I do not see a positive outcome in any therapeutic that hijacks your cells with instructions to create a protein- to edit anything about how our body works and responds. These 'vaccines' could be 100% effective and I would not take it. Something is inherently wrong about asking our own bodies to create a viral spike protein. Even the intended outcome is insane. Your body will build and immune response against the proteins that YOUR cells created. This is the definition of an autoimmune disorder. You'd have to be mad to understand how these formulations are intended to work and then roll up your sleeve.

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Yes, yes, yes. Probably the simplest and most fundamental concern I have with this shot. Injecting genetic material, which then turns our bodies into spike protein factories, then having our body turn around and attack itself and the spike proteins it was just programmed to make. Exactly as you said, your body attacking itself = autoimmunity. Knowing nothing else this was enough for me to be very concerned. Obviously there are so many other issues but I fell into the "never going to take it" category the moment I read about the mechanism of action. Many thanks Alex for providing this platform. I so appreciate the community and the hope and comfort it provides in knowing I am not alone on my concerns.

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These substack comment sections keep me sane! It is so easy to feel like you are the only one asking questions and seeing the harm being done to society. I feel relief every time I see a new post by Alex because I know I am about to read the words of others with open eyes.

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Well, I am the only one in my family asking the ❓❓ I bet many of us are lone rangers 😁

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Yes I am alone 65 and watching. My kids 40’s & 30’s think it’s all fine, I sometimes wonder if I am loosing my mind by saying wait, there is not enough info!

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I am 65 and a cancer survivor for 15 years, not taking this stuff, no way. It's not worth it to me, I haven't gotten covid in two years anyway. I guess I could get one of the newer variants but I am not too worried about that. Messing up my T cell response would be disastrous for me.

I don't believe many have considered the cancer risks here.

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My father was fighting a slow growing cancer himself earlier this year. We expected him to make it another 1 or 2 years. Instead, against our advice, he took the Pfizer double jab. Within 3 months he started losing his platelets and then began to bleed internally. The doctors couldn't find the bleed no matter what they tried. He was on constant transfusions to keep him alive, but he eventually succumbed to infarction from blood loss. I personally believe the jabs killed him, not the cancer. The doctors seemed flummoxed and just chalked it up as being the cancer, even though they had zero imagery that the cancer had grown throughout his body.

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U have courage n conviction 👏👏

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Fortunately for me my family is onboard with good sense. My sister initially got the vaccine and forced it on my 88 year old mother who had gotten COVID last year. She tried to get me to take it too. After she had a reaction and her girl friend refused to get it, she has since changed her mind. I have been combing the web for good information and sources. I have found those that do not agree with Fauci. Now it is so obvious it is all lies all the time. It makes me wonder why people don't see through it all. The God of COVID, Fauci, gave us COVID. Look for data. VAERS Extract.... the table format was lost in copying here.

" VAERS data in CDC WONDER are updated every Friday. Hence, results for the same query can change from week to week.

Message These results are for 8,068 total events (DEATH)

COVID19 (COVID19 (MODERNA)) (1201) 3,907

COVID19 (COVID19 (JANSSEN)) (1203) 904

COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200) 4,441

COVID19 (COVID19 (UNKNOWN)) (1202) 37

Total 9,289

Note: Submitting a report to VAERS does not mean that healthcare personnel or the vaccine caused or contributed to the adverse event (possible side effect)."

Go to https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html, agree to terms, then pick Vaers Data search box, Section 1 select group by : Vaccine, Section 3 Vaccine Characteristics= COVID 19(COVID 19 VACCINE), Section 5 Other Event Characteristics = Death, Scroll to bottom and press send.

You can change query and get other characteristics, such as "Permanent Disability" etc.

There has been over 9,289 reported deaths (8068+ accepted as cause of death) by vaccines as of Oct 22. There have been 9,353 (10,400 reported) people left with permanent disabilities because of vaccine.

I have read articles by WSJ, and other sources, Dr. Rische, and Ronald Thomas West (he shares data in his articles), and many others (246 documents and data collecting). Of course I come up with some nut jobs.

I became obsessed with finding trustworthy data and articles. Based on all the things I have read and seen; to include Alex, the so called "vaccines" are not safe and do not work; and therapeutics that do have been banned from use.

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VAERS is past 17,000 deaths, not 9200. You need an update. Over 120,000 seriously injured.

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Donna, that's some good work! Thank u for sharing. I didn't know about those #s 👍👍

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Well you made it to 65. So, whatever you are doing seems like a successful strategy to me!

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I feel your pain Delehe. I'm in my early 40's and my generation is blind. Then again i could say the same for most generations. If you are losing your mind, it's not because you are crazy, it's because you're surrounded by people who are lost and ignorant.

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Not sure that makes me feel better either. Ugh

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Agree. My spouse and I are alert and aware of the controversies. Our adult children are almost completely in the dark - if not repelled by what they see as their parents' "conspiracy theories."

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Oh, and the word is "losing" not "loosing." (Pet peeve, sorry to be the pedant.)

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Me too. I feel so alone and also fear what the future might bring for all my family and friends. I've been amassing information but no one is interested. I will have my first grandchild born in a few months. I'm praying that all my worry is unfounded. But I've learned not to trust the medical establishment, too many past health problems only resolved after I took charge, got off meds and changed my diet following consult with a non mainstream health professional.

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Never trust big Pharma. This is your daily reminder that they approved Benzodiazepines which now come with a black warning label. Did you know it's easier to come off heroin than a benzodiazepine? Do the opposite of what the CDC and FDA say and you will be okay. The longer you stay off medicines you will be okay. Eat healthy, take D3 with zinc daily, work out 5 days a week and you should live a long healthy life. Good luck.

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Absolutely. I found a physician who does not prescribe statins or blood pressure meds. All done with lifestyle and supps. And it works beautifully. My routine is D3, C, Zinc, Quercetin and NAC daily. Combined with a sugar free very low carb diet.

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Is this what jordan Peterson suffered from medical withdrawals from?

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You're not alone. There are literally hundreds of millions of people around the world who are questioning what's going on.

And people who have previously accepted the vaccines are at last now asking questions too.

The good will out.

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I pray you’re right. The road toward digital id and government control seems to be the end game bc nothing else makes sense to me.

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my sister and bro in law, nurse and MD, I would not take any advice from them on medications, they are pill pushing and pharma indoctrinated, Were first to the Jabs. Granted, their employers required them. They have pep rallies to keep up the pressure on this new religion. It is dark.

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You are not alone, right now it just feels like it. If it wasn't for my family being on the same page and my pastor who has actually called it what it is. It is good to know that so many people are questioning what's happening right now. The funny thing, I was never against vaccines. Right now, I don't even want to get a flu shot.

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I’m the same. Saw my doctor this week for annual visit. She asked if I had the Covid vaxx and I said no. She looked at me in surprise and asked why and I said I’ve done too much research and won’t put it in my body, plus I had a reaction to the Shingrix vaccine 18 months ago requiring 10 days of steroid and antihistamine. She went on to tell me it’s safe and I have a better shot at not requiring hospitalization. I’m 70 and said I trust my immune system to fight it along with the zinc, Vit C & D3 and quercetin supplements I take. She then asked if I had the flu vaccine yet and I said no; she offered to give it to me and I said no thanks. After I got home later I checked the patient portal to see her notes and found she typed in all caps “DID NOT GET COVID VACCINE” and “will not get flu vaccine this year” So I guess I’m now flagged in the system.

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I once actually participated in several vaccine studies. I was told late stage, all safe. Subsequent to the last study which involved a hepB vaccine I developed an autoimmune condition for which there was no family history. I am never going to subject myself to bring a human guinea pig again. I will remain in the control group.

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hell NO, you might accidentally get the C Jab

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Me too! I’ve gotten every vaccine and travel vaccine I needed in the past . Now, I don’t trust my corporate medicine doctors nor any institutions telling me the same thing. Safe and effective . Do it for others . I don’t even want to get the flu shot anymore. Was neutral about it before

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The flu shots are very dangerous, many flu shots contain aluminium as an adjuvant. Aluminium causes inflamation, dementia and alzheimers patients have been found to have abnormal deposits of aluminium in their brain tissue following autopsy. The only realistic place the aluminium can come from is the flu shots they pump into the elderly every year.

To top it off the best available evidence shows that flu vaccines have zero ability to stop the flu.

The Effect of Influenza Vaccination for the Elderly on Hospitalization and Mortality


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Exactly how I feel, Diane b! It’s breaking!

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What a year this mess has been.

Agree that the US mistakenly worships medicine.

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all began with obamacare...worship of insurance and govt's "protection and intervention" for you.

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...and the people that dispense it. They view doctors and Pope Fauci as a infallible priesthood.

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And Canada worships socialist medicine. The US is bad, but at least you have free zones. Canada is a gulag for Purebloods

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They worship Pharma and the Government. And I mean that. My BFF compared the shot to Jesus Himself. She's supposed to be a Christian.

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I ended up hospitalized in 2015 from raging diabetes. They put me on massive insulin shots, but continued to feed me apple pie and massively carb-heavy diet while in the hospital, but just could not figure out how to get me blood glucose below 300.

After two weeks in, I refused to eat ANY carbs from the hospital food, and my glucose "miraculously" dropped like a rock to normal levels.

The medical establishment HAS NO FREAKIN IDEA what they're doing.

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Congrats 👏👏👏

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😂🤣😂🤣 they are not interested, indeed!

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Well, apparently I'm the only one in my family. My kids refused to believe me, saying "it's just another vax, It's just like the polio mandate, I'll be fine!" My husband doesn't want to hear anything about any "theories". "No one can keep a secret for long, that's ridiculous! " I've been curious about things a long time. I read about many things. Neal Boortz always said to do your own research. Some of my favorites are Patelpatriot, Brian Cates, Just_human, TruthAndArtTV, PrayingMedic..... just a start....

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My kids just roll their eyes😂 my sibs say, well they wouldn't tell us to take it if it was dangerous ☹️

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The trust people have in our govt health agencies over vaccines seems normal. And I might have run for the shot as well but I had 2 years in a row in 16 and 17 of getting the flu vaccine which I did every year since the 90s. Those 2 years I got the flu anyway and was down with chronic fatigue for 6-8 weeks after. The next year I decided not to get the flu shot and didn't get the flu. So I just happened to feel skeptical toward vaccines when this one rolled out. Then people were circulating the movies Plandemic and Indoctornation — the story of researcher Judy Mikovitz and her discovery that vaccines are contaminated with animal viruses around 2011. What the govt did to her shocked me. I went down the anti-vax rabbit hole. Our gpvt health agencies are plagued with corruption.

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We’ll let’s see, Lewis & Clark’s time the treatment for diarrhea was mercury, blood letting before that era; modernly thalidomide, cigarettes were once labeled safe. I’m sure others can add to this list of products once believed to be ‘safe’ for us.

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same. in our family i am the crazy one. But i am proud that they all know where I stand. I have hope that eventually they will get it. .

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Yes of course we can trust the same government that intentionally vented radiation (after lying that it was safe) on the rural population near Oak Ridge to study its long term effects. And injected Syphilis into the Tuskegee Airmen. And how they kept their word to the Native Americans. And…

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guarantee they were trump haters

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My mom nearly died from the Salk polio vax. Today nearly all polio in the world is caused by the polio vax. According to WHO. And they even celebrate it with World Polio Day.

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I'm the only one in my circle of folks and extended friends who has not gotten the jab. I have been ostracized from playing cards with 3 nurses I used to meet up with weekly for a card game. They all got the jab,

and one had heart problems after ! Another social group is requiring you have the vaccine to good out to eat with them, even though the restaurant does not require vax to eat there. But yo sit with this group of people you must be vaxxed, even though no one else in the restaurant may be vaxxed as far as they know ! Madness. Needless to say I'm no longer going to their functions either.

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over the last year, i've found that I've just exited those relationships, it's like we have little in common...yes, it began with their hatred of trump, then the 'religion of the Jab". I believe the biggest proponents of the Jab are Trump haters. Took me until 55 to begin to see truth and not be a 'man worshiper' which kept me perpetually taken advantage of (victim mentality), seek ye first the kingdom of God, SO THAT YOU WILL NOT BE VICTIMIZED.

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Weird. I don't like Trump, but I'm not about to turn myself into a guinea pig just to "own" him. And doesn't he urge these shots? He keeps calling them "Trump shots" and taking credit for Operation Warp Speed. Few on the Left mention this.

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Good for u 😎

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What's weird is that they now know that the shot doesn't keep you from transmitting or getting very infected, so it's become like a clique, a status 🙄🙄

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Yes, but instead they're saying if you get it, you won't get as sick and won't end up in the hospital. That's what my doctor told me when I told her I wasn't getting it. But that's BS because if you look at the numbers in Israel where almost everyone has been vaxxed, they are the ones hospitalized and dying.

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That's like paranoid behavior by these people. What's fascinating is some of these people are our family, friends and coworkers. People I've never would have expected to react like this 🙄

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Its unfortunate to be ostracized whatsoever, especially since you absolutely don't deserve to be. I'm super happy for your strength to sacrifice something you care about. Stay strong, we're not alone.

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I was for sooooo long, but some in my family are seeing the truth for what it is now 😉

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Gives me hope

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Yes. I am the mad one, talked about in hushed tones. Can't even broach the subject. It is sad and petrifying to see them under the thrall. So willing to roll up their sleeves. Unquestioning trust that the powers-that-be have it under control and are acting in our best interest ("they have the best scientists advising them and would never do anything reckless"). It is hard not to buckle (I did). To start doubting yourself and your sanity. The needle does not stop at the arm. It inserts itself into your most sacred spaces and relationships.

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It’s all about trust. No matter the issue, Covid or the Vaccines, and more - it all comes down to those who trust the media and establishment versus those who seek outside information and verify. I no longer try to educate as the minds of others are already made up. Instead I hit at the root of the problem which is blind trust in all prominent media and institutions. Even 10 min on the internet, reading from an alternative source, should cause a critical thinking person to want to learn more. I encourage people to pick something important to them - and then spend a few minutes digging. Not sure how else to get people to stop trusting so blindly!

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Good point! I've noticed, my under-the-spell family members only seek sources which reinforce their neurosis 🙄

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Some trust the media more than their nearest and dearest. People who actually know and love them. (Or used to.)

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bet they are trump haters. all my friends who worship the Jab and think it is their salvation had and still have vitriol toward trump. Kindof poinant, their hatred has blinded them to truth. stay humble and seek God first everyday and He will protect and guide you.

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LoL 😂 someone on Twitter posted screenshots of people claiming they'd never take shot cuz trump was in office. Now, they ridicule those who won't take it🤣🤣

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It’s as if these shots are Holy Water or “Blood of Christ” to them. And these are the people who used to be skeptical of Big Pharma. They used to understand that these companies can be compromised by the profit motive. Now it’s such a blind trust that they’ll inject Big Pharma’s new concoction into their bodies multiple times.

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I know plenty of Trump supporters who got the jab. Making any of this political has always been insane.

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Yeesssss!! It wrecks ur identity and deeply held beliefs. It undermined trust 🥺

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Yes Marty, same for me. Without this forum I would be a VERY lonely ranger. Many thanks to Alex and all of you.

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Def in the minority. So many gullible Americans.


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I admit I'm very depressed. Letting my health go. I feel alone and powerless. I stand like a deer in the headlights. Nowhere to run and they are too powerful to fight. This neglect led to Covid and I was almost disappointed when my body defeated it. I could have escaped this nightmare.

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Sweet Cat Lady, You must realize that you are being held in reserve for the moment when the vaxxed find out what has happened to them. They will all need help, kindness, and understanding. We cannot let ourselves decline. We WILL be needed soon. Prepare yourself and learn some ways to help the vax injured with their coming psychological and emotional distress. You know what depression is, so I know you will be able to help them - with love and respect.

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Hang in there, Cat Lady! Demoralization is part of their plan. Every day you persevere throws a wrench in the works of these evil people. Stay active: exercise, stay strong, purchase supplies. Be ready to help all who seek it, when the time comes.

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No, no... stay for the ride! It's got a lot of twists and turns, and some fascinating ones I can promise you. I can't tell you are right those moment but I 100% know there's some game-changers afoot.

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Cat Lady - sorry you are feeling depressed. Many are because this schism in the world - the fake news is unrelenting. they get me down, too

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Do stuff you like every day. Hang in. You're sane.

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Please take care💕

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Stay with us.

We need you.

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Mark, loved the article n touching elements of family and societal norms and core values break down. Everyone ends up a little sadder, lonelier. 👏👏👏

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Thanks, Marty. I'm writing to let smart people know they're not crazy, or alone.

I've argued several times about CV with my father. Once, he responded by saying, "Oh, so you think you're smarter than the guys on TV!"

I replied, "I am smarter. What about being in front of a camera makes you smart?"

Such a naive population with no basic life awareness.


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Yes, my husband and I (and our kids) are the only ones not jabbed. His 4 siblings, spouses, and adult kids are all in. We would do Zoom check-ins where they would brag about getting it early on. We just stayed silent, nodding and smiling. It wasn’t worth pointing out their idiocy. Time will tell what happens to them. I really hope it’s not too terrible.

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I wish I had ur discipline to stay quiet 😂😂😂

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Why? I wish I had the discipline and courage to speak louder

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We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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'...yet they still lie!' Psycho alert, wow 😳

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Join the FB adverse vaccine groups. Real people/real stories of once healthy people who are no longer healthy after the jabs.

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I didn't realize FB allowed those groups

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There are so many of them and the one I am in is hidden.

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I heard people on tv complaining about how FB removed all those groups with no reason given. But you're saying some groups still exist?

