFM to further support his legal fees against Twitter. If we all either give to his fund raising or give by being a paid subscriber, Alex can help win the battles that will help support the conservative movement filled with faith-based people with family values.
I think it's great that you support Alex, but please remember one thing. Alex is NOT a Conservative. He's a Liberal, perhaps the old fashioned kind that is against censorship and vaccine mandates, but he is not a Conservative so don't expect him to fight for the sanctity of life or smaller government.
Perhaps. I'm not sure what Alex is but a lot of his views, I would even say most of his views, are in line with conservative, judeo-christian, family values. On censorship and vaccine mandates he's definitely in line with my ultra-conservative values. So I support Alex with my money and if he is fighting for your values, I would help him financially as well. There's not many people out there that are fighting the good fight, so if I'm supporting a liberal that's fighting my battles, then so be it.
As for the sanctity of life or smaller government, I don't think Alex is neither pushing for bigger government or for more lenient abortion rules. Even if he was (which I'm mostly sure he isn't), I'd still support his fight against twitter.
On a side note, I had this funny thought that if Black Lives Matter were to have had a crusade against all these red light cameras and speeding cameras in NYC and Chicago and were to have vandalized and destroyed the cameras and made a campaign saying that these cameras that mail you a red-light or speeding ticket are racist -- I would have supported BLM!!! They just didn't fight for a cause that I actually thought was legitimate.
Folks, we need to raise this amount and as much as possible. Raising $200 thousand dollars May sound like a lot of money, and it is in so many ways. But in many ways it’s not and it also depends on what somebody’s doing with that kind of money. When you compare what he’s going up against and the kind of evil deep pockets that he is going to be against, $200 thousand is, Chump-change. It really is.
Donated via credit card. Can always stop payment if they shut you down. But you should do an alternate site just in case for those that won’t go thru GFM.
Sorry Alex I wish you luck. I have bought your books and have subscribed here but your instance in early treatment, especially on ivermectin is a big problem for me. I just lost respect which is quite sad as I really liked you. You are such a great writer but you need to take that little liberal, that still lives in your heart, and wash it down the drain, it’s stopping you seeing the truth.
I donated to GFM, hesitantly. I'm glad you're offering the option of Venmo (but they are problematic too) If you did decide to set up your own donation page with a payment processor like Stripe, you'll be paying a processing fee
Gofundme?? Really?? Come on dude! There are other platforms!!! Stop using WOKE bullshit platforms when there are better ways. Givesendgo being one of them. I will not use gofundme for nothing. Sorry.
I think if they refuse to allow me to raise money for a civil lawsuit that a federal judge has allowed to proceed it'll be a story even the media can't ignore.
No. Please set up a more direct donation method. GoFundMe is a hard no for many--including me. There's GOT to be a parallel economy option. Ask Dan Bongino.
Exactly. After Trump was cut off from some payment networks, Alex, do you think a mere plebeian like you are safe?
I will also add: the only truly safe way is a peer to peer network for money whether it is crypto, cash, money order or a check. Same for social networks. Musk may free up twitter, but for how long?
Or this....Parallel Economy functions as an alternative to Stripe, a U.S. technology startup valued at $95 billion in March. Alex, use Parallel Economy!!
The only problem with this is that it is subject to pressure on the owners and other central points. But it is probably better than GFM
You underestimate the media's ability to ignore things. They've already called you the "wrongest" man. Why would they lift a finger to help you? And GoFundMe exists to silence dissent. Making money is a side-gig for them.
I was on the fence when I opened this substack.
Alex, you're getting a lot of comments from subscribers who genuinely want to support you, appealing to you to use a funding vehicle other than GFM. I've seen how you handle these things in the past. If it challenges your thinking, or it's just not what you want to hear, you ignore it. I expect this time will be no different.
I won't be contributing. Sorry.
I know for a fact! TUCKER CARLSON will not ignore it!! there is not a night that goes by that me and my wife don’t watch Tucker, and we catch you on his show every time and you do great!!!
I’m sure everybody can tell what we can easily see. Tucker really likes you and believes in your cause 100%. And me and my wife, we really feel in our hearts, that he will be donating to you…. Furthermore, We seriously wish that you would appear on his show on a regular basis!!
Don't forget Joe Rogan!!!
I'm sure he'll give you publicity.
I love Tucker, but don't look at him the same after he did that entire show without uttering Dinesh's name or 2000mules, it was obviously that he was muzzled and always tells us he's not. He lied.
Listen to Ben Shapiro's commentary (May 10, I think). He outlined some valid questions about 2000Mules.
Dinesh D'Sousa has done some excellent work, but this one? Perhaps not so much.
I was VERY, VERY much a "stolen election" skeptic until I read a detailed article (sorry, I cannot remember where) about the evidence Tru the Vote provided to the Georgia Secretary of State. He agreed to open an investigation (after the Georgia governor had declined). I have not seen the film because I ABSOLUTELY HATE WATCHING A VIDEO LONGER THAN 5 MINUTES ON MY TABLET. I'm trying to figure out if I can somehow watch it using my Fire Cube; thus I cannot intelligently discuss the film. But I sincerely believe Catherine has amassed evidence compelling enough to demand investigations in all five states.
RR, can you tell us in a few sentences what you found as problems?
Have always respected your comments, though I sometimes (rarely) don't agree with them.
Wish I had the luxury of time to chase down everything someone suggests I read. But I don't.
Help us out.
Alex—they will ignore any story that isn’t aligned with the Democrat party’s wishes.
They are ignoring the true story of Jan. 6th, as patriotic people languish in prison.
That was my first thought as well. I won’t put money into GoFundMe.
Me neither. I cannot in good faith let those evildoers collect 5% of my intended donation. I would sooner send a check.
Grrr. I instinctively sent Alex money. Figured it was rich to make go fund me help. But I too am concerned
GoFundMe shuts down pages raising money for people who have been injured by the vaccines. No way I'm supporting them ever again.
Happy to send money via Venmo or almost any platform other than those censorship enforcers.
Now I just have to find your email address.
Edit: not finding it. I'm committed to helping but perhaps you'll set up a Givesendgo account and I can give there.
I agree not gofundme and also not Gmail!
I was thinking the same thing.
Maybe PayPal LOL. That's where Elon Musk and Peter Thiel came from. How about a pillowcase of USD instead?
Love ya Alex but please find an alternative to GoFundMe and I'm in.
I want to contribute but won't with GoFundMe ... they are bad.
Alex, I would give you $500 - but no way on GoFundMe. GoFundMe shut down the Canada truckers fundraise and many others - it is the enemy you are fighting against. Maybe use givesendgo?
And Alex, you need a friend / lawyer / colleague to bounce some ideas off before putting an idea out like this one (and broadly, some of the emails have gotten too sarcastic / shrill). You are winning the cause - act a bit more judiciously to keep that going.
Alex you have a team of anticensorship people…go fund me is dead to us
Fuck gofundme. No other way to say it.
Sheesh, Alex, I said this in another post:
I'm pretty sure more than a few others here will do likewise.
(No, it's not high-tech. It's pretty low-tech...but I think it's reliable.)
To ALEX And to all of the other, “BERENSON-PATRIOT-WARRIORS” like me. Please consider using, the number 1 “CHRISTIAN CROWD-FUNDING-WEBSITE, Called, “Give-Send-Go.”
Once again, it’s called, GIVE-SEND-GO.
Was about to suggest the same thing to Alex. I’m disgusted by GoFundMe’s behavior and current plan is to never use them again.
I agree with the others. I would like to contribute, but I'm afraid Go Fund Me will shut down your account and steal all the donations. Please find an alternative.
I definitely will throw some $$ your way, but why on earth would you use GoFundMe?! GiveSendGo is way better for anyone who is right, right-adjacent, or perceived as right by the Establishment.
Go fund me? I was about to give… ever hear of Give Send Go? Less censorship
Alex, you betcha, my wife and me will donate. But you seriously need to give serious thought to leaving “Go Fuck Me”, Because they will screw you over.
I want to donate within my means but I will never use GFM after the Freedom Convoy debacle and GFM's attempted theft of funds. Any other way for small donations?
Alex, Go Phuk Me is a no... something different and I'm there...
Alex, I’m with most everyone else here. I admire what you’re doing, & I was going to pull the trigger. But I recoiled when I saw GFM. F*** those censorious bastards. What were you thinking? Please set up a new account & I’ll race to be the first in line to donate.
Alex, I’ll donate $1000. But no GoFund(ck) me. Set up a P.O. Box too. The truckers ending up using an unknown site. Can’t recall the name. Also, highly recommend you do credit card donations.
I agree with some of the comments below about GFM. After what they did to the Canadian Truckers, I can't in good conscience work with them again. Would love to support you, however.
GoFundMe shuts down pages raising money for people who have been injured by the vaccines. No way I'm supporting them ever again.
This is unconscionable. Can you share a link or article? This would seem to be taking "safe and effective" to a serious extreme (for which I imagine those people could sue).
If you make a donation, please note that unless you change it, GoFundMe defaults to a 12.5% tip to their organization. No, thanks.
I would like to donate but I am also with the opinion I will not use GoFundMe. They are bad actors. Have another way for us to help?
Hi Alex, I'd like to contribute but won't use GoFundMe after what happened this past year. Values matter. Please let us know if you decide to set up an alternative direct fundraising platform.
IINM, GoFundMe just shut off a donation page for an 8-year-old girl who was allegedly injured by one of the Chinese virus experimental vaxxes.
GoFundMe can GFT.
Not donating if it means having to pay GoFundMe. Please offer an alternative way.
I want to contribute, but I refuse to use GoFundMe. Is there another option?
Please just shut down the GoFundMe before it gets any traction. Don't want to support that organization. Set up a GiveSendGo campaign. Will donate through Venmo as I 100% believe in you and thank you for everything you have done, gone through the last few years. Feel like it is the least I can do but please, not through GoFundMe. Terrible organization.