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FB removed several adverse vaccine groups however, the groups that's are hidden or tittles are not about Covid adverse reaction still exists. I was in one group which had 140k members and it was removed. I was recently in a small group called myocarditis after the Covid vaccine and FB froze the group so you can't post in it. If you mention one negative word about the vaccines in Dr Jennifer Caudle's group called I got the Covid vaccine you are removed and blocked. Dr Jennifer Caudle is a fraud, she runs a FB Covid vaccine group and sells tee shirt saying I got the Covid vaccine. She got Moderna and now has tachycardia. Yes the doctor became the patient.

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She should sell t-shirts saying 'I got the vax heart damage'.

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I'm not sure if I can post because I'm not a member or something, but the group think of the public health bureaucracy and the medical industrial Big Pharma driven establishment, adding the leftist cult media driven by prophets from Big Pharma, is powerful. It's been this way for a very long time. The anti-smoking crusade is built on lies (for our own good, you know; Fauci didn't invent lying in the name of public health), and everything is driven by the profits made of keeping people sick. COVID, and the response, opened my eyes to so many things, and there are far for of us then you think.

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I totally agree Brena. It’s a lonely position to be in, especially in Canada where everyone I know other than my family and a few others have totally bought into the vaccine as saviour message. I’ve finally stepped into my truth and told my kids they can’t get the vaccine. They may defy me (since they can decide for themselves here in Canada) but I’ll know I’ve made my position clear and they’ve heard the truth. So good to read the sane perspective of a thoughtful reporter and hear the comments from a community of people who are seeing things clearly. Stay strong everyone!

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Thank you I feel exactly the same. I am not crazy because I have you

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100% agree… thanku Alex

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Well, now this....Will there a massive Public Service Announcement campaign? Oh wait, no money in prevention !


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I think we will see a lot of autoimmunity downstream from this madness. But of course they will have any number of reasons why, but not connect the dots to the vaccines.

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Just like they refuse to admit that autism isn’t caused by vaccines. I’m sorry, but I know too many people who swear their kids were completely normal prior to 18 month vaccines. You definitely know prior to 18 months if your child is developing normally. I do not believe that they suddenly stop developing normally.

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The links between vaccines and autism have been proven now, you just cannot get a mainstream newspaper, typical MD, or any part of CDC, FDA, or NIH to look at the data. J.B. Handley's book, "How To End The Autism Epidemic" goes through all the latest research very clearly. Too many neurotoxins in the shots, which can be sequestered in tissue, over the multiple injections, and then a strong inflammatory response, say from a new vaccine, even one without nano aluminim or mercury, can cause them to be released from the child's tissues into the bloodstream. And, on top of that, if the parents give Tylanol for the fever or pain post shots, that opens up more pathways in the body which make the sequestered poisons, called "adjuvants" (kind of like bioweapon research being relabeled "gain of function" research) much more bioavailable. Perfect storm= autism via vaccination. Today I spoke with many friends and asked two questions: do you personally know anyone who was hospitalized or died from Covid? All my responses were negative.

Then I asked: do you know anyone who died, for no other apparent reason, post Covid vaccine, or, someone with serious post shot disability? Everyone answered yes. Where are we heading? One in 300 are dying or being disabled from this injection, I believe. Now they are giving this to children, who are literally at zero risk, statistically, from Covid. It is 1984 on Steriods, and it is population reduction.

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Totally agree - 20 or so years ago did massive amounts of research into vaccines and the cause-effect of harm became obvious - incredible Big Pharma have not only been able to continue on this path but to prosper incredibly from it.

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Now that they are going to require children 5 and up to get the jab since FDA "approved" it yesterday for kids we will ses kids with autism AND heart and autoimmune problems down the road

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Made me even re evaluate the sudden infant death syndrome cause.

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It was there in front of our eyes all along. Healthy babies Do Not just "die in their cribs" for no reason! In the past if that happened a cause of death was looked for and evaluated. Usually an undiscovered birth defect was found, or unusually a pathogen or toxin. But a cause was discovered. Once we went into the "vaccines for safe for babies," alternate universe, SIDs became a "thing." And the correlation is clear.

If you do not vaccinate babies, you don't have SIDs. You will have deaths from other causes, and in third world nations disease will certainly be one of them, but malnutrition, toxic exposure, and lack of shelter are rampant, you can be sure that the Terrain is more actually important than the "Pathogen" in question. Fix sanitation issues, provide access to clean water and adequate nutrition, and you will save more lives than with vaccines, even there. In the first world, my very strong suspicion is that vaccines do much, much more harm than good, and the data for that conclusion is piling up. Dr. James Lyons-Weiler's paper on Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice, the Control Group Litigation's data, and many others prove this point.

The unvaxxed, in this country are much healthier overall than the vaxxed. Looking at immunity from a single disease, and ignoring exploding rates of Autoimmunity, Autism, Asthma, Suicide, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis, Neurological Disorders and Cancer, is flat out stupid. All our diseases are not caused by vaccination, but the lower levels, or non-existentance of many of these in the completely unvaxxed is shocking!

Pharma is fighting those of us in the know about these facts tooth and nail, and now with Covid, more than half the population is brainwashed it seems, but, they will learn what many of us have known now for decades- vaccines are toxic, dangerous medical interventions that kill and maim more people than you can possibly imagine.

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A significant risk factor for SIDS in boys is neonatal genital mutilation (a.k.a. circumcision). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6412606/

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When I first read how these work, I thought - that's nuts! I just can't believe where we are now. And healthcare workers in Maine just had religious exemptions denied by 6 people in black robes. We truly are no longer free.

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No doubt they grimly carry scyths as well.

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Fauci is an Italian surname. It is derived from the Sicilian word for "sickle", and originated as an occupational surname referring metonymically to makers of sickles

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thank you. I appreciate this information.

Either case, the "doctor" is a Fraud, and I a disturbed that he rakes in $400K per year

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I am shocked by this. A lot of good those Trump appointees have been. God bless Alito and Thomas

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I voted for Trump. Twice. Not a deep man, but shrewd. Great at working crowds. I bet he plays a mean hand of poker. I no longer trust him at all.

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One of the problems with selecting young-ish SCOTUS appointees is that they don't have the nerves of steel necessary to take the slings and arrows of DC. They still want to be "accepted" and invited to the DC cocktail parties. It is a rare, rare person who has the personal strength of Clarence Thomas. We need to realize that SCOTUS is never going to save us. At the end of the day, SCOTUS is still just a branch of the federal government. The only thing that can save us IS us.

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I just don’t understand how most MDs are repeating the words safe and effective . Do they not study immunology?

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It seems not. I have found most medics to be quite dense, protocol followers these days & not a Dr House among them. I can well believe that the 2nd or 3rd leading cause of death is iatrogenic (in USA).

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I think the vast majority of them are held hostage by the same corporate overloads that own the MSM and lack the moral courage to speak out.

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The real trial is about to begin on 28,000,000 children.

The Pfizer Jab will reduce the risk of Covid 19 death from essentially ZERO to way More than ZERO once these shots roll out. It will be vaccine induced Deaths blamed on Covid 19, and they will say " see, we rolled it out just in time for the Winter Wave". The Kool-Aid drinkers will lap it up!

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I hope, at least my inclination says, that most parents might not be willing to inject their kids as they were themselves. Surely, the news of breakthrough cases, high profile folks dying despite vaccination, maybe anecdotal injury stories in their social spheres, etc. would make most of these people hesitant to jab their children. Wishful thinking, maybe.

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Sometimes I fantasize that they’ll just imgive the kids a placebo so they can say everyone is vaxxed and keep targeting the holdouts. This is how nuts this whole mess has made me

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I do the same. Inflate the idea that maybe they gave half the people a placebo since they ruined their clinical trial control group.

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Same here. I said "No!" as soon as the mRNA logic was announced.

These shots are essentially retroviruses that induce autoimmunity and, over what is in many cases a short amount of time, injection-induced immunodeficiency syndrome. Think injection—>AIDS. Courtesy of Fauci and Friends.

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This is probably why people who have a strong immune system (like myself), or people who have a high D3 often get very sick experiencing horrific symptoms for months after getting the vaccine. Vascular inflammation through out the body and the organs.

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I read that it's the inflammation causing much of the harm, cuz it's really a vascular virus n secondary, bacterial infections are doing much of the damage but go undiagnosed ☹️

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I remember Dr. Bhakdi explaining the healthier you are the more you are a candidate for fast adverse reaction to the shot as your immune system will go into high gear to fight off. Where if you are unhealthy your immune system is compromised and it would pass through. Not to say you won't have an adverse event from it, but it would be later down the line. He thinks the vax is the death shot like Dr. Yeadon and Dr. Zelenko. Dr. Zelenko's telegram/gab still calls it that way. I tend to believe them, Steve Kirsch and Dr. Rose estimate 200,000 dead Americans and this party just started. Boosters will bring it on sooner of course, and that's the point.

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There was a video of Dr. Bhakdi explaining what the spike protein does in your body, it was terrifying. https://www.bitchute.com/video/isIesCHgpKvY/

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@Brena M & @marpop ~ I feel exactly the same way. Seemed like a no brainer to say "No" to such a risky (insane) idea. In fact, I continue to be amazed even now that anyone would ever think this would have been worth considering, even just in theory ~ not counting all the horrific side effects that are now emerging.

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Will getting the shot if you already have natural immunity cause adverse affects? I’m in a situation where the shot is required in order to travel.

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If that travel is a life or death situation, then do what you have to do. I've heard people say J&J is the lesser of evils, but they all produce the spike protein, so I'm not sure there is a lesser. If the travel is not essential, I would wait this out. Things reveal themselves more and more each week and I don't like where it is heading.

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Anecdotal but… My neighbor aged 65 got JJ back in April. He was excited to get back to normal in one dose and finally see his 85 year old mom. Within two weeks he went from being healthy to complaining of random aches and pains in his arm. He went to the doctor who told him it was allergies. Last week he learned he now has cancer.

My sister was pressured to get the vaccine at her job with a Fortune 500 company. She was the only one not vaccinated in her division and they would draw attention to it on their team zoom calls. Within one week of her JJ dose she said she felt as if a thousand bees were inside of her bladder. No infection but signs of inflammation present.

Sadly I have Moderna and Pfizer stories from close friends too… 30 year old woman with shingles after one week followed by gastrointestinal issues and two 30 something year old men with myocarditis.

And I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere but throughout the summer every vaccinated person I know regardless of age had a tiny, uncontrollable cough.

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I’ve noticed the same thing in regards to the cough. Several folks I know…

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Becomes less anecdotal when so many of us have these type of stories. I've got a family member who took J&J and has developed high pressure, a rash that will not go away and moments of brain fog so severe that he forgets how to exit a parking lot he's been in many times. I know of another who is in his 20s who got a shingles outbreak on his forehead after J&J. Scarred him permanently before his wedding. Another family member-Pfizer- multiple shingles outbreaks despite having the shingles vaccine, inconsistent heart rate, vision changes, severe pain in her forearms that comes and goes at random, dizzy spells and has fallen 5 times since the jab. All of these folks, active, healthy people previously.

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Precisely. No transparent warning of side effects, banning discussions of such effects, gas lighting patients with such effects. It’s frightening to witness an upside down society.

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The shingles thing scares me.I will NOT get the vax. I've had herpes since I was a child ( the oral kind on the lip, not the genital kind). For years I had frequent outbreaks on my lip. That herpes virus is related to shingles. I would bet if I got the vax I'd get a severe case of shingles !

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Thanks for the reply. I have a big decision to make.

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I too would try to wait it out if at all possible

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I would dig in and verify if you really truly have to have the shot to travel or have to have negative testing here and there. There’s a lot of insinuation of shots required for travel that isn’t actually accurate.

Then if it is, you have to decide how much you’re willing to roll the dice for this.

I think there’s also an effort to get people to vax based on the travel threat - as the efficacy of these vaxes comes more and more into light the passport mandates should evaporate. If it was a sane world.

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Pfizer has 70+ lobbiests working in DC, Moderna has 50 or so, J&J too so in reality these are the "experts" you are listening to. Their only goal is more government money and will say/do anything to get it. Is your job/travel really worth your life?

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This reminds me of my neighbor who took the shot with his family so that they could travel. They took the shot and then the country banned travel so they couldn't go on the trip. Now he runs around trying to talk people into getting the shot. He can't even say whether his son got the shot or not. You need to think more clearly my friend.

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This is why I always smile when those who are vaccinated claim they are selfless and Good Samaritans. Those who lined up first did so to ditch the mask, travel ubiquitously and be free of lockdowns. They didn’t realize the consolation prize would merely be virtue signaling but they cherish that reward as if it were the grand prize they had been promised.

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I have heard doctors say that getting vaccinated after having already had Covid puts you at higher risk for adverse reactions. I'm sorry I can't remember the specific interview. It might have been this one. Video is in the blog.

Dr Ryan Cole is a pathologist. Excellent interview on how the covid vaccines change your immune T cells and what he is seeing in his lab since the vaccines started. https://www.theinformedfather.com/blog/realscience

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Yes, and it’s expected, because your immune system ALREADY knows that spike protein is to be attacked & it has the weapons in it’s acquired immune armoury to do the job.

Any cell in your body which makes spike protein after vaccination will be attacked & destroyed.

The stronger your acquired immunity after infection, the more likely you are to exhibit neoautoimmune disease.

I’ve come across environmentally trigger neoautoimmunity only once before. I was collaborating with an immunologist who’d previously trained in diabetic complications. You can “sugar” up your own proteins (called glycosylation) and it’s the self plus novel sugar that forms non-self, which provokes an autoimmune response. We realised cigarette smoke does something similar with reactive free radicals. Boom, neoautoimmunity.

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Thank you for your candid and imformative posts Dr Mike. Very valuable information.

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I do not understand why you would take an experimental drug so that you can travel. Why not just travel about where you are until all of this blows over and they realize how dangerous this is.

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Hi—I know I had just read some research that showed natural immunity+ the jab resulted in affecting your immunity but I can’t find the link...I believe it may have been a study out of Israel which has been the best source of such Covid studies. I did find a link that said the jab after natural immunity did result in a higher risk of more severe side effects which was also acknowledged by the FDA (for what that is worth as the FDA is as corrupt as can be) https://www.citizensjournal.us/is-natural-immunity-more-effective-than-the-covid-shot/

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I mean “effects”😄

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Search on internet ‘Covid 19 vaccine shot card 2b’

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I refuse to get vaxxxed, but if I HAD to...as my wife ultimately will to legally immigrate to the US---get the SinoVac. It is a more "traditional" vaccine, and while not as "effective" (a good thing, IMO) it does show fewer adverse effects and at least you can carry a legal vaxxx card.

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Americans have been denied the traditional vaccines. Only mRNA for us. Wonder why!

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Take a trip to the Dominican Republic just for the vaxxx...

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Seems she could go to Mexico, then walk across the border into the US…

No vaccine required

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Too many variables exist between each unique human being, that's why drugs or Chemo don't work for everyone. Apparently, though, one size fits all Covid vaccines are just dandy ! How come none of the clinical trials developed dosing by weight? A 11 year will now get 1/3 dose, but if he/she turns twelve the next day ,the dose is 3 times larger ! WTF? Oh, I am allowed to use he or she in a sentence anymore? The word police may be watching.

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On a local Chicago news show this morning, a hack doctor was asked by a mother what she should do for her “almost 12 yr old” Should she have him/her get the 11 yr old dose or wait until he/she is 12 and get that dose...? This moronic doctor actually said ( are you ready?) Have the child get the 11yr old dose and then when he/she turns 12, have him/her get the 12 yr old dose too. Who would follow this advice!? There is no proof that this is safe nor proof that the jab is safe for children to begin with. WGN Chicago should be ashamed to have given this quack doctor any airtime. Goodbye WGN.

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I don't think you understand the dynamic at work here. We are stupid little people who don't know our a-holes from a hole in the ground. Therefore, we have no choice but to listen to the experts, pundits, and authority figures who know everything; including what is in our and our children's best interests.

I am being sardonic, of course.

Until we as a race (the human race) stop this madness of delegating our God-given right to self-rule to people whose only concern is augmenting their power, we will continue to go down this road that leads to what I like to call "Neo-feudalism."

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Thanks for the link. I keep a spreadsheet of links on this.

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Would you share the spreadsheet?

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“Experts”…Rush mockingly called them the “WIZARDS of SMART”

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Most local newscasts just parrot the “public health officials”narrative. They do no investigative reporting. Just say the great vaccines are now available for children, the an anecdotal story from some idiot parent that is so happy she can jab her kid now.

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The only news station that has reported on this and interviewed doctors in the know is One America News Network. If your cable doesn't have them, they put a lot online.

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Appreciate OAN /

One America News. #1 truth in news for sure. Also watch Newsmax too! Left FOX 11/3/2020.

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Newsmax won't tell the truth about the jabs. They were threatened with lawsuits when the tried to do that.

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I left Fox News but do watch Tucker. Won't watch News Max, they don't report certain things. Lies of omission. Ask your cable carrier to carry OANN. If enough people do, they will.

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I think NewsMax has lost it's way ,too. Gave up on their TV & Website.

Deep State Creep.....seeping in everywhere. The Truth just doesn't make it through the weave of deception.

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They want your kids to b like the 4 star public health admiral

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Oh geez…now I’ve got

THAT vision in my head

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Consumer Reports several weeks ago advised parents "vaccinate" their children based on some garbage from a Mayo Clinic doctor. I wrote them a long letter with facts and let them know they are advising harm. Now I wonder if any of their reports are worth listening to. I know the Mayo Clinic also "attempted" to replicate a study by Linus Pauling, said his stuff didn't work, but deliberately didn't use the protocol he recommended. Did you know there is a simple, inexpensive, over the counter supplement to remove arterial plaque in a few weeks and avoid veins stripped and replaced? Yep. Follow the money. Pauling's long interview explaining the science and it is still online.

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Almost 8000 Smart People @ Mayo Clinic are leaving due to refusing the JAB.....How can any advice from these "great" institutions be considered trustworthy when their own personnel quit ? A study showed the most highly educated people are the biggest Covid Vax skeptics.

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I hope this child will still be alive to celebrate Christmas. Just wait until children start dropping dead or develop Myocarditis and Peri. It's not going to be pretty.

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WGN sucks. I used to watch before the Covid hysteria. They are right on board the crazy train with the rest of the Covid hysterics.

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Kind of like NPR, but more local. I used to send money to NPR when they had real journalists like Daniel Schorr, but never ever again.

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NPR is now like Tass. Pure government propaganda all the time. When the Covid fiasco first hit, Terry Gross had a CDC doctor on stating that masks were useless and even an N95 mask membrane breaks down in 3 to 4 hours. She said don't wear them. But now it's all masks and vaccines are real good for you stories all the time.

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Have been bought, as has most of the news media. Seems if you don’t support some organization financially, some oligarch will.

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Aww, but they are all so funny over there! Interesting how they get to laugh at all the 'wacky' stories and present this outrageously irresponsible content while we have to deal with Covid IL everyday.

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Goodbye chicago

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Unfortunately, many will have listened to that quack, and follow the advice….such a shame!

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Yep, I saw that talking head doc on Fox, Neshuwa? sp? Recommend getting both the Flu shot and the vaccine. Incredible!

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Janette Nesheiwat MD, yeah she’s uninformed or paid off to say what she says

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My 11 year old niece is taller than me. Dose for weight, test for existing antibodies, have conversations about risk factors with your doctor... How about anything but allow every Walmart and drug store in the country to inject anyone, anywhere.

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Even the conversations with the doctors are starting to go predictively in One direction which is then telling us to take the shot. My doctor was treating me for recovering from the virus and said in 30 days take the shot 🙄🙄

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If you had the virus, the shot is not only unnecessary, but harmful. The adverse effects are 2 to 4 times greater than those without natural immunity.

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She seemed scripted, n was like, oh, it'll b extra protection 🙄

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so maddening

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Therein lies one of many problems, many doctors don’t even know the supposed COVID protocols. This person was told 30 days, others 90 days, a friend’s girlfriend was told 10 for her second shot (she got COVID the day she was supposed to get her second shot) and her reaction was a lot worse than her worse-than-moderate actual COVID symptoms. But yet we’re supposed to trust the advice of our often uninformed doctors.

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We have learned how very uninformed most doctors are after they leave school. If a doctor does not constantly attend seminars or refresher classes they are no longer current.

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And you know they are not all equally smart. You know what they call the medical student that graduated Last in Class? Doctor.

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Nice point! They simply parrot the take it, then lack details subsequently 😂

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No you have immunity!!

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I would have asked him, "So, doc, what kind of kickbacks are you getting? A nice 'educational' cruise in the Bahamas sponsored by Moderna if you jab a certain number? Financial contributions for this place--like you got for all those reported Covid deaths after treating them with Remdesivere and ventilators despite common medical knowledge? Or just warm donuts and the chance to leer down that Pfizer rep's blouse"

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That's because the AMA has provided a COVID-19 messaging guide:


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Have conversations about risk factors with your doctor……. What a quaint idea. Imagine a doctor being willing to acknowledge any risk at all. No, the party line will always prevail, and when there’s injury, why that’s just coincidence.

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Good luck trying to find a doctor whos of independent thought and who still has an ounce of intellectual curiosity. Not a shred of cognitive dissonance. True belivers in state sanctioned healthcare.

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At some point we may be better off with no "medical care at all." Don't laugh. It's a historical fact that until relatively modern times (WW I, perhaps), a battle-wounded soldier's survival chances were BETTER if he did NOT receive what passed for medical care in those days.

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There is no medical "care" in the US anymore. Doctors today are nothing more than glorified script writers.

But, what would you expect considering that the pharmaceutical industry is by far and away the biggest donor to America's medical schools?

Then, once you become a doctor and have your own practice, Big Pharma sends their sexy, 20-something sales "reps" to your office where they give you free samples of killing devices, er, drugs, for you to kill, er treat, your patients with.

Over 4,500 drugs are pulled from the shelves every year in this cesspool of corruption we call the US. Drugs that the FDA approved. And people ridicule me for saying that it will be a long, cold day in Hell before I get the jab.

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Agreed - the chances today for healthy people are greatly diminished if they go to their doctor for advice!

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I believe a Harvard Study showed the American Medical System is the 3rd leading cause of DEATH, 225,000 deaths per year with over 1,000,000 injuries. I'd say their #1 now...avoid at all costs !!!

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Don't you mean state sanctioned murder?

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Exactly right Juice - where do you find an independently thinking doctor who has actually done their own research? There must be some out there but good luck trying to find them!

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Good luck is right. If you want a vision of the future, Winston, imagine . . . you know the rest.

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I would start with Naturopathic/functional doctors. They are most independent and geared towards ACTUAL health unlike conventional sold out sickcare professionals.

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Stay out of the government healthcare.

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About a third of doctors are quitting rather than get jabbed themselves. How many were fine with forcing this on patients before?

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Right!!, I didn't know we had so many trained clinicians to give out shots like candy!

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Exactly right! At my kids elementary school you can find 150 pound 10yo's and 80 pound 11 yo's, makes no sense.

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And 110 lb, 5 ft tall 70 yr old vs 280 Lb, 6 ft 4 40 yr old. Age, size, and health matter with REAL medications.

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Agreed. I often compare Microsoft and updates to vaccine technology. MS wrote the OS..even a lot of the apps for it are approved by them and yet still when they make an update to the OS you see things break. So in effect this is like Apple writing an update for MS and wondering why we have glitches in the Operating System. It's lunacy.

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I've mentioned before that I think this is the Fifth Trumpet of Revelation, but it just occurred to me that this is maybe why they're portrayed as LOCUSTS. Locusts don't particularly care about what they eat or devour. They just swarm over vegetation and consume it, without much discrimination. Difference is, these locusts are tormenting people, and have scorpion STINGERS to jab, jab, jab too. https://txti.es/fifthtrumpet

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no doubt this is Revelation unfolding itself...

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No doubt?

Was it no doubt when the Crusaders killed millions in his name, millions in WWII, the Holocausts in Russia and Germany. the millions of children killed during the Vietnam and Indochine war, Central American invasions in the 1980s, the CIA importing crack cocaine into the African American communities destroying millions of lives across generations, the 100s of thousands if Iraqi and Afghan children since 2003…I’m not sure why vaccinating children would be the tipping point and he’d finally say “enough!”

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Good point Maircas....respect your points above. Having said that, evil is always unfolding as long as man lives on this earth. I am angry all above has happened over centuries and it is unforgivable and inexcusable. Man is such a flawed species, I do not even know where to begin. Thank you for your view point.

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Thank you for your kind message as well.

I believe good is unfolding as well but for some reason our species is much more intrigued by the evil.

I am sure I am just as guilty as anyone but if there is anything that I have learned from the great scam dermic is that the most important person in the world is me and if I don’t take care of him I can’t take of the most important people to me, my wife and my daughter, and my local community.

My job is to bring as much good into the world as I can be at through Art, caring, charity, for sharing truth.

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Organized Religion has killed more people in it's name than it has ever saved. Yes, Man is severely flawed; who do we blame for that? I'd say all us need to look into the mirror to answer.

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Organized religion has NOTHING on communism, which killed about 400 million people in the last century alone.

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Agreed, God whatever you want to call it is inside you not outside … most people are searching and I wouldn’t call the Bible a worthless document AT ALL but I wouldn’t take literally the word of people who thought that the earth was flat, evil spirits cause disease and didn’t know where the sun went at night.

The myths that ancient people have left for us are cluea imo

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Yes Twister, I always believed that God should have stopped after He made the animals and plants. Best to have left man out of the picture entirely!

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Cuz the whole thing has a timetable, I'm sure... Accepted medical practice no longer applies

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LOL. he or she is just fine. I for one have no use for Woke except to wipe my ass with it. And then upon further reflection, my ass is too good for it too....

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I have the same question!! We had a waitress at a Mexican restaurant a couple of days ago who was absolutely tiny. It hit me like a ton of bricks. No way this adult lady should get the same dose as my big ass….not that I ever would!

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yes even at 100% safe and effective why would it be produced for a extremely non deadly respiratory virus that had existing therapeutics that saved lives.

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$cience. Period. They wargamed this in the earlier in 2019. This was "waiting" for the virus to be released. Billions upon billions of dollars. They wargamed the messaging. They wargamed the control that would be needed by "emergency order".

An EUA is not valid if any other treatment is available. So every other treatment not under EUA had to be buried to ensure the money train kept coming.

$$$$$ and power. This group lusts after both, and one builds on the other.

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exactly what happened.

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Actually. Not to fuel a lot here but I did find this study/wargaming kind of suss….


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I had seen that. Chilling to see the details and how it lines up with the reality.

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The cautionary tale is women — not elected, mind you — assigned roles by the elected advised to by their donor class — women who will lower the gauntlet harder and heavier than any other, pleasing their assigners.

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Astute (and reprehensible) observation. I recall when corporations were advised (badgered) by feminists to hire women for their nurturing instincts to bring to the workplace. LOL

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Cultural competency based upon the scholarly research of sociologists. LOL

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I agree. Also, I like the way you used $cience. It expresses perfectly what most of us write on and on about.

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At least one city in Australia has implemented the Chinese social passport.

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oh i know! i know all about it. its all CCP type programming. i live in canada. its happening here REALLY FAST. only country to be more insane than us is australia.

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The digital vaccine passport seems to be the gateway to Orwell's nightmare. .

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Nanobots will hook people up to the internet of things. Give them total control over each body. Be a slave or try to exist outside. If possible.

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Matthew Crawford of "Rounding the Earth" calls the jab side effects "Type 2 COVID". The spike is what does the damage.

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That might explain the many Positive Covid Tests right after the Jabs.

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And since the definition of unvaccinated extends until fourteen says after jab 2, that would record as an unvaccinated covid case and this will remain a pandemic of the unvaccinated.......see what they did there?

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absolutely. devils are smart!

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ya think???

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It depends on what your testing for…. Obviously if the test targets spike protein antigens or a PCR test for a portion within the spike protein.

Then yes. But I’ve seen another study that mentions viral shedding of the spike protein in vaccine recipients. Which is also interesting. And plausible if the vaccine spreads through the body.

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There are a few people looking into this. I know because it’s happened to me and people close to me and we have medical documentation that supports our experiences. It’s the spike protein and it’s a serious thing that is not a conspiracy theory.

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this is something that really troubles me. i think about it often as I have 4 children. thus far I try to keep vaccinated ppl away from them. i have a gut instinct that i cant ignore. we know it attaches to ACE2, so then obviously it can be expelled..... and then what???

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I understand your concern but I also am worried about people seeing one another as vectors for pathogens instead of people On both sides of this equation. If it’s any consolation, my hope is that this effect fades with time.

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so your kids can only hang out with other unvaxxed people? that's sad.

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Meaning you’ve been infected by a vaxed transmitting/shedding???

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Not infected. Affected. It’s a pretty detailed story it involves profound symptoms, antibody tests and quite an interesting timeline of events. And then there’s my close relative who lost a perfect pregnancy at 5 months after her husband got the jab. Have hardy been able to speak about this it’s so radioactive.

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There are actually shedding warnings in Pfizer's documentation, but of course they don't call it that: https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/miami-school-asks-staff-not-take-covid-jab-global-media-assault-follows-pfizer-tra1

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What do they call it?

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EDP = "Exposure During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding and Occupational Exposure" > See section 8.3.5: https://media.tghn.org/medialibrary/2020/11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020_Pfizer_BioNTech.pdf

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yes i saw that too.

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excellent notion....

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This is what's bugging me. For one, the manufacturers have not determined (as far as I can tell) how long the body produces the spike proteins. They also have not considered what happens when the patient is exposed to the virus or any other similar coronavirus as its pumping out these proteins. My elementary guess is that the immune system would go into overdrive attacking the cells that are creating the spikes.

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Actually, it is much worse than that: Non-neutralizing antibodies will actually escort the spike proteins into the cells ~ and the manufacturers are well aware this is what happens. In fact, is called "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" (ADE) and it is the reason ALL attempts to create corona virus vaccines in the past have FAILED. (Both ferrets and children have died in much older corona virus vaccine trials.)

To make matters worse, Big Pharma deliberately cut short the data reporting in the C-19 clinical trials to avoid having to acknowledge the effects of ADE which only occur later on. This video explains ADE in 2 minutes: https://twitter.com/mettaseva/status/1452018322707554308

You can learn more with a search on the work of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr. Luc Montagnier ~ or review this summary here: https://twitter.com/MarkReady47/status/1454180177974530059

Here you can even see the CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky describing ADE:


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In my haste last night, I made a typo: Non-neutralizing antibodies will actually escort the synthetic mRNA nanoparticles containing the mRNA into the cells. (These, in turn, are responsible for reprogramming the cell to create the spike proteins.)

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I know what it is. Some researchers in Japan actually proved that this is already occurring in rats, but I left that out of my comments because it's not my chief concern.

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one study concluded high level spike proteins still 5 months post shot. interestingly however the antibodies to said spike proteins were already down the toilet at that point.

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That would seem antithetical to the immune system. Tons of spike proteins still around and the immune system is ignoring it?

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Interesting - do you have a link for that?

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it was a few months ago and it would be somewhere in my saved files but i just dont have time to dig for it right now. if i come across it soon i will post it here.

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Neither have they shown biodistribution of the vaccine in sufficient numbers/months of study.

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yeah i remember when dr brindle first came out and spoke about how it left the deltoid and it was like shock around the world. meanwhile pfizers own documents showed the it congregating in the reproductive organs. so....clearly they knew it DID NOT STAY in the deltoid. early on robert malone also warned them of various things which they ignored. so did GVB. so did Yeadon. so so many. they knew.

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I don’t doubt it on some level and I think the question at a minimum is time with ongoing studies. A pause.

It may be a lot of the population. It may be few. I think we all have a feeling for the true answer.

I think some of the studies were in animal models but it didn’t obviate the possibility that doesn’t happen in humans or with everyone. Only sufficient trials.

They did clearly know it traveled but there is a study they tout that they claim shows the overwhelming majority goes in a single route. A route like arm, to a detox organ (eg liver) then to excretion. It may have even shown some in blood etc. the claim being the amounts are low.

The problem is the studies are not only small but they aren’t for much more than “does the body mount a immune response.”

The biokinetics, biodistribution, etc, needs long term study. Which is to say nothing about scant data on side effects. In some cases I think they even are leaving the tracking of the vaccination side effects/studies up to the vaccine companies.

But the FDA said it best. Gotta give it to them to find out.

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In the FOIA docs, the nano lipid particles accumulated in the ovaries and bone marrow, not the spikes. But I believe it was shown that the spikes traveled through the blood.

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ok thank you. I though I saw both. you may be right.

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speculation, speculation, speculation...yours (and of course our favorite rebel doctors) is way better than theirs!!

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Yes, their studies never tell us about what the body things about cells producing spikes. The scary thing is, the mRNA vaccines could potentially have TRILLIONS of cells produce them.

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When your T-cells see one of your body's own cells with foreign spike proteins sticking out of them, what do you think it does to that now foreign cell. Oh.....and then all those spike proteins that were anchored to the cell membrane....what happens to them when that membrane is ruptured as that cell is killed. Hmmm.....the good news is if the intramuscular injection is done correctly most of those cells are deltoid muscle cells. But if that highly trained medical professional at CVS (who lost their waitressing job due to the pandemic) finds a vein boy howdy. Then you might be another Kyle Warner (formerly pro moutain-biker)......tasting metal and saline in your mouth within 30 seconds and on heart medication within 3 weeks.

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^ thinks (instead of things)

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Cytokine storm...

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so in may my next door neighbors BIL ended up in ER. he was a triathlate. 42 yrs old. the day before he ended up in ER he had biked 50km. went to work in the morning by lunch felt so ill suddenly his wife took him to ER. within a few days he was intibated and declining all with very high spiking fevers that would never come down. he had pfizer 2 wks prior to this event. the drs tested him for covid 4x and said it wasnt covid (first clue they realized they were dealing with a cytokine storm). they told the family it was a random virus. i asked the family what virus it was. the drs told them it was a random virus from a random animal. OMG. when i had asked about the shots my neighbor was very upset with my question and ignored me then finally in one breathe said "yes he had his shots but the drs said this has absolutely nothing to do with it". the drs told his wife he would go home soon, however i knew, from other friends who knew the case and are drs, he was experiencing kidney and heart failure. so 2 days later my neighbor says he is on dialysis. 2 wks later as he continued to decline and they cytokine storm ravaged....he passed. and to this day my neighbors say it was a random virus from a random animal. i asked them one time.... did anyone else in the area get this virus? no. and also i wanted to ask "so if you think this is a virus, why would a healthy athletic 42 yr suddenly be so weak he succumbs to a random virus?" but i held my tongue. these neighbors run the local health clinic. they wont even let ppl get their kids HepB shot if they dont do the woo jab first. imagine the irony.

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Wow! Sorry for him!! This is why I gave up trying to convince anyone otherwise. It's impossible!

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Oh my. Yikes. I know someone early 30s, got two doses, then lined up for the booster- covid within 4 days of the booster - then in the hospital 2 weeks later with inflammation, blocked ducts and kidney stones. But- is home and “well”, second was sil, 7 months pregnant and got the first shot- hospitalized with covid within a week, oxygen, g

Hospital transfers, the whole thing. Home and “well” and Hoping that the there is a healthy baby on the other end of this, and secretly feeling dread the unknown affects on a baby in utero.

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Hoping that all turns out fine. it's a risky thing there.

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The culling of the sheep

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Wow! Can I share this story with my readers?

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yes just take out the part about that they run local health clinic bc they could realize its them 😅

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also just put next door neighbor . take out BIL. that way they cant know it was me 😅

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Thanks so much, and I'll modify as you suggest.

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A very good guess, I'd have to agree.