Isn't it easier to appeal to Elon? Trump got his back, you should be next.
GoFundMe has already stolen money from many people.. remember those truckers that got screwed over? Find another way.. GFM is dead to me.
Didn't GoFundMe shut down the truckers? Thinking that is not good. They could shut down you too.
Okay, I’m not trying to be a grinch and I wish you well with the case. But your crappy reporting of late makes me hesitant. And look I really am open to having my mind changed but your reporting lacks any substance and lately you seem more inclined to just havibgvye ego stroked. And that’s fine too, bc honestly I think only an egotistical bastard is up for this. Just make sure you earn it....anymore subpar postings and your going to lose paid subscribers
Hi Alex, set up something directly. I’m not donating on that platform. No way
I reluctantly gave to GoFundMe but I enthusiastically donated to your cause. There is another Christian Based Service to GoFundMe that's called GiveSendGo that was on The Michael Berry Show that's not a bunch of left-wing political activists like those at GFM. If you start raising funds on GiveSendGo, I'll match what I just donated on GoFundMe. GFM is just as bad as twitter and facebook.
Anyway, I became a paid subscriber to help Alex in his fight for conservative values and I gave to his GFM to further support his legal fees against Twitter. If we all either give to his fund raising or give by being a paid subscriber, Alex can help win the battles that will help support the conservative movement filled with faith-based people with family values.
I think it's great that you support Alex, but please remember one thing. Alex is NOT a Conservative. He's a Liberal, perhaps the old fashioned kind that is against censorship and vaccine mandates, but he is not a Conservative so don't expect him to fight for the sanctity of life or smaller government.
Perhaps. I'm not sure what Alex is but a lot of his views, I would even say most of his views, are in line with conservative, judeo-christian, family values. On censorship and vaccine mandates he's definitely in line with my ultra-conservative values. So I support Alex with my money and if he is fighting for your values, I would help him financially as well. There's not many people out there that are fighting the good fight, so if I'm supporting a liberal that's fighting my battles, then so be it.
As for the sanctity of life or smaller government, I don't think Alex is neither pushing for bigger government or for more lenient abortion rules. Even if he was (which I'm mostly sure he isn't), I'd still support his fight against twitter.
On a side note, I had this funny thought that if Black Lives Matter were to have had a crusade against all these red light cameras and speeding cameras in NYC and Chicago and were to have vandalized and destroyed the cameras and made a campaign saying that these cameras that mail you a red-light or speeding ticket are racist -- I would have supported BLM!!! They just didn't fight for a cause that I actually thought was legitimate.
Sometimes politics makes strange bedfellows.
What are you going to do when GoFundMe swipes your 200k you raised from under you?
Folks, we need to raise this amount and as much as possible. Raising $200 thousand dollars May sound like a lot of money, and it is in so many ways. But in many ways it’s not and it also depends on what somebody’s doing with that kind of money. When you compare what he’s going up against and the kind of evil deep pockets that he is going to be against, $200 thousand is, Chump-change. It really is.
I'm confident that this Substack group will raise the $200K.
Go Fund Me is a deal breaker b/c of the Canadian truckers--and other reasons.
Donated via credit card. Can always stop payment if they shut you down. But you should do an alternate site just in case for those that won’t go thru GFM.
need a go fund me alternative
It's called Give Send Go
GoFundMe is a hard no for me.
Alex...dont screw with gofundme. They are as sinister as twitter. Just post an address, payable to whom??
Go Fund Me? Seriously? We’re you not paying attention over the last year?
I’m willing to help - but I will never send $ to Go Fund Me after what they pulled with the Canadian Truckers
Give Send Go
Sorry Alex I wish you luck. I have bought your books and have subscribed here but your instance in early treatment, especially on ivermectin is a big problem for me. I just lost respect which is quite sad as I really liked you. You are such a great writer but you need to take that little liberal, that still lives in your heart, and wash it down the drain, it’s stopping you seeing the truth.
I will never send a cent to GoFundMe regardless of the cause.
Alex, many of your would-be donors are worried GoFundMe will report them to the NSA
Please set up a GSG. Close out the GFM immediately.
Looking at GiveSendGo’s terms, I don’t see anything that would exclude this cause.
I donated to GFM, hesitantly. I'm glad you're offering the option of Venmo (but they are problematic too) If you did decide to set up your own donation page with a payment processor like Stripe, you'll be paying a processing fee
I donated $200. Good luck and thank you for your hard work.
Sent some $
I don’t like Go Fund Me, but your cause is worth it. Going to donate NOW. Thank you for fighting the good fight.
I heard this guy Musk has a ton of dough, did you reach out to him?
Right. musk is gonna fund the suit so he can pay when he loses. Lol
Donated. Happy to tempt Go Fund Me into doing something illegal.
Done. Happy to feed the tweeter fighter fund.
Go get em Alex!
Gofundme?? Really?? Come on dude! There are other platforms!!! Stop using WOKE bullshit platforms when there are better ways. Givesendgo being one of them. I will not use gofundme for nothing. Sorry.