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AGREED. That was my first thought when I heard the plan. “Won’t your own cytotoxic T-lymphocytes kill your own tissue, if you express spike after immunity or upon second dose?” (I think that’s yes).

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Dr. Yeadon...i thought of you today when I saw the quote that is all over social media made by Jordan Peterson...it seems he is waking up!!

Dr Jordan B Peterson




"I was told frankly and directly by an official at the highest levels in a Canadian gov't that provincial Covid-19 policy was driven by polls. Not science. Not strategy. Not an end goal. Polls. Travel restrictions? Polls. The level of pusillanimity truly shocked me. "

I am still trying to find a way to get you two to do an interview. I think it would be absolutely incredible. one for the history books.

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I too wondered if he was waking up. He’s a smart guy. Though he was very ill during the early parts of the event & he had much to deal with.

Because he has a scientific training & he’s always keen to tie ideas back to empiricism & physiology where there’s an evidence base, he will readily be able to follow my dismantling if the official covid lies.

Being also a clinical psychologist, he’ll be at least somewhat familiar with the literature on mass psychosis as discussed by Prof Mattias Desmet.

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Dr Yeadon. I hope this finds you doing well (as well as one can be living in fascism and insane times)....Dr Mike Hart has agreed to interview you and Jordan Peterson. this is Dr Mikes instagram page if you want to reach out to him to set that up: https://www.instagram.com/drmikehart/ or you can email me your info so I can send it to Dr Mike. Did you see Jordans appropriate outburst on Dave Rubins twitter in the past few days? here it is: https://twitter.com/RubinReport/status/1459196515231027205 It seems Jordan is finally waking up. It is high time he speak with you. Thank you for your time Dr Yeadon and all the amazing work you do!

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Wow, JP is annoyed. Good. He should be, because what’s happening is not about what they say it’s about.

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I don’t use Instagram. I actually don’t know who Dr Mike Hart is.

Has JP agreed to an interview?

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so Dr Mike Hart of Canada who does the Hart to Hart podcast and was om joe rogan would love to interview you and JP together. what contact can i give him so he can reach you? so he can set this up now. he is on twitter and instagram. do you have perhaps an email address so he can contact you? if you prefer to not advertise it you can email me at erikamcarthur@hotmail.com

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Mike, I think I get the concept but can you explain in layman’s terms please? If vaccine induced immunity fades after a few months does your propensity to kill your own tissue also fade?

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Probably yes. It’s tricky as immunity comprises many different sub systems & not just antibodies.

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I guess what is most feared is that one’s immune system becomes permanently altered for the worse. Not just temporarily. Our creator endowed us with what we needed. This artificial tampering and manipulation on this scale seems dangerous and very risky. We will hopefully know the more complete story soon. Though, the censorship is pervasive.

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your words: This is the definition of an autoimmune disorder. I totally agree (even though I can offer no proof).

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Maybe the most succinct rebuttal I’ve read. Well done.

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There are tons of relatively safe meds out there, but my Dr has never prescribed them to me... Maybe cuz I don't need them 🥱

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or they want you to die :(

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These therapeutics are also a huge security concern. In computer terms, this is injecting CODE that EXECUTES inside your body.

This code is not open source. It's not vetted. Its production is not carefully monitored by independent observers.

The code is so delicate that it's not feasible to use our current instruments to take a vial of the drug and determine what exactly it contains.

When you're injecting this, you're blindly making YOUR BODY run executable code from someone who refuses to reveal the code contents, without any method of checking what the code is.

This is enormously stupid. When you're letting someone PRESSURE YOU to take this - in the face of dozens of reasonable arguments, which all say this makes no sense - you can bet your life that they're trying to run code inside your body that you DON'T want.

Because the payoff - if they successfully force this on everyone - is that they get complete control of the world with no one left to apply laws to them any more. Because they are now in control of what your body does.

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Yes and I did read that they (sorry I've lost the citation) can change the code easily and push it into the manufacturing pipeline. No need for any re-evaluation of the 'vaccine', just new code and they are good to go! There is no transparency here, no checks from third parties. It's frightening.

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Love the "code" usage.

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Hmm, when you put it like that.. good point.

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This is exactly what never made sense to me. How on earth is the body supposed to figure out when to stop attacking itself? Nobody can answer this question.

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Could the Covid vaccine only be the first phase? Could auto-immune disease(s) be the real end game? I run a retirement planning office. One service we provide is annually helping Mediacare clients compare on an individual basis his/her drug costs on different drug plans. I have consistently noticed that the most expensive drugs are related to auto-immune diseases, especially Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Not only is RA physically crippling and painful, it is financially crippling, but reasonably rare. I see people with RA trying to pay 10k to 25k per year for the RA medication to get some relief. This week, I saw a cost analysis for an RA medication that cost $74k per year. If RA were to be a common occurence, this could become the worst form of slavery ever known and no one would link the cause. So, the big pharma profits from the Covid shots could end up being pennies compared to the windfall [and power] resulting in many people diagnosed with RA or other autoimmune diseases. Is this too farfetched?

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My husband has RA; he’s had it for 12 years. Fairly severe case. He refuses to go the route of the biologicals and stays on MTX (Methotrexate), Hydroxychloroquine, and methylprednisolone among other supplements. Why? Health risks of the biological yes, but he noticed that Humira for example was initially offered through no cost/low cost programs but then after that the “program” expires...You are then stuck paying over $1000/month because you’re “hooked in”. He was greatly offended by that scheme and has stayed with MTX “the gold standard” ever since. He takes the lowest dose he can stand to take for his daily pain. Way cheaper drug, and it’s an old drug that has a longer track record. Avoiding sugar and managing stress is also key to managing his pain too. The rheumatologists are absolutely oblivious to what drug companies are doing. Or in one case, one of his former rheumatologists seemed complicit in it. We think one of his former rheumatologists was getting kick backs (Paid) for Rx Humira/recommending Humira. Some of the most inept doctors we have met have been rheumatologists; everything we have learned about RA to control the pain/symptoms has been self taught. Rheumatologists are pill pushers and drug reps.

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Unfortunately, the entire relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and doctors appears to be a huge kick-back scheme.

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Sounds totally plausible. they plan devious things like this.

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Did you know that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are both also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis? 😂


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At this point, nothing is too far fetched when it comes to possible and yet unknown long term side effects. Autoimmune disorders, increased prevalence of cancers, resurgence of dormant viruses (shingles, HPV, etc.) and fertility issues are all in the realm of possibility.

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Our neighbor (about 70 yo)was Covid-vaxxed, then a few months later got the flu shot. A couple weeks after that got the shingles vax. He then immediately developed shingles. Aside from getting so many vaccines in a short period of time (bad plan IMO), did the flu shot cause the shingles? Did the Covid vax damage his immune system too?

A work colleague (also 70 yo or so) has been hospitalized 3 times for intestinal blockage after getting flu shot. Symptoms developed 6 hrs after the flu shot. He was told his symptoms were ‘unrelated to the flu shot’. What?! Who would believe that...?

He also was fully vaccinated for Covid back in March or so. Covid vax+Flu shot=increased risk of health effects...? Not sure, but I’m just sitting here on the side lines and watching this horror show...which undoubtedly will be a show that is renewed for several seasons as we begin to see all the health implications begin to unfold ...

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My family member took the covid and shingles vaccines back to back, each dose 2 weeks apart. Her doctor said it was safe to do so. (Based on what evidence?!). She has had 5 outbreaks of shingles since and ended up on a nerve medication.

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you would think that might turn on some lightbulbs, but I guess the sheep don't have any brains left

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Low Dose Naltrexone for any autoimmune disease. It’s much safer and decreases inflammation without weight gain or damaging the kidneys or liver. There is a book about it “The LDN book”. Have to get it at a compound pharmacy. Only Functional Med doctors prescribe this. I’m on it, my kids are on it. It cuts your carb and sweets cravings too. Great stuff!!

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“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.”

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well! isn't that amazing? and still they line up for the 'boosters' putting them one step closer to the grave.

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In a sense I suppose but realistically, when a virus dies the very same thing, our cells produce the virus as well. So it’s not an implausible method.

But what we might be seeing here is potentially explosive. Besides all these companies having previous know of some of the disturbing attempts, is that it’s clear the problem is with the delivery mechanism and vehicle.

The nanoparticle LNP slips wherever it wants through the body. The spike protein is not being locally introduced to the vaccine antigen….it’s everywhere at once and it’s getting in the way of natural immunity. At a minimum that locks us into a cycle of boosters never developing natural immunity.

The problem here is the vaccine method/dose/delivery/response is somehow flawed enough to allow people to contract it. This turns the vaccinated into selective/pressure mutation factories. The kind of mutation that isn’t random.

I think it could lead to the same combination for every booster and every version of a vaccine. Let’s hope that the real impact of the vaccine’s “waning” is the fact that the antibodies don’t last. Imagine if these vaccine’s conferred decades of immunity each time.

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The potential toxicity of the lipid nanoparticles are also of great concern to me. Each element of these vaccines have raised an area(s) of concern in cell and animal studies. Suddenly, we decide to throw it all together and grant immunity to the companies. Hard to not assume nefarious intent from those who have greenlit uninformed experimentation on people after scaring the shit out of them.

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I'm w u... I'm trying to stay away from the nefarious plot but, oh, wow! How else can such an imprecedented and Ill advised response the interpreted?? 😶

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I also have questions related to the lipid nanoparticles, especially as it pertains to the Novax jab, which encapsulates spike proteins themselves in the shot payload. People I trust seem to think Novavax is the best shot. I'm not there yet.

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i think the reason people are willing to look at novavax is that at least with this one, a KNOWN amount of spike protein is injected. (while in the case of the mRNAs, a known amount of mRNA is injected, but we don't know how much spike protein is made as a result, or for how long.) Also, novavax doesn't contain lipid nanoparticle - which may cut down on the mobility of the protein. Meaning - it might actually stay in the deltoid muscle.

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The one thing I’m concerned about is it’s adjuvent.... aluminum

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As a veteran of over 30y in small molecule drug R&D, I congratulate Alex on his neat descriptions of small molecule, protein and gene based would be medical treatments.

These “vaccines” are appalling toxic. Mostly due to thromboembolic events ie blood clotting or bleeding. We expected this, or at least I did.

The literature tells us to expect impacts on blood platelets & that alone will trigger coagulation.

Toxicity was burned in at the design stage.

It’s so obvious that they should be arrested. I’d give evidence under oath.

They knew. Because I’m no more clever than they are. They know what I know.

If there aren’t awful impacts on fertility & fetal development they’ll have got lucky. Because the likelihood they’ll be interference is also obvious & burned it to the design.

Finally, the mRNA agents will almost certainly accumulate in ovaries, because that’s what nanolipid formulations do. We’ve know that for over a decade before those idiots chose it.

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So would you expect to see an increase in the number of bleeding events as time goes by even without boosters? I feel like there's no hope for this nightmare to end until there are one or more overwhelming, undeniable adverse events. Obviously the magnitude would need to be huge since we're ignoring the ones we already see.

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If the agents disappear over time, then adverse events will be worse in the days & weeks after the second dose. Dose-dependence is one of the strongest clues that the vaccines definitely cause the blood clots & bleeding. In fact, it’s one of the Bradford-Hill Criteria.

If they persist in effect, I don’t know what could happen.

Certainly boosters are a truly madcap idea. Immunology doesn’t favour “the 3rd is the charm”. Side effects are likely to be at least as bad as the second dose.

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3rd (or 4th or 5th) time certainly is NOT the charm! > "Let's do more of what didn't work the first time!"

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I'm kind of worried about a huge wave of infertility and birth defects down the road. The birth defects mean more abortions, in our culture. Infertility means more genetic abracadabra to create design test tube babies. .I think we're off to the races here.

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I pray this doesn’t happen. Against us are these observations (1) vaccination raises antibodies to syncytin-1, a protein essential for formation of the syncytiotrophoblast in very early post-fertilisation events. We don’t know how much antibody is tolerated. No data.

Uptake into ovaries looks nailed on since it occurs with a range of related nanolipid formulations, and the Pfizer lipid shell is actually confirmed to do this. What the effects of spike expression in ovarian tissue is anybody’s guess, no data.

This is the most reckless act since thalidomide.

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"This is the most reckless act since thalidomide." ~ Thank you, Dr. Yeadon! I've been shocked this issue has not be front and center in the discussion about these reckless gene "therapies".

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Not to get off this incredible & shocking issue, but I have been wondering whether you agree with some other scientists: Prof Geert van Bossche, Prof. Sucharit Bhakti, Prof. Luc Montagnier…. that a high number of the vaccinated will have serious health problems at some point sooner or later. Heart, immune, neuro. Do you feel it is really going to be as severe as they seem to believe? Also, do you feel we are getting close to ADE?

It seems vaccinating the children is the tip of the iceberg that may finally reveal the dangers and cruelty of the vaccines. I just don’t comprehend the necessity of it. THx

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To be honest, I don’t know how they’ve arrived at their confident predictions.

I know Sucharit well, the others not.

Anything is possible but without inside information I don’t see how we can make predictions.

I’m often misquoted here, I’ve never said most vaccinated people will soon be dead.

I do think boosting can hardly have other than fatal outcomes, if multiple boosters are given to immune individuals.

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Yes, he has said he believes the vax is likely to be a mass depopulation weapon: https://principia-scientific.com/mike-yeadon-warns-vaccines-may-be-deliberate-depopulation-ploy/

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The above is a ? To Dr. Yeadon please.

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Pfizer issued the following statement about use during pregnancy: "Available data on Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy."

> https://thecovidblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pfizer-COVID-19-Vaccine-EUA-Fact-Sheet-for-Providers-Jan-25-2021.pdf#page=25

And this documentation from Pfizer even warns about pregnant women being exposed to others who have been vaxxed. See section 8.3.5:

> https://media.tghn.org/medialibrary/2020/11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020_Pfizer_BioNTech.pdf

Sadly, we may already be seeing the horrific results of vaxxing during pregnancy, although this data is only anecdotal and is yet-to-be-confirmed (Warning: Graphic images)

> https://humansarefree.com/2021/10/1969-fetal-deaths-recorded-following-covid-19-shots.html

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To an extent, abundance of caution USED to be normal in trials where pregnant women might be in contact with test article recipients.

You might be right but I don’t read it as definitive as they knew shedding would happen.

Also, shedding proceeds down a concentration gradient. It would be far thd greatest in the person allegedly shedding.

How could they shed enough to harm others, who’d get a tiny fraction of a % of their levels, yet not be very ill or dead?

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Thank you for your feedback, Mike. I'm not a medical professional, and I certainly don't understand what the actual mechanism and volume of shedding might be. I also agree this may not be a "definitive" indicator. However, the fact this was of concern enough to be monitored is sufficient to raise huge red flags for me.

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"Are the Covid Vaccines safe for use during pregnancy? – We doubt the 920 Women who’ve lost their baby due to them think so" https://theexpose.uk/2021/05/29/are-the-covid-vaccines-safe-for-use-during-pregnancy-we-doubt-the-920-women-whove-lost-their-baby-due-to-them-think-so/

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Widespread bleeding events were already being documented long before boosters were approved :

> https://mycyclestory.com/home/about/

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yes, but I'm wondering if it's likely to increase over time and/or with boosters. Maybe it would get to a point where it simply couldn't be ignored (people would personally know multiple people clearly affected).

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I agree. Boosters will probably only make this kind of situation worse.

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Where will it be reported that won’t be ignored? VAERS? This is already being ignored.

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Dr Mike, my brother lives in the UK. He received both shots, during the Summer. I’m not sure which vaccine. He didn’t feel right afterwards. He was getting a lot of acid reflux, which was burning the inside of his mouth and tongue. About two weeks ago, he rang his GP, and told him he was weak, not eating much, and felt that he should be in hospital. Approximately 2-3 months ago, he noticed a lump on the side of his neck, quick has pushed his Adam’s apple to one side. At the hospital, he was told that he has throat cancer, which has gone into his lung. They did a full body scan, and told him: it is all over.

He was suspicious of the vaccine having caused it. With this in mind, I searched online, and found an article by the Swiss Policy Research. They referred to a Dr. Cole MD, a pathologist; who stated that cancers in his area, have increased 20 fold in the vaccinated, since the vaccines were being distributed: covidtruths.co.uk Here Doctor Cole addresses a conference of doctors, in relation to this matter.

Is it likely, that the vaccine is responsible? Is there any possibility of reversing, what has happened to my brother?

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I’m so sorry to read this.

It’s unlikely that the vaccine caused a cancer of the size reported. Cancers tend to grow slowly and so a cancer being detected soon after vaccination isn’t very plausible as cause & effect.

Treatment options are likely to be those he’d choose from had he not been vaccinated.

One reason cancers might appear to be found at an unusual frequency after vaccination is that many people didn’t bother their doctor during the first year & a half after the event began, so when finally discovered, they’re another stage or two more advanced & chances of successful treatment is lower. Just such a tragedy.

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Thank you, Dr. Mike for your kind reply. It means a lot, that you took the time to reply. The 3rd of November will be his birthday. I’m can’t recall is he will be 54 or 55.

He was suspicious of the vaccine. It was after that he began to have a lot of problems with acid reflux; which would sometimes burn the inside of his mouth and tongue. Then 2-3 months ago, he noticed the lump on the side of his neck. Me never smoked, and rarely drank alcohol.

When he wondered if it was the vaccine, I went searching online, to see if there had been other cases of cancers; which might be related to the vaccines. I then discovered the address by Dr. Cole, MD (pathologist), who said: in his area, within six months of the vaccination programme beginning, he had seen a 10 to 20 fold increase in cancers among vaccinated people.

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Tragic all the carnage from "life saving" shots. This article explains possible mechanism of action for vaccine worsening cancer, and what Ryan Cole and others are seeing. https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/stabilising-the-code "The body possesses two broad parts to its immune system: innate and specific. The innate is the first to go into action against foreign invaders, including foreign mRNA from a vaccine.

How does that simple removal of one letter of code from mRNA achieve that?

It does so by affecting Toll Like Receptors (TLR): the alarm signal of the Innate Immune System.

The key TLRs affected are TLR 3, TLR 7 and TLR 8. They act as sentries, whose job is to recognise foreign invaders by way of their form or patterns; a bit like an aircraft spotter in World War II. If the wrong type of shape is recognised in the sky then alarm bells sound and anti-aircraft fire kicks in. In the case of TLRs, the immune system gets activated.

What if you could by-pass those spotters? No alarms, no immune system response; and your payload, foreign mRNA in this example, gets through safely. Then your drug/vaccine has a much greater chance of working.

At that point in the original experiments to discover how to turn off toll-like receptors (and subsequently in the design of the vaccines), the question should have been asked: but what would be the consequences of switching off that important early warning system?

If that question was raised it appears to have fallen on deaf ears and not been answered until, possibly, now. . . "

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There is no way to know if the vaccine caused any particular outcome - and especially not from an online post. I would give you one place to start, regardless of whether the vaccine caused the cancer, and that is start with the immune system. Our immune systems keep the huge majority of cancers in our bodies under control so they never become a problem. If the vaccine interrupts this process, it could cause cancer. The solution has to be getting the immune system working properly again.

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There are detox protocols for the jab, Dr. Zelenko and others.

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Dr. Yeadon, will continued, close proximity to those who are vaxxed lead to fertility complications? I hear about the virus shedding, but no data or studies have yet been published about it to my knowledge. This concerns me!

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I have seen no data that would lead me to be concerned in this regard.

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In September, 2020 I searched "PCR" and "vaccine" in the NIH's health library. Found several studies that revealed vaccine was detected by PCR testing for up to two and a half months after vaccination. Here's one on two infants tested for their first 52 weeks of life, polio vaccine detected for 2.5 months.


There's others. A horse influenza vaccine was detected for 2.5 months after vaccination. There was a study showing vaccine-specific influenza detected in locations where testing was also done - the conclusion was unable to distinguish if it was contamination or shedding.

If you trace CV vaccination drives by nation around the world, daily doses administered, then overlay that tracing about 18 days forward over daily CV cases and deaths you'll find a VERY high correlation. In nations that did a single large daily vax drive you'll see a single large daily case & death hump about 18 days later. In nations that did two large vax drives you'll see two large daily case & death humps about 18 days later. In nations that did three large vax drives you'll see three large daily case & death humps about 18 days later. Irrespective of season, i.e. southern hemisphere, northern hemisphere summer/winter flu season, irrespective of national borders showing spread by people movement. The only variable with demonstrated correlation is vax drives. How else can these results be explained? Given the evidence of PCR detectable vaccine for 2.5 months after inoculation in the studies I cite?

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I’m inclined to agree with you.

HOWEVER, we’re repeatedly told that the sequences in the vaccine aren’t capable of giving a positive PCR beyond the spike sequence & a positive requires matching to RNA sequences found outside spike encoding sequences (eg nucleocapsid).

I wonder: are they simply lying?

The only other possibility is that vaccination so weakens immunity that they pick up infections which turn PCR positive.

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If you look at the Pfizer trial protocols they specifically state that participants in the vax trial should not come in proximity to pregnant women or their spouses. So obviously they knew this was a danger.

I have heard a lot of anecdotes (CV Reproductive & Menstrual Issues group on telegram & facebook), including one OB/GYN who banned vaxxed people from entering her office due to all the problems she's seen from shedding.

Here's one dr who says vax shedding can cause miscarriages among other things; https://odysee.com/@transmission:a/Dr-Alim-on-shedding:6.

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Well, now this....Will there a massive Public Service Announcement campaign? Oh wait, no money in prevention !


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I tried telling my primary doc about the correlation of D levels with good outcomes from covid. She was not interested. I was badgering her for a D test in my bloodwork... Had a single point measuremt last spring of 45 so she cut off the D2 supps. I wanted more data because I've been taking D3 2000 IU/day since she cut me off. She didn't give a rat's patoot about the covid benefit. She did lecture me on the bad things that happen to people with too MUCH D!

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D levels need to be greater than 60. Anything less and you are at risk for colon cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis and of course Covid!! It has to be D3, NOT prescription D2. Just take it. It’s about how well you absorb it not taking too much. I know someone who takes 15,000 iu a day to get his level this high. He has NEVER overdosed. But because he has leaky gut and doesn’t absorb pills well he has to take a higher dose.

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I take 12,000 IU per day to get to 60 ng/ml. Needed because I run over 2000 miles per year (at age 74) according to a researcher at UCSD from the D study I was in. @Dougshealthandrunning on Odysee.

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Impressive! I was never behind 1500 miles / year, in my 50s (slacker). Good for you.

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Beyond, not behind

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FWYW, my prescribing nurse practitioner confirmed what @Kristin said. You can learn more about Vit D levels and dosages here:

> https://youtu.be/gjJdzHIwDDU

The FLCCC also explains how to use Vit D in their prevention, treatment and recovery protocols:

> https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/

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Nearly impossible to OD from Vit D. Requires industrial quantities, AFIK. I still wonder why doctors are so concerned but they are. I tested at 110 at 5k units 2X day. Doctor went nuts, dropped to 3K 2X day, level went to 70. Doctor still says too high, I said it's OK. I'm shooting for >60 for my bones.

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Question, Dr. Yeadon. Will those infected covid share the same long-term fate as the jabbed? Or is the spike protein in the vaccine more deleterious?

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People forget that natural infection usually keeps the virus in the respiratory tract. It’s unusual for a respiratory virus to circulate - viraemia.

No reason to expect anything long term in those with naturally acquired immunity.

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Thank you. I deeply appreciate your efforts in trying to warn us of the evil engulfing the world. May God bless you and your family, Dr Yeadon.

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Thank you, John. The world owes you & your team for taking chances on people with badly damaged reputations, relying I guess on judgement on sincerity.

I’m used to doors being closed in my face, people having read my recent “press”. I can’t make them check all the pre-2020 record.

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My understanding is that a normal infection, for the vast majority of people, doesn't really involve any of the spike protein getting into your bloodstream. I'm sure some must do but virtually none, as the fight is taking place in your nose, throat and lungs. Those surfaces are 'external' really. A BAD or severe covid infection will have the spike circulating, which is how most people die - it becomes a blood-clotting disease.

Every vaccine injection goes straight past your lungs etc and almost all of it goes directly into your bloodstream.

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The lipid coated mRNA particles go into every single organ. They don't stay in the deltoid muscle. Especially if they hit a blood vessel on injection. They can cross the blood brain barrier into the brain. We know this but have to make the drug companies their pounds of flesh

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One doc in England is exploring the method of injection as the cause of the severe reactions seen. He hypothesizes that the shot should be aspirated first before plunging so that it is truly delivered to the muscle and not inadvertently into a blood vessel. (Sory, I forgot his name.) He said that early animal studies show toxicity if the mRNA is delivered into a blood vessel.

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John Campbell ? He’s a phd who teaches nurses

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Thank you. Yes, John Campbell. I think that his suspicions about jabs inadvertently hitting a vessel may explain SOME of the anaphylaxis and heart issues but not all. Easy to remedy by requiring the standard practice of aspiration before plunging. Doesn't cost anything and he said that aspiration was the standard practice as taught in all nursing schools. I have no information on that, however.

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That's something I've wondered about. As I just beat the Fauci virus fairly easily I'm hoping it will minimize the damage. Synthetic virus manufactured to initiate a destructive bonanza for drug companies. Maybe you can't win either way.

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Days ago I posed a similar question to Dr. Yeadon on another thread, stemming from the disturbing things revealed in Dr. Fleming's talks. Unfortunately he didn't respond, but to be fair I imagine he gets bombarded with all kinds of questions as soon as he enters any internet room.

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The thing is he is so against this vaccine but he's vaccinated wtf

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Well, that's a lie; Alex stated unequivocally that he is unvaccinated and would remain so.

Integrity is so hard to come across these days, wouldn't you agree?

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Even if true, so what?

I know several like this, such as Steve Kirsch

Regret is powerful

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John, how do you know that “he” is vaxxed?

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He said it the other day on clay an buck show, saw the interview an clicked on it and read the transcript, he clearly said he is vaxed

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Mike - here is a tip for you and Alex. It is possible that mutation-promoting antivirals have a hand in enabling variants. One might reasonably expect this from molnupiravir, which actually works by "mutation catastrophe", but even remdesivir apparently created "mutations of concern" during tests for creation of remdesivir resistance traits in vitro. The authors were very careful what they said - they talked about "genomic plasticity" without mentioning implications that the drugs might be promoting "genomic deformation via said plasticity". One more thing to keep an eye on. Note that this would be a very hands-off way to promote gain of function in the wild. Link: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.01.429199v1.full

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Thanks Wolf, I agree. The ‘new’ anti-virals look like a disaster to me.

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Thank goodness Japan gave up that biodistribution data for inspection. Not surprising that Japan went to ivermectin. We forced bad reactors on Japan in the past - we forced bad vaccines on them now. Also the Japanese revelation of the tainted Moderna vaccines - SMART.

Thanks to both you and Alex for standing up.

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I really hope Japan has wriggled free of the conspirators.

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The JJ vax played terrible havoc with one of my sisters. Her platelets shot up to 765 after 35 years hovering at 70. Then they crashed. She's frightened she's not through it yet months later. And that's just the JJ filth.

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I had a LOT of chemo and radiation therapy for breast cancer in 1999-2000 including an autologous bone marrow transplant on study. It took an abnormal time for my platelets to finally enter the normal range. Anything that threatens my platelets, including aspirin, concerns me so I am avoiding the jab. Best friends assume I'm just a political animal who wants to kill granny, which hurts me very much because I've had to make many life/death decisions not only for myself but for my mother and later my husband. I took this decision after much thought and observation. I am protecting my immune system from an artificial agent that may be more of a risk than the disease. Why can't most folks understand that the mRNA may be more deadly for me? Instead, I'm following iMask protocols and will not be bullied. Unfortunately, the cost is further isolation as people strangely think I'm a risk to them! But my thought is that will they care for me if I fall victim to one of the blood conditions or paralysis or even blindness? No. I'd like to obtain a test of cellular immunity. In late February 2020 I got a bad dose of "flu." Was it flu? I don't know but I was sick with fever, vomiting, headache, joint aches and a bad cough for at least 2 weeks. Since then I was exposed to a couple in my home who came down with Covid a couple of days after exposure. Yet, for me, nothing. Perhaps I'm already immune? No test is available to check my Tcells that I know of.

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My understanding is that there is a test to check T cell immunity but it isn't easy to get and it isn't cheap or covered by insurance. After all this time, it is highly likely you have been exposed. Don't bother telling anyone that you are unvaxxed if they are going to shun you. I give you permission to lie if necessary. Or just be clever about what you say. You can choose words carefully that never actually say you are vaxxed but give that impression to people. That is usually the route that I choose. It isn't anybody's business to know your personal medical information.

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Yes, I take that advice when it comes to strangers. But a really good friend who now doesn't want me to visit them or another who will fly into town for a 2-day wedding asked to stay with me then said they'd opt for a hotel when they found out my mRNA status. Were they thinking about me? After all, they were going to slodge through Logan airport, take a 6+ hour flight, attend a 2-day wedding then visit me? I'm the one taking the risk if any.

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My understanding is that cellular immunity (T-cells) lasts years. I'm willing to pay (within reason) to find out but can't even find a lab or doc around here who knows what to order.

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According to Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist and specialist in laboratory medicine, the test you want is called T Detect. It tests whether your T cells have memory of SARS-CoV2. If they do, you have been exposed and are immune. Antibodies wane after exposure, our protection comes from the memory cells. Dr. Cole was one of the featured speakers at the Alaska COVID Alliance conference in Anchorage 2 days ago. Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA, was also one of the speakers. Excellent conference, livestreamed at www.alaskacovidalliance.com if you want to hear Dr. Cole's presentation.

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What is the distinction in toxicity/damage from circulating spike due to covid infection vs. the mRNA vaccine?

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Correct me if I'm wrong Doctor Yeadon, The SarCov2 virus enters the body via the respiratory system, only rarely goes further to the actual lungs and heart,limiting the Spike Protein Damage to some extent. The vaccine, however ,delivers the mechanism for Spike Proteins directly into the circulatory system bypassing the viruse's normal attack route, bypassing critical immune system defenses, and causing greater damage effects. I've read this somewhere;I don't have the source handy. I will post a link if found.

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The vaccine is not supposed to go into the circulatory system. The idea was to inject it into the muscle. The muscle cells would receive the instructions to produce the spike protein and then the body would create a defense against the spike protein. But the spike protein was supposed to stay at the site of the injection, in the muscle. It wasn't supposed to float all around the body.

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Buuut...the muscles have a blood supply obviously, which is how antibodies are transported to the injected muscle to clean up the spike protein. There's no reason why the spike proteins themselves couldn't enter into that same circulatory systen to float around to the rest of the body.

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Everything could go wrong and that's the problem. If people want to line up and be guinea pigs for the felonious pharmaceutical companies, who are pocketing tens of billions of dollars with no legal risk, I'll fight to the death for their right to self-immolate. Conversely, if anyone believes they have the right to tell others they must become a guinea pig, I'll fight to the death to say you don't. That's the basic, high-level summary of this entire mess.

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If things go really pear-shaped with these gene therapies maybe we can build momentum for a Medical Freedom Amendment. Two principles: The government can't force you to put anything in your body or coerce behavior of same. And the government can't stop you from trying to put anything in your body that you want to try.

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Which means if you want to try Ivermectin you are allowed to.

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Anything you want to try. Reduce all the regulatory bodies to advisory capacity only. We can override any medical regulation with an opt-out at any time.

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I've been taking Quercetin for a couple months...I haven't had a cold or any other health issues (and I've been around sick grandkids several times! That usually GAURANTEES a cold!).

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I took quercetin and zinc and C over the past year or more and we were exposed but never got sick until a few weeks ago. We weren’t around anyone who was sick; we think it was shedding. BUT I got hand foot mouth at the same time from the grand baby! It all only lasted for a few days and the HFM sore throat was worse than the coronavirus symptoms. We were fortunate we had ivermectin; I’m sure that lessened the symptoms, along with all the supplements. Here’s to you continuing to stay well!

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I take Cryptolepis, a natural antiviral. I have several other herbal and homeopathic drops both for virus and bacterial infection. Allergic to most chemicals anyway. Don' t like antibiotics.

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Numerous Studies @ NIH, and elsewhere showing Quercetin as effective Antiviral, especially when taken with Vitamin C.. I take a daily regimen of both.

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Last time i checked, this is already on the books, but they have become so powerful, they do not care because they truly believe they are above the law.

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They ARE above the law - because the lawmakers are on their side.

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That is what i was stating in essence.

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Pretty sure the bill of rights covers this adequately. But no one can read cursive anymore so there’s that….

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Don’t get me started !!!

…kids not learning cursive


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I thought those were already freedoms I enjoyed by living in the usa. Sad, isn't it?

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Same !!!

Actually unalienable rights

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That was a little garbled. I am not a lawyer anyway

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No worries. The first was settled a long time ago. A bunch of Nazis were executed as well:

The Nuremberg Code (1947)

Permissible Medical Experiments

The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity. (“I was just following orders” is NO DEFENSE. Every person who participates in this in any way is guilty of capital crimes against humanity.)

2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment.

4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.

8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

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I no longer trust the medical profession to safeguard these 10 precepts.

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Sadly agree

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It’s not just the medication cal profession that needs to be held accountable if you read it properly.

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indeed but that is my starting point.

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Today I read this awful story in GM - COVID-19 vaccines in lettuce and spinach?

The US National Science Foundation has given University of California Riverside scientists $500,000 of taxpayer money to try to turn edible plants like lettuce or spinach into mRNA vaccine factories. But it’s highly unlikely that the technology will work as intended – and it poses serious contamination risks. While UC Riverside does not directly claim that the researchers are trying to develop COVID-19 vaccines in the target plants, it is seemingly trying to exploit public fear of the pandemic to gain acceptance for these GM pharmaceutical crops. GMWatch

I sure hope this is not ever going to happen. Otherwise we will need to go live in the wild again!

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that settles it...nothing but deep fried food for me from now on.

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hopefully the spikes will be fried to death...

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This is so insane, all i ever read is how they keep trying and seeking to genetically hack and poison God's creation, these are truly such diabolic reckless destroys of God's creation and man, since the Lord is the one who created DNA, these megalomaniacal wanna-be-god ultimate fools have no idea obviously due to being in spiritual darkness, that God outsmarted them a long time ago and they have no idea that the more they try and mess with the DNA, the more they will unknowingly unleash an unstoppable chain of events that will kill off mankind (and well, yea, that's part of the depopulation agenda) and this is why Jesus foretold by the time He comes back, there would be almost no flesh left. Jesus is closer than ever, and what a profound deep pitch black darkness time we are entering to and only He can save any who truly call on Him for salvation.

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So true. We are fearfully and wonderfully made - and we are messing with His creation big time!

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"How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?" —Dr. Jane Goodall

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Dandelions soups and salads it is ! Better than Covid Lettuce !

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don't pick the dandelions from a field treated with pesticides!!!

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or get old fashion seeds and grow our own food. And harvest the seeds from the food

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When you can find the safe seeds. I grow some on my windowsill

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that's crazy talk I tell you!!!

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that won't work either. wildlife populations are getting covid-my question-how are they getting it without exposure to humans?

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Apparently papayas are getting COVID also since at least one has tested positive via PCR testing.

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It's almost as if a laboratory experiment, a bat virus engineered to be more infectious to humans, got loose! In nature a virus can infect many different animals, sometimes not even close relatives. Influenza can affect domestic birds and livestock. Hence "bird flu," "swine flu," etc. Even early in the COVID-19 pandemic, it was widely reported that zoo animals and pets were sometimes infected. There are now even COVID-19 vaccines for lions and tigers! Earlier this year mink in Denmark were culled because they were catching COVID. Deer in USA are reported to carry antibodies. As for how wildlife can catch it (or us from them), that is a complicated question, but likely involves one or more intermediary hosts.

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Do you seriously think, at this point, that we are not all headed back to the wild for a while at some point.

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I eat whatever is edible in my yard. It has not been sprayed and there are quite some wild veggies to be had. With a little research, everyone who does not spray their yard can eat a few times a week wild vegetables (clover, dandelion, goosefoot etc. grow almost everywhere)

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there is little wild left that is unpolluted thanks to Gates.

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Holy Crap!!! That is so scary. It could be in anything. The water supply, the chicken, tuna, beef, eggs...

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Most of us would like to think that such horrors ceased around the end of WW II. History is a bit darker than that unfortunately. Remember all those whiz-bang German scientists we got (before the Soviets did?) Many of them were waivered because they possessed extremely valuable technical skills. Otherwise they would have been executed for war crimes. Well, the point is that not all of them were rocket scientists. The USA "inherited" much of Germany and Japan's chemical and biological warfare knowledge and the personnel who used to run them. These are among America's blackest secrets and very hard to research. Finally, you'd like to think that we, at least, stopped playing with these dangerous things in 1969, or that various treaties are effective. You can sleep soundly at night, but you probably wouldn't if you were aware of some of the things America (and other nations) have -- allegedly -- perpetrated since WW II.

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There is a small list on Medium from recently declassified info. You gotto read that. But not before you go to bed.

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Thank you for the detailed explanation

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The problem is they don’t see this as a medical experiment. To them it’s a proven vaccine that is safe for all to inject into there bodies. They even got the FDA to approve it, and now to mix and match booster shots as well. So it’s all perfectly safe and effective. Not some weird human experiment.

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Sorry, but all of these vaccines given to people have been experimental, by the very definition of the word. Any lay person can read the Nuremberg Cofe and instantly understand that all of the double talk in the world can not obscure the fact that any mandates are in direct violation.

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That is just about perfect. Let's get it into our body of law, or better yet our bill of rights.

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Far is I know it already is. This is an international agreement and I think governments have that nationalized. But of course you got to find a judge who knows this and is willing to judge along those lines.

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❤️ that idea

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A Nuremberg Code Amendment to the United States Constitution

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Something like this absolutely crucial.

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agreed. everything could go wrong AND we are not tracking most of it! CDC and FDA did not set up a rock solid tracking system to track adverse effects from these new technology experimental injections. "Oh, we have VAERS", they said. 17,000 deaths now reported in VAERS and that number is likely only a small fraction of the true number of deaths from the vaccine because VAERS is under utilized, most doctors either don't know about it, or don't want to take the 30 to 45 minutes it takes to enter an adverse reaction into VAERS. And VAERS is tracking only short term effects. What about effects a year, two years, ten years later? We will find out, but we will never be able to say for sure that these are the effects of the vaccines because no one is tracking the vaccinated long term and we don't even have an official long term control group. Everything could go wrong and it probably will.

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Excess deaths is the only metric that will be able to point to the problem, as long as we have a robust control group. Guess why they are so adamant about getting everyone vaxxed? They dropped the control group in the trials after the approval. Without the control group, they can blur the narrative to keep the con going.

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WE, the unjabbed, are the control group now.

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Even without a true control group, can't they see (as we see) that people who would not normally die, are dying with no explanation? 12, 15, 16 year olds, 23, 35, 42 year olds otherwise healthy. Observation is also part of the science!

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Science, yes

$cience, no.

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damn right IR!

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There is an independent control group that was formed in the UK about 6 months ago and covers international participants. They are very active and have interest now from scientific groups. Of course, Reuters ‘fact check’ says it’s not ‘recognised’ by institutional standards. However, it’s been a Noah’s Ark for those of us to gather our far flung group together. https://www.vaxcontrolgroup.com/

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We will have to track ourselves. Make journals, take our own TPR's ( Temp, Pulse, Respiration) and CRT's(Capillary Refill Times). Document what is happening to us. We know ourselves better than any doctor does anyway.

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I get where you're coming from, but don't fight to the death for people who would gladly kill you and see you dead at the hands of the state by action or inaction. That's misplaced nobility and just stupid.

There's enough of us needing voices and heroes that don't think you should be denied medical care or basic human rights. Maybe give us 100% first, then throw the brownshirts a bone later.

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Call me old-fashioned, but you either believe that we are born with free-will and the right to exercise it, or you don't. One of the reasons that everyone is sniping at each other right now is a failure to be consistent. You either believe in freedom or you don't. I'm confident that if, as in the past, a vast swath of our citizens believed that right to exercise free will was paramount to all other rights, we wouldn't be facing many of the challenges we are at the present moment. Parasites can only destroy those they have sucked in, one inch at a time.

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There is no scenario in our current reality where anyone would be denied the "right" to receive these "vaccines." These are the same people that hate your desire for freedom. Feed them your hand if you want. No one on the other side of this argument is having their freedom stolen from them- they willingly gave it up and now hate those of us who will not be slaves.

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Agreed. If they choose to get the vaccine, it's their right. Just as an alcoholic may choose to drink poison on a daily basis.

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I'm for legalizing all drugs for consenting adults of sound mind. And making it extremely illegal to drive or do other things that endanger others while intoxicated with them. The problem will Darwin itself out.

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Well.. Darwin in his own magnus opus Origin of Species (the full title is quite revealing), refuted himself repeatedly, too bad my other computer is down so i can't get the parts out of the book to share with you.

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@Glittermouth- I've been saying that for years now; legalize ALL drugs and sanction them like alcohol (also a drug).

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There is also the concept of the right to refuse medical treatment. Alas, governments are moving in the opposite direction. To use Joseph Carroll's analogy below, forcing everybody to drink alcohol whether they want to or not.

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please do not insult the parasites. the ones who created all this are way below the parasites.

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Just wanted to add, Scripturally, it's free moral agency/choice, not free will, one is from God, the other is from philosophers who stole from God and modified free moral choice into free will, there is a difference between the two, one is pure and from the Lord, the other poisoned by man to serve his faux noble needs.

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Sounds legit

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Is that sarcasm?

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No. Makes sense.

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Free will? Pursue happiness (with in the bounds of civil law) is not free will.

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Must have missed that in the Declaration of Independence. You know, the clause that states any group of idiots can pass a “civil law” and negate your right to your life, property, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That, of course, assumes you are not infringing ok someone else’s rights to same.

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The original states "pursuit of property" - See "Redeeming the Strawman" by Baptist preacher Kent Hovind.

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But the adopted one says "....the pursuit of happyness".

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Some valid points indeed.

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Hear hear

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And yet here we are with job mandates, school mandates, travel restrictions , etc. and now an eua for 5-11. This is mind blowing and frightening and maddening.

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Speaking of felonious pharmaceutical companies, I came across this article today. I found it very interesting.


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Wow great to see something like this from pro publica. bookmarked.

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Roger that.

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Well said.

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Well i guess i somewhat agree with you in some ways.

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"side effects notwithstanding" is a pretty big one. If it kills or cripples you, and you didn't need it in the first place, was there any cost benefit whatsoever?

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who really needs it? i am not even convinced that folks with comorbidities should take it. guess who told us they should, the jab makers and fauci, screw that.

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Exactly. If you’re frail or immune compromised, seems like the last thing you want is a toxic protein floating around in your body and causing further suppression, even if it’s only temporary.

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sister of close friend of mine had some health issues, adult onset diabetes for one. She was on several meds. 2 days after her second Moderna jab she died in her sleep. So yeah, the more unhealthy you are, the more danger you are in from the spike.

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what a tragedy, it breaks my heart bc you know the f'in jab did it. i want these subhumans to pay that brought all this death and destruction to the world. i hope you friend is coping after losing her sister and that you all stay safe and healthy in the months to come.

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Yup David, mike drop!!!!!

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well you'd be out of your job and probably dead soon, so out of their way...boom done

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That question is the new "to be or not to be."

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I think that is why we are all here. It just doesn't make sense (what you just said). It is mind boggling how others believe this is right.

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Would not take it even then!

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they would go bankrupt.

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FDA panelist Dr. Ruben: "We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That's the way it goes." Doctors are now the biggest gamblers in history. On our dime.

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Remember also he was talking about 5-11 year old children...

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N soon, toddlers and infant 😡

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When will kinetic war begin... i keep wondering.

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Yes, yesterday on twitter, or this morning early, i was able to download a picture of Rubin stating this, so wickedly evil..... "Rubin"... another small hat, interesting how the CEO of Pfizer, Moderna and these others in FDA, CDC etc, these ultra slimy vipers and serpents are all small hats.

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On our LIVES.

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Violent revolutions have been fought over less.

These people better hope and pray this turns out okay.

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While they make millions like Fauci et al and Pharma makes billions

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Life is not fair, especially to good and honest hard working people. The evil ones go on and on without a care in the world. But I have to believe, to have any sort of sanity, that fauci and his ilk will have a price to pay, a retribution so bad that we could not even conceive of it.

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They have seats reserved in Hell

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Yes they do David.

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You are correct in remaining in your belief that they "will have a price to pay, a retribution so bad that we could not even conceive of it." ... this is exactly it Goose, and like @David stated, they have seats reserved in the dimension of the second death and but back to what you stated, it will be inconceivable the ineffable damnation and perdition that is reserved for them.

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Yes, because anything less would not be justice, IMHO.

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"You won't know what's in it until you read it."

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He actually said this?! And that didn't get anyone's attention?

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It got plenty of attention in the the same circles that no one with power had been listening to for 20 months.

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BTW there is no mRNA in the Pfizer or Moderna "vaccines." There is an mRNA-like molecule, but not mRNA. They modified the molecule (used N-methylpseudouracil rather than Uracil) so that the body could not break down the molecule like mRNA. This likely causes some subset of people to produce the spike protein for far longer than intended, because we all have differing abilities to break down foreign substances. I am a censored M.D.

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Yes true and the lipid nano particle covering on the “replicant”to allow it to be absorbed by the blood stream and helps to move it around - yikes😳 some researcher friends of mine( i too am a doctor) call it the new mercury

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thank goodness we have some mds here that have not lost their minds. what happened to your colleagues?

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They have always been robots for big Pharma, and frankly not that bright to begin with, it is just obvious to more people noww.

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I wish I could shake people awake! Since the start of this I’ve been trying.

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makes you wonder how they passed the GRE or MCAT...

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There is a big difference between the ability to memorize facts and to use those facts in novel ways to analyze problems in such a way that the process reflects sound judgement. 90 % of physicians are lemmings repeating a narrative that they have been fed.

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Was the lipid nanoparticle the stuff that concentrated in the ovaries of the one animal distribution study that was done? Have the shots had an impact on male or female fertility? Does anyone know?

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The lipid nanoparticles have definitely been found to collect in the ovaries. Anyone who even dreams of giving that to a little girl is out their frickin mind.

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Hey.....the good news is lipid nanoparticles cross the blood-brain barrier!


If deltoid muscle fibers do a good job making spike protein then brain cells and ovarian cells probably do a fine job too....that is until they are recognized by your body's own killer T-cells as foreign and terminated. They'll grow back, right?

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General rule of thumb: nerves do not regenerate. Neither does heart muscle. There may be others.

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remember the chants and whisperings of gates and schwab, " depop and eugenics, depop and eugenics......"

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stay tuned, in time we will find out.

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This has to be the reason for the worse side effect profile for Pfizer/Moderna vs J&J -- yet no one seems to care about this obvious problem.

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(if you're really dark, you wonder if this is the reason J&J got paused early on...)

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There's no question Fauci was in the tank for Pfizer and made life as difficult for J&J as possible. We see this in his leaked emails.

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The 3 Ds of vaccines are Dose, Distribution, and Duration. And we have no real idea what is going on with any of the 3 Ds with these shots.

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3 Ds of this jab: Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest

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For me i would state Disease, Dysgenics, Death.

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When the “Jab” was first explained to me, that the Jab causes the body to make spike proteins, I wondered, “what makes the body stop?”

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I also wondered what parts of the body. How many cells, which cells, where for how long? My dimwit primary care doctor either never thought of that or didn't want to think of that.

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I have read that the spike production generated by the vaxx is completely uncontrolled and uncontrollable. Some people are still cranking them out days later.

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Some people have been observed to shed exosomes with spike protein 4 MONTHS later.

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Fox 3 that's very interesting - are you able to give me some more specifics about how different the mRNA-like molecule is to mRNA?

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Thank you for explaining that they modified the mRNA. My early research indicated that mRNA quickly breaks down, so I dismissed the claims that spike proteins could be produced for a long time and consequently got the jab. The number of lies is mind boggling...

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"A prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike RNA vaccine is highly immunogenic and prevents lung infection in non-human primates"


"We report the preclinical development of BNT162b2, a lipid-nanoparticle (LNP) formulated N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA) vaccine candidate that encodes P2 S with a native furin cleavage site resulting in the S1 and S2 cleavage fragments (Fig. 1a). The m1Ψ-modification dampens innate immune sensing, and, together with optimised non-coding sequence elements, increases RNA translation in vivo."

So, "dampens innate immune sensing" is another way of saying it bypasses the ways in which the body would detect its presence and eliminate it, and "increases RNA translation" is another way of saying it endures through the translation process to produce more proteins overall, right?

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Thanks for the link Polemos - very helpful.

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Thus synthetic correct since it's N-methylPSEUDOuracil?

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Everybody is playing God. Or at least Stalin. I just learned today that the Special Olympics Committee of Virginia is requiring the vaxx for its upcoming basketball and bowling seasons. My autistic son will be heartbroken as he is not getting the vaxx. Astonishing that an organization supposedly dedicated to the well-being of special needs people would be so intellectually lazy and callous.

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Everyone's playing SATAN with our kids lives...only pure evil would mandate injection for kids with toxic spike proteins.

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Satan always targets kids.

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I'm giving 'mandate' a new definition! SEXUAL ASSAULT...Have sex with me or lose your job. coercing ppl to get injected is pretty damn intimate. Shows you the mentality of Biden and Crew--the new Harvey Weinstein.

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you are doing the RIGHT thing. he'll see it later.

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Depends on how autistic he is. If he's mild, then this will be an unnecessary psychological hit because he'll know and understand.

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nope, I'm beginning to label them pedophiles...that is when you single-out and intentionally take advantage of children. All while you are grooming the parents with BS in order to gain access to the children!

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indeed, keep that poison out of your son.

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I'm sorry. It's hideous.

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I am amazed at how many supposedly intelligent people just don’t want to hear this and seem incapable of listening to reason.

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“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.” -Lord Byron

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There are places that science should not go and "dabbling" with our imune system is one of them. Using children as testing subjects is another. This whole things stinks; stay out of bat caves, make simple medications that you can explain and don't fuck with Mother Nature, got it?

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Lmao 🤣🤣

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The old saying ..." Just because you can does not mean you have to".....falls on deaf ears.

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Something bothers me.

I know that Alex doesn't believe in conspiracy theories and that he does believe that every stupid and draconian measure taken by the government are only guided by despair and money, but let's take a look on the political side of the vaccines.

Why in the hell the Democrats criticized the "Trump's vaccine" in 2020 (there's plenty of videos of them being totally skeptical on these vaccines) and now they are forcing them to every citizen on earth?

Why did they change sides on this matter?

I mean, it looks like that as soon as a President takes power, he is allowed to alter the politics and governance of uncountable subjects, but in some of them he simply cannot interfere. He must sit tight and follow the script, which was prepared long time ago.

I don't know man, it seems that everything is a big theater. It's just a show. And we are just watching actors playing their roles.

I'll be honest with you all, the way these people justify their stupid actions, ignoring simple logic and common sense, pushing outdated vaccines to fight new variants, endless ineffective boosters, demanding vaccines passports that don't prevent transmission, the total complacency of the MSM on every aspect of their lunacies, etc. To me, this is not a behavior of people in despair having no clue about the next step, this is a behavior of sociopaths pushing an agenda no matter what.

If I'm right (and I do think I am), critical editorials and bombshell articles won't stop them. Even evidences and studies from the "real science" won't.

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That’s just how I feel. Since Biden took office it’s been - damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the agenda.The day after Biden’s election my blood ran cold when I heard Chuck Schumer on the streets proclaiming that they would now”fundamentally change the United States.” And. That’s exactly what they are doing.

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Yes, I think there's an agenda: control. Take-away-your-freedom passes are a part of that.

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Thank you for braving these very difficult subjects, and explaining it so well. This is the kind of step by step comparison that has been missing for those who are seeking to explain why they might have taken other medicines, but are reluctant to take this one.

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I subscribed just now to say that it seems like G. Vanden Bosshe's (and Sucharit Bhakdi's) early hypotheses are slowly being proven correct...

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And now they are poised to give millions of children these mRNA vaccines. Does anyone recall that short story by Shirley Jackson called The Lottery? The Lottery is now a true story.

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Yes, I just read some of her books. "Lottery" is probably the most famous of her short stories. "We Have Always Live in the Castle" was an interesting horror novel, better than "Hill House" in my opinion.

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Agreed about we have always lived in the castle

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I was thinking of that story in this context! You're spot on.

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Attended a Truth over Fear Summit about 6 months ago and they had several experts talk about the possibility of this very thing happening. Dr. Lee Merritt, whom I thought was a little on the conspiracy theory side.....turns out not so much. The fact that these experimental gene therapies do not act like regular vaccines was a red flag for us to begin with. Now we are at the point that we do not trust the CDC, the FDA nor the NIH I feel like I'm in the twilight zone waiting for this nightmare to end. I watched Dr. Martin Kulldorff's interview with Epoch Times, although I do not agree with him on the vaccines, he does not trust the medical community right now. If you get a chance watch it. He helped write the public health guidelines for the CDC and he is the author of the Great Barrington Declaration. He has been stunned from the beginning that the CDC and Fauci hasn't followed public health guidelines that have been in place for decades. He also pointed out that the CDC is not doing their own data mining, or their own studies on anything. He is not surprised that many people have lost trust in just about every institution we used to trust. My point is this, the more we learn the more I realize I'm not crazy for not wanting to ge these experimental gene therapies.

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So Fauci hasn't followed public health guidelines to fast track the covid vaccines, but simultaenously demands that those guidelines be followed for ivermectin, hcq etc. And many pharmacists are now refusing to fill prescriptions for these comparatively safe and effective treatments. Falling in line nicely. To me, this is the tell. Either this is a global emergency or it isn't. It should be all hands on deck for any and all plausibly effective treatments. Instead we get a giant financial conflict of interest that endangers everyone's health. Why would anyone who can read trust CDC, FDA or NIH and especially the WHO. Thank you Dianna, great post.

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Evidently "Brought to you by Pfizer" actually means that our free press has become the PR department for anyone who foots the bill for million dollar presenters (I will not call them journalists). It's all propaganda. Bad enough when the CIA bought justification for a war, now you can't watch anything on network or cable without being inundated with drug ads. I keep hearing about the Great Reset - well maybe we should have a Reset of our own design.

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I swear that early on, I could have been convinced to get vaccinated. But the more I learn, the more certain I am that I will do anything not to have that needle shoved in my arm. No wonder they have to resort to "mandates." These are really frightening times that I never thought I would live to see.

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I feel exactly the same. I considered it initially. Went back and forth. Then decided...meh I'll wait and see. Give it a few months. My first issue was hearing it didn't last long. So I figured I would just wait until before return to office. Then more months passed and there was a booster...then another. Talk of firing people. Now FDA approval for 5+. Now I'm entrenched - no way am I getting this. I have 5 kids. We've already sold some property and downsized. My company will likely require it...which Is completely insane because many are already "unvaxxed" based on time that has passed, but they still are laser focused on 2 doses (of a variant that is long gone!!) Then we all got covid in Sept and recovered. Just recently I began to worry they would mandate for children to go to school. TLDR. I'm fine to get fired. I've accepted that may be what happens and thankfully we are in the position to take that blow and turn to educate our kids if needed. All this is just a long way of me saying I've gotten much further from getting this vaccine as time has gone on.

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Good for you that you have the freedom to be fired . Can I ask what state you are in? Im in CA , planning to remove our son from public school in the fall. I’m even willing to leave the state but my husband is refusing this option now.

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I'm in NC. Oddly enough, it's all the kids that make this feasible lol I'm a professional, so have kept working for what is basically long term advantages. With all the expenses that go along with that. I just don't bring home a lot of extra money when all is said and done. It's nice to have for sure, but we are also okay without it. I still feel like it's giving up a lot as far as future earnings etc. But it will also benefit my kids, and I think eventually will work out fine. Maybe it ends up that our kids will be safe in NC...I don't know. I wish you the best!! I don't think I could do CA. Ugh...

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I love California but hate what it’s becoming thanks to the progressives who have turned the cities into homeless encampments everywhere .

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Because I'm nearly 70, I went ahead and got vaccinated but my 33 year old son refuses. And I am right there supporting his decision.

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the new definition for 'mandate'...SEXUAL ASSAULT! Have sex with me or lose your job. Being coerced into this vaccine is pretty damn intimate. Biden/Fauci ARE the new faces of the likes of Harvey Weinstein. This is exactly the analogy of what is driving these People, sickening evil from too much power...it corrupts.

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The head pharmacist (and a doctor) in a Cortez, CO Safeway last week picked up the mic and announced to the shoppers that she was quitting her job at that moment because she could not continue to give the Covid vaccines. She had seen them cause injury and death. She said they are poison. Really happened. Someone made a video of her speaking.

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Phenomenal article Alex! One should read about the dangers of nucleotide radicals in the bloodstream as well. We are in a very dangerous world. And now we will be giving this experiment to our most vulnerable (kids) who’s immune systems (along with all of their other systems: neuro, cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, etc..) are developing. I hope and pray to God that parents do NOT give this to their children.

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I think the drug companies have realised they have to go for almost 100% vaccine uptake to cover themselves.

If they get really close to 100%, then everything that follows can be blamed on covid. If there's a substantial chunk of the population not vaxxed, then the future rises in rates of MS/cancer/vascular disease/etc in only the vaxxed pop will be quite clear.

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My husband says the exact same thing. If there is no control group, the experimental vaxx drugs will never be blamed for anything.

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He sounds like an exceptionally smart man. Probably good-looking too!

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I'm beginning to liken all of this to a sexual assault! You say NO but it goes ignored, you're seduced with BS and then coerced, bribed, mocked, forced and any other trickery that can be thought up (predator) and then Mandated (have sex with me or lose your job)! And don't even get me started on an analogy for the children. YUCK, these evil predators all about $$$, no lie too big and no torture too great to inflict on innocent ppl. 100% Victimization of the world. And ppl are still defending it...because they're still in shock and shame that they have been taken advantage of. Surely they weren't that stupid and maybe they caused it? So subconsciously they have to defend their "abuser".

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It's actually a good analogy. I saw something like this about domestic abuse / bullying, which 90% matched up with what the government was trying to do regarding vaccines.

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Haha, yeah it was something like that, but that's perfect. Actually chilling to read.

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A simple no should suffice in both cases, for sure.

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Alex, Pfizer just vaccinated the control group in its clinical trial of 5-11 year-olds as well! This is despite the fact that no child in either the vaxxed or unvaxxed group had suffered serious illness, hospitalization or death from Covid-19. Thus, Pfizer's own clinical trial showed that the unvaxxed were no more at risk from the virus than the vaxxed.

Usually, these companies say they simply HAD to offer the vaccine to the control group because the virus was so dangerous, it would be unethical NOT to give EVERYONE the vaccine. In this case, there was no way to make that argument. Yet, Pfizer vaccinated its control group anyway, with consent from the FDA.

They really, really don't want any control groups laying around, do they? Heaven forbid that independent researchers would be able to come along and do a vaxxed vs. unvaxxed comparison of health outcomes.

The government and drug companies have been playing this same game, at our expense, for 30 years. You can read about it here:


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But cheap, off-patent, re-purposed drugs must not be used because double-blind RTCs!

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Yes, the double-standard is ridiculous!

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Commonly called repressive tolerance. Completely intentional.

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And Pfizer's trial of 5-11 year old children lasted two months...

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Yep, they've been playing that game for 30 years as well. Keep it small, short and sweet. Vaccinate the control group at the end. We can find out whether the vaccine is actually safe as soon as we approve it and start vaccinating everybody.

That's the strategy, and they admitted as much at the FDA meeting on Tuesday.

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The real trial is about to begin on 28,000,000 children.

The Pfizer Jab will reduce the risk of Covid 19 death from essentially ZERO to way More than ZERO once these shots roll out. It will be vaccine induced Deaths blamed on Covid 19, and they will say " see, we rolled it just in time for the Winter Wave. The Kool-Aid drinkers will lap it up!

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and see this great analysis about the risks to kids from a doctor in Vermont https://myemail.constantcontact.com/COVID-and-OUR-YOUTH.html?soid=1132747210161&aid=ZhIAPNYoVQ8

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Thank you for this resource!

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those not jabbed at any age are now the control group.

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I'm happy to be part of such then.

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Nothing could go wrong because if it does we’ll be told it’s a success, over and over and over. After all this is America and we never admit mistakes or hold decision makers accountable it would be unfair. My nephew was given a punishment for not wearing his mask at his private Catholic school. The Principle gave my nephew 30 days of trash pickup. His response was “then I guess I’ll be picking up trash for the rest of the year.

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Whitney Webb is writing an excellent series on Moderna and how they came to be a producer of the mRNA vaccine. To me asking your body to produce the toxic protein that has been identified as the very thing that makes SARS COV2 so deadly would be like inviting Charles Manson over to cook thanksgiving dinner.

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Really admire Webb. She does great work.

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Happy to be in the "control" group.

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Today, we had another lunch-time rally for people facing termination from work for refusing to get jabbed. How sad, many nurses, healthcare workers, NASA scientists, government contractors, first-responders and military people facing getting fired because they know that something's rotten in Denmark (and, the US). Then, later, after work hours, we had a street-side rally with somewhere around 200 people holding signs and waiving to cars passing by, saying, "save our jobs!" Most disheartening is the moms with your school-age children; some probably single-moms, who do not want to risk their health to further this ungodly agenda. Our town, Huntsville, Alabama, is largely dependent upon government work. So, we may have a disproportionately large population of workers facing the mandates. News outlets are, for the most part, ignoring this huge problem. This who are not yet facing this, you need to get informed and get involved. They'll be coming for you next and there won't be anyone left to help you when you object.....

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Hold the line. We know Huntsville having lived there 10 weeks while my husband did a faculty fellowship at NASA, so I can picture exactly what you're saying about the dependence on government jobs.

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agreed. And the news outlets are not only ignoring but actively promoting a counter-narrative to what is actually happening - mainstream media has become the hypnotist of society for a quick buck and the right to stay on the air.

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Curious what you think when Reagan issued a executive order for all federal workers and federal contractors to get drug tested in order to get a job or keep their job? I'm sure your ilk were in favor of stuff like that back then. We've been peeing in cups ever since. Because, you know, we've got to have a drug free workplace, or something.

Biden's executive order is philosophically similar to Reagan's. Although personally I think peeing in a cup is more invasive than attesting to whether you got a jab.

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Nah, back then I was smoking (a lot of) pot and didn't like the drug testing one bit. But, come on man, even Raygun's EO was very limited, sort of voluntary, and test results couldn't be used for criminal prosecution. Reagan did much worse to further the liberal leftist agenda destroy our Constitutional Republic than the drug test EO.

vaccines or bioweapons? part 1


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Dude, Reagan's EO for mandatory drug testing has the exact same scope as Biden's current EO for vaccines: They both cover federal employees and federal contractors. (There has been a proposed EO for private sector companies but that's not been issued yet.)

Huge corporations loved Reagan's EO so much, that they decided to do their own mandatory drug testing on their employees.

Rejecting a vaccine isn't criminalized either, so I'm not sure why you're bringing up criminalization. The idea that we have criminalized the possession or ingestion of certain substances that government has deemed "dangerous" is another matter entirely. That's why I think the federal government's "drug war" was - and continues to be - a far bigger intrusion on freedom and human rights than these vaccine mandates are.

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The "drug war" is entirely treaty based. Look it up. Largely liberal, leftist democrats who pushed the treaties. Do your research. Yes, some conservative groups have opposed across-the-board legalization. Slippery slope. How about heroin, fentanyl, lsd? IDK, seems like a lot of kids would be injured and die. But, you know what, all of that pales in comparison to the silent coups the hard-core leftist socialists are trying to impose as I type. If they succeed, yes, we'll all need drugs, lots and lots of drugs...

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Drug criminalization historically has been bi-partisan, but Nixon and Reagan ratcheted it up, both rhetorically and legislatively. I can't believe kids were forced to take those stupid DARE classes. Talk about indoctrination. Thank you, Reagan.

The recent drug decriminalization movement has been coming from both the left and from libertarians. People are finally realizing how stupid it is, and now you're even seeing some red states decriminalizing pot. The MAGAs are still very much pro-drug-war. They wished Trump would have been more like the Philippines president, Duterte.

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No, sorry, that is incorrect. The first International Opium Convention (The Hague, 1912) and other later treaties negotiated by the League of Nations (predecessor to the United Nations, 1919-1946) -- which are all socialist, leftist organizations -- began what you now refer to as "the war on drugs". As has always been the case, it is the globalist, leftist, socialist who want to dominate the drug market and do so by treaty. Domestic laws merely implement the treaty policies.

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Peeing in a cup does not violate your bodily autonomy. Being forced or coerced into having an experimental biological gene therapy agent injected into your body does.

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Why not? Bodily autonomy goes both ways. If someone wants to smoke pot in their spare time, what right does the employer have to know about that? You should have the bodily autonomy to smoke pot or take recreational drugs in your spare time and not have it affect your employment.

Peeing in a cup is also a much bigger invasion of privacy than a piece of paper stating you got the jab. The employer knows far more about your health situation from a urine test than a vaccine card

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You want the right to put into your body what you choose, which I'm not arguing against. But surely you are not arguing in favor of other people forcing into your body what they want.

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I'm arguing for consistency in your beliefs. Most of the current crop of anti-vaxxers were very pro-drug-war during the 1980s. They act like they're being persecuted now, but they were the ones doing the persecuting back then during the Reagan era.

I would argue that the drug war was much worse. It is criminalized (and still is, for most drugs, even pot in some states). The idea that you can actually be thrown in jail for ingesting something -- or even just possessing it -- is about as anti-freedom and authoritarian as it gets.

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Pot smokers would do themselves a favor to support the (mostly Christian) employees who refuse to get jabbed. It's counter-serving to defend vaccine mandates while advocating pot liberalization under the auspices of individual rights.

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Why should pot smokers support anti-vaxxers, when the current crop of anti-vaxxers were persecuting them back then?

Many anti-vaxxers are still big believers in criminalizing certain substances. They don't see the irony and contradictions in their beliefs. At least rejecting the vax isn't criminalized.

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Man, really, stop watching CNN and reading leftist pieces. On the scale of things, "right wing conservatives" just want government to (generally) leave everyone alone (closer to anarchy), while the "leftists" want bigger and bigger government, and more and more control. When I was young, I had it all backwards too. Plus, if you want to get pot decriminalized at the federal level you need to get up to speed on drug treaties; those are what will need to be changed before anything can happen with national drug crimes.

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Why is the support of pot smoking libertarian childless males important

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It is past time to remove the shield against liability bestowed upon the drug companies to spur the roll out of these "vaccines". Reinstate their liability and see how much they push for continued shots and boosters.

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As an early stage cancer survivor, I read articles about new research on metastasis since that is of great concern to me. Once these MRNA shots began being rolled out, i remembered a research article out of SloanKettering about a finding from their researchers that the function of suppressing cancer metastasis may be found more in MRNA than DNA. I refuse to inject these experimental drugs into my body until there is an actual randomized double blind controlled study on how they affect cancer survivors. In light of increased advanced cancers being diagnosed as cite by Dr Ryan Cole I remain highly suspicious. Until such time as I see that trial, I am informed and I do not consent.


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I wonder what the rate of those previously in remission who are now post jab and battling cancer once again, or have lost the battle post jab.

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it won't be counted, sadly :(

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We will never know. There is no money to be made in such a study. And the original control group, as limited as it was, was unblinded.

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One of the goals seems to be “ an increase in all-cause non-Covid mortality”.

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but we know the truth

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I might know 5 people I can persuade to even read this much. Can you imagine those "man in the street" people interviewed on tv shows trying to digest anything? I appreciate it though and will do what I can with it. Thank you!

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I certainly would not want to read it either if I had already been double jabbed and maybe gotten a booster as well. Take my in-laws for example who did exactly that. Neither I or my wife will bring it up with them when they get curious as to whether or not we got jabbed. We just say no, not yet, meaning never.

I was however able to convince my son that got double jabbed to knock it off with a few articles from here. He's a no on boosters.

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Thanks for sharing that. It's true indeed, if you already been double toxin-stabbed, and maybe even a booster, you'd be terrified to be asked to read something like this. The reason why so many GMO-injected people are pushy and adamant about you getting the killshots also, is because deep down they fear they made a grave mistake and do *not* want to be alone in their choice. If they go down, you have to go down with them. It is inconceivable that you made the right choice and they didn't. They "followed the science." YOU have to be wrong. Even if you are right, you have to be killshot also so everybody suffers equally.

Glad you were finally able to get to your son, sure hope the Lord spares him what is coming from what is already coursing through his veins and blood. Show your son the blood samples from Dr. Flemming - put some real fear into him what he did for not obeying you which you warned him (if you did) not to get the shots;

Dr. Fleming: Covid Jab Destroys Red Blood Cells - Now, research scientist, Dr. Richard Fleming, has has tested the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine on fresh human blood samples in-vitro and made a string of nightmare discoveries confirming the medical community's findings. To find out more about this ground-breaking research, visit Fleming-Method.com.


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I can. Even my ‘science’ people/friends won’t look at it.

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Their TV told them it was safe dontchaknow.

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Hey Adretto, surprisingly .. Fox has gained almost 2 million viewers in the last few months because of guys like Tucker more and more waking people up. Yea i know Murdoch elitist runs it... but when you are on the truth seeking journey, and if you are an NWO investigator (i have been for a while), you already know Fox has a certain level of truth on the level they cover, and as i stated, at least they are actually helping the recently awakened at least become more aware if they watch Tucker. Of course you have to continue in growing in getting harder and harder truth but even me as a NWO investigator for a while.. i'm surprised actually how much more Tucker is revealing but of course there are still things that of course they will not cover.

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I love Fox!

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LOL. Adretto, I watch Fox!

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They won't look at it because of something like this;

The reason why so many GMO-injected people are pushy and adamant about you getting the killshots also, is because deep down they fear they made a grave mistake and do *not* want to be alone in their choice. If they go down, you have to go down with them. It is inconceivable that you made the right choice and they didn't. They "followed the science." YOU have to be wrong. Even if you are right, you have to be killshot also so everybody suffers equally.

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my docs wont even consider it,

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I would expect of course not if he is paid to be a consultant for the shots and related. Or because of the superiority complex coupled w/ fear that he was quite wrong and couldn't handle it.

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I am finishing reading your post and up pops an email from National Geographic with a headline that says "COVID-19 has killed nearly 5 million people—and the pandemic is far from over

As the world confronts another tragic milestone, experts say the death toll and collateral damage will rise unless vaccines are delivered swiftly." Really?? WTH are the "experts" looking at? It's so unbelievable.

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The same few large institutional investors (Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street...) own Disney/National Geographic and all the other major media outlets. These same large owners also own the majority of Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and the other Big Pharma companies. Bottom line, the media and pharma (as well as all the major processed food companies that promote chronic illness) are all owned by the same entities. Their interests are aligned. "The pandemic is far from over" is a shameless propagandist message to keep us all in fear and promote poisoning ourselves annually with Covid vaccines. It's reprehensible. Sadly the govt (White House, FDA., CDC, NIH) is an integral player. If this were about our health, there would be much more discussion of quitting poisonous junk food, increasing exercise, Vitamin D, etc. We need to take our health into our own hands and reject their agenda.

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All too true. My progressive friends think they're getting solid impartial "news" from the New York Times. The New York times is a member of the "Trusted News Initiative" along with Google/You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, and major global media. They are driving a global vaccine agenda and human health and wellbeing don't seem to be a major consideration. Very sad.

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Yep. I’m working on my health practices because of this, it’s really important to keep our immune system and health in tiptop shape as possible be able to weather the storm

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'Invented a product, tested it for a short period of time on a small amount of people and now forcing it on healthy individuals who are at relatively low risk...'

Just sheer madness 🤮🤮🤮

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Hey, that’s my moniker for Green Spew Zeal, but you can use it too…


The vomit is for these leftist scumbags using this alleged climate issue to destroy humans even more…

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I've never used it, but this whole thing demands it🙄

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My go to these days is what we’re hearing in stadiums and protest when Biden stumbles through one of his lectures…

🖕👴, and

🇺🇸 is 🔩’ed

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as he goes around maskless spitting on people......

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he needs a drool cup!

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You mean "LET'S GO, BRANDON!!!"? ;)

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The hardest part of the pandemic was losing faith in the medical establishment, the media, big tech, our government, big pharma, all exposed. As a retired RN I had some respect for medicine at least, but even that is gone. Thankfully, with Substack, Revolver, The Liberty Daily there is still some access to accurate information.

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In conversation with a molecular biologist recently I was blown away by the incredible complexity of communication networks between cells all over the body - communication pathways that have only recently been discovered - and the amazing role of T-cells in orchestrating neurons in a type of 'wireless' conversation. The details are beyond me, but what stood out is our very blunt instruments of intervention and what we don't know about an incredibly complex, non-linear system such as our body. As much as mRNA technology is 'cutting edge' and 'sophisticated', compared to the body it's impacting, it's a blunt instrument - and we really have no idea what's downstream.

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What are they going to say when a country gets to 100% vaccinated and they have lock down the population with restricted travel of only vaccinated people and they still have cases?

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Mission accomplished!

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"Third doses will not be required for access to restaurants, theatres and other public spaces that require the B.C. vaccine card." For now. Until they reach the magic 70%, then it's back to the boots-stomping-on-your-face phase.

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I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.

Some come from ahead and some come from behind.

But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.

Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!

Dr. Seuss

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It's all so horrifying and now they are coming after our kids! It seems like there is no end to the people in my life having another family member or friend have a medical event. My parents friend died in his sleep and he was in his 50's, a friend in Oregon texts me today saying her father in law had a massive stroke and drove through his house and then laid in his house for over 24 hours. Now he's dying in the hospital. Yes, all had the shot. I guess sure, this always happens but I really haven't known so many in such a short time.

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its the jab, if it looks, quacks and acts like a duck, its a duck.

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Me as well, sorry to read that. Sigh... man... it is stated if you do not learn the easy way you always learn the hard way, why must some be so prideful stubborn/beyond correction or naive and foolish w/ some pride (pride spiritually blinds us to our own destruction = Book of Proverbs) to have to learn the hard way when they had the easy way. Again sorry to read that, i keep these types of things in daily prayers.

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All we can do at this point.

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sorry it is awful

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Very good information. I actually watched a video where the doctor injected saline into blood to watch through high powered microscope and then the pfizer vaccine into another sample to compare them. It showed in real time the hemoglobin being affected and the cells turning white in a pretty short amount of time (I think a minute or so). He also showed just the Pfizer vaccine under the microscope and while there weren't any alien eggs or other life forms floating around, there was a ton of garbage floating in the vax that should not of passed quality control. I figure since they see us as a bunch of expendable worthless lab rats they don't bother giving us pristine shots.

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They have scaled up production so fast it is not surprising that there is crap in the jabs.

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Spoiler there has always been crap in all old timey vaccines as well- adjuncts” lets try this as a preservative” , different hosts to replicate the virus- lets try monkeys this time ( oh how about picking up other viruses you weren't looking for)😳

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Hey it's just a trace of mercury...can't do any harm.

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Facts. Exactly, mercury is toxic and melts away brain tissue, i saw this on a microscope video years ago of how they introduced the amount of mercury in the shots into the brain of a rat, and within seconds, it ate away the brain tissue.

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Oncogenic simian virus mak babby brian more smarterer

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You mean yours or?

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Have you read The Virus and the Vaccine or Dr. Mary’s Monkey

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Do you have the link to this video? I've seen people present still images of "parasites" and metal contaminants that look exactly like phosphate complexes and salts you'd expect to see in the vaccines. So far, I've been looking for someone to record a video on scope that's not sensationalized, but hadn't found anything.

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Thank you!

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Here's some for you;

Dr. Fleming: Covid Jab Destroys Red Blood Cells - Now, research scientist, Dr. Richard Fleming, has has tested the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine on fresh human blood samples in-vitro and made a string of nightmare discoveries confirming the medical community's findings. To find out more about this ground-breaking research, visit Fleming-Method.com.


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I'm pretty sure this is the one, https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=617805b37031df173f85c2d9 I'm somewhat doubtful about it. Fleming has some interesting things to say, but in this case he assembles a bunch of facts without really building an argument for anything specific. Other than to say that this vaccine is bad stuff, but I don't think he even supports that idea very well.

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Thank you. Well, I'm happy that he wasn't dramatic about it, noting the crystal structures and LNPs.

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If you watch that video and then re-read Alex's article it all makes sense. At least it did to me.

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For such a judgment, what are your honest credentials on the matter?

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the lab rats have more life value to me than they do.

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You mean this right Katie?

Dr. Fleming: Covid Jab Destroys Red Blood Cells - Now, research scientist, Dr. Richard Fleming, has has tested the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine on fresh human blood samples in-vitro and made a string of nightmare discoveries confirming the medical community's findings. To find out more about this ground-breaking research, visit Fleming-Method.com.


Very true that since we are lab rats, we are expendable to them and worthless, but i would disagree getting "pristine" shots since vaccines and these new genetically altering mRNA injections are slow and fast kill weapons = silent weapons for quiet wars and quiet weapons for silent wars.

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I thought RFK had something interesting to say, and this was in his Alex Berenson Podcast where Alex was the reluctant guest (thinking RFK is a conspiracy nut). You could kind of feel Alex's hesitation and RFK was trying to inform him on vaccines (not covid) and how they cause a lot more harm than people know. He said "vaccines don't leave any fingerprints" and I'm sure that's the idea here. It's kind of Brilliant and Stupid at the same time. Gates/WEF think we are so stupid we aren't going to connect the vax to the deaths and they can keep creating man made pandemics via vax and no one will catch on? That the world can't see through "you'll own nothing and be happy". Most can figure out that someone is going to own everything and be MUCH happier. A lot of poor people are living in "free housing" and it's pretty shitty. The American dream is not to sit on your ass plugged into a VR set. People like working, the like creating, they need to strive, to fail, and ultimately eventually succeed.

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I yelled so much while listening to that podcast

Not Alex’s finest moment pearls before swine

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Disclaimer: there really is a lot of misinformation out there. Just because some fool makes a video, or a claim on a venue like this, doesn't make it true. Now, there is plenty of reason to suspect much of what the media tells us. But just because they're our "opponent" does not mean that people seemingly on our side are immune to the pitfalls of telling tall stories, passing on rumors, or outright lies for whatever motive. Odd-looking results under a microscope are just that -- odd because you're probably unfamiliar with such things. It might be perfectly normal, it might be a deliberate deception, or some other factor. In college biology one experiment we tried was observing red blood cells and adding substances that changed the salinity. In salty solution, the cells would wrinkle ("crenelation"); add water and they would explode ("lysis"). All that, due only to one factor changing: the salinity of the solution. We are highly influenced by word and (especially) image; but being influenced has zero bearing on the truth value of what is being presented.

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Dr. Fleming: Covid Jab Destroys Red Blood Cells - Now, research scientist, Dr. Richard Fleming, has has tested the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine on fresh human blood samples in-vitro and made a string of nightmare discoveries confirming the medical community's findings. To find out more about this ground-breaking research, visit Fleming-Method.com.


This isn't some small time doctor and scientist, he's actually sharply competent and authentically intelligent. You do make valid arguments, but just because Katie was a bit vague, doesn't mean what she stated falls into your non-credible category.

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Scaling up from small batches to cranking out bazillions of doses you're going to have impurities in what you inject. I found an article translated from German describing legal consideration of what could go wrong in the mass production of these shots. Eventually this will be taken seriously. But who really, in the general public, ever asks how small experimental products get scaled up to be fed to or injected into millions? Time to start.

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Be careful making solidified conclusions on such translations if they are done by software, not real people, i state this as a linguist who is formally and informally learned in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Canadian French, Italian (which is my background) and a touch of Spanish and Portuguese.

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It was not likely to be far off. All of it made sense. I have a background in industry/manufacturing and you didn't really need the lawyers to tell you what could go wrong.

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Probably your best post to date. Explains exactly why I didn't rush to get the jab when I first became "eligible". I wanted to wait a couple of years to see how things went. What was the real efficacy? What were the problems?

Of course, I had no idea the vaccines would be flagging after only a few months, never mind two years. And that the side-effect reporting system would be so ignored and disparaged by the mainstream.

My journey from "vaccine hesitant" to "vaccine refusenik" has been a short one.

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I'm scared.

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I had Covid in Dec 2020. I still have a vast amount of antibodies to date (286). I know this because I test them every 2 months thanks to my knowledge physician. Knowledge is power. (Quantitative IGg Sars Cov2 antibody test) Simple blood draw, send out 4 day turn around. HOWEVER- the more I read, the more I am certain I will not take these vaccines even if my antibodies drop to <0.8, because of the fetal cell lines that went into development. And the thought of that hurts my heart. I don’t want to live at some else’s expense.

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Society at large is

Completely mentally ill regarding covid, and we are rapidly loosing touch with reality. The psychological aspects of this scamdemic are amazing. We are screwed.

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Yeah, was just walking my dog and saw the neighbor who had the biggest "WE BELIEVE IN SCIENCE" sign backing out of her driveway wearing a mask alone in her car. We're doomed haha.

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Every week the news or the scientific community reveals some truth, or revelation and I think- Oh this Is it ! A turning point! People are going to wake up! Only to find nothing comes of it and people dig their heels in and double down even farther into their psychosis.

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Lol. I have a yard sign that reads “stand up, speak up, unmask our kids”. Today I received a package and the delivery person had written on it “unmask the kids, love it!”

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like a victim covering for her rapist

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Keep walking your dog, you both are doing just fine! Ignore the nut next door.

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The sheer scale of the vaccination is what makes this so scary. Billions of people in the world have been injected with something that has been tested for mere months. Should be a "fun" ride.

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Some thoughts...Ask yourself why the need to inject the entire world population. Then, who is pushing this agenda with the passionate intensity of a Jim Jones. And lastly what is the real objective. Clearly, this is not about a virus with a recovery rate of over 99%. Nor is it about money, because how many billions of dollars can one man spend in a lifetime. It isn’t about power either as they have that in abundance. There is only one thing money and power cannot buy and that is a lifespan long enough to exercise that power and money. Consider if these jabs are an experiment in altering human beings in varying ways deliberately, that we are all lab rats. Some/many of the rats will perish but population control is also an agenda item. What if the real agenda is transhumance and the extension of human life for some to biblical lifespans. We already have Sophia, an AI ‘life form’ recently made a citizen of Saudi Arabia. Kurt Schwab has told us we will own nothing and be happy... what if that includes not even having ownership of your own body? Far fetched? Not really. SCOTUS has already ruled that a genetically engineered entity can be patented. If you are genetically engineered, does it still hold? Rev. 9:6. "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

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Indeed. Just like sars-cov2, they never had an isolate of HIV either. The AIDS ‘epidemic’ was Fauci’s trail run at the plandemic. But this is nothing unusual for this bunch. The original polio vaccine was derived from African green monkeys illegally imported into the USA who carried cancer genes. They knew it and ignored it. Note how polio and GB syndrome are practically indistinguishable from each other.

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Yes. Based on Rev 9 I already think it might well be a kind of mass experiment ("the KEY of the shaft of the abyss was given to him"), the minimum being the mRNA stuff, and at worst, some of the more horrifying things we see in those BitChute videos (courtesy of Stew Peters). I'm kind of hoping it's ONLY the mRNA stuff. https://txti.es/fifthtrumpet

From a scriptural point of view, I've often wondered why God intends to throw those who have taken the "mark of the beast" and worship its image into the lake of fire. Seems a bit harsh, right? But if they have essentially ruined their own genome, then maybe not so harsh after all? I don't know. Either way, these vaccines and freedom passes look like good training and conditioning for people to blindly accept a "mark."

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Re a mark, MIT announced in 12/2019 a nano dot technology / tattoo that could carry your medical, financial, etc records. The development was funded by the Gates Foundation. Today, cell phone tracing ‘ social credit’ apps, tomorrow a mark in your body? Or just your body. Check out teslaphoresis at Rice Univ. Combine that with G5/Starnet, the jabs containing who really knows what, and Elon Musk...


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I saw the FDA committee in action for the 5-11 year old shot and I was not impressed by the level of debate.

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there should be no debate. no children jabbed, period end of story. touch my kid and i will kill you.

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Exactly, no debate, no children poison stabbed, period end of story. Well, self-defense and defending one's children wife, the elderly, the disabled, the sick, the fatherless, those who can't defend for themselves, is a Scriptural teaching when applied correctly.

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once again DL, you are a much better Christian than I could ever be. Right now I live in revenge mode. I know it, God knows it and that is just how it will be for some time. I want all their heads on a platter.

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Of course not, you have the rats jumping ship (the ones who resigned) and the ones who are morally bankrupt, chicken-hearted, gutless, spineless jellyfish hirelings of the govt who have sold themselves out to satan who voted 17-0 ... they will burn white hot in the Lake of Fire for eternity lest they repent truly.

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The current EUA vaccines are Gene Therapy (GT) drugs, which the FDA defines as those whose active ingredients are nucleic acids (DNA, RNA, mRNA) . Before COVID, FDA warned of GT drugs' potential to cause cancer and autoimmune disorders, suggesting a 15 yr follow up for cancers, especially leukemia. https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/long-term-follow-after-administration-human-gene-therapy-products

Since COVID, they seem to have lost their concern about the long-term cancer risk.

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My wife's dad had a low-level cancer for many years. Right after the vaxx he suddenly developed a severe leukemia which killed him. We wonder what role the vaccine could have had, but we'll never prove anything.

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Sorry about your father in law😞 Govt and Pharma love cases like this- who can tell what he died of

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My condolences. Take comfort in that they will not escape God's final Spiritual courtroom. As for the role the injection (not vaccine) played, i kindly and strongly suggest you look "Dr. Judy Mikovits" + "Cancer" + "covid" and you will get your answers, she is a long time microbiologist who was one of the first voices exposing the plan-demic and is in a documentary called "Plandemic" which is two parts.

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Not sure they really ever cared - just creates a steady rent stream of cancer treatments and drugs for poor little Pharma🙄

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Right. If the vaccines cause a cancer epidemic, they'll increase the obscene profits from the vaccines with astronomical profits from the cancer drugs. Leukemia drugs cost $300,000 a pop.

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Pharma never cures a anything, just sets up future profits.

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The situation in Singapore is much worse now than when it was unvaccinated.

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Thanks again for all the HONEST insight and research you’re bringing to this debate.

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"...very large trials conducted for long periods..."

My very favorite part of the entire Alex Berenson phenomenon is that a writer who constantly and carefully celebrates and upholds the basic principles of scientific responsibility and ordered scientific method is attacked for not believing in science. It reveals the character of your critics with the greatest possible clarity.

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They can’t even get the flu virus shots to work. Best thing to do is to give your body the proper tools to activate its autoimmune system. REST, FOOD, WATER, EXERCISE AND SANITY.

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It's hubris that leads one to believe that all human disease can be eradicated. Nevertheless, the proponents of mRNA/DNA technology believe that it is THE technology where this fallacy is possible. Their blind faith in this technology is clouding their judgement evaluating the situation at hand. The quaxxes (the 1st true test of this tech) are quite simply "too big to fail", as their failure would mean mRNA might not be humanity's saving grace. If mRNA can't eliminate a pesky little corona virus, how is it possibly going to be used to cure cancer, heart disease, etc?

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And now the FDA has authorized this brand new technology for use in children ages 5-11. Emergency authorization despite the fact that there is no emergency for children 5-11.

Every parent should be required to read this article before they allow their children to be experimented on. Most have no idea what they are signing their children up for. God have mercy on their souls (assuming any of them actually have a soul).

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An EUA to jab kids when there is no emergency! God help us...

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There IS an emergency. Without this, Pfizer's profits might be down BILLIONS!

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Omg they did it! I feel sick...

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Agreed. This and the Toby Rogers article which was scathing about Pfizer's study for the FDA: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/ten-red-flags-in-the-fdas-risk-benefit

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I've read some of the cases presented to the courts. Most are trying to challenge the entity, i.e. the fad, the state, the city, the corporation, that is demanding we submit to the vac. I'm still waiting for the case that challenges the vac's efficacy. Thats where the challenges need to be placed.

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there are so many to blame they should all be sued and then presented to a firing squad, namely, me.

